8 ! *™z Emws AUTOMOBILE SECTION Mn W" ADVERTISING V a- M-IHM2 ) . " , ' ' . _ ' MOTOR DEALERS J OUTING JUNE 19 Big Time Is Scheduled to Be Held at the Monn Cottage "Hail, hail, the gang's all here" is • what the Harrisburg Motor Dealers will be singing next Thursday, June ' the 19th, when the whole shubang i gets together in a real old time out > ing at the Monn Cottage along the i Conodoguinet Creek. And a real itime it is promised to be according Ito the committee in charge of ar rangements, but what these real times are to be—ah, therein lies the secret —to a certain extent. To start in with, we are told, I there will be u secret time run from Harrisburg to the cottage In which a splendid prize will bo awarded to the dealer coming nearest to that • certain time. And then when they . get there—oh, boy. Good time galore. There will be athletic ; events, stunts, sports, baseball an' everything, And eats, oh, lady, lady, ! They say that is to be the best part ' of it, oodles of everything delicious. The picnic is being staged by the Harrisburg Motor Dealers Associa-; itiqn, No stone has been left un- 1 lturned by the committee to make it, ! a huge suecess, There are about j i sixty members in the association and j when these boys get togethor there 1 is 'Something doing every minute. •fhe route to the Monn Cottage is j out over the Carlisle Pike to the j second road from Ousters Point I where you turn to the right and go i down to the creek, following the j road along the creek to - first j house above Good Hope Mill. There j is plenty of room for everybody and j a good sized crowd is expected. WHERE SOME CAR OWNERS CHEAT THEMSELVES I "Battery manufacturers ; that the average car owner gels | about two-thirds of the service and life of which his battery is capable,"l says Mr. Kent, manager of the local; Willard Service Station. One of the reasons for this, ac-! cording to Mr. Kent, is that the I owner does not form regular habits j with regard- to battery care. He will, for instance, add water every. week just as directions say as long; as his car is new. But after he j ha* been driving his car a while, he,begins to slip and adds it only every two weeks or every three weeks, or perhaps even lets the bat tery go a month without attention.; Fortunately a battery will stand an enormous amount of this neglect before the effects begin to show, but they are sure to become apparent after a while. The only way th keep any hattery in shape to give all the service it is capable of. is to add water at reg ular intervals just as long as you own your car. Then if you make hydro meter tests regularly, be sure that you are keeping the charge up where it ought to be. If you go to the battery service station the min ute anything seems to be wrong, you can be fairly sure that your bat tery won't do the unexpected thing and go baclc on you just when you need it most. Moreover you can be certain that you are giving it the sort of treatment necessary to pro long its life. §HARRISBURG'S LEADING TIRE AND ACCESSORY EMPORIUM Sterling Goodyear Perfection Monford United States Goodrich and other makes of tires in stand- A Complete nine of Accessories. "Service and Courtesy"' Our Motto. KEYSTONE SALES CO. 108 MARKET STREET "AUTO TOPS" Made, Repaired, Etc. Bevel Plate Glass and All Kinds of Trimming by Real Expert Mechanics. Prompt Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed C. A. FAIR Carriage and Auto Works East End Mulberry St. Bridge, Harrisburg, Pa. 4 fmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaßmammmmmmmmm SATURDAY EVENING, The Handling of Inner Tubes TIRE TALK NO. 4 By GEORGE G. McFARLAND ' Local Firestone Dealer What the air container i*f the has- l ketball or the football is to the whole ' toy, that, the inner tube is to the j tue. Be careful of it and you ride on a first class cushion of air, be I careless and you are going to ride all the sooner on the rim and the i i.i ks. If tire users better understood the construction of inner tubes,and what is more to the point,'would put in , practice what they know, the com- j fort of riding would be greatly en hanced. Let me emphasize several I points in this article: The trouble sometimes starts when the tubes are bought. They come in cardboard boxes to be sure, j but that is no reason why they j should be kept in such containers ; ar.y longer than is necessary. There ; lis danger that the gum, and the | danger is all the greater if the gum is of the pure Para variety, will be. chafed, and eventually cracked and ruined. It is a matter of economy ' to purchase a tube hag, which soon ; pays for itself. The value of fresh air may be em ; phasized to advantage in relation to 1 tires as it has been in respect to lungs. If your machine is to be i "laid on the shelf" for a few weeks, ! remove the stale air, pump in i enough fresh air to "round out" the ! tubes, cover them against the light j and jack up your car. On general 1 principles, tubes should bo filled two 1 or three times a year with fresh air, ; since the effect of stale air is in it- j ' self deleterious. Reverting to the subject of pre- j j serving in cases, a given size ■ ! of tube should always be placed in • the same size of case. Just as it is ; inadvisable to wear shoes either too j large or small for one's feet, so is 1 ! ESTA WATER AUXILIATOR AGENCY ESTABLISHED HERE i W. H. Mohney and Son have se | cured the agency for eighteen Cen t tral and Eastern Pennsylvania coun i ties' for the Esta Water Auxiliator 1 and have established headquarters 'at 810 North Third street this city. The Esta Water Auxiliator is a new device for the prevention and: j elimination of carbon in the motor, j ] It has been tested and accredited! I by the American Automobile Asso- j ! ciation and the Pratt Institute, of i ] Brooklyn. It Is claimed that it j i gives increased power and that less fuel is used in the operation of the car when it has this device attached. A Galveston motorist whose busi i ness takes him ou long trips has I something to explain on his return | from a present sojourn in Louisiana. ] "Bum town," he postcarded the ' ! wife, "bum cats, bum business, bum ] j weather —lots of love." —Motor Life, j i } Far be it from us to give Mr. j I Ford any free advertising, but the ; i Bronx, N. Y„ Home News calls his . ! proposed $3OO car a "Car to Fit All : : Pockets." j A small car obviously.—Motor : Life. They had been very careful to | conceal from Young Ralph, aged 9, the fact ihut mother's birthday had been copiously celebrated. "We gut | borne about three," conclude! j Daddy, "v'a taxicab," and g-imaced to indidcaie Big Head. ! "Yes," added Ralph, "and Daddy ; was intaxic ileii." —Motor Life. The Renaud tank was well sob- I rickaved* "Baby." A most natural • pet name foir a creeper type of me ! chanical war wager.—Motor Life. | it imprudent to keep a tube in the I wrong sized container. It should bo j obvious that a 4 %-inch tube, if stored in a 4-inch case is sure to be come wrinkled and creased, and it should be equally obvious that a 4- inch tube in a 4H-inch case is Sound to strfctch and get flabby, as well as to suffer the ill etlects of heat and action due to displacement !of air; and yet people who are i aware that shoes which are too •small and shoes which are too large I are similarly harmful to their feet, will thoughtlessly or persistently ruin their tire equipment by tho 1 kind of performance which I have j just suggested. I alluded in the last article to the ; importance of lubrication. Before , leaving the question of handling in ; ner tubes as they should be handled, let me emphasize the value of lubri cation. Care should be exercised that the lubricant is distributed ! evenly. If the eoapstones or mica, j or talc is "dumped" at one spot, sur plus heat is generated, which dries the rubber locally and promotes ; cracking. The same undesirable re i suit comes from using the lubricat i ing agent too freely; for some peo ple, acting upon the mistaken prin [ ciple that if a little of anything is i-good. more is better, are inclined to j overdo the lubricating expedient. | They overdo it just as they injure the lining of their nostrils by em ; ploying a salt solution that is too strong for those tender membranes. Do not minimize the importance of lubrication, but be certain that the ] right amount is distributed often enough in the right way and in the right places. i (To Be Continued Next Saturday) • LOCAL ACCESSORY MAN BACK FROM CONVENTION AT Ht)T SPRINGS Troy B. Wildermuth, president of the Front-Market Motor Supply Com pany, has just returned from Hot Springs. Va., where he has been at tending a convention of the Auto motive Equipment Association. Mr. Wildermuth reports that much was accomplished toward the bet terment of this great industry. This association which has Mr. Wilder muth on several of its important committees, consists of the larger jobbers and manufacturers of auto motive equipment throughout the United States and Canada. Instead of going by rail Mr. Wil dermuth motored to Hot Springs and says that the roads are good the en tire distance except for about sixty five miles through the mountains between Staunton and Hot Springs. There is Fischer's restaurant in New York, whose specialty is the cooking of (vegetables by steam, "all of the mineral properties being re tained." Joe Pione inquires if this refers to sand in the spinach.—Motor Life. BUY A REAL TIRE FIRST SAVE EXPENSE AND TROUBLE AFTERWARDS THE INDIA is a REAL TIRE When buying a tire, an essential feature is to consider how much mile age it will give you. The first cost of a tire is nojt always the last cost. Many tires only last a couple of thousand miles and then come trouble and expense. The wise tire buyer is the fellow who buys a real tire first and saves himself trouble and expense later. The INDIA Tire has proven itself to be one of the best tire buys on the market, because it gives exceptional mile age and stands up to the last minute with the least trouble. Study the fol lowing tables and see which fellow you are. If you have been having more than your share of tire trouble, let us tell you how to eliminate it and, bet ter still, prove to you that it can be done. Get in touch with us to-day. Tbr panying 2500 K. Illustrations Show the 5000 h Re,ult of Imprudent . // 20 and Prudent REPLA^p^"~ 00"1 Tire Buying V. kj ""-ES // 20 X, N T I -| HOW IWJPftlMend DO YOU Rm Sh i Good KPT i i ji iii- BUY' ToUPKIM ! /TfJ >5 ' anrfTJr.a. , #75 /0 This Fellow Use? India Tires , This Fellow Doesn't WARD GARAGE 18th & Chestnut Sts. DISTRIBUTORS Bell 3750-J HJJSJLBURG TELEGRAPH The Seat of Selden Activity in This City—The Large Salesrooms and Service Station of the Selden Track Distributors, 1019-21 Market St. V : \ • ' . _ " mWrnBL ' $ ifift&H s, - " ""W'**" " .-• The above illustration shows the 1 ocal salesrooms and service station of the Selden Truck d'stributors, 1019-21 Market street. This building was acquired last fall by the Sol den Truck Distributors and was com pletely remodeled and outfitted as a n up-to-the-minute salesroom and m achine shop. The business grew to such proportions in a short time that the two smaller buildings to the west of the main building were also acquired and turned in to storage rooms and repair shops. Selden coming into H arrisburg by the carload. In the big "Ship-by-Truck" parade it was ex pected that there would be twelve or fourteen Seldens represented. D urlng the past few months several large local concerns added Seldens t c their equipment and several large orders are now booked for imme diate deliveries. BIG PARADE HERE TODA Y BOOSTING" " National Movement Celebrated Here For the First Time; Dealers Work Hard to Make It a Success The first "Ship-by-Truck" day, the big national movement fostered by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Com pany and In which practically every truck and lire manufacturer and dealer all over the country is co operating. opened lip here to-day w'th a big parade in which it is es timated there will be at least two ; hundred trucks representing every j dealer and many lines of business. I Following the parade which was I started from Front and Market j streets around 12 o'clock, a mass j meeting was held in the Chestnut | street auditorium in which several | prominent speakers gave their views ; on the "Ship-by-Truck" movement j That the movement is well placed and suhe to he of benefit to evjery community has been tried and proven during the recent war time when the railroads were overtaxed and it was necessary to bring the truck into play in inter-city hauling. Several of the large concerns in the east established regular routes and riany concerns sprang into being whose business was that of hauling long distances. It is not an uncom mon sight to see trucks here from Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and the other large cities of the east, and there are several concerns in Harrisburg that does the long dis tance hauling plying between here and Philadelphia and New York and other large points. One factor that stands out in the ship-by-truck movement is that the farmer is enabled to bring bis produce to the markets in much less time than heretofore and at a much decreased price, thereby making the price of his products to the con sumer cheaper. Another is the good loads that are sure to result, for this movement. Taken in all, while it is yet in its infancy, "Ship-by-Truck" will soon be one of the big realities. Ton WORM Drive' SELDEN SPEOAL at $2185 Meets the Hauling Needs of To-day To meet the present-day need for a moder- an extent that we can sell the SELDEN ate-priced ton truck of the same rugged SPECIAL at a price far below its value, construction, the same great powers of en- 1 durance, of the same design and built on the Wherever there exists a need for haulage of same sound engineering principles as the tons capacity, the SELDEN SPECIAL other models in the Line of SELDEN wiU render hi g hl Y efficient and profitable TRUCKS, we offer the SELDEN SPECIAL service. Model at $2185. The specifications of this remarkable achieve- Manufacturing facilities, greatly enlarged ment in motor truck manufacture are proof during the war to meet the demands of the that only the highest quality units obtain- United States and allied governments for able enter into its construction—which is Selden Trucks, enable our factory to stan- your assurance of long, uninterrupted set* dardize production of this model to such vice at low operating cost. Ask us-for complete specifications of the Selden Special. SELDEN TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS 1017-25 Market St. # Harrisburg. Wc Have a Fully Equipped Machine Shop and Can Give You Immediate Service on All Repair Ujork. wvlUyllirKB JUNE 14, 1919. MOTOR CLUB TO | HOLD ITS PICNIC / __ Boiling Springs Park Will Be; the Scene of Unheard-of Activity Washday, Monday, June 23, has J been declared off by every member] of the Motor Club of Harrisburg. | Why? Simply because that is thel day of the big basket picnic of the j club at that well known picnic grounds, Boiling Springs And some j day that is to bo. Tho big park and j athletic grounds have been re- j served, along with every amusement there, for tho benefit of the Motor ] club members. The picnic has been arranged by j_ j a special picnid committee and uj rousing time is sure Jp result for i j these arrangements are being for- j mulatcd by three of the best picnic| | arrangers in this community Frank ; | Davenport. Boyd Ogelsby and J. S. j I Lowcngard. Right off the bat, be- J tween 12 and 2 o'clock Monday, things will start. A secret time run | to the park will be held, with the; ears checking out at Front, and ) • State streets and checking In at | Boi'lng Springs. To the lucHy fel- | low that gets there on schedule time — what it is we don't know, but we'll bet it isn't twenty minutes I (the motor club doesn't believe in ; speed) will get one of the swcllest | prizes he ever laid his eyes on. I And then—Oi. oi, oi, things will j Ibo doing every minute —baseball, boating, track meets, quoits, run- ] ning, jumping, swimming, dancing, j swinging, fishing, oh, just every- • thing to amuse the grown-ups and j the little ones. And just think, there I will be an honest-to-gosh prize to ( the best performer in every event. Everything is being worked out to j tho queen's taste, and oh, boy, ain't! it a grand and g'orious feeiin' to' think that you are a member of the I motor club. Why the picnic alone ] is worth tlie measly little old five | spot it costs to join. Say, gentle reader, if you aren't a member, get down to the club rooms before June the 19tli and tell Clyde Myton thnt you have had a change of heart and H.VKKIsm UG IX) BELLE FONTE VIA I.LWISTOWN 0.0 HAHRISBUKO 98.6 8.4 Dauphin 90.3 10.0 New Buffalo 79.1 29. Liverpool ......69.4 40.0 Millerstown .....68,7 84. Miffllntown 43.9 66.8' Lewistown ......31.8 72.6 Reedsville . .26.0 76. Milroy ........22.2 84. rotter's Mills 13.8 89. Center Hall ..... 8.7 93.4 Pleasant Gap ..... 5.2 96.4....... Axeman 2.J 95.6 BELLEFONTE .... 0.0 that you think It's time you are & member. ** Added features are to be band eoneerts and dancing to the melo dious tune of an orchestra. It ia expected that, there will be at least six hundred people there, so "pack your troubles in your old kit bag and come along." C. E. Dennis Opens Agency For Lexington Car Here During the past week another agency for a popular ear has been i established in this city, that of C. ' E. Dennis, representing the i ton Motor Company of Oonnersville, j Ind., in the sale of the well known | Lexington cars. A salesroom and i seryice station has been opened at 121 Houth Third street and ship- I ments of cars have already been re | ceived. i Mr. Dennis is well known is na [tional automobile circles and was I formerly a Harrisburg man. He has ! been connected with several large j concerns and is capable judge or real I car service. ! The Lexington is a well known | car with a national reputation. It j is decidedly modern in every respect I and is in the line with other popular medium priced cars. One of the ! features of the Lexington is the ex- I elusive Moore Multiple Exhaust Sys | tern which, it is claimed, produces more horsepower with less fuel. Mr. Dennis will establish agents Jin adjoining counties and is in a j position to make immediate deliv -1 cries of the new models.