ALLISON HILL WELCOMES VETERAN "VIC" EMANUEL; JAZZ DAY IN DAUPHIN-PERRY LEAGUE Mayor Sentences "Eggie" Fetrow to Daily Home Run For Yesterday's Crime STANDING OF THE CLI'BS W. L. Fct Read Ins - 8 2 .800 Galahad V 5 ' BB S Rosewood ......... 6 7 .417 St. Mary's ••- 2 8 .200 "What's the charge against the prisoner?" asked His Honor Mayor Keister, seated on the commodious grandstand at the Allison Hiu base ball grounds last evening at the close bf the contest. "This player, 'Eggie' Fetrow, is charged with robbery," replied City Detective Carson, who brought the player before a court, not unlike the Roman amphitheater of old. Internal Revenue Inspector Heefner was called as a witness and testified that in the fifth inning. Center Fielder Fetrow of the Galahad team, had robbed "Bill" Fortna of at least a three-bagger in the presence of 2,100 people. Special Officer Shickley, as well as two regular policemen, who handled the crowd well, also gave evidence of the brilliant bit of field ing done by the Galahad centerfield er. E. A. Heffelfinger, president of the East End bank and President W. M. Hoerner, of the Allison Hill Trust Company, tesitfied that the same Fetrow had -earlier in the evening pleased the fans by driving out a home run This gave his Honor a new idea, and tho Mayor sentenced Fetrow to duplicate his home run feat every night that he appears in a Galahad uniform. Men and women too, from all walks of life, are called from thpir vocations nightly, where they forget the worries of the day seeing good, wholesome baseball at Seventeen and Chestnut streets. Bank presi dents. doctors. lawyers, bakers, teachers, men from all walks of life can be seen on the grandstand. Then there's the meat trust. Among the most interested and most loyal sup porters of the league are Messrs. Charles, Kerr and Zeiders. who pos sibly are in a better position than anyone else cn the grounds to tell when one of the players "makes a ham." It is they who control the meat situation on the Hill, but still find time between cuts, to take in a hot ball game. Without changing your seat on the grandstand, one hfts an unobstructed view of what's "doing" out at Pax tang Park. The balloon' ascension and fireworks, add to the attractions. The Belmont stars were there, perch ed aloft on a box "tir. rooting hard for their favorite tosser Pitcher Black. They were there with tne hells. DAUPHIN-PERRY GAMES TODAY I>AUPHI\-PERRY STANDING Teams W. L. ret Marysville 3 1 .750 Duncannon 1 2 .333 Newport 1 2 .333 Millersburg 2 2 .500 To-day"* Schedule Marysville at Newport. Millersburg at Duncannon. With all four teams closely grouped two hot games, a!^,-pomised in.the IJ*uphin-Perry League, while MaH's ville is meeting Newport at New port, and Millershurg and Duncan non are battling at Duncannon. With highly favorable weather conditions prevailing, scores of fans traveled with the visiting teams and prepara tions were made for large attend ances. Manager Stees, of Marysville, plan ned to use Biever and Killinger as his battery, while indications were that Gilday and Kerns would per form like duties for Millersburg. The forecast at Duncannon was Ram sey and Waltz for Duncannon, and Salada and Frye, for Millersburg. Duncannon has added the name of "Snowball" Winters, West End hurler who recently returned from France, to its roster. The name of "Bobby" Clark has been withdrawn. Duncannon now has five hurlers on iis'list: Ramsey, Garverich, E. Waltz, Winters and Rosborou ;h. Games Today That will be some encounter at 5 o'clock at Fourth and Seneca streets, when the West End bumps into the Harrisburg Monarchs, a real team of strategists, who keep the colored race on the map in baseball here with the same success that the old Cuban Giants used to identify haseball throughout the whole coun try. There will be sorfie jazz time. Manager Murray Washburn, of the Hick-a-Thrifts, requests that