Middletown rry Miles, Once Coachman For the Late CoL James Young, Dies 'erry Miles, an aged negro who ved for many years as coachman the late Colonel James Young, d yesterday morning after a long less. He had been a familiar iracter about town, virtually iry person knowing him as irry." For the past ilfteeli years was employed by S. Cameron ung, a son of the late Colonel ung. Plans for tho funeral were npleted late to-day. He died at i home of Hampton Fuyman, In rket street. iiddletown will have another in itry added to the borough by J: Boyce, of Philadelphia, who pur ised four lots from J: R. Geyer 1 A. L. Etter, at Mill and Poplar eets, opposite the Pennsylvania ilroad station, having a frontage Mill street of eighty feet and ) feet in Poplar street. Mi-. Boyer 1 erect a knitting ruill. The new lding to be put up will be 80x ) feet, constructed of brick and ss, and will be three stories high, h a basement. The faetory will ploy about 200 hands Mr. Royee s sales manager for H-. A. Roiii; •ger, who conducts it chain of lis throughout the Stat£, ieventy-five members of Pwatara uneil No. 858. Jr. O. U. A. M., met the hall tn Emaus street Sunday rnlng, from where the lodge pro ded in a body to the PresbyteHan urch to hear the Rev. T-. C-. rrell preach a special sermon-. Charles Myers, who recently pur ised the ferryboat outfit front A. Mansberger and will rurt to York inty shore to meet trains-, started s morning, making his first trip, ■he second band concert was giv by the Liberty band in the ber th park Sunday afternoon, ohn Kendig, who spent the past ir overseas, but returned to thO tee about a week ago and was t to Camp Dix, N. Jo "was mus ed out of service and returned to i home of his parents-. Mr. and s. John Kendig-, RoyaJton. ""la/rence Henry, of Ohambere -g, spent tfie weekend in town the guest of his Bister, Mrs. orge Carr-, South Wood street, diss Florence Brooks, of Erie, Is nding some time in town as the >st of Miss Corinne Brandt-, irlin Rudy, William Rwartz. j Lemon and Jacob Shelly, Jf-i ir of Mlddletown's young men 0 spent the past eighteen months irseas and had been stationed at mp Dix, N-. J„ were mustered out service and returned home on urday-. Jeorge Boynton, of Wilmlugton, laware, spent the weekend in vn as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. J, Kinnard, North Catherine eet, lira William Feldlcr, son William, , and daughter, Porothy, who snt the past month in town as 1 guests of Pr, C, E, Bowers and e, left yesterday for Hpeecevllle, ere they will spend some time as i guests of Fred Bowers. They re accompanied by Mr. Fcldlef, o spent the weekend in town. Eighty members of the Rescue so Company took part tn the imen's parade at Harrlsburg Sat lay afternoon and were the guests the Reily Fire Company. The Children's Pay exercises held the Methodist Sunday school iterday morning and last even were largely attended at the iday school session. Miss Har t Swartz, Miss Louise Hanna and mund Yost were presented with iles. Thev were graduates of the ddletown High school. This cus n has been followed up hy the nday 6chool for the past several rife Missionary Society of the St ter Lutheran CJiurch will meet at s parsonage. North Spring street, ursdav evening. The Woman's Bible class of the rst United Brethren Church will ■ Id its annual picnic at Paxtang rk, Thursday. The Ladies' Aid Society of the rst United Brethren Church will Id their regular monthly meet * at the home of Mrs. Jennie Pet tier, Nissley street. Friday even redict Flying Ships Will Evolve From the Navy Seaplane Washington- June 16- Flying ips instead of flying boats will be e logical evolution of navy sea mes,- navy