Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 13, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Woman Who Sold Forty-Five
Bottles of Beer Is Con
Called before President Judge
George Kunkel to-day for sentence
after conviction on a charge of lar
ceny, Harry Cassner was given a
term of fourteen months to two
yeare in th penitentiary. Cassner
was called before the court yester
day for sentence and his past record
of offenses was submitted. In im
posing sentence the youth was told
by the ,Court that he was "past re
Judge Kunkel asked him whether
the District Attorney had furnished
a complete list, but Cassner "forgot"
one time when he had been before
the court for breaking into a golf
club house. The Court didn't forget
that Cassner had been there before
Live A Life
Worth Living
NfTre-Rflckcd, Wrnk-Willril, Kun
down Men and Women, Find a
Great Serve Strenjethener in
Mnrso Nerve Tablet*
Some folks Just exist, when asre
gets a grip on them; others really
live, keep up their youthful pep and
are joyful. M&rgro Nerve Tablets
should make you one of t.he glad
ones ambitious, full of vigor and
strong-nerved as of old. Use them
to dispel the brain fag and nervous
ness, the weak will, lassitude nnd ,
worry. See how they brace up men ,
and women who are sliding down the
hill of life and till them with courage,
renewed nerve-health and hope.
H. C. Kennedy, Geo. A. Gorgas and
good druggists everywhere sell
Margo Nerve Tablets on a guarantee
to refund the full price of the first
box purchased in any case if they
fail to give satisfactory results. This
makes the test an easy matter and
men and women who are feeling old
or have lost their grip and ambition
should surely give them a trial.
Monday, Thursday and
Saturday Evenings
Admission: Ladies, 40c
Tax Paid Gents, 60c
Buy Tires Consistently
AFTER you have ex-
the superior
mileage of Firestone
gray siaewall tires, be con
sistent in your future tire
* Most Miles per Dollar
Market Square I
iPomeroy's Daily Market, 2nd and Reily Sts.
- — > ' '
Fresh Peas, home grown, 34 pk 30? |
Green Stringless Beans, 34 pk 25?
York County Strawberries, box 22? S
New Beets, bunch 12? I
Mason's Quart Jars, doz.,j 85? 1
Palm Olive Soap, special, 3 for 125 c C
Cloverdalc Ginger Ale, doz SI.BO |
Wheatsworth Real Graham Biscuits, pkg 15? f
Fancy Rib Roasts, lb 40? 1
Fancy Steaks 40? to 50??
Canadian Lamb, lb 20? to 60? I
Cold Roast Beef, sliced, lb., 85? |
Cold Roast Veal, sliced, lb 75?^
and sent him back to Jail until a fur
ther investigation was made.
To-day it was reported to the
Judge that Cassner had been paroled
1 j in juvenile court on a truancy
. charge; had been sent to Hunting
don Reformatory for two years in
the house case, and last
September was given six months in
jail when he pleaded guilty to lar
ceny. At this session of court he
was charged with the theft of $l5O
and a watch from a roommate, Raf
fael Tars.
Boys Plead Guilty
Five boys, Wheldon Markley,
Frank Retninger, Russell Webb,
Mrashall Houtz and George Hand
shaw, pleaded guilty to a charge of
operating an automobile owned by
B. M. Book without his consent.
Evidence showed that Houtz was not
aware of this fact until after the
ride, so the Court discharged him.
Reininger, Webb and Handshaw
were each directed to pay one-fourth
of the costs; Markley, said to be
the one who took the machine, was
given a tine of SIOO and one-fourth
of the costs.
Roberta Saunders, colored,
charged with selling liquor without
a license, was convicted. Isaiah
Washington, the prosecutor In the
case, said he and a friend went to
her home and while there he
bought about forty-tive bottles of
beer for himself and four others
who were at the house at the time.
Judge Kunkel heard the case.
In courtroom No. 2, Judge S. J.
M. McCarrell heard the prosecution
against Zdravko Mladenovich, who
was convicted this morning on a
I charge of felonious assault. He is to
| be sentenced later.