all his players report not later than 2.30 o'clock at the H. A. C. grounds on the Island where the Elliott-Fisher Club is to be the foe, the game start ing at 3.15. The Rutherford T. M. C. A. nine will meet the Carlisle A. C. on the Carlisle diamond this afternoon. All of the Rutherford players are re- f s Say KING OSCAR to your dealer and pass him 7c, and then he will give you your money's worth of real smoke comfort. John C. Herman & Co, Harrisburg, Pa. , To-day Try One 1 M SATURDAY EVENING, i Two home runs, two two-baggers, and three fast double plays featured the 7 to 3 victory of the _Galahads over the Rosewood, bringing the "Knights" a step nearer to first place. At present Galahad, in the opinion of many of the critics, has the best team that ever represented the club. They play a consistent contest. Galahad won the game in the sec ond inning when Lutz wqs given a base on balls. Lutz also walked. Reilly's single sent in Lutz for the first score. An infield hit and error and a two bagger brought the total to four runs. "Black and Fetrow scored in the fifth when the latter sent a ball out into deep right field. "Snaps" Emanuel drove out a slash ing hit that went to Black's garage for a circuit of the bases. The Rosewood aggregation pulled two fast double plays, while Galahad was credited with one. Every one was taking a creak at the ball so that there were few strikouts. Lots of action with Galahad always in the lead "kept the crowd keyed up dur ing the hour and a quarter of play. The score. GALAHAD AB. R. H. O. A. E. Cobaugh, If .... 4 0 1 1 1 j> Starry, 4 0 0 1 1 0 Klerner, 3b ... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Lutz. c 2 1 0 4 2 1 Fetrow, cf . ... 4 1 2 1 0 0 Reilly, p. c,"3b ..312110 Clark. 2b 3 1 2 4 4 0 Stouffer. lb ... . 3 1 - •> ® Toland, rf .... 1 0 ® ® ® ° Black, p 2 _f —- Totals 2S 7 10 21 11 1 ROSEWOOD _ AB. R. H. O. A. E. Keidell, 2b 4 0 0 0 3 1 Fortna, cf 4 0 1 1 0 Geary, 3b 3 0 11 1 ® Bender, lb 3 0 0 10 Mountain, If ... 2 1 1 C Hoerner, rf.... 3 1 1 1 1 Emanuel, ss ... 3 1 2 - 0 Kutz, 3 0 0 4 0 0 Challenger, p.. 3 0 - - •> Thompson, If ... 1 _2 Totals 29 3 9 21 10 2 Galahad 0 4 0 0 - 0 1 ~~ 7 Rosewood 0-01 Two-base hits, Fortna, Thompson, home runs, Emanuel. Fetrow; sac rifice hits, Lutz; double plays, Hoer ner to Bender; Challenger to Kutz to Bender; Cobaugh to Clark*, struck out, Challenger, 2; Black, 5; base on balls. Challenger, 3; stolen bases. Lutz, Mountain, StoufTer, Reidell, Reilly, Hoernor; passed balls. Kutz; time, 1.15; umpire "Dick" Nebinger. Marysville has added the name of Frank Hart, hurler. Hart was large ly instrumental in winning the 1315 pennant for Marysville. He hurled later for Duncannon, but showed lit tle form. He burned up the Blue Ridge League and had a tryout with the Philadelphia Athletics, after which he was farmed out. Hart re cently returned from France where he "fifty' h with tlrfu Keystone Divis- T ™ ' Paul Anspach, infield of the Marys ville 1915 champs. Is at his home at Marysville on a furlough from Army service. He was scheduled to play during the afternoon against New port. Anspach has playing first base and acting as aptaln of the team of the Thirteenth Cavalry. Dewey Eisenberger, Marysville hurler, is getting "in Dutch" with Marysville fans. He has disregarded rules and on one occasion pitched the evening before he was scheduled to hurl at Marysville and two eve nings before on a previous occasion. Both* times he was hit hard, losing one game and being pulled from the other. Last evening he again dis regarded requests of Manager Stees and. 