Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 18, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Founded 18S1
Published evenings except Sunday by
Telegraph Building, Federal Square
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A Member American
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Story. Brooks &
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ISntered at the Post Office in Harris
burg, Pa., as second class matter.
By carrier, ten cents a
week; by mail. 13.00 a
year In advance.
Be hath ahowed thee, O man, tchat
"m good; and what doth the Lord re
tire of thee, but to do fuatly, and to
'love mercy, and to walk humbly with
thy Godt—Micah 6:S.
son-in-law of the late Colonel
Roosevelt, and a prominent
Ohio member of Congress, discussed
the Knox resolution while making
an inspection of the Hog Island ship
yard with a party of his colleagues.
He declared the League of Nations
question to be a National and not
a party concern. As to President
Wilson's recommendation to Con
gress that the prohibition of beer
and light wines be called off, Mr.
Longworth was of the opinion that
the President had "passed the buck."
Continuing, he said:
"The President has the au
thority to call off the war-time
prohibition law, and it was
merely 'passing the buck' for
him to refer the matter to Con
gress. We will take no action
in the matter, and there is no
doubt that the country will be
come bone dry on July 1."
Yet there are those of the Presi
dent's political household who would
have us believe that it is an exhibi
tion of rank partisanship to even
suggest that President Wilson is
responsible for anything save the
most sublime idealism and unselfish
His ground and lofty tumbling on
the liquor question has not been
forgotten by his countrymen, and
it is going to be difficult for the
absent occupant of the White House
to put upon Congress the onus of
repealing the prohibition regulation.
Manifestly, the Senate and House are
determined to sit tight on this issue
and allow the President to meet it
as he prefers when he returns to
the home station.
As to the investigation by Con
gress of waste ar.-d inefficiency by
the Democratic administration it is
the opinion of the leaders in both
the Senate and House that the probe
will be inserted without fear or favor
and with a view to uncovering the
important facts for the information
of the people.
Generally speakir/g, public senti
ment favors only such investigations
as seem to be demanded by flagrant
abuse of power during the war. but
deprecates purely partisan activities
at Washington during the recon
struction period. What most people
want is a resumption of the normal
conditions as speedily as possible.
Those who knew Harrisburg in the
old days and who now return as vis
itors never cease to sing the praises
of a transformed inland city.
Among those most enthusiastic in
commendation of the new Harrisburg
is Senator Penrose. He remembers
the overgrown town of an earlier
period and finds real pleasure in com
mending the wonderful changes and
improvements which have come
during the last eighteen or twenty
AN ART commission? for Harris
burg might relieve the City
Council of some perplexing
problems. For several years the
group of statuary presented to the
city by Mr. Hershey, the head of the
great chocolate industry, has re
posed in a warehouse waiting the
decision of the city authorities to in
stall this fine work of art in some
proper location.
Now comes another bequest pro
viding for the creation of a personal
memorial and City Council concludes
to give it a place in one of the city
parks. There are fountains and
fountains and memorials and memo
rials, but care should be exercised
that in the erection of these things
the city is not exposed to ridicule.
The parks of Harrisburg are the
property of the people and they must
be from any Improper or
doubtful memorials. As custodians
of the miviicipallty the commission
ers have jcertaiu obligations which
I cannot be disregarded without in
voking the wratji of the people. So
it is that an art commission might
be created to relieve the City Coun
cil of the responsibility involved in
the placing of public memorials and
the acceptance or rejection of be
quests providing for the placing of
fountains, statuary or any such
Every tree planted is a living me
morial of the one who does the plant
ing. Some day the people of Har
risburg are going to awake to the
importance of increasing the number
of trees we have and giving proper
attention to those which now adorn
our streets and parks.
WE WANT every citizen of Har
risburg who has a modicum
of love for the city to read
the following editorial comment on
the treeless condition of a great
park in New York city and then ap
ply this general criticism of the
New York Times to the indifference
of our own authorities to the proper
planting and care of trees in Har
It is a melancholy sight to ancient
walkers along the JLall in the Cen
tral Park to see the few poor, dilap
itated, moribund survivors of its
noble elms. Most beautiful of trees,
they are nearly all gone. All over
the Park the same process of de
forestation is visible. The great,
handsome trees, the line trunks
promising to become massive
enough in time for good old den
drophiles like Dr. Holmes to throw
his affectionate measuring tape
around—where have they gone?