Cases disposed of follow: Jeffer-
I son Stevenson, larceny from the per
! son, convicted; W. E. Hockenbrock,
| aggravated assault and battery, ac
i quitted; Joe Rajokovic, Joe Despot,
I assault and battery, acquitted; Ed
i ward Steinberger, larceny, case to be
! withdrawn by Commonwealth; Stan
i ley Yontz, larceny as clerk, con
Bills were ignored by the grand
jury in these cases: William Col
| lins, two charges, assault and bat-
I tery; Rodger Alleman, false pre
| tense.
Deaths and Funerals
Joshua S. Finicle, til years old, of
2410 Jefferson street, died in the Har
risburg Hospital lust evening. An
employe of the Pennsylvania Rail
road for .?S years, he was a member
of Lodge No. 174. Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Firemen and Kngineers. lie
was also a member of Phoenix Lodge,
No. SD. Knights of Pythias. He is
j survived by four sons: Myron J.
I Finicle, Augustus Finicle, Forrest
: Finich and Robert Finicle, and two
daughters, Mrs. W Ream and Mrs. A.
j Marzolf. The body may be viewed
\at his late home on Sunday evening,
and funeral services will be held on
I Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
I Macla.v Street Church of God, con
ducted by the Rev. Dr. William S.
Houck. Burial will he in the Paxtang
I cemetery.
The death this week of Helen Ar-
I lene Hoepfer, infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hoepfer, was the cause of
,the receipt of many condolences from
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hoepfer live
lat 1427 Derry street.
Members of the Twenty-eighth
Division theatrical troupe in touring
the city in an auto truck struck a
jazz note that attracted hundreds to
the corners where the fighting men
sang. The troupe is appearing to
day and to-morrow at the Orpheum
in "Who Are Y'ou?" the same play
so popularly received in France.
Every member of the orchestra of
the Twenty-eighth Division theatri
cal troupe was wounded in action.
This orchestra is probably the most
unique that has ever appeared in
this country. Every man in it served
with the Twenty-eighth Division
from the time that these boys wero
called into action on July 14. 1918,
First Annual Convention of
County Flame Fighters
Opens in City Today
Greater efforts to bring about a
uniform system in fire fightin-g ap
paratus will be made by the mem
bers of the Dauphin County Volun
teer Firemen's Association during
the ensuing year. To be in position
to help neighboring towns inr case
of fire is what this association pro- ;
poses to bring about. Bettering the
condition of volunteer tire companies
where improvement is needed, is
another object in view.
The first anr.-ual convention of the
association opened this morning at
Eagle's Hall, Sixth and Cumberland
streets, with 100 delegates represent
ing 39 fire companies in Dauphin
countv present. The firemen will be
here two days. They expect to com
plete their busir.-ess by to-morrow
morning. In the afternoon at -
o'clock there will be a parade of
city and cour.-ty firemen. An appeal
was made to residents along the line
of march to have drinking water
available for the marchers. Plans
for the betterment of conditions will
be discussed and adopted.
The convention- was opened this
morning by First Vice-President
John E. Shupp. president of the
Baldwin Hose Company No 4., of
Steelton.' He took the place of Colo
nel H. C. Dcmniing, president of the
county association who is out or
the city. The. Rev. Dr. Kills N.
Kremer, pastor of Reformed Salem
Church, chaplain of the association,
offered prayer.
Welcome For 1 ircnien
Mayor Daniel U Keister who is a
delegate from the Friendship Fire
Company of this city, to the con
vention gave the firemen a royal wel
come. He gave a h'ton of th
local organizations and told of tne
Advancement in fire fighting appa
ratus aril of the many trials and
tribulations and pleasures and joys
that come to volunteer firemen, and
added vou are welcome to this
added. you alwayß welcome here.
w -II *S
Ifndl wtah you a and your'organiza
,ioi" Z. Gross.
S lui pp°re fe r rml°t this it y "as" hii v in-g
Gross was the man who Rave the
citv everything up to date in lire
TrSe'to the . firemen
Commissioner Gross said, in part.
