Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 16, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Ten-Year Comparison Shows
a Gain of More Than
250,000 Bushels
The State Department of Agri
culture has issued the following
comparative table showing the esti
mated wheat acreage in Pennsylva
nia for the 1919 harvest compared
with the 1909 harvest as shown by
the 1910 census, by counties:
County. 1909. 1919.
Adams 50,180 58,615
Allegheny 13,252 17,532
Armstrong 15,844 19,619
Beaver 11,489 14,077
Bedford 23,392 32,826
Berks 67,719' 84,536
Blair 13,861 19,409
Bradford 4,207 6,043
Bucks 28,077 35,815
Butler 18,234 23,449
Cambria • 3,252 4,351
Cameron 31 33
Carbon 1,336 1,690
Center 30,751 38,106
Chester 40.581 54,212
Clarion 14.560 18,355
Clearfield 3,861 5,017
Clinton 9.253 11.232
Columbia 20,061 24,097
Crawford 10,292 14,658
Cumberland .... 54,584 67,665
Dauphin 27,285 35,475
Delaware 5,508 9,024
Elk 187 195
Erie 6,328 7,472
Fayette 13.24S 19,024
Forest 426 493
Fran-klin 77,610 98,149
Fulton 13,869 20,375
Geene 13,993 18,628
Huntingdon 21,520 27,194
Indiana .' 17,045 25,771
Jefferson 6,369 8,212
Juniata 17,127 20,593
Lackawanna -... 19 21
Lancaster 115.568 147,360
Lawrence 12,099 14,949
Lebanon 33,053 41,290
Lehigh 28,995 36,633
Luzerne 3,475 5,187
I.ycomin-g 22,318 28,995
McKean 137 270
Mercer 18.007 23,542.
Mifflin 15.670 24,740
Monroe 1,444 1,704
Montgomery .... 21,653 27,583
Montour 10.194 13.599
Northampton ... 1 26,441 31,517
Northumberland. 26,401 31,734
Perrv 23,901 30,781
Philadelphia ... 1,142 1,513
Pike 122 160
Potter 128 166
Schuylkill 11.253 14,928
Snyder 20,505 16,420
Somerset 11,420 18,010
Sullivan 501 759
Susquehanna ... 210 419
Tioga ..' 866 1,419
Union '.... 18,398 22,804
Venango 4,100 4,831
Warren 766 1,015
Washington .... 25,125 35,935
Wayne 14 17
Westmoreland .. 28,920 36,186
Wyoming 461 597
York 83,920 111,244
Total 1,225,558 1,568,270
Portuguese Wine
Makers Anxious to
Get into Mexico
Mexico City, June 16.—Officials
here have been advised by the Mex
ican consulate in San Francisco,
Cat., that numerous Portuguese resi
dents of the United States, especially
those in California, are seeking ad
mission to Mexico where they hope
to find work. The Portuguese are
skilled in vine culture and in the
manufacture of wines and other
beverages, but demand for their
service will cease when prohibition
goes into effect in the United
Officials here point out that at
the present time there are more
than 80.000 Portuguese in the Unit
ed States and that it is proposed to
plant colonies in the states of
Durango, Sinaloa and Navarit.
Quakers Permitted to Go to
Europe to Aid Relief Work
By Associated Press.
New York, June 16.—A party of
Quakers, who have asked permis
sion to go into Germany to dis
tribute $50,0000 relief fund now be
ing raised in this country, have been
authorized to do so, according to
cable advices from Herbert Hoover,
head of the American relief admin
istration. received to-day at the
New York offices. The expedition,
however, cannot leave until peace
has been signed.
What MAY I
Children Drink?
This is a real prob
lem where parents
use tea or coffee,
which they are well
aware the children
should not drink.
solves the problem.
This delicious cereal
drink is free from
caffeine, and con
tains nothing but
healthful goodness.
Let the children drink
POSTUM- all they want,
" There's a Pea son "
With Philadelphia Charter
Out of the Way They Will
Get Attention
Questions involving the woman
suffrage ratification resolution and
the revenue that will be needed to
meet the appropriation bills now
going through will keep the Legis
lature pretty busy this week. There
is sentiment in both branches to dis
pose of woman suffrage this session
and a desire to get the revenue bills
passed including that giving the
Auditor General appointment of all
mercantile appraisers.
In the Senate the compensation
code amendments ana teachers' sal
ary increase bill are to be put into
shape and some determination will
be reached to-night regarding the
woman suffrage amendment. The
resolution for ratification is now
before the Senate and Governor
Sproul has sent a statement to both
houses urging that Pennsylvania
ratify the amendment before the
session closes. The administration
is strongly urging the compensation
amendment bill as well. Thef salary
increase bill is virtually in final
| The last appropriation bills will
| likely be reported out to-night and
the general appropriation bill is
scheduled to have right of way
Tuesday in the House. Appropria
tions aggregating more than $90,-
000,000 will be made. The two
series of revenue raising bills to be
passed during the week are the
Walker bills relative to taxes on
foreign corporations in the Senate
and the Dawson bill strengthening
various license collections in the
House. The fishermen's license bill
is also in the Senate having passed
the House.
The Senate calendar contains
'most of the last Senate bills which
j will get through this session, bar
| ring appropriations, and attention
I will be devoted to House appropria
| tion bills, while the House will com
mence to give attention to Senate
I bills after Wednesday. The Senate
[ calendar is one of the largest of the
! session.
No further action is likely in re
gard to members of the House who
absented themselves without leave
| Thursday and forced summoning of
the House for a session Friday. By
1 action of the House proceedings
j were "postponed for the present.
I On the House calendar there are on
' special orders the Woodward ant.
! Daix bills amending election laws
l which are on third reading for to
night at 10 and 10.30 respectively.
The Sterling bill relative to the
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh school
boards is a special order for Tues
day at 11.30 a. m. On the postponed
calendar are the Dithrich and Pox
automobile bills both recalled from,
the Governor for amendment and
twenty-six appropriation bills. The
final passage postponed calendar
contains thirty-two bills. There are
53 bills on third reading and 20 on
second with prospects that the
number will be materially increased
Board of Pardons
Has Big List
The State Board of Pardons is
scheduled to meet Wednesday with
31 cases for hearing, six of them in
volving homicide of various degrees.
Two first degree cases, Robert Loom
is, Northampton, and Broneslaw
Bednotciki. Beaver, are at the top
of the list. The others are second de
gree and manslaughter. The applica
tions for rehearing include two man
slaughter cases. Three are two cases
on the hold over list.
The applications for release on
parole include 54 convicts in the
Pastern Penitentiary, and 66 in the
Western, that of Helen Boyle, who
figured in the Whitla kidnaping
case, being among them.
The Dauphin county cases arc
•Tames White, convicted of second
i degree murder in 1917 and Robert
F. Johnston, convicted of rape in
I 1916, ond nerving from 7 to 12
venre. On the list are Joseph C.
flrnnnan. burglary and jail breaking.
Adnmn; Paul Arms." robbery. Leb
anon, and Charles Jefferies, larceny.
Newport- Pa.. June 16.—The bac
calaureate sermon to the senior class
of the Xewport Hiigh School was deliv
ered in the Episconal Church of the
Nativity last evening bv the recor.
Archdeacon William N. Dorwart. On
Wednesday evening members of the
OVER $3,000,000
General Appropriation Meas
ure Will Be Reported to
the House Tonight
The general appropriation bill
carrying the funds to operate the
State government for the next two
years will total less than $40,000,000
when it reaches the House of Rep
resentatives to-night. The bill will
be reported out on third reading
with the largest sum ever carried
by any similar bill and representing
cuts of over $3,000,000 since the
bill was introduced. The final con
ferences on the bill are scheduled
for late in the afternoon and it is
expected that it will take a day or
more to print the bill after it has
been reported out.
The plan is to report all Senate
bills carrying apropriations now in
the House committee immediately
and very few, if any, changes will be
made. There will also be reports on
the bills for colleges, mothers' pen
sions and similar measures which
have been under consideration.
When they are reported out very
few additional bills will leave the
appropriations committee of the
House. The Senate will push out
the remaining appropriation bills in
the hands of its committee on ap
propriations within the next few
Until the final changes are made
the estimates on the aggregate of
the appropriations will be pure con
jecture, but it is believed they will
run over $90,000,000 which Auditor
General Charles A. Snyder savs be
can meet if the Dawson and Walker
bills are passed.
Unveil Statue of
Methodist Evangelist
of Eighteenth Century
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia. June 16. —A bronze
statue of the Rev. George White
field, the noted Methodist Evange
list of the eighteenth century, who
encouraged Benjamin Franklin to
found the University of Pennsyl
vania. was unveiled yesterday in the
dormitory triangle of the university.
The ceremony was a part of the
commencement week program. The
statue was presented by the Rev.
Robert W. Rogers. 'B6, on behalf of
the Methodist alumni of the uni
vrrsity. The Rev. Wallace Mac-
Mullen, district superintendent of
the New York M. E. conference, de
livered an address on the life of
Local Health Officials
Must Enforce State Laws
Prohibiting Spitting
Harisburg's municipal health au
thorities were to-day called upon by
State Health authorities to enforce
the State laws against spitting, es
pecially in the markets. This was
the result of an inspection made bv
officers of ,the State at the various
public markets of the city on Satur
day and was more or less of a sur
prise. This law was one of the
matters covered in Col. Edward Mar
tin s program for making Harrisburg
a model city.
State authorities also took steps
to-day to have all stables in Harris
burg inspected immediately by
health officers to see if precautions
against flies are being taken, the
stable being one of the most prolific
causes, of the fly nuisance in this
Rain Interferes With
Elks' Flag Day Program
Rain interferedwith plans of Har
riathurg Elks for a Flag Day cele
briuloin on Sautrday. The parade
was abandoned, but the program
arranged for Reservoir Park was
carried out in th eElks Home on
North Second street.
Members of the various organi
zations that intended to particiipate
in the parade and exercises attend
ed the meeting at the home, the
latter having been thrown open to
them. The big lodgeroom was
crowded. The program observed in
cluded the fololwing:
"Star Spangled Banner," audi
ence; introductory exercises by
Exalted Ruler A. W. Hartman and
officers; prayer, Charles R. Beckley.
chapalin; "The Red, White and
Blue," audience; reading, "Hiistory
of the Flag," Jonas M. Rudy; altar
service; readinig, "Elks' Tribute to
the Flag," Frank B. Wiickersham;
music, Muniicipal Band; reciitation,
Miiss Wiilhelmiina G. Wolhfarth;
address, "Our Country and the
Flag," Wood N, Carr, Uniiontown;
"America," audinece.
The Mauch Chunk Switchback
railway, one of the few of the kind
in the State, has filed notice with
the Public Service commission of in
creases in its fares of, from ifive to
ten cents. The Ashland Gas Light
Co., operating in Schuylkill county,'
has also filed notices of an increase.
Water and telephone companies in
Monroe, Northampton and other
northwestern counties have also filed
notices of increases.
The State has bought eighty-eight
Texas horses for the equipment of
the State Police, the purchase being
the first since the outbreak of the
war. The animals will be distribut
ed at once. Additional horses are
being bought for the new troop
which is to be formed here under
the bill just approved. This will
be known as Troop E.
Marietta, June 16.—Trinity Sun
day was observed in St. John's Epis
copal Church yesterday with special
services. At the morning service,
the choir rendered Woodward's
communion servipe. Edgar R. Vil
lee, baritone, sang as an offertory,
"O, Holy, Holy, Lord." In the even
ing at 6 o'clock the anniversary ot
the Sunday school was observed,
reports read and prizes distributed
to the children who were present
every Sunday during the year.
Edgar R. Villee, secretary of the
school, holds the record for having
missed but one session of the school
in thirty-four years.
Samuel N. Rheem, whose foot, was
badly hurt a year ago on the Penn
sylvania. Railroad, is in the Presby
terian hospital, Philadelphia, where
he has undergone a second opera
| tion.
Governor Says He Will Not
Stand For Any Reduction
on That Measure Now
Governor William C. Sproul last
night let it be known that he would
not listen to people who urge him
— u innini nr; MONDAY. JI NK 10, Kill). FOUNDED IS7I
HF.1.1. IMH 2350 UNITED "
A Bowman Summer Girl
. f .| Bowman Values In
B DRESSED from head to foot in Bowman values she is sure ot tlie STOUT HATS
most approved in summer clothes. Her hat is \\ hite Ribbon , . o'Uk
tW ic ahrpast with the Sport, sls; her tie blouse is $3.95; her skirt a white gabardine, $6.00, and don t Large White KIDDOn
fail to notice the clock embroidered stockings at $3.95 and the White Colonial C nor f. Ujjj. (lIC
best and where the best is Pumps at $ll.OO. The advantages of selecting cool, comfortable, economical and F 4>
1 • 1 1™ no tVif fashionable summer outfitting has been impressed on her and thousands of others Made of white gros grain ribbon
always price & follow her footsteps to Bowman's for summer values. and trimmed with large silk tassel and
i . faced with plain white gros gram nb
lowest* , .. bon, sls.
With sunny summer days the sport
, -*cV\ bat comcs into'its own. Here is a spe-
Bowtnan Vdiucs In j/J#/ I cial display of distinctive sport hats
TUB SKIRTS which takes into consideration
KiW- '' i V Every Woman and Miss who plans
Women's Cotton _ a co„„,ry ciub
Gabardine U "°The Golf enthusiast, the Tennis
Skirts $6.51) player.
Cotton Gabardine in qualities that W * , ln * act ' J1 thos ™ ho en J'°y thc
will wear well and wash well, are used A d ° or pleasures of bpnng may find
in these skirts. They are spic and (\ • other sport hats here, beginning at $5.
span, newly made in styles that have 1 j\ BOWMAN'S —Third Floor,
this season's approval for smartness f X 'JL/d ||H' fz/v'tf I \,
and trimness. The one sketched has WWM TOR >Mn' \ T> RS I T
fancy pockets and wide crushed belt, V\vj|iy y yAf I \ DOWmdn V dlllCS In
stitched and button trimmed, $6.50. Jll iM \ 1 Jjfl ) \ BTOTJSFV
Others fashioned in new and inter- f " /';V V /su ll>- \
f Af\Ml ! \\\ Women's New Batiste
rr , \ f/T W' lAv A "Tie" Blouse $3.95
Bowman I alues In { 7 ,/ Sj /\ °/ Hi n / o\\ Note that the front of blouse is fas-
IVHITE STOCKINGS V' // M \I . °f B'i f \ *■ tened securely by one black ribbon
\\ /W r ! j | I I „ \ bow. These snow-white batiste
WomCll'S White Silk 3 \rr * \L f 1 A Jr. blouses have sailor collar with turned
/\r JJr JV back cuffs and attractively hem-
Stockings So.xS m jilt) f [A/ - A/h stitched. A fashionable blouse at
Full fashioned silk stockings with #
silk foot and top and reinforced toe f /fTV 7* • Q antlt,es of delightful, fresh look
and heel. Hand-embroidered clocks, /'J J 1 \ \\V}\ ing Blouses are essential to every wo
black with white clock and white with # I l I man s wardrobe at this season of the
black clock, $3.95. f I W >'f ar - Ll a flower m full
A full assortment of colors in thread f 12 1> I Cj with its innumerable delicate
silk stockings r a fine gauge silk, full B \ M <fP\ floral shades, so the blouse department
fashioned with lisle foot and top in f / Njf \ <C\ tt <s, e has an unexcelled assortment of
black, white, brown, cordovan, navy B I / • \ I \\ J ?, at ' sl 7, n - pretty blouses to choose from m a
and crrav <R2 65 B \ \\ \ Blouse, $3.90. splendid variety of dainty fabrics and
' BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. B an \ft\ \l \\\ A 1 * \IM Skirt, $6.50. pretty styles.
■ B IV U\V \\\\\ • ( ml Stockings, $3.95. ' ' BOWMAN'S-Thlrd Flcor.
Bowman VLLAS J I ' Towman Values In
n G^breha e s9 95 ' A White Kid Colonial'
tape 3 edge! Übaca U bacaUte "an^ 1 ivorj 1 handle vl, / Hand turned soles and covered
tips and point to match, 8 ribbed. \ \\k Ml \\ \ oms X ,V h f el , s; b , uc^ s to match '
Guaranteed rainproof for the rain and . \jl\ \|l| j these kid pumps are
pretty and handy article for your va- \\\|\ \ \ 11| | 0 1 t te s7 a Oo' a^
BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. pis! \l\ \ f/ Every pair of shoes in the store are
v a " new and the smartest fashions of
Bowman Values In Y x \ '/ %v 'th the new long vamp and pumps
GLOVES \\ v WmMi/ ' with the smart slenderizing effect be-
S'lk Cjrlo eS 75 c 1 A - BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
T O $2.00 (/a //fjlTVfjs i Bowman Values In
backs; perfect fitting; beautiful Ma- ' i Bfi v - / uU 11 L/^'iotLo
linese silk of the Kayser make, $1.15. A\ VI WAAmMWak' WfTJ V/I// 1 __ T , 0 .
BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Women SSUIt
Bowman S Va ues in \ HuijinfiWomen's featherweight matting suit
ATHLETIC \ I j Y f / cases with protected corners, brass
UNTOERWEAR \\| A $2 C so. a " d " tchcs ' s2 '°° i w " h strap '
T i r> 1 Ail* V 1 liin r
Lady oealpax Athletic Mill / Wcll made with brass lock and
r T i • C vT T - Inll // catches, attractively cloth lined, $5.00
Underwear tor Women I N to s7m
Has all the ease of a man's athletic )V ' "/t , .Vacation luggage of the dependable
union suit. Sealpax is sold in a sealed " IJ/ kind whether you wish suit case,
sanitary envelope, costs no more than - hand bag B SwM^t-Ba 8e m e nt.
the others. <
We have this underwear in flesh ? __ . .
and white. Sizes 38 to 44. In batiste BOWWICIJI 5 VdlllCS ltl Bowman's Values in
at $1.75 and $2.25, and silk at $2.98. r~< TT z?n~o
BOWMAN &—Second Floor. Lrll^jLllJ
"Bowman Kalues In Summer Corset Comfort Frilly, Crisp Gilets For
ARTNEETOLE WORK T . D ~ Summer Frocks,
In thc Kedterns d>i nc. <tc ca
Yarns and Beads Ipl./5 to Jb5.5U
For T eisiirp Mnmpnk You I 1 want to forget aII about your corsets wben you re An you have to do to . "} ake . a si . m P le
L/Clali C 1 lOIIICIIIa away on your vacation even if it's no more than a week-end summer frock quite distinctive is to
The summer girl, although in active tv (u.., add one of these fully crisp gilets of
f- , a , outing, lo insure comfort look well to your choice now. , , J , F ° , ..
pursuit of vacation pleasures and re- 6 3 organdy, lace or shirred net —and the
creation, has many idle moments for Light but firm and giving adequate support the Redferns deed's done. Nothing could be smart- '
rest. Stamped work, beads and yarns were specially selected to take care of your summertime 81.75 to $5.50 each,
are here in most attractive assort- Also by the yard, $2.50 to $4.50
ments, and may we suggest an inspec- needs. Iry one. yard. It takes nine to twelve inches
.tion at your earliest convenience? ROWMANTS— Second Floor- lor a gilet. > v f
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. x . BOWMAN'S—M*in Flocfc
t ' * k .. /■L
1 . 1... ' t..i ...j... .... :• .. ii '' iiT -ilMiMMrfl
to reduce the Item for In Tease of
salary for teachers. It Is estimated
that It will take something like
three and a half million dollars a
year of State funds to "meet this ad
vance, but the Governor holds that
the teachers have earned it and that
he will not stand for any decrease.
He said that the teachers' salary
increase goes.
"It will be useless," said the Gov
ernor, "for any person to urge me
to cut down on the allowances
planned for increased salaries for
school tacbers. I think it would sur
prise people generally to know what
repeated efTorts have been made this
last week to have the funds for
teachers' salaries reduced.
"Persons connected with prom
inent charities have begged me to
sacrifice the teachers so they might
get larger appropriations for their
pet plans. Pressure has also been
constant upon me from other
sources and I have been obliged to
take a positive stand. I will not
see another person who wished to
have the teachers' salaries pared
down. I have determined that $6,-
000,000 is the irreduceable minimum
of appropriation for the teachers
•and it may be more if any way can
be found."
The Governor was in communica
tion to-day with several members of
the appropriation committee and
with other influential members of
both House and Senate. He makes
no secret of the fact that during the
next two weeks \V. T. Ramsey, of
Chester, will not be called upon to
act as administration floor leader.
Mr. Ramsey has been referred to as
the floor leader during this session.
JUNE 16, 1919,
but It has been seldom that he has
been called upon.
The Governor's break with Mr.
Ramsey is said to have been the
result of the latter's action last
week In trying to amend the Datx-
Brady registration board ripper so
that the present members of the
board could serve out their terms.
Governor Sproul had expressly an
nounced himself as being deter
mined to shake up the board and
when Mr. Ramsey begun urging the
amendment many of the administra
tion followers were puzzled. Finally
Mr. Ramsey was asked directly if
the amendment was an administra
tion measure. He said he did not
get it from the Governor.
Governor Sproul says he met Mr.
Ramsey upon the street in Chester
yesterday and that they had a chat.
The Governor made it clear, how
ever, that his wishes hereafter will
be represented by some other repre
sentative. Hugh A. Dawson, of
Scranton, will likely be the man.
Hot wate^,