Age, a wretched soil, insect pests,
the bitter cold of the winter of
1917-18, and lack of intelligent care
have done for them. An elm should
live two hundred years.
The ignorances and eccentricities
of some curious Park Commissioners,
selected, according to the good old
New Y'ork formula, for their unfit
ness, have had much to do with the
gradual, with the swift, dearboriza
tion of the Park. It was planned
as a whole. Every tree, every group
of trees, had its reason from the
point of view of the intelligent
landscape artist. Each Commis
sioner has his own notion. Some
Commissioners have seemed to re
gard the absurd shrubbery of the
beer garden as the model to be fol
lowed. Beyond the mistakes of ad
ministrators is the fact that the soil
of the Central Park is one of the
meagerest, thinnest, and meanest in
the world. That being the case, it
should be properly enriched. A park
without trees, without real, upstarrd
ing, healthy, arrogant trees, is no
park at all. For all its original
beauties, all the large genius that
planned and constructed it, the Cen
tral Park is getting to be a treeless
park. The city is rich enough. The
city has water enough. The city
has money enough to plant substan
tial trees in a soil rich enough for
them to live and thrive in. It is not
poor little wands and sticks and
treelings that the Park needs. It
needs strop-, -♦nrdy, massive trees.
They cost money. A soil worthy of
them costs money, for it must be
brought from afar. What of it? Do
we want a park or do we want a
bare stretch of shrubs and sticks and
buildings and cracked asphalt and
statues that invite the lightning?
It is inconceivable that the fla
grant indifference of our C"y Coun
cil, through its Park Department, is
based upoti a deliberate disregard
of the interests of the city in this
important matter. We prefer to be
lieve that the municipal authorities
have nt given the subject that
earnest study which it demands, but
unless there is an awakening as to
the need of more trees in Harris
burg and consistent care of those
which we have, the next generation
is going to remember with contempt
officials who had so little thought of,
their children and their children's
There are hundreds of fine young i
trees in the Island Park nursery!
and these should have been set outj
this spring. As to the care of the]
trees in the parks and along our]
sidewalks, it may be said that a city j
forester was recently appointed at
an annual salary of $1,200, but with I
practically no provision for the con
duct of his bureau.
It should not be necessary to re
sort to the town meeting form, of
protest against obvious municipal
derelictions, but there is a smolder
ing fire of criticism which is likely
to burst forth and make uncomfort
able those responsible for failure in
Nothing is more expressive of the
true American sportsmanship than
the generous applause on this side for
Alcock's achievement in flying across
the Atlantic.
newspaper writers and politi
cal observers have assumed
from President Wilson's recent ut
terances in France that he has taken
himself out of the race for next
year's Democratic nomination. They
should scan his words more closely.
"It is very delightful for one thing,
if I may say so," said Mr. Wilson,
"to know that my Presidency is not
ahead of me." But there is nothing
definite about that. He might an
nounce to-morrow his candicacy for
a third term and violate not a
single public utterance that he has
ever made.
President Wilson may or may not
run again. If he attempts it, he
may find opposition in his own party,
although not sufficient to prevent
his nomination. Unquestionably, he
will be governed by circumstances.
Neither precedent, nor tradition,
mean anything to him. He will
do next year what he deems it ex
pedient from a political standpoint
to do. except that he will hardly
chance the risk of anything that
smacks of the possibility of culmin
ating his public career in personal
Harrlsburg will erect a memorial to
its soldiers which will be at once dig
nified and appropriate. A city which
made so fine a record In the war
may be trusted to commemorate In a
fitting manner the achievements of
Its brave sons
If =l
T>*utu* Lk
By the Ex-Committeeman
Unless it is found necessary to
recall the Philadelphia charter bill
from the Governor for purposes of
amendment the final scenes in the
protracted procedure to give the
State metropolis a new charter were
enacted yesterday afternoon in the
Legislature. The bill which has been
the chief thing in State politics for
weeks and weeks and which has
held up the session of 1919 more
than anything else, ought to be well
on its way to the Governor's desk
by this time.