••Our tlrehouses are your houses. You
are at liberty to visit them at any
time and you will find some of the
bovs there to greet you and exte "{?
everv courtesy possible. I am much
gratified to see this new body show
such healthy form. I hope you wll
grow rapidly and do great good in
all communities. Your purpose i
a good one. We need a uniformity
in fire fighting apparatus. We want
to be ready at all times to help our
n-eighbors. I congratulate you who
are interested in greater achieve
ments and anxious to be loyal to
each other and help when aid is
called for."
Advancement in Harrisburg
City Commissioner Gross told of
the advancement of the Harrisburg
department and cautioned the mem
bers when adopting motor apparatus
to prevent speeding, that it was dan
gerous. and referred to the rules
to be followed here to prevent dan
ger In going to fires. He told of the
record of the volunteer firemen ip
the war and urged greater efficiency.
Vice-President Shupp responded
to the address of welcome, thanking
the speakers and congratulating the
I Harrisburg firemen on their effici
ency ar.-d excellent record. He said
there had been talk for a long time
about taking Steelton into Harris
burg. That the people were tired
waiting and now the people of his
borough proposed to take Harris
burg into Steelton. He extended his
| and served throughout the drive |
| from the Marne sector through |
! Chateau Thierry, Argonne Forest I
and Thiecourt, and from there until
the signing of the armistice served
j in the One Hundred and Eleventh '
' Infantry, and while in action ;
1 performed their regular detail ■
|of stretcher bearers, carrying the .
! wounded from the front line to the j
| first aid dressing station.
The orchestra consists of Nathan
| Cohen as leader, who is a, well
i known Philadelphia man and played
I in the Ritz-Carlton orchestra pre- I
| vious to his enlistment in the army; j
| Eldon Murray, John Surra, Alfred !
| Zeffrio, John Vezzette, Charles j
' Saunders, Granville Bane, Walter '
best wishes to the new association
ami firemen.
Down to Business
Following roll call and reading of ;
; the minutes of previous meeting the I
I convention adjourned until this af- j
ternoon, where reports were present
ed by the various committees. The i
executive committee recommended :
several changes in the constitution. ;
Discussion followed on uniformitj in j
fire fighting equipment and other j
The delegates were anxious to j
reach the election of officers Kite this |
afternoon and adjourn. It is un- !
derstood there will be strong bids
for the next convention from Mid- i
dletown and the upper end of the I
county. If this question is not set- |
tied to-day the executive committee !
will make a decision later.
George W. £>utz, chief marshal of
the parade to-morrow afternoon. 1
told of the plans and reported ac- •
ceptances received from''companies
out of the city. He looked for a j
creditable turnout. The following I
brief history of the organization of
this new association was given:
Origin of the Association
"A committee composed of R. L.
Ayers, A. L. Pattor.\ W. M. Gardner.
J. H. Williamson, J. L. Redman, H. '
A Wonderful
V>■ Prescription
(A Powerful Tonic
(Iron, Nux Vomica, Gentian,
Capsicum, Aloin, Zinc Phosphide, j
Used Over a Quarter of • Century In
Blood SsiNerve Tablets
| For Building Up Weak-Run-Down
Nervous People.
W The Remedies in this prescription are used by
Che best Physicians as a reconstructive restora
tive for the aftereffects of Influenza, Grippe and
Fever and in cases where the blood is thin and
watery, circulation poor and when the patient
feels tired, worn-out and exhausted. ,
| Weigh Yourself Before Taking
I Sold by Drujrffista at 60 cents. Special, (Stronger
Saore Active 90 cents.)
ft North Tenth Street. . Philadelphia. Pa.
| ,|
j | * 1 ;
Scrupulously clean, electric lighted j
throughout. White service. Hot and I
I cold water baths. $2.00 up daily. sl2 !
i up weekly. Estab. 40 years. Emerson I
I Crouthamel, Mgr.
! s*.so up Daily. $ 1 4.00 un Wkly. A m. Plan .
A Fireproof A one*. Tennessee Av. nr. Meach.
Cap 400 Central: open anrroundingatopp. Catho
lic and Proteatant Churches. Private Baths.
Excellent table: fresh vegetables. Windows |
screened. White aervice. Booklet. 8. B. IUDY.M. 0. ;
II S. Sit. Vernon Ave.
Centrally locuted. American & Euro
pean Plana. Fine rooms. Excellent ta
ble. Moderute rates Bathing from
hotel. O. H. ADDER.
10 So. MiehlKnn Ave.
Convenient to piers. Excellent table.
Pleasant surroundings. Terms moder
ate. MRS. T. PORTER.
17 S. Illinois* Avenue
Near beach. $2.50 daily; $15.00 weekly
Mrs. Mathews
132 St. .lames Place. Fifth house from i
beach. European Plan. Terms attrac
tive.' 16th season. McNamara & '
Hughes Owners.
Kentucky Ave. Fourth hotel from
Beach. Amer. plan $2.50 up daily: sl4 I
up wkly. Europ. $1 up dly. Harrison
18 South Carolina Ave. Near Beach
and Penna. R. R. Large airy rooms.
Amer. Plan $2 50 up daily. $15.00 up
weekly Under new management.
Veil, Myron Geiger and M. Cover
When the decision was made to
organize Ihc company to start.out to
tour throughout the different units
of the division, the question arose,
"how to supply the musicians with
instruments." These men went
through shell-torn houses and sal
vage dumps looking for whatever
instruments they could find. The
violin used by Deader Cohen was
found in the ruins of Chateau
Thierry, while the other instruments,
including the drum, brass and wood
instruments, were found in the va
rious sections of the battlefield. The
hardest instrument to locate was the
D. Hilton, J. A. Dinger, H. R. Dong,
S. K. Bcatty, J. H. Rudy and George
G. Geiger met in the Washington
firehousc, April 12, 1918, and talk
ed over the question of forming a
county organization. On- May 14,
What Enemies of America
Lurk Behind the Bomb?
Why the bombs were placed on June 2d and what is the reason for this series of outrages
making Democratic America resemble the Russia of the Czars and a career on the American
bench as hazardous as a Muscovite Grand Duke, is the question which the American press has
set itself to answer in earnest. These attempted assassinations may be "the work of a little
group of desperate criminals," as the New York Globe has it, or "of a few individuals obsessed
with Bolshevistic radical designs who do not recognize the utter absurdity of a reign of terror in
this country," as the Philadelphia Record concludes. They may indicate, as Attorney General
A. Mitchell Palmer says, "nothing but the lawless attempt of an anarchistic element of the pop
ulation to terrorize the country and thus stay the hand of government," which "they have utter
ly failed to do."
In 1 HE LITERARY DIGEST for June 14th, the leading article takes up this latest at
tempt to disturb the forces of law and order, and by quotation from newspapers and individuals
of widely divergent opinions, presents the subject in all its phases.
Other important news- articles in this number of "The Digest" are:
Canada's Big Labor War
A Survey From All Angles of One of the Most Critical Periods in Canadian History
Little Austria The German Idea of a Just Peace
Our Big Navy Plan Torpedoed "Labor" and Daylight Saving
Getting Back to Business in Europe Jugo-Slavia's Domestic Jars '
Turkey's Injured Feelings Electric Tractors For Factory Use
Colored Troops Healthier Than White How to Light a Movie Theater
An Antinoise Telephone The English Hearth of the Washingtons
The Film Finds Spiritual Beauty in Madness and Music
Chinatown Failure of Religion in Russia
The Case Against Zionism Conscience Plus Red-hair Were Bad
Esthonia—lts Location, People, and Future For Germans
Personal Glimpses of Men and Events The Best of the Current Poetry
Many Illustrations, Including Maps, and Laughable Cartoons
To Make the "Week-end" Complete
Before running away to the mountains or the sea- enee will make a strong appeal to you. In a couple
shore for a rest at the end of the week, be sure and of hours' reading you can catch up with the world
take THE DIGEST with you. It will add to the and when you return to your every-day duties vou
pleasure and benefits of your rest period. Through will do so with a clear and balanced understanding
its pages the great events of the world pass in review as every topic in THE DIGEST is discussed from
before your eyes. THE DIGEST is intensely human all view-points there is no attempt at partisan
and its many interesting stories of individual experi- ship. Don't miss this week's number.
June 14th Number on Sale Today—All News-dealers—lo Cents
(Sj) Jiteiaiy Digest
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORi
1918, it was again taken up at a
meeting of the Firemen's Union and
a committee instructed to take the
matter up with the county fire com
panies. J. D. Redman, secretary,
sent invitations to all companies in
the county to be present at a meet
ing June 11, 1918. Meetings were
also held on August 13, September
10 and September 20. At the lat
ter meeting a temporary organiza
tion was formed. At a meeting on
November 12, a permanent orgamza- j
tion was formed and officers elected, j
Doctors Disagree on Effect
of Near Beers and Wines j
Atlantic City, N. J., June 13.—0p- {
posite views regarding the effect of |
beers and wines of low alcoholic con
tent on the human system were ex- |
pressed by speakers before theAmer- '
loan Medical Association In annual j
convention here.
Dr| Dambert Ott, of Philadelphia,
said such drinks were not intoxi- j
eating, but that on the.other hand, \
they were healthful and their sale
under government supervision
should be continued. "Beer and I
wine of low alcoholic contents," he j
said, 'are a real aid to digestion."
Declaring there is a tendency to
ward excess in all beer drinkers, Dr. j
Bernard Fantus. of Chicago, took di- i
reot issue with Dr. Ott. "If the alco- |
holie content of beer were reduced," j
said Dr. Fantus. "instead of com
plete prohibition, these beer drink
ers would drink twice as much as
formerly, with the same disastrous
Harry Pearson. 451 Bodine St.,
I Philadelphia, paid a high tribute to
I the agency through which he and
Mrs. Pearson obtained relief. "I suf
fered from stomach trouble," he
says, "and rheumatism. 1 had all
the symptoms of indigestion and
gastritis, and the rheumatic pains
were awful. I heard about Tanlac
and bought some. Tanlac gave me
relief quickly. I was soon able to
eat everything, almost, and could
sleep long and well. It has relieved
me and my wife."
The genuine J. X, Gore Co. Tanlac
is sold here by Kramer's and Steev
er's and other leading druggists.
Mlncola, L. 1.. June 13. County
Judge Lewis J. Smith
a precedent here yesterday when he
held a term of the County Court in
his automobile. Dunne Steele, an
aviator, 'was charged with culpable
carelessness in having run down an
officer with his airplane at Belmont
Friday and Saturday
A visit to our large cut-rate store and you will be surprised
at the amount you will save on dependable Footwear.
Women's Oxfords & Pumps At Big Savings
"Women's Brown Oxfords, mili- Women's white canvas Oxfords,
tary heel. Pretty new QJJ hißh or medium ggj
Women's fine patent or dull Women's white canvas Pumps, ■
Colonial Pumps, high AC turned sole, full djo QC
Louts heel Lo Uis hcc i
Women's black kid Oxfords. Women's fine sea isle Oxfords,
military QC high or military heel; dJO QC
heel welted sole
Misses' and chll- Men's and boys'
dren's white canvas white tennis Qfis*
Mary Jane 9Sc shocs
Men s Tan Oxfords, Urn 9 is **"*
Misses' White Can- Goodyear welted soles M'f J g
vas Oxfords, white —tS.OO $3.95 / I
enameled leather soles value ....
and $1.49 \ I
heels ... . rt** ' A i
Misses' white can- '
vas lace Shoes, Eng- J W I I
1 ; l o s e h ... $1.49 ' J 1
16 North 4th Street '
Park and was held by Justice of the
Peace Neu for the Grand Jury. Judge
Smith was Just leaving when the de
fendant, accompanied by A- L. Carr,.
of the bonding company, stopped
him. He obligingly opened Court
from his car. arraigned the defend
ant, and held him in $2,000 ball,
signed the bond, adjourned Court
and sped away for Oyster Bay.