Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 18, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 interesting Children's Day Program at Mount Wolf Mount Wolf, Pa., June 18.—An in teresting Children's Day program was given Sunday night at St. John's Lutheran church, the Rev. G. A. Liv ingston, pastor. Singing, "With Joy;" responsive reading, prayer, song, ex ercise, "The Committee of Six," ■Welcome," Helen Augenbaugh, Catharine Moul, Elizabeth Bloss, Dorothy Waltermeyer; song, "Hear ! I Ntrmbed Iron increases: tlrjmgth sn<3 endurance© f delicate- nervm n people in tea woeL®. tinje in "many in stances. It had l>ecn 'Used tuicUendorseu by such men States , Senator and Vice-Pre si dent Lai. Nominee, Charles A. Towno ; U. S*. Coannuscionrr : of Immigration Hon. AnthonyCammetti; ' also United States Jndge G.W.Atkinson •of the Court of Claims of Washington, ! and others. Auk your doctor or druggist about it. MJk HOW FATHER lHv KEPT THE j^AM'LYWELL bBI a B•turner ■ PE-RU^A^lrx MB wm Atwtyi la the Houao /V ' Vv Hj For-coughs, colds and Mt ,-marrh it was PK-RU- J lh\ Hs NA. Trouble with thefliWf .I*l Bl stomach and bowels ! vA Bh was corrected by PE- frjtTa: if j Hfl RU-NA. Rheumatism IA H 4 and palna in the back tßaf&; Ks yielded to PE-RU-NA csjjyS,'* ■$ PE-RU-NA is the , ■3 emergency. ready-to ! jjuKf3 J Rj take health restorer vHJSr. Ji Kj and protector for the R family. For catarrh BR and catarrhal condi— Hj tlons PE -RU- NA N7' ■H wards off Grip and- Hj Spanish Flu and re— t'Silw, '// ii W builds the health. K Do as father <iiVMJR?v* Klt is the safe way. ESy-w-v\\) K Trtrtttyr ■ SoW Evsrywhars ■SMBHBHMmiII Are You Using \ too Much Gasoline? tinaoltne casta real money, t Don't use any more than yon have to. Esta Water Auxiliator not only increases gas mileage but gives yon more power and least carbon. Write for booklet. WR.Mohney&Son Eastern Penna. Dlstrlbntora 8105 N.'.Third St., Hbg., Pa. Draticra and Agent* Wanted f A AN ELABORATELY CARVED MONUMENT is not- necessary to show artistic beauty. A solid substantial stone may prove the most fitting me morial. We are prepared to carry out any design you may prefer or will show you a book ,'of designs from which to make a Lselection. Cemetery Lettering I. B. Dickinson Granite, Marble, Tile and Bronae 50ft-13 N. THIRTEENTH ST., • Harrisburg, Pa. THE tire skeptic who wavers in his preference, influenced by his latest experience in mileage or the lack of it, will find in Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires something to tie to. , A Firestone Gray Sidewall Tire is the end of uncertainty and the beginning of most , / miles per dollar. TIRES Most M3es per Dollar WEDNESDAY EVENING, Them," recitation, Carl Melhorn; ex ercise, "Garlands Fair," Leola Diehl, Lucille Whisler, Mary Fritz; recita tion, "One Better," Joseph Ruhl; ex ercise, "Smiles," Richard Kunkel, Russell Bubb, Wesley Brenneman, Lester Seiders: primary son, recita tion, "Your Share," Henry Ruhl; song, "A Child of the King," exercise, "Flower Greeting," Mildred Barn hart, Sophia Wogan, Allene Melhorn, Sadie Breneman; recitation, " "Tls Children's Day," Earl Shearer: exer cise, "I Will TIT." Luther Kunkel, Walter Moul, Milton Barnhart, Rufus Stoppard; exercise, "Three Angles," Louise Arnold, Helen Lichty and Mary Lehman. 1 BOY'S LEG BROKEN Struck by an automobile while playing near his home last evening, j Gus Demoro, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Demoro, 92-4 \ North Sixth street, suffered a frac- I tured left log. . RESORTS AT ATLANTIC CITY, If. J. MTf[fß COTTACE AHNfX 1 CAPWCfTY 2SO "^V/V | N.GC.ORG4A AVt. ATLCITY. N 1 Scrupulously clean, electric lighted, throughout. White service. Hot and' cold water baths. $2.00 up dally. sl2 up weekly. Estab. 