Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 18, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Class Vaudeville—Harry and
Grace Ellsworth, singing and danc
ing. Ed. Biondell and Company in
the farce comedy. The Boy From
Home; "Pop" ward, monologist;
♦tegay and Lorraine Sisters in a "ser
ies of dances: Jack Alfred Company,
clever gymnasts.
To-day last showing at this theater of
Harold Lockwood in "Shadows of
Suspicion": Thursday. Friday and
Saturday. Alice Brady in" "Red
Here all this week "The End of the
Road" the picture that has set all
Harrisburg talking; next week, VII
Star Week: Monday, Kitty Gordon:
Tuesday. Montague ; Wednes
day, ; Thursday.
Anita Stewart; Friday, Earle Wil
liams; Saturday, Tom Mix.
Y-ast day Elsie Ferguson in "Eyes of
the Soul:" to-morrow. Friday. Sat
urday, Wm. S. Hart in "The Poppy
Girl's Husband," also Drew Comedy.
"Squared;" Mondey. Tuesday. Mar
guerite Clark in "Let's Elope."
(Vaudeville—Two shows every even
The Majestic's bill the first half of
this .week consists of the following
ihighxclass attractions.
The openfng number is
At the a dancing novelty, pre-
MaJestic sented by Regay and
the Lorraine Sisters.
•"Pop" Ward in his monologue, "His
Honor, the Judge." is a sure cure for
the blues. Ed Biondell and Company
•offer one of the biggest laughing hits
TODAY last thowlns here of
in hi* best photoplay
Shadows of Suspicion
Alice Brady
in a laugh rollicking farce—
The picture that will make yon
laugh for one hour and a half.
The coolemt place to spend n
uarnmcr afternoon or evening l at
a theater. If you haven't tried it*
nik your neighbor who linn.
A Message of Happiness
Has Been Sent You Via
the Motion Picture
Screen, If You Will But
Heed It In Life's Great
Love Drama—
At the
This is the picture that has
been subjected to more abuse
andthas won more praise
than a any picture ever pro
Children nndor 16 not admitted
.Showings, 10 a. ni. to 11.SO p. m.
All Star Week
MOX. Kitty Gordon
Montague Glass
TFES. June Klvidge
WED. Carlisle Blackwell
THTRS. Anita Stewart
FRI. Earle Williams
SAT. ITom Mix
An array of motion pieture stars
exceeding any group that has
ever before appeared on the same
screen in a single week.
To Our Patrons
For the sake of those who have not carefully read our announcements, we desire to
request that patrons do not bring small children to the Victoria Theater this week.
[to see
a brutally frank but praiseworthy lesson that every grownup should see.
We make this explanation because daily we are forced to refuse admit
tance to scores of adults who thoughtlessly bring children with them and
are compelled, on that account, to return home.
lof the season, "The Boy From Home."
Harry and Grace Ellsworth are a
pleasing pair with an abundance of
; talent. introducing some original
' song and dance specialties. The clos
i ing number on the bill is a very clever
; gymnastic offering presented by the
l Jack Alfred Company,
i Some of the attractions listed for
' the last three days of the week are
Fashions Do Vogue." a draping novel
ty of unusual splendor: Eddie Borden
: and Company in a riotous comedy of
j fcring, and three other acts.
j Large crowds have greeted Harold
I.ockwood at each showing of his lat
est and greatest
> I.urge Crowds Greet photoplay pro-
Harold I.ockwood duction "Shad
ows of Suspic
ion" at the Colonial Theater. To-day
iis the last opportunity Harrlsburg
j motion picture patrons have of seeing
this affable screen artist play the part
iof a young man in hard luck, at
i tempting to win the confidence of his
! girl's parents.
i To-morrow. Friday and Saturday,
'jovial Alice Brady who has taken the
j country by storm with her latest pho
toplay product "Redhead" will be
shown at this theater. Redhead is a
j clever story of a couple being married
I when they are' intoxicated. It's full
'of laughs and peculiar predicaments.
j At Stanley's Victoria all this week.
! Dr. Katherine Davis' great film story
of sex. entitled "Th"
"The End of End of the Road,"
The Bond" which was originally
produced for the War
Department Commission on Training
I Camp Activities —Women's Section, is
| being shown to the general public for
I their edification and approval. The
| discussion amongst doctors, ministers,
and women's clubs in other cities as
to the timeliness and value of the
truths and lessons which are so vivid
fly pictured in the story, has resulted
in their unqaulified and unanimous cn
; dorscmcnt of the film as a wonderful
power for the moral welfare of our
voting men and women.
The loading roles are enacted by
beautiful Claire Adams and the well
| known Richard Bennett.
i Elsie Ferguson, the ever popular
star in Artcraft pictures, lias scored
another decisive hit
F'ergtison Picture her cliaraeteri/.n-
Seorcs at on of a cabaret
♦he Regent her new
photoplay. Eyes of
the Soul," which is on view for the
i last time to-day at the Regent Tiiea
, ter. Both the star and production
arc seer, to splendid advantage, the
presentation attracting general ntten
tion. The story is one of exceptional
i interest and the situations are unusu
-1 aliv strong. , . . .
In "Tfc. Toppy Girl's Husband, his
I latest Artcraft offering, which will be
'displayed for a three-day engagement
i starting tomorrow. Wm. S. Hart, i
theater so coo l in summer
Today I* your last chance to
pcc the exceptional bill here foe
the tlrst half of week which In
The Boy From Home
V Clever Sketch—
Keith Acts C
Featuring "
"Anything You Want to Call It"
Monday, Thursday and
Saturday Evenings
Admission: Ladies, 40c
Tax Paid Gents," 60c
Regent Theater
The Coolest Spot in Town
Final Showing of
Elsie Ferguson
In "Eyes of the Soul"
\ililetl Attraction "For the Love
of Rett?" Strand Comedy
Tomorrow —Friday—Saturday
Extra Double Attraction
William S.Hart
Ail a convict In lilm Intent relcnme
"The Poppy Girl's Husband"
II Ik pal In waiting with out
stretched hand; but the wife the
wife ham married the man who
stent him up.
And then comcn the big motive
that of re\enge.
2 Performance* Every Eve 2
The Borsini Troupe
Spectacular nnd Comedy
Revolving; Globe Kt|tiilil>riMtm
Harry and Jane Piatt
Presenting Comedy
America** Premier Jmx nnd Rag
15 CENTS—Admission—ls CENTS
star In pictures produced under the
supervision of Thos. H. Ince, Is sup
ported by a most notable cast of play
ers. Juanita Hansen, known as one
of the most beautiful women of the
scretn, appears In the leading femi-
I nine role, while Captain Walter Long,
late of the U. S. Army, has the part
lof Boston Blackle. Power and novel-
I ty are the two big features of this
I picture. It differs from most Hart
pictures, yet it has all the dramatic
| strength and emotional quality of his
best work.
i The greatest assemblage of motion
picture stars ever presented on one
week's bill at this ttae-
All Star Week ater will be featured
\t Victoria at Stanley's Victoria
next week. Monday is i
Kitty Gordon day: Tuesday. Montague,
; Glass and June Klvidge; Wednesday,
Carltse Blackwell; Thursday, Anita j
! Stewart; Friday, Earle Williams and!
Saturday, Tom Mix.
This is considered the greatest ga!-|
lay of stars ever offered to any mo-|
: tion picture audience in any city. And j
each of the productions they are of
| fered in are considered the best work!
.of that particular star.
Don't fail to remember which stars
are being featured on the days. It's!
j only one of the many treats the Vic-|
toria management has planned for i
! Harrishurgers.
1 On Monday. Tuesday and Wednes- j
day the feature picture in which these i
stars are presented is "Stolen Orders." j
I The Borsini Troup, who head the'
1 bill at the Paxtang Park Theater this
week are one of i
Vaudeville Show the real sensations j
l At Paxtang of the vaudeville
stage. When one
I considers the marvelous feats of ac- |
robatics, equilibrists. juggling and ;
contortion that this troup perform on j
a rolling lobe, one almost wonders if j
they have seen aright. It would ap- j
pear wonderful to see such feats per- ,
formed on the level stage, but to see |
them on rolling globe is most assur- |
edlv the acme of wonderment.
Every trick they do is new, origi- j
nal and exclusively their own. It is;
probably the greatest act of its kind !
"i the wor'if. in feet, it is absolutely j
In a class by itself. George H. Book,
j known as America's premier ragtime!
! vylophonist is a big favorite with the j
| park audience this week. The remain- j
I ing acta furnish everything required i
I on a high class vaudeville bill.
' ~~ i
M iddletown
Grocer Identifies Goods
Taken From His Store
The grocery store of P. W. Tritt, j
of South Wood street, was entered j
by thieves within the past ten days, i
' On Saturday night they entered the j
rear door and got away with about !
seventy-five dollars worth of goods, j
Mi'. Tritt identified some of the j
goods which were located near the I
Rosedale farm on Sunday by Chief
of Police Houser and Ward Con
stable W. C. Bailey. The goods were j
taken to the local lockup and Mr. |
Tritt notified. Christian Boner was j
arrested Sunday morning in connec
i tion with the thefts.
Claude McNair. who spent the j
past year overseas and was recently .
mustered out of service at Ohio, is |
spending some time in town as the j
j guest of his brother and sister,
Cnion and Emaus streets.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace, who
spent the past month in town as the
guests of the former's parents, Mr.
, and Mrs. A. K. Wallace, Xiseley
; street, returned to their home in
| Oklahoma.
William Hatfield, of South Cath
erine street, has completed building
| a houseboat, 27x8 feet, and installed
1 a three-horsepower steam boiler.
Sergeant William Engold. of the
I Untted States Army, and who was
j training master for the military
| service at State College, spent the
past few days in town as the guest
!of Mr. and Mrs. William Koons,
! Pike street, en route to Virginia,
i where he was transferred.
The lasting and stock department
! of the local shoe factory resumed
; operation this morning after being
shut down for the past week on
i account of taking stock and get
i ting ready for the winter goods,
j Russell Shiley, who spent the
| past year and a half overseas in the
1 artillery service and recently re
' turned to thel'nited States and -was
stationed at Camp Dix, X. J., has
been mustered out of service and
! returned to town.
A marshmallow toast was held at
' Clifton Woods, east of town, last
: evening by the following young peo.
pie: Miss Martha Belt. Miss Per
melia Rose. Miss Jean Brestle, Miss
i Grace Builder. Miss Romaino Kling
| er. Miss Marian Ulrich, Miss Jean
! McNair, Miss Grace Nissley, Ralph
, Myers, Marlin Brinser, George
i Elberti. Abram Belt, James Kern,
I Carl Baehman, Earl Houser. They
I were chaperoned by Miss Agnes
: Markley and Leroy Baumbach.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hershberg
er. of Market street, announce the
birth of a daughter. Monday, June
| 16. 1919.
i The Woman's Bible class of the
I First United Brethren Church will
! picnic at Reservoir Park to-mor
! row.
The Young Men's Bible class of
I the First United Brethren Church
' held its regular monthly meeting at
! the home of the teacher, M. Back
| man. West Main street.
Mrs. D. A. Donavan, two daugh
ters, Roma and Doris, and two sons,
Henrv and Leroy Donovan, of Can
ton, Ohio, are spending some time
in town as the guests of the for
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
' Baumbach.
Miss Dorothy George is spending
the week at Annville, where she is
attending the Lebanon Valley Col
lege commencement exercises.
Miss Helen Seiders. of North
: Union street, is spending some time
at Norristown as the guest of her
aunt. Mrs. Albert Baumbach.
Robert Metzgar, of Wilkinsburg,
; is spending some time in town as the
guest of his sister, Xlrs. Harry Stern,
West Main street.
! E. J. Miller, of Lebanon, is spend
ing several days in town with
! friends. Mr. Miller was formerly a
! tutor at the Emaus Orphans Home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Snavely at
: tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Maggie Snavely, of Heilmansdale,
i Lebanon county, which was held this
afternoon from her late home at 2/90
j o'clock. Burial was made in the
i MountvlUe Cemetery. The deceased
is a stepmother to E. M. Snavely.
w* -~- - ■ /'
fewu 'utfj^Tltas ""~~~ — ''• -• 1,1.-^^
GEO7?G£ /iAPTZ£II. /■//£ 4r/11/QAW££ CIOWY
In a prize question contest. "What
would you do if you had a million
dollars?" a contestant recently won
the trophy by answering that lie
would have a pair of suspenders for
every pair of trousers he owned.
Were you to put this same question to
George Ilartzell, famous clown with
the Mingling Brothers and Barnum
Bailey Combined shows. he would
merely point to his present calling.
For though reputed to be a "million
aire." George still remains true to the
Whether Hartzell is really worth a
million dollars may be a matter of
some dispute. But he is undoubtedly
a very rich man. Mrs. Hartzell is the
wardrobe mistress, in charge of all
the thousands of costumes which
dress the circus in silks and spangles.
Husband and wife have worked shoul
der to shoulder for more than a doz
en years. They have earned good sal
aries, saved their money and invested
it wisely. To-day they own property
in Chicago. Boston and Philadelphia,
and have an income quite .sufficient
to keep them in comfort the rest of
their lives. Should you ask Mr. and
Mrs. Hartzell why they still toil un
der the white-tops when they m'ght
Women and Children Are
Being Clothed in
Ntksich, Montenegro. June 18.—
Montenegro is in a pitable state. The I
inhabitants are destitute. Dwellings 1
are burned or smashed by ffiellrtre. |
The young men are gone. There are j
no tools to work with, no seeds to
plant. The city dweliers have no I
livelihood. Each day the American j
Red Cross gives everyone a kilo of
bread of two quarts of thick, meaty ;
soup, American nurses visit the sick 1
from sunup to sundown, each nurse
attending to about fifty sick persons j
Before the war most of the cloth- i
ing worn by the Montenegrins was j
made by the women at home, either !
of linen or wool. Only a small num. j
ber of officials and tradesmen used
imported cloth. During the war no
clothing was made and now tho !
home supply is cut off because there
is not enough labor to produce food
and no one can spare time for spin
ning or weaving.
Sacking For Clothes
As a result Montenegrin men, i
women and children are clothed in |
burlap sacking. There is not enough •
sacking to go around and the moun- J
taineers huddle in their huts during ■
inclement weather. When one of j
their number, generally a child, is 1
sent after the Red Cross rations, he ,
or she is supplied by making a ,
roundrobin collection with sufficient j
sacking to keep warm during the I
journey to the relief station.
Malaria and tuberculosis are com
mon and the children suffer much I
from the itch, due to the general 1
filthiness of conditions in the moun- I
tains and mountain towns. In the j
former residence of Prince Mirko,
son of King Nicholas, near Pod- I
goritsa, American doctors and nurses •
maintain a fifty-bed hospital and j
"treat dally about eighty patients. 1
The surgeons' principal work has to I
do with bullet wounds
Maintain Soup Kitchens
At Danilorgrad the Red Cross j
maintains a dispensary. Here in j
Niksich the Red Cross feeds twelve j
hundred persons in Its soup kitchen, !
making no distinction between royal- j
ists and those who favor the Jugo- ;
Slav state. The Red Cross also
cares for three hundred people j
housed in the six rooms of the local |
"poor hours" whose condition is !
most wretched,
At Cettinje the Red Cross feeds j
three hundred people daily in its j
soup kitchens and maintains a hos- :
Owing to the hostility to foreign
ers shown by Montenegrins almost
the only foreign element found In
the interior towns are American !
soldiers and officers and workers in |
American Red Cross uniforms. The
American Army trucks and ambu
lances are driven by chauffeurs
largely drawn from the ambulance
service in France.
Convalescent Soldiers Tour
Gettysburg Battlefields
Gettysburg. Pa.. June 18.—Twenty
five convalescent soldiers from the
government hospital made their
weekly visit to Gettysburg yesterday I
to be guests of the canteen commit- j
tee of the local Red Cross. The'
party was in charge of Rod Cross |
Field Director Ottis H.- Recbard. I
They were entertained at dinner and!
given a trip over the battlefield, one j
of the battlefield guides givlqg his j
services to explain the field to the!
The dinners served by the Gettys
burg Canteen to the boys each week i
are becoming famous for the cherry
pies furnished as a part of the des- j
sert. and when thev are by some
means left off the bill of fare the
hoys seem disappointed. These
trips have been made weekly since
I be leading a life of idleness, they will
tell you that they tried it once for
just one year—the longest twelve
', months they ever spent.
•| "There's a lure about the sawdust,
jtho blure of the band and the hoop-la
of the rings that was too strong to
i resist." says HartzeU. "We had to get
i; back to it all and we are never hap
liiier than when the 'call' comes in the
, i springtime and we know that we are
~to take to the road for another sea
! son."
1 1 And when the Hartzels "take to the
| road" it is not to be supposed that
. 1 their business interests are neglected.
jMrs. HartzeU is an expert typist and
lit is not unusual for those who fre
: I qucnt the "hack of the scenes" por
i tion of the circus to see her taking a
1 dictation from her husband,
j in addition to her duties as ward
] robe mistress. Mrs. HartzeU is official
j c-haperone with the circus and to her
falls the duty of looking after the
i social welfare of the hundreds of girls
j who take part in this season's gi
, ] gantic introductory pageant. It is
I this, pleasant office that has won her
' i the title of "the littte mother of the
! i circus" All the marvels of the great,
j new super-circus are to bo exhibited
:lin this city Friday, July 4.
Important State Government
Measure Goes to the
The administration bill creating
: the State Salary' Board was passed
j finally in the House at the after
noon session by a vote of 181 to 6.
I There was no debate. The bill
: passed the Senate some time ago,
and is intended to create a board,
• consisting of the Governor, Attor
| ney General, State Treasurer and
Auditor General to adjust salaries
jof attaches of State departments,
•and bureaus.
1 The amendment to the third class
| city registration act defeated Wed
: nesday was reconsidered immedi
i ately after the House met at the
afternoon session and a series of
; amendments was presented by Mr.
j Jones. I-ackawanna. who had ob
; jected to it last week. The hill for
bids registration after the third day.
The House concurred in the Sen
late amendments to the cold storage
I hill, which was recalled from the
, Governor some time ago. Mr. Hey
burn, Delaware, said the amend-
I mcnts would "satisfy everybody."
i The House passed finally without
j objection, the Marshall bill requir
ing assessors to give addresses of
i taxables. The bill is designed to
, locate floating population.
"The American smart woman ages
; early, far earlier than the English
| woman," says Christian Miller, F. t.
I„ t.he famous English health expert.
She adds that our climate "so ex
-1 hilarates that you over-exert your
j selves and grow old before you know
it. That same exhiliarattng air dries
I the skin. The skin that lacks mois
| ture grows pale and withered looking
land soon forms wrinkles.
"The American complexion" is best
treated by applying pure meroolized
| wax. which causes the faded, lifeless
cuticle to flake off in minute parti-
I cles, a little each day. until the fresh,
young skin beneath is wholly in evi
dence. Every druggist has this wax;
lone ounce usually is sufficient. Spread
; on at night like cold cream, washing
it off next morning.
I >
Mrs. Kathryn Burns, 1030 Parrish
street, Philadelphia, tells of the won
; derful amount of good she obtained
I through Tanlac. "I suffered from
: indigestion and rheumattsm and a
j leaky heart I experienced short
! ncss of breath and difficulty in walk
-1 ing rapidly. I had pains in the
i muscles and joints, and I couldn't
' sleep right. After taking Tanlac I
j got relief. The gas stopped forming
and my food digested. Tanlac did
me a wonderful good."
The genuine ,T. I. Gore Co. Tanlac
is sold here by Kramer's and Sleev
er's and other leading drwratsta.
Picnic Spirit Prevails at •
Adams County W. C. T. U.
Gettysburg, Pa., Juno 18.—The
thirty-fourth annual convention of
the Adams County Woman's Chris-
' loo% ' /
Reason it out yourself—
Manufacturers ol "bundle" cigarettes
make a big noise about using a "dash" oi
real Turkish tobacco in their brands.
Then, don't you think Helmar should
play a brass band about its 100% pure
Turkish tobacco?
You have the answer—lust as "the Governor "says-
Turkish is the Mildest and Best tobacco for cigarettes.
JUNE 18,19WL
tlan Temperance Union was held
to-day at the Mount Joy Lutheran
Church, at the southern border of
the county, morning, afternoon ami
evening sessions being held. Those
In attendance took lunches with
them and at the noon and evening
recesses the picnic spirit prevailed.
Azuba Jones, of Johnstown, a Stute
worker of tho organization, made the j
principal address.
To know Jess Willard's con
dition you must read his "Own
Story," written by himself ex
clusively for "The Philadelphia