Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 13, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Class of 1919 of Central High
School Presents "Mrs.
All those who witnessed last ove
ninp's performance, at the Orpheum
Thpater, when Mi*s#Mary Lewis
/ t
Mount Union is having a Fourth
,of July celebration in honor of
the homecoming of the soldier
and sailor boys, big day expected,
good special features wanted, side
attractions soli< ited, novelties en
couraged, but all must be of a
moral character. Address
Chairman of Privilege Committor
Mount Union, I'a.
IV" You Pay Less For Better Quality at Miller and Kades
Specials For Saturday
Special for the Ladies
Bungalow Aprons 69c
I These Bungalow Aprons Have Been Made For Us For Our Saturday Special.
Only One Bungalow Apron to a Customer. j I
And 20 Selections *
The Only Store in Harrisburg That Carries Columbia Grafonola Talking 11
Machines Exclusively |||l
Record No. 2725—"Longing," a love song. Double disc 85< II
Record No. 2726—"Eyes That Say I Love You." Double disc 85<* I
Record No. 2730—Columbia Saxaphone Quartet. Double disc 85<? II
Record No. 2728—"Idol" (Just Let Me Love You) Double disc 85£ II
This Same Offer Can Be Obtained
j | vnaiuiiuia auu At Our Exclus ve Grafonola Store
/ I v 2O Selections _ „ _ I
$98.50 L 41 N. Front St.,STEELTON, PA.
j- ...... .. —in ■ ■' - ■■■" ■ "N j ■ ■■ - , ■. II
• . ' X
the title part in tlie three -lot comedy
"Mrs. Bumpatead-Leigh" presented
by the* class of 1913! Central High
School, ore unanlmocm in acclaiming
the production as finished and pro
fessional us could be desired. Miss
Lewis, who proved herself to be un
actress of envlublo qualities, possess
es a stage presence that Is remark
able In one so young and Inexperi
enced In the difficult art of acting.
She was well supported by a strong
Miss Margaret Good, as "Violet Do
Salle" the younger sister of the am
bitious, versatile Mrs. Bumpsiead
l.eigh, was well adapted for the sim
ple, girlish part in which she was
cast. Her straightforwardness and !
aversion to the duplicity practiced i
by her scheming sister and ambitious I
mother won her immediate favor , i
with the audience. i
Stewart Wagner, who took the part
of Anthony Kawson, a clever young
reprobate, and George Pulas, rs
"Peter Swallow." the energetic tomb
stone agent, are deserving cf ei.pecial
mention, as indeed are all the other
members of the east, including Miss
Frances Todd, as "Miss Riwson,"
Miss Charlotte Ferguson as "Mrs. |
Stephen Leavitt:" Miss Gtal" Buck- |
walterp. as "Mrs. He Salle;" Miss'
Charlotte Grove, as "Nina, the maid:"
Winston Romig. as "Justin R.i*s.,n:"l
William Mcßride. as "Qeoftiey Raw-J
son," Lewis Rimer, as "Stephen Lea
vitt," and Wilson Bertram as "Kit
son, the butler."
Great credit Is due_Mrs. Clara I'yle
Swing, Instructor of publlo speaking
at Central, who coached the young
people untiringly. She has undoubt
edly set a standard Tor amateur dra
matics. in this city, that will be Jifll
cult to surpass. The entire play
tinged of the professional and was
un unqualified success from every
standpoint. Mrs. Swing was assisted
In the selection of her cast by Miss
Annabelle Swartz also of the Central
The play committee assisting Mrs.
Ewlng, comprised Robert Crist, chair
man; Carl Stoner. business manager;
Miss Virginia Forrer, Richard Quig
ley. Lewis Rimer, Miss Elizabeth
Lloyd and Miss Ruth Langdon.
Shot by Father For
Protecting Mother
Seranton. Pa., June 13. While
protecting his mother from an attack
by his father, Martin King. 29 years,
recently discharged from the Navy,
was shot in the head and shoulder
by the father at King's homo, in
Jessup, last night. The young man
is in a serious condition at the Mid
: valley Hospital. The father is a
Thinks Church Should '
Act as Intermediary
For Capital and Labor
New York, June 13.—Admitting
that labor's lack of trust tn the
church as a proponent of social jus
tice is undoubtedly justified. the
Rev. Charles A. McAlpine, of the
National Committee of Northern
Baptist Laymen last night declared
the time had arrived for action to
show the unions by deeds rather than
by creeds just what contribution
will be made by religious leaders to
the new world order. Dr. Mc Alpine
believes that the church should act
as sort of an Intermediary between
capital and labor, pointing out to
both factions in an impartial manner
the virtues of the demands made by
"The Baptists of America are go
ing to take a decisive part in social
reconstruction work during the post
war period." announced Dr. McAl
pine. "Our denomination is going to
bear its part of world responsibility.
