Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 12, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Park Leased by Scouts
For All-Summer Outing
J. F. Virgin, scout executive, has |
completed arrangements to lease the
Mt Holly Springs Park for a summer
camp for the Boy Scout organization, j
The park will he used from June 15
until October 1, camp opening June
Tents and equipment will be sent j
next week. J. R. Rees will be camp ;
director and J. C. Sparrow will be j
his assistant. It is planned to send
the Boy Scouts there in groups of |
about eighty for two-week outings :
It* addition to games and sports, j
there will be physical instruction,
long hikes, swimming instruction and |
other important training.
The Iris Troop. No. 8, Girl Scouts,
of Messiah Lutheran church, wiji
leave the church on Friday after- (
noon at 2.J0 o'clock for their camp-!
ing trip along the Conodoguinet ;
creek. All Scouts intending to go[
with the party are requested to be ]
there promptly at that time.
Plant Decorations j i
If it has to do with 1
Flowers or anything that I
"grows," consult us— i '
Loonst Street at Second I
(Come On In the Waterl
\ Is Fine ;
• Look at These Summer I
I Prices |
A swim In the pool and a show-i
Jer, 50c; Ladies Day, Mondays un-|
| til 10 P. M.; Bovs from 10 A. M.f
Ito 12 M. every morning; Men!
f from 9 A. M. until 12 P. M.
t If you can rot swim, we will f j
i teach you. ?
Russ ! !
Tti ? ■,■ i . t "
/Wolfe Shop \
224 N. Second St.
Shop Here and Save Money
omens Silk Stockings
Before You Buy Silk Hosiery, You Should Compare |
Quality With Price
The success of our hosiery department is bared |
on our good wearing hose. 1
\Yc can supply you with hosiery we can recora- |
mend for long wear at |
| 51.10, 51.50, 52.00, 52.55, $2.75, $3.10 |
Gray, brown, blue, green, white, black. |
Lisle Hose. 35c, 40<% 50c, 65c, 75c, SI.OO 1
| A complete showing of KAYSER LISLE L.N- 1
DERWEAR in vests and union suits.
Vests 50c, 59c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 |
I All styles. j
\ Union Suits ... SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 |
[ Compare our quality and. prices,
i Kayser and Yart Raalte Silk Gloves, |
75c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 |
' Kid Gloves, . .. .. $2.00 up I
Done and La Grecque Muslin Underwear, Gowns, 1
Envelope Chemise, Petticoats, |
rpjjjTO Drawers, Corset Covers, Bras
m sieres, Handkerchiefs, Silk M/
Petticoats JW
Cool and Comfortable
Summer Models
Ladies' Oxfords —
White and Colors fl \
New models cool, graceful and x/ I
! stylish in white, tan. mahogany, S
: brown and black. Long, slender |r/ fl\
' vamps. French and military heels. J
j Our assortments are so varied you
j have ample scope for making pleasing /
I selections.
White Pumps
X - ' t^ie new rnodels —' n white,
i black and various color effects.
stylish models in white.
Men's Low Shoes wgJ
Black, brown, tan, white. i yCr
j Carefully selected assort- 1
ments that meet every ae- I I
mand for style, grade and jT^
Our uptown location and low expenses enable us to save
you a dollar or two on nearly every purchase.
Medium and Better Grades
* ~ ' ■ •I 1
Miss Mary Catharine Hoikcs
Becomes Bride of George
Harold Gilbert Today
One of the prettiest of June wed
dings took place at high noon to
! day in the Perry Street United
Brethren Church, when Miss Mary
I Catharine Heikes, daughter of Mr.
i and Mrs. Robert Y. Heikes. 1626 j
! Chestnut street, was united in mar- j
' riage with George Harold Gilbert, j
i The Rev. J. A. Lyter officiated in the |
1 presence of the families and a few
| personal friends.
Ferns and summer flowers deco- I
rated the church, a color scheme of 1
pink prevailing. Miss Rhoda Desen
berger. of New Cumberland, played
the usual wedding marches, and
after the services a wedding break
fast was served at the bride's home. ,
Here peonies and roses were used
in the attractive decorations. |
The bride, who was given in mar- .
riagc by her father, wore a dainty
frock of flesh-colored Georgette
crepe, large white hat with Georg- ;
ctte draperies and a corsage bou
quet of bride roses and Victory
blossoms. Miss Margaret Heikes
was maid of honor for her sister,
wearing pink crepe do chine, broad
Leghorn bat with pink trimmings
and a corsage bouquet of pink
orchid sweetpcas. Martin E. Miller
was best man.