The report of the c6mmittee of
conference was printed and sub
mitted to the two houses yesterday.
There was some discussion and one
negative vote in the Semite and no
decision and no negative votes in
the House. The House vote on the
measure seemed indicative of the
general relief that it had been en
acted because it was 187 to 0.
The conference report on the reg
istration bills, which are a part of
the Philadelphia legislation, has not
yet been submitted and the Wood
ward and Daix bills were on the
calendar of the House to-day.
—Woman suffragists are jubilant
to-day over the prospects for ratifi
cation of the Federal amendment.
The reporting out of the Phipps
amendment caused some heaitburn.
ings and the militant b.uich was in
clined to be more or less joyous over
the developments.
—One thing seemed to be settled
about the Capitol and that is that
the organization of the new National
Guard of Pennsylvania will not be
attended by the same making of po
litical appointments as character
ized the selection of the officers of
the Reserve Militia. The Militia ap
pointments in a number of cases
were made by the Governor's office
and the Adjutant General was a
mere rubber stamp. One case is well
remembered where .a man in the
seventies was named. The appoint
ments were dragged out over a long
period of time and there was sharp
criticism of the military authorities,
which the present administration is
resolved shall not occur in its time.
—Amendments were made to the
Woodward ballot-marking bill to
cure a defect when the bill was
reached on the House calendar. The
changes, according to Mr. Ramsey,
Delaware, who presented them, pro
vide that when a group of candi
dates. such as Congress-at-Large, is
on a ballot, a voter must mark each
one of his preferences if he goes
outside of his party column.
—Practical jokers in the House
caused Speaker Spangler to take ac
tion at the evening session. Several
members received notes asking them
to take the chair temporarily, the
notes bearing the Speaker's signa
ture. Four went up at intervals and
were surprised when told they had
not been summoned. Finally the
Speaker announced that when he
wanted a relief corps he would give
personal notice.
—Democrats of the State are tak
ing a special interest in the dinner
to be given to Attorney General A.
Mitchell Palmer at Scranton next
week. The dinner is also being
watched by Republicans because it
is expected that it will be the launch
ing of the boom of the Attorney
General for the Presidential nomina
tion of the Democrats. The interest
of the Democrats depends on which
side of the party fence they stand.
There are some who would like to
have the Attorney General given a
great ovation and there are others
who are hoping for a frost.
—The Scranton Republican, which
is inclined to be conservative, has
this to say about the preparations
for the big Democratic event: "The
four arranging committees, with a
total membership of approximately
200, include practically every Demo
crat of prominence in the county.
E. J. Lynett will head the reception
committee, while Postmaster John J.
Durkin will be chairman of the din
ner committee. The committee on
invitations will be in charge of P. J.
Nealis, and James T. McGinnis will
head the committee on seating. The
list of guests is expected to run close
to 800. In addition to Attorney Gen
eral Palmer, Secretary of Labor
XV. B. Wilson and a number of
Democratic congressmen from the
State, in addition to other party
notables will be in attendance. At
torney Joseph O'Brien will be chair
man and County Chairman Joseph
E. Brennan, chairman of the even
—Major W. G. Murdock, who had
charge of State draft headquarters
during the wan was here this week
visiting friends at the Capitol. The
major, who is widely known, is at
work on a history of the operation
of the draft in Pennsylvania.
—The ease with which the Auditor
General's bills went through the
House yesterday was the cause of
much comment. There were reports
that a number of members were go
ing gunning for them with large
sized fowling pieces, but Chairman
Hugh A. Dawson, of the ways and
means committee, found that he had
very little to worry about.
—Goverhor Sproul is in Chester
to-day and there are no people hunt
ing him about appointments or
places in the State government or
bills. He will be back again to
—John Hamilton, secretary of ag
riculture under the Stone administra
tion. was among visitors to the Cap
itol yesterday. He met a number of
friends among the rural members
and was given a cordial greeting.
