Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 16, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 ■PLAN TOWNS FOR SICK SOLDIERS TO RECUPERATE ■Victims of Tuberculosis Due to War, to Be Given Chance j Atlantic City, - June 16.—Special j reconstruction towns may be estab ! lished by the government in the near future, where soldiers suffering from tuberculosis can regain their health 1 and at the same time work at light trades to At themselves for ft full return to Industrial life, said Colo nel Estes Nichols, commandant of I the United States Army General . Hospital No. 16 at New Haven, Conn., in an address at the annual meeting of the National Tuberculosis Association to-day. "This is being considered," he says, "as a part of Uncle Sam's plan 1 for vocational re-education which, since the armistice, has for its pur pose the fitting of men disabled by ' the war for new occupations in civil life." / The idea of special communities ; for these men and their families has been advanced by Captain F. A. Waugh of the United States Sanitary Corps, and would be for the purpose of bridging over the gap between • sanatorium treatment and full re turn to industry. Locate in Forests "These towns," said Colonel Nich , ols, "might be located upon lands in '•the national forests. This would ! permit of the setting up of attrac tive and healthful wood-working ire- Ldustrles for the patients and afford >an opportunity for them to retain permanent control of land holdings 'after they were cured. "No matter where these towns ■ jnlght be located proper medical su pervision would be necessary," he said, "but. whereas, medical treat •jnent has 'first place ire sanatorium care of sufferers from tuberculosis, productive industry would take pre cedence in the proposed reconstruc tion towns. These communities would require financial assistance at first but might eventually become self-supporting." Surgeon B. J. Lloyd, of the United States public health service said the 'building of the Panama Canal was fbut ft day's work in comparison to tthe task of eradicating tuberculo sis. Philadelphia Bills in the Final Stages "X hope to see the Legislature . clean up all the Philadelphia bills, : charter and registration bills, to 'znlght and to-morrow. I can see •no reason for any further delay and ■think that the two houses will act •-promptly." said Senator Boies Pen- )TOS© to-day soon after his arrival lere. The Senator was in confer ence with a number of legislators and urged that the work of the ses sion be expedited. Conferences will be held to-day "between Governor Sproul and legis native leaders in regard to the -woman suffrage amendment ratifi cation resolution and it would sur •*prise no one at the Capitol if the tresolution reached the Senate for ictlon this week. Many Inquiries were being made at the Capitol to-day as to what .. faction was being taken by other ''-States. It is also likely that an agreement -will be reached this week on amend ments to the workmen's compensa "tion bill. Chairman W. J. McCaig to-day "held final conferences with heads of J-departments on the general appro priation bill. Officers of the Public Service Commission discussed the "bill with him. The plan is to report ont the bill to-night if it can be •completed. Railroad Notes Reading employes are now re ceiving their semi-monthly pay in 'checks and vouchers. The pay is distributed personally to the men, who no longer wait on the paycar. On Sunday June 22. the Reading -will run a one-day excursion to New r^ork. The order to cut Reading shop inen on short time has been recalled. -They will work 45 hours each week. , Morgan Hartman, a familiar flg /trre to railroad men who has been at Alburtls nearly 48 years station agent, has been placed on /the pension roll by the Reading. WheHartman family has had charge '.of that station since it was estab lished. Members of Local No. 315, Fed ueration of Railway Employes of jXebanon, will hold their annual out- Jin g at Coney Island, New York, Ijjane 15. Eleven crews are now working on Lebanon Division of the Penn fsylvania Railroad. 1 The date of the next meeting of "the Freindship and Co-operative >Club is Thursday. June 26. Tndi ycations are that it will be some /meeting. QORENESS _7 1 in joint* or mas cles, giv* ft brisk lgfS, mssssgs with — jfj/j™ vicks vaporuelsT *yOUR. L BODYGUARD--30r. 60MWCI EAT . With False Teeth? \ SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder . ijy*" 'l*™. " ram*. "4 If you> ... _ law* -uv?'" drops, get insir relic" u?i Dr. Wernet's Powder for false *.et ,h. You can eat, laugh, talk with et se. Guaranteed by Wemet Dental Mfg. Co.. 136 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, A $ 1.00. At Drug Stores. Refuse all others the original powder, ' MONDAY EVENING, Soldiers From Carlisle Hospital and Their Hosts at Vaughn Villa Taken After Saturday's Big Feast i - Photo by Roahon. GERMANY PLEADS FOR "PEACE OF JUSTICE" In Reply to Peace Treaty, Submitted at Versailles, She Asks For Return to Original Terms That Allies Proposed at Time Armistice Was Signed ■Ry Associated Press. Paris, June 16.