Following an eastern wedding
journey Mr. .and Mrs. Gilbert will
make their home at 1820 Regina
; street.
The bride has been a stenographer
with the Royal Typewriter Co. for
the past three years and Mr. Gilbert, j
a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Raymond
Gilbert, and former Tech man, is
assistant chief clerk of the Ordnance
Depot at Middletown.
W. F. Paul, 2319 North Third
street, left the city yesterday on a
business trip to Boston.
Mrs. Jane Hartkopf. of Philadel
phia. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Davis. 624 Ross street.
Everything is set for the presenta
, tion of "Mrs. Bumpstead-Leigh," by
, the class of 1919 of Central High
school, this evening at the Orpheum
theater. The flnal touches were put
|on the production yesterday after
noon by Mrs. Charles P. Ewing, in
structor of declamation, who has
had the cast under her constant
supervision for the past five weeks.
Thc ( rehearsal yesterday proved very
satisfactory and there is every rea
' son to believe that the play to-night
will be of the finest quality.
Among the most amusing eharac-!
Give Little Party on
Daughter's Birthday
A delightful party was held at the
j home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rineers.
' 20 North Fifteenth street, in cele
-1 bration of the ninth birthday anni
| versary of their daughter. Pearl '
i Rineer. Those present were: Marie !
| Turner, Dorothy Ensinger, Ruth
Shank. Cora Shenk, Grace Hickes,
Marion Fasnacht. Zora Fasnacht,
Margaret Wolfe. Katlirvn Zeiders,
Marion Zeiders and William Rineer.
1 Mrs. A. T. Chappele and Miss'
Yarbeth. of Richmond, Va.,
have returned to their homes after!
! spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. j
i Michael Keister, of Washington'
; Heights. Accompanying them were'
, Miss Sara Keister and Alfred Keister.!
Arthur Keister, who was spending a
i brief furlough with his parents, re-|
turned to Camp Lee.
The Misses Clark, of Rloo .ishurg,;
! were recent guests of their niece, j
J Mrs. J. Hoffer Detweiler, at 2013
! North Second street.
Mrs. William H. Elmer and her
i daughter. Marie Louise Elmer. 27 j
i North Front street, are at Bay Head, 1
Practice and Truth
Optometry is a scientific man
ner of examining eyes without
the use of drops. And opto
metrists are registered to prac
tice in the State of Pennsyl
vania. They must know their
business to get a license.
Optometry doesn't lit every
tase —there are those where
medical treatment alone can
help. The truthful optometrist
in that case recommends or
sends his patient to a physi
cian specializing on the eVe.
And so with every other phase
of the practice. Optometry is
all right, it's the way the user
treats it.
As for Rubin & Rubin, we
are at all times ready to I (
stand hack of every state
ment we make whether
with regard to prices or
treatment, satisfaction or
Eyes Examined Free
No Drops Fsed
320 Market St.
Over the Hob. Dell Phone 426-J
KntnlillMird 15 Yenr
Open Wed. nnd Sat. Kvenlngn
> <
/ A
Dinner, Thursday Jane 12
Stouffer's Restaurant
4 X. Court St. 5 to 7.30
Itire Tomato Soup
t rounrd Chicken linked Horn
■ trended 1 ,-al Cutlet—ltoant lleef
Hushed or Home Fried Pot atom
Fried Kits Plant linked Heann—
Ituxkiun Salad
Ice Cream, Pie or Pudding
Coffee, Tea or Coroa
We employ the same ad
vanced methods for exam
ining the eyes and fitting
glasses that are used by
leading specialists in the
profession. By operating
our factory, we are in posi
tion to give you the very
best service at moderate
Eyesight Specialist
!Over Selilelsner'6 Store.
ters in the play are Miss Margaret
E. Good and William K. Mcßride, j
who take the parts of two bashful !
lovers. Miss Good, as Violet DeSalle, j
and William Mcßride, as Geoffrey J
Rawson, are an inspiration to all |
i young people afflicted with this!
strange malady.
The seat sale will continue up,
• until 8.15 to-night. Although many |
. of the best seats have already been j
; sold, there are still some choice ones
| to be had. Proce< front the play
j be used for school purposes.
