Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 16, 1919, Image 1

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Many Prisoners Are Taken by Americans in
First General Skirmish on the Border;
Guns Shell Villa's Hiding Place
By Associated Press.
El Paso, June 16. —Artillery fire against the \ ilia rebel forces southeast of
Jurrez was opened at 10.35 A. M. to-day with the Second Battalion of the Eighty
second Field Artilerv firing shrapnel bursts, which could be seen plainly from the
river. The artillery fire was six miles from Juarez, in the vicinity of the cavalry
fighting near San Lorenzo.
At 11 o'clock the entire Second Cavalry Brigade, composed of the Seventh and
Fifth Cavalrv Regiments, could be seen plainly about eight miles south and west
of Juarez, in hot pursuit of the Villa forces which were engaged at 10 o'clock this
morn in" in the vicinitv of San Lorenzo, it was stated at military headquarters.
American Cavalry Gaifting
At 11.20 the American cavalry appeared to he gaining rapidly o the \ ilia band,
which was making a desperate effort to reach the mountains southwest of Juarez.
The pursuit, which started east of Juarez, swung to the west and the columns
could he seen in a cloud of dust to the southwest beyond Juarez.
United States infantry troops started withdrawing from Juarez to El Paso at
10.30 A. M. to-day in obedience to orders by Major GenerdJUftrosey C. Cabell, com
mander of the southern department, who arrived from San Antonio early to-day
and crossed the international bridge for a conference with General Francisco Gon
zales, supreme commander of the Juarez troops.
El Paso, Texas, June 16. —American troops sent into Mexico last
night to stop the indiscriminate firing across the border fought their first
general engagement with the Mexican rebel forces of Francisco Villa at
the Juarez race track shortly after 2 o'clock this morning.
The Americans were victorious. Villa's troops were driven from the race track
by rifle and machine gun fire.
Cavalry Takes Prisoners
Many prisoners were reported taken by the United States cavalry, which took
up positions on the east and southeast of the track, according to an official report
at military headquarters.
The Mexican rebels and federal troops fought in the streets of Juarez Saturday night and
Sundav night, many on both sides being killed. Many bullets from the rebel gins came across
the Rio Grande. Two persons were killed and -even wounded on the American side.
When the Mexican bullets became too thick for the safety of citizens of El Paso, Brigadier
General ]. B. Erwin at 11 o'clock last night ordered American troops across the border. In ten
minutes after the ordeV \va> issued 3.600 United States soldiers were in Mexico. The first troops
to cross were the Fourth Battalion of the Twenty-fourth Infantry (coloredJ, a battalion of the
Eighty-second Artillery and the Fifth and Seventh Cavalry.
Guns Rain Shrapnel
Two American guns placed near the international bridge shell
ed the racetrack with shrapnel to dislodge the Yillistas.
After the Mexican federals were allowed to retire into the town
of Juarez, Colonel Hadzeil's colored infantry opened up with a
terrific rifle fire on the renches flanking the racetrack. They ad
vanced in open order and succeeded in dislodging the Villa forces,
who held the strongest positions as the colored troops were
forced to advance across a comparatively open plain.
llriven Into Hills
As the American cavalry maneuv
ered over the Juarez plain their po
sitions were marked by gieen rocket
flares and were ajurwered by similar
star shells from the top of the Mills
building in El Paso, headquarters
of the American forces. At 2.30 the
rifle firing had died down, indicat
ing the Villa forces were defeated
and were being driven into the hills
or pursued by the United States
The American artillery was sta
tioned in positions from which the
racetrack where the Villa rebels
were quartered could he shelled. A
flanking movement was begun in an
effort to prevent the escape of the
Yanks in Ihirsuit
Villa troops, driven from Juarez
early to-day by United States infan
[C'ontinurd on Page &.]
G Harrisburg and Vicinity: Partly
" cloudy to-night and Tandny,
not much change in tempera
Eastern Pennsylvania: Pnrtly
cloudy to-night and Tuesday,
(.lightly warmer to-night in
southern portion, (.rntle shift
ing winds.
lllveri The .Inninta will rise
somewhat this afternoon: the
upper portion will tall to-night
and the lower portion Tuesday.
The lower portion of the west
branch will rise this afternoon
and to-night and fall Tuesday.
The main river will rise slightly
to-day and to-night and prob
ably begin to ffnli Tuesday. 411
other streams w|!l remain
nearly stationary. 4 stage, of
about 4.7 feet Is Indicated for
■larrlsbnrg Tuesday morning.
®|f olar-In&cpcnscnl.,
American Forces on Gunboat
Castine at Port Limon Are
Held in Readiness
Washington, June IK. —The revo
lution against the Tinoco govern
ment in Costa Rica has entered a
new phase, according to dispatches
to-day to the State Department.
Outbreaks have occurred in San
Jose, the capital and the general
situation was described as serious.
American forces on the gunboat
Castine, now at Port Llmon, are
held in readiness and can be landed
at a moment's notice, it was said.
The commander of the ship, how-'
ever, has been instructed not to act
without specific instructions from
In the dispatches concerning the
situation in Costa Rica no details
were made public, hut officials said
conditions were such that it would
not be surprising if the necessity
for action on the part of the Amer
ican Government should arise.
John t'zimic, 8 Lochiel Row, was
'reated in the Harrisburg Hospital
for burns of the left shoulder, left
arm and right arm,, suffered late
Saturday while working at the Cen
tral Iron and Steel Company. i
Charged With Improper Con
duct During Parade of
Chared with intoxication while on
duty during the parade of Saturday
afternoon, Jacob Zimmerman. 119
Sylvan Terrace, patrolman on the
Harrisburg police force, tendered his
resignation to Mayor Kr ister this af
ternoon when called to answer to the
chargt. Zimmerman is alleged to
have arrested another man on a
charge of being drunk at the Russ
Fish mtrket on Saturday afternoon,
about 4 o'clock, af-or whi*h he tole-
(Continued on Page Eight)
Court Asked to Name
Trustee to Apportion Fund
For Needy of Harrisburg
Because of the death of Mrs. Eliz
abeth C. Kunkel. who had charge of
the distribution of the income from
<a fund of SIO,OOO provided by her
husband, John C. Kunkel. to be paid
to the poor and needy of the city,
a petition was presented to the Dau
phin county court to-day. asking for
the appointment of a successor to
1 act as trustee.
John E. Fox presented the petition
j for the executors of Mrs. Kupkel's
estate and it was suggested by the
i court that the Mechanics' Trust
j company be named as trustee. The
> court took the petition for considera
tion and reserved action.
Mrs. Kunkel, in her will, in addi
tion to making other public bequests
set aside fund of SIO,OOO for the
same purpose as the one. provided
I by her husband almost fcarty years
i ago.
Hour Fixed as Four O'clock
at Versailles For Deliv
ery of Allied Answer
By Associated Press.
PARIS, June 16.—1t is an- 1
ticipated' generally that the
Germans will ask for an ex
tension of time in which to
reply to the final peace condi
tions. The request, it is be- :
lieved, will be based on the
fact that the Germans were
given only one revised copy of
the treaty.
Marshal Foch, General
. Bliss and other military lead
ers attended the meeting of
the Council of Five to-day.
The meeting developed the
nature of a general windup of
; the German situation.
Paris, June 16. —The reply of the
; Allies to the German counter propo
sals will be delivered to Count Von
| Brockdorff-Rantzau, head of the
| enemy peace delegation at Vesailles
|at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Paul
I Dutasta, secretary of the Peace Con-
I ference, will take the revised treaty
! personally to Versailles to hand it to
| the Germans.
j A special train will be held ready
iat Versailles and it is presumed that
, the Germans will depart for Weimar
immediately upon the receipt of the
Editors and printers worked
throughout the night and this fore
noon in a feverish effort to complete
the reply. At 5 o'clock this morning
corrections were still being made,
but it was stated that the delivery
of the document at about 4 o'clock
was assured.
| The Council will give final consid
| oration to the provisions of the
Treaty before they are presented.
Premier Clemenceau planned to
communicate the provisions to the
French Cabinet previously.
| The Treaty will not be presented
jin complete printed form fis re
j vised. The correctio s in the orig
] inal document have been written in
i red ink upon one copy of the Treaty
j and the Germans will be handed this
I and ninety-nine other copies, upon
which they can duplicate the correc
tions for themselves.
Immediately after receiving the
document, the head of the German
j mission, accompanied by several of
] his colleagues, will leave for Wei
! mar, where the Treaty will be laid
i before the German national assem-
I bly.
County Commissioners Accept
Figures of Mining Engi
neer Sekol's Report
Valuation of marketable coal in
the ground owned by the Susque
hanna Collieries Company in tracts
in Williams and Wiconisco town
ships is to be assessed at eight cents
a ton for taxation, the County Com
missioners decided to-day, accepting
the figure submitted by W. F. Sekol,
mining engineer, in his recent re
port of tonnage of unmined and
marketable coal.
Edward A. Minnich, assessor in
Wiconisr-o township, was present to
day at the meeting of the county of
ficials and began entering valuations
on the books. Notices will be sent
to the company as soon as the Wil
liams township assessor takes simi
lar action . It is understood the
company will appeal the assessment
to the county court for decision.
By fixing the value of marketable
coal at eight cents a ton, the assess
ment. of the coal in place in Wico
nisco township will be $737,197.96
and in Williams township $1,603,-
108.80, to which will be added the
valuation of improvements, such as
buildings and machinery and other
equipment used in mining.
Topoka. Kan., June 16.—A one
legged Chicago girl would correspond
with Robert D. McGiffert, City Park
Commissioner, with a view to "mak
ing a match." McGiffert. who has a
wooden leg with barometr'cal quali
ties was written up recently by a lo
cal newspaper. He is a former Ma
rine and lost his leg in battle la
The Rev. J. William Eookhart,
pastor of the First Baptist Church,
at a recent meeting of the Northern
Baptist Theological Seminary, of
i Chicago, 111., was elected a member
of the advisory board of the insti
tution for a term of two years.
By Associated I'ress. _
London, June 16.—The Man
chester home of John Atcock, pilot
of the Vickers-Vimy biplane
which on Sunday completed its
flight across the Atlantic from
New Foundtand by landing at
Clifden, Ireland, was besieged by
visitors yesterday, the callers
standing in line to shake hands
with Captain Alcock's mother.
She said, during the day:
"I had faith in my son. He
told me he would make the flight
Captain Sexton, chief of the
Fnited States naval staff in Lon
don, commenting on Captain Al
cock's flight to-day, said:
"It was a very fine perform
ance. The I'nited States Navy
will be only too pleased to extend
Gregory and Carruthers Speak
at Luncheon in the
To-day's luncheon of the Rotary
Club in the Penn-Harris Hotel was
placed in the hands of Harrisburg
Central Y. M. C. A. officials, after
the luncheon and mirror business
matters were considered by the club
members. Preston Crowell, vice
president of the Club, presided in the
absence of President G. M. Stein
metz, who is in attendance at the na
tional convention in Salt Lake City.
Arch Dinsmore, Boys' Work Secre
tary of the local Y. M. C. A., had
charge of the Y. M. C. A. end of the
affair. Frank Gregory, general sec
retary (\f the Pennsylvania Railroad
Y. M. C. A., the first speaker called
on, gave a short history of the Y.
Jil. C. A. work and told of what the
organization has done to increase the
efficiency of the railroad men.
State Secretary James Carruthers
was the other speaker on to-day's
program. He paid ii tribute to the
businessmen of Harrisburg, and es
pecially the Harrisburg Rotary Club,
for the support they have given to
the Y. M. C. A. in its work. Officials
of the Central Y. M. C. A. and
workers of the State organization,
were guests,at the luncheon.
The physical directors of the two
institution's: C. W. Miller and Horace
j Geisel, told of the beneficial results
achieved in the gymnasium work of
the Institutions. Boys with one and
three years' gymnastic training %vere
| present to illustrate the development
I of the youths who have had training
I in the two institutions.
By Associated Press.
Washington, June 16.—There
can be no misunderstanding be
tween the governments of the
United States and Mexico regard
ing the movement of troops
across the border at El Paso, Sec
retary Baker said to-day. The
sole purpose, he said, was protec
tion of the American side of the
border, and there is a distinct un
derstanding between the govern
ments for such action.
Mr. Baker issued this formal
"There is no possibility of a
misunderstanding between the re
public of Mexico and the United
States with regard to the protec
tion of life on the American side.
In many instances previously it
has been necessary > for the
American forces very briefly to
cross the border to disperse
bandit forces. The sole purpose
of the Amteriqan soldiers is to pro
tect life on the American side."
V. >
Intersection of Second and
North Streets Regarded Dan
gerous One of the City
Ray Beach, Winchester, Ohio, one
of the twenty convalscent sol
diers who were injured in the crash
of a huge steel army truck and a
Harrisburg railways car, at Second
and North streets ,on Saturday, died
in the Harrisburg Hospital yester
day morning as a result of his in
juries. had received a frac
tured slcull when he was thrown from
the truck after the crash.
Eight of the injured soldiers were
returned to the Carlisle Hospital on
Saturday, while the remainder were
removed yesterday. All are reported
to be resting well. A complete in
vestigation of the whole affair has
(Continued on rage Eight)
| Right of Collective Bargain
! ing Extends to All Employes
of Post Office Department
By Associated Press.
| Atlantic City, X. J.. June 16.
i Postmaster General Burleson's order
j granting the right of collective bar
. gaining to electrical and telephone
! workers, signing of which on Satur
| day averted a nation-wide strike, np
: plies to all other employes under the
i post office department, including tel-
I egraph operators and postal em
| ployes, according to a report made
| to-day ,to the convention of the
j American Federation of Labor by V.
H McCarthy, of San Francisco, chair
man of the committee that went to
Washington under direction of the
t a uses Sharp Debate
This declaration resulted in a
sharp debate by delegates. It start
ed when E. r. Gainer, of the letter
carriers, asked if Postmaster General
Burleson's orders applied4exclusively
to telephone employes and.added that
| he could see no reason w&w all post
ial employes should not be given the
same rights as had been granted oth
er employes of the telephone system.
I Mr. McCarthy said that necessarily
i the principles in Postmaster Hem ral
Burleson's order must apply to every
I other organization under the post
| office department.
• Fundamental principles," said Mr.
I McCarthy, "have been established "
| John Lewis, vice-prasident of the
j mine workers, asked what effect the
I Postmaster General's action w uld
l have upon the existing strike of com
mercial telegraphers. Mr. McCarthy
said that while the telegraph strike
was not discussed during the' confer
ence with Postmaster General Bur
lesson the comin.ttee was convinced
j that the questions involved in the tel
| egraphers strike as well as any oth
! er that might arise, would have to
! be dealt with in accordance with the
i order issued Saturday by Mr. Burle-
I son.
j Harrington, Kan., June 16.—Miss
I Mary Harness was struck by light
ning the other eveinng while helping
her brother, John Harness in an al
falfa field in an attempt to save some
hay from an approaching storm. Her
clothing and shoes were torn from
her body and she was painfully
1 Neal Campbell. Fifty-sixth and
, Market streets, Pliildelphia, is in the
I Harrisburg Hospital with a fractured
; leg. The injury was suffered yester
| day when he was thrown- from an
■ automobile in a collision near Lewis-
I town.
j Committee to Wait on Com
missioners Tomorrow in
Behalf of Movement
City Councilmen will be urged to
j morrow by members of the Com
munity Singing and Band Concerts
committee of the Harrisburg Cham
ber of Commerce, to provide funds,
if possible, for summer band con
certs this year.
The committee, with John Fox
Weiss as chairman, will meet at
the council chamber shortly before
10 o'clock to-morrow morning when
the City Commissioners hold their
regular session, and will formally
request that provision be made for
open air band concerts. A bill was
signed recently by Governor Sproul
which gives Councils of third-class
cities authority to provide funds for
that purpose.
The Community Singing commit
tee at a number of meetings since
its organization, outlined a program
of work which includes open air
band concerts in addition to com
munity singing. As a preliminary
part of its work, it urged the pas
sage of House bill No. SO, which is
the bill giving Council power to ex
pend municipal funds for commun
ity music.
Upon the signing of the bill, mem
bers of the committee interviewed
the councilmen upon the subject of
band cncerts. and elicited the in
formation that they are almost
unanimously in favor of municipal
band concerts, provided the funds
can be secured.
Lewistown Will Now Get v
New Federal Building
Uenisitown, Fa., June 16. The
Treasury Department has notified
Postmaster Orr that the government
is about ready to take up the work
of erection of a new postoffice at
Dewistown. Proposals for a build-,
ing here within 60 days is asked.
The contract Inlcludes a new s'dle- :
walk. The location will be at Mar
ket and Wayne streets, where for
merly stood the St, Charles Hotel.
Vickers-Vimy Bomber Completes 1,630
Nautical Miles In 16 Hours and 12
Minutes; Pilot Happy at End
London, June 16.—London to-day celebrated the achievement
of the two British airmen who yesterday completed the first non
stop trans-Atlantic flight, meanwhile preparing for a formal re
ception to the air victors. Captain John Alcock and Lieutenant
Arthur \V. Brown. Formal examination of the Vickers-Vimy
bombing type airplane in which the two men flew 1,650 nautical
miles in 16 hours and 12 minutes from St. John's, N. F., to Clifden,
near Galway. Ireland has been completed by aero club officials,
who found the seals intact on the marked parts of the airplane,
thus officially establishing the authenticity of the flight.
Bomber Badly Damaged , '
Meanwhile the aviators, tired but!'
happy, are on their way to London 1
ami may reach here to-morrow. Both i ;
are well, but Lieutenant Brown, the j !
navigator of the plane, suffered ]
bruises on the nose and face when :
the machine landed in a hog. The i
biplane was badly damaged and may
have to be dismantled.
Features of the trip were the car- |
rytng of the first aerial mail across i
the Atlantic and the transportation ;
lof two mascots, a dog and a cat. j i
Enthusiasm over the success of the j i
| trip has not been accompanied by I
I any minimizing of the great dangers j.
i the aviators encountered. Once, the
airmen said, they barely escaped be
ing plunged into, the sea when the |
| machine went into a flat spit.
Early in the flight the half gale!
in which they took off front St Johns
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4* is-rr-Tbc AfH.es have promised Orutfny to del [T
t try for the*responsibility of the war and violation of the ll S
4* T
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m 'Jt
Harry It. Zimmerman anil Catherine M. I.eleht, Nor Cumberland! J
* " Mnrmnn C. Jonea, Washington, and Mary K. Nlummn, Harrlabnrgl
c I Paul Singer, Rending, and Ethel H. Klawnnaky, Mlddletonn; Ed- JL
ward H. Davla and Gertrude Pfall, Perry county.
tore off the propeller that drove the
wireless dynamo and made radio
communication impossible. At the
same time, Lieutenant Brown said, a
stay wire broke, but of this he did
not speak to his companion until
they landed. Captain Alcock said
he would have turned back had he
known thi3.
Petrol Indicator Stops
Bad weather, accompanied by fog,
permitted only three observations
for laying the course, while sleet
stopped the working of the petrol in
dicator. Captain Alcock, describing
his experiences while flying at an
altitude of 11,000 feet, said:
"It was hailing and snowing. The
machine became covered with ice by
6 o'clock in the morning and re
l mained so until an hour before we
1 (Continued on Page Kight)