The time has arrived when the
church should stand for something
vital in the minds of every msn,
woman and child. It must be some
thing more than a place to spend
Sunday evening when some men who
hae to spend money take the oppor
tunity to hear five dollars' worth of
music for five cents."
French Then Look For Imme
diate Change in Hun
By Associated Press.
j Paris. June 13.—The attitude of
'the German delegation on the sign-;
; ing of the Treaty is not clear, be- i
| cause the delegates as yet are un- j
. aware of the exact nature of the
j instrument they are called upon to
J ratify, owing to the conflicting ear
lier reports on the extent of the
modifications accorded them.
The French, who alone had an
opportunity of sounding the mem
bers of the German delegation in
formally orr the prospective changes,
believe that neither the present dele- '
gation nor the present government
I will sign, but they look fo the imme
diate installation of a Radical So
cialist administration, which will ac
cept the Treaty.
Some time Saturday has been set
unofficially for the presentation of
thfe Allied reply to the Germans.
In Austria-Hungary the political
j situation is considered serious. Re
ports have it that a Communist gov
ernment is to be up in Austria
next Sunday, and 'that the Austrian
Communists will ally themselves
with the Communist faction in Hun
In Germany, Gustav Noske, minis
ter of defense, has thrown down the
gauntlet to the radical Majority So
cialists who have been attempting
to force his resignation and that of
Premier Scheidemanrr from the
executive committee of the Majority
Elizabethville High to
Graduate Class of 7;
Plan Many Exercises
Seven members of the senior class
of the Elizabeth High school will be
graduated next Tuesday evening at
the twenty-third annual commence
ment exercises in the High school
On Saturday evening nineteen stu
dents of the grammar school will re
ceive diplomas and next September
they will enter the High school. The
program for these exercises begin
ning at 8 o'clock to-morrow night,
follows: Music, "The Rally"; in
vocation, the Rev. C. P. Wehr; salu
tatory, "A Leak in the Dike," Bea
trice Cook; "An Open Secret" and
"Jean," vocal solos, Edna Matter;
recitation, "What Constitutes a
State?" John Romberger; "Papil
lons," Gieg, piano solo, Gladys Buf
tington; class poem, Gra<*e Matter;
"In the Usual Way" and "Why?"
piano readings, Sara Miller; class
song; valedictory, "The Boat Race,"
Mary McLanaehan; address, Profes
sor F. E. Shambaugh, county school
superintendent; presentation of di
plomas, S. H. Knisely; music, bene
diction, the. Rev. W. Z. Artz.
of the grammar school
class who will enter the High school
are: Mary McLanaehan, Beatrice
Cook, Sara Miller, Gladys Bufflngton,
Edna Cooper, Meda Bohmer, Hazel
Mcssersmith, Kathryn Swab, Grace
Matter, Margaret Wise, John Botts,
Daniel Koppenhaver, Donald Miller,
John Romberger, Harry Van New
kirk, Clarence Swab. Charles Hoff
ncr and Arthur Hoffner.
On Sunday evening the High school
seniors will attend services in the
Evangelical church when the Rev.
M. S. Mumma will preach the bac
calaureate sermon.
On Monday evening the senior
class day program will be given in
the High school auditorium as fol
lows: Selection, orchestra; music,
High school chorus; class history,
Erma Stroup; class diagnosis, Han
nah Berfing: class poem, Irene
Lentz; music, "Nonsense Sons,"
High school chorus; presentation of
insignia, Florence Whitman; class
prophecy, Elma Moyer; class song,
mantle presentation, Dorothy Marge
rum; acceptance of mantle, Mabelle
Weaver; class will. Amy Swab: selec
tion, orchestra; class play, "Sing a
Song of Seniors."
The program for the senior colp
mencement next Tuesday evening at
8 o'clock follows: Music, orchestra;
invocation, the Rev. W. Z. Artz; mu
sic, "Bridal Chorus" from "The Rose
Maiden," High school chorus; salu
tatory, "The Divine Piumbline and
the Bow and Promise," Dorothy E.
Margerum: oration, "Work, a Con
dition of Success." Florence Whit
man; music, orchestra; oration, "The
Springtime of Life," Elma Moyer:
valedictory, "Thank God, I Also Am
An Americun," Irene Lentz; music,
"Night," High school-orchestra; ad
dress to class. Dr. Claries Leonard,
Williamsport; presentation of diplo
mas, S. H. Knisely. president of
school board; benediction, the -Rev.
C. P. Wehr.
Members of the graduating class
are: Irene A. Lerrtz, Dorothy E.
