Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 13, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 TO HOLD SERVICES Assurance that the body of Llout. iEdward Anthony Selway. who died (May 19 in Prance, will be brought jrto this country for burial was given tthe parents yesterday. Services will T>e held Monday morning at 8 olclock at St. Mary's Catholic Church. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo t-seph Selway. 2220 Logan street. STERNg * Bargain Price* I,adieu' Black ; Saturday. June 14. Military Heels WE SAVE YOU Long Vamp* —> jH 15>% to 30% Style like cut SX) on your shoes. 8A Quality Ladies' White Canvas Rubber SO,e £V£'j!" MISSES' WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS— lut-fnce Leather Soles si as fl.ftO ••••• ei.iw .Ladies' Black firowln % Glrla' TENNIS SHOES for BOYS AND Kid Military Black Dull GIRLS. ALL SIZES. Oxfords Kid Pumps 98c. Goodyear Low Heels Welted |o 4 . Gvewittf Girla* ' W values Pumps Cut-Prtce _____ Style like cut. * 2 ' Bs Children'. B,ack or yT/f ———— Tan Barefoot Canvas Jr A , Y\ Ladle.' Dark Sandal. JT Brown All Slse. yy -if Oxfords S- Quality A* i Military Hrei. Cnt-Prlce f '|S( Goodyrar Welt 51.49 Ladle.' White Children's C anvas Oxford. Hl "' k Kld Low Heel. Mary Jaae IT* White Enamel- Pump. Speelal Price rd Sole. All atses for Saturday 81-98 81.98 ' 81.49 Sale ot Canvas Skoea / ■ White or Brown /, Lenther or Robber Soles Special Price, 81418 STOKES IX PA.. OHIO A XV. g J Evening Jp 'REAL SHOE MAKERS 29 Court house p~ 4 Till 10 Harris burg, rai * 217 —Market Street —217 I p For Saturday! Special Low Prices On r i Newest Summer Footwear p : ea i jk THE SMARTEST SUMMER STYLES OF - Li, j/ \v Ladies' Lace Oxfords /r\ p JV and grades, at V\*\r Every new Summer j, A _ _ It. I' l 4 Y\ \\*W style—including the 5/■ 90 ft* // t 1 ®1 (V. , j\\long slender Parisian / I • w S / fir * If U vamp models. High ' 1 = fT f Jt ■■J ]\ \A Louis. Cuban and me fl#y/ f\ l I F3 11 j] |\ xVv\ J%\ dium heels; welt and /C. /111 |r i \ vSIS"Tk turn soles. Made in tan. brown, black jLC*/ / lei JW \ ' kid and calf and patent colt. Every X"" If Eg f Black Suede Oxfords / rg A long Parisian vamp oxford of / fr A >4 line black suede. High Louis / \ (covered to match) Ak p f\n / £-3 2i heels. Real $7.50 val- SJI Ml] ■> |r ( ues. Special w v ■ v v J 57 Values of Ladies' Ladies' White Oxfords E i Z Jk/x\ NFW Jfl QH Hl,fh medlUm ¥tn. ,o whUe el ££s& rumro $ .yu f? Embrace Every taL / mer "£?*•. •* P .J New s *r ner W^t Eij Illustrating one of the beautiful WJ IBIa ■ Summer pump styles we offer at i vT,-t \ JB 11 $4.90 a pair. Perfectly made— n : of excellent quality—in a wide ran 8 e of models. Come in all s a, . the popular leathers and indies' white white ra Colors. Fancy buckles and new ""su miner w A . models; a good , t yles. Really ga plain vamps. All i* value, special, worth M. h? 3 A si " s 52.95 52.95 p Girls' White Pumps Barefoot Sandals Play Oxfords A One strap Mary Jane and "Kid" For boys, girls and children For !> oy *' F irls and children. Soft, Z& SoiL'Vn .^ übb ? r Strong. fouble . cmlaren - tough elkSlde. Laco styles. All A S 'ffsA 11 ?' zes to sitched sole and up- 8lle to 2- Special at g® 2. 11.50 values. . pers. Sizes to 2. I.SBI * IS ra f"- -w Girls White Canvas Shoes p' 1) n i A-lu J P J I ,J High top lace and medium height VjlFlS "UmDS 9X1(1 UXfOruS CJ ca I button models. Strongfl £ll A I sf/ soles. Sizes to 2. A s2.oohi nil Neat Summer atyles—one strap w * jlfc-j-, srade at f ,,vu pumps and lacs oxfords. Made ra 4 X Child'B Two-Toned Shoes and^atent 1 leather."aii j? 95 ; ] / *V\ ' Made in fanc v combination crav- ,lle * 10 >• valusa at ▼ fc,MW jrg A IpNw IF 8 " 9 ' " lf|h r White Skuffers jaSaVyiss A P — u.; E3 A Bo ys' Eiksldn Shoes • Boys' Dress Shoes Boys' Black Calf Shoes L A $2.00 Value Tan and Black. Calf Good sturdy, fine It OT Strong bla c k Narrow English lace and wearlnr black calf; rg elkskln uppers, rounder toe, blucher last. Solid lace and button. Jr A M swlth extra, strong makes. Sizes to Sizes, t to ISV& ~1 El IT lde to * I 6 value. $1 to 5*4 A I \W blucher last. d* OO X 1 w P/y V|T J/. \ j FRIDAY EVENING. BXItIUBBURa TELEGK3CPEC * JUNE 13, 1919. Lieutenant Selway, who left home as a sergeant of Company D of the old Eighth Regiment, was commis sioned shortly after the battle of Chateau Thierry, and attached to the Regular Army. He died in Germany, May 19, last, of menin gitis, while assigned to duty as pos tal officer at A. P. O. 74 6. of the United States Army of Occupation. SUNDAY SCHOOL DELEGATES IN SESSION HERE Two Hundred Delegates Hear of Missionary Work in China A graphic and accurate story of modern China, as seen from the viewpoint of an American mission ary .thrilled a big audience of delegates from the Dauphin Coun ty Sabbath S'chool Association, who are holding their annual meeting at Stevens Memorial Methodist Church. The speaker was Miss Minnie Gohn. of the girls' boarding school, United Evangelical Mission, Changsha, China, and her talk was the feature at to-day's interesting session. Some 200 delegates are attending the ses sion. Miss Gohn brought modern China right along with her, displaying a wide assortment of their curious lit tle wooden idols and some made of mud. She eloquently described con ditions in that vast laud and > then she warned America of the dangers pressing upon China, with its open door policy to-day. "Japan is trying to get hold of the country with railroad and other leases," she pointed out, "and Amer ica should be ashamed that brewers from this country are investing as much as $2,000,000 to flood that be nighted nation with drink; also cig aret magnates are introducing their products far and wide, and if these modern iniquities are not suppressed by the good people of America, China promises to continue a pagan nation." Miss Gohn's narrative of Chinese religion held the big audience al most breathless. She was dramatic in telling of the slavery of young girls, which is not entirely sup pressed, and told of a Miss Woo, now a missionary herself, who was sold twice into slavery by her parents, the last time to a merchant in San Francisco. The foolish little wooden idols which are placed all over a Chinese residence to "keep away bad spirits" were shown to the audience, and she told a vivid story of how China needs enlightenment. Anoth er exhibit of real interest was a pair of woman's shoes less than three inches long. "They have abolished foot crushing," was explained by the speaker, "but not all over China, and thousands have their feet practically destroyed, even now, in order to fol- low the custom, which, like a million other superstitions, still befog this nation." She gave the more cheer ful side also, telling what wonderful work Chinese girls who accept Christianity are doing in the mis sionary line. Ten girls were grad uated from Miss Gohn's school this year and all entered the field imme diately. Just preceding Miss Gohn to-day, the Rev. Walter S. Dunlop led in de votion and Miss Myrtle Bachman made her report as missionary su perintendent Following Miss Gohn, came the report of Rural Depart ment Superintendent Eby, and the program continued: 10.05, ad dress, "Young People's Division in the Rural Sundt.y School," P. G. Or wlg; 10.25, report of temperance de partment superintendent, Amos J. Morrison; 10.30, address, "Our New Problems," J. Day Brownlee, Jr., district superintendent of the Anti- Saloon League; 11, superintendent's problems and discussions; 11.30, business period; 11.45, offering; ad journment 11 O'clock—District officers' con ference; objectives, district presi dents; efficiency chart, C. L. Dice; district institutes; 100 per cent, statistical reports, C. B. Fisher. Afternoon Session—Col. H. C. Demming, presiding; 1.30, devotion al, "Youthful Service," the Rev. H. Everett Hallman; 1.50, report of young people's division; 2, address, P. G. Orwig; 2.30, address, adminis trative department, W. G. Landes, general secretary Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association; 3, our country budget, general discussion; 3.30, business periods; report of committees; election of officers; 4, sectional conferences. Evening Session—President-elect presiding. 7.30, song service. Prof. John W. Phillips; 7.50, devotional, "Growth," the Rev. A. E. Hangen; 8, address, "The Standard Sunday School," W. G. Landes; 8.30, instal lation of officers-elect, presentation of seals and certificates; 9, resolu tions; offering; adjournment. W. C. T. U. to Hold Jubilee in Honor of-'Dry' Nation One of a series of national Jubilee celebrations wlhch are being held in every state in the Union by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will be held in Harrisburg in Grace Methodist church, next Thurs day evening, at 7.45 o'clock. At this meeting Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, of Georgia, will deliver her address, "A New Civilization." Mrs. Armor is a wonderful speaker, hav-| ing lectured in nearly every state in the Union. BANKERS MEET The executive committee of Group 5 of the Pennsylvania Bankers' As sociation, and F. A. Zimmerman, of Lebanon, member of the Council of Administration, met in the Harris burg Club last evening. Only routine business was transacted. Dinner was served. The next meet ing will be held in February. Standing of the Crews HARRINBIRG SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 102 crew to go first after 1.16 o'clock: 112, 120, 110, 123, 11, 108, 1111, 105, 125 and 113. Engineers for 110, 111, 123. Firemen for 102. Conductors for none. Flagmen for 102. 128. Brakemen for 105, 110, 120, 177 and 179. Firemen up: Varner, Emerick. W. W. Rider, Webb. Sheets. Utley, Q. J. I Kimmich, Kase, Mace, P. Good, My ers. Rider, C. W. Fry. Stitzel, Fry Bestline. Engineers up: Blankenhorn, Nick el, Shoaff, Steffy, Schwartz. Ryan. Howard. Mohn, McDonald, Frickman, I.efever, Maxwell, Binkley, Brown, Shaitley, Ream, Casey. Conductors up: Solomon. Brakemen up: Murphy, E. L. Cra ver, Boughter, Craver, J. W. Smith, Schreffler, Burger, Weitner, Hack-1 man, Beard. Harmon, Hughes. Cook, Werdt, Poff, Funk, Etzwiler, Enders, Belford. Middle Division. —The 214 crew to go first after 12.20 o'clock: 223, 219, 248 and 224. Laid off—26. 19, 27. Firemen wanted for 224. Engineers up: Nlckles, Buckwalter, Kline, Leppord, Corder, Bronk Rathe fon. Firemen up: Arnold, Melllnger, Rudy, Parker, Gant, Peters, Elicker, Keiter, Schoffstall, Schmidt, Grabill, Myers. Brakemen up: Hemminger, G. W. Deckard, Lantz, Eley, Arter, H. J. Johnson, Fisher, Kipp, Linn, Shade. Leithouser, Zimmerman, G. W. John ; son. Danner, Page, L. D. Deckard, I Roush, C. F. Beers. Gross, Dennis, Rhoades, Sheaser, Bell, Blace, Shel ly, Furlow, Clemm, O. B. Beers, lard Board —Engineers for 23C. Fir' n wanted for 10C. En - i ,ers up: Cless, Ewlng, Ylng er, Straener, Morrison, Beatty.Feass, Kautz. Firemen up:P. S. Smith, Rodenha fer, G. K. Smith, Howe. ENOI.A SIDE Philadelphia Dlvtalon. The 207 crew to go first after 2-15 o'clock: 223, 241, 232, 201, 214, 215. 250, 219, 244, 242, 234, 228, 237. Engineers for 219 228, 231. Firemen for 215, 223. 234, 291, Conductors for 214, 250. Flagmen for 2)1. 234. Brakemen for 215, 234, 237. Conductors up: Bryson, Barnhart, Ebner, Culien. Brakemen up: Haines. Arbegast, Coover, Heller, Home. Shank, Har mon. Schlessler, Valullt, Smeitzer, Kurl, Wilson, Flowers, Spense, Gar , verich. Smith, Dorsett. Middle Division. —The 116 crew to l go after 1.15 o'clock: 109, 135, 31, 118, 120, 235, 231, 251. Twenty-four Altoona crews to come in. Five laid off at Altoona. Engineers for 31, 115. Laid off—lol, 108, 103, 121, 123. Flagman for 31. Brakemen for 116, 109. , Yard Board. —Engineers up: Geib, Curtis, Hinkle, Kllng, Branyon. Firemen up: Snyder: Haubaker, Al bright, A. W. Wagner. Milliken, Wolf, Yetter, Holmes, McConnell, Hutchi son, Kennedy, O. J. Wagner, Swlgart Engineer for Ist 126. Firemen for Ist 102, Ist 129. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. —Engineers up: J. H. Ditner. S. H. Alexander, J. R.. Brinser; J. W. Burd, A. C. Allen, A. J. Wagner, H-." F. Grominger, L. H. Ricedorf. Engineers wanted for 667 and three extras coming west. Firemen up: R. B. Pee, G. L. Hug gins. D. F. Hudson, J. N. Ramsey, H. Naylor. Firemen wanted for 25, 665, and three extras fcoming west. Philadelphia Dlvtalon. —Engineers up: R. B. Welsh, B. A. Kennedy, M. Pleam. C. H. Seitz, V. C. Gibbons. Engineers wanted for 98, 22. Firemen up: H. Myers, B. W. John son. M. G. Shaffner, F. H. Young, J. 8 Frankford, A. L. Floyd, J. M. White F. L. Floyd, H. Stoner. Firemeiv wanted for £& , . m . . '* ",> "SHIP-BY-TRUCK" MOVEMENT TO GET BIG START WITH ' PARADE SATURDAY NOON "Ship-By-Truck," is the new slo gan in every community that any where near progressive. And "Ship- By-Truck" is taking Harrisburg by storm. For the past few days con certed effort has been brought to bear by truck owners, users and dealers everywhere to make the slo gan a realty. Too much can not be said of the many good features of this nationwide movement. What it means to every community is yet to be unfolded. For the past year and half, trai fic on railroads of the country have been taxed to capacity and to re lieve a bad situation trucks were brought into use in intercity haul ing That the eyes of merchants and businessmen the world over were 1 , opened to the possibilities of thej truck goes without saying. Speed, economy and lower prices to the consumer resulted in the use of the! truck The government was one of j the big factors in introducing a | movement that is destined to become one of the prime factors in our na tional life. Means Better Roads One of the results sure to follow the "Ship-By-Truck" movement is better roads "Ship-By-Truck" means increased prosperity. It will create lAany new jobs. Trucks must be built, tires must be made,, roads must be im proved, drivers must be found for the trucks and the farmer will have to increase his produce. The railroads, will not lose any of thier traffic j for thev are already overtaxed, it means that products will be placed In the hands of the consumer in a much shorter time than heretofore, entailing less loss and then naturally at lower prices. Big Parade Here To inaugurate the movement in Harrisburg, local truck dealers and merchants have organized for a big parade to be held in this city Sat urday at noon. This parade will be formed by about two hundred trucks. Big trucks, little trucks, new trucks and even antiquated trucks will he in line. From the old truck to the new one the many steps of progress will be shown. Body designs, will play a prominent part. Practically every business in this community wilt be represented. Many prominent officials will be in the parade which is promised to be the one big thing in Harrisburg that day. Out of town people have been invited to be here and as a wind-up feature a'big mass meeting will be held in the Chest nut street auditorium when speakers of prominence in the automotive in dustry and State affairs will make short speeches about the movement. Route of Parade The parade will start promptly at 12 o'clock Saturday. One section will form in South Front street and will be made up of the truck dealers of the city and vicinity. The other sec tion will form in North Front street and will be made up of the mer chants, truck owners and operators of this community. Both sections will advance into Market street, going east to Fourth street, thence north in Fourth and Sixth to Maclay, to Third, to State, to Second, to Chest nut, and then to the Chestnut street auditorium where the mass meeting Thousands of Dollars Worth of Silk and Wash Dresses Placed on Special Sale— £E~ T IVINGSTON'S w. ar. placing on spe- 1 J _ .„ „ .. , 4 .n sp.d.l .ale .t stra. dai sale. 7 and 9 South Market Square ordm " 7 Taffeta, Georgette, OSm Voiles, Ginghams, Satin, Crepe de Chine, ir!sr Lawns, Organdies, Tricolette, Silk Poplin, C ' $15.00 Dresses, $9.98 V tf ___ — / (7 $13.85 Dresses, $8.49 _ $22.50 DRESSES $13.98 WASH MATERIALS $16.50 Dresses, _ , $10.98 25.00 DRESSES 15.98 $6.00 DRESSES $3.49 $14.50 Dosses, $9.50 $lB 00 Dresses. 27.50 DRESSES .... 16.98 7.85 DRESSES 4.49 s i soo Dresses, Every Woman's & Misses' Suit, Coat, Cape & _ , Dolman, reduced for quick clearance— OpCCI3I 0316 UT Materials are the newest —Shades . ajryyo _ j vaiikip kifii'O & Styles up-to-the-minute — mtli O 330 TUUNu McN O suits o. C0. %1498 SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING $22.50 Suits or $15.00 Suits or Cmls - egg 100 Men's Kool Cloth Suits -in /hA AA $25.00 Suits or Coats, $40.00 Suits or Coats, dark and light patterns all sizes 5k X Hundreds of Summer Skirts at reduced Prices, in Cloth —Silks & Wash Men's Cothes—for Summer or Early Fall Materials — Wear in the New Cuts—Newest Fab s2.oo SKUITS ... 98C $5.00 SKIRTS .. .$2.98 rics—ln All Colors 250 SKIRTS .. .$1.29 6.00 SKIRTS ... 3.49 j ust 150 Suits $1 QQQ Suits that sold 2.75 SKIRTS ... 1.49 7.50 SKIRTS ... 4.49 in this lot p1i7.£70 up to $30.00 3.00 SKIRTS ... 1.79 8.35 SKIRTS ... 4.98 _ P 3.50 SKIRTS ... 1.98 8.85 SKIRTS ... 5.49 , 0 .. „ _ . 400 SKIRTS .. 2.49 10.00 SKIRTS ... 5.98 500 Boys' Suits Placed on Special Sale—at * ' Prices that no other store dare offer • 500 Ladies' Waists Placed on Special Sale— Wonderful Assortment of Mixtures and Plain _ r . , ([:nft ' Colors—Sizes 6to 18 years— La^TcreL'de fll 2• 9 8 Values to $5 00, $5.00 Boys' Suits. .$2.98 $9.00 Boys' Suits. .$5.49 Chine' Voiles, , Latest styles— 6.50 Boys' Suits.. 3.49 10.00 Boys' Suits.. 5.98 Georgettes, Tub J| _ "J® Newest Shades _ 6.85 Boys' Suits.. 3.98 11.50 Boys' Suits.. 6.98 Bilks China 111 Q Q Q o- , cn 7.50 Boys Suits.. 4.49 12.50 Boys' Suits.. 7.98 Silks] etc. HIo.UO —Sizes up to 50 g.oo Boys' Suits.. 4.98 15.00 Boys' Suits.! 8.98 * ' / will bo held. There will be several bands in the parade and it is under stood that every truck will be highly decorated. Every Truck Welcome Any truck owner or operator who desires to take part in this big move ment is requested to bring his truck to North Front street near Market, before 12 o'clock Saturday, where he will be given a position. Humorist to Address Chamber of Commerce A feature of the June Joy Jaunt of the Harrishurg Chamber of Com merce next Friday afternoon and SPRAY YOUR CROPS AND SAVE THEM /Zs Millions of potato bugs, cucumber bugs, aphis or plant lice and other destructive insects have made their appearance. You can save your Jf crops if you spray now while your plants are in a perfectly healthy, KfIMEaH A Good Is Necessary IfLßiSlllwM We have all the very best, suitable for large and small gardens, Com- llm! pressed Air Sprayers, Barrel Sprayers, Small Hand Sprayers of every I pMif}Ml size and kind. Traction four, six and eight-row Sprayers. Wheelbarrow / egimiio: f SPRAY MATERIALS i The very best quality, the most effective, the I A combination of Arsenate of Lead and Bordeaux. It kills i all eating bugs and worms and prevents blight. Used by pro jt t gressivo farmers, gardeners and fruit growers everywhere. MtWja a Bpray your potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., with it. One J pound makes five gallons. Prices, lb., 45c; 5 lbs., $1.75; 10 lbs. $3.00; 25 lbs., $0.00; 50 lbs., $11.00; 100 lbs., $20.00. JF ARSENATE OF LEAD Corona Brand, holds In suspcusiou longer than any other. Spray it in J or # Dust it on cabbage, the best for Cabbage Worms. BLACK LEAF FORTY The one best spray to kill the Aphis or green, red and black plant lir*>, SEX-".!? k ' ,l<,S <>f vcctab,e nd flowering plants. Prices, 30c, IV Hellebore and all other reliable * Insecticides—lnsecticides eannot be mniled. Ask us for information and instruction—how to spray. Let us help you to produce the biggest and best crops. WALTER S. SCHELL The Lowell Compressed Air QUALITY SEEDS Sprayer. One of the best- Galva- Modern Farm and Garden Equipment nizod tank, $7.50; brass tank, $9.50. 1307-1309 Market St., Harrisburg. (Delivered anywhere.) Both Phones—Open Saturday Evening. evening, will be the monolog of Douglas Malloch, president of the American Press Humorists, who has been secured for the occasion. The excursion is being planned in honor of the members of the Chamber who joined the organization since Janu ary 1. Almost two hundred members al ready have signed up to make the trip to the Colonial Country Club, meeting in Market Square at -4 o'clock irext Friday afternoon. Ac ceptance cards were sent out with the notices and already they .Are be ing returned in large numbers. Many of the members have reported their wMllingn'ess to take passengers in their automobiles, so that every one who makes the trip will be assured of automobile transportation. "In regard to this Douglas Mal loch." said Flavel L. Wright, chair man of the committee in charge, "he is only one feature of the live program which is being arranged for the event, but he is cited as an example of the kind of pep that is going to prevail at this meeting." NO NEED TO BE THIN, SCRAWNY OR SALLOW If you are thin and want to be plump: If you have wrinkles in your face that you are not proud of: If the skin Is sallow or subject bo pimples or blackheads, take Mt-o-na stomach tablets for two weeks and notice the change. The majority of the thin people are thin because the stomach does not perform its duties properly. It is not secreting sufficient of the natural digestive Juices and in con sequence does not extract from the food enough nutritive matter to nourish every part of the body. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are in tended to build up the stomach so that it will act properly and extract from the food, the elements necessary to form flesh. If you are thin try two weeks treat ment of Mi-o-na stomach tablets they are small, easily swallowed and are sold on the guarantee of money back if they do not overcome chronic indigestion, acute or chronic, stop stomach disturbance, belching, heart burn, sour stomach, and apy after dinqer distress. For sale by H. C. Kennedy and all leading druggists.