—The German re ply to the Peace Treaty submitted at Versailles on May 7, maintains that the enemies of Germany have forsaken the peace of justice to which they had pledged themselves in the armistice negotiations, for a peace of might. The reply, an official summary of which was made public here to day, protests against the proposed terms individually and collectively, and demands a return to the original agreements. It presses for verbal negotiations, and states that Ger many expects justice on a basis of equality and reciprocity. The reply follows the lines of the summary of the German counter proposals given out in Berlin at about the time they were presented. Covers 119 Pages The document covers one hundred and nineteen pages and Includes a covering letter by Count Von liyoek dorfT-Rantzau under date of May 29, which has already been published, and a second section of comments following Jrho main outline 'of the original draft treaty. Two separate papers on legal and financial ques tions are included as part of the general reply. Both English and French translations have been fur nished in pamphlet form, the former totalling about 60,000 words. The reply begins with a detailed analysis of the legal basis of peace, alleges a flagrant series of contra dictions to this basis and points out that the results would he the com plete enslavement of the German people and the betrayal of all the world's cherished hopes of peace. In the counter-proposals Germany demands immediate admission to the League of Nations as part of tho spirit of the armistice agreement and as necessary for the acceptance of the proposed military, naval and air terms. She then analyzes the ter ritorial changes demanded, claiming that the right of self-determination has been wilfully violated through out. V Germany bitterly assails the aboli tion of all German rights outside of Europe as irreconcilable with the preliminary negotiations and as wholly impossible to a great people, who not only have supreme needs for markets and supplies, but who have shown themselves capable of sharing the world's task of colonization. Germany is wholly unable to ac cept the reparations commission set up by the Allies as involving an in fringement of her sovereignty, but LONDON IS JUBILANT OVER AIR VICTORS (Continued From First. Page) landed Mv radiator shutter and water temperature indicator were covered with ice four or five hours Lieutenant Brown continually had climb up in the fuselage to chip oft the ice with a knife. The air speed indicator also gave trouble. being full of frozen particles. which came out when we descended to a lower altitude an hour before mcicers Captain Alcock said the \ '„ to Company was sending two me selvage the damaged bip ane but he expressed the opinion that the 30 would require several men •and th they would have to lay a track get the machine out °LA h( ? hog. Thirsty During I'light The aviators said they did not feel hungry during the flight, Alcock ia. "we spoke to each other through the communication telephones, hut these broke down after four houn ■ had to discard them. Then I had to shout to Lieutenant Brown. Most of our 'conversation' consisted of tap ping each other on the " houlder d going through the motions of dnnk iD When the Vtckers-Vimy biplane waTflrst sighted croslng the Irish coast, says a dispatch to the Eknly Mail from Clifton. Galway, an air plane flew out from th ° l ' an T, e airdrome to render assistance. This machine landed near the Vimy. but' was wrecked, owing to the softness of the ground. _ t When the Vickers-Vlmy machine landed. Lieut. Arthur W. "rown. tlie navigator, said to Captain Alcock. "What do you think of tbat for fancy navigating' and the pilot the machine responded: "Very good." The two men who had just completed an epoch-making voyage then shook hands. When assistance reached the ma chine. the two aviators were helped to the ground and it was found that Lieut. Brown was sightly Injured on the nose and mouth by Bie Jolt given the machine when it struck the ground. Both men were deaf and dazed and were unable to walk steadily for some minutes. They quicklv recovered, however, and were escorted to the wireless station in triumph, being given the best hos pitality available. They distributed eigarets as souvenirs and gave away the small dog and cat which were mascots during the trip. Equipment Rainsoakcd The entire equipment was ra '"" soaked by the downpour during the journey. Describing the trip, the aviators said they had a very trying ordeal, Captain Alcock saying that the sun came out only once when the biplane i had attained a height of 11,000 feet. ' Only three astronomical observations I -rere possible during the voyage. The altitude of the machine varied from ' a few feet from the water up to proposes a co-operative German commission to work alongside it. She acepts