Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 13, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    UfPj Readiivj all ike fartvlkj PP||
"When, a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl Wife
•We ll have to walk the last three
flights." said Jim when we arrived
at his office building and embarked
jr the elevator. "I forgot to tell
you that the cars don't run in the
twon after nine." .-_• !
"I'd have come, anyway. I don 1 1
mind the walk." 1 replied, as the
car shot us up the long shait on its
way to Jim's office in the tower.
But if the elevator hud run in the
tower things might have been very.
different. . ~
We walked slowly, for Jims limp,
—which bothers him so little on j
level ground—annoys him frightful
ly when he is climbing. And when
we got to the top of the second
flight we stopped in the dusk of the
entry - way to rest. In the shadow
over by the stairs was a woman,'s
iifrure. Without a second's hesifa- j
tion it detached itself front the
shadows and came over to us.
••Hello. Mrs. .Timmie;" exclaimed
Carlotta Sturges. "What are you
doing here? Oh. it's Mr. Harrison!!
1 bee your pardon, for butting in. j
I was just going to offer to chap
eron you—if you needed me."
Her voice trailed off uneasily, and;
then the door to the main corridori
and the offices opened and out came
Pat Palton.
"Righto!" he called. "Are you
there. Carlotta? I found those,
bloomine leases at last, just where,
you thought thev d be. You were |
a brick to come along with me."
Then he came round the jutting:
corner that had hid us from him.
and his voice broke oft like a snap
ping violin string. '
I know something
that will clear your skin"
"When my complexion was ==^^.
red, rough and pimply, I was so \
<ttA<7t<Mfthat 1 never had any >^*7
avoided me —perhaps they aid! / I J3H
But the regular nse of Resinol i 1
ment just at firs'—has given me
Resinol Ointment and Res. BO. SOBP abo ce*r
away dandruff and keep the hair healthy and
M attractive. For trial free, wr.u to Dept. 2-R
Resinol, Baltimore, Md.
M—— Garments of Quality
Specials For Saturday Buying
Our many new arrivals of blouses, skirts and dresses have been creating
much favorable comment because of the quality of materials and the many new
ideas in design. For this reason we are offering special prices on certain of the
models for Saturday buying. We want YOU to know more about them. Be
sure to come in Saturday.
Georgette Batiste
Waists °^ andy
two of the very lat- if There are two new
est models of ll {\
material; one with! A J jL—IF terlals; the one with
fancy lace trimmedU | \ || ' a square neck pique
collar; the TTT • . collar; the other
with neatly colored TT JN CUt rOllgee W UIStS with lace trimmed
embroidered front.There are three new models of pcngee; plain fronts, shawl collar. Spe-
Special Saturday llox P leats and straight shirt effects that can be worn
with either high or low neck. Special Saturday, Saturday,
$2.95 $2.95 and $3.95 $1.95
Silk Poplin Skirts White Wash Skirts
!" w t""' ?;"* \Wp Belied, patched and Inacrted
T,I: hX sra as"ssa
$2.95 $2.95
Dotted Voile Dresses |H v ; \\ J\ Printed Voile Dresses
in blue and rose colors; neat lace I T\ \ \// .. , . .
i, o _ v ■ , \ \ \S Neat organav hemstitched col
nw tnnir effect lli M WIP \. \ lars. trimmed with lac-e; belted ef
vafue. Regular $14.00 \ \\ Regu , ar , 8 . 00 value. Special
rftrt rvr ; lb/ iol"l 5 Y\ Saturday,
$9.90 $4.95
French Gingham Jp- \yfl French Gingham
Dresses J Dresses
New straight line models, belted, f 11, Another lot of extra quality ma
pockets, tailored collar and cuffs .4 < A terials, neatly tailored, trimmed
of white pique, $7.00 value. Spe- —t —U I collars and cuffs. Regular SIO.OO
cial Saturday, , values. Special Saturday.
$3.95 ; ,7AU_A $5.95
ladies Bazaar 77,T
Wisely 8-lO 12 S. FOURTH ST. For Less.
. "Jim, old fellow!" he cried. "And
j Mrs. Jimmie! Hello, little lady."
i "Hello, yourself." I replied, taking
the hand he held out.
"Come along, Anne," said Jim in
a low voice that seemed to break
with difficulty through clenched
, jaws. Then he pased the other two
as if they had been only dust and
: shadows in the hallway. But 1
threw back a good-night before 1
; followed.
Jim turned on me when we got
into the Harrison-West Company of
; flees. His face was gray and twisted
| with hate.
"You saw that. Anne!" he cried.
"And for some fool woman's reason
1 you—spoke to them. Poor Jeannie!
Poor little Jeannie! Pate's a rum
one You drag me down
here on a crazy bet—some vara
fihnilt Plinrllo 0r.,1 „.4 1_1.
about Phoebe and \\ est. And look;
what we stumble into."
"Oh. Jim. that isn't anything like ;
what you think," I cried. "It's per-'
! fectly all right. Truly."
"All right?" sneered Jim. "All
right! How dare you tell me that,
j when it's plainly all wrong—as I
! saw?"
"But it is all right," I insisted,
i "You heard him say he'd found the
leases. Well, they're in business to- j
gether. The Palton-Sturges Realty
Corporation or some such name.
I And I suppose they've an office in,
'your building. He'd come back for
j something important and she came
! with him—that's how I understand;
jit. Nothing wrong in that."
I Jim walked over to the window
and stared out at the firefly city ly-j
ing below. He was silent for a mo
Bringing Up Father - - t '- Copyright, 1918. International News Service -*- By McManus
OT- COLLY- I D n T T tl E ' ' vs. HI WHATDOYOU
BETTER •bWEEP> I I 1 =. -3 -■ /" \— _ IH MEAN BY BREAKING JjH]
THE> UP BEFORE ' HEARD A ~" " ~ / /-\ \ c A CUP AND t>AUCPR-
\J ca -- - o [J ° g o- 3 (,-/3
ment or two, and I dared not break
jin upon his thoughts. At last'he]
turned to me. and there was some-,
thing in his face I had never seen
there before. Scorn. Scorn and con
tempt. When he spoke I knew both
those feelings were for me. j
"So Palton is in business with
the bunch that ruined my father!"
;he said grimly. "And you tell me
'that as if it made everything all.
right. Maybe his being here with
Carlotta Sturgcs is the snow-white 1
'thing you think. But his being in
business with her father is yellow.
That's flat. And if I have my way
! Jeannie'U start divorce proceedings
j to-morrow. I'll go on the stand
for her." i
•Jim, his being in business with
them isn't yellow." I protested It
| was done for the most unselfish of
motives. I can't tell you now. but
I truly it's white."
I wanted to pour out the story of,
Veal's hardships and the_ arrange
ment Pat had made to help • seal - ;
But I dared not risk it just then.,
"Now for the books, said Jim at,
last! leading me to an inner office
and unlocking a heavyy.padlocked !
desk, "bo you know the date of,
anv of these transactions of which,
you accuse poor West your pet
scapegoat?" .
"Bet's see. Neal came back about
a month ago. Tho 10th of last
'month, it was. Phoebe made her
first winnings the day before, when
vou and I were out of town for th"
first time with I.ane Cosby I know
because we went to Chinatown to
gether and she bought some jade
! jewelry—with her winnings."
"The 9th!" sairt Jim. haulinsr out
| a big ledger and turning back its
j pages. "We'll start at the Ist—as;
i tbe deal probably would have been
about a week old. That's about as
' long as a little margin fellow hangs j
]on for a rise. First. 2d, 3rd ' i
The pages rattled as Jim went |
over them. Presently he put back,
the ledger he was studying and got j
' out another. I sat silent while he.
■ puffed at cigarette after cigarette |
i and ran his finger down page after!
page. At last I grot up and looked!
over his shoulder.
"Quit that!" he muttered. "Can't 1
stand having: any one snoop around'
of me."
So J crossed to the window and!
j stood staring down at the lights, j
some unwinking and some pricking
j in and out like tin., stars in a stage j
sky. There was no sound except the '
dry rustle of the pages and an occa- J
sional nervous cough from Jim. j
"Well, that's over!" said Jim at
last. "I knew West was all right.;
He hasn't made a single deal for;
Phoebe. Now. Anne, I've something,
mighty serious to say to you—and i
you listen." Jim's eyes met mine. I
[ and he said in a tone I couldn't j
' quite make cut:
"Anne, either you're crazy or West
has buffaloed me to a standstill!"
(To Bo Continued.)
Negro Woman Bequeaths
Fortune of $1,000,000
! . York. June 13.—The title of j
j "richest negro woman in the United i
} States." which wa s held many years
' by Mrs. C. J. Walker, manufacturer
! of a hair ointment widely popular
with her race, will pass to her only
daughter. Mrs. Leila Walker Robin
son, under the terms of her will,
which, it was learned here, was filed j
in Indianapolis yesterday.
With the exception of two trust i
; funds of SIOO,OOO each, for benefit of |
charities, distant relatives and
j friends, Mrs. Walker left her entire
estate to her daughter. The estate
is estimated at $1,000,000. Among
1 the charitable bequests was one for
' the establishment of an industrial
and mission school in Africa.
j 2358
fill I
2858 —Here is a very becoming!
model; just the dress for slender j
figures. It will be pretty in organ-1
die, figured voile, foulard, duvetyn,
and gingham. A sash of soft silk,
or of self-material forms a smart
The pattern provides for two
styles of sleeve. It is cut in three
sizes: 16, 18 and - 20 years. Size 18
requires 4% yards of 4 4-tneh mater
ial. Width of skirt at lower edge
with plaits extended is about 1 5-8
A pattern of this illustration
mailed to any address on receipt of
10 cents in silver or stamps.
Tcleprrapli Pattern Department
For the 10 cents Inclosed please
send pattern to the following:
Size Pattern No I
Address * ,
City and State
Thousands Date
Better Health
from the day they
began using
Grape Nuts
A Wonderful Food
For Body and Brain
1 ■" r
. .. V,.
! t : "
! V. '• irx
Urges Early Marriages
and Home Building
Dr. May Agnes Hopkins of Dallas,
: Texas, who has just arrived from
: France, where she was in service
| with the Child Welfare Bureau of
' ihe American Red Cross, said yes
j terday that perhaps the most cry
i :ng present need in the world is for
1 home makers. Although the econo
j mic position of women is in a higher
j stage of development here than in
! any other country, it is the opinion
of Dr. Hopkins that home making
is particularly a lost art in this
Instead of making homes, girls,
when they marry, keep their jobs,
| she found, and this is not conducive
jto home making. It was her opin-
I ion that when a girl marries, she
i should give her time and energy
jto the home. No woman, she said
I should marry unless she is willing
I to set aside personaj ambition and
make home building her profession.
"The woman who marries and
continues with her work is directly
responsible for the decline in the
art of home making." said Dr. Hop
kins. "She does not know it, but
she is cheating her employer, her-
I self, and her children. Down in
j Dallas. I was house physician to
i several hundred women in a rnanu
j facturing plant which employed
' married women, and provided a
model creche for them in which
to place their children. Apparently
it was a perfect arrangement all
"When I denounced this scheme to
the manager, he was much dis
gruntled. So I sat down with him,
and worked ont in figures that spell
cold cash that he was losing money
on it. I proved that he could actu
ally be making money if he paid
every married woman on his pav roll
her regular salary to stay home and
care for her children.
"It is not only the scientific care
they receive in a. creche or from a
nurse that young children need.
They need the love of a mother,
not "the remote, divided love that a
woman with a job can give her child
alter office hours, but the inimitable
mother love, which should sustain
and animate every home. It is not
sentiment to say that love is the
ruling power of the world: it is hard
fact. It may be love 'or self, for
ambition, for another. In its finest
quality, it is the love of a mother
for a child, and a child for its
! mother. When the underlying prin
ciple of mother love and personal
' service is gone from a home, it
becomes an institution. This is the
. case with many homes in our coun
"I do not speak of where a mother
is forced, for any reason, to go out
daily to work. That is unfortunate,
and must be met. The women I
denounce are those who regard the
making of a home as a light mat
ter. to be brushed easily aside and
sacrificed for pfettv ambitions. There
may be some women of genius or
with a talent so great that it war
rants developing and pursuing. In
this ease, a woman has no right
to marry. She should choose one
course or the other.
Ronton. June 13. —The Senate yes
terday passed over the veto of the
Governor the bill to increase the
I salary of members of the Legisla
i ture from *I.OOO to $1,500. The vote
' was 27 to 11. Similar action previ
ously had been taken in the House.
Daily Dot Puzzle
I ,
* N,
r ' <
• \
7 A
3 4
< • 4
H u . it ,
j '
Draw front one to two and so on
to the end.
Movement Against
Japs in China Increases
1 Tokio, Wednesday, June 13.—Ad
i vices received here from China show
| that there has been a serious spread
j of anti-Japanese agitation, especially
; in Shanghai, Hangkow, Nanking and
I Canton, with indications that it
i may develop into a general anti
foreign movement.
Several warships of the Japanese-
China squadron have been hurried
to Shanghai. Shipping at Chinese
ports has virtually ceased owing to
; a boycott, resulting in great mone
| tary losses to steamship companies
J and exporters.
Builders Oppose Repeal
of Daylight Saving Law
| Philadelphia. June 13.—Resolu
! tions protesting against the repeal
'of the daylight saving law were
j unanimously adopted by the Xa
| tionnl Association of Building Own
| ers and* Managers in annual convon
: tion here yesterday. A copy of the
I rcsolutipns was sent to United States
■ Senator Calder.
F. 1,. Swettland. of Cleveland, was
j elected president; E. M. Horine, At
| lanta, vice-president; Howard G.
Ixiomis. Omaha, secretary, and Dee
I T. Smith, New York, treasurer.
Minneapolis won over Portland,
! Ore., for the 1320 convention.
State Bar Meeting
Will Begin June 24 i
rhilndelphln, June 13.—The League
of Nations, enemy property, courts
martial, and other timely and live
subjects, connected with the war and
the making of peace, are to receive
much attention and discussion at
the coming twenty-fifth annual
Association, which will be held it
Bedford Springs. June 24, 25 and 26.
The League of rfatioiis will be the
subject of the annuay address by for
j raer United States Senator Albert J.
j Beveridge, of Indiana, on Tuesday
evening, June 24.
Another war topic will be present
ed by United States Attorney Gen
eral A. Mitchell Palmer, formerly
Enemy Property Custodian. Hi's
subject will be "Enemy Property in
j the United States." and the address
j will be delivered at the evening ses
sion, June 25.
j Lieutenant Colonel and former
w' rt
iia£ft~€)Vei<- fer 1 ■!
Special Sale
of Walk-Over Low Shoes
Every pair offered is from th£ regular Walk-Over
stock of this store —and offered at lower prices by
virtue of only certain sizes being left, and in antici
pation of the arrival of Fall merchandise.
The assortment includes about two hundred pairs
of Men's Black Blucher Oxfords in Kid and Calf.
Offered for $4.00 to $6.50
Original season's prices ranged to $9.00.
There is also offered high grade women's 1 models
of the present season's low footwear in black, chest
nut and gray kid, also in white canvas.
Offered for $5.00 to $7.00
Original season's prices ranged from $7.00 to SIO.OO.
Over 800 l Shop
2 2 6 <Sl.
m. 3
Brigadier General William T. An
sell, .acting Judge Advocate General
during the war, whose efforts to re
from the court-martial system of
the American Army has attracted teo
n\uch attention, will address the as
sociation on Thursday morning, June
26, on the subject "The Administra
tion of Military Justice."
The address of the president, W. I.
Schaffer, Attorney General of Penn
sylvania, which will be delivered at
the opening of the meeting on June
24. will also dwell on the problems
arising out of the war as relating to
the duties of the State, and upon
Y t:-.-
• V 7 Oh, My! Those AWTUI Corns!
JJ Lift Corns Off With Fingers
Doesn't Hurt! Apply few drops tKen lift,
a sore, touchy corn or callus right offi
V ZY For a few cents you can Just think! Not one bit of
El get a small bottle of the pain before applying freezono
\ magic freezone discovered by or afterwards. It doesn't
l|jyry>||||l a Cincinnati chemist. even irritate the surround-
I ft,!' Just ask at any drug store ing skin.
' |S I for a small bottle of freezone. Hard corns, soft corns, or
J* Apply a few drops upon a corns between the toes, aki>
iJr tender, aching corn and in- hardened calluses on bottom
stantly that old bothersome of feet 6hrivel up and fall oil
* corn stops hurting, then without hurting a particle.
. J shortly you can lift it out, Ladies! Keep freezone handy
root and all, with the fingers, on your dresser. Wonderful!
: questions as to the proper attitude
j toward them of the bar and legisla
j tive bodies.
Besides these events numerous re
| ports of standing and special com
mittees on various reforms In law
and procedure will occupy the time
of the sessions.
The meeting will close or Tuesday
evening, .line 26. with the annual
banquet. W. I. Schaffer, the retir
ing president, will be roastmaster.
Among the speakers will be- Gover
nor Sproui, of Pennsylvania; William
A. MacCorkle, former Governor of
West Virginia; Mr. Palmer, Mr.
Beveridge and General Ansell,