'hurled for the Commonwealth Travelers in the West fend Twilight l.eague. quested to report at the P. R. R. station this morning in order to catch the 11.59 train to Carlisle. Camp Curtin Fire Company and Gernert Athletic Club Want Baseball Games Camp Curtin Fire Company has organized a baseball team for the season. F. W. Goodyear, manager. Is anxious to arrange a schedule of twilight and Saturday games for the year, all games to be played away from-home. He may be reached by addressing him at 2549 North Sixth street or by calling him at 4889-W on the Bell telephone. The Garnet A. C. would like to arrange ganjes for Thursday after noon. The manager is Theo. S. Erb, 1327 Vernon street, Dial phone 3963. SNOODLES By ' (uMP-P 0 c~T"'l*?' ' j - 'yyrt KeTCH\jj —1—|- —T CSTAND | Qni £ iAU-g. 1 ; W/Vs<"\\ A \'/ I AJV ' Mffll i ; U£H T M W,, & j2S> J lit I'• w"" 'l T *-<3 > SSI T <23 <93, 1 Tom Marshall Explains When You Are Only "half Alive" Has the hunting microbe stung you? Answering in the negattve, let me admonish you to get h>\sy with self Inoculation, immediately. Every day you procrastinate, scores one against the candidate for long evity. Anti-life in the great out doors is a waste of time, never to be regained. You are ignorant of w'hat constitutes real living, until you answer the "Call of the wild." You then become one of the "chos en." On a recent hunting trip to the | Illinois River, my companions were | an aggregation who specialize on a j life in the open. Judge George A. i Carpenter and Dr. Tom Lewis, of | Chicago, Daniel W. Voorhees (senior , and Junior) of Peoria, 111., a quar- j tet of as congenial sportsmen as j ever tickled a trigger or played a j paddle. Comfortably ensconced j aboard the "Marguerete," a power i boat rated at 35 miles per hour, we headed down the Illinois River from : Peoria to Duck Island Club, 38 miles j below. Duck Island is one of the very best shooting clubs in the United States, controlling an exten sive domain, with a limited roster of members. A film will never be staged in the movie world, showing the home grown, diversified, scenic views of interest, passed on our down trip. Palatial house boats, exclu sively utilized for pleasure and equipped with all the modern con veniences of a home are moored bj the side of less pretentious cabin boats. The permanent homes of water nomads. Cabin are moored to the bank. others fire perched upon stilted foundations, carefully measured that they may be above high water mark. Accessible only by the ladder route. The hai P. go lucky, "floating' populat.on of our country. Near the head of Dead Man s Is land (appropriately f te d passed the wreck of the ill fa _ steamer "Columbia* ' 'wJhlclf the night of July hJP 18.V"0# ing 88 excursionists. The old whe , dilapidated pilot house and aw mantled hull are silent entinels marking the location of a grewsome finalle. Pekin with her dormant A * tillery interests, thrown i " t ° h iSSrsffsrJKKrssrt i sa.s™ thought. Both Illinois and M Mis sippi Rivers are our mid con - freight arteries surveyed, and tah_ utilized by the populace It is logical to perpetuate the water ways to th® Gulf. Duck Island Club House is now ?h| n bow r of ourboat! S which 0 is break t glad hand of welcome A rousing fire in the old-fashioned Are place, Ihlws all icicles from around the heart> t h n tL° world A'hundred on the hore of a sanctuary lake, one mile wide ami thr . ee absolutely Ga U meßeslrve whereto Noting is eveT permltted. all game and fur and State are strictly observed in or OU Du°cks e were reported in abund ance upon our arrival, we had seen no birds on the river while en r °u ta - Properly outfitted, with Two Dan iels for my hunting companions, we meandered to a smart w ? ed flat, Where birds were reported to be feeding by Carcta^^ rpc J t w s w "s diagnosed the case correctly as was evidenced by the vast number of durks chased out on our arrival. Not a shot was fired during the time of their exit. It was a case of get ting decovs out and blinds construct ed prior to their return, in couples and quartets. Another important member of our party was Klng' a Chesapeake Retriever, who is blessed with an abundance of dog sense and is ever attempting to acquire a knowledge of the human language, as spoken by his master, "Lncle Dan" Taking a position a short 'distance back in the buck brush. !on a semi-submerged log. the dog at once became the personification of industry, retrieving all birds "knocked down," cording them on his log as you would stove wood. Gathering the wounded first, he fre quently came to our blind with two birds, caught by the neck, to be de livered to his master only. Our lim it on mallards was soon scored by pulling down singles and doubles. Membership in a Duck Club, where game is protected from the general fusillade. Is a necessity If one really anticipates a mess of wild ducks. Question: Is there any locality In Canada where I could go Buffalo hunting? Is there many buffalo in Canada? Detroit, Mich. Fred Fletcher. Answer: There is no open season on buffalo in Canada. The huffalo now roam ing in the Dominion are the in crease result of a purchase made by the Canadian Government from the United States Government in 1907. A herd of 750 was then pur chased and transferred to Buffalo Park at Wginwrlght, Alberta. This herd has now increased to 3,000 head. Five hundred were recently fi/LRRISBTTRO OfSSfti taken to the Paac-e River region, . southwest of Great Slave Lake, j where they are running wild, under < Government protection. It is evi dent, under protection, the buffalo family increase very rapidly. It is to be regretted that the Canadian Government is now encouraging the crossing of bison with domestic cat tle. Sentiment favors the old timed bison, financial prospects, favor the cross. Question: Da you think it right that a man should take out a hunting license to hunt in his own county where he j was raised? Every year less privi- j ' leges are allowed us. Every place - j I go there is now a sign "No Hunfc-1 I ing Here." Has a' man who is not | la land owner no right any more? | ! Minneapolis, Minn. H. Larson, j j Answer: Yes, it is right that you should i I take out a license, regardless of con-| j ditions you outline. Money realized ] from the sale of hunting license, is | utilized by the State Game and Fish j i Department, to protect and propo xate fish and game. This is to your advantage as it increases the amount of fish and game. Cheerfully pay the nominal amount required for li cense. Carefully observe the "bag limit." Get permission to shoot from the land owner. Happiness guaranteed. JINX HOODOOES THE ENGINEERS :In Game Full of Errors and | Boneheads Team Falls to Commonwealth LEAGUE STANDING I W". L. Pet jT4 est End g 4 ,gg6 | Motive Power ... 7 5 .533 j Commonwealth .... 5 7 .417 E. and F 4 g 333 Not until the Engineers and Fire men in the West End Twilight League had been walloped last eve j ning. 13-2, by Commonwealth did the j players realize it was Friday, 13; ; then First Baseman Klugh knew why I he had nearly sacrificed his life by cutting into the wire fence aftei a foul hoist. Six errors were only some of the misplays credited to the Engineers, and Firemen who played the game like a bunch of eripples on a holiday, while Commonwealth' slug gers continued to pole drives with the ease and precision of a man put ting coal in your cellar. Commonwealth went at the task seriously in the third, when Eisen berger walked and scored a minute later on Klugh's three-base hit. Klugh came trotting home when J. Smith singled. In the fifth G. Killinger singled, but was caught stealing. W. Smith hit to center for a base and scored on Field's triple. E. Waltz hit the ball in front of home plate but Mod den dropped Bennett's throw and the runner was safe. On this play Fields came home. Kohlman was then walked and on Eisenberger's triple. E. Waltz and Kohlman scored. Eberly in the sixth handed out passes to J. Smith and G. Killinger, W. Smith hit to second and Killing er was retired. Singles by Fields and E. Waltz, coupled with a wild pitch by Eberly, permitted W. Smith to cross the plate, both of whom scored on Kohlman's triple. The Travelers continued their marching in the seventh, when Gor don Ford, who succeeded Eberly in the box, issued a free piss to Klugh. E. Killinger and J Smith fanned and and they were followed by G. Kil linger, who hit to short Boss fum bled the ball and the runner was safe. W. Smith followed with a hit to the same part of the field, whtch Boss again fumbled and Klugh scored. Fields then came through with another W4ple. scoring G. Kil ! linger and W. Smith. The railroaders' two runs were scored In their half of the fifth after N. Ford had fanned. Hoover singled and stole second, and was brought UiocDla}eTlav6rl f J "Kid" Williams, Ex-Bantam Champ, in Mahoney s Comer Monday Night A letter from Max Waxman, man ager of Young Mahoney, to Joe Bar rett yesterday assured the Steelton promoter that the Baltimore light weight will be in the steel town to morrow morning to finish training for his ten-round bout with Sammy Schiff, before Barrett's club, Mon day night at the Quartet Hall, cor ner Front and Washington streets. This, alone, has put Barrett in high spirits, arrd the assured fact Kid Williams, the ex-bantam champion- of the world, and acknowl edged to be the greatest man of his weight of all times, will be on hand ito look after his fellow townsman during his fight with Schiff. Dur ■ ing the war Williams volunteered ! his services to Uncle Sam, and had [ charge of the soldiers at Camp Ogle j thorpe, for which he refused to ac i cept but a single dollar for his ser j vices. The balance he donated to ! the Red Cross. The decision given against the Baltimore tiger in his twenty-round , fight with the present champion, Pete ! Herman, in Herman's home town, | Xew Orleans, is still spoken of | throughout the land as a rank in justice to the little ln ! fact, the writers of the New Or leans papers present at the ringside on that memorable night, claimed that Williams was a dethroned, but not a defeated champion. The ad vice Williams can give Mahoney, and the natural fighting ability of the little Irishman-, is what the local boy, Schiff, will have to overcome to up hold the honors of Harrisburg in | the battle, and while Schiff is na j turally a favorite in this city, there I are many Y)f his friends yho think lit looks like the local boxer will run home on G. Ford's hit. Ford took second when an attempt was made to get Hoover at the plate, and scored a minute later on Eberly's hit. The score: "COM MONWEA I.TH * 1 ' AB. It. ll.' O. A.' Klugh, lb 3 2 18 0 E. Killinger, c 5 0 0 7 1 A. Smith, c.f. 4 1 2 0 0 G. Killinger, s.s 4 1 1 2 0 W. Smith. 3b 4 3 2 1 1 Fields, r.f 5 2 2 0 1 E. Waltz, l.f 5' 2 2 2 0 Kohlman, 2b 3 1 1 1 3 Eisenberger, p 3 1 1 o_2 Totals 36 13 12 21 8 E. and F. AB. R. H. O. A O. Walt, 2b 1 0 0 2 4 Boss, s.s 2 0 0 2 1 Rote, 3b 3 0 0 3 1 Madden, s.s. - 3 0 0 6 0 Bennet, c 3 0 18 0 N. Ford, l.f 3 0 0 1 0 Hoover, c.f 3 1 2 0 0 G. Ford. r.f. 3 1 1 0 0 Eberly, p 3 0 1 0 1 Totals 24 2 b 21 S Commonwealth ... 0 0 2 0 4 4 3—13 E. and F 0 0 0 0 2 0 0— 2 Errors—E. and F.—Boss, 2: Madden, G. Ford, Eberly, 2; Commonwealth, none. Two-base hit, E. Walt. Three-base hits, J. Smith, Klugh, Fields, Eisen berger, Kohlman, Fields. Sacrifice hit, Boss. Struck out, by Eisenberg er, 7: by Eberly. 6: by G. Ford, 3. Base on balls, oft Eberly, 6; oft G. Ford, 1. Left on bases. Common wealth, 8: E. and F„ 3. Hit by pitch er, O. Walt, 2. Stolen bases. Klugh, Hoover, W. Smith. Passed ball, Ben nett. Wild pitches, Eberly, 2. Um pire, Cook. , ' $3.00 (War Tax 24c additional) NEW YORK And Return Sunday, June 22 SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN From Lv.A.M. Harrisburg 3.35 Hummelstown 3.50 Swatara f 3.55 Hershey 3.67 Palmyra 4.04 Annville 4.13 Lebanon 4.24 I'ew York (Ar) 9.50 RETURNING —Leave New York from foot West 23d Street 6.60 P. M., foot Liberty Street 7.00 p. M. same day tor above stations. Phila. & Reading R. R. into his first real defeat in this sec tion. 'Williams, Waxman, and Ma honey say they will not be satisfied with ar.-ything but the same dose Mahoney handed to his last three opponents, Joe Jackson, Terry Ket chell and Eddie Loeckner, who were all knocked out in less than four rounds each. If Schiff should run foul of Ma honey's knockout pun-ch, the local sports would surely be a downfallen lot, but how would it look and feel if Nate Isaaeman, another local fa vorite, should run afoul of Young (Bull Dog) Silar's punch and take the count. Stranger things have happened, and from all accoun-ts from York, where the 28th Division lightweight is preparing for the fray, money is wagered that Isaac man will not go the limit. Silar is touted as another Jack Dempsey, who carries a terrific punch in eith er hand, and knows nothing of the word "stop" when ir.- the ring. Two other local boys are on the card, Billy Morton, who carries the punch of a middleweight, will meet Paul Wagner, while another 28th Division boxer, Young Wampler, also of York, will meet Bill Attieks of this city. Can these four local boys win out is the talk of the town. It is remembered that Barrett is the samp man who brought Williams to the front, and as the kid is now a free lance, having discharged his former manager, it should not sur prise the sports if the veteran adds the cx-champ to his string of fighters he is getting together. Tickets for the show are on sale at I-'airlamb's, the Florence House, and the Bald win Hotel in Steelton. Order by phone. Swatara Gets Forfeit Habit; Fails to Meet East End The Swatara tearp forfeited the second time this week, when they failed to put nine players on the field "Tast evening, thus handing first position over to the East End Jun iors. This afternoon the East End Jun iors vs. Algonquins at Seventeenth and Chestnut streets. Swatara is after fast players whose ages railgo from 14 to 18 years. The team was weakened when five of the Swatara players signed to play with Naudain. Any player wishing to sign up with Swat- should communicate with Man ager E .H. Matchett af 1543 Swat ara street or Bell phone 4645-R. ; i j j£j{ . £■--if dl | Lowest Coal . , Prices JULY Ist coal prices will actually advance 30 cents per ton. September Ist prices will again advance another 20 cents per ton. How much more will he added to the price during the winter we are not prepared to say. The railroads require an advance in freight rates in order to meet the growing deficit and ever-increasing expenses. This increase in freight rates will probably further advance the price of coal 25 cents or 30 cents per ton. Coal shipped in summer is easily worth Si.oo more per ton than that mined in winter under an avalanche of orders, when operations must he speeded up to the limit. We estimate that you really save 5i.75 in the value of the coal bought in June; 50 cents scheduled advance, 25 cents, pos sibly, increase in freight rates and SI.OO for additional value in summer shipments. Figure it out yourself. Phone in your order at once. The coal must be delivered before July 1 in order to get the advantage of the present low prices. , United Ice & Coal Co. Forster and Cowden Sts. Seventh add Reily Sts. Seventh and Woodbine Sts. f ' Sixth Near Hamilton St. Fifteenth and Chestnut Sts. -,i * ' JUNE 14, 1919. "Uncle Bill" Hoerner and Allison Hill Welcome Hero TO "BILLY" ALLISON' (Who settled in the garden spot of Harrisburg and surveyed the hold ings of John Harris, et ux and et al.) From Sylvan Terrace I am monarch of all I survey. To my right there is none to dis pute. At my feet sleeps the old town to day. O'er my head shines the sun grand but mute. Twixt the creek and the river they're dead. They never cared much about i "Bill" But the REAL girls and boys of to day, Are the kids out on "Allison Hill." j The sound of revelry was heard | from the sanctum of the Allison Hill Trust Company and passersby heard the roar of many voices raised in the above song, which was led by "Uncle (more properly W. H.) Hoerncr, patriarch of the Hill and some athlete himself. What was ! up? Why nothing, only that one j more famous Allison Hill athlete ! had arrived from many battles I abroad, namely, "Vic" JCmanuel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Emanuel, 12"i Summit stret. The Beck boys ! must look to their laurels now, for j if Victor Emanuel is as husky as his looks in his regimentals he will j be out to cop every athletic prize of fered in America. As many Hill Toppers as could crowd about "Vic" greeted him as only the Hill folks know hrtw to show their affection for a native of I that kopje who achieves something. ! Emanuel - deserves all this credit, . too, for he served eighteen straight I months with the French Army, ex- j cldsively. driving an ambulance at 1 the various bloody campaigns of j Argonne, Somme, Vesle and Cham- j pagne.. Training at Allentown with fhe ambulance unit, he was ser rated, along with ten others, on ar riving at Brest and sent with the French forces to drive. "They were j nearly all college men." he was re- j lating last evening. "Our unit was | caled Section Sanitaire No. 634. We ; carried no doctors or nurses; just | whizzed to the fighting line when action started Official stretcher bearers, picked up the wounded. I brought them to us a short distance j and we rushed the victims to a field j hospital. No lights were ever allow- ! ed at night, and I don't mind say- I ing it was somo job to pick your way back with men crying and dy- ! ing in lhat, bus in an effort to reach • I safety and pseape the downpour ctf '< 15 shelis. We were pretty lucky In our sector, losing, only one driver, but others near us lost as many as ten and twelve. It was so hard to keep and find the roads at night that often a helper would go ahead walk ing to pick the route. The French government paid us seventy cents a day just for rations; the eats were line and wo certainly were treated well by Frenchmen of all kinds." "Vic," who, if he takes his father's advice, will return to Gettysburg Col- 1 lege and complete his education, brought from France the most .un common collection of war relics, curious gas masks of all kinds; Ger man revolvers of deadly type: shells and helmets. He praised the French soldiers for being brave and always getting where they started for. but said they were not quite so swift as Yankees. The German he has small respect for, being deceitful atyf \ At Champagne, he said, the pris oners said they knew they were go ing to be licked as soon as America came in the war and all wanted to surrender quickly. He also told how they would flatter the Americans, saying the French were "no good;" then tell precisely the same thing to the 'French anent the Yanks. Vic's unit spent three months in cupation duty at Mayence, in thq Rhincland. The husky Tech athlete who used to cop things just like Carl Beck, has improved in every way and the Hill, very justly, is proud of its native son who did not hesitate to enlist at the start of things and who served the French directl/, although none but true I American in his blood. , No Referee Named Yet by the Boxing Board j New York. June 14.—The Board of Boxing Control did not name a referee for the WUlard-iPprtip sey bout at its meeting here yes terday. Instead, a list of referees who, in the opinion of the Board,, possess the requisite qualifications* 4 was prepared and will be submit ted to fhe principals of the July 4 bout. A selection will be made from the men who are agreeable I to the pugilists,, . v Considerable mystery was ti.rown about the conference, the ! secretary of the Board refusing to I divulge the place of meeting, members present or the names of prospective referees considered.