—Chairman W. F. Stadtlander's
position that what happens in a com.
mittee room is privileged, sustain®*
yesterday by Speaker Snangler, was
the cause of considerable comment
on the Hill last night. As a mat
ter of fact, 'hat question bobs up
about once a session and is formally
ruled upon. Vet what happens and
what gets out is a matter of person
Excuse Lacks Common Sense
[From the New York Tribune]
The War Department has arrang
ed to sell 5,000,000 yards of denim
at prices ranging from 20 to 28%
cents a yard, whereas it paid from
29 to 34% cents. The government's
loss is thus about 25 per cent. But
the political influence of the farm
is large, and the farmer and the hir
ed hand insisted on their customary
But meat products, of which there
are 142.000,000 pounds in govern
ment warehouses—here is another
matter. If this great supply were
sold a break in the market might
occur, of which consumers would
get the benefit. The farmers do not
want prices to come down.
Secretary Baker gives various ex
cuses for the meat impoundment.
The latest is that the packages are
unusual and the people would not
purchase. >
Try them, Mr. Secretary,
The Industrial Titan of America
A Great Story of Pennsylvania's Wonderful Resources, by John Oliver La Gorce
Reprinted From National Geographic Mngiixinc With Special IVrmU-lon
One of the largest groups of fac
tories in, America is that which com
prises the companies classified under
the general head: Westinghouse In
dustries. One of these mammoth
plants fabricates the airbrake, to
which the w r orld owes a great debt.
It has equipped some three million
cars and perhaps a hundred thou
sand locomotives with this life-pro
tecting boon. Another of the West
inghouse group makes the switch
and signal equipment now in use on
roadbed mileage sufficient to estab
lish a ten-track line entirely around
the earth. Still another is the giant
electric machine company that cre
ates everything electrical, from a
sad-iron to a dynamo of ten thou
sand horsepower.
Overflowing With Cities
No State in the American Union
possesses so many , thriving urban
communities as Pennsylvania. With
Philadelphia not far removed from
the two-million mark in population,
and Pittsburgh driving .upward to
the three-quarters of a million, both
the east and west sections of the
Commonwealth are possessors of in
dustrial communities of first rank
in the Western World. But as these
two cities will later be the subjects
of articles to appear in the "Cities
of the Nation" series in The Geo
graphic (see "New Y'ork —Metropo-
lis of Mankind." in the July, 1918,
number, and "Chicago Today an
Tomorrow" in the January, 1919,
number), further reference will not
be made to them here.
In addition to these the State has
two other cities that have passed the
hundred thousand line, three that
are in the seventy-thousand class,
and two in the sixty-thousand class.
It has three with fifty-odd thousand
people, the same number with
forty-odd thousand, and a like
number with thirty-odd thousand.
Fourteen cities have passed their
teens and have not reached their
thirties, and thirty or more have
outgrown four figures, but have not
yet passed out of their teens.
Scranton. a Hive of Industry
Starting down the list after the
Quaker City and the Smoky City,
one comes to Scranton, situated in
the heart of the anthracite region,
in Lackawanna county.
Imagine buying power on the
basis of two dollars a ton for buck
wheat anthracite delivered at your
furnace-room door. Fancy twenty
million tons of black diamonds com
ing up out of the earth in one com
munity every twelve months. Pic
ture a people so progressive that
they raise a community fund of a
million dollars to be used in aiding
responsible industries to expand.
That's Scranton, and why it is grow
ing at feuch a rapid rate.
One factory turns out three mil
lion buttons a day. One-third of the
nation's raw silk is carded and
Washington the Farmer
(From the London Telegraph.)
George Washington's practical In
terest in agricultural affairs is
known to historians, and has often
been illustrated by letters which
have appeared in the auction room.
L&st December comment was made
on one such which brought 172
pounds in the Morrison sale. This
letter was addressed to the eminent
Scottish agricultural expert. Sit
John Sinclair, who was nearly in
duced to settle in America after
reading Washington's glowing de
scription of the fertility'and prom
ise of the "Potomack lands."
A series of twelve letters sold at
Sotheby's recently, written to Ar
thur Young, the writer on agricul
ture, will be found to enfirm the
evidence of Washington's keen in
terest in farming. Like another
Cincinnatus. Washington found
both occupation and leisure ease in
going back to the land again after
his strenuous military activities. His
first letter, August 6, 1786, was oc
casioned by Young having assisted
him to obtain "a bailiff skilled in
English husbandry," and by Young's
gift of four volumes of the "An
nals of Agriculture." He thus po
litely acknowledges this:
"I thank you for the favor of
opening* a correspondence the ad
vantages of which will be so much
in my favor. Agriculture has ever
been among the most favored of my
amusements, though I never pos
sesed much skill in the art, and nine
years' dereliction has added nothing
to a knowledge which is only per
fected by practice."
