Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 18, 1919, Page 9, Image 9
NEWS OF LEGISLATURE RAMSEY BILL OUT IN SENATE [Passed For First Time at the Night Session of Senate; Snyder Makes Effort Liquor legislation occupied the attention of the Senate last night while the "near beer" bill was up In the House. The Ramsey bill establishing two and three-quarters per cent, of al cohol as making an intoxicating drink which passed the House Mon day night was reported out and • passed the first time. During the night the Senate passed the bill transferring duties of the State fire marshal to the Department of State Police. Senator P. "W. Snyder, of Blair, -made an unsuccessful effort to have the law and order committee dis charged from further consideration of his prohibition enforcement bill. The law and order committee had reported the Ramsey two and three quarter per cent, beer bill, but post poned action on the Snyder bill. When Senator 6nyder learned this iie moved that the committee be I discharged from further considera itton of his bill. Senator Salus, of ' Philadelphia, chairman of the com m'ttee, raised the point of order thtt the motion was out of order betause the bill had not been in com ' miltee five days. The point of or der was sustained by Lieutenant ►Governor Betdleman who said that ►the Senator from Blair might ask far a. suspension of the rules and •then move to have the commtttee ■discharged, * Setator Snyder accepted this svg gesticn and moved that the rules be suspcaded. In speaking on the mo tion Senator Snyder said that if the bill is not reported to-night it could not pass the present session of the Legislature and that the General As sembly would not meet again until one year after constitutional proht bitlon goes into effect. Ho warned the Senators that the Legislature might be caned into special session to pass enforcement legisltaion. The vote on the motion to suspend the rules was 9 yeas and 28 nays. The vote was as follows: Teas —Barr, Gray, Jones, John s. Miller, S. J. Miller, Xason, Snyder, Turner. Weaver —9. Nays—F. E. Baldwin, R. J. Bald win, Crow, Daix, DeWitt, Einstein, Eyre, Graff, Hackett, Haldeman, Helton, Herron, Homsher, Marlow, McConnell, McXlchol, Mearkle, Mur doch. Patton, Salus, Sassaman, Rohantz, Smith, Sones, Tompkins, Vare, Whltten, Buckraan —28. Outdoor Religious Services at Gettysburg in Summer Gettysburg, Pa., June 18. The Ministerial Association has formu lated its plans for the usual union services during the months of July and August and what will prove to be a pleasing Innovation will be Introduced. Instead of holding the services Jn the different churches of the town as has been the custom for years, a series of outdoor services wUI be conducted, each Sunday the service being held in a different part of the town, with & different preacher each week. Two Sunday evenings the services will be held on the Kurtz playground, two in the Center Square and one each on the campus at the college, the campus at the academy, and the lawns at the high school and the Meade school. 3 MONTHS OLD BABYJP RASH On Face, Very Sore and Inflamed, Burned Very Much. Cross and Fretful, Cuticura H.tls. "When three •mths old my little brother started wO* an awful rash fon his face. His fsce was very sore and in flamed, and it burned very much, causing him to scratch. He was cross and fretful during the day. I was advised by a friend to use Cuti eura, and after using one cake of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuti cura Ointment his face was healed." (Signed) Miss Eva Wilkinson,Kntx town, Pa., July 24, 1918. Tk. OmUcmr. TalUt *rt, wcuiating of Soap. Ointment and Tmlctmi, promo tea end maintain •kin nritr, comfort and health. Then why not make thaae enUa. frarant. niptreruar am- Soatoa." Sold arcrywhera, Oe each. WEAK, SICKLY, " RONDOWNWOMEN Must Look to Their Blood if They Wish to Regain Their Health and Happiness u,. T symptoms peculiar to women, -uch Is dizzinebs. fainting spells, backache, headaches. Kidney and Bladder troubles, languor and ner vousness are in a large part due to in the blood or worse stUl. anaemia, which means that the Blood is thin, watery and lacking In DO lf rl you e are rundown, if your en ergy or strength are below normal, if you have to force yourself to do your daily tasks, you should enrich your blood Bupply at once. In this 4," v you start a sure foundation on which to build your health and ha You n may easily and quickly renew both the quantity and quality of your Blood by taking a short course of Novo San. Novo San, the new Red Blood Builder, has already won a place In the hearts of scores of women by restoring their youthful health and vigor It not only rids your blood of poisonous impurities. but actually makes new blood, in this way vital izing