Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 13, 1919, Page 20, Image 20
20 3He Classified ids Do.Nqt Perform Miracles—They Render EvcrydayScrvicc I Deatba EAIUS.MAN—On June 12, 1919. Mag gie M., wife of Charles K. Earis man, aged 26 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. from her late resi dence. 1303 Vernon street. The rel atives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. In terment Fast Harrisburg Cemetery. Sikl.lV 11 Funeral service for the late Lieut. Kdward Anthony bel wav. who died with the Army of occupation in Germany. S1 M M a rv's 1919. will be held in St. Marys Catholic Church. Fifth and Maclay streets. Monday morning, June 1, at 8 A. M. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. LOST A>'U TOUND LOST —A round "Friendship Circle pin black enamel edged with Kold, Thursday evening between o and b o'clock on Second street between ' State and Locust. Reward if return ed to this office. LOST Black leather bill folder, containing 330, in the neighborhood of Penn-Harris and Columbus .Hotel. Reward if returned Penn-Harris Ho tel. I,OftT —Loose leaf black book con taining list of Harrisburg business houses, etc.. pages very valuable it*- ord. Finder please return to Teie graph cffice. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125, Dial 4016. t , env HECKLF.Y'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R- Berkley. HLLP WANTED—MALE SIX MEN FOR SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN Salary and Commission. See Mr. Young Circula\lon Dept., t HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 10 to 11 A. M. Saturday 'LI -L —1 : 4H SALESMAN If you are a man of red blooded energy and ambition and have confidence in your self plus some selling ability then yon can sell our propo sition and I want to inter view you. Call at METROPOLITAN HOTEL, ROOM 510, Friday and Saturday. Between 9 and 12 A. M. or 3 and 5 P. M. CARPENTERS WANTED CALL C. FRANK CLASS. EIGHTEENTH AND MULBERRY STREETS STENOGRAPHER Young man with several years' experience. Good op portunity for right man. Apply by letter, staling age, experience and salary expected. AMERICAN RADIATOR CO., 110 North Second St., Harrisburg. WANTED—CoIoiVd man, in small private family, experienced as house man and butler: permanent position. Address, stating age and references, P. O. Box 87, Harrisburg. WANTED District manager for health, accident and life insurance company operating in Harrisburg, 3o years with enlablished debit, must be a producer. Address U-6512 Tele graph. CENSUS CLERK—4,OoO needed, 292 month. Age, 18 upward. Examinations July ID. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, write Raymond Terry (former Government Exam iner). 518 Continental Bldg., Wash ington. WANTED—Live-wire dealers and agents to sell ESTA WATER AUXILIATOR, the wonderful auto mobile accessory that every auto owner needs. Get complete infor mation at once. W. R. Mohoney & Son, 810 North Third street. BILL CLERK WANTED Young man about 20 years of age; must be a good penman and able to use type writer. Address reply in own hand writing to Box F-6845, eare Tele graph. (Continued in Nest Column) For Sale Crescent Laundry Property On west side of North Cameron Street between Market and Wal nut Streets: two-story brick' and concrete building on front of lot' three-story frame corrugated iron covered building on rear: lot 64x164 ft., Good location for light manufacturing business or . for storage warehouse. Miller Brothers & Co. Dealer* In Ileal Estate H.urnuce Surely Hand. Locust & Court Sts. ember* HbK- Heal Rotate Hoard V . .—i I FRIDAY EVENING, ' ? I JUNE 13, 1919. HELP WANTED —MALE t UNSKILLED MEN I FOR PRODUCTION WORK , Ages 18 to 45 Weight 140 lbs. or more i IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION Good Living Wage Paid While Learning Steady Work Assured ; Apply in Person or Communicate with ' Factory Employment Office THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Akron, Ohio i '! • A SIX MEN FOR SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN WORK Will pay salary and commission Answer promptly, giving Phone No. Address BOX X-7074, Care Telegraph i ! . WANTED Three experienced elec tricians. must be expert me chanics, thoroughly under stand motor and factory wir ing, union men, wages 75 cents per hour; no other but experienced men need apply. ' Write or telephone MILLS ELECTRIC CO., 119 Penn Street, Reading. Bell phone 854-Y. WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, 150. ' Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS. 260 South Front Street Steelton, Pa. WANTED—Two or more reliable men; good pay: steady work. Call 7.30 to 9 A. M. or 4 to 5 P. M. at 409 Market St. J. A. Rich, Dist Mgr. WANTED—First class wire men and helper. Apply Columbia .Electric Com pany, 1253 Market street/ HELP WANTED—FEMALE FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES WANTED AT ONCE Employment at attractive wages, with liberal bonus proposition, in our bright, airy, sunlit, sanitary plant. ATTRACTIVE WAGES. I 30 PER CENT. WEEKLY BONUS ON ; ALL EARNINGS. 10 PER CENT. EXTRA BONUS ON EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS. ! IDEAL WORK—UNDER IDEAL CON ; DiTIONS IN AN IDEAL PLANT. : JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO., 2012 N. 4TH ST., HARRISBURG, PA. WANTED I EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE I OPERATORS Regular work and good i wages. A bonus Is paid every puy day. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Reily and Fulton Sts. WANTED Operators wanted on plain sewing machines; also a few union special and over-lock op erators. Bonus paid every week and learners paid time work. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO., Sixjh and llerr Streets. City Star Laundry Building, Third Floor. WANTED I Woman or girl for child's nurse in smell family, comfortable I home in North Second street. ! Good wages. Address with refer ences. Address Box S-6731, care Telegraph. WANTED—fVoman to do general housework In small family; must be able and willing; must sleep at home. Apply mornings, 1017 North Front street. Bell 672-M. (Continued In Next Crlnmn) HELP WANTED—MAI/E 1 WANTED Experienced electrician. Ap ply DAUPHIN ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CO., 434 Market Street, HARRISBURG. WANTED—Laay manager for large rooming house; state experience ( and salary expected. Address S 4990, care Telegraph. WANTED—White girl as maid for general housework. Apply between 6 P. M. and 8 P. M., Mrs. Hursh, 606 North Third street. Bell 359. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED—Several men or women for a proposition that will pay good money. Only those who can furnish references wanted. Steady work; good money. Harder's Magazine Agency, 4'J South Front street. Steel ton, Pa. WANTED Experienced and inex perienced Sewing Machine Operators. Regular work and good wages. Inex perienced operators are paid $5.00 a week while learning. A bonus of 25 per cent, is paid to all operators. Ap ply at Meehanlcsburg Shirt Co., 19 East Simpson street. j SALESMEN WANTED WANTED. SALESMAN By old established house, neat-appearing, reliable men, at once, to represent us in Harrisburg and vicinity. This is a house-to-house canvassing proposi tion on entirely new basis. No capi tal required. A 1 reference very essen tial. Salary and commission. For in terview see F. E. Dennis. Manager. 114 South Second street. City. AGENTS WANTED WANTED in Harrisburg and all other towns, men or lady agents to in- | troduce Calax Face Cream. We wanti those who desire to make $5 to $lO a day and work the entire year. Send f,oc for sample. Box 63. Hopewell, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE WANTED —Position as bookkeeper and assistant manager by middle aged man with 30 years' business ex perience. Address L-6554, care Tele graph. WANTED—Any kind of Work in private family by colored man. Write or vail William Norris, 1227 Cowden street. WANTED Y'oung married man desires clerical or stenographic posi tion. Call Bell phone 3514-R. Middle-aged man would like em ployment; can furnish best of refer ences; has had about 27 years cler ical work. Address Box S 6849, Care Telegraph. MAN mechanically inclined, desires work of any kind; day or night turn; 32 years of age and good education. Address L.-6850, care Telegraph. Y'OUNG MAN —30 years of age de sires position in jobbing house; long experience in stock keeping, hand ling orders and general office work. Address Box Y-6844, care Telegraph. WANTED—High school boy, 16 years of age, desires congenial work with a reliable firm; Sunday work not desirable. Address P. F. R., 2637 Penn street, Penbrook, Pa. WANTED—Young man with expe rience desires position driving truck; can furnish references. Call or write 1122 North Sixth street SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WOMAN would like day's work or washings to do at home. Apply 1420 North Front street WANTED —A position by a young girl, who has had previous clerical work and can furnish best of refer ence. Address Box H.-S2Ol, care Tele graph. WANTED Middle-aged woman would like to keep house for a widower. No objections to children. Address Box H.-6848, care Telegraph. WANTED —Any kind of work even ings; can do bookkeeping and stenographer's work. Address Box W.-6734, eare Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged widow wishes position as housekeeper for widower. Address Box S.-6847, care Telegraph. WANTED —Washing or ironing to do at home. Write or call 621 Mueneli street, city. WANTED —Reliable white woman would like day's work; references can be given. Write or call 1501 Howard avenue. NEAT colored girl 15 years of age wants to assist in light housework or help with children. Apply 1322 North Front street. WANTED —Graduate stenographer desires position. Successful experi ence. Can furnish good reference. Write 3631 Brisban street, Paxtang, or call 740. ROOMS FOK RENT ' FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished third floor rooms; all conveniences in private family. Inquire 1616 Market street. Dial phone 5175. FOR RENT Large, furnished, front room, facing river, ull conveni ences, at 609 North Front. Cull after 4 o'clock. TWO well-furnished rooms; well ventilated, for light housekeeping; suitable for man and wife or busi ness women. Use of bulh and phone. 210 South Thirteenth street. VERY PLEASANT Roooms; fur nished, all conveniences; will serve breakfast if desired. 1349 State St., Bell 6246-W. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms on third floor suitable for light house keeping for one or two persons. Ref erences required. Inquire 814 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Room in apartment in Third street, facing Capitol Park Call Bell 758-W. FOR RENT—Two large unfur nished rooms on third floor; use of hath, heat and gas. Apply 1122 North Sixth St. FOR RENT One single furnished room; gentleman preferred; all con veniences. Apply 261 Cumberland street. Nicely furnished, clean, cool rooms $2.50 per week and up. 14a South Third street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms. Apply at 90 Disbrow street. SUIT furnished rooms, third floor front; electricity, running water, use of phone and bath; gentleman or lads* employed. Bell phone 801 R. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 812 North Third street SECOND ST.. N.. 110 One large room, first-class; central; furnished or unfurnished; second floor; bath; hot water; steam heat. Apply" L Mlnter. saute address. FOR RENT Large, unfurnished llvlngroom, first floor front suitable for suite of rooms, modern conveni-l tnces. inquire Dayton Cycle Co, #l2 North Third street Dial 4890, ' * 1 |J| BUYING AND SELLING, barter- jj|! ing, exchanging, trading, swapping all of these related terms may be ap- n|Y plied to the transactions brought about through the use of the FOR el SALE classification in the classified fey! gfe ads. The thrift-idea pervades many of |p these ads. They are humanly interest- 001 ing, all of them. Read them and utilize jjj them. P|j APAKTMENTS WANTED | — 1 APARTMENT FOR RENT A small two-room apartment all con veniences private bath hot run ning water at all times centrally located No. 110 North Second St.— Fourth Floor. Inquire I* Minter, 110 North Second street, or phone Pell 4282 and Dial 4195. FOR RENT—Four-room apartment. 1321 State St.. on second floor; elec tric lights, steam heat and use of phone. Inquire 1321 State St. FOUR well-furnished rooms, light, airy, hay windows, second floor, cor ner, hot water, heat, gas. electricity, bath, laundry. References exchanged. No children. 342 South Sixteenth St. RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN." MOVE AT ONCE—Pay for your home same as rent; no money down; S3O per month; three-story brick, eight rooms, all improve ments, 631 Wiconisco street, or 2542 Agate street, two-story brick, all improvements, $25 per mpnth; both of the above are vacant. HARRIS ST., 630— Three-story brick, nine rooms, all improve ments; small amount down; bal ance same as rent. SWATARA ST., 1856 Three atory frame, aeven rooms and bath, all improvements, nice front porch, lot 120 feet deep back to a drive alley; $l5O down; $25 per month. DERRY ST., 2703—New: vacant; two-story stucco, seven rooms, hardwood doors, cement cellar, gas and electricity; A-l in every respect. DERRY ST., 2707 —New; vacant, three-story brick, hardwood floors, colonade, cemented cellar, steam heat, gas and electricity; a modern home in every respect. WORMLKYSBURG Herman Ave., —289-291; double frame, improvements, nice front porch, lot 150 feet deep back to a drive way. Can sell as a whole or one half, on our easy payment plan. EAST CAMP HILL ADDITION — Third and Princess streets; vac ant; two-story frame bungalow, seven rooms and bath, all im provements; lot 40x150 feet.; a real bargain; can be bought on the easy payment plan. STEELTON—S. Second St.. —320; three-story frame, improvements, one-half of a pair, nice roomy home; right price to quick buyer; our easy payment plan. D. ASA SANDERLIN, ROOM 1, SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390 DIAL 3573 VACANT HOUSES Two 2% and 3-story brick houses; all improvements; porches, drive alley. Also cor ner houses on Hill and up town. Will take auto in trade. 1 have several tine suburban homes for sale; brick, ail im provements, (4 acre each; steam heat, electric lights, hardwood floors, lots of fruit on State Road. Will take city property in trade. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 560-J. BEAT THE HEAT Go to Mountain Side Park Perdix. Twenty minutes front Harrisburg. For Sale. Outlook Lodge, four room Bungalow, just, completed, lo cation three hundred feet south of State road. Snap price for quick sale. Will exchange on city property. Bungalow plots, same row as cot tage, SSO. $5 down, $5 monthly. For Sale. Rest Moor Cabin, facing State road, splendid summer home or suitable and practical as a business place; special inducement to quick buver. Mountain Side Park is grow ing and lots bought at present prices will make a substantial advance. Salesman at our Perdix Office every dav, including Sunday. For Booklet of Perdix Pictures, Free Round Trip Tickets or Auto Trip wfite. pnone or call A. C. YOUNG M. M., FULTON Owners and Developers of Mountain Side Park Real Estate in Its Entirety Bell 767 Dial 5439 THE YOUNG BUILDING, 34 N. Second St, Harrisburg, Pa. WEST SHbRE LOTS 4 lots together along river front. Fine site for Bunga low. Easy terms. Small amount down. Monthly pay ment plan. C. H. CORDEFt 1722 Green Stredt. Bell phone 660 J. POSSESSION SOON 2429 N. Sixth St., brick $5,700 1631 Swatara St.. brick 2.500 412 Hummel St.. brick 2.900 D. A. CALEY. 707 Kunkel Bldg.. Bell 689. FOR SALE 9-room brick house, No. 551 South Tenth street; good con dition. $1,700. Durand & Ferber. 107 Chestnut. t Continued In Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, steam heat, electric and gas lights, porch, bay windows, side entrance, drive alley; (4 block to all-night car service (on Hill). 2(4-story brick, all improvements, porches, side entrance, drive alley, large yard, slate roof (vacant), easy teftns, pay as rent (on Hill). 2-story brick, porch, all improve ments, corner, easy terms. Small amount down (on Hill). Several fine homes up town; all improvements. Several fine suburban homes; all improvements. Several small farms, 6 to 30 acres each, within 5 miles of city. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J. FOR SALE 823 South Front St., frame dwelling. 1614 North Fifth St., three-story frame dwelling, with improvements, ten rooms and bath. West Fairview property, cor. Fair view Avenge and Enola Road. 2(4- Rtory frame dwelling. West Fairview property, located in Third Street, 2 (4-story frame dwell ing. INQUIRE OF HARRISBURG TRUST CO. 16 South Second Street. Harrisbu'rg, Pennsylvania. RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY 1008 North Second Stroet. Lot, 24x125 to wide alley; 9 large rooms and bath; fine yard; room for two garages; side and rear entrances. Im mediate possession. For par ticulars call at the premises after 5 o'clock, or Address S„ 7582, Care of Telegraph. THE BOOM IS ON SURE THING OWN YOUR HOME BUILD WITH BRICK 1,000,000 COMMON RED BRICK to ship off hand. Millions more to follow as burned this season. Contract for brick NOW. Don't delay. MANCHESTER SHALE BRICK CO., Room 200, 222 Market St.. HARRISBURG, PA. FOR SALE THREE-STUKY BHiCK HOUSE, No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in. by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY. 222 Market Street FOR SALE New single brick house on hill; all conveniences; make apartment with few alterations; im mediate possession. Dial 6236. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or IJberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. p. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE—House. 629 Boyd St. S rooms and bath; modern improve ments; in A-l condition,; will sell r-a sonably: good location. Apply 629 Boyd street. FOR SALE 3-story frame, 529 Woodbine street. Price, $2,000. i n . quire 516 Emerald street. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2013 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply a p poranz. 1325 North Sixth. FOR SALE—If you want to buy a home at the right price, see W j Reeves. If you want to seli a home at the right price, see W. J. Reeves" 16 in Highspire to select from; with or without improvements. One beautiful homo now vacant. W. J. Reeves •> >i Market St., Highspire. Dial 9801. ' THE real estate and personal prop erty t he lale George L. Fisher will be sold at public sale on June 19 on the premises, at Middletown, pa Among the articles to be soldv are a number of antiques. Inquire of Har risburg Trust Company, No. 16 South Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insurance. 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALE FOR SALE—No. 1434 Regina street; large house, easily remodeled for business; lot 25x130; stable on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. PAXTANG RESIDENCE FOR SALE —All most modern conveniences and price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 207 Harris street —brick house 9 rooms bath jther improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. THREE HOUSES FOR SALE—On Uuench street; two with 7 rooms and ' bath, and one with 8 rooms and bath. 1 Prlceß $2,200 to $3,000. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. • f | Real Estate For Sale—Suburban j HIGHSPIRE—Two lots for sale, 25 x 125 ft. each. Cheap to quick buyer, f Purand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut. I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT | i i FOR RENT , WICONISCO ST., No. 631—Vac- ' ! ant. three-story brick, nine ! rooms, all improvements, front I porch, nice back yard, driveway ' ! in rear; S3O per month on our ' l .-nt-purchase plan. I AGATE ST., No. 2542—Vacant, 1 | two-story brick, seven rooms, all improvements, nice front porch, fully equipped bathroom, etc. $25 per month on rent-pur chase plan. IS. ASA SANDERLIN, I ROOM 1, SECURITY" TRUST BLDG., 36 N. Till UP ST. I Befl 1390 Dial 3573 FOR RENT Second story of Kel ker Street Markethouse, Fourth and • Kelker streets, suitable for manufac turing purposes or general storage. I I—Room1 —Room 34x34. I I—Room 40x30. i 2—Otftce rooms. \ I—Hall. 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. Apply Harrisburg Auto Co.. Fourth and lCelker streets. FOR RENT Two furnished houses, No. 1622 Market street; rent, SSO. No. 350 Nectarine street, rent, $25. References required. J. I-J. Gio ple, 1251 Market street FOR RENT —Good six-room house at Grantham; has water and electric lights, large sized garden; $8.23 per month. Inquire of C. A. Myers, Grantham, Pa. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent 209 South Front Street, eleven rooms and two baths. INQUIRE OF HARRISBURG TRUST CO. 10 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. HEAL ESTATE WANTED 1 HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and suburban properties. M large clientage enables me to secure ready buyers for any kind of Real Estate you may have to offer, A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth St. Bell 271 J. Dial 3943. WANTED —Cottage wanted to rent during second and third weeks of August, within reasonable distance, from city. Write or phone "Z.," 2234 North Fourth street, Harrisburg, R a Rell 2739-M. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. FARMS % FARMS FARMS FARMS I have several fine farms, 3 to 5 miles from Harrisburg; good buildings, good water, lots of fruit; 1 mile to trolley and State road; 6, 10, 16 and 30-acre farms; practically 'level,' Southern exposure. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, HARRISBURG. Bell Phone 560-J. FOR SALE —GOOD, CHEAP FARMS 8 acres |gso 15 acres 1,700 22 acres, stock and crop 3,000 25 acres 1.700 26 acres 950 48 acres o 20<i DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut. FOR SALE—Bearing apple orchard located in the famous fruit belt of West Virginia, where apples have the eclor and flavor. I have several gieat moneymakers. For particulars address P. N. De Grange, Martinsburg' W. Va„ care this office. No real es tate agent need apply. Offices and Store Rooms for Rent ' - j LARGE OFFICE FOR RENT Size 25x19, 331 Market street. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. FOR RENT Desk room and office. ! Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney, 31 ; North Second street. Bell phone 307J } , : SOLD FOR STORAGE j THREE INDIAN MOTORCYCLES FOR STORAGE AND REPAIRS Motor No. 43G500. Single cylinder. Motor No. 59F469 Twin cylinder. Two Speed. Motor No. 72F633. Twin cylinder. Two Speed. THE WEST END ELECTRIC AND CYCLE CO., Green and Macluy Sts. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE WE have the following motors we j are offering for sale. We guarantee - these motors to be in tlrst-class con . dition and can make immediate de- I livery. I One hi H. P. 220 V. 450 K. P. M. I One h* H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. M. ■ One £H. P..220 V. 800 R. P. M.' One hi H. P. 115 V. SOU R. P. M. One hi H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One V* H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One hi H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. printing Binding Designing , ! Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. i BARGAIN White iron bed, big spring and felt mattress, valued $38.50; sale price, $23.50. FORNWALT, 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE—Saw mill with 4 saws, two 12 inches, two 16. inches; one gasoline engine, one shaft for rip ping; all in good condition. Address E. M. Foreman, 417 Hummel street. I BOOKS Bought and sold; 20.0u0 ■ new, old, rare. In stock. Aurand's 826 North Third. Circulars free. FOR SALE Oak dining room - suite, consisting of table, buffet, i china closet and live chairs, $125, Ap ply 2430 North Second street. iContinaed In Next Co!umn> . ■ V FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ; FOR SALE Private immediate sale of the following: medium size I icechest, library table, bookcase, j dining room table, porch chairs. Call ] Bell phone 4677-lt. FOR SALE—Tuxedo silk for small man. Good as new. A bargain. Ad dress Box C 4295, care Telegraph. FOR SALE Channels, beams, angle, pipe all denominations, and : rails, all sizes. Apply Williams & Freedman, Tenth below Mulberry street. 01 Sixth above Division street. \ MORRIS SAYS save money buying ! new and second-hand furniture here. | High prices paid tor furniture. Morris I Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4085R J TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED j EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 206 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. JUST RECEIVED from government! operated plant lot 3-Pnase 220-Volt motors, one *to fifteen H. P. in first class condition, sell resonable. F. It. Laverty, Bell Phone 1857. WANTED —3USCELLAN EO US WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph. stating price, when it can be seen. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAiD tor Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. Dial 4826. Bell 4705 K. WANTED —Will buy a Winchester Gun; must be in good condition. Call 1807 N. 7th street. WANTED An upright boiler, 8 or 10-horse-power. Must be in good condition. No Junk. Address B. J. Campbell, 10UO paxton street, or 230 South Second street. WE PAY 3c a rb. for rags, 30c a 100 for papers, 60c for old books. tVe buy all kinds of junk and pay the highest cash prices. L. Cohen & Co. Bell 4974. WANTED Will buy 1 or 5 Floor Show Cases 6 or 8 feet long. Must be in good condition. Apply 206 Markn street. BELL PHONE 3370-J | S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRIS BURG. PA MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max Smoltz 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. WANTED TO BUY NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS Working order or not. Send full par ticulars. Will buy anywhere. Russell Sales Company, Lancaster, PA ROOFING LET ME PAINT Y'OUR ROOF. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. AUTION FER HITE. BELL 1875-J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. GET THE BEST—ORDER NOW 30 Per Cent. Off For 30 Days HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR Giving the stirring events from the assassination of the Crown Prince of Austria to the crushing of Autocracy. An account of the Causes with a pre war history of Belgium, France and Serbia. Otflcial photographs. PRICE $3.75 Universal Service Association, Grand Avenue Temple Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. BUSINESS PERSONALS PAPKRH ANGING AND PAINTING First-class work. Chllcoat Bros., 1622 N Fourth St. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. I,'APLAN CO., 206 Market street. A LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Maiket street. Bell 4730-J. QUININE —Look out for that grippe leeiing. likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PUOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off It taken In time. Gross Drug Stoio. | l l'l Market street. ! OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING i Any metal welded. Work guaran | teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396 J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping J. A. Bishop. 1730 Logan street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 35c lioz.; razors, 26c. Gorgaa Drug Store. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. JR, 130 Walnut SC. Harrlsburg. Pa. Bell Phone 618 J. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FOR NECESSITIES II emplo>ed aud nouseKeepiug, our legal lute money service on loans iroin sl6 to t3UU, payable In week.) or monthly Instalments is worth in vestigating, it you are in need wt tuods anu without uauk credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. >O4 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17, 1916, to individu als tr. need of ready casn; small loans a specialty, business coniideniial, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI arid long distance five-tun truck. Sunshine Gar age. South Eleventh , street- Bell I phone 171(1. Dial 3060. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. *34 Helly. Both phones. < , FOR HIKE—I wo ton .Auto truck. I | Apply 11 us Sou tli Ninth street. Belli | TMUIIS 2465 R. ' (Continued In Next Column} j | DAUIANG AND MOVING HAULING Local or iongi distance, Furniture and piano moving; a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 81 i j Capital street* Hoth phones. HAULJNG Local and longj distance, furniture iiiuwiig a ciaity. Kates reasonable. ser 1 vice. Call Bell 643-J. ser ] — L f ocal or Long-diatanceJ Pianos and safes a specialty. Beck Bros., successors to O. H. Beck Call IsilJ. Vernon "feet. . Bell phonaj ' AND c- LONG-DISTANCE I ~ * urnlture moving. ' rinS? B ? rvicß - Ernest Corbin. 856 I &36-J Diai e 36B3 ">• BeU i MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a. specialty. General hauliSg ilot 11X4*4W Bt, 'eeU Dial 4166, Belli WE Move Anything. Anywhere.! Price reasonable. DlaU Thi.a V ayt . on C >' cl U'c.. 312 Noitii Third street. ~ HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy eoulppedl for furniture, freight and piano mov-i ing No distance too far. Carefuli driver. Rain and dustproof body. jJ E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwlqii Aungst. manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell" Phono 15R6. ALL KINDS OF HAULING' AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER 3T. i BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. PAINTING JOSEFH A. GILL, 1913 Rhoads ave nue, Practical Painter. Estimates j cheerfully given. Bell phone 886. MUSICAL . J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE BARGAINS THIS WEEK S4OO Haines Bros. Piano, i ebony case, splendid tone, j Price $155. $350 Bachman Piano, mahog any case; excellent tone. Price $l7O. $350 Huntington Piano, fine mahogany ease, like new; good tone. Price $195. Winters Piano, mahogany, good as new in tone and linlsh. Price $240. SSOO Toole Piano, walnut case, can't be told from new; bench to match. Price $360. Several good 88-note Players at $365, $425 and $485. Any of the above instruments are ready for immediate de- I livery. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building, 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE YOU have made the visit to muslo bouses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it Spangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OILEK'S, 14 South Fourth street ROOFING BY SCREENING YOUR PORCH YOU ADD AN EXTRA OUTDOOR ROOM TO YOUR HOUSE THAT WILL REPAY ITS COST IN EXTRA COMFORT MANY TIMES EACH SEASON. , SCREENS TO MEASURE. ' AUCTIONEER HITK, Bell 1875-J. STORAGE STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLER T CO., LTD.. Hlghsplre. Pa. Phones: BelP. Steelton 169 Y. Dial: Steelton 9439. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in tireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-ttreproof ware* I house. Harrlsburg Storage Co.. 437* 445 South Second street. STORAGE—In brick Dullding, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P, G. Dielier, 4UB Market street 1 I STORAGE—4I9 Broad street house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rales. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co, Both phones. WHERE TO DINE AI.VA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, THE HOME OF SATISFACTION UN DERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLEK, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICEK, Funeral Director and Embalmer. 611 North Second Street BELL 262. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY —. Beautifully situated on Market streec east of Twenty-sixth, and on thai Dortb and east faces the new park* way. The prices of lots are modern ate. Miller Bros. <& Co., Agents. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES WANTED YOU TO START' CHICKS RIGHT. Make them grow' right along without any backset DR. A HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A will help you get them safely past such little chick ailments as gapes, leg weakness, indigestion and diarrhoea.' Feeding Pan-a-ce-a means good health, more rapid growth, larger fowls. Begin using DR. HESS IN* STANT LOUSE KILLER early to keep chicks free from lice. Keep Instant* Louse Killer in the dust bath always. For ROUP use DR. HESS ROUP' REMEDY. The Dr. Hess lins Is fori sale by all dealers In Poultry Sup-4 plies. —t | Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page