40 years. Emerson Crouthamel. Mgr. THE WILTSHIRE, Virginia av. and Beach.—Ocean view; capacity 350; private baths, running water in rooms, elevator. &c.; Ameri can plan. $3.50 up dally; special weekly. Booklet SAMUEL ELLIS. CHESTER HOUSE, 15 A 17 S. Georgia Ave., nr. Beach. Two sqs. from Beading Sta. $1.50 to 2 dly; $9 to 10 wky. Mrs. T. Dickerson COURTESY, QUALITY, SERVICE. HOTEL KENTUCKY, KENTUCKY AV., NEAR BEACH. Euro. Plan—Rates. $1 to $3.50 dally. American Plan —$3 to $5 daily; sl6 to $25 weekly. Elcv.; elec. lights; tel. every room; run. water in rooms; private baths. Phone 3105. N. B. KENNADY. s3.ft* up Dally, tl 4.00 up Wkly. Am. Plan ELBERON & Fireproof Annex. TennetseeAv. nr. RUNNING WATER IN AIL ROOMS Excellent table ; fmeh veceUbles. Windows screened. White service. Booklet R. >. IUDY.M. 0. HOTEL BREVOORT 18 South Carolina Ave. Near Beach and Penna. R. R. Large airy rooms. Amer. Plan $2.50 up daily. $15.00 up weekly Under new management. THE 51AYNARD 10 So. Michigan Ave. Convenient to piers. Excellent table. Pleasant surroundings. Terms moder ate. MRS. T. PORTER. THE SAN JOSE 132 St James Place. Fifth house from beach. European Plan. Terms attrac tive. 16th season. McNamara & Hughes Owners. HOTEL BISCAYNE Kentucky Ave. Fourth hotel from Beach. Amer. plan $2.50 up daily; sl4 up wkly. Europ. $1 up dly. Harrison Hippie. MOST AMIABLE HOSTESS IN TOWN THE HAVERHILL 17 S. Illinois Avenue Near beach. $2.50 daily; $15.00 weekly Mrs. Letitia Mathews WILDWOOD, N. J. tWILDWQODJ ' BY THE SEA J Rggß ffiw/IAWOOD CREST\ Always cool and delightful. Fresh, | invigorating salt sea breezes. Its famous five-mile j bathing beach j offers the best and safest surf bathing on the coast Splendid boardwalk lined with high-grade amusements, theaters, piers and novelty abopa. Walter Pfeifter's 'Orchestra gives daily concerts. Excellent hotels at moderate rates. Fine motor road*. Good garage accommoda tions. For illustrated folder and further Information, write today te W. Oawrtrlght Smith Beard at Trad. Secretary WUdwaad. N. I. Wildwood Manor k ;° 0: oc^n front; fresh and salt water In baths; run. water; hot and cold, in bedrooms, elec. elev.; tennis courts, etc. Opens June 27. Mrs. Win. R. Lester. Mgr. Hotel Sheldon. Ami. plan. Daily rates Rooms, with run. water, $1 to $3.50. Pvt. baths. $4 to $6. Elev. Booklet. D. J. WOODS, Owncrahlp-Managemt- FHA3KIJH COUNTY, PA. A atrietly modem hotel with excellent table tod ssrriee. Altitude 2000 feet. Splendid roeds: irolf. tennis, etc. Open Jane 20th to October Ist Address until Jana 10th. John .J. Gibbous. Manager Hotel Rennert Baltimore. Md. BOILING SPRINGS, PA. BOILING SPRINGS, PA. ALLEN HOUSE Now Open > For Summer Boarders 89 ASK THE COURT TO CUT UNHAPPY MARRIAGE BONDS New Record Made in Num ber of Divorce Cases Listed in County Eighty-nine divorce actions have been listed for hearing in the Dau phin county courts, the largest list |in recent years. Six of these are j contested cases in which counsel ' will appear for the respondent in | the action and oppose the applica tion for separation. The last session of divorce court was held during the week of April 21 I when about sixty-five cases had been listed, a number of which had been continued. In two months attorneys for husbands and wives seeking separation have listed the oighty-nine cases for hearing and they have been arranged at the of fice of Prothonotary Charles E. Pass for hearing as follows: Mary Elizabeth vs. William Ever ly, Robert E. vs. Jetta I. Houser, continued; Gertie M. vs. Harry W. James, Harry A. vs. Edna M. Gault, Violet vs. Israel Cole, Florence M. vs. 