Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 18, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS ROBBER CAUSES BREAK OF EGGS In Attempted Holdup Fright ened Horse Driven by Boy Runs Away at Gettysburg Gettysburg, Pa., June 18.—A crate of eggs was the loss in an attempted hold-up on the Fairfield road short ly after the dinner hour. The eleven year-old son of Ira Clapsaddle, liv ing about a mile and a half from town, was sent to town with the eggs and when he crossed the bridge at Willoughby Run a negro stepped to the middle of the road and made a grab for the horse's head. Instead of catching the rein he scared the horse, which started at a wild gal lop up the road, breaking the entire lot of eggs. A negro was later cap tured by Detective Wilson who gave the name of Preston Weathers and his home as Baltimore. He was identified by the boy. CLASS AT LAWN PARTY York 'Haven, Pa., June 18.—The members of the primary class of St. Paul's Lutherau Sunday school, taught by Mrs. Ira Warner, were en tertained at a lawn party last Satur day afternoon. Those present were: Misses Emma Rife, Edith ftlfe, Ber tha Flury, Dorothy Nagle, Dora Shorts. Ellen Stroman, Ruth Shepp, Minerva Swan, Miriam Whisler, May Fickes Mazie Cooper, Mary Felker, Mildred Felker, Gertrude Frantz and Mrs. Warner. Make Your Own Coffee at the Table You Need Not Bother With a Coffee Pot How much more convenient It would be if you couid make coffee right at the table. Think of the time gained, the steps saved, the extra bother and fuss eliminated! All this is possible—if you use Hires Instant Soluble Coffee. This was first made for our soldiers in France, who required good coffee that could be easily made. And so thoroughly did Hires Instant Soluble Coffee meet every requirement, Sti 2-3 per cent, of all the coffee contracted for by the American Army, in the trenches, was Hires. We could noi supply more because our facilities would not permit. Hires Instant Soluble Coffee is the dried pure juice of carefully selected coffee beans of Java and Mocha blend. This clear, aromatic juice is merely converted into a powdered soluble form. The minute you add hot water you have your coffee as or iginally made, and if you prefer vour coffee iced you can have it, for Hires Instant Soluble Coffee dis solves instantly in ice water. And Hires Instant Soluble Coffee is the. concentrated juice of the coffee bean, for by an exclusive pro cess twice as much juice is taken from the coffee bean as is secured by the use of the coffee pot or perco lator. Because Hires Instant Soluble Cof fee is so easy to make you can make it right at the table, or can have a clear, fragrant cup any hour of the day or night. A small can of Hires Instant Soluble Coffee is equivalent to a pound of the best Mocha and Java coffee. The low price is due to the fact that with our exclusive process we extract lAO per cent, more juice from the bean than you can in mak ing coffee in the old way. Get it at all stores. BUILDINft^ GoloradoUfah c , Rockies SummerLmd o B National Monuments and more than • Utah possesses a number of lofty mountain ranees, deep canyons, and the Great Salt Lake. , • UNITED-STATES • RAILROVD ADMINISTRATION • WEDNESDAY EVENING, LATE NEWS OF CUMBERLAND VALLEY STOCK SALE AT HARVEST HOME Franklin County Farmers and Breeders' Association Is Planning County Fair Cliainbcrslmrg, Pa., June 18. —The annual Harvest Home picnic at Red Bridge Park, near here, on October 3 and 4, which will be in the form of a county fair, will be followed on Monday, October 6, by a-large sale of stock of all kinds, according to plans made at a meeting of the Franklin County Farmers' and Breeders' Association, which con ducts the picnic and exhibition and which is headed by D. Edward Bong, former State Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. A committee, consisting of M. M. Kauffman, of Scotland; John E. Heckman, of St. Thomas, and S. R. Miller, of Chambersburg, ha* been appointed to complete arrange ments for and conduct the stock sale. At the meeting of the asso ciation a committee reported that the stock exhibit buildings at Red Bridge Park, which had been blown over during a windstorm, had been repaired and were ready for the pic nic. Carlisle Orders Companies to Quit Using Siding Carlisle, Pa.. June 18.—Because of the use of a siding in the town, be tween West and High streets, for the loading and unloading of express and also for freight handling, the borough of Carlisle has again served an ulti matum on the Railroad Administra tion and American Railway Express Company to cease the practice. Ten days hove been given to stop using the track, w',.ich is in the center of the town, immediately adjoining Dickinson College, or an injunction Will be sought. ELECTRICIAN RESIGNS Waynesboro, Pa., June 16.— C. C. Stouffer, whd since 1911 has been employed here as chief electrician with the Chambersburg, Greencastle and Waynesboro Street Railway Company, and superintendent of the Waynesboro Elestric Company, has resigned. Wilbur Krise will fill the vacancy. HURT PLAYING "MONKEY" Mechanicsburg, Pa., June 18. William Ritter, the 10-year-old son of ex-Councilman O. A. Ritter, West Main street, broke his right arm yes terday afternoon while playing in the High school grounds. The hoys were playing "monkey" and swing ing and jumping from limb to limb on the trees. The arm is broken between the elbow and shoulder. NEW CASE OF SMALLPOX Waynesboro, Pa., June 18.—An other case of smallpox was reported yesterday in this city. The vic tim is Walter Rook, aged 21. He has been placed in strict quarantine. This makes seven- cases that have broken out here in several weeks. !3|6 BELL-ANSt gfgl Sureßelfef QELL-ANS WFOR SNDSGESTIOr* GIRLS PRESENT UNIQUE AFFAIR Reception Given by 400 Young Women in Honor of Sol diers and Sailors Chambersburg, Pa., June 18.—The most novel, attractive and successful of the various wartime functions given in this patriotic community was the "Girls' Stunt Night" at Red Bridge Park last night. It was an entertainment given for the returned sailors and soldiers by 400 girls un der the auspices of the women of the War Camp Community Service and the pretty park was crowded with spectators, seats being especially re served for the guests of honor and several hundred of them were there. A large open air stage was erected and the Queen City band and Chambersburg orchestra furn ished music during the evening. The program included marches, tab leaux driHs and dances by girls in costume, .flower giirlsi girls from the ships with garlands and bou quets, later given to the guests of honor; Japanese, C. V. K. R. office clerk girls, with parasols; Rainbow Division, high school girls in col ored garb; Red Cross, shop girls in uniform of Red Cross; Flag, Junior High school girls; Camp Fire Girls of two local campflres, who gave full ceremonial initiation and dance. The program on the stage concluded with the girls grouping and singing, "Till We Meet Again," "Star Spangled Banner," "The Navy Brought Them Over." All joined in some patriotic songs and then danc ing was the order of the evening un til closing time. NEW FARM AGENT Chambersburg, Pa., June 18. —The successor to Joseph S. Oberle as farm agent for Franklin county, was announced last evening by John O. Craig, of Greencastle, president of the Franklin county farm bureau. President Craig was notified yester day by the extension department of State College that Edward Rice, of Crawford county, had been appoint ed to the vacancy and had accepted the post. Mr. Rice, the new agent, is a native of Adams county and a graduate of State College. WILL MAKES NO BEQUESTS Waynesboro, Pa., June 18. —To make a will and yet make no will is shown to have been the unique tes tamentary performance of Harry E. Myers, of Peters township, this county, whose last will and testa ment was filed for probate in the of fice of Register William Stover, at Chambersburg. The will makes no bequests whatever and simply names his cousin, Ambrose Myers, as ex ecutor. RAILWAY COMPANY RESPONSIBLE Hngerdtown, Md., June 18. The jury of inquest impaneled to investi gate the fatal accident at Funks town Sunday evening, when Mrs. Car rie Mitchell, Baltimore, was killed, and Dr. Davis Reimard and wife and aged Mrs. Susan Lowman /were in jured when their automobile was de molished by a trolley car, returned a verdict here holding the Hagerstown and Frederick Railway Company re sponsible and alleging negligence. NAME FOR NEW POST Waynesboro, Pa, June 18.—At a meeting of men interested in the se curing of a local post of the Ameri can Region, it was decided to chris ten the organization as the "Joe Stickell Post No. 15,'; in honor of one of Waynesboro's most popular young men who was killed in ac tion in France. HAHRISBTJRG ts£&l TELEGRAPH Miss Weber's Pupils Give Recital at Mechanicsburg Mcchanlcßburg, Pa., June 18. Music pupils of Miss Lillian Weber gave a successful and interesting re cital last evening at her home in West Keller street. The yoqng folks played exceedingly well and grave the foliowtr.-g program: "Morceaux Brilliants," Streabbog, Velva Dellinger, Mabel Martin, Doris McClane; "In May," Elizabeth Web er, Bchr; "The Cat," Maxim, Anna Myers; "The Peacock," Schiller, Anna Myers, Dorothy Taylor; "Rose Petals," Lawson, Catherine Weber; "Brier Rose," Hamer, Mable Martin; "Barcarolle," (from Offenback's Opera), Dellafield, Belva Dellinger; "Merry-making in* the Garden," Neuman, Catherine Weber, Miriam Weber; "Dance of the Gnomes," Wil liams, Dorothy Taylor; "Heather Rose," Langc, Doris McClane; "Hand in Hand March," Rummel, Raymond Strong; "Knight Rupert," Schumann*, "Matuska," Engel, Teressa Beck, Marie Clark; "Simple Confession," Thome, Terecca Beck; "Menuetto," Beethoven, Raymond Strong, Doris McClane; "The Skylark," Tschaikow sky, Marie Clark; "Elfin Dance," Jensen, Miriam Weber; "Men*uet," Mozart, Teressa Beck, Marie Clark, Miriam Weber. Parade at Mechanicsburg to Boost Memorial Park Mechanicsburg, Pa., June 18. Two hundred of Mechanicsburg's soldier boys will march in the Memorial Park booster parade to night. Led by the Singer Band the soldiers will march in Main street as part of the biggest pa rade the town has had in years. They will be followed by the Girls Military Squadron, the Washington, Citizens and Rescue fire companies, the Boy Scouts, the Boys' Bicycle Brigade, the Red Cross women work ers, school children, automobiles and church members. The parade is being held as a booster for the Memorial Park pro ject, whfch is to he built this sum mer from a $25,000 memorial fund being raised this week. ILL HEALTH CAUSES SUICIDE Jlnnornto wn, Md., June 18. lll health is believed to have been the cause of J. Lester Bostetter, aged 26 years, committing suicide at his home here by shooting himself in the breast with a pistol. His body was found in an outbuilding. Bostetter was employed at the Hagerstown Lounge Company's plant, but had not worked fop a year. He is survived by his wife and a young son and sev eral brothers and sikters. Suburban Notes MERCERSBURG Lieutenant and Mrs. Paul M. Stouffer, of Highland Park, 111., are visiting Lieutenant Stouffer's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stouf fer, in Linden avenue. Miss Mell Metcalfe, of Lancaster, is • visiting her mother, Mrs. D. F. Metcalfe. Miss Ruth North, of Philadelphia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel North, in Church street. D. Stickell spent the week end with his parents at Hagers town, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Conn spent Sunday with friends at Shippens burg. Major Thomas W. Baker, who has been military instructor at the Mercersburg Academy for the past two terms, has completed his work here and has returned to his home at Baltimore. Later he will go to New York State where he wijl be an instructor at a junior Plattsburg. Mrs. Arthur K. Runkle, of Har risburg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawrence Meyers. Miss Margaret Slaymaker, of Harrisburg, is visiting her aunt, Miss Mary McDowell. MOUNT WOLF A son was born on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Augenbaugh, this place. The ticket committee for the Chautauqua to be held here June 26 to 30, started a drive yesterday for the sale of season tickets. Similar campaigns will be waged at Man chester and York Haven. A barrel In each town will denote the progress of the drive. A fishing party over the week-end to Hoffmanville, Md., was composed of Walter Bloss, Charles Hilker, Hilker, Charles Brenner, William J. Bloss and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brenneman and family. The party reported a good catch. Miss Nettie Melhorn returned from Philadelphia, where she spent a week with her brother, Samuel Melhorn and family.. Mrs. Jacob B. Beshore and son, and daughter, Mrs. George Park, of Belair, Md., were weekend guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Annie S. Gross. The Misses Nettie and Ella Line baugh have returned from Harris burg, where they visited the Misses Lydia Osman and Emma Fulton. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eisenhower re turned yesterday to Lewisburg, after spending a week at their home here. DUNCANNON Robert Pennell, of Williamstown, is spending several days here visit ing relatives. Harry A. Gettys, of Marysville, and A. P. Ryan, of Philadelphia, were in town on business pertaining to work that is about to be com menced on the State highway on the Dauphin county side of the Susque hanna river between Dauphin and Clark's Ferry. Mrs. H. M. Irons, of Pittsburgh, while en route home from Cham bersburg where she was in attend ance at commencement exercises at Wilson College, stopped off here and was entertained Friday and Satu-- day at the home of \lr. and Mrs. B. Stiles Duncan. X McrcOrslmrg, Pa., —J. Frank High lands, son of Mrs. Ida Highland, is touring the southern states this month., Major F. J. Bowles, bf Welsh Run, was a visitor here yesterday. Mis Weiner, of Philadelphia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Stein man. James Johnston and family motor ed to State College yesterday, where they will attend the Bpeclal insti tute for farmers. Miss Elizabeth Fallon, of ineland, N. J., is visiting her mother. Mrs. J. Lesley Falon. William Miller was a visitor here to-day. FORMAL OPENING HOTELCARLISLE New Hostelry Has 50 Rooms and Is Equipped With Modern Conveniences f'arliHle, Pa.,* June IS.