Orders for plows, seeds and other
requisites speedily followed, and De
cember 4. 1788, Washington wrote
on the. delights of farming:
"The more I am acquainted with
spooled in its metropolitan district.
Mere than half a million people live
within twenty miles of its court
house. Bees in a hive in the spring
time were never busier than the
hustling, bustling go-ahead folk of
the Electric City.
Almost at Scranton's very doors
are the famous Pocono Hills, the
Delaware Water Gap, and the lakes
of Southern New York. A city of
homes, public health is almost an
obsession with its people, and a
death rate of only thirteen per thou
sand is the result.
Hosiery and Hardware
Next in order of size comes Read
ing, the nation's second city in the
production of hosiery and builders'
hardware. With the anthracite re
gion at its back door and the splen
did farming communities of South
eastern Pennsylvania to the right
and the left and in front of it, the
city is keeping pace with its larger
neighbors in a way out of proportion
to its size. It has more than five
hundred manufacturing plants,
which make commodities ranging
from adding machines and railroad
engines to spectacles and art glass.
For the diversity of its manufac
tures, the prosperity of its people,
the advantages of its location, and
the promise of its future, Reading
is an urban community that justi
fies the pride of its citizens.
Wilkes-Barre, built upon the beau
tiful banks of the Susquehanna,
calls itself the "Diamond City."
More than three hundred thousand
people live within a radius of ten
miles of its central square. The pro
duction of anthracite coal in Lu
zerne county, of which it is the
courthouse town, is worth more than
the gold production of the United
States. Alaska included. In .the
beauty of its buildings, the charac
ter of its citizenry, the extent of its
civic development, the strength of
its financial resources, and the pro
gressiveness of its policies, the city
can stand comparison with any ur
ban community of like size any
Nowhere else in the world can
fuel for power purposes be bought
more cheaply than at Wilkes-Barre.
Black diamonds in unbelievable
quantities lie, ready to be mined, di
rectly beneath the city's factories;
and, hundreds of millions of dollars
are invested in the long list of in
dustries that seek cheap power and
make good profits here.
Who that has traveled from
Mauch Chunk to Wilkes-Barrq on
the Black Diamond or the Scranton
Flyer has not admired the day scen
ery on the one or the night scenery
on the other? Two railroads hug
the Lehigh river from Mauch Chunk
to White Haven, through as wild
a mountain region as can be found
east of the Rockies. From there
they reach the top of Nescopcck
Mountains above Penobscot by di
agricultural affairs the better I am
pleased with them. Insomuch that
I can nowhere lind so great satis
faction as in those innocent and use
ful pursuits. In indulging these
feelings X am led t6 reflect how much
more delightful to an undebauched
mind is the task of making im
provements on the earth than all
the vainglory which can be acquired
from ravaging it by the most unin
terrupted career of conquests. The
design of this observation is only to
show how much as a member of
human society I feel myself obliged
by your labors to render respecta
ble and advantageous employment
which is more congenial to the nat
ural disposition of mankind than
any other—etc."
Writing on the question of wages,
Washington stated, June 18, 1792:
"The labor in this country is
higher than it is in England I can
readily conceive. The east with
which a man can obtain land, in fee,
beyond the mountains—to which
most of that class of people go—
may be assigned as the primary
cause of it. But high wages is not
the worst evil attending the hire of
white men in the country, for being
accustomed to better fare than I be
lieve the laborers of almost any
other country, adds considerably to
the expense of employing them
Washington's love of his estate at
Mount Vernon finds .expression in a
long letter, December 12, 1793:
"No state in United America Is
more pleasantly situated than this—
It lies in a high, dry and healthy
country, three hundred miles by wa
ter from the sea—and * * * on
one of the finest rivers in the world.
Its margin is washed by more than
ten miles of tide water * * * It
is situated in a latitude between the
extremes of heat and and Is
verse routes. Behind the traveler
lies a branch of the Lehigh Valley,
with its rugged scenery, and in
front of him is the wonderful Wy
oming Valley, with collieries as
thick as hops, and Wilkes-Barre a
quarter of a mile beneath hint.
