SHIP RACE TO ENGLAND Seattle, Wash.; June 12.—Two sailing vessels and two auxiliary „ schooners, all owned by Cornelius Bull and Mons Isacksen, of Ohristi- THE INSTRUMENT Or QUALITY 1 1 I Sanom !R CLEAR AS A BELL C*~ " """3 ..{e W sr E "T X 7*HETHER you prefer Puccini or 1 y y Irving Berlin, Chopin or Sousa, j j I highbrow symphonies or lowbrow rags, the Sonora (which won highest score for H tone quality at the Panama - Pacific mi Exposition) will play for you more clearly, |I |P more expressively and more beautifully than any other phonograph. I 1 When you hear the Sonora you'll be |h) SSO to "SIOOO O i If YOHN BROS. jJIJ 13 N. Fourth Street § I The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World I | f vory time you buy United i States Tires your judgment is backed by that of hundreds of thousands of experienced —hundreds of thousands who use United States Tires con —hundreds of thousands who stand ready to endorse the economy and long, uninter rupted service of United States We can provide you with United States Tires that will exactly meet your individual There is a type for every need of price or use. 'Chain' 'Usco' United States Tires are Good Tires We know United States Tires are good tires. That's why we sell them. Slack's Garage s. Biubakcr & Sons—Grantliam. Cadillac Hinti. i Co. West Shore Tire Repair Co.—Lcmoyne. The Fishman Garage Co., Inc. W. I. Hoffman—Usburo. C. S. Gelslnger—Paxtang—Hnrrisburg. James F. Roddy—West FalrTiew. B. F. Hoffman G-~ragc, 7th and Camp Sts. West Shore Garage—Wo.-mleysburg. Keystone Sales Co. Hersbey Garage—Horshey. , •■Geo. W. Myers. c. B. Care— I.lnglestown. Rex Garag- & Supnly Co. O. W. Fox—Pikotown. Harrisburg Harness & Saddlery Co. Rcttburg Bros. —Steelton. r low prices, WE DO NOT SELL CHEAP QUALI- 45 inches long, fumed finish; , --men Fost bed, 1-inch TIES OF FLOOR-COVERINGS — we BELIEVE THAT chains included. A well made„ fillers; guaranteed lacquer; 2a THE best MAKES FRIENDS OF OUR CUSTOMERS swin-. " designs for your selection. AND WE CAN TRULY GUARANTEE EVERY PIECE g ' > of GOODS SOLD. Belding Hall Ext ™ Quality Refrigerators 11 I ! u X"' Sm B j \ Roll and Spring Edge, Steel - , j CrCC^W^'l mU ' eS ' C ' n ° r ta P estr^*t Stone and Enamel I! ' II //! \ | "Century" Enamel Rcfrig- i§P —y / /?j/ /// \ jk era tors, $12.98 up. Wrf \/f / / / \ % I TIP "Notaseme" Stone Refrig- / U j \ I IVtB V-f 1 crators, $37.75 up. 1 y J #ll ■III 50 9x12 High Grade Axminster Rugs, (tQQ *7 C aIHUIIKBSsT^IBSIiI< *raA|2f .1111 beautiful patterns sOi/ / D *jr V"■ 50 9x12 High-pile Axminster Rugs, Ofl TEiwilflWffllsl r much above the average t|)OU*UU CJF- .A 25 9x12 Body Brussels SSO 00 iy}_____ e _ 20 9x12 High Grade $95 00 fßßfiPV&llli^^^lV' * ) " I ** IT 25 9x12 Brussels $29 75 ** ** j 50 9x12 High Grade Wool Fiber Rugs, naq i® 1 good patterns $ 1 uit/O jf • I A FULL LINE OF WHITTALL BRUSSELS AND ' |f |||| WILTONS jP fTI BLABON'S GUARANTEED INLAID tf -| ** £ "Known for Tone" J S LINOLEUMS, including laying $1.75 48-inch length, Colonial de- BIRD & SON S HIGH GRADE NEW PROCESS ' net mo^ ' n an y finish, ?105 i sign; well finished. NEPONSET, including laying /uC Hear this before buying. i THE W V O O \/ ® FURNITURE COMPANY iyK * * HARRISBURG CARUSLE A LESS 1417 N. Second St 23 W. MAIN ST. ' VALUES League Island Yard to Build Two Cruisers Washington, June 12.—A delega-1 tion of fifty-two men chosen by pop ular vote of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, came to Washington yesterday for the purpose of obtaining addi tional work for that yard, and "(called upon Secretary Daniels. The Secre tary, after listening to their case, promised them the construction of two battle cruisers and also said he would try to arrange that they be given the contract for the building of new transports. Mexican Merchants to Tour the States Mexico City, June 12.—The Cham ber of Commerce here is planning to organize a trade excursion of Mexican merchants to the United States and preparing to receive sim ilar missions reported to be coming from Cleveland, New York and var ious southern commercial centers. POSLAM LIKES BAD CASES OF FIERY ECZEMA When Poslam takes hold of viru lent and stubborn eczema, it soothes and cools at once, putting a stop to the terrific itching. On raw parts of the skin it feels immeasureably grateful. As Poslam continues to pen etrate there develops just the healing process needed. Contrast the ease of healing with the severity of the trou ble, and Poslam's work seems re markable Indeed. One ounce of Pos lam is worth a pound of ointment less efficient. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency laboratories, 243 West 47th St., New York City. Urge your skin to become fresher, clearer, better by the daily use of Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam. For short, stout figii res. Low bust Very HRHHSL —-"j-i- 1 /■ durable material, suitably trimmed. Elaa- |3[THI ifaL— tic gores at hips. WEINGARTEN BROS. New York mM In Harrisburg at 9