MILLION DRUG ADDICTS IN U.S. Committee Finds Big Increase in Consumption of Narcotics AVnxblneton, June 13.—Nation-wide V.e of narcotic drugs for other than legitimate medical purposes, steadily increasing despite vigorous efforts in the last four years In the enforce-] ment of the federal law, was discov ered by the Treasury's special In vestigative committee "which sub mitted a final report. The number of drug addicts In the I'nited States was estimated to be in excess of 1,000,000. The committee lnund that imports of opium into the United States have CLOSES SATURDAY AT 9 P. | More Groups of Seasonable Merchandise Purchased At Savings Come to You Saturday At Savings | 1 Bathing Suit Specials For Saturday WJF 4 A Two Big Specials in Envelope Chemise, Saturday I |u , , g Women s and Misses QO Girl s and Children s C£ 1 95 |BH Mm PfgbCrT back and front with lace or em- , f ... , , <• * , §1 M Bathing Tights Bathing Suits ** • J'F broidery; some with straps; big selec- front with fine laces; made of hhest m Women's and misses' bathing tights: One-piece bathing suits for girls and tion to choose from ; sizes 36 QT 1 C|Uality r nainsook, cut 1 flO Annette Kellerman style: made of good j children; cotton, jersey in black, neat ■ M to 46. I une Economy Event O/ C full • sixes 36 to 46 Up JL m%J IS* quality cotton jersey; sizes 36 to 46. I colored trimming; sizes 24 to 34. H lll'klll' nil hi . ..... ML Ml Ivililf imin'w SppniiH Floor~ lIU 111 First l| E39> |J3 I j 2 45 11 More of Those WashSkirtsSaturday" *fjjr I I r"""" The Season's Prettiest Styles at Economy Sale Prices JHWfv I fiM 95 pairs Women's Si"% ' V./yVi life.Lc ■ PopHn M Wash Skirts Wash Skirts Wash Skirts S at *lb.£H Mjtpj B hi 74 nairs Women's MW\ Extra size white Gabardine Dress Extra size white Rep White G.abardine D j W I M ...New waist-line models. New form- / V\ [*Tj pairs \1 omen I \\\ Skirts Size 31 to 40 wait band. Skirt, sizes 31 to 40 waist band. sizes 24 to o0 waist band, special ) / fitting models. New conservative models. i S3. | *2! Isi White Pnnlin Ov- I o„2l at Special at .at I / " ilk lined two-tone mohair lining. Hand- V: W/ j A T~7 PS White poplin UX- I' r Special at special at . 1/ somely made and trimmed. A wonderful 1 :*■' L\ % 1 "- 1 $1.95 $2.95 $1.95 " THE SUITS 'J M i | & Brown KM Ox- \ , WasH Wash Wash V I For Men and Young Men f g iy Ihe white Oxfords and Pumps are all hand turned with \\ i \ fT] covered Military and Louis Heels. U | c Ckrlpf Q (U The black and browns are flexible soles, Military and \ j K.ll LS IV. . \I / f'HK It W hi Louis Heels. M J White Trieotine Dress White Gabardine Dress White Gabardine Dress White Washable Satin b JU Newest waist-line models. Newest form- j SSll ill. gs aii t a,/ . •- • 7 owirt- s i,o nj t o in waist Skirt' sizes -, 4 to 30 waist Skirts; sizes 24 to 30 waist Dress Sknt, sizes 24 lo fitting models. The materials are Home- f / KSSy! t I , fU l Isi All sizes, from 2J4 to ✓ in the lot. TTI Skirt, ss 24 to 30 waist Skirt. ™ hand. Snertal at 30 waist band. Special at ■[ [ft spuns. Serges. Worsteds, Cassimeres. Silk ( I ' U gs ———————— /II band. Special at band. Special at nana, opeciai / / "*yp* lined. Mohair and Serge Lining. All sizes. \ >W f | I Women's i CA $3.45 • $2.45 - §Hi 1 0 tvti • s\ i' 1 il rv M I Hot weather is here in earnest and the t 1 IliWa |T|jl U White Oxfords & Pumps M m OM c ' .. p nr /Nee t PH g m "7777: — a< -- ftv , —— /■ 97 Suits For Women, Misses, MZIa Q K sm \IP I 114 Sn 00 to So 7)0 Va UPS M M ~~~ ■.* r> . j mMM lot are the best shades and all sizes. wLi bs S| to.oo 0..)Q Vdiut. / I Values $20.00, $25.00 and $29.50Y0ur Choice Saturday Better |P< g Special Saturday ■ We have just 97 of these spring suits remaining for Saturday's selling. They are lth out doubt %D(L| h] _J f , J , values in spring suits you will meet. This is the lowest price we have had this kJJk/tiJU W W S White Nubuck Oxfords—White Nubuck Pumps—White tne mos ] u " u , .. 