Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 14, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
NEW BUREAU IS CREATED TODAY Geological Commission Goes Out of Business After I Twenty Years Governor Sproul's office to-day an nounced the approval of the Senate bill establishing a bureau of topographic and geological survey In the Department of Internal Af fairs under a State geologist to be appointed by the Secretary of In ternal Affairs, who will also fix his compensation. This bureau will succeed the State Geological and Topographical Commission, created twenty years ago, and Is charged with the duty of making a surVey of the State to determine location of coals, oils, clays, soils and useful minerals and waters necessary "to afford the agricultural, mining, met allurgical and other interests of the State a clear insight into 'the char acter of its resources." Special at tention is to be given to the mate rials useful for highway construc tion. The act takes effect at once and an appropriation for it will be carried in the general appropriation bill. The Governor also signed the fol lowing Senate bills: Requiring factories theaters and other places used by the public to be equipped with automatic sprink ler systems or automatic lire alarms and regulating exits and precau tions. Amending fiduciary act of 191. relative to costs in suits and awards by auditors named ur.der orphans' court acts. Regulating procedure in construc tion of bridges by counties in con junction with municipalities. Authorizing Army officers holding the rank of major or higher and officers of the judge advocate gen eral's department to take acknowl edgements to deeds. Providing that fines collected for violation of the acts forbidding aliens from owning firearms or dogs shall be paid to the State Game Commission. Amending borough code so that boroughs may prescribe limits wherein fireproof buildings must be erected. Providing that $3O may be ex pended by counties for headstones for graves of soldiers, sailors and marines. Authorizing boroughs to extend sewer systems outside of limits and granting eminent domain therefor. Authorizing railroads owning half of the stock of another railroad con nected directly or by intervening lines to acquire, franchises and property of the company of which it owns stock. Providing for reserves to- out standing losses of companies insur ing liability under the State com pensation acts. The House bills signed included: Providing a closed season, for sturgeon in the Delaware until March 1. 1922. Establishing additional require ments for identification in hunters' license issuance, including color of hair and eyes, and in case of nat uralized foreign-born. nationality and data regarding naturalization papers. Authorizing appointment af. .as sistant county detectives in cowntles having between 150,000 and 250,000 population, the appointments tm he | In the Middle of New York ? l When you're in Hotel Pennsyl- There's a subway station (local and vania you're convenient to all express) in the building; bus and " Manhattan. surface lines are at the door; the 1 > At Seventh Avenue and 33rd elevated's half a square east. * ; I Street (opposite Pennsylvania Sta-" When you get off your train in . tion), the shopping district is just Pennsylvania Station give your east of you; theatres immediately bag to a red-cap and take elevator " to the north; business and financial (on the same level as your train- l districts in easy reach by rapid- platform) to the hotel's lobby— transit lines that are li&h tat hand. without going up to the street. | Hotel Pennsylvania StatUeoprntxi Opposite Pennsylvania Terminal, NEW YORK IB aw The Largest Hotel in the World 0 2200 Rooms, 2200 Baths SATURDAY EVENING, Delegates to the First Annual Convention of the Dauphin County Firemen's Association' -*..*, wt I ""W* -i>^Bf' ' ijF- *yT jpm. v *—Photo by Roshon. made by district attorneys on ap proval of the court. Authorizing issuance of such venires for attendance of jurors at quarter sesisons court as may be necessary, this act being designed to facilitate trial of other cuses when murder trials are listed. BIG EVENTS LISTED FOR SCHOOL PICNIC (Continued From First Page) to sing "The Htar-Spangled Banner" 12.10—Tug of war by boys of all 12.05 p. m.—Long-distance run around lake for seventh and under direction of Professor Rose, eighth grades. 12.30—Mess call for dinner, grades. teams and vollyball games to be Long ball game for two good girl run off at convenience of the field marshal. 1 to 2—Band concert. 2.ls—Show in theater. 4.oo—Spelling match; speakers of the day; award of prizes. 6.oo—Massed school singing pa triotic songs. The athletic events will be run off under Messrs. Beck, of the Trac tion Company, and Forrer, and it was announced today that points scored are to count as follows: First place, 5 points; second place, 3 points; third place, 2 points, and fourth place. 1 point. Points dou bled for place-winners in spelling match. J. Frederik Virgin, of the local Boy Scouts, promises to have 12 vet erans from each troop in the dossy relay race, starts from the Telegraph Building at 11 a. m., and parents and friends of ht econtend ers are herewith asked to make ar rangements to pick up the lads as they fall out and motor them on to the park, for it is a hard, hot trudge after running a hard race. Aviator Walter Shaffer, who kindly volunteered to do cloud stunts over the park, discovered to day that the Middletown aviation plant was shy of a plant, so this part of the program must be elim inated. The plane there is under going repairs. The traction company will an nounce in good time just where the special cars will pull up to carry out the throngs; the names of contest ants in all sors tof matches, from sewing to longball. will be pub lished in this paper from day to day, v ditfinc .Jin* and by the way, lir.tts *Ws~f*lH*ig In now from every school, the entertainment will he both diverting and energizing. LIVE REALTY NEWS Harrisburg Building Leads Cities of Pennsylvania In percentage increase in construc tion projects during May as, compar ed with figures for the same month in : 1918. Harrisburg leads all other cities in Pennsylvania reporting building statistics to the American Contractor. Although some of other cities I have a larger total in the actual cost of construction the increase in per- I centuge-ls much lower., In the entire country, however, only 28 of 164 cities show a decrease in building .work in May. I Harrisburg's record for May this I year was u total of 5? permits for work costing $173,275; while last ; year there were 27 permits for work • costing $29,259, an increase of 492 per cent. Philadelphia is second in the State with an increase of 256 1 per cent, and Altoonu third at 251 I per cent. Reading was the only Penn- I sylvania city to report a loss. The average value of permits taken out during May throughout j the country was $2,61.4. an indication ] that more permits are being taken I out for new developments, and few ! er for remodeling and alterations. New Building Firm Formally Announced J. E. Gipple, president of the Har risburg Real Estate Board and iden tified with the real estate and in surance business for nineteen years, and H. A. Sherk, well-known local builder for twenty-five years, have i formed a building firm to be known as Sherk & Gipple, with offices at I 1251 Market street, where Mr. Gipple will also carry on his usual business | in real estate and insurance. Mr. Sherk will act as contractor | and builder, white Mr. Gipple will be identified with the new firm as sales agent. Special attention will be de | voted to the selling and financing of | new homes and ground will be : broken almost immediately for twelve bouses at Twentieth and ! Chestnut streets. | Only seventh and eighth grades I will be allowed in track events, but ' in tug-of-war and other events are j open to the smallest. It is importan tto under satnd | that entries may be made right on j the field before the event starts; this being done fegcause. of short | time In r*afcHg perapitfetions ajid to give all school athletes a chance I to take part. HJLKRISBTTRG QORsVrEXEGRAPH REALTY EXPERT TO SPEAR HERE Housing Situation to Bo Dis cussed From Every Angle Next Thursday Bi ! O. E. HAWK dne of the most important meet ings of the year at which develop ment of the home building project in the city will be discussed will be held next Thursday evening at the Penn-Harris Hotel. O. E. Hawk, president of the Hawk-Palmer Company, a million dollar corporation in Youngstown, Ohio, for building improvements, will be the principal speaker. Mr. ; Hawk is widely known in Ohio and has a national reputation in realty circles. He will speak on "Building, Buy ing. Selling and Financing Homes.'' j Two years ago at the annual ses sions of the National Association of Real Estate Boards held in Mtl ! waukee, Mr. Hawk was one of the speakers. Many local dealers at tended the meetings and heard him at that time. The meeting on Thursday will start at 6.30 o'clock with a dinner at which fully 200 will be present, it is expected. Arrangements for this part of the program are being made by a committee, including Stanley G. Backenstoss. Edward Moeelein and A. C. Young. During the next few days a com mittee will call individually on all realty dealers, officers of building and loan associations, bankers and builders in the city In an effort to | have as large an attendance as pos- j sible of men Interested in realty pro- i jects. • The meeting on Thursday will just j precede the annual sessions of the I national organization of realty j boards which will be held in Atlan- j tic City during the week of June 23. j POWERS GIVE ENEMY 2 DAYS TO ANSWER; [Continued from First I*ase.] covenant in t"he Peace Treaty. The existing labor situation in various countries, coupled with clever Ger man tactics, had resulted in this part of the treaty becoming one of the principal points of attack in the counter-proposal*. The Allied reply to the German proposals will lay stress upon the character of the permanent repara tions commission. It will be ex plained to the Germans that this commission is not a tyrannical body but that it will administer its du ties in a spirit of fairness and so as to facilitate Germany's economic re constructions. Paris. June 14.. —Confidence was expressed last night by the British, French and American delegations to ! the Peace Conference that the reply ! to the German counter-proposals I would be completed and delivered J to the Germans on Monday, with a ! provision thai the Germans be given j two days in which to answer. AVlth three days of grace before the arm istice is suspended there would be a resumption of hostilities on Satur day, June 21, if the Germans re luse to sign. The drafting committee has com pleted the work of framing the let ter covering the reply to the German counter-proposals. It recalls that the principles upon which the treaty i is based are such as to preclude i the Allies from making fundamental I concessions. The Indisposition of the Council of F6ur to submit the revised Ger man treaty to a plenary aesgion of the conference before sending it to the Germans is causing another pro test from the small powers. Vwhich resent ''steam roller" methods. | may force the calling of another plenary session, which would cause further delay. The small powers are dissatisfied with assurances that the cliaiigcs mode In tlie treaty arc slight and many of the delegates are Insisting on an opportunity .to fully consider the tt-euty before it Is presented to the enemy pence mission. GI.AZOV CAPTURED Omsk, Friday, June 6.—On the northern end of the front west of the Ural the Slberish .troops have captured Glaxov and are advancing toward Vtatka, an official announce ment says. On the southern front there is fighting near Sarapul and Dear Ufa. Recent Real Estate Transfers in City John Lupoid Estate to Charles E. Holly, two and one-half-story frame; [dwelling-, Eurlington, Camp Hill. | consideration nominal. Calvin Walters to Robert W. Craw- ! ford, 2 1-2-story frame dwelling, Earlington, Camp Hill, consideration' nominal. Robert McClelland to L. M. Orr, 3-story brick, 211 Kelker street. Derry Block Apartment Company to Samuel Lack, storeroom, storage building, dwelling house and apart ment to line of Olivet Presbyterian church. Jacob Kerr to S. Harrison, ct al., 3-story fratse and 2-story frame, Calder and Susquehanna streets. S. Harrison, et al., to Lena Etkin, bakery and dwelling, 625-27 Herr street. C. L. la>ng to Irvin R. Rubin, 2 1-2-story stucco dwelling, 2135 Green street. OLOVERLY DEVELOPMENTS William J. Sohland, real estate dealer, 36 North Third street, has purchased for the Housing Construc tion Company a large tract of ground I located at Cloverly Heights. This I ground fronts on Eighteenth and | Nineteenth streets, l This ground will be offered for I sale within a few days, and thirty i homes are to be erected at once, j with more to follow. BUILDING BOOM ' IS NEAR AT HAND [Continued from First Page.] , banquet of the Harrisburg Real Es | tate Exchange at the Penn-Harris I Hotel. As builders and real estate men get together the in-decision re [ garding building enterprises is rap j idly disappearing. There is also j much gratification over the public j spirited attitude of the banking in- I stitutions of the city in making lib eral loans for home building. Xenrly n Million Since January permits have been issued for construction work which is to cost $975,535 to complete. This is larger than the total for all of 1918 which was $912,8)5, caused by the two permits for intermediate schools. Some of the larger building opera tions to get started this month are the erection by C. L I.ong of the big apartment house at Front and Boas streets, at a cost of $120,000: the construction of about 55 dwellings which will cost from $3,500 to $lO,OOO each, and remodeling and new devel opments at the Moflltt plot in North Front street. Within a week or two it is expect ed a permit will be taken out for re modeling the Board of Trade build ing Into an eight-story office build ing pt a cost of approximately $200,- 000. Henry C. Claster, the owner, has an architect at work now on the plans and will award a contract soon. Many new houses are going up in the Thirteenth ward near the east ern city line, fronting on Derry street and highways crossing it. One of these dwellings, being constructed near Twenty-fourth street, will cost $B,OOO. H. A. Hippie, contractor, is erecting a number of dwellings, in that district, and W. J. Pohland has just taken out a permit to have ten constructed in that section. Mr. Soil land also will buijd houses in Kollis ton street, in the Cloverl, district and in Green street, above Woodbine. Fourteen dwellings are to be erect ed along both sides of Taylor Boule vard just, outside Reservoir Park. At the Moffltt plot the residence wtil be remodeled and converted into an apartment house at a cost of $20,000, another stone residence will be built along Front street on the plot for $lO,OOO, and three brick houshs will be constructed fronting on Second street. Just west of Bellevue Park, at 1914 Chestnut street, a two and one-half story brick dwelling costing $6,000 is to be built and at Twenty-second and Chestnut G. A. Flinck is erect ing another which will also cost $6.- 000. During June, 1918, building opera tions costing $28,800 were started while during the present month per mits have been issued for work to cost $402,J50. State Can Now Run Its Own Quarries Approval" of Hhe act authorizing the State Highway Department to buy and operate quarries was announced to-day at the office of the Governor, which, it is said at the department, will enable the State to push work of construction and maintenance of highways at a more rapid rate and jyevent. the Commonwealth being compelled to pay high prices for ma tejials. RECEPTIOX fOR SOI.DIKR9 Thompson tow n. Pa., June 14. A reception to the returned soldiers was held In the Center Lutheran church on Thursday evening. A number of the boys of the 73th Divi sion have returned to this district.— Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Schlegel and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hull are at Philadel phia. Children's services will be held In the Lutheran church to-mor row evening. B. H. Branthoffer was at Lewistown on Wednesday.— J. C. Tennis of New York, spent the week-end at the Tennis home. Abram Landis and family of Ephrata, visited friends in the county recently. —Roy Colyer of Harrlsburg and Mr. and. Mrs. Cloyd Colyer and children, of Hollldaysburg, visited their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Colyer.— The Rdv. Walter E. Brown is attend ing commencement exercises at Sus quehanna University, Selinsgrove. Mrs. 8. F. v Metz and little son are visiting friends In Philadelphia. Miss Irene Hepner of Rlchfleld is a guest of Miss Margaret Hood. Mrs. Mary Metz of Allenaville, Mifflin county Is visiting her son. Dr. 3. F. Metz. >— Methodist Episcopal quar terly conference was held In the Methodist church Wednesday after noon. The Rev. H. O. Gutshall pas tor. Miss Bertha Kearns is spend ing the week In Mifflin county. CAVALRYMEN IN ANNUAL REUNION Members of Governor's Troop in Spanish "War Service Meet at Mount Gretna Camp Site Yesterday the annual reunion of the Veteran Association of the Gov ernor's Troop, Pennsylvania Volun teer Cavalry, which was in foreign service in Porto Rico in the Span-* ish-American War in 1898. took I place on the site of the campground occupied by the cavalry command at ' Mount Gretna when the Pennsylva- ' nla National Guard was mobilized for war service. Nearly fifty were In the party yesterday. Including families friends, and an enjoy able day was spent in the woods near the Hotel Conewago. A new flag was placed at the top of the steel mast over the monu ment marking the camp site and it will float there until next year's gathering. Letters were read at the business meeting of the association from members who were unable to attend the meeting and who are located in various part of the United States and several who are still in the service in France. Ten members of the Governor's Troop who served in the Spanish-American War aifd were in the expedition to Porto Rico, were in the great World's War in the past two years?. most of them on foreign soil. They are as fol lows: Major Edwin A. Nicodemus, Major William L. Adams,* Major Benjamin W. Kline, Captain W. Stuart Barker. Captain Frank A. j Awl. Captain Horatio V. S. Negus, | Lieutenant John A. Good, Sergeant ! William R. Bigler, Sergeant Edward L. Riley and Sergeant Herbert S. 1 Houck. „ ! At the election of officers at the j business meeting the following were chosen: President, Jacob F. Wolf, | Lebanon; vice-president. William K. j Byrnes, Philadelphia: treasurer, W. I Stuart Barker, Harrisburg; secre , tary, Jonas K. Relet, Steelton; his- I torian. William S. Y'oungman, Bos ! ton; executive committee, Edward | L. Riley, George C. Jack, John W. Springer. John A. Good and David I E. Wenrick. j Eighteen members of the associa tion died, since the trpop was mus tered out of service in Is9B, (FOR SALE 2612 Lexington St. Price $3,600 JOHN C. ORR 222 Market Street Harrisburg's - Real Estate Bureau flft "A listing means a sale' 7 Backenstoss Realty Co. 331 Market St. Own Your Own Home Sherk and Gipple Builders of Better Homes Oujr business is building substantial homes anywhere in Harrisburg and vicinity. We will furnish the lot, plan and a correct' estimate, or we will furnish estimate for your plan on lot you already have or expect to acquire. H. A. Sherk t J. E. Gipple | Builder Sales Agent. OFFICE, 1251 MARKET ST. Bell Phone Bell Phono Members Harrisburg Real Estate Board JUNE 14, 1919. Gospel Tank Will Start Busy Season Tomorrow The Gospel tank of the P. R. R Y. M. C. A., will start the summer sea son tomorrow. The program arrang ed indicates a busy time. The first stopping place will be Forrest and Moore streets. Services will be held every Sunday evening, weather per mitting at a certain point. A fea ture of the by this tank will be the pictures. For this .season Ira P. Dean, religious secretary has se I! BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE BRICK GARAGE built on lot 50x150, located in Camp j; ; Hill, equipped with water, electric light and heat. Part of ; | ] | building is a 2-story brick 40x40, balance one story con- ! I !! Crete, 50x50. Storage room for 20 cars. This property is \ ! < well located for automobile repair and accessory business. \ [ MOVING PICTURE THEATER located at New Jl 11 Cumberland, brick construction eqilipped with water, gas, j j I! electric lights and heat. Lot 50x150. Building, 33x60. So ;[ j; constructed as to be readily .changed into residence, store ]! ]| or factory. ;l II BRINTON-PACKER COMPANY, Agents jj Second and Walnut Sts. Own Your Own Home \,V I f Houses or Ground (Anywhere) At Prices and Terms to Suit. Your Interest To See Me C. Vernon Rettew 1911 Derry Street BOTH PHONES. NEW CLOVERLY CHOICE BUILDING SITES Select yours—or see the plans of 30 Homes to be erected there. Wm. J. SOHLAND "THE LOT MAN" Security Trust Bldg. 36 No. Third St. FOR SALE r 7 y THIS PROPERTY j Will not be on the market long—thirteen rooms and two bath rooms; j all modern improvements; plot 130x204. Inspect it. Corner Harris and Cameron. BELL REALTY CO. • BKRONER B'CILIHNU 13 cured the flneet series of pietpree ever shown In Harriaburg. Ths Ser vice starts soon after sunset. ' a special arrangement the picture will be shown before dark. The list ol include tnapy Harriaburg* era and other from out of town; i)iv certain occasions the Gospel tlltlw" will sing. Everything Built Strong la braced diagonally, like the j platen of—the Philadelphia Diamond Grid Storage Bat-','" tery, which, both we and the manufacturer, (iunrnotcr FOP IS DMHJMWnJfMM Service Station Repairing carefully done Expert re-charging Winter storage and care Philadelphia Diamond Grid "Red Rental" Batteries 25 cents per day. while repairing and re-charging your old bat tery. Your trouble may be In , u the switch, or wiring, or brushes, or generator, ,or spark-plugs, or gasoline feed. Find out for sure by our FREE INSPECTION. Drive In or Phone DIAMOND GRID BATTERY CO. ; 68 S. Cameron Street. s 1 ' '