responsibility only for civilian losses in occupied Belgium and France and agrees to maximum payments of one hundred billion marks, provided the other terms as to colonies, overseas trade and ter ritories are accepted as she p'roposes. As to deliveries of ships, raw ma terials an 4 machinery, Germany can meet the Allied claims only in part, largely because of decreased pro duction. Germany demands that in the economic provisions she be treated on a basis of equality and reciproc ity and not in the one sided way out lined. She agrees to freedom of traf fic on German rivers and within Ger many, but always on condition that there be no interference with Ger man sovereignty. Similarly with the renewal of treaties lapsed through the war, she expects reciprocal treatment, rather than the assump tion by the Allies of the right to say what engagements are or are not to become operative again. Oppose Ex-Kaiser's Trial The Germans refuse to accept the trial of the former German Emperor, or to sanction his extradition from Holland, on the ground that no Ger 'man subject can be brought before a foreign court without an established law or legal basis. Similarly she can not agree to extradite other subjects accused of violations of the laws andj customs of war. i Instead, Germany proposes an international court of neutrals to judge the fact of crime, the punish ment to remain with the national courts. The labor clauses are not satis factory to Germany and as a result she again proposes an international conference to examine the Allied and associated proposals, the German proposals and the Berne resolutions. A bitter protest is entered against the occupation of the Rhine prov inces and the demand made that all Allied troops be withdrawn with in six months of peace. The occupa tion as proposed, it is contended, would break up German economic life and allow the prejudicing of Ger man interests in favor of France and Belgium. The summary makes no attempt to criticise any statements of facts or figures made'in the reply, inasmuch as the German delegation alone is responsible for them. It is stated that many of them, especially as to the eastern frontier are disputable, if not absolutely incorrect. 13,000 feet and the fliers never sighted a single ship. "I did not know once during the' night whether I was upside down or not," said Captain Alcock. "Once we ascended hurriedly when we saw the green Atlantic only 30 feet be low." Would Have Turned I tack The breaking away of the propel ler generating current for the wire less apparatus soon after the start prevented communication with the shore. When it happened, Lieut. Brown noticed that the propeller had carried away with it one of the stay wires, but he did not tell Cap- I tain Alcock until after they had landed at Clifden. When Alcock learned of the incident, he said: "I would have turned back, had I knowm" Weather conditions were very bad during the trip and Lieut. Brown had to climb from his sfeat to clear the ice away from the petrol gauge. "Enough Flying for a Bit" After breakfast to-day, Lieut. Brown went to bed, while Captain Alcock inspected the machine. The lieutenant, however, was unable to sleep and soon got up. By noon both werO looking perfectly well. Cap tairr Alcock wanted to fly to England in a borrowed plane, but his com panion observed: "I have had enough flying for a bit." Captain Alcock exhibited a bunch of rain-soaked letters which he had been asked to mail if the flight was successful, saying: 'I am the first trans-Atlantic postman." Once in Itcal Danger The aviators said they were only once in real danger, when the ma-, chine went Into a flat spin, owing to the pilot being unable to know how the machine was moving. Lieut. Brown noticing that the compass needle was swinging from side to side —the first indication that something was wrong—managed to get Captain Alcock to understand the difficulty. The machine travelled at a rate of 140 miles air hour at times and the pilot once found himself diving straight toward the surface of the ocean. He was so near the water that he had to "snatch" the ma chine from its dive so quickly that it almost looped the loop. He says the machine would have crumpled up had it touched the water at the speed it was then travelling. MANY CHARITIES REPORT Reports for May from the Asso ciated Aid Societies of Harristsrrg show 182 cases handled. The num ber of visits in the Interest of fami lies and children were 262. The forty-sixth National Conference of Social Work, held at Atlantic City, was attended by Miss Glenn Gott schall. Miss Mary Petffer, Miss Edith Young and Miss Emma Fulton. W. C. T. r. TO MEET The Harrishurg Women's Chris tian Temperance Union will meet to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ronumus, 816 Capital street. District captains and officers will attend. YANKEES CLEAR TOWN OF MEXICAN REBELS (Continued Front First Page) trymen, sent across the border just before midiniight to stop the firing into El by Mexican rebels, are in flight southeast of Juarez, head ed toward Guadalupe, opposite Fa bens, Texas, 32 miles from here. United States cavalry are in closo pursuit. Information as to the locatloin of rebel troops was brought here by a Carranza captain, who had Just been in contact with the Villa forces. Officers of the Twenty-fourth in fantry (colored), who were in*-con tact with the rebels early to-day, confirmed this. Gonzales Returns Major General Francisco Gon zales returned to Jaurez to-day and resumed command of the Federal troops which remained after American soldiers entered. Upon the occupation of Juarez by the Americans Genera! Gonzales with drew toward Samalayuca to prevent any clashes between the American and Mexican government troops be cause of mistaken identity or pur pose. General Gonzales was assured by | Lieutenant Cox, aid-de-camp to General Erwin, that he would be given every eonsidieration. His officers and men who lrad been tem porarily detained at the United States immiigration station were released. \ Up to t'arranza "This is a matter for my superior officers and for my president to consider," General Gonzales said. "I am not in position to impose my own views upon the situation, although I did not and do not yet think the"crossing of the American forces was necessary for the de feat of the Villa forces, as my forces defended the town most bravely." Tt was announced that the 70 Villa prisoners had been ' taken south wi-th General Gonzales' col umn and that eight of the officers of Villa's command made prisoners had been executed. It was also stated that the body of Manuel Cas tro, a Villa general, had been found in the trenches east of town. Villa Loses Many Men The number of .Villa rebels killed during the engagement was placed at 200 by the Federals, while 70 were wounded, they said. They said they had no estimate of their own losses. The American troops, mostly Twenty-fourth infantrymen, guard the American approaches to the in ternational bridge to-day, while Mexican soldiers stand guard at the Mexican end of the bridge. One American officer in command of the colored infantry company told ol' liis experience during the lighting with the rebels last night, lie said one hand of rebels held tip their hands in token of surrender, then opened fire on the Americans at close range. All the rebels' band were killed. Erwin Makes Statement In announcing his action in or dering Americans into Mexico, Brig adier General Erwin, in a formal statement, said he had done so to prevent the indiscriminate firing into El Paso by rebel soldiers, endan gering the lives of Americans. "As soon as the Villistas have been dispersed and the safety _pf the citizens of El Paso has been as sured, then the troops of my com mand will he withdrawn to the American side of the border," he said. Major General Deßosey Cabell, commander of the Southern Depart ment of the army, is expected to ar rive here to-day from San Antonio. An American soldier shot and | killed a Mexican sniper who fired on him from the top of an adobe house at the intersection of Ninth and Stanton streets, this morning. Orders have been given for the American soldiers to shoot all snipers. A woman and another Mexican who were on the roof .with the sniper were captured. Heavy Storms Bring Much Rain and Wind Rain, thunder, lightning, hail and high winds figured in two heavy storms that passed over Harrisburg last evening and Saturday evening. Considerable damage was reported in and about Harrisburg and throughout the counties. East night's storm was moro se vere, and brought darkness in many sections, prevented church services in the suburban districts and held up trolley traffic. Trees were blown down in the parks and along tho river road. The total rainfall during the two storms was nearly one and a half inches. The total last evening was .93 of an inch. Damage Across the River Along the Marysville line of tho Valley Railways Company there wero washouts at Enola, West Fairview and near Marysville. Wormleysburg and Camp Hill were without lights for some time. At Oyster's Point a number of Locust trees were blown down. TWO-HEADED SNAKE Spokane, Wash., June 16. This State is dry, but a two-headed snake, 22 inches long, able to crawl either way with equal agility, is on display in a drugstore window here. One i head is slightly smaller than the other, but each end is alike. At the largest part of the body it is abuot one and one-quarter inches in di ameter. The reptile was captured in the hills nearby. Its species is un known. DOG TAX TOO HIGH Knoxvtllc, Tenn., June 16.—Spots and Beauty, mascob of the Knox ville Fire Department, have been sent to the farm of Patrolman Tom Moore because firemen wero unable to pay the new State tax on dogs. They werd trained dogs, one of their duties being to awaken the firemen each morning. 1 , LEADER OF RED GOVERNMENT 1' IS ij I |! | I I I I ! BEL,A KUN This is the first photograph re ceived in America of Bela Kun, For eign Minister of the Hungarian Sovi et government. Official denial has been made in Paris that ho was in vited to the Peace Conference. He was told in a dispatch from Prem ier Clemenceau that he would not be invited if he did not cease fight ing the Czecho-Slovaks, This was twisted into an invitation to Paris. Penrose Blames the Wilson Pussyfooting The United States would not have had trouble on the Mexican border if the Wilson administration had been firmer in its dealings with the Mexicans according to United States Senator Penrose. The Senator when told of the action of the Army at El Pnso to-day made this comment: j "If we had adopted a firm policy| toward- Mexico the situation down there would have been cleared up long ago and we would not have had | trouble. There is no question about I it. Just remember what the Amen-1 cans did in the days when Scott and Taylor and Grant and other soldiers; paraded through the country and 1 took the city of Mexico. That was, when Santa Anna was in his prime i and Mexico was a militant nation.! You caru,hardjy blame people for not ! having the same spirit In regard to Mexico under the pussyfooting! policy of Wilson." Properly-Brewed. Lager Essential in Treatment of Ills, Doctors Resolve Now York, June 16.—Allied Med ical Association of America, com prising all the various schools of medicine in the country,, to-day adopted a resolution at its conven tion here declaring that property brewed lager beer was absolutely essential in the treatment of certain case< and favoring the manufac ture of beer containing not to ex ceed 2% per cent, of alcohol. Light wine, if pure, was indorsed as bene ficial in certain medical cases. Composer and Singer Visits Friends in City 4 0 ' ' VT HB SOLOMON SMALL Solomon Small, of New York City, widely known among the Jewish people as a song composer an-d sing er, is visiting in this city. Last week he was a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Heiter, 42 8 Boas street, at whose home he gave a recital to a party of friends. Among the selections were parts of a new opera in Hebrew, which will be staged in the near future. During the remainder of visit in this city, he will be the guest of the Workmen's Circle, a local Jewish organization. On Sunday, June 22, he will give a public recital. He will be entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Copn, 1606 Susque hanna street. A boog of poems and songs, of Mr. Small, is now in the sixth edition. He has sung a number of selections for Victor, Edison: and Columbia J records. EVERY FLY IS POTENTIAL ANCESTOR OF MILLIONS Civic Club Tolls How to Make Approved Trap and Swat ters; Now Is Time to Put Up Flypaper "Every fly is the potential ancestor of millions of other flies," says tho Civic Club's fly comn/tee. "Every fly lessens the present fly population by one and the future population by numbers untold. ' Flies are on the wing now, if Harrlsburg is to be fly less, and why not? now is the time to get busy. Have you stickey fly paper scattered aboiy. the house? if not get it. The kin,i that is suspended from the ceil ing in strips 1h most alluring to flies. Have you plenty of swatters? If not. get them. Do you know how to build a fly trap? Here's how: Get a sugar barrel or nail keg. Knock the ends out. If it happens to be a barrel you use, send over to the hard ware store for 214 yards of wire screening, 30 inches wide. The head of a sugar barrel is about two feet in diameter, so you will first cut a piece of screening 30 inches square, which will cover the top of the trap, and give plenty of room for lap over the edges. Cpt the remainder in the form of a semicircle, twist it int.) a cone, fit the cone into the other end of the trap, as seen in 'the cut. When you have adjusted the flare! end of the cone to the inner side of the rim of the barrel, sew thfc edges of the cone with strong thread or "wire. Next clip off the point so as to leave an opening about 14 an inch in diam eter at the top. Fasten the cone in the trap, stick three or four legs to the cone end of the barrel and there Rain Interferes With Big , Gospel Tank Program .Pain interfered with tho opening, of the Gospel Tank season last even ing. The P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. officials had planned a big program for the first night. Services were scheduled to be held at Sixth and Forster streets. The heavy thunder shqwers made it impossible. The same pro gram will be held next week. The Gospel Tank last season covered the entire city and this year will appear every Sunday evening at some promi nent point. One big feature is the pictures shown on a screen. HELD FOR DIS ORDERLY PRACTICE : William Eewis and Frank Brisbon. both Monroe street residents, arfe in | the hands of the police, charged with , shooting crap at Tenth and Cum berland streets or." Saturday evening. Edgar J. Moore and William B. | Scurbeaf, are being held on charges : of fighting at oFurth and Market I streets; Marie Thomas is said to have been disorderly at Strawberry and 1 Cowden streets on Saturday evening. All will be given hearings in police court during the afternoonq WOMEN Kit.l' A SNAKE Danville. Pa., June 16.—Mrs. Rich ard Whapham and Mrs. Thomas R. Williams performed the unusual when they killed a big blacksnake in George Krum's cellar Instead of r fi"" ning in the house and hiding. The big reptile had taken refuge in the Krum cellar, much to the consterna tion of the family. When they learned of it the two women volun teered to be the reptile's execution rrs. Armed with stout clubs, they descended into the cellar and in a few minutes killed the snake, which put up a battle, they said. It mea sured 6 feet 6 inches. DIG UP BURIED LIQUOR East on, Pa., June 16. —Revenue Officers Young and Freeman search ed the farm of Ignatz Gashel. at Seemsville, and dug up thirteen bar rels of Whisky and three of gin. Gashel, an Austrian, with one leg, declared that the spirits had been sent to his farm by R. F. Robert, proprietor of the Park Hotel, North ampton. It had been buried in No vember, 1917. Robert declared he had purchased it in July, 1917, and intended keeping the whisky until the country went dry. MARRIES BROTHER'S WIDOW Topeka, Kan., June 16.—An un usual feature developed at the mar riage license desk in the probate judge's office here when Ernest D. Day, 32 years of age, of this city, secured license to wed Mrs. Katie Day, 21 years of age also of Topeka. Mrs! Day was the widow of his brother. This -is said to be the first time such a thing has occurred here. Tt is prohibited by law in some States and some countries. ARMY OFFICIALS ORDER TRUCK PROBE (Continued From First Page) been ordered by army officials, ac cording to announcements issued from Carlisle. The men came to this city from Carlisle for entertainment by tho Knights of Columbus. Two of the trucks had already arrived at Cathe dral hall In North street, and were awaiting the third, when the crash came. They were to" have been en tertained at Vaugn-Villa near River side,' where a vaudeville entertain ment had been planned. The Second and North street in tersection, at which the accident oc curred, is said to be one of the most dangerous in the city. Residents of the section have recalled of a num ber of other accidents and narrow escapes. Dr. John T. Ensminger, who conducts a drug store at the south west corner, has been quoted as say ing that he plans tb circulate a peti tion asking council td place a traffic officer at the lnterseoiton. Other nearby residents declare that there is need for suoh an appointment. JUNE 16, 19T9.' you arc. You have a first class fly trap. The trimming from the screen ing you can make into swatters. "Now bait your trap, for it is use less unless properly baited, put upon a plate, placed under the cone, a piece of dead fish, or some sweetened water, or a banan skin, or a bit of jelly. The flies will be lured by the bait and after feeding, will be at t'.octed by the ?ight from above walk up the cone, through the hole at the top and become prisoners. To empty the trap, pour boiling water In from the top. when the flies have been killed, remove the top. dump the trap and start over." POLICEMAN GETS OUT BEFORE MAYOR ACTS (Continued From Idr.st Page) ph'-ned to the policy station asking that the patrol be to take the man to the station. Officials on duty at that time thought it peculiar that a request should be made, to have th£ patrol sent turn a short distance, and an other member of the for;e was sent It investigate. Following his report on bringing the drunken man n an o'her patrolman was sent to where Zimmerman had been iast seen, but he Was not to b# found, .-1 though several reports of his having been ti were received. He reported Saturday evening at 6 | o'tlocr, for regular duty, after doing special duty during the parades in the afternoon. Mayor Koister had order.il the suspension of Zimmerman in the meantime, and a sited that he report to him at I o'clock this after noon. Zimmerman's resignation was de manded when he appeared before the Mayor. He is said to have been called several times before on similar charges, but had always been per mitted to return to* duty on promises that he would do better. At to-morrow morning's session of Council, the Mayor will ask the dis -missal of another patrolman, Charles J. Davis. 1327 Green street, who has been missing for almost two weeks. Davis is alleged 'to have accepted a bribe for releasing a man after he had arrested him, arid is said to have left the city when called nefore the Mayor tor a hearing. Pimples and Skin Eruptions Danger Signs of Bad 8100 Avoid Suffering by Heeding These Warnings Pimples, scaly, itching skin, rashes and burning sensations denote with unfailing certainfy a debilitated, weakened and impure state of the blood. The trouble is in yojir blood and no matter how you were in fected, you must treat it through the blood. It is a blood disease. You must use S. &. S., the standard blood tonic, if you expect certain relief. For purifying the system, nothing is equal to it. The action POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT ' POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT _ . _ Republican Candidate / CHURCH WORKER! IN CONVENTIOI PLAN NEW WOR Discuss Program For Increa f ing Work and Results Among All Churches This afternoon the Pennsylvai State Conference of the Jnter-Chui World Movement opened at Pet Harris Hotel. Sessions will be h< in the uuditoriiim this afternoon, tl evening and to-morrow. Several hu dred delegates are expected to present. This afternoon was tak up mostly in enrollment or delegat The opening address of welco; was made by the Rev. Dr. J. Bradl Markward, pastor of Bethlehem Lut eran Church. Four addresses : scheduled for to-day's sessions. "T Inter-Church World Movement; Spiritual Significance; Its Provident Preparation; Its Scope and Prograr At this evening's meeting "The PI of Home, Foreign and Religious Ed cational Surveys" will be discussed At the morning session to-morr there will be presented "The Sts Survey Program; the Significance the Church's Self-Examination; t Organization and Conduct of the St vey." The Rev. W. E. Doughty, D. D., a the Rev. Edmund de S. Brunner, D. will be two of the speakers. I.ocal Committees This conference will bo in charge the local Federation of Churches Harrisburg and vicinity, of which < Mayor J. William Bowman is pre dent. The conference proceedings v be held in the convention room of t Penn-Harris Hotel, which will be t headquarters for this conference. The conference is designed prim: ily to bring forward for discussion t following questions: 1. To review, interpret a strengthen the proposed plans a program of the Interchurch Wo Movement especially as they aff the State of Pennsylvania. 2. To study unitedly the proble of the Christian World in Its N World responsibility and opportuni 3. To give particular attention the best method of assembling a ' making effective the proposed c and rural surveys for the State Pennsylvania about to be. inaugura under the Interchurch World Mo ment. 4. To lay the foundation for permanent organlzatlon'of the Int church World Movement in the St of Pennsylvania. William Ray Chapman Is to Direct Grace Church Music During the Summ i Following the retirement of J: . W. Phillips as choirmaster of Gr i Methodist Church, the music will ' under the direction of William I : Chapman. Mr. Phillips goes to S • vena Memorial Church on July : William R. Stonesifer, organist. > continue at the keys until Septem p 1. Mr. Chapman has not eomple i his plans for the musical program i the summer. > He Is educational director of church and has an enviable repu tion both as leader and soloist. 1 new organ is to be installed by < tober 1. after which it is expec an organist and choirmaster, arrau; i mepts for whose engagemen h; I not fully been completed, will t: charge. It is the purpose of church authorities to have an exc _ lent choir organisation and to t ; end no pains will bo spared. Rupture Kills 7,000 Annuall Seven thousand persons each y are laid away—the burial certific; L being marked "Rupture." W1 t Because the unfortunate ones 1 neglected themselves or had bf ' merely taking care of the si . (swelling) of the affliction and p: ; ing no attention to the cause. W1 are you doing? Are you neglecti > yourself by wearing a truss, app i ance, or whatever name you cho: to call it? At best, the truss is oi ; a makeshift—-a false prop against „ collapsing wall—and cannot be e • pected to act as more than a m< i mechanical support. The bindi 1 pressure retards blood circulatii , thus robbing the weakened muse „ of that which they need most—not ' ishment. But science has found a way, a every truss sufferer in the land is : vited to make a FREE test right the privacy of their own homes. 1 PLAPAO method is unquestional the most scientific, logical and si cessful self-treatment for rupti the world has ever known. The PLAPAO PAD when adheri closely to the body cannot possit slip or shift out of place, thereto cannot chafe or pinch. Soft as vi vet —easy to apply—inexpensive, be used whilst you work and whi you sleep. No straps, buckles springs attached. Learn how to close the hernial o ening as nature intended so the ru ture CAN'T come down. Send yo name to-day to the FLA PAO C Block 673 St. Louis., Mo., for FRI PLAPAO, and the information nec< sary. of S. S. S. is to cleanse the blool It soaks through the system dlrel to the seat of the trouble —actiJ as an antidote to neutralize tl blood poisons. It revitalizes the rJ blood corpuscles, increases the flq so that the blood can properly pe form its physical work. The dull slu gish feeling leaves you—the comple] ion clears up. Even long standii cases respond promptly. But you mu take S. S. S. Drugs and substitute won't do. Get S. S. S. from yoi druggist. If youi;s is a special cai and you need expert advice, wri to Medical Adviser, 257 Swift Lai oratory. Atlanta, Ga.