STORE CLOSES •. STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX BEIL 1991—2354 UNITED HAIUUSBURG, TUESDAY, JUNE IT, ltll FOUNDED 1871 5 Have You Seen a Bowman's New Shoe Department - " Since It Was Placed Under New Management Women's And Restocked With New Shoes? ' Cl p* not ' ou ave m i sse d seeing as fine of a stock of Women's and Children's Shoes as can be found in Central Pennsylvania. That y-Ni •t 1 is. of the new, snappy summer styles, the only kind you are interested in at the present time. The serviceable kind by dependable mak- Y Mll fl UP'tl Q Whether you wish the White Shoes that e rs. The stylish sort of shoes that meets with Fashion's most approved. It is less than three months since every pair of shoes, yes, even V_4llll vJ. 1 Cll are exceedingly popular these r Sß^™ r er co i*Ys' the shoe strings then in stock, were cleared off the shelves to make room for an entire stock of the newest obtainable. Hundreds of ° r if ■ r that Ve provided for the' women have since bought spring and summer shoes and come back with their friends —the best evidence that they were satisfied cus- 'F i 11 Cedar Chests Women's Underwear Woman s Hosiery Children's Sox Made of the very best Tennessee Cedar, some Women's fine cotton ribbed vests; low neck, sleeveless; lightweight thread silk stocking of fine gauge \\ ith flex complete range of children's socks for summer. A l£b£ lace trimmed, 69c and 79c. ble ,op and remforced lisle foot. Black and white only: full ■ , ightweight Usle f a ncy tops; sizes 4to S% 35c $22.00 to $42.00. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. tasnioned, Shirt waist boxes, bamboo trimmed, 30 to 54 inches ——-————————————————————J BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. . BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. long. Some with trays, very well made, $3.50 to $16.00. _ ——————— r°" r ' h "7 : Cleanup Sale Of White Goods And Bathing Materials Wedding Gift Suggestions Muslin Sheeting Silk, Mohair And Venetians That Are Useful After our Anniversary Sale we find some of the stock that was delayed in transit, left over. In order to The Bathing season always . , make a quick cleanup of these specials, they are marked in many instances less than today's wholesale prices. causes a big demand for ma- When the friends of the June bride are in quest of appro- terials most suitable to with priate gifts, we would suggest for consideration the innum- White Nainsook; fine quality, the very thing for infants' 1000 yards bleached muslin and nainsook in remnant length; stand the constant hard /il erable gift suggestions that are practical as well as attractive. and children's summer wear, per yard, 10c. 30 inches wide; good quality, yard, 10c. ' s , . . f An entire basement filled with just such things as every I White Lawn; assorted grades; all of fine quality, per yard, 1800 yards 36-inch bleached muslin and cambrics of fine wear caused irom continual A' s \ woman knows is appreciated. 17c. quality in lengths of 2to 6 yards, yard, 19c. wetting and wringing but V BbT ..v/ \ Set of Carvers, knife, fork and steel, made of Sheffield steel Pajama check; 36 inches wide; good practical quality, per 300 yards 45-inch sheeting; Dwight Anchor brand; one of never forgetting the becom- u \ with stay handles, $2.50. yard. 19c. ..... th . e best malces 1 elegant for pillow cases, bolster cases and ingness and comfort obtained I Kenney Needle Shower; fits any bath tub faucet and does White mercerized voile; 45 inches wide, good quality; per crib sheets; yard, 39c. f . fahrir* we have a n-L /&' iwll away with the old rubber curtain style shower. $7.50. yard, 29c. 2% yards wide bleached Dwight Anchor sheeting; none , , , Tn [m u Table Bread Board with forged steel; saw edge blade, $1.75. Extra fine nainsook; 36 inches wide, per yard, 39c. better, no dressing, yard, 69c. ticipatea your wants an tit W -—"Jp Oval Pyrex Glass Casserole, mounted in rich nickel frame, BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. choice is varied. y n ... , , ,• , , , , ~ ~~' " 36-inch Black or Navy Traveling Bag; genuine cowhide, leather lined, brass lock T\ tai y-, . c .. . . . J and catches; 18-in. size, $2.50. PlirP rlllfYWQ Satins; good stout . weaves, 1 doz. Doulton cups and saucers; well known Mandarin lUIC V ICIjJ rillOWfr V>UrUtlllb yard, $1.95 to $3.00. decoration Sl2 00 1 doz. Doulton Sandwich plates. $8.75. A shipment of pure floss pillows just been received. Each Large assorment of plain and fancy figured Marquisette yard 'B9c crr ' n^bonc str 'P e Mohair, The Old Reliable, 7-piece Rich Cut Glass Water Set, $10.50. pillow is filled with Java Kapok (Pure Floss), free from any in white, ivory and ecru; 36 to 50 inches wide. These are - ifi'inrh' Naw nr RlarL rKiff™ ' les metal, glass Each of these pillows are Perfection Brand; Just the thing Sc " m * Mar 9 uise tte and Voile curtains in white, ivory and g9c to $2 . 5 0. ' ' g g ' y ' :>r silk shades. S/.00 to $20,00. for the canoe> porch> outing etC ( 75c and $1 m ecru m plain, tched lace and msertion trimmed; some 54 _ inch Fine An Wool Jersey cloth; 1Q d colors and BOWMAN'S —Basement. BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. with hlet medallions, $1.50 to $6.50. very suitable weight, yard, $2.50. ' . ——■———— — BOW MAN S Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. ! The Two p Piece Shirtwaist Dress $10.50 I "That Is The New Silhouette" I Both new and summery in tissue, organdy and voile. SHH These con,e in str 'P es - checks and P lain materials with BHEH saleswoman explained to the attractive woman trying on a new BilKB attractive collars of pique and organdie. Skirts tricked gown. Then she added consohngly, as the customer regarded her- Jr vS an< pja'm crushed belts fastened with large self in the mirror with some doubt "You'll get used to it, and ] throughmat' leather Reason!' Prophetic words! For when six or seven new models had been / X hi j jjm °n, creations of the most distinguished dress artists, she was wide variety to choose from. The present day silhouette styles more than ever before need mL,V )° .u i CpO.OU 1 O PM/ USBBM Redfern will be very satisfactory. jl BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. ' v 'tTGT 7TS3 T e ' BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. JfecU/l/YlS' TUESDAY EVENING, &UUUSBURO TEEEGBaPH JUNE 17, 1919. 3