'Harry A. Evans. Jacob S. vs. Teresa M. Hetrick, continued; Katharine vs. Maurice Balsam, Daisy P. vs. Robert D. Meredith, Lillian vs. Harry Kramer, John C. vs. Sarah Florence Hoffman, Ada M. vs. George S. Hetrick, Mary E. vs. William McC. Watson, Sallie M. vs. Homer O. Matter. John vs. Rezi Schram, continued; Rebecca vs. Abe Rosenfeld, Annie Laurie vs. William D. Pindar, Mar garet M. vs. Anthony Arnold, George W. vs. Lizzie Smith. Mary vs. William E. Quenzler, Daisy A. vs. Henry G. Moser, Lucy M. vs. James Burton Willits, Eugenie M. vs. Clarence R. Hawk, Rose J. vs. John Loppas, Dora I. vs. Floyd A. Hocker, Coutardo vs. Lucy Pran zlni, Mary H. vs. William E. Ruth erford, Evitsa vs. Jordan Angeloff, Eugene vs. Viola T. Magnani, John E vs. Julia Longenecker, Nannie vs. William Lipsey, Frederick S. vs. Ethel M. Kerr, Israel H. vs. Ellen Walmer, Zola M. vs. Cass M. Brun dage, Jesse S. vs. Jessie P. Wagner, Besse A. vs. John P. Lynch, Delia vs. Charles E. Lehman, Ignatius vs. Lillian Viola Smothers, Bessie vs. Garnet M. Jackson, Jesse D. vs. Blanche A. Gulden, Edith vs. Eugene Dewalt. Willie vs. Benjamin Randolph, John E. vs. Annie M. Brown, Amy M. vs. Robert A. Braxton, Daisy D. vs. David M. Burger, Sarah E. vs. Harry C. Furley, continued; Ross O. vs. Susan Katherine Gaul. Timothy B. vs. Edna Hay Heekard, Levi vs. Margaret Thomas Shealer. Mabel H. vs. Osmer M. Chambers, Doland H. vs. Sarah E. Knell. Tracy A. vs. George A. Zeiters, Nora A. H. vs. Walter H. Reber, Edna P. vs. George C. Yochum, Viola vs. William James Carr, Ella L. vs. Claude S. Shively, Roy F. vs. Delia A. Kieffer, Clara S. vs. Jerome M. SheafTer, Vesta May vs. James Young Gahring, Winnie vs. lEdmund Davis, Clara R. ivs. Simon S. Urich. Iva M.. ,by next friend, sister, Sadie V. Krebs vs. George William SchaefTer, Joseph A. vs. Marguerite M. Breault, Edward A. vs. Susan P. Forsythe, Helen M. vs. John S. Marsh, RlUa S. vs. William C. Mow ers, Sylvia E. vs. Ross B. Bair, Hen derson G. vs. Martha Ellen Sigler, John A. vs. Sarah Hartz, Florence P. vs. Albert J. Foltz, Helen M. vs. Charles H. Sides, James M. vs. Lena Ripiltsnydfcr, 'continued; Anna vs. Albert Grimmer, Ada E. vs. William E. Fleisher, Theressa vs. Domenick Longo, Samuel vs. May Mills Houck, F"risby J. vs. Pearl Rollins Thomp son. Ruth B. vs. George W. Copper smith, Mary Kathryn vs. William John Baymiller, Edith H. vs. Charles Neubaum, John R. vs. Jen nette S. Blamer, continued: Clara C. vs. Thomas T. Garland, George M. vs. Sarah E. Naee, Luka vs. Theresa Zorovich, Fannie M. vs. Herbert W. Johnson. Sarah C. vs. John W. Me- Gowan, Matilda M. vs. John M. Met tinger. Roger M. vs. Lillian M. Fay j man, John R. vs. Alma L. Weibley. TEACHERS CHOSEN York Haven, Pa., June, 18.— Teachers for the ensuing term of 1919-20, were elected at a recent meeting of the Fairview township school board, as follows: South Point school, H. M. Sutton; Plnetown, H. M. Straley; New Market grammar, Miss Malinda Baylor; New Market primary, Miss Elizabeth Kunkel; Cedar Grove, J. W. Weigle; Brick, J. Rankin Moore; Nauvoo, A. L. Myers; Hickory Grove, Ira E. Shaw; Pleasan View, Miss Ruth Stahle, Karns, R. Nesbit Straley. Fisher's Cross Roads teachers for Eichberg er's and the Marsh schools have not been named as yet. A teachers' association was formed by electing the following officers: president, H. M. Straley: vice president, J. W. Weigle: secretary, Miss Malinda Bay lor; treasurer, R. Nesbit Straley; or ganist, Miss Bertha Baylor. MRS. CIiAYTON HERRMAN DIES New berry town, Pa.. June 18.