your whole body, charging you with new powers of endurance and energy, stimulating the action of the kidneys liver and bowels, promoting regularity, health and comfort. Your jaded nerves are steadied and your overworked, undermined, weakened system is quickly nourished back to health and strength. MAKE THIS TEST TODAY. Go to H. C. Kennedy or Geo. A. Gorgas and obtain a trial package of Novo San <l3 days' treatment). Take two tab fait three times a day after meals iilailf for 12 days and If you do net faal at least 50 per cent better, return the empty package to the aLruggist and get your money. WEDNESDAY EVENING, "NEAR BEER" IS GIVEN A DEFEAT House Gets It Tangled Up With the Brooks High License Law "Ntar beer" legislation gave the House some enjoyment at the night session before it was voted down by a vote of 91 to 76. Messrs. Wallace, Lawrence, and Boland, Crawford, discussed the beverage and its re lation to the Brooks high license law, with Mr. Powell, Luzerne, the sponser. Mr. Davis, Cambria, de clared a better concoction was the old Pme spring and fall tonic that "mother used to make." The bill would have legalized sale of bev erages containing loss than one-half of one per cent, of alcohol. Resolutions were adopted at the opening of the night session of the House for three sessions on Thurs day, to be held at 10, 4 and 8.30. The Senate bill amending the prison labor Jaw was negatively re ported. The Blgler physical education bill fell In the House at the evening ses sion, leceiving fourteen short of the majority required. The Senate bill regulating Suits aud claims against the State was amended in minor details and laid over. Second reading bills were then passed and the House took up third reading bills, over fifty being on the calendar. Seott Stirs House Unusual points of order raised by John R. K. Scott, Philadelphia, en livened the night session of the House because of objections to a bill presented by Mr. Hess, forbidding persons not admitted to practice law from soliciting or in due ng any person to prosecute a suit for damages, as a duplicate of one negatived by the judiciary spe cial committee. The bill objected to was on the calendar and was killed. The situation was that the first Hess bill wis ordered negatived by the committee, but held over for a hear ing and then again ordered nega tively reported, but the member having it failed to report Mr. Hess meanwhile presented a similar bill and had it sent to the committee of which he Is chairman, which report ed it out. Mr. Scott held that the jud'ciary committee's action stood, but was overruled. He then tried to report out the first bill with a nega tive iccommendation, but Mr. Hess objected. Mr. Scott next held that the second bill was improperly on the calendar, but was again over ruled. The bill was then defended by Mr. Hess as an "anti-ambulance chaser," but the House voted It down. The House defeated the Daix bill exempting principals from the teach ers' retirement act and recommitted the industrial farm bill and that for bidding fees or allowances to in mates of prisons or reformatories. Kinn Wins Again The House passed the Rinn bill abolishing grade crossings at the rate of one a year for each forty miles after the biennial fun over the meas ure. This bill has been up at three sessions. It had juet one more vote than needed. Other bills passed were: Forbidding changes of names of [persons without court proceedings. Making an appropriation to the ■Oornplanter Indiana Exempting from taxation public property, churches and burial places. Senate bill providing for con demnation of lands for forest re servea Fixing pay of attendance officers . in first class school districts at not less than $1,200. Regulating publication of game, fish and forestry' laws. Authorizing boroughs to make sep arate grades for cartways and side walks. During the evening the heat be came so intense that electric fans were brought into the hall and at tached to lighting fixtures near the clerks. The House defeated the bill for clerks of courts to issue hunters' li censes and passed that regulating buildings along streets between two boroughs. Just before adjournment the House voted down the Sowers bill providing for annulment of marriages of minors who wed without parents' consent and who never lived to gether. Spangler Fights McCall's Ferry Dam After a heated hearing before the Senate Game and Fish Committee to-night. Speaker Spangler's bill re quiring the fish commissioner within one year to certify whether the Pennsylvania Water and Power Com pany at McCall's Ferry is maintain ing an adequate flshway in the Sus quehanna river and providing that unless such certificate is filed within thirteen months the Attorney Gen eral is directed to 'lnstitute legal proceedings, was favorably