4 ntere st vou because it has been a long time since you have been able to j|l (in Canvas Oxfords—White Canvas Pumps—Turned Soles year and we bel e . • F nr h suit is well tailored and high class in all details. The ]* ■>, T ~~ Goodyear Welts—Covered Louis Heel—White Enameled buy a suit at such a ndiciulous P ri ce. c Rnrp-undv and Conenhaeen Men s Trouser Sale Saturday Si til Militarv Heel• sizes 2 X A to 8• widths Ato D u pcf gLades are renresented. including black, navy, gray, tan, burguncn ana n. striped worsteds— sizes 29 to 42. 29 to 42. worsteds, ll| m Military tieei, sizes z/ 2 to o, wiatns t\ to u. best shades ate rep^restuteu. --hardines None of the suits will be sent C. O. D. on or approval. with cuffs and belt Handsome striped Cassimeres. serges !S b| The materials are serges, poplins and gabardines. I|| I loops. Strong khaki I worsted trousers, stripes an/ | | U J J H/l* 9 , trousers and linen made with belt loops Belt loops and cuffs. !S 1 £Ma 500 Summer Dresses on Sale Saturday bs j^]| [s (On the Footform Last) Value $4.50 T , g Id-O f 4 m ffl sizes to 11 j sizes to 2 Lot 1 \ LotjQ . N Al d 300 Boy's Wash Suits on Sale Saturday at b I Ks„ $3.95 $4.95 $7.95 $9.95 5J.9.-, I m Infants' & Children's White "Sea Island" - Mffltlv There are gingham and printed voile dresses in M „ u , j „ IWMI ., taIt . t s Ankle Stran Pumns plain colors and the popular stripes and figures, and as """" " om """ a go< " 1 I 0 with Tum soies Flllll liF I there are plain white dresses. There are all sizes for BOYS'TROUSERS hi m No Heel Spring Heel ~ lu | 111 Jk WOTTien (Hid. lTlisseS. 11 ll I strong, dark shade of Khi-K /"% f\ I 1 tVen S 4M 4 qre ~iffl If lr 'T HESE dresses are daintily made, a score of pretty shades. SS%Tf c ..."*.—ITT OifC 0 m SI.SU $1.75 L|PM/|| 1 A verv , P e.'ial purOia-i' liri]i ? then, lo u- at a lini<- wIiPH nrcd Boys . Bathing (P. . Q 'MM™ m b Same Style as Above, With Patent Kid 1 n JM j /Ll L dresses and we are enabled in this way to name you the lowest price for Suits tP 1 LMM3 i _ \if7 Uit: : j ~,, j j * i i'i i Boys' heavy cotton jersey bathing suits, one OTg g[Si| ! M No Heel Spring Heel ■JkmgQi ¥ which a dress of this character can be ottered, it is worm wiiiie to nuy two or I and two piece, plain and trimmed: ail sizes 26 fYSfIS H , II §j Sizes 2to 5 Sizes 4to 8 Cl I I , J -I,„„„ Bovs' bathing suits, plain and trimmed, one |!U ItJ , . 4 three dresses at these prices. _ and two piece, an sizes—26 to si. W Wt A Sj I $1.95 $2.45 t _ =y | $3.98 -/miff' S 0 Children's Play Shoes and Barefoot Sandals I Hundreds Of Children's DreSSeS Ready Saturday 1 500 New Men's Rflthinff Cjn'tc Snecials S Mahogany Play Shoes, 1 r l an I.otus Barefoot San- Girls' Dresses at $2.45 Girls' Dresses at $2.95 I * o.tmh/. S iiatiling oUItS OpeC m gj| sizes sto 8. dais, sizes Bp2 <I I 4 C Girls' fine gingham dresses, beautiful plaids Girls' and children's white VoUe and s )r " SUMMER p'la'nand'stripe onfand 1 and " wo P ipl ;?' a ." c °l° rs ' gripes Jj|j nj Special for ZfDC to 11. Special forl> 1 .*tO and plain colors in a wonderful assortment of Randy DresseS ; embroidery, lace and ribbon Suits m Plain stripe, on -n | und p , ain a „ sli!eH ... ?4>9 g SS Rrnun R irefont Sand tls Tan I ntn< R a refnnt <p,-, styles and patterns; trimmed and tailored trimmed; made in a number of pretty model . 11/ J Men's all wool Bathing Suits, all Si tsrow n rsareioot .>ail Ills, I lan l.otus liaretoot San- models in sizes 6to 14 years. nicely finished; full sizes, 2to 14 years. O ICTC Men's Bathing Suits, stripe and colors und stripes, one and-t.wo nil 111 sizes 11 to 2. nC dais, Special ybeto 2. Special for Jbl .65 Girls' Dresses at $1.19 Girls' Dresses at $3.95 * an sizes, i and 2 piece.. s l#9B Men . s bathlnK sultai n J y bI ° S m Mahogany Play Shoes.] Tan Pigskin Play Shoes, mTSSi Girls' and children's pretty colored Voile for Saturday's Selling VAMt P^e h e. ii 9 n g li S Sizes 11 to 1. <t 1 1C SKltoll. <f> 1 Ol? madeoffine quail!" gingham inpUids, stripes Drosses, smocked and ribbon trimmed ;j.ome U/AICTC med. all sizes, 1 & 2 piece. s 2#9B Kl Special for .. 