And at night, as the summit of
the mountain is passed and myriads
of lights, bright and dim, yellow and
white and blue, flash up from
Wilkes-Barre and its dozens of ad
jacent towns in the valley below,
the traveler passing that way for the
first time well may wonder whether
the heavens have of a sudden been
inverted, or whether a great silver
lake beneath him is reflecting thou
sands of stars.
How Eric Became a Part of
The story of how Erie became a
part of Pennsylvania might have
served as a tip to the Peace Con
ference on corridors'to the sea. New
York's charter defined its western
boundary as the meridian line ex
tending southward to the forty-sec
ond parallel of latitude from the
western extremity of Lake Ontario.
It was always assumed that the
Pennsylvania-New York line would
extend directly into Lake Erie, and
that therefore the Erie site and
Presque Isle belonged to New York.
But the actual survey revealed the
fact that there was a small triangle
that did not belong to either State.
Thereupon Massachusetts and
Connecticut both cla'med it on the
ground that the charter of the Ply
mouth Company gave them all the
land lying in their latitude as far
west as the Pacific Oceon, not pre
viously settled by other Christian
powers. After protracted negotia
tions, New York, Massachusetts and
Connecticut released their claims in
favor of the Federal Government,
which, in turn, sold the land to the
State of Pennsylvania, giving her a
harbor on the Great Lakes. How
ever, Connecticut, in consideration
of her release, reserved a tract in
Northeastern Ohio, Hence, the
Western Reserve of the Buckeye
Situated between the coal of Penn
sylvania and the ort of Minnesota,
possessed of one of the finest har
bors on the Great T>akos, Erie is
host to some five hundred manufac
turing establishments. It has the
largest horseshoe factory and the
largest pipeorgan plant in the
world, and makes more baby car
riages, gas mantles, and clothes
wringers than any other city.
It is one of the few industrial cit
ies of America that is resolved not
to neglect the esthetic side of its de
velopment. In pursuance of that
purpose, it borrowed a chapter from
the history of Chicago and created
a city planning comnvssion which
has lad out a goal for Erie to grow
up to.
(To bo Continued.)
the same distance by land and wa
ter with good roads and the best
navigation from the Federal city,
Alexandria and Georgetown * * *
The Federal city in the year 1800
will become the seat of the general
government of the United States. It
is increasing fast in buildings and
rising into consequence; and will, 1
have no doubt, from the advantages
given to it by Nature ejnd Its prox
imity to a rich interior country and
the western territory, become the
emporium of the United States."
Philadelphia carpenters will vote on
the proposition that the wage scale on
May 1 shall be 87 V 4 cents an hour.
The National War Labor Board has
ruled that the Publishers' Associa
tion of New York city shall raise
wages of its organized photo-engrav
ers $6 a week, to be effective as cf
November 20, 1918.
Officers of the United Textile
Workers say that 98 per cent, of
textile workers, especially those in
the South are always within one week
of the bread line because of long
hours and low wages.
The War Labor Board has awarded
Chicago brushmakers an increase in
wages which amounts to 10 per cent.,
with time and a half for overtime,
and retroactive from November 1,
The new working agreement be
tween the Pacific and Atlantic Coast
snipbuilders and the metal trade un
ions will affect 200,000 workers on
the East coast and about 125,000 on
the West coast.
JUNE 18, ISQ9.
No Wonder Germany Quit
THERE was an old soldier, a
man with about twenty years
service and a very line shot, in
one of my companies in France,"
said Major Frank C. Mahin, of the
Army Recruiting Office, 325 Mar
ket street, "who was my mainstay as
a sniper. The old hoy was abso
lutely fearless, but unfortunately was
very deaf. He got to sneaking clear
over into the Bochc lines in broad
daylight to snipe, and I got wor
ried for fear the Boclie would come
up behind him some bright day,
without his hearing them, and pro
ceed to gobble him up, so I detailed
a man to invariably accompany him
to act as his rear guard. Would
you believe it, that old fellow got
to cutting so many notches in his
gun stock that I began to doubt his
word, so made him bring in the
dead Boche and let an officer see
the body before I gave him 'official
credit' for another. When we left
the quiet sectors he had 'official
credit' for seven but claimed about
seventy. The bunch finally got so
crazy about sniping Germans that
one day 1 found—right in the mid
dle of the day—that my front line
trenches were almost deserted;
every one was either out in No
Man's Band or over in the Boche
trenches. Then and there I put
sentries on duty, not to keep the
Boche out of our trenches, but to
keep all our own men in them ex
cept those who had passes in writ
ing authorizing them to go out into
No Man's Land. You remember
reading how the Americans owned
No Man's Land. Well, we did! We
owned it not only by night, but by
day as well. I remember, though,
one evening when that old sniper
lost his goat. I wanted to do some
harassing fire with the Stokes mor
tars, and in order to get accuracy
we decided to fire four shots into a
certain spot in the German trenches
as test shots, so two mortars were
set up and they fired one shot each:
'Pop, Pop.' Then we waited for the
burst. Fourteen seconds later, right
in the spot we wanted to hit, the two
shells burst; in fourteen and one
tenth seconds two wild figures ap
peared, the old sniper and his rear
guard, not running but flying. A
trench intervened, they took it in a
stride; a thirty-foot belt of barb
wire appeared, they soared over it
like miniature airplanes; tangled
masses of barb wire and chevqua
de-frise were cleared as though
they didn't exist. Then they hit a
down slope leading to our wire and
trenches and when those two men
hit that slope they opened up the
throttle, cut-out and the suffler and
really traveled. We were all so fas
cinated by their unprecedented
burst of speed we forgot entirely to
fire the other two shells."
"Japan and World Peace," by K.
K. Kawakaml, author of "Japan in
World Politics," etc. In this book,
Mr. Kawakami gives what may be
regarded as an inside view of the
present policies of Japan. He dis
cusses the race issue, the Chinese
situation, Japan's position 'as a
member of the League of Nations,
the control of the South Pacific
Islands, Siberian intervention, and
the effect of German defeat upon
Japanese politics. Mr. Kawakami,
who will be remembered as the au
thor of "Japan in World Politics,"
has established a reputation for con
scientious, sincere and candid criti
cism. He does not hesitate to point
out errors which Japanese states
man have made, nor does he hesi
tate to deal, with equal frankness,
with China's mistakes. His book Is
a readable and important contribu
tion to the literature on interna
tional relations. (The MacMillian
Company, New York, publishers.)
"The Undying Fire." by H. G.
Wells. Mr. Wflls has taken a great
spiritual conflict as the theme of his
novel. This he has made vivid and
compelling through characters
drawn with his usual penetration
and insight and through incidents of
a highly dramatic nature.
Job Huss is as commanding a fig
ure as has appeared In any of the
author's books. Unreasoned faith
and agnosticism alike fail to move
him: and in the end, like Job of old,
he is rewarded.
Man must fight and move forward
because there Is some God-given
thing in his heart that impels him
—this is Mr. Wells' message back
of his story. (The MacMlllan Com
pany, publishers.)
Itentng (Elfat |
Friends of Frank Bell, formerly
of this city utid now a member ofl
the board of lectureship of thai
Christian Science Church, will betf
interested to know that fee will epenifl
the coming winter in South Africa*.
Mr. 801 l was for years legislatives
correspondent of the Philadelphia,
North American and recognized l a*
one of the best posted men lis
Pennsylvania in State affairs, l&tegt
becoming managing editor of thai
Harrisburg Telegraph. Several yeara
ago he was selected as one of thai
lecturers and has traveled exten
sively in the United Stdtea and!
Canada, recognized as one of thai
best lecturers of the church. Hei
spoke here a few yeais ago. Re
cently Mr. Bell was tendered ap
pointment as one of the editors ofl
the Christian Science Sentinel, but:
declined. The visit he will make toi
South Africa is in response to calla
in connection with church work.
• •
Phil S. Moyer, who in all prob&t
bility will be the Republican candi*
date for district attorney the coming
Fall, is one of the most, popular pa
triotic speakers in Dauphin county
For many years back he has deliv
ered a Memorial speech as regularly
as the anniversary rolls around ant
there have been few July Fourthl
in recent times that have found hia
silent. Mr. Moyer is no hit or mfea
speaker. He is a student of oratffj
and as a result his addresses are al
ways a delight to those fortumt<
enough to hear them and all his 'ef
erences are historically coned;
which is more than can be said foi
some speakers who think that .act*
may be juggled to suit the occtsiog
so long as the eloquence is pro
nounced enough. Aside from Lieu
tenant-Governor Beidleman it is
likely that no man in Dauphin
county has spoken in so many differ
ent districts and under more varied
• * *
If the strawberries were hird hil
by the rain, and it is a fact thai
many growers did not harvest mors
than a fourth of the normtl crop,
the mulberry crop is above pir. The
trees in many localities are loaded
to the ground and the birds ere hav.
ing the time of their young lives,
for very few farmers take the pains
to shoo a flock of blackbirds or rob.
ins from the mulberry trees. It is
said that pie made from a combina.
tion of raspberries and mulberries
is delicious and can be made with
little or no sugar.
Auditor General Charles A. Sny
der was the recipient a short tims
ago of the four largest trout caught
in the upper end of Dauphin county
this year. The largest measured
15% inches and the four weighed
nearly nine pounds. The Audjtoi
General's friends have not forgotten
that ho was born in their part ol
Dauphin county and they hail him
as an old neighbor when he goes
back there for a short visit on his
way from Harrisburg to his home in
Pottsville. which is frequent. He is
still very much interested in Dau
phin county affairs and is one of ths
most ardent advocates of the Cap
itol Park developments in this city,
which he hopes to see one of ths
monuments to his career on the HilL
• *
The boys of the Y. M. C. A. as
beginning to ask Arch Dinsmore,
the boys' work director, when ths
annual camp is to be held and Dins
more says the boys' work committes
is almost ready to announce its
plans. He has been hampered by
the recent drive for funds which h
engineered in the absence of General
Secretary Reeves, on sick leave, but
he and members of his committes
have made many journeys into ths
country about Harrisburg and a
number of likely spots have been
picked from which to choose. Ths
camp last year was a most delight,
ful affair. It was located near Liv.
crpool along the Susquehanna but
on account of the fact that the rivei
is too swift and shallow there foi
either good swimming or boating
near at band another location is be
ing sought. It is likely that thers
will be a week's camp for youngei
boys, 10 to 12. another camp foi
older boys and perhaps still anothet
for boys or men of some other groun
that may express a desire for a week
or two in the open.
The Scranton Republican has this
to say about a man much in the pub.
be ,eyr and who is also well known
to many people in Harrisburg:
"Brigadier General J. E. Erwin, who
has come into prominence through
leading a force of American troops
across the border, to disperse Villa
men who had been firing: into El
Paso, is ouite well known in Scran,
ton. being the cavalry officer Who
eorne here in 1017 to muster the 'old
Thirteenth Rec'ment into the Fed.
oral service. He accompanied th
Thirteenth home from its pro.
tracted period of service on the Mex
ican border, as a result of the Villa
raids. Before he could complete his
work here a state of war was de
clared with Mexico and he was kepi
here to inspect the Thirteenth pre
vious to its transfer to Camp Han.
cock. He made his home here fot
several weeks and is pleasantly re.
membered by a number of well,
known men, with whom he becama
acquainted. He was with Pershing
when that general came into promt
nence through leading: American
troops into Mexico after Villa. H
was in charge of a large force ol
troops overseas during the European
—John J. Coyle, former Senato*
from Schuylkill, was among visitor*
to the Capitol yesterday for a timet
—George D. Robb, principal ol
Altoona High School, has been given
an honorary degree by Franklin and
—Dr. George P. Bckraan, ol
Scranton, has been chosen to dellveg
the commencement sermon at West
leyan University.
—John Mitchell, in a letter td
friends in the anthracite region, sayn
that there will be no trouble If or.
ganized efforts are made to give
men Jobs. y
—Col. John S. Fair, former Afc
toona newspaperman, has been
named on the army remount board.
—That Harrisburg used to have 1
a large horse and cattle tradtj
and still has the railroad facillJ ;
tics for it? !
Maclaysburg remained separate
from Harrisburg for ten or more
years after the town was laid oug
It is now the center of the dtp. |j