—Mrs. Mary Hen-man, wife of Clayton Herrman, died on Monday, death re sulting from a complication of dis eases, from which she suffered for five months. She was sixty-eight years old and and was a member of the Church of God for forty years. She is survived by her husband and four children: Mrs. Minnie Hicks, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. William Keller, Mrs. William Bear, both of Harrisburg and George E. Herrman, N ewberrytown. BEST PICK-ME-UP N THE WOULD For Mei and Women Who Have l.oat Their "Pep" Here's the great original Joy tab let—the pill that puts the "pep" in Papa the mettle in Mamma, that's fine for Sister Sue and Brother Ben— the famous Margo Nerve Tablets, wonderful for putting vim, vigor and vitality into nervous, tired out, all in, despondent people in a few days in many instances. No need of being old or feeling old lefore your time when you can buy a box of Witrgo Nerve Tab.,y* from 11. C. Kernady, Ot*o. A. Oorgas, or any reliable druggist on a guarantee to refund the full purchase price of the first package if they do not give satisfactory results. Thousands praise this fine old rem edy for its restoring power in cases of general debility, weakened nerve force, mental depression or unstrung nerves caused by overwork, worry or over-indulgence of any kind. Peo ple who feel tired out, all In after the slightest effort and who seem to have lost the good old, punch that used to make them famous should surely give this prescription a trial, as it works quickly and is perfectly harmless. fiDURIUBBUIIG iffik TE£EGK!XI>H RAILROAD VETS HERE TOMORROW FOR BIG TIME Business and Memoriail Ses sions in Afternoon; Ban quet in the Evening Veteran employes of the Middle Division, Pennsylvania railroad* will gather here to-morrow. It will be the twenty-third annual meeting of the Veteran Employes' Association of the Middle Division. The busi ness session will open In the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. auditorium, Reily street near Sixth, at 2 P. M. The meeting will be called to order by N. W. Smith, general superintendent of the eastern divisions, who will later turn over the gavel to J. C. Johnson, superintendent of the Mid dle division. Banquet In Evening Vets will come to Harrisburg on regular trains in the morning and will look over the city. The busi ness session will include a half-hour period for memorial services. There will be appropriate music and a eulogy on the deceased members who died during the year. Follow ing the election of officers, there will be a recess until 6.30 P. M., when the annual banquet will be held at Chestnut Street Hall. A special train leaving Harrisburg at 9 P. M. will be provided for the veterans going westward after the banquet. The list of deceased mem bers follows: Members Who Died During the Year R. W. Cline, York; B. M. Kincald, Altoona; S. J. Knepley, Altoona; C. B. Snyder, Harrisburg; R. W. Par sons, Altoona; James McCully, Dun cannon; O. W. Reffner, Hollidays burg; G. H. Delo, Altoona; B. F. Cox, Tyrone; J. H. Trout, Harrisburg; Christian Rath, Sr., Altoona; G. F. Fayman, Harrisburg; W. H. Wat ters, Altoona; J. P. Davis, Barree; L M. Johnson, Altoona; James Alex ander, Church's Ferry, North Da kota: D. W. Homan, Hollidaysburg; A. H. Cross, Hollidaysburg; U. G. Johnston, Altoona; H. E. Barnhart, Harrisburg; David Garland, Holli daysburg; R. M. Rorabaugh, Spruce Creek; J. C. Carney, Altoona; Sam uel Aloway, Eldorado; H. E. Rarick, Altoona; Edward Snyder, Altoona; A. J. Darned, Altoona; Porter