3) 1. 1 5 Special for .... $1 .2 5 checks and plain shades. Sizes 2to 12 B ve an ß^^ y s i es VaTufuUy fl ".hS full -tae*" . KAUF.UA.VS-F"*, Floor =1 |JI hi 11 J212 second Fioor., m the Sale at II jfl S r=================================================================================== $2.89 That Big Hosiery Sale Winds g 1 Most Needed Home Utilities at Bargain Basement Prices'" .sms up on Saturday |Sj Ch id' 1 S MPS Metal ' tiAS M Swing Reductions Eg yr e j ll ll arment perfect in fit and H ACME Special combination Mattress. B n o fi^4 WaU Q C '6* OQ L / W %S\/MlJ± 3 Pairs for $2. hfi| |__ Frpnm covered with good dQ QC $ q , J;• .f Hot Plates y A Black and I \XjJ I White Fiber 111 ticking ISQS3 ■■ I . Two and three burner Beautiful Voile and Organdy White Lisle I bH /( I - V2S/ I double IS? S Freezers H*?i. TO \ v.*!*" XZr*S h £i.<tZ^?£'} r .l". Thread, follVM Vi/ sole and heel. fl Itj % , nu i 8 9 QRr* A tiiy trimmed or plain tailored s" rnless hicfh ■—J lisle uf art e r lis TiuSdil 2-quart size, made A 1 oc?b-o p rjl o aiq | 1 J \J J/OC $4 95 models; every garment fault hi hv Ritter Mfe f\C Alaska Ice Cream $2.19 jk.'l" 1 le.ssly finished; regular and Spliced heel, to P S - bftCOnds |^l lu y *' 95c v-% l| ' g;T - " 1 extra sizes 36 to 54. Sale sn l P c 2T nf rcprilar 75c 12! bl Co ' s P eclal -' Freezers ' Msured Lawns, 27-inch flgur- 'Fancy Japanese- Good .Strong CTilld's 98 C price, 1 1 -*"- , . • hose Onlv Ml hi * |fTri?fh J, ed lawns—neat patterns 1 f|< and ends - Values 50c to sl ' 9B, Swing—Oak finish WAISTS .?f" , y nl Y ||IJ Porch Swings If""-'# MfaA - - special, yard luc l 7c a,ul 49c RAG RUGS . " a Bto 10. Strictly slightly imper- S hi Porch swings (S*9 *0 oe Cobbler Sete—Complete shoe- A/C Martha Washington Fag Rug, in the Sale at first quality. feet. tteafl 'terrrmfi wBBBKB > QH! Z Mng . 0 T 9 gc buW?. SET hi M [ ,1m 11 1 'fcl *0 QC Folding Poreli, Lawn or Kttch- Sacks, used for dish cloths, New Summer Voiles, in all the 3) 1 .01/ in g ß ln the Sale Ure - hread S) lk s"| .12 j|| P I 1 UijiL Ml TiMiil if? Sd.95 en Chairs, natural finish. QQ C towels, and wash cloths. JQ C new patterns and dark colors. Pretty Waists, made of white at a pair f Ul7t Stockings, pair . . 1 [S |YI W i|i _"j 11 Mj| ' ffrniHfiiT**iTT S 4-Qt. Size, Special .. . Dozen " ' ''" " ' i ard, and colored Voiles, in plain 3 PAIRS FOR $1.85 m N U J I KL.jtzf az AQ Swift's Pride Stmp— Flgurctl Voiles— 39c to 59c 48c 69c shades and novelties; trimmed Black, White, Gray, Taupe, Thread Silk, full fashioned and IjSS Si . . . K , v, 1 $4.40 12 cakes CO- values; stripes and fig- OC- L and tailored models In a large Mouse and Champagne Fiber Silk Notaseam double sole and high S| M| Well made, fumed oak finish, 12 cakes 59C Snecial yd AuC n aill VVhltc VoMlcs. Yard, variety of styles, all perfectly Stockings, double sole and heel, ipliced heel. Silk lisle garter tops, nj each, 8-Qt. Size, for _ ur ®®- , pe . # AM O M no on A O eye finished; regular and extra Male garter tops; first quality; full Some strictly first quality and |IU !?t S3 48 $3 95 and $6 95 $7.50 U,W Wlndow or Porch 48c ,, iies $5.95 29c 39c 48c 75c sizes 3S to 54. Sale price, $1.30. seamless. some have slightly imperfections. gjj In * * *<> - Kaufman'. First Floor. ■ -KAllPMAW'g—First Floor = . =U ||] r~ r~ r~ r~ r~ r~ r~ r~ r~ i- - " * ~ % " . I • 1 •FRIDAY ENLENING, HAJtRJHBTTRQ TEI-EGIOLPH ' ' JUNE 13, 1919. Increased twice as fast as the growth In population. Imports of cocoa ' leaves, from which cocaine la made, i also have grown steadily. i "It has been stated that about 90 i per cent, of the amount of these c dtugs entered for consumption Is i used for other than medical pur- i poses," the report said. "While this statement is probably extreme, a comparison of the per capita con sumption in this country with that of other countries indicates that this country consumes from 13 to 72 times as much opium per capita as other countries." Enough opium