:Mrs. Hurlock's Tea For
Out-of-Town Visitors
Mrs. William Spry Hurlook, 1719 j
North Front street, entertained at
an informal tea yesterday after
noon. in compliment to Miss Edith
Kondilello, of Philadelphia, the
j guest of Miss Elizabeth Hurlock,
i and Miss Anna Paul, of New York;
j Miss Winifred Lewis, of Cleveland,
I and Miss Constance Varney, of Fall
| River, guests of Miss Dorothy Hur
| lock. The house was attractively
| decorated with peonies and roses
| and the guests were;
Miss Gertrude Olmsted, Miss Jane
Hickok, Miss Elizabeth Zeigler. Miss
j Elizabeth Brandt, Miss Jean Cham
' berlin, Miss Dorothy Wallower,
I Miss Annette Steele, of Mechanics-
I burg; Miss Katherine Middleton;
j Miss Edith Thompson; Miss Eliza
! beth Knisel.v, Miss Almeda Herman,
Miss Ruth Payne, Miss Sara Ooop
] er, Miss Katherine Hart and Mrs.
I Howard Bingaman.
J. T. Wanbaugh, a former resi
) dent of this city, now of Newport,
Pa., and an employe of the Pennsyl
vania railroad, soon to be put on the
; retired list, was in the city yester
-1 day. He marched the whole route of
j the parade with Warrior Eagle
| Tribe. No. 340, and was greeted by:
; many of his old friends along the j
| line of march.
State Highway Commissioner Lew
is S. Sadler gave a dinner at his
i home, Thornwold. Carlisle, in hon
ior of Governor Sproul and other
: State officials and members of the
| Pennsylvania legislative ' Corre
, spondents' Association.
Children of the primary depart
ment of Market Square Sunday
school will be the guests at a picnic
on Saturday afternoon at Foxlea,
the summer home of Mr. and Mrs.
John E. Fox, New Cumberland.
Mrs. S. Joseph Levinson and son,
of Uniontown, are the guests of Mrs.
Levinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Schein.
Dr. Albra W. Baker, 1433 Mar
ket street, was in York to-day, at
tending a meeting of the Central
Pennsylvania Homeopathic Medical
Society. Mrs. Baker accompanied
her husband.
Miss Katherine Eveler, Miss Mary
Stark, Miss Ruth Towsen and Lieu
tenant J. Wilbur oTwsen returned
to-day after attending the Phi Delta
Theta house party at State College.
Mrs. Mahlon Evans, Mrs. Harry
Ambler and sons have closed their
residence at 412 North Second street
and gone to their cottage at Chel
sea, Atlantic City, for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fredericks and
small son, Theodore Fredericks, of
Washington, have gone home after
a brief visit among relatives here.
Mrs. G. H. Mullfn, of Philadelphia,
whom many old friends here remem
ber as Miss Carrie King, is visiting
| her sister, Mrs. Frank K. Keet, at
; 410 North Third street.
Henry B. Greene, of Schenectady,
N. Y., is in the city on business for
a few days and, incidentally, looking
up old friends.
Miss Nell McCulloeh, of 1202 North
Second street, is spending several
weeks among relatives in Seville,
Thaddeus Bainbridge, of Brooklyn,
is In the city for a few days on the
way to Washington and nearby
, places of interest.
Mr .and Mrs. Ellis Jackson and
small daughters, the Misses Roberta
Jackson and Elizabeth Jackson,
returned home to Pittsburgh this
morning after a week's stay among
relatives here.
Mrs. B. F. Llndemuth, of Myers
town. is expected in the city to-mor
row for a short visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank S. Hesser, 1209 Swatara
Miss Hester Richardson left
for Buffalo this morning to
spend a brief vacation with her aunt,
Mrs. Charles T. Spayd, of that city.
Elmer F. Houser and his brother,
M. Luther Rouser, of Chicago, are
in town for a week, visiting relatives
in the West End.
Harry B. Watson and Lewis G.
Watson, of I-onaconing, Md., were
guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs.
Emmett Murphy on the way to New
York and Boston.
Roderick Gaines and Miss Marie
Gaines, of Rochester, N. Y„ are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R.
Dalton, of Market street, on the way
to Fort Monroe, Va.
Captain William Calder, 312ih
Field Artillery, 79th Division, is
spending a few days at Beaufort
Lodge, the country home of Ehr
man B. Mitchell. The captain re
turned from overseas a few days
ago on the Virginian, landing at
: Newport News. At the expiration of
two weeks' leave he will return to
Camp Dix to receive his discharge
from the Army.
(Otber Social Ncwg-Pase-lil
Popular Young Girl Becomes
Bride of Pittsburgh In
vestment Banker
The marriage of Miss Miriam
I.ticille Lands, daughter of Mrs.
Charles K, Randis. 1630 Green |
street, to Stewart ."tfeldred Vockel. <
son of Mrs. Frederick Vocke'. of :
Pittsburgh, was solemnized this !
morning at 10.30 o'clock at the Mos- i
siah I.utheran Church, the Rev. Dr. !
Henry W. A. Hanson officiating. 1
Mrs. Emma Hoffman played the ;
j "Bridal Chorus" from Rohongrtn as
the processional, and the "Men
delssohn Wedding March" as the re
eeeslonnl. The attractive young
bride, who was given in marriage j
by her uncle. I.uther Minter, wore ;
a pretty frock of printed Georgette j
crepe with a tulle picture hat to j
Following a wedding breakfast at
the Penn-Harris, Mr. and Mrs. j
Vockel left on an extended auto- ■
mobile trip through the east. After
August 1 they will reside at Pitts- ,
b'lrgh. where Mr. Vockel is a well
known member of the firm of I.yon, |
Singer & Co., investment bankers. ,
Miss Katherine Dubbs
Appears in Recital.
Miss Katherine Dubbs, soprano, i
| appeared in recital last night at the I
j Phillips studio. 121 State street. As-j
sisting her were: Miss Margarettal
] Kennedy. "cellist; Miss Margaret
Vaughn, harpist; Miss Alda Kenne-i
dy. pianist, and Harold Malsh, yio- j
linist. Mrs. John W. Phillips and!
William F. R. Yates accompanied!
Miss Dubbs. who is well known
throughout the vicinity as a singer;
of more than ordinary ability. Her
numbers included groups of repre-1
j sentative songs, with "The Slave'
; Song." by De Riego. coming as a
j climax, sung with rare expression;
and dramatic effect by the young
singer. Miss Dubbs received some;
beautiful flowers, as well as many j
commendations from the audienc-c.
Children of Open-Air
School Go on Outing
Several score children who attend
the openair school at Fifth and
Seneca street and Miss Marian C.
Williams, their teacher. were
guests to-day of the Motor Club
of Harrisburg. at an outing in Her
shey Park.
The youngsters were piled into
two big trucks furnished by J. E. I
Dare and had busket luncheons. I
The committee's program consisted
principally of "a general good |
time." Among the kind folks who
materially assisted in making the
day a pleasurable one were J. Clyde
Myton, Thorley Raking Company,
Silas S. Pomeroy, Charles Row, j
Gunzenhauser's Bakery and the Russ i
Bros. Ice Cream Co. There were ,
bounteous helpings of food and the |
expenses were met hv a few liberal '
friends of the school.
Celebrates Birthday
With a Merry Party
Miss Frances Bachman, 1935 Ful- j
ton street, celebrated her birthday
with a party at her home. Games, 1
and piano solos by the Misses Rachel [
and Minnie Noble, Miss Retty Young
and Rex Zeigler furnished the even- |
ing's amusement. Refreshments
were served to these guests:
The Misses Rachel Noble. Minnie j
Noble. Mary Ewing. Ruth Bott, 1
Catherine Bixler. Catherine Shenk,
Electa Bachman and Frances Bach- ;
man, Thomas Montgomery. Robert
Maxwell. George Hartmun. John
Atkinson and Vance George. The
out-of-town guests were: Mrs. G. !
M. Young. Miss Retty Young and j
Rex Zeigler. all of Duneannon, and !
Miss Sara Grayblll, of Enola.
Charles B. Hatton and son, Sam-j
uel I. Hatton. of Irvington, are vis-j
iting Mr. and Mrs. Bartram F. i
Deane, of State street, for a fewj
Ilrnl Jnmho IVnnutN, 2fc lb.
213 Chestnut St.
I Try our Frenh ItonNtcd t'olTre !
! v. —-—1 —^
■• - •■■ggj
fc £> Always the Favorite Gift!
Send her a present that she will enjoy today,
tomorrow and for years to come. A Victroia
| keeps its charm—for it is always as new as the
1 latest records.
r> % j
Gift Suggestions:
| Portable and Cabinet Mod- Cabinet Models only. New
| els. Every finish. styles in every finish.
$25 to $250 S9O to $l9O |
a Cabinet Models only, in Cabinet M'odels only. New '$
;•< every desired finish. styles in every finish.
S9O to $lB5 $l2O to S3OO
1 J. H. Troup Music House |
I— . !
Bride-Elect Is Showered With
Household Articles; Fiance
Just Hoiuc From France
fine of the most interesting events
i for a bride-elect is the shower ar
, ranged by her closer friends, and;
! the one given last night at the home
lof Mrs. Elmer Parks. 2251 North i
j Fourth street, for Miss Ida Zorger. i
j was most attractive in every way. I
Household gifls in great variety were j
! presented with good wishes for pros- !
perity and liappinors after iter mnr-|
riage to Norman Kines of this city,
recently returned from overseas.
Miss Zorger is a stenographer for
!the General Adjusting Bureau and
1 has n wide acquaintance here.
Masses of summer flowers deco-
I rated the rooms and refreshments
closed the evening's pleasure.
> In attendance were: Miss Ida Zor
! ger. Miss Anna Blair, Miss Blanche
Fiison, Miss Helen Zorger. Miss
Helen Roth. Miss Sigrid Andersen,
Miss Katharine Kline. Duncannon:
| Miss Edna Frank, Mrs. Clinton
White. Mrs. Meade Hengy, Mrs. K.
.E. Trout, of Lykens: Mrs. George
'(Johnston. Mrs. F. F. Kopenhaver,
; Mrs. J. L. Lehman, of Chambers
-1 burg: Mrs. M. P. Parks. Mrs. O. K.
(Kines. Mrs. William German, Mrs.
E. Pines, of Duncannon: Mrs.
I William Parks, Mrs. Elmer Parks.
I Mrs. Calvin Zcrger, Mrs. Clarence
! Zorger. Miss Martha Zorger, Mrs
Homer Knox and Miss Mary Trout.
1 of Lykens.
) o o
TEN different KINDS
21 South Second Street
Tinted lenses absorb the harmful
rays of the bright summer sun
and relieve the glare that causes
squinting, eyeache and headache.
If your eyes are weak, if you are
! engaged in work that subjects
you to strong artificial light, or
strong r-'ilight, you will tlnd
i wonderful relief by wearing tinted
lenses, '-hey are also ideal for
j motoring, traveling and for the
seashore. Many people wear
! them the year round, in prefer
i ence to white lenses. I can make
them up in your regular pre
j 12 N. Market Sq. Second Eloor.
1 >
Rabbi Louis J. Haas
Speaker at Banquet
i Rabbi Louts J. Haas has re- i
turned after a trip to Philadelphia j
I and I-ancaster. At the latter place j
he was one of the speakers at a|
banquet given Rabbi Isidore Rosen- |
thai, of ljnneaster. on the complc- I
lion of his twenty-fifth year of serv- |
ice with his congregation there. In j
liehnlf of the Salem Lodge, Jndo. 1
pendent Order B'nai Brith, of this j
city, a loving enp was presented to ]
1 Rabbi Rosenthal, who is well known ;
; ' > this city, for services in its in- 1
| -est.
Satisfactory glassc are the result
! of our painstaking examinations.
We can please you with high
grade work.
If You Need Glasses
(Sohl Binhenbar It Sclrtonse
No.pa N. Alii ST.
it '"i<;p.tmn. PA.
"VJiere Glasses Arc Static Right"
FLAG OUTFIT $1.25 Per Set
Old Glory U. S. Flag, boxed sets, including 3x5 flag, pole,
rope and halyard. Ready to put up.
sxß Flags, sewed stars with pole JJ55.9S
irroff-in por ch
iiiiHw. swing
mi 1 ". A substantially built swing,
fumetl oak finish, 42 inches, long
closed ends, including chains
and ceiling hooks.
Do You Taike^^*ri de |
In Your Kitchen?
EVERY thorough housekeeper has pardonable
pride and joy in the appearance of her kitchen.
Nothing adds so much to the appearance and
efficiency of the kitchen as a good refrigerator that
keeps foods sweet and wholesome. The
Cl e a n a L> 1 e
will delight the heart of every careful housewife. Not
only is it an attractive and well made piece of kitchen
furniture, but it can easily be kept clean and sani
tary. It is built with one-piece porcelain extending
entirely around the door frame, over th; edges, and
with rounded front corners. Non-Wking device.
Automatic locks keep the Leonard air tight.
If you take pride in your kitchen be sure
and get a Leonard Cleanable Refrigera
tor. Come in and see our wide display
and note how reasonably priced they are.
Refrigerators from $9.75 up to S7O
Stamped Goods
The newest designs in
luncheon sets centers
scarfs napkins.
Stamping from exclusive
patterns monogram de
signing and stamping on
all materials.
All notions accessory to
art needlework laces,
insertions, beads, embroid
ery silks, cottons and many
other necessary notions.
The Art & Gift Shop
105 N. Second St.