experts believe, as a suit of the first air trip across 3 Atlantic. First impressions of E lessons taught hy that trip had •eady taken definite shape in the nds of the men who conceived d created the NC machines be ■e Lieutenant Commander A. C. sad had manoeuvred the NC-4 to safe mooring at Plymouth, Eng id. Strangely enough, it was to the perience o4 the NC-1. lost off the ores, and the NC-3, battered out usefulness hy heavy seas before e made port at Ponta Pelgada, at the inventive genisu of the de j-tment turned for inspiration: not the NC-4 that battled her way iumphantly through the ristoric urney. As far as they have yet gone and eking detailed reports and cont ents from the seventeen men who t out from Rockaway on the great venture, the experts apparently tve reached certain definite pre ninary conclusions to guide them future seaplane designing. They e convinced that to play its full irt In naval strategy, the seaplane ust become as independent a unit a modern submarine or destroyer, must be able to keep the seas in savy weather, riding it out on the rface. It must he able to lift it lf into air or to plane down to a fe landing even when tall seas are inning and it must provide for its ew safety, shelter and reasonable rmfort under very adverse circum antces for the efficiency c.f the ane depends upon the efficiency of B men. peak of American and British Friendship /lUmdon. June 16.—American and Wtish friendship was the theme of adlng Americans and Britons who iturday night sang the requiem of le Americn Officers' Club in Ohes •rfle'd Gardens. There were leeches hy the American Amhassa ir. John W. T>avi-, Secretary of 'ate Lansing. Lord Reading and r Harry Brfttaln, chairmen of the tecutive committee of the Pilgrims, rid a note from the king, who ex ressed his pleasure that the "en eavors of the committee have sne leded In thel- ob.Wt by affording > our comrades of the Amer'c.ir rmv and navv a club which. It Is ened thev have recorded In the ght of their hor.r, d"Hng their iPv i London." The toasts of 'nr" and "the President" were ledged with enthusiasm. MB&DAY EYEING; Secretary Lansing declared tn his address that the spirit of the Club was the spirit which, he. believed. In spired both the United States and Great Britain —"a spirit of friend ship and cordiality, a new knowledge of one another, a knowledge which I hope .Increase and a friendship whl.ch i know will Increase as the years go "by: DIVES, POMEROY &, STEWART \• f * Afford to Mfes the Saroigs in This Stocl^educingSale> Women's Oxfords and Pumps Men Who Want to Save on ' Uncommon Savings in Considerably Below Regular Prices High Grade Work Shirts ' Colored and Black Dress Goods of economies from the rear Shoe Section. b> this budget Have A Chance Tomorrow $1 Mohair, yd. 85c $2.50 Poplin, yd. $1.95 | $5.50 tan Russia calf oxfords with long vamps, stitched wing tips Regular 85c blue polka dot work shirts, with collar at- /• ( f\ ' With woolens higher than they have been at any time this year,^ and military heels. Special > . 4 ....54.00 tached; sizes 14 to 17. Extra special ....... Oi/C the Stock-Reducing Sale provides attractions that are extraordinary, y $2.00 white canvas pumps, cemented white rubber soles and wedge Regular 95c and sl.lO blue chambray work shirts } "sizes OC! Forinstance: . . , ' !'cn bp Vu SI'S 14 to 17 > Extra special OOC $2.75 French serge, 44 inches wide; in 15 shades. Special, yard, $1.50 cretonne boudoir slippers with silk pompom, Special, *I.OO -Regular $1.50 black satine shirts with reinforced front n i . ? 2 * 4 ? —■ ; * 7777", ' ! and back; sizes 16, \6y 2 and 17. Special Boys lenms Shoes 51.20 brown canvas tennis shoes with Regular 75c stripe-percale shirts, with collar attached; r* A 50-inch SI.OO navy mohair. Special, yard ..... " n '" '' '' * sizes 14 to 17, Special i,.,,,,, 59C $3.00 check suiting, in grey and black mixture. Yard $1.95 Dives, Pemeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear, Men's and Boys' Pajamas Men's and Boys' $125 black mohair, 42 inches wide. Yard ............. 95^ D c i iri J 1 T> J J 185 pajamas with frog braid trim. Handkerchiefs $6.00 black serge; 56 inches wide. \ard $4-50 Oxiords and bandals Reduced , all SI 48 20c handkerchiefs, 69c black sat.ne, 36 inches wide. Extra special, yard - 49^ T 0 . £ J J opeeiai hemstitched. Special oc. ,i 25 surf cloth in black and desirable stripes. Yard / In Sizes for Misses and Children 180 BO ft finish stripe percale paja- 2 ••• Zsc Dives Pomcroy & Stewart, Street Floor. j T-> 1 im cr> t.'. t i u c A 1 1 . , i , masi all olzes. 1 on Mens 15c fine cambric hemstitched Regular $1.50 white canvas blucher oxfords, made on broad tee lasts Special ihl.Zi# handkerchiefs. Special, Otif 7 with heavy stitched soles, Special, pair , , $1.20 *.„ ♦, En 8 for ...*®® T Misses'and children's $1.75 dark tan calf barefoot sandals with heavy frog braid trimming; handkercMefa "sTeclal?" 0 ca^L r,c DrUCf SUlldneS LOW 111 PriCe Kromelk soles; to 18. special. .......... f3C 4 for 4 ,25 DC ° , Sizes sto 11. Pair $1.20 |— ——— —————25c Creme De Mcridor - """*255' Sizes 12 to 2. Pair $1.40 100 dozen men's 8c and 10c white and fancy border OP - 25c Wright's Silver Cream - .'^lf Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor Rear . handkerchiefs. Extra special, 5< { 6 for ZOC 14-oz. Bottle of Listerine -69*- —————— SI.OO Water Bottles and Syringes, each . v - Women's Union Suits and Vests Reduced Dives. Pomeroy & stewart. Men s sure. 25c Colorite, all shades -lwf TBc white lisle union suits, sleeveless, knee length- Special, 60c Violet Glycerine Soap, 3 cakes for ...... tsc pink cotton ribbed union suits, sleeveless, knee length. -5pecia1,......69c jq c Peroxide Bath Soap .. . ...t Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. s "° Economies in Notions and Fancy Goods Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, - ball 9c- < bo3c r ° Cllet C ° tton ' & Peclal, $1.60 stamped Pillow Case 3, plain , _ Silver Plated Table Ware Specials "T,; w Save on Groceries Tomorrow fi" Silver Plated Frame, SO* 'SSX c.T' $2.25 Silver Plated Bread Trays $1.59 ™ Anricots lb $4.50 Rogers' Silver Plated Knives and Forks, y 3 dozen, |3.98 Dives, Pomeroy & stcwart. Picture Room, Third Floor. Pillsbury's Health Bran, pkg $1.50 Rogers' Silver Plated Gravy Ladles $1.19 _ T . _ . , Tunket, 10c pkg —■ Zt 59c White Ivory Picture Frames 49<* Notion Specials Gluten flour, pkg $1.25 Fancy Bead Necklaces G9* 4 10c cabinets wire haJr pins. Special, box 5o Pie Filling, assorted flavors, pkg -~*2Ls£ 50c Pearl Bead Necklaces 39<4 Cap shape hairnets. Special, dozen 49c Or ati ere Pekoe Tea 60c value, lb ...„w4s£ r, , *'■ Sew-on hose supporters. Special, pair 150 Urange rexoe led, uutvdiuc. iu. ....... v 25c Brooches 19<£ 10c shoe trees. Special, pair ( i C 65c Sunshine assorted Sugar Wafers, box ,_ooC 50c Brooches and Bar Pins Coffee, special blend, lb & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pillow Cases and Sheets at Savings of Basement Attractions of Special Interest Rag Rugs and Matting Reduced Interest to Housewives c fln ; nflc W /,,va, !?„„„ urm u? 44 cu Colonial Ra s Ru^s oriced of int , crest to 'i! 056 wh o, would . s^ , ~, . f „ . c ,- I - , . , Savings Which livery Home Will Want to Share floor coverings for Summer bungalows or their own homes foirthat Special lots of Bedding Supplies are attractively priced in the stock- , • . n , now covwmgs t, reducing sale. Are Ofjered in the Sale , •, r, o wwrbi si.s Bleached Pillow Ca-sea. 45x46 In. Bleached Sheets, 76x90 inches, cent - . , $2.00 Colonial Rag Rugs,, x . p Special 25c ter seam. Special $1.29 From one section of the busy Basement to another comes news of $1.50 Colonial Rag Rugs, 2/x34 inches, bpeciai v-i. Bleached Pillow Cases, 4 2x38 & in. Bleached Sheets, 81x90 inches. lowered prices on staple home needs. These items have been picked $1.25 Colonial Rag Rugs, 24x36 inches. Special --- • • 'vr Bleached"Pu.ow Cases." Vsxss*^Sched"" Sh^ *" six9o" * in'che- at random - ' S2OO Bungalow Rag Rugs 36x72 inches. Special sl.^ Special 42c Special $1.79 ~ ..„ .. . . . , , 55c Fiber Matting, 36 inches. Special - Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Regularly %!" .? h f!".. 50c Fiber Runners', ~27 mchcs, Special Make your own screen doors with knock down door frames. Regularly 98c. SIO.OO Willow Grass Rugs, 9x12 ft. Special $ 775. C 1 it-.IT 4? T t, *4- T 1 1* Special 79c $12.00 Japanese Rugs, 9x12 feet. Special OPGCIaI JUOIS 01 rurniture inclucliri2r Lawn benches. 42 inches long: green. Regularly $1.39. Special $1.15 $15.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs. 6x9 75c Hassocks, Special. ... .„570 x T -.-| l-R/TAJ- TYI , b Lyknu furniture polish; 50c size 33c feet. Special $12.39 25c Stair Treads, 9xlß laches. Beds and Mattresses Reduced i-kn U PO iuh; 2.c .i 0..s Ta P try r... $55.00 mahogany toilet table. Spe- ers " snrlnT a Pullman gocarts. with reversible gear. Regularly $28.00. Special, ..$23.75 $1.25 Hassocks. Special 98c Special - 15oL cial $41.25 Special . n $t9 C ) 0 White enamel gocart; full corduroy lined. Regularly $39.00. Special, $33.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. w,in.H to,let taw., sp.oi.i, D.v„. 4 s.,w. rl Clparancp of Odd Pairs of Fine - toil., toble s„. ta* ,V. - " * ■£. . . Cuba's Sugar Income Small but Very Little Money Remains There New York, June 16.—1n spite of her tenormous sugar Industry, Cuba does not repelve a great sum of money for her sugar production. HJLRRISBTTRG T^T.TORXPg In proportion to the total annual yield from that crop, her returns are meagre. J The sugar Income of the Island republic is ten times as great as .her tobacco Income, yet tobacco brings much more money Into Cuba than does sugar. This statement, which Is contrary to the generally accepted belief, was made by the Right Rev. Hiram Richard Hulse, D. D., Pro testant .Episcopal Missionary bishop of Cuba, now In New York to raise money for establishing more schools In Cuba. Absentee ownership of Cuba's sugar mills is the reason. "Amerllkns own one-third of the Cuhan. sugar mills and produce one half of the yield," said Bishop Hnlse. "The sugar crop this year, will bring a return of about $700,000,000 which Is $200,000,000 more than the 1918 yield, but most of the profits will go into the pockets of the American owiners and stockholders. "The tobacco plantations, on the other hand, are mostly owned by the Cubans and the money which comes In from that source remains tn Cuba." JUNE 16, 1919: Miners in France to Strike Today Despite Offers From Labor Head By Associated Press. Paris, June 16.—The officers of the National Federation of Miners received a letter from M. ColHsrd** the minister of labor, offering tot continue the negotiations for * set— tlement of the miners' claims. The* executives of the federation, how ever, declined the offer. The min ers' strike, therefore, will be/begun to-day, as had been planned. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad