Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 14, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 [NEWS OF CHURCHES SVISITING PASTOR AT PINE STREET jßev. * William Leroy Mudge, Chambersburg, to Preacr at Two Services At the Pine Street Presbyterian Ontrch to-morrow the preacher will be ithe Rev. William Leroy Mudge. pastor icf the Falling Spring Presbyterian ■Church of Chambersbnrg. His sub- Sect at the morning service will be "The World's To-morrow." At the •ventng service, Mr. Mudge will preach en "The Gospel the World Needs." The usual session of the church Sun day School will be held at 1.40 p. m. The annual Children's Day service at Bethany chapel will be held at 9 a. m.. at which time the Rev. John M. Warden Will administer the Sacrament of Bap tism to a number of children. At the Division Street Chapel at 10 a. m.. the annual Children's Day service will be conducted. The Rev. M. S. Fales will administer the Sacrament of Baptism to children. At Bethany Chapel the Bsv. John M. Warden will preach as usual at 7.30 p. m. The evening ser vice at Division Street Chapel will be conducted by the Rev. M. S, Fales. The four Christian Endeavor Soeieties of the church and chapels will meet at the usual times and places. On Monday evening the Mrs. John "T.- Boyd Bible Class will hold its .monthly meeting in the Boyd Memorial inflldhtg. On Wednesday evening the ■usual mid-week service will be held at the church and at Bethany Chapel. On Friday evening the usual Boy Scout meetings at the church and at Divi sion Street Chapel will be held. The knitting department of the Red Cross Auxiliary yitl he open from 11 a. m t0,T2.30 p. m., to receive finished work and to give out materials. The first of the church camps opens Jon- Friday to continue until July 3. JThls camp which is for the boys of Knlddle age promises to be more largely attended than ever and will be under the direction of the Rev. M. S. Fales. director of men and boy's work, and hii usual corps of assistants. The fol lowing ts the schedule for the re mainder of the summer camps: Open ■period. July 3 to July 17: older girls. July 13 to August 1 : younger girls. August 2 to August 11 : younger boys. August 12 to August 25; older boys. August 25 to September 1. Enrollments are now being received Ifof the Fourth Annual Summer Bible (School which will be in pession from . Mpnday, July 7 to Friday. August 1. 't*o following will be ;he faculty of itho school: Superintendents, the Rev. ' H.'' H. Baldwin and Miss Helen Krall; ■ tekchers. Mrs. Marguerite Krall Fletch icr, Miss Jennfe B. Lutz. Miss Ida M. Stewart, Miss Mary Rebecca Stewart. Miss Ruth Elizabeth Tack. Miss Sara Ali'ce Tack. This school is entirely free to the children of the Pine Street Church Sunday School, and the Sun ! day School, and the Sunday Schools of Bethany chapel and Division Street Chapel, between the ages of six and fifteen. The school has had a most successful history, the attendance and interest being greater each year than the year preceding. FIRST C. B. Morning—Prelude, "Peace Trium phale," Lacey; offertory. ".Andante Sojenelle." Oesten; postlude, "Alia M%rcia in D," Hackett. Evening— Prelude - "Pilgrim's Chorus." Wagner; offertory, "Melo die," Rockwell; postlude. "Festal P.rfcessional March," Hackett. ?! The Ultimate Mileage of J White Trucks I 1 is still unmeasured. Some have rounded out C $ 300,000 miles. Many have run 200,000 miles. 1 T,: Hundreds, probably thousands, have passed the I i* 100,000 mark —a very common White perform- | White Trucks Are Money Savers i 3-4 to 5 Tons I T Conover Motor Co. Inc. | y Sales and Service, 1334 Howard Street i f G. M. C. I t * . i T ♦ ( J I MOTOR | I TRUCKS! • X* * 51 * <' * I 1, 1V2,2,3V 2 and 5 Ton Models ♦ . * il KEYSTONEMOTORCARCO. 1 ff ... 57-105 S. CAMERON ST. | Charles H. Barner, Mgr. | % 700 - Dial 4458 j| SATURDAY EVENING, STATE CHURCH MEET PLANNED ■ Pennsylvania Conference of Inter-Church Movement Meets Here July 16-17 The Pennsylvania State Conference of the Inter-Church World Movement will be held In the convention room of the Penn-Harris hotel Monday and Tues ! day, June 16 and 17. The opening ses ! slon will begin with the registration of i delegates at 2 p. m., Monday, June 16. ; Speakers of national reputation will give ■ the delegates a vision of the scope, i plans and possibilities of the Inter ' Church World Movement. j There will be four addresses at each ! session. The theme of the first ses ; sion will be "The Inter-Church World Movement; Its Spiritual Significance; Its Providential Preparation ; Its Scope I and Program." At the Monday evening meeting "The Plan of Home. Foreign ■ and Religious Educational Surveys" will i be discussed. ; At the Tuesday morning session there will be presented "The State Survey Program; the Significance of the j Church's Self-Examinntion ; the Organi zation and Conduct of the Survey." 1 The Rev. W. E. Doughty. D. D. and the Rev. Edmund de S. Brunner, D. D., will be two of the speakers. Some seven hundred invitations have i been sent out to representative men of ; the various denominations in the State Jof Pennsylvania. The following organ- I izatlons will have prominent represen- I tatives at this conference: National I' Board of the Young Women's Christian Association. Pennsylvania State Sab hath School Association. American Bap j tist Publication Society, the Shippens burg Federation of Churches; Forward ' Movement Executive Committee of the : Reformed Church in the United States, i the Pennsylvania Christian Missionary | Society, and many other prominent ■ church organizations of a similar char : actor. President Geo/ge LesXo Oniwake, i of Ursinus College, and President E. C. i Hunt, of Albright College, will be among ! the prominent men present. This conference will be in charge of : the local Federation of Churches of ; Harrisburg and vicinity, of which ex ; Mayor J. William Bowman is president. JjThe conference proceedings will be held ' in the convention room of the Penn- I Harris hotel, which will be the head ; quarters for this conference. The conference is designed primarily | to bring forward for discussion the fol ! lowing questions : I 1. To review, interpret and strengthen | the proposed plans and program of the ■ Interchurch World Movement especi ; ally as they affect the State of Penn ; sylvania. j 2. To study unitedly the problems of the Christian Church in its New j World responsibility and opportunity. | 3. To give particular attention to the i best method of assembling and making ; effective the proposed city and rural ; surveys for the State of Pennsylvania i about to be inaugurated under the Inter ' church World Movement. I 4. To \Sy tlv foundation for tfie per j ment organization of the Interchurch i World Movement in the State of Penn | sylvania. PARK SERVICES St. Paul's Methodist Church will | hold services in Harris Park on Sun day evening at 7.30, Singing will be a feature. [MORNING SUNDAY SCHOOLSESSIONS Session of Olivet Presbyterian Sunday School Arranged to Allow Free Afternoon On Sunday morning Olivet Presbyte rian Church Sunday school will meet at 10 o'clock instead of the afternoon hour. Church service will be held at 11 o'clock and It is planned to have the morning service last Just one hour. Sunday evening a patriotic service in honor of the returned soldiers in the church will be held. Charles Pars will deliver the address and patriotic hymns will be sung. A silver bar will be pinned across the stars in the service flag for each soldier who has been discharged, thus demobilizing the stars In the serv ice flag. The names of the soldiers | who have not yet been discharged will i be read and prayers will be offered j for their safe return. It is planned to have the mothers or sisters present and pin the bars across the stars for their sons or brothers. On Tesday evening a reception will be given the soldiers in the church par lora There will be games, speaking and refreshments will be served. Choir and Organist Stevens Memorial Methodist Church is to have the services of Jo.hn W. Phillips, who has been director of music at Grace Metho dist Church for several years. Tne announcement was made during the week that Mr. Phillips had severed his connection with musical affairs at Grace and would Join the Stevens Memorial choristers as directing head. It was assumed in music circles that the pupils of the direc tor would go with him to Stevens church. "Ixtvely Appear," from Gounod's "Redemption," wRh Mrs. Florence Cooper I-ey as the soloist, will be the opening choir number at Mes siah Lutheran Church to-moj-row evening. Also there will be sung a setting of "Ho, Kvery One That Thirsteth," incidental solos to be sung by the choirmaster, Abener W. llartman, basso. H. Flaxington Marker's beautiful conception of the penitential poem, "O Paradise, O Paradise," will be sung by the Fourth Street Church of God at the morning service. Mrs. I.,ee S. Izer, formerly soprano soloist at Messiah Lutheran Church, re mains with this organization and with Miss N'na Ruth will sing Les lie's "The Invisible Land" at the evening service. The evening an them selection is Reed's "The Day Is Past and Over." Salem Reformed Church, with Mrs. Edwin C. Thompson at the organ and directing the choir, pro mises splendid music at Sunday's services. In the morning the well known "Sanctus," from Farmer's "Mass in R Flat," will be the offer ing. At the evening service two numbers will be given, Whitney's arrangement of Sullivan's familiar "Onward, Christian Soldiers," and Lansing's "Te Deum." The late Edwin J. Decevee prob ably was at his best in his treat ment of gospel hymns. Among other poems clothed with musical beauty, he wrote a most effective setting of "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," which is to be sung by the solo quartet at the evening service in Zion Lutheran Church. Augustus G. Shantz is to sing a gospel hymn. At the morn ing service Mrs. Butterworth will sing Salter's "O, Lord of Life." The anthem will be "Spirit of God," by Huniason, a little known writer, whcee works many singers think are too seldom sung. A correspondent suggests that among the beautiful music adapted to choir work are the Storer com positions. "Like As the Heart" and "The Day Ts Past and Over," splen didly adapted for quartet choirs. Likewise may be mentioned the Shelly arrangement of "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" and Dud ley Buck's "Rock of Ages." At Second Reformed Church to morrow morning the choir will sing "The King of Love My Shepherd Is," by Shelly. Miss Jennie Shart zer, contralto, will sing the opening solo and Mrs. Ada Culp Bowman, soprano, the other incidental num bers. Tn the evening the choir will sing a new anthem, Brown's "Be Thou Exalted, O God." Henry Stew art, baritone of this choir, who has been with the army in France, will return to his duties the first Sunday of July. Miss Nancy Cannon, for merly organist at Second Reformed, will sing Oley Speaks' "The Lord Is My Light," at the evening service. An excellent, program has been arranged by Howard E. Gensler for Derry Street United Brethren Church. The anthem numbers will be Turner's "Praise tjie Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him" and J. Varley Roberts' "Peace I Leave With You." Mr. Roberts is the composer of the well known number, "Seek Ye the Lord." probably more widely sung by the larger church choirs." where there is a capable tenor soloist, than any other number of its character. C. E. Notes Many new members are being en rolled in new C. E. Alumni Associa tion. Dr. Poling has been on a con tinuous drive since he visited this city. April 1. June 14-16 he will organize the work in San Antonio, Texas. Any past or present Chris tian Endeavor, or friend of Chris tian Endeavor, may be enrolled as a member of this association upon the vote of the members present at any regular convened session of the association. Apply to Charles R. Bartley, Bellevue Road, or the Har risburg National Bank, for applica tion blank. Fourth Street Church of God En de-vorers held their semi-annual business meeting recently when im portant work pertaining to the in creased inter.st of the society was considered. The following officers for the term July 1 to December 31 were elected: President, J. S. Mac- Donnald; vice-president, Truman Harper; secretary, Mrs. Showers; treasurer. Mrs. Richardson: pianist, Miss Esther Mackey. Mr. MacDon nald has been an enthusiastic En. deavorer since he was graduated from the Junior society. The so ciety has charge of the meetings at the Bethesda Mission op the third Friday evening of each month. Harris Street United Evangelical Endeavorers spent a delightful time at the monthly social and busi ness session on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Laudermilch, 1901 North Second street. Officers were elected for the ensuing term as fol lows: President, B. U. Wiley; vice president, Mrs. W. L. Bailey; secre tary, Carl Gingrich; treasurer, Paul I B ARRISBTma TELEGRXPH Plan Big Christian Endeavor Meet at Buffalo A ugust 5-10 Christian Endeavor will hold one of its great gatherings for the in spiration and guidance of the' ag gressive, enterprising young people who are enlisted for Christ and the church in Buffalo, N. Y,. August 5- 10, thousands of delegates are ex pected to attend. The mornings will be devoted to practical conferences under expert leaders, closing with an inspirational address; the afternoons arc given to business sessions or tno trutees of the United Society and the field workers, and the evenings to great platform meetings. New problems tlrat have grown out of the world war and that are now challenging the Christian forces will be consid ered. There are indications that special convention rates may be granted on all railroads. All pastors are en titled to half fare on all railroads. Among the religious eaders on the program are the following: The Rev. John Timothy Stone, D. P., the Rev. William Hiram Fonlkes, D. P., Maj. Charles W. Gordon (Ralph Conner, invited); the Rev. James I. Vance, D. P., Robert E. Specr, D. D., (in vited); the Rev. A. E. Cory, P. D., Mr. Po-Ling Chang China; Dr. P. F. Pierce. China; S. J. Theodore, In dia; the Rev. H. I. Marshall, Burma; the Rev. James H. Pettce, P. P., Japan; Bishop L. W. Kyles, D. P., Africa; the Rev. S. Guy Inman, Latin America; the Rev. John Pol lock. Europe; the Rev. Thomas Ash burn, D. D„ the Rev. R. W. Brokaw, D. P.; the Rev. L. W. Burdick. P. D., the Rev. Julian C. Caldwell, P. P.. MISSIONARY OF INDIA TO SPEAK Rev. R. M. Dunkelbcrger to Tell of Work in Zion Lutheran Church To-morrow evening In the Zion I.utheran Church, the Rev. Dr. S. W. Herman will speak upon the theme 'lt pays to be and do good." At the morning service the Rev. R. M. Dunkelberger, of India, will tell of the work accomplished and the greater opportunities at hand in the mission fields in India. Rev. Dunkel berger is one of the successful mis sionaries of the Guntur Mission. The men's class will meet at H 45 a. m. The mid-summer Communion has 1 < n appointed for the last Sun day io June, at which time new mem bers will be received. Many of the classes in Zion Sunday School and members of the church have become hosts who will provide the entire meals for the eighty guests, the aged and orphans of Tabiatha Home, Bin celn. Neb. Next Saturday evening the report of the great Missionary Con vention, recently held at Canton, 0., will be made by Mrs. S. W. Herman in the church house. Schwartz; pianist, Miss Sylvia Ging rich. The following leaders will have charge of the services at the various societies to-morrow evening: Market Street Baptist Church, Horace Jack son; Westminster Presbyterian. Miss Anna Bockus; Christ Butherarr, Miss Mary Rhonda; St. John's I.utheran, Steeiton, Mrs. Hose Smith; St. Mat thew's I.utheran, Miss Prances Burkholder; First Church of God, New Cumberland, Mrs. Harry Upde graff; Centenary United Brethren Steeiton, Robert Geesey; Imnianuel Presbyterian, Miss Elsie Klucker. CHIBDREX'S IIAY AT HECKTOX A program of recitations, music and exercises will be rendered on Sunday night at the Heckton Meth odist Episcopal Church, at 7.3.0. at the annual Children's Day. Miss Virginia Ohale, of Harrisburg, will take part in the program. The chil dren's day program at Dauphin Methodist Church will be given on Sunday, June 22, at 7.30 p. m. Music in the Churches BETHDEHEM I.UTHERAN Morning— Prelude, "To Spring." Matthews; anthem, "llow Excellent is Thy I.oving Kindness." Bissell; quartet, "O Come to Me, Ye Weary," Florio; offertory, "Rococo," Palm gren; Festal March, Storer. Evening Prelude, "Serenade," MacFarlane; anthem, "The Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away," Wood ward; quartet, "Incline Your Ear," Field; offertory, "Prelude," I.emai gre; "Grand Chorus," Salome. MESSIAH I.UTHERAN CHURCH Morning— (Children's Day exer cises), prelude "Allegro Moderato in G," Stebbins offertory, "Andante Cantabile," Tscliaikowsky; postlude, "Grand Chorus," Guilmant. Evening—Prelude (a) "Serenata," (b), "Pastorale and Adoration," Guilmant; anthem, "Bovely Appear" (The Redemption) Gounod, (Inci dental solo by Mrs. Elmer Bey); of fertory. "Perfect Day." Bond; an them "Ho! Every one That Thirot eth," Martin; (Incidental solos by A. W. Hartman); postlude, "Concbrto Rondo," Clyde; Mrs. Emma Hoff man, organist, A. W. Hartman, di rector. | When Springs Break j | Put on a I j I I The Kepineemont Sprints # | IN STOCK FOR YOUR CAR JL This is the best and highest grade Spring you can buy. 3 ( ► Don't worry about a broken Spring when a VULCAN is ; 1 instantly available. J ===== T 1 Square Deal Auto Supply j ' > 1408 North Third Street y the Rev. O. W. Carrell, the Rev. J. C. Cummins, President H. L. Free man, D. D., the Rev. T. M. Funk, the Rev. Howard H. Grose, the Rev. N. B. Grubb, D. D., Mr. William Phillips Hall, the Rev. W. T. John son, D. P., the Rev. J. T. McCrory, P. D., the Rev. Rufus W. Miller, D. D., the Rev. Allen B. Philputt, D. D., Bishop U. F. Swengel, f). D-, the Rev. Floyd W. Tompkins, S. T. D„ Bishop W. M. Weekley, P.' r>., the Rev. Herbert I* Willett, P. D., the Rev. Samuel H. Woodrow. D. P.. Hon. William Jennings Bryan (invit ed), the Rev. Samuel H. Greene, D. D., the Rev. W. B. Riley. D. D. A number of leading statesmen are expected to be on the program. President Francis E. Clark and his associates. Poling, Landrith, Shaw, Wells, Shartlc, Lehman. l>athrope, Anderson, Clements. Brown and Miss Hooper; field secretaries, Gates, Vandersall, Walker. Farrill, Spnfford, Reichel, Evans. Breg and Misses Brandt. MePherrin, Clothier, lea rner and Tschantz, State and pro vincial C. E. leaders; Ailing. Brag don. Capron. Coffin, Curry. Gon zales, Hotzlcr, Hewetson, MeClusky, Miss McPree. Mick, Miley, Nogglc, Price, Roberts Rusk, Sine. Waldron, Webster. Whittier. Wood. Wright and others. Denominational lend ers will be Included: the Rev. Ed ward S. Bromor, Prof. Aaron Brown, the Rev. O. T. Deever, the Rev. Gilbert Glass, D. D.. President W. A. Harper, L.L. P., the Rev. W. E. Peffley, the Rev. F. M. Sheldon. D. P., and Mr. John P. Zimmerman. CAPT. BASSLER AT OLD CHURCH Will Assist in Communion Services at the Second Reformed Church The sacrament of the lord's Sup per will be observed at both of to morrow's services. 11 nnd 7.30 o'clock, in the Secor.-d Reformed Church, Broad and Green streets, and to-morrow at the morning serv ice, the former pastor of the congre gation, Rev. Harry Nelson liassler, recently returned from service over seas as chaplain of the 103 rd Am munition Train, will assist in the administration of the sacraments. Following the evening communion the present pastor, Rev. Alfred Novin Sayros, will preach on the subject. "Not Counting the Cost." Prof. John F. Kob. one of the super visors of the city schools, will lead the meeting of the Christian En deavor Society at 0:30 P. M. The annual picnic of the junior, primary and beginners' departments of the Sunday School will be held at Reservoir Park on Thursday aft ernoon. The session of the school will he held at 9.45 A. M. DERBY STREET U. B. Morning—Prelude, "Vision,"Bibl; anthem, "Praise the Lord, Ye Heav ens Adore Him," Edmund Turner; offertory, "Andante," Bertini; post lude, "Marche Soienelle," Marlley. Evening—Prelude, "Cantilene in F Minor," Merchant; anthem, "Peace I With You," J. Var ley Roberts; ofTertory, "Pastorale," Tudebuehl; duet, "The Angel," Rub instein, Miss Landis and Miss Mann; postlude, "Fugue in G Major," Men delssohn. FOURTH ST. CHURCH OF GOD Morning Prelude, "Larghctto and Allegro," Roberts; offertory. Communion in G," .Guilmant; an them, "O. Paradise; O, Paradise," Harker; postlude, "Postlude in E Flat," Abernethy. Evening Prelude, "Berceuse," i Driffield; anthem, "The Pay Is Past and Over," Reed; offertory, "Suppli cation, Op. 198, No. 7," Von Wilmt duet, "The Invisible Land," Leslie, Miss Lee S. Izer, and Miss Rina Ruth; postlude, "Marche Xuptiale," Schmidt," J. R. Swartz; organist and choirmaster. REFORMED SAI .EM Morning—"Praeludium Festivum" first Sonata in G Minor, Becker; an them, "Sancetus," mass in 11 Flat, i Farmer; "Toccato," lirst Sonata in j G Minor, Becker. Evening—Memorial service of the !I. O. O. F.; "Onward, Christian Sol i diers," Sullivan, Whitney; "Te Deum Laudamus," Lansing; soprano solo, "1 Love the Lord," Bcrwold. 7.10N LUTHERAN" Morning—Prelude "Andante Con Moto," Gleason; soprano solo, "O, ' Lord of Life," Salter, Mrs. Butter worth; offertory, "Idylle," Wely; Anthem, "Spirit of God," Humason; postlude, "March in B Flat," Silas. Evening— 7.30, prelude, "June," Tschaikowsky; quartet, "Jesus, Lov er of My Soul," Peccvee, Mrs. De cevee. Miss Bennett. Mr. Smith, Mr. Shantz; offertory, "Offertoire in G." Loud; gospel hymn, Mr. Shantz; postlude, "March in B Flat," Faulkes; Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee, chorister; William Ilretz, organist; E. A. Kepner, chimes. Other CI HI roll News Page 18. Special Services in the Park St. U. E. Church Sunday at 10.45 a. m., the pastor of Park Street United Evangelical Church, will speak on the subject of STORE STORE CLOSES CLOSES SA ~ SA ™- YS ISEI.I, INNI— 23S® UNITED HARKISRURG. SATURDAY, JUNE H, into. FOUNDED ISRA Just What You've Been Wanting for Ypur Auto Cushions coitn>ni<in>Mu.uima. faladAppiitd Far "YY7HAT motorist hasn't wished for just such washable cushion W covers as these. The better you know the stained and spotted clothes that are the certain result of bare cushions, the more you will appreciate their cleanliness. They Protect Your Clothes Dad likes them simply because they are clean and look good. For Mother; * there is no end to the convenience and motoring comfort they bring. They protect everybody's clothes. Whenever they are soiled she can, consign them to * Monday's wash and button on a clean set —no bother and best of all no worry about soiled suits and dresses -Jj, Quick and Easy to Attach I You can put them on yourself—2o minutes to place the Tack- !'| ;|m> Buttons for the first set and after that 3 minutes to change from the I i 1 soiled to a clean set. Button them on as you would any garment. j ■ffflY'-i').'\ i ( And that's all without mention of the stylish appearance , on your car of any of the pleasing patterns we have in Ifr-A? Stock ready to use. •/„ the Tub —On the Line _ i _ . , _ Back on the car by For Open and Enclosed Cars hair-past nine" - Immediate Delivery of New Models rpHE temptation is to be superlative ebb of power, highly responsive to about the beauty and performance your wish; the-emergency brake-th&t of the new Lexington Touring Car. operates with-one finger; the-complete Unfortunately, if words could confidence and restfulness one ertjoys describe its fashionable design, color whether taking a hill on high or inching schemes, and accommodations they through trafific. fail utterly as a substitute for a demonstration of its efficient operation. Lexington owners benefit by a sub stantial saving in fuel because of the In order to fully appreciate the exclusive Moore Multiple Exhaust Sys success Lexington has achieved in per- .. , , , , ~ . , tern which produces more horse power fectmg the dependable six cylinder type of car, one must take the wheel W1 653 Ue * and observe us demonstrate this new Touring The smooth, silent starting; the Car or other new open and closed quick get-away; the rhythmic flow and models. C. E. DENNIS, Distributor Sales and Service, 121 S. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. SUB-AGENCIES OPEN FOR /-©JOINING COUNnES OF DAUPHIN—INVESTIGATE ' •. - Lexington Motor Company Connersville, Ind., U. S. A. > JUNE 13, 1919. "The Unity of the Spirit" "Can there be 'unity of spirit' among the various churches without organic unity? Is diversity of method and i opinion and doctrinal belief a sign lof lack of essential unity? What is ! essential unity?" Are some of the questions which he will endeavor to answer. The subject of th 6 evening sermon will be "Better Than Stiver and Gold." This sermon will be based in the account of the. healing of the lame man as given in Acts, (third chapter.