Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 14, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    C. V. NEWS
Pipes Will Be Laid to Supply
Householders of the Town
From Famous Spring
Mechanlcsharar. Pa., June .14.
Work was begun this week on the
installation of a complete system of
water pipes in Boiling Springs and
it is expected that before many
weeks every householder in that
place, will have the opportunity of
connecting with the pipes, thus se
curing a steady supply of pure cold
The work is being done under the
direction of J. C. Bucher, of that
place. Tho water which will be
pumped through the pipes by the
Gain Flesh By
Drinking Water
With Systoxem
A very easy and pleasant method
for gaining flesh and rounding out
the body is now advocated by well
known authorities. Simply drink
plenty of good water and take a little
Systoxem after meals. This simple
method is guaranteed to aid nature in
adding healthy tissue, weight and
strength to the human body in two
weeks' time in many instances. It
supplies the blood and system with
flesh and strength-building sub
stances now known to be lacking
and often wholly lost in the modern
foods we eat. Thousands of thin,
delicate and run-down folks will
naturally be benefitted. One well
known writer on body building, etc.,
says, "It is just like giving sunshine
and water to a withering plant." The
ordinary city drinking water here is
considered pure and Systoxem is now
obtainable at good drug stores with
out a doctor's prescription, it not
being a secret remedy.
NOTE —Geo. A. Gorgas. Kennedy's
Drug Store and other leading drug
gists of this city report tremendous
increases in the sale of Systoxem
since it has become known that this
compound ajid ordinary drinking
water help the blood turn the food we
eat into solid, healthy tissue, and also
induce a feeling of renewed energy,
strength and power of endurance.
I: <
Mark your packages distinctly and prevent
. non-deliveries and misshipments. Save time, 4
► money and annoyance. <
Let us prepare a distinctive label or tag suit- 4
L able for your needs. i
" Phone, write or visit
.p: ..........SAXES DEPARTMENT
; The Telegraph Printing Co. ;
j y Printing, Designing, Photo-Engraving, Plate 4
j y Printing 4
► *
' y 4
j What's Wrong With You? 1
*■ Do you dare to ask yourself why your Health and Strength are Failing?
Look at yourself in the glass, ask what's wrong? Why are you not able
to get the most out of life in the joy of living and earning capacity ? Do
wgJPPs*' you realize the danger you are in by neglecting yourself? Is it constipa-
BffiT , tion, nervousness, indigestion, insomnia, weak heart, rheumatism, rupture,
g|f A J|p physical weakness, poor memory, lung trouble, catarrh, short wind, poor
I * •*** circulation, round shoulders, skin disorders? Are you flat chested or
round shouldered? Too thin or too stout? Do you want to increase
V Ip 0 Jom y° ur hei § ht or muscular development, or just your general health?
Why not come to me as a friend and confidant and tell me whet is
I g preventing your getting the most out of life ? I will write you a friendly,
personal, helpful talk that will lift you out of despair and suffering. I
wiM sen d it in a plain, sealed envelope. If you are a victim of any secret
habits which are ruining your ambitions, endangering your future, even
threatening your life, LET ME HELP YOU. Your secret is safe with me.
DELAY MEANS DANGER. You can't mend the body with OILS,
PHYSICS and PIFFLE! You must know Nature's way. This is the
Jl|limPMßa| Strongfort way. I will show you. Send for my wonderful book,
"Promotion and Conservation of Health, Strength and Mental Energy,"
enclosing three 2c. stamps to pay mailing expenses. It will help you to
shape your destiny. Be the master, not the slave. Write today!
STRONGFORT Physical and Health Specialist
The Perfect Man 1217 Strongfort Institute Newark, N. J.
power plant of Mr. Bucher, will be
that which bubbles from the clear
springs from which the community
derives its name.
.Me<.*iiniiictlurg, Pa., June 14.—The
death of Alvin Rowe occurred at his
home in Upper Allen township yes
-1 terday morning from the effects of
I a stroke of paralysis. He had been
•in ill health but was able to be
i around and attended the Lutheran
meeting at Trindle Spring on Thurs
day evening. He was a member of
| Trindle Spring Lutheran Church and
well known throughout this locality.
I I lis wife and one daughter survive.
, Frank Rowe, of West Main street, is
j a brother.
Magerstowii, lid., June 14. —The
Rev. J. Edward Harms, pastor of
St. John's Lutheran Church of this
city, hud the degree of doctor of di
vinity conferred upon him by Sus
quehanna Un-iversity at Selinsgrove,
Pa., during the commencement exer
> cises held there this week. The Rev.
Dr. Harms was the commencement
orator at the university on Thurs
day evening. He is a graduate of
Gettysburg Seminary and Newberry
, College, Newberry, S. C.
Met-haiUcMburg, Pa., June 14.
' Teachers' examinations in Cumber-
I land county, in which there is con
| siderable interest, will be hejd as
i follows, according to announcement
! by J. Kalso Green, county superin
i tendent of schools: Saturday, June
; 14; Mechanicsburg: Tuesday, June IT,
i Newvllle and Saturday, June 21, Car-
I lisle.
Hagei'stown, Md., June 14.—Mar
riage licenses were issued here to the
i following couples from Pennsylva
via: -
I Paul W. Erb and Helen A. Adams,
j both of Harrisburg.
Melvin Bingamar.- and Stella Near
| hood, both of Lewistown.
i Warren E. Leonard and Mary
! Helen Elizabeth, of Highspire.
I Columbuia, Pa., June 14 —Lancas-
ter Forest, No. 27, Tall Cedars of
j Lebanon, of Lancaster, will invade
! Columbia, on Tuesday evening, June
! 24. There will be a big Victory cere
; monial in the State Armory, pre-
I ceded by a parade, headed by the
! Tall Cedars Band. This is styled a
j great red letter event, and a banquet
j will follow the ceremony.
Take Hereford's Acid Phosphate
! Relieves thirst and fatigue, refreshes
1 the system and rests a wearied brain.
Double Program For
Children's Day Exercises
Marysvillc. Pa., June 14.—Officials
of the Bethany United Evangelical
Church have arranged an attractive
double Children's Day program for
presentation at Sunday morning and
evening services. In the mornir.-g
at 10.45 o'clock the program will
be in charge of the beginners' and
primary departments and other low
er grades. Mrs. F. O. Hamilton is
chairman of the committee that has
arranged for this part of the pro
gram. At the evening services the
program will be given- by the adults
of the Sunday school. Offerings will
be received at all sessions of the day
for western missions.
The annual sermon to Blue Moun
tain Lodge, No. 694, Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen, and to Belle
of Blue Mountain Lodge, Ladies'
Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of
Railway Train-men, will be delivered
to-morrow evening in the Church of
God by the pastor, the Rev. Wesley
N. Wright At the morning service
the Rev. Mr. Wright will speak on
the "Quicksands in the Path of the
Services to-morrow in the Trinity
Reformed Church will be in the eve
ning when the pastor, the Rev. R. E.
Hartman-, will speak on "The Test of
True Discipleship." Services in the
Zion Lutheran Church will be In the
morning and in charge of the pas
tor, the Rev. J. C. Reighard.
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
1 Mrs. Calvin Mctz and daughter.
Miss Catherine Elizabeth Metz, of
Williamsburg, and Miss Julia Hef
flefinger, of Mechanicsburg, were
guests of the Misses Kate and Louise
N'oell, at Shiremanstown, on Thurs
Mrs. John R. Nebinger and daugh
ter. Rena Nebinger, of Shiremans
town, spent Wednesday with Mrs.
Wagner Sutton, at Camp Hill.
Mrs. Ralph Sheely, eons, Robert
I and Eugene Sheely, of Carlisle,
i spent a day recently with Mrs.
j Sheely's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
i jamin G. Baker, at Shiremanstown.
j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erb, daugh
j ters, Ruth, Ada, Frances, Leona and
i Mildred Erb, of Erb's bridge, visited
| Mrs. Erb's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
i George F. Jacobs, at Shiremans
' town, on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Larue, daugh
! ters, Chloe and Arlene Larue, and
! Mrs. George Bretz, of Carlisle; Mrs.
: Jnae Wentz and Mrs. Charles Wentz,
! of Newville. motored to Shiremans
[ town on Friday where they were
guests of relatives.
Mrs. George Brubaker, Mrs. Eliza
beth Bigler and daughter, Lillie Big
ler; Hoover Brubaker, of Shiremans
town, and Mrs. Catharine Hoover, of
Springville, visited the latter's
grandson, George Brubaker, Jr., and
family, at Enola recently.
Allison Kunkle, of Lisburn, vis
ited his sister. Mrs. Amanda Draw
baugh, and Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Eberly, at Shiremanstown, on Wed
Mrs. N. M. Spahr and daughter,
of Harrisburg, spent Thursday with
the former's parents, at Shiremans
Miss Margaret Weber and Miss
Blanche Stare, of Shiremanstown,
spent a day recently in Harrisburg.
The Rev. J. C. Reighard ,of the
Marysville Zion Lutheran Church,
spent Thursday at Loysville.
Mrs. Charles R. Snyder and daugh
ter, Ruth Snyder, of Marysville, are
i visiting relatives at Liverpool.
The Rev. U. O, H. Kerschner, of
i the Newport Reformed Church of
1 the Incarnation, visited this week
with the Rev. Ralph E. Hartman, at
Marysville. i
Miss Mary Reighard, James Ben
(er and Joseph Lightner, students at I
State College, have returned to their
homes at Marysville for the sum
mer vacation.
Miss Commer and Miss Fogel
sanger, teachers of the New Cum- ;
berland schools, have returned to !
their homes in Shippensburg for
their summer vacation.
Mrs. Haker, of York, was a |
guest of Mrs. Harry Koch, in Reno i
street. New Cumberland, this week, j
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rosenberg- I
er and family, of Market street. New j
Cumberland, are visiting relatives at j
..Mr. and Mrs. William Keister, of;
Market Square, New Cumberland, |
returned from a trip to Detroit, j
Michigan, Indianapolis and other j
western cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Singelton, of
Bridge street, New Cumberland,
went to Illinois, where they will re
Mrs. Reigle, of New Cumberland,
went to Niagara Falls to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Gramm.
Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins, of
New Cumberland, visited friends in
J. W. Bream, New Cumberland,
has returned from a visit in Pitts
Columbia, Pa, June 14.—The
Christian Endeavor Society of Grace
United Evangelical church publicly
debated the question of consolidation
with the Evangelical Association,
with Miss Bertha Walker and Elmer
B. Henry, as disputants on the af
firmative and Mrs. G. Groff and John
Ginter on the negative. The judges
were the Rev. Dr. J. H. Pannebeck
er, the Rev. W. S. Nichols and Amos
S. White, and they decided that the
arguments favored the affirmative
and it would be the part of wisdom
for those denominations to reunite.
New Cumberland, Pa, June 14.
On Saturday evening. June 21, the
Citizens' Hose Company will hold a
festival on the lawn at the firehouse.
The proceeds will go towards putting
up memorial doors at the front of the
firehouse in memory of the mem
bers of the company who were in
the World War.
Yesterday's Results
Cincinnati, 3; New York, 2.
Pittsburgh, 3; Brooklyn, 0.
St. Louis, 4; Boston, 0.
Philadelphia at Chicago, rain.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
New York 27 13 .675
| Cincinnati 26 1,8 .590
Chicago 24 18 .571
I Pittsburgh 22 21 .510
[St. Louis 19 23 .452
! Brooklyn 20 24 .450
| Philadelphia 15 23 .394
I Boston 14 27 .341
Schedule For To-day
| Philadelphia at Pittsburgh.
Boston at Cincinnati.
New York at Chicago.
Brooklyn at St. Louis.
Yesterday's Results
Detroit, 6; New York, 5.
I St. Louis, 4; Philadelphia, 2.
Washington, 1; Cleveland, 0.
Boston, 6; Chicago, 1.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
New York ........... 24 13 .648
Chicago 27 15 .643
Cleveland 25 16 .600
St, Louis 21 19 .525
[Boston 18 19 .480
[ Detroit 19 21 .475
Washington 14 25 .358
Athletics 9 29 .238
Schedule For To-day
Cleveland at Boston.
Detroit at Washington.
Chicago at Philadelphia.
St. Louis at New York.
Size of Ring For Bout
Reduced to Twenty Feet
Jess Willard and Jack Dempsey
will meet in their world's heavy- l
weight championship contest July
4 in a twenty-foot ring instead of
in the regulation twenty-four
foot inelosurc. This announce
ment was made by Tex Rickaid
last night after he had obtained
the consent of both men. Rick
ard said that reducin the size
of the ring will enable him to
save 400 square feet at the ring
side to install additional press
seats, the demand for which has
exceeded all expectations.
"You can make it fifteen feet
square for all I care," was Demp
sc.v's reply to Richard's proposal.
When Willaid heard of the
challenger's remarks, he said: "It
doesn't make any difference to
me what size you make the ring.
The smaller it is, the harder it
will be for Dempsey to get away
from me."
"Plaything For Willard,"
Says Champ's Manager,
Speaking of Dempsey
By Associated Press.
Toledo, 0., June 14.—Three hun
dred special trains will be run to To
ledo for the Willard-Dempsey fight.
Tex Rickard said to-day 167 had
already been arranged and he ex
pected about 150 more. Special lake
boats will anchor in Maumee bay.
Willard expects to weigh within
two or three pounds of what he
scaled when he won the champion
ship from Jack Johnson in Havana:
yesterday. Ray O. Archer, business
249 1-2 pounds then, and he was only
two and a half pounds above that
figure when he finished his workout
yesterday. Ray O. rcher, business
manager o fthe champion, is of the
opinion that Dempsey will be a play
thing for Willard.
"It is my honest opinion that he
will be unable to hurt Jess at all,"
Archer said. "Hitting Willard hard
enough to sting him will bo vastly
different from knocking over the
class of heavyweights Dempsey has
If the cut over Dempsey's dam
aged eye is sufficiently healed he will
be allowed to resume boxing to
morrow. The two stitches have been
removed but the injury will not yet
permit any rough work with the
Sailor Bill Ketehel. the young
heavy, who joined Willard's staff of
sparrying partners yesterday, left for
New York to-day. Willard sunk a
left hook into Ketchel's mid-section
and he allowed he had enough.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 117
i crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 104,
| 103, 118, 101, 122, 115, 119, 126.
[ Flagmen for 104, 115.
Brakemen for 117, 119. 122, 126.
Engineers up: Shaitley, Ream.
Houseal. Bickel, Baldwin, Andrews,
Bair, Evans, Gemmill, Dolby.
Firemen up: Stitzel, Sam Fry, Best
line, Newcomer, Vogelsong, Bralley,
R. L. Good, Leach, Netzley, Brown.
| Strieker, Barclay, Cushing. McMul
len, W. R. Kimmich, Craley, Blum,
Thompson, Bickel.
Conductors " up: Rife.
Brakemen up: Clouser, Lutz, End
ers, Belford, Garlin, Singleton, Kil
lian, Hoffman, Lark, Anderson,
Schriver, Kinnard, G. W. Smith. Zim
merman, Harmon, "McCarty, Neid
inger, Corbin, Christ, Mowery, Rudy,
Middle Division. —The 104 crew to
go first after 1.15 o'clock: 17, 35, 23,
15, 24, 22.
Engineers wanted for 17.
Firemen wanted for 22.
Conductors wanted for 35 "and 23.
Brakemen wanted for 35, 24. 22.
Engineers up: Asper, O. W. Sny
Firemen up: Schmidt, Grabill, My
ers, Holsinger. Evens.
Conductors up: Rhine, Dotrow,
Brakemen up: Roushe, C. F. Beers,
Gross, Dennis, Bell, Blace, Shelly,
Furlow, Clemm, O. B. Beers, Rey
nolds, -Murry, Bitner, Hemminger,
Kepp, Woodward, Predix, Kraft.
Yard Board —Engineers for 23C..
Firemen wanted for IC, 6C, 10C.
Engineers up: Beck with, Macham
er, Ewing.
Firemen up: Bruaw, Zeigler, P. S.
Smith, Rodenhafer, G. K. Smith.
Philadelphia Division. The 233
crew to go first alter 1.45 o'clock:
218. 238, 205, 245, 236, 212, 216, 239,
226, 221, 211, 208, 227, 217, 220.
Engineers for 227, 236.
Firemen for 208, 236. 245, 217.
Conductors for 233, 205.
Flagmen for 218.
Brakemen for 233, 218, (2) 212,
, 239 and 227.
Brakemen up: Kurl, Wilson, Flow
ers, Spense, Garverich, G. H. Smith,
Dorsett, Trostle, Davis, Reisinger,
Beightoff. Lee, Beers, Simpson,
Morgan, Rudisill.
Middle Division. —The 27 crew to
go first after 1.15 o'clock: 101, 120,
i 108, 103, 121. 123, 102, 107, 118, 112.
Engineers for 101, 120, 102, 118.
Firemen for 101, 108, 121.
Flagmen for 120, 102, 107.
Brakemen for 27, 103, 121, 123, 107.
Yard Board. —Engineers up: Geib,
Curtis, Hinkle, Kling, Branyon.
Firemen up: McConnell, Hutchison,
[ Ktnneday, Wagner, Swigart, Coldren,
[ Taylor.
Engineers for Ist 12G.
I Firemen for 3rd 126.
Middle Division. —Engineers up: W.
C. Black, E .Johnson, W. E. Turbett,
C. D. Hollenbaugh, J. Crimmel, J. W.
i Smith, J. H. Ditmer, J. R. Brinser, J.
W. Burd.
Engineers wanted for two extras
coming west.
Firemen up: E. M. Cramer, C. L.
Huggins. D. F. Hudson. J. N. Ram
sey, J. R. Weibley, S. H. Zedders, R.
F. Mohler, H. Naylor, G. B. Huss.
Firemen wanted for 31. 23. 6293, 45.
Philadelphia Division. —Engineers
up: M. Pleam, H. Smeltzer, C. H.
Engineers wanted for none.
Firemen up: J. M. White, F. L
Floyd, H. Stoner, J. S. Lenig. B. W.
Johnson. H. Myers, M. G. Shaffner,
F. H. Young.
Firemen wanted for M-22.
The 67 crew to go first after 12.15
Engineers for none.
Firemen for none.
Conductors for 60.
Flagmen for none.
Brakemen for 60,
Engineers up: Middaugh, Schu
bauer, Kauffman, Sassaman, Wood.
Firemen up: Hoover, Durbrow,
Fitzgerald, Erlinger, Sheetz, Kurtz,
Smith, Hickfnan. Roylton, Noggle.
Conductors for none.
Flagmen up: Lchmer, Rlneker,
Duncan, Heins, Hoover.
Brakemen up: None,
By Associated Press
Washington Engineman Githens I
was found responsible for the wreck'
on the Philadelphia and Reading rail- I
way near Fort Washington. Pa., last l ,
Jt nuary which caused the death of 14
people, according to an Interstate!
Commerce Commission announcement I
Cobles—Nine men of mixed nation
alities are being tried at Cologne for
spreading propaganda in the British l
occupied area.
Paris —Two hundred thousand sol-|
diers who fought in the war for the!
trench, today appealed to strikers!
not to disarm France by a general'
walkout "just when the hour of jus-i
tice tor tiie people strikes."
Juarez—Rebels under General An-!
geles failed to make good their
threat to attack Juarez early today.!
Small parties of rebels were two miles
from the city.
Washington—According to a cas- I
ualty list issued today Privates Cor
nelius Eorhem, of HUliard, Pa., and
Earnest P. shirey of Linden, Pa
have teen killed in action.
Rome— Disorder continued in Spiezt
today. Crowds sacked shops and i
d.stributed hats, shoes and provisions I
right and left, showing preference;
for cheese, olive oil and wine.
New York —Liquidation was the !
greatest factor in initial dealings on 1
the stock exchange today. Several 1
stocks which figured conspicuously!
in yesterday's drop lost a point ori
Paris— Orders placed in American'
shipyards for 500,000 tons of merchant |
ships to go under the French ilag'
have been approved by Edward N I
Hurley, chairman of the United'
States Shipping Board.
A lien town— The Trexlertown post-!
office was robbed early this morning!
and Allentown bank stocks, Liberty!
Bonds, cash, war savings and postage i
\° the value of upwards of I
5b,000 taken.
*rL Y r*- T , he transport Floridian :
f- „, . to <lay from St. Nazaire with!
I ,L, , t ssls >p ® '"eluding detachments of |
h , field a i"ti 1 le4lst division,
509 th engineers and 369 th service
park unit.
Znrleli—Sixteen of 21 men who have
been tried as anarchists and agitators
were acquitted today. The five con
victed were sentenced to prison for
terms varying from one year to 20
months. Three others who are not I
in Switzerland were sentenced to!
prison by default.
London —Weedon Grossmith, actor 1
and author-artist, died today.
New Telephone Rates
Local Service Rates
The costs of telephone operation have been rising steadily
during the past few years. And now, despite the fact that every
possible economy has been introduced, a point has been reached
! where telephone revenues in Pennsylvania are not sufficient to
meet expenses and to provide a reasonable return bpon the in
vestment. The situation compels an increase in telephone reve
nues. /
The Company prepared and submitted to the United States
Telegraph and Telephone Administration a revised schedule of
rates for local service in Pennsylvania, which, after careful con
sideration, was approved by the Federal Authorities and will be
come effective June 16, 1919.
Accordingly, all rates for local exchange service in Pennsyl
vania (except local messages originating at public telephones)
will be increased 20% June 16, 1919,
Toll Service Rates
On January 21, 1919, new schedules of toll and long distance
rates were established throughout the country by order of the
Postmaster General. The application of these schedules to mes
sages originating and terminating within Pennsylvania was set
aside on January 29, 1919, by order of a Pennsylvania Court.
The Supreme Court of the United States, on June 2, con
firmed the authority of the Postmaster General to regulate all
telephone rates. Consequently, the Pennsylvania Court on June
11, 1919, dissolved its injunction of January 29, 1919.
The new rates, therefore, will be applied to all toll and long
distance messages from and after May 21, 1919, the beginning of
the current toll billing period. All telephone directories issued
since January 1 contain the new schedules and an explanation of
them. Please consult the frontpages of your directory so that
you may be familiar with the various classes of toll service that
we offer.
n ;|j|
The Bell Telephone Company
of Pennsylvania
\ '
; £
JUNE 14, 1919.
Columbia, Pa., June 14. —At the
commencement exercises of St.
Peter's Catholic parish school Thurs
day evening, Mary C. Riccio and
James M. Roman were awarded dip
lomus. Eight pupils were cited for
diligent attention l , deportment and
punctuality, and the same number
received certificates from the school
I board of diocesan schools for perfect
IS Our Four Points It
S N 5! !
S * If!
I ~ " ■ ijj
II Liberty - At Kl
? t~ z E W n It
ii Bonds PaT |
I s
b 5 V
I—We will sell your Liberty Bonds at Par. Cash on Deliv- ||j
cry. Don't sacrifice your bonds. Don't sell them unless ...
||'| you must. - |||'
|II 2—lf in need of funds bring in your Liberty Bonds. We will i|.j
X loan up to 80 per cent, of their face value. Interest rate y
6 per cent per annum. No other charges. j|
jllli 3—We will keep your Liberty Bonds FREE OF CHARGE :•
for one year. 111,
■|| 4W r e will receive your Liberty Bonds at par. 100 cents on |jj
'x the dollar, giving you a certificate of deposit bearing ..j
interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, payable mm
,semi-annually, providing you agree to leave the prin- [ljl
jijl'l cipal here one year. At the conclusion of the year you
can withdraw 25 per cent of the principal, and at the ||!j
"ill conclusion of two years you are privileged to withdraw
the remaining 75 per cent.
111 This offer is made only for those who are determined to part jijj
!with their Liberty Bonds. On this offer you receive [lii
only 3 per cent while the bonds bear 4 and 4J4 P er cent.
We strongly urge you to retain your present bonds
fl'i] But W
if you wish to exchange, sell or borrow, come to this |jj|
*'• banking institution of service. X
| Allison Hill Trust Company S
Thirteenth and Market Sts. Ilil
■ i
attendance. The Rev. George W.
Brown, pastor, delivered the aaCresa. |
A minstrel entertainment and lttncn
eon followed.
Jess Wfllard will not bet on
himself. He tells why in his
"Own Story" running every day
in "TTie Philadelphia Press."