Pope, Huntingdon; J. L. Sandoe, Harris burg; C. E. Henderson, Williams burg; W. H. Yocum, Harrisburg; J. W. Carpenter, Altoona; W. B. Wil son, Holmesburg; R. L. Hunter, Hol lidaysburg; J. M. Crull, Harrisburg; Ephraim Mover, Port Royal; J. C. . Bnrkholder, Harrisburg; W. D. Mc- Kelvey, Wilkinsburg; Thomas Bayle, Altoona; J. J. Craig, Altoona; G. S. Adams, Altoona; P. H. Hammaker, Altoona; A- M. Cleveland, Harris burg; John Hnebner, Altoona; J. S. i Garrett, Lewiatown, Total, 46. Pennsylvania Elks Hold Banquet Prior to Week's Convention in Lake City Brie. Pa-. June IS. —With a ban quet at the Lawrence, attended by more than 200 delegates, the thir teenth annual State convention of the Pennsylvania State Association of Elks got under way Tuesday. Some of the biggest men In the State as well as In Elkdom were present when Justice of the Supreme Court Emory A. Walling was introduced as toast master of the evening. All day long to-day hundreds of visitors and delegates to the Elks' convention poured Into the city. Sev eral thousand at the lowest estimate, are now here and to this number are being added and It is expected that by Thursday fully 20,000 will be in the city. Meeting the incoming delegation at every train were the White Squadron and the Elks' Band. And a royal wel come the visitors were given. Open house was the order at the home, Eighth and Peach streets, and other lodges. Masons, Eagles and Moose, gave notice that their places would also be open for reception. Preceded by a street parade last night. In which the squadron and band participated, the delegates marched to the Hotel Lawrence. NEW CUMBERLAND WINS The Liberty A. C. got under the wheels of the New Cumberland base ball tank yesterday and was rolled flat, 12-3. with the following casual ties: LIBERTY A. C. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Sourbler, c„... 4 1 2 9 3 3 Weaver, p.... 4 1 2 1 2 0 Ziegler, lb ..... 4 0 10 0 0 1 Shindler, ss .... 4 0 1 0 o*3 Barr, 2b ...... 4 0 0 2 2 3 Yentzer, 3b .... 4 0 1 4 2 1 Weil. If 4 0 0 1 0 1 Musser, ct .... 3 0 1 2 0 1 Rich, if 3 1 1 0 1 2 NEW CUMBERLAND AB. R. H. O. A. E. Stetler, ss 4 2 1 1 3 0 Hempt. 2b .... 4 3 2 1 1 1 Fisher. 4 3 2 0 1 0 Updegraft. If .. 4 1 1 0 0 0 Beckley, c ■ 4 1 315 0 0 Fehl, lb 4 0 2 7 3 0 W. Bryan. 3b .. 3 1 0 2 3 0 Earney, cf .... 3 0 1 1 0 2 Bryan, rf 3 1 1 0 0 1 N. Cumberland.. 20212102 2—12 Liberty A. C. .00010002 o—3 Two-base hits, Bryan, Hempt, Sourbier. Three-base hit. Fehl. Sac rifice hits. Ziegler, Earney. Struck out, by Fisher, 15; Weaver, 7. Base on balls, off Fisher, 3; Weaver. 4. Left on base. Liberty A. C., 3, Weil, Yentzer, Shindler. Hit by pitcher, Updegraff. Wild pitches, Weaver, 1; Fisher, 1. Dropped thrown- ball, Barr, 3. Balk, Weaver. Umpire. D. McMullen. ENTERTAIN AID SOCIETY Humilßlstown, Pa., June 17. Members of the Ladies' Aid Society of Zion Lutheran chruch were en tertained last evening by Mrs. Charles Hoffman and Mrs. Charles Bale at the home of the latter, 21 S. Rail road street. The evening was pleas antly spent and refreshments were served. The guests present were: Mrs. Mary Bolton. Mrs. Herbert Games, Mrs. Irvin Bomgardner, Mrs. Early Etter, Mrs. Vernon Walters, Mrs. Abner Hoover, Mrs. Katie Mil ler. Mrs. Harry Forney, Mrs. Samuel Walters, Mrs. Samuel Zerter. Mrs. George Light. Miss Ida Deimler, Miss Lulu Bolton. Miss Blanche Bomgard ner, Mrs. Florence Dorßheimer, Mrs. Charles Hoffman and Mrs. Charles Bale. CELEBRATE 51ST ANNIVERSARY Shlrertanstown, Pa., Juna 18. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Sheely are quietly celebrating their flfty-flrßt wedding anniversary at tfcpir home Is East Mais street (o-day. TECH BOYS AWARDED DIPLOMAS LAST NIGHT [Continued from First Page] exercises held last night in the school auditorium. Dr. Blaisdell is dean of the' School of Liberal Arts, Pennsylvania State College. Seated before him in a re served section were the seventy odd students who were about to receive their diplomas, back of them and in the galleries were hundreds of relatives and friends who crowded the auditorium almost to capacity. "Spiritual Daring" was the theme which Dr. Blaisdell spoke about, de claring that this is what made the morale of the American soldier so different and so much more effective than that of any of the allied coun tries or Germany. "Germany had physical morale, so had we. She had Intellectual morale and so had we. We must admit those facts. But she did not have the spiritual morale, the spiritual daring which the American troops had. We must keep that spirit with us. No nation can live without it. It is the very essence of American citizenship." , Experiences of Washington at Valley Forge and Lincoln during his Presidency were given by the speak er as only two examples of this great spiritual daring. Students of the class who epoke during the evening were Lester Mil ler, salutatorian, whose oration was on "The Father and Son Move ment;" Roy Dixon, "Cjamping on the Trail of "Mars," a plea to wipe out Bolshevism, anarchy and lawless ness, and Hugh Wells, valedictorian, who spoke on "Citizenship." The valedictorian is the youngest stu dent to be graduated from a city high school. Gold medals for excellence in mathematics, given by the class of 1918, and for four years of the best work In science and tnathematics were awarded to Ralph Franklin Lippi. The president of the class presented to Professor William D. Meikle, dean of the class of 1919. a leather'traveling bag in appreciation of his services and fellowship with the boys. The school orchestra, di rected by Professor George W. Upde grove,'furnished music, and the de votional program was conducted by the Rev. Dr. S. W. Herman. President Robert A. Enders, of the City School Board, was present but because of illness requested Direc tor Harry A. Boyer to present the diplomas to the class. Those who received diplomas were: Technical Preparatory Course— Abram Ralph Burkholder, Edwin Ross Deimler, David Jerome Ell tnger, Kenneth Edwin Fisher, Wil liam H. Fortna, Maurice Francis Habbarde, James Finn Haehnlen, Wayne Clyde Hartmire, Heindel Melllnger Hinkle, Julius Leslie Kamsky, William Jacob Maurer. John Philip Miller. Andrew Jackson Musser, John C. Reighter, Bertram H. Saltzer. David Asemowltz Snyder, Richard Maxwell Spangler, Robert Morton Splcer, John D. Stephenson, Jr., W. Stewart Taylor, Hugh Decu tur Welle. Henry Bruner Young. Scientific Course—George W. Al bright, Ferdinand Dawrence Beck. John C. Beck. Henry Stehman Bell, Lester Roland Bell, Victor Augustin Bihl, H. Kenneth Boyer, Charles Al fred Brown, G. Eart Collins, John Edward Conner, Roy William Dixon, Harry C. Boyle, Jr., Harry Sheck Ebert, Gilbert G. Ebner, Luther Wells Eckert, Frank Joseph Fellows. Jr., Jay Dee Gehrett, Henry J. Grimm, Harry Augustus Gumpert, Albert Hughes Hahn, George Wil liam Hamme, Luther Neven Heagy, Charles David Herbert, Charles Vic tor Hoar, William Strohm Hoemer, Ralph Elliott Johnson, John Paul Jones, Edward Gilbert Keane, Wil liam R. A. Keane, Frederick Laus ter, Jr., Ralph Franklin Lippi, Gor don Richard Matter, Lester S. Mil ler, Wilbur Isaac Nisley, Julius Nurlck, Olney V. M. Payne, James Robert Peifer, Neil Samuel Picker ing, Leland M. Reichert. John Clif ford Richards, Joseph Edgar Sellers, Ralph Foster Shader, Marchant Nissley Shaftner, Peter Paul Weh ner Shank, Frank Demick Shimer, Henry M. Shope, Jr., John Hepford Sparver, Joseph Wachtman, James Dewey Wallace, Grant Park Weaver, and Michael C. Wevodau. HFXRY-RKNTZEL WEDDING Dover, Pa., June 18.—Miss Mary Rentzcl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rentzel, and Chauncey Henry, recently returned from overseas, were married Saturday by the Rev. Dr. Adam Stumpf. A wedding din ner was served on Sunday at the home of the bride's brother, Paul Rentzel. A Real Hair Saver This Man Is Growing Hairless. Parisian Sage Is Just the Thing for Such Case*. "This'll make it Grow Da<My If your hair is thinning out, pre maturely gray, brittle, lifeless full of dandruff and your head itches like mad, quick action must be tak en to save your hair. Don't wait until the hair root is dead, for then nothing can help you. Get from Kennedy's Drug Store or any good drug or toilet counter today a bottle of Parisian sage—it doesn't cost much and there's noth ing else you could use that's so sim ple, safe and effective. You will surely be delighted with the first application. Your hair will seem much more abundant and rad iant with life and beauty—all itching ceases and your scalp feels cool and comfortable. Parisian sage is in great demand by discriminating women because it is delicately per fumed, does not color or streak the hair, and keeps it lustrous, soft and fluffy. Be sure you get the genuine Pari sian sage (Glroux's) for this is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or nothing to pay. • w;* Country Club Defeats William sport Players In an interesting golf match at the Harrisburg Country Club links, Har risburg defeated Williamsport by a score of 11 to 6. Following the con test dinner was served. 'The win ners follow: W. C. Fownes, Harrisburg, lost to Watson; John C. Herman, Harris burg, defeated A. H. Bubb; Fred B. Harry, Harrisburg, defeated Roth fuss; Robert McCreath, Harrisburg, lost to Fleming; Walter McGulre, Harrisburg, won from Shelen; W. Baldwin, Harrisburg, lost to Knight; Joseph Clement, Harrisburg, won from Parsons: A. H. Armstrong, Harrisburg, won from H. C. Bubb; Harry Neal, Harrisburg, won from Mitchell; John Sweeney, Harrisburg, lost to Klessling; E. Kiester, Harris burg, lost to Grnff; Clair Miller, Har risburg. won from Lamade; A. A. Wjert, Harrisburg, won from Pray; Henry Drake, Harrisburg, won from Thomson; C. B. Miller, Harrisburg, won from Rhen; and George John son, Harrisburg, won from Profes sional Gagen. GAMBLING CHARGED A dozen alleged gambling devices said to be traveling with the Harry Hunter Company, which has been exhibiting at Third and Harris streets for the past ten days, were ordered closed last evening by Chief of Police Wetzel. Four others are reported to have left the show last week following restrictions placed on them by order of Mayor Keister, A dance with the show was ordered modified by the chief. All the Family^ Ought to take Father John's Medicine as a Tonic and Body Builder—You gain Aesh and strength taking this wholesome food medi cine. Remember Father John's Medicine does not contain alcohol or dangerous drags. Over 60 Years In fse Begin today taking Father John's Medicine after meals and at bedtime and see how promptly you gain weight and new strength. EAT With False Teeth? SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder k Knh thorn firm. NfMbMiios, * White. flmni Astatic. If your dental plate is loose and i drops, get instant relief use Dr. i Wernet's Powder for false teeth. You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co., 116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, ft SI.OO. < At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse 1 all others. This is tha original potvder. I ' Coai Preparedness* NO one can predict the severity of the coming winter, just as no one dreamed that such an extraordinarily bitter winter as that of 1917-18 would visit this locality. In the summer of 1917 householders failed to fill their bins and, when the fall and winter rush came, production could not match the demands of the coal users. You remember the hard ships and suffering. 30 Cents Per Ton will be added to the present prices on the first day of July and again on September Ist 20 cents more will be added. Furthermore we are expecting an increase in freight rates which possibly will further increase prices 25 or 30 cents per ton. How much more will be added to the prices during the winter, owing to the heavy demands, we are not prepared to say. Arrange for your coal at once as the coal t must be in your bins before July Ist to get advantage present prices. UNITED ICE & COAL CO. \ Forster & Cowden Sts. 7th & Woodbine Sts. 6th Near Hamilton St. 7th & Reily Sts. 15th & Chestnut Sts. JfiL. —. * J ■ V JUNE 18, 1919. BATHHOUSE OPENS The city bathhouse at Island Park was opened yesterday for the sum mer season. J. K. Staples, play ground supervisor, announced. George A. Sourbier and Walter B. Rupley will be In charge during the season. Monday, Thursday and Sat urday afternoons the bathhoueee will be open for girls only; also on Thursday evening. , Are you always successful on baking day? Are your cakes light and spongy and your biscuits white and flaky? If not, let us help yea with RUMFOHDH THE WHOLESOME BAKING POWDER 1 ® /Acrosspuz/ *v LAKES ) (Hot? Not on Lake Superior! 4 Vt/HEN the mercury i playing around in the upper eighties, I 1 W |gj you wish Henry Ford would invent a scll-refrigcrating \ collar—do you ever stop to remember that the temperature of \ Lake Superior never rises above 40 degrees? I What ifjrou don't spare the time for a long holiday? The Canadian ng\ Pacific Hallway's Clyde-built steamships make a five-day trip from Port McNicoll to Fort William and back, during which you can be HSJa. aR cool as an Eskimo and as comfortable as a New York clubman. ■IM Roomy cabins, the best of chefs—oh, those broiled Lake Superior § whitefish! —tea on deck under the lazy awnings—seagulls against HH ■ y the long, northern sunset —and a breeze from a thousand miles jfijr 'Ng fts of clean pine woods, on duty twenty-four hours in the day. wgv .. J IT Then —if yon find you've got more time than you counted jL-'S /k on—how about a week on the Nipigon River,forty miles from L,' "- Vj Il\ Fort William, with guides, ranoes and campfires and white R r el I IVI water under the moon —and more speckled trout than you MgV / |\\ lcnow what to do with? Bi Si / I\\ How do you get there? Ask for Resort Tour No. 8-111. FT*S The Canadian Pacific Railway ' /I\\\ Ticket Office HHBP™ /l\ \ \ 1231 Broadway New York City HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWER PUT IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE Hedge Clippers—Grass Shears—Sides and Edge Tools Sharpened All Kinds of Machinery Repaired FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Court and Cranberry Streets Gel Rid of TEat. Persistent Cmgh ♦T eak J BII V IBr ' P*l*tnt coagU *ff<uH?nn'. T.u tac throat or long w L th Eckman's AlteraCre? the tonic and upbuilder Of 2Q t ear*** ■gCCOMfulw. 800 iid .M or from bckman Laboratory. PhnedeiDhi*