reported to the Senate. Bernard J. Myers, deputy attorney general, appeared at the hearing and told the committee that the bill Is unconstitutional because it is special legislaton and had not been adver tised and because the Legislature connot dictate the duties of the At torney General. Speaker Spangler, in urging his bill before the committee, said that he was amazed that the Attorney Gen eral should send one of his deputies to a committee where legislation is pending and try to dictate to it what it should do. Turning to Mr. Myers, Speaker Spangler declared that the "Attorney General is the servant of the people and not the master of the Commonwealth." Mr. Spangler also declared that the State Fish Commissioner in the present case Is half hearted In see ing whether the law is being vio lated. The fish commissioner, he said, has failed to do his duty to the people of the Commonwealth and has allowed the matter to lapse. Mr. Spangler charged that the two fishways at McCall's Ferry dam are not adequate, that they are fizzles and mere pretenses and that the fail ure of the company to maintain ade quate fishways was in effect the tak ing of the property of the people without due process of law because the Susquehanna river belonged to the people of the State. John E. Malone, of Lancaster, counsel for the Pennsylvania Water and Power Company, told the com mittee that the fishways now there had been approved by the proper authorities and that they are the best that can be had at the present time. The company, he said, was willing to do anything that would result in better fishways if such were possible. WIVES' COMMUNAL FIRES Liverpool Fuel for domestic use has become so scarce in Carnar vonshire that the housewives have formed community organizations to i cook over "qhe fire. .... ANTI-SEDITION HAS HOT FIGHT Measure Lacks Three Votes Needed to Pass the House The administration anti-sedition bill was defeated In the House of Representatives to-day by a vote of 101 to 84 late yesterday. It re quired 104 votes to pass. The bill was presented by Mr. Flynn. Elk., and has been a storm center in the House. It was the sub ject of one of the biggest hearings held this session and has been op posed by organized labor and grang ers' organisations. The vote was marked by several challenges. Mr. Eiynn opened the debate by saying the bill was designed to meet the "unusual activities of an ele ment that has invaded Pennsylva nia" and which has become a men ace. He declared that objection able features had been eliminated and that the bill was "an honest effort to regulate a very serious condition." Mr. Fowler, Lackawanna saying this was the anniversary of the Bat- Ue of Bunker Hill, called on his hearers to make a new drive for liberty. He styled the bill "a strike at labor organizations in this State," and said that authorities should use intelligence instead of such weap ons as the bill. Labor organizations are awake to the dangers of Bolshe vism and will meet it. The way to help them, he said, is to pass com pensation, child labor and pension laws. After reading opinions on the bill he said men who favor it are vot ing against the labor movement, which will go on and on In spite of such legislation. He predicted a bigger labor legislative delegation next session and presented a resolu tion from Pittsburgh city council against the bill. Mr. Lanius. York, said he was not sure the bill was needed to catch the Low Cost of Packard Reserve Power I Here is a scientific principle many a motorist overlooks. No matter how fast or how slow you 'want to go, you cannot go right unless your car has reserve power— rightly applied. Until a man has driven the Packard Twin Six he 'will never know exactly 'what that means. c v V 'T "X T i'JL H everybody reading about motors, In? the Packard —the power is there —imreserve. talking about motors, swapping motor „ , „ , r V ▼ experiences, you might suppose that It costs you nothing unless you use it. j the basic facts of motor engineering would be You call on it when you want it—and not I generally known by this time. unless you do want it. Yet even such a fundamental principle as the Xh e Pac kard Twin Six engine is a motor of [ economic value of reserve power is not under- p ower used onJy moving I stood by one motorist m ten. car-not in excess merely to keep the engine Some car owners take years to wake up to what turning over. 4 I it is costing them to compromise in the matter of , . . . - . ~ . c . , I The basic design of the Packard Twin Six * f P° w • motor has been wonderfully justified during the i Why should a man have to wear out one past f ew yea rs of both peace and war work, so compromise car after another before he learns changes that may be made from time to I that it costs more to operate such a car than a car time will be merely in the nature of refinements. 