—lnterest cen ters in the formal opening of the new Hotel Carlisle, which will take place on Tuesday, July 1. The hotel was secured for the to,vn on the decision of the Chamber of Commerce to pro vide the town with a modern hostel ry. Everything to make it as modern and up-to-date as possible has been secured. The new will have 50 rooms, 35 with bath and all the conveniences in addition to a large lobby, ladies' parlor dining rooms and similar equipment. In addition to the origi nal building secured an adjoining site has been secured and the two will be combined into one large modern ho tel, five stories high, the whole sur mounted by a root garden. There are' two dining rooms, the rose room and the green room, the former the main restaurant vnd the latter suitable for private use. Waynesboro Will Build 200 Modern Dwellings Waynesboro, Pa., June 18.—The Manufacturers' Association has taken hold of the question of supply ing more houses for accommodating new population which is daily rapp ing at the door of Waynesboro. At a meeting Mon-day afternoon it was proposed that two hundred houses !be built, the load to be divided in , equal portions between the local in dustries, the Waynesboro Realty Company and private capitalists. The Realty Company now has a half dozen modern bungalows inr course of construction. Farmer Turned Tables in Suit For Nonpayment Williamsport, Pa., June 18. Harry McCarty, a farmer, near Muncy, was summoned into court as the defendant in a suit for $154, brought by an implement dealer, who alleged that sum was due for a manure spreader purchased by Mc- Carty. When the case was ended the farmer found himself not only acquitted, but awarded a verdict of $25 against the dealer. According to the implement deal er, McCarty owed him the $154 as a balance on the spreader, which had been delivered to his farm in 1917. McCarty, however, proved he had not ordered the machine. In the opinion of the jury, the farmer was not responsible for the payment the dealer demanded, but It was decided McCarty should be paid $25 for loss in crops due to the ineffective machine. OFFICERS OF CLASS CHOSEN York Haven, Pa., July 18.—The class of the York Haven United Brethren Sunday school. Miss Rosa Lentz, teacher, at a recen-t meet ing organized by electing the fol lowing officers: President and teacher, Miss Rosa Lentz; vice-pres ident, Miss Thelma Freeman: sec retary, Miss Mae Walton; assistant secretary, Miss Stella Markley; treasurer, Mary Gundy. ENROLLED AT URSINCS Collegcville, Pa., June 18.—The new catalog of Ursinus College at Collegeville. shows that despite the inroads made on its student rolls by the military service, two hundred and twenty-four enrolled in the pres ent year. Among these three are from Dauphin county, as follows: Roy B. Brightbill, Hummelstown; Evan Leland Diebler, Miles Victor Miller, Elizabethville. Safe Pills have been the ideal Family' Laxative for 40 years—a guar-; antee of reliability. Gentle in action, they are. entirely, free, from injurious, drugs, and—ane intended especially H for constipation, biliousness, indi gestion, torpid' liv er or inactivity of Yob i' druggist sells them. iPEE-C:u4s Winer's Sal* Remedies Co., —<■ Rochester. ft. V. NTHESTOIH IS DANGEROUS Recommend* Dully Use of Magnesia To Overcome Trouble. Caused by Fermenting Food and Acid Indigestion. Gas and wind in the stomach ac companied by that full, bloated feel ing after eating are almost certain evidence of the presence of exces sive hydrochloric acid in the stom ach. creating so-called "acid indiges tion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be cause 'too much acid irritates the delicate lining of the stomach, often leadyvg to gastritis accompanied by serious stomach ulcers. Food fer ments and sours, creating the dis tressing gas which distends the stom ach and hampers the normal func tions of the vital Internal organs, often affecting the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids, instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Biaurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful In a quarter glass of water right" after eating. This will drive the gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutralize the excess acid and prevent its formation and there Is no sourness or pain. Uisurated Magnesia (In powder or tablet form never liquid or milk) Is harmless to the stomach, inexpen sive to take and the best form of. magnesia for stomach purposes, it is used by thousands of people who I enjoy their meals with no more fear i of indigestion. G. A. Gorgaa. I OUTING AT "THE POPLARS" Mount Wolf, Pa., June 18.—The Out Door Club, composed of local young men, is spending a two weeks' outing at HThe Poplars," at Cone wago Heights. Those on the out ing are: James Diehl, Elwood Ness, David Rodes, Harry Hoffman, Allen Diehl, Roy Hoffman, Earl Wolf, Wil liam Duering, Stewart Holler, Rob ert Holler, Henry Diehl, Roy Fink, Wallace Kunkel, Guy Albaugh, Earl Hoffman, John Hoffman. SNAKES IN MIFFLIN COUNTY Lewistown, Pa., June 18.—Jesse Estep, while taking a stroll through the woods east of town, killed two copperhead snakes. John Turner, while hunting for herbs near Licking Creek, saw a rattlesnake in the bushes, which he killed, and turning around almost tramped on a black snake. He killed it and going about thirty feet farther he killed three copperheads. 1 T are man y things to add to the summer 1 home which make for comfort as well as attractiveness. We have the iargest and most comprehensive lines of summer furni ture in this section of the State. Whether you need dining room furniture, living room furniture, porch furniture, refrigerators, ru S s ? y°u will find in our store what is best suited for your pur pose and you will find everything dependable at the lowest price in the city. Mahog- Bed Davenport LftHlD \ Three Piece Suit T n ~tQ5 _ s 29= This mahogany floor , , # lamp is graceful in de- ThlS suit is composed s 'S n and suitable for jA of three comfortable r ° om ' , The^ stan l- /C pieces, roomy rocker and two electric lights. The *, V chair and bed davenport shade is silk in an un that is easily and quickly *i^!, al >/ lsh t Bi . dec i, de ~ -i__ i M sign, 24 inches in diam- . changed into a restful eter. You may have bed. Frames are finished choice of rose, blue, or in fumed oak and the up- BO l d co J°™' J The sta,nd _ • r • ard and shade complete nolstering is of imitation is priced specially, in brown Spanish leather. eluding the war tax, The three pieces com- (t O Q ACI plete, priced Special, $95 *O4 Z7 otU Burns' Refrigerators Save I ce S \ raj Lfe T'"' wire shelves. It has three doors compartments for food and ice. J S Special price $19.00. j Summer Rugs—The Best Kind j Grass RugS —g°°d assortment, Fiber Rugs made of all fiber,! J all new patterns, good coloring, can be washed, size d*o/\ j size Bxlo feet ' $L 1 4 9x12, at ! price V 1 \ J Grass Rugs Special quality, Wool and Fiber Rugs { fringed, size 9x12, variety of new good patterns, size 9x12 designs, extra 1 Q feet, <t 1 O i\ special & Li/ {or $ 1 Ct^Xj Imported Chinese Rugs _ , . , Oriental designs, very unique in Tapestry RugS uo ° ace > I I coloring, size 9x12 (t>y|n excellent designs, size (|QQ f j feet 9x12 feet, for ......... u)>*3o Velvet Rugs serviceable Axminster Rugs— rich color | quality, size d* O O j n g an( i excellent designs, size 8.3x10.6 vJO 8.3x10.6, (hyii -1 Rag RugS & ood assortment at I of colors and patterns, _size Linoleum RugS 9xl2] at..' $14.50 - all good -| r* Imported Rag Rugs revers- patterns.... . $ | ible, different patterns on each I apestry RugS ,n excellent side, size 9x12 feet, CJO/I designs, size 9x12 (t*o/l at <D<£tT feet, for | JUNE 18, 1919. 800 Badges Bought For Presentation to Soldiers Lewistown, Pa., June 18.—No fa kirs will be allowed to do business in Lewistown on July 4 and all money taken in on that day will go towards Victory Park. Ladies will sell toy balloons and other novelties to raise funds for the park. An order has been placed for 800 handsome med als by W. F. Eckbert, Jr., chairman of the medal and badge committee. One of these medals will be pre sented to every man of the county who responded to the call of the country's colors. All the bands in the county will be in the parade on that day, and at least 800 soldiers will be in line. There will be horse races and many other amusements at which time the money raised will go to the park fund. % Unsightly Hair XfeSflliracfe DeMlrncle, the original ■anltnry UquM, I m truly a revel* :loa [n modern science. It la juat aa •neaebma for removing eoaroe, brlartly growth* aa It I* for ordi nary a ilea. Only ccanine DeMlrado ham ■ money-bach guarantee la each package. At toilet coaatera in Mo* 91 and $2 alaea. or by mall from na la plain wrapper oa re ceipt of price. FREE bo °lt with teat tin on lain of hlghrot authorities ex plain* what ennaea hair oa face, neck and arms, why It laereaaea and how DeMlracle devitalises It, mailed In plain sealed envelope ea request. DeMlrarle, Park Ave. Nad 12th St., New York.