Margerum, Elma A. Moyer, Erma
M. Stroup, Amy A Swab, Florence
M. Whitman and Hannah M. Zer
Pittsburgh Court
Decides P. S. C. Has
No Rights There
llttsburgh, June 13.—1n an im
portant opinion, handed down here
yesterday by Judge James McF.
Carperrter, the court holds that the
public Service Commission of Penn
sylvania has no legal right to secure
an injunction in the Court of Com
mon Plea 3 of this county, as the act
creating the body provides that
actions taken by it are to be brought
in the Dauphinr county court.
The suit was brought as a test of
the right of the commission to in
voke equity proceedings to secure
enforcement of orders, in counties
outside of Dauphin. The opinion
dismissed injunction proceedings
filed by the commission against
Peter Jobs, of McKeesport. who was
charged with operating a jitney bus
without securing a license. The case
will be repealed to the higher court.
Order Eastern Star
Closes Convention
Pittsburgh, June IS.—The twenty
fifth annual conventton of the Penn
sylvania chapter, Order of the East
ern Star, closed here yesterday fol
lowing the selection of Conneaut
Lake as the meeting place for 1920,
and the election of the following of
Mrs. Snllte B. Hance, Franklin,
worthy grand matron; Fred -C.
Boyer, Philadelphia, worthy grand
patron; Miss Mabel E. Miller, Pitts
ton. assoc'ate grand matron; Mrs.
Adeline W. Barnes, Pittsburgh,
grand eerretury; Mrs. Belle C. Wil
liams, Seranton. grand treasurer;
Mrs. E. L. Bayer, Pittsburgh, .grand
i conductress.
Trainmen Complete Plans
For Memorial Services
At White's Hall, Verbeke and
James street, Sunday afternoon, at
2.30 o'clock, annual memorial ser
vices will be held by the Brother
hood of Railroad Trainmen und Or
| ill SHBUBIMUSmB ■■■
| Corp. Vernon Miller j
| Of The - j
j 28th Division Show i
At The Orpheum Theater Today & Tomorrow
Will Demonstrate Astrich Hats In
| Our Windows
| Today and Saturday
| 1:00 PM. to 2sOOP.M.
ai=gui=^tfb^ui =g aueßaß'===='B. I
The purpose of this store is to serve the public.
For this reason we remain OPEN SATURDAY EVEN
A Dressy Oxfords
d 54.98
Pumps are in high favor. Military Kid Oxfords in White Canvas Pumps
We have them in patent, tan or black [ stitched w jt h \urn soles, high or me
dull or .bright kid and field *P h ' C°od}ear welted soles.
® , , The black {f O fV O flium heels, a pair,
mouse brown, turn soles and .|j , MX
T>T.™ $3.981 S4A9 $1.98
Harrisburg's greatest variety of Misses 0 and
Children's Low Shoes is carried by us. We have
one big storeroom devoted exclusively to the sale
of Children's and Boys' Shoes.
Misses' White Canvas Misses' and- Children's Misses' and Children's
Pumps, up to One-Strap Pumps in patent Tan Play Ox- QQ
size 2 i/OC and dull, up "| QQ fords, at t/OC
White Canvas High Lace to size 2 .... NP *• v O
Shoes, up to d 1 OEf Celebrated Youngster line
s j ze 2 .p I / n Misses' 'Tan Kid Oxfords, of Play Oxfords, heavy
' White Nubuck Lace Shoes * n ?' is , h tocs ' $9 MR stitched soles, up to 11, at
up to size tO QO UP '° 2 hO
1. at <Pfci.J/0 Children's and Misses'
814 to 11, QO v|Q Ou'l Oxfords, d 1 QQ Larger d>o 4Q
for up to 2 1 tt/O size
Men's Popular Priced
' n tans ' )ot h English or broad toe, some
/ m JL rubber heels; all new 1919 styles.
Men's Dull Leather But- Men's Tan Scout Shoes, 300 pairs of Men's Black
ton Shoes, $3.50 value, all sizes, * Oxfords, values up to $4.00,
$1.98 $1.98 | $1.98
19 and 21 North Fourth Street
der of Railway Conductors. An In- <
teresting program has been prepar
ed and - will include a number of
special musical features. The speak
ers will be the Rev. William V. Dai
ley, rector of St. Mary's Catholic
Church, Maclay street; the Rev. J.
Bradley Markward, pastor of Beth
lehem Lutheran Church, Green and
Cumberland streets, and the Rev.
Henry W. Miller, paator of West
minster Presbyterian Church.
Can Jess WUard gat in con
dition? You will find the an
swer in his "Own Story" in "Tho
Philadelphia Press." '