1 of high reserve power? ft The man who has been through it all knows The Packard people are transportation experts. 1 that the very reason why the Packard is good for They have more to tell you on this subject than 1 4 75 miles an hour is the reason why 25 miles an any other organization in the world. You can ask 1 hour day after day costs less from the Packard them to discuss your car problem without obliga* than from the car of lower power. tion. It is to your interest and profit to do so. 1 "Ask the Man Who Owns | I PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. of Philadelphia [ I Front & Market Streets, Harrishurg, Pa. HAHRISBUHO TELEGRXPH terrorists because the State has laws against murderers and the Black Hand act. Mr. Ban lus said the Democratic members desired to show they were not back of the bUL Mr. Flynn replied that the bill was not Intended to curb free speech, but as a means to catch men who Incite to violence against the government. A simple read ing will show that it la not against organised labor, said Mr. Flynn. Mr. Phillips, Clearfield, asked 1r a cartoon aimed at the President or Governor would be sedition. "No, it would not. It -would have to be against the government," tatid Mr. Flynn. who went on to say that the bill was drawn to reach those who would destroy the government. Mr. Phillips said the bill would open the way for much trouble. Messrs. Fowler, Mclntyre, Fay ette, and Millar, Dauphin, took part In challenges when the roll was verified. Mr. Sowers, Philadelphia, declared he had not been recorded and Mr. Aron, Philadelphia, chang ed from "no" to "aye." Mr. Lewis, Philadelphia, also demanded to be recorded "aye." Mr. Baldi, Phila delphia, got In an affirmative vote without objection, but was later challenged by Mr, Fowler without success. Speaker Pro Tom. Ramsey ruled that if a member was wichltl Careless Shampooing Spoils the Hair Soap should t>e used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair look ing its best. Most soaps and pre pared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins It. The best thing for steady use Is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than anything else you can use. One or two tablespoons will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Sim ply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich creamy lather, which rinses and easily removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and even ly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lus trous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo at any pharmacy, its very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every member of the family for months. the bar of the House he could vote "If this bill is passed and 13 ap plied as loosely as you have had this roll called, God help the wage earner," shouted Mr. Fowler. The vote was then announced. All Dauphin men except Mr. Ulsh. who was al-v&ent, voted against the b-11. Messrs Bowman, Berkley and Bower voted for the bill, as did Messrs, Cook and Brooks, York. French Blinded by War Do Not Exceed 1,500 Paris June 18.—when a deputy speaking In the chamber last night "Harrisburg's Dependable Store" There's a Reason | I Why the good dressers ? r of Harrisburg prefer Wm. Strouse Underwear and Shirts 310 Market St. Win. Harrisburg, Pa. I said that France's war casualties in cluded 30,000 men who had lost their sight, the Under Secretary of the Army Medical Department at once challenged the figure. Later In the same sitting he announced that the number of blinded men does not exceed 1,500. Has Plan to Get the Danube 'Bridged Quickly New Tartu June 18—Reginald Ford an Englishman. 29 years old. one of the largest steel manufacturers in France, who Is said to have con trolled 80 per cent, of the Spanish UNE 18, 1919, steel output during the war, arrived at the Ritz-Carlton yesterday to place orders for t00.0u0.000 worth of steel, most of It for Rumanian Government. One of the first requirements of Ru mania, said Mr. Ford, is a bridge across the Danube to facilitate the shipment of the wheat crop, counted upon to. restore Rumanian credit. The bridge must be completed by Febru ary. The old bridge was blown up early in the war, and is ' now in Germany, reconstructed and offered to the Ru manians for a high price. Mr. Ford said the Rumaniang declined to treat with the . Germans, and that he had gone to England, where he found the delay In construction would be too great and then here. "For I think American englaee#* - he said, 'can have plans ready In a month." The new bridge he said, would be an enormous one, using 12,000 tons steel In Us construction. Soreness -• i-IttKSB M massage with - _ Jsfs& Vic KS VSPORI^r i *YOUR.BODYGUARD" 5 9