is consumed in the [< United States every year, the report | stated, to give every man. woman i and child 36 doses. A minimum es-|' timate of the value of habit forming j 1 drugs used was given as 320,000,000 ] most of which is paid by the victims who suffer tortures without their narcotic and are ready to go any length to obtain a supply. Statistics obtained by the commit tee naturally dealt only with the 1 legitimate trattic in drugs. "In addition, there is the so-called ■underground' traffic In these drugs," the report continued, "which Is esti mated to be equal in magnitude to that carried on through legitimate channels. This trade is In the hunds of the so-called 'dope peddlers,' who appear to have a national organiza tion for procuring and disposing of their supplies. For the most part It Is thought that they obtain their supplies by smuggling them from Canada or Mexico. Smuggling is al so practiced to a considerable extent on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts." JUDGE FISHER CRITICALLY ILL Jamestown, N. Y., June 13. Judge Jerome B. Fisher, Supreme Court reporter for the State, with offices in Albany, is critically ill at his home in this city. Judge Fisher is prominent in the fraternity of Elks and made an ad dress in this city on the occasion jof the dedication of the Detweiler ■monument in Reservoir Park. NATION'S HEALTH TO BE DISCUSSED National Tuberculosis Meet ing Will Open To morrow Atlantic City, N. J., June 13. Plans for a countrywide program for the protection of the nation's health during the reconstruction era will be discussed by government experts and health authorities from every State in the Union at the an j nual meeting of the National Tuber | culosis Association which opens | here Saturday, June 14. The ses [ will continue until June 17. Fifteen hundred State and local voluntary antituberculosis organtza- I tions, which have led the fight against the disease in the past ten years; will be represented by dele gates, who will make a strong plea for further co-operation on the part of the government in their cam paign. As a result of their representa tions, based on war-time revelations, they hope that a division of tuber culosis will be created in the United States Public Health Serivee. New truths about tuberculosis learned during the war will be pre sented by army and medical men who fought the disease both over seas and in the military hospitals here. Among those who will address the meetings are: Dr. Livingston Karrund, director general American I Red Cross; Colonel George E. Busli nell, of the Surgeon General's of fice: John R. Commons. Professor of 1 Economics, University of Wiscon sin; Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, dean of the Medical School University of [ Michigan, and Dr. David R. Lv ■ man. president of the National Tu t, berculosis Association. Trade Confidence ; Returning in England lAMukni, June 13.—The British government still finds it necessary to "nurse the baby" of trade, even if big profits have to be put into the "bottle," Sir Auckland Geddes, act ing president of the Board of Trade, told a deputation of Liberals who called on him to urge that the pres ent restrictions on imports and ex ports were hampering business in this country and preventing British merchants from competing on eqaul terms with Americans in neutral countries. Sir Auckland admitted that profits of sevqral hundred per cent, were being made in wool, but he was of the opinion that the import restric tions must he kept on despite needs of the consumer and the consuming industries. He said he thought much unemployment would be caused it the restrictions were to be lifted suddenly. Trade confidence was just beginning to return, he argued. □iiMFnnn BAKING POWDER LOHE POUWU II7T| T 1 j I PTOI 0n ma^es y° ur cakes and hot breads lighter, of finer texture and delicious flavor, but at a reasonable cost and nothing should be done to ham per it. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers