Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 12, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    . STORE jOji rrltlf ** STORE ' '
TWO More Days of the
A Special Lot Of Jazz Capes
Jmw On Tomorrow . Paper Table Napkins
VjlArC -*• \Jliv\Ji * D WG/ Fine crepe oapkins, white; 14 inches square.
/..'Mm ff\ I 111
\ v 48th Anniversary Sale *1.28
//If ItTBAI #\ "* / fV "iV \ BOWMAN'S Basement.
r - / MSm \ , * II lisw IV u\ Window Screens Rlark Venetian
Buttons I 'LMJIBUA This is a new lot of J azz Capes purchased Jjj ' | ;\j \ \ oiac k > enetiaii
Wnrtrvl i, p nn.l stvles ind colors - e-lass Tz/Nm/W so advantageously that we can sell them to [ljfk j \ WMmA A Adjustable screens; frame made of oiled 54-inch Black Venetian for linings or bath-
Assorted sizes and st\les and colors , glass. \J UJ * . . I I J I 1 \ lumber and covered with best quality wire, is ing suits.
jet. vegetable, Ivory. Just the thing that you Q\ll JHP you at a pricc not mUch m ° rC tha " " hat 1 I , / I U J 24 inches high and extends from 23 to 37 inches 48th Anniversary Sale. 2 vds ?1.48
need tor vour summer dresses. u // r llVj . / ,11 iiilHyilS - ..-j 4 u tjowmavc itr.in Vinnr
48th Anniversary Sale. 3 dozen 480 'I material would ordinarily cost. laR, J;l , R , \nniver*arv Salo ■*- • n• o
-■ | BF \ mMPs 48th Anniversary Sale 680 Bathing Suit Sateen
2-Qt. SaUCe Pans, 48c m\ /'j Made of all wool men's wear serge, these
L RollTravs ... °. . ~ ■ . .
at , : ; : \ capes are 36 and 48 inches long with broad- MM, v - J — 3 .^ ,n f, Ba * h \ ng , S^ n ' finCSt madC '
Made ot aluminum; 2-qt. size. j \\ I l 4SW]fi®© ' brilliant finish; looks like silk.
48th Anniversary Sale 480 JWr cloth, vestees of tan, Copen and henna. An Jr ]\ Bread or roll trays, made of willow with 48th Anniversary Sale, yd 680
s BOWMAN'S—Basement. /. IT , /1 Jfj\ . glass Covered cretonne center. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
IT 1A exceptional opportunity to obtain one of these ' /j} 48th Anniversary Sale 51.48 tt i A T .
Silk Remnants, 48c Yd. \) popular and ever serviceable garments at a V I BOW ns—Basement. USeCI AnUY 1611 tS
. v^K.; ,, rTn;iriti , saving - S1 n*sAiwi¥m Garment Hangers -
and fancy Shantungs, Silk Mousselme. BOWllan'S— Basement. ——————————.
s^k.^otTve^shad^ 7 i • ao. . Screen TJOOTS Women's Hosiery Georgette Crepe, $1.24
but a fine assortment. Will cut these to () rOOt GaS lUDlllg, rrOC ——
lengths desired. Early selection advised. 4-inch frames, natural finish; 2 coats varnish Good values in women's black cotton stock- j nc jj es w ide • launders beautifully
48th Anniversary Sale, yd 48c 6-ft. metal or fabric covered gas tubing with in following sizes : ings with white foot and top (seconds). This Georgette at ' a pric e anywhere nea^
!r d „^"n'" ds; ° ,h " leng,hs " - me p :: win:; 48,11
Fancv Silk. 81.48 Yd. 4 * h ' f h AnnivWy s.k. *2.*s Women's Underwear SK,
J 1 „ Bring exact measurements as we do not ex- t1 . jy .. ...
36-inch Fancy Silks. Taffeta Satins and Wllite Enameled Bath Tub Seat change screens or screen doors neck''sleeve manybeautifulshades and the extraordi-
Louisines stripes, plaids or checks. Many are F J" an1 'J u . vT' J ' sleCVelC!sb ' loOSe knCC ' nary price tell their own story.
satin overplaids rich in combination. Adjustable to any tub; with rubber-cover- ered w>th best quality wire. Bring exact tn j""J cd - 1A „™ ri SI 24
48th Anniversary Sale, yd *1.48 ed ends; - measurements as we do not exchange screens 48th Anniversary Sale 48< 48th Anniversary Sale, yd *1.24
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. I 48th Anniversary Sale 68f OT fI ZeS are: BOWMAN M*ln Floor. BOWMANS-Mam Floor.
Gingham Zephyrs, 48c Yd. bowman s Basement 2 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 10 in. Oil Stove Wicks ! ———: — 9 vA "7Z
1 ' 2 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 8 in. . ...... Venise Edges, 2 ids. 4oc -
32-inch finest American and foreign ging- ~ , . A 2 ft. 10 in. x 6 ft. 10 in. 2 wicks for Perfection or Puritan Oil Cook ■ ; " '
ham zephyrs; mammoth line to pick from. GontUlUlllg OUT 2 ft. 8 in. x 7 ft. Stoves. All imported edges in white and cream; 1
48th Anniversary Sale, vd 48£ 2 ft. 10 in. x 7 ft. 48th Anniversary Sale, 2 for 48£ v to 2 inches wide.
Plain or Fancy Voiles Hair Goods Clearance s* ? x,48 , 1
Fancy f w, are stin FUhGlobeT omC " s Xl ° s Odd Laces, 5 Yds. 48c
48th Anniversary Sale, yd. at
Satlll Stripe \ Olles its usual price.' Complete k lcar Glass ~ round hbh e lobe; 2 'S al ' ca " laces, Oriental laces; Ito 6 inches wide.
36-inch <atin Mrioe U il e -- • beautiful as assortments of styles and MgOT. Anniversary Sale 4S* Women's Brown Calfskin Oxfords 48th Anni S3S2irwuta
ob-inch Satin Stripe \ oiles; a beautiful as- shades. P*'. BOWMAN S Basement. with liFht welted soles and leather mil- . e
sortment of best colors, such as navv, Copen, TI . c . , with light welted soles and leather mil Wnmpn'd Nppkwftar 2 fOr 48c
tan, rose, gray, and green with lustrous pink W Hair Switches PorCelaill PlateS ltary heels W Ollien S iNCCKAN Cdr, lOr fitOC
stri P es - 48th Anniversary Sale, / - 48th Anniversary Sale *6.48 Collars sets organdie lace crcpe materials.
48th Anniversnry Sale, running yd., 88<?; *4.45 / Made of English porcelain, blue onion deco- Oxfords and pumps for children in all 48th Anniversary Sale, 2 for 48£
- - *5.48 4g t h Anniversary Sale, ration. Actual measurements, 8 inches. leathers; from infants' to growing girls'; Organdie collars and sets in all up-to-date
Mohair Skirtings ? 5 - 95 4Sth A " n ' V B r o^ a s"k...™. r .. • • I priced according to size. I j styles.
32-i„ch Mohair S kir „„ gf; V Z and tl „c y Hair Scfc ' l 7 .Q t . D i ß h PaHS 1. ''' 'V
Sale. yd. 48c 4Sth Anniversary Sale f2.95 Jl a ,l c of heavy gauge tin, 17-qt. capacity. 2-Qt. Water Bottle, sl.lO Porcll Cushions, 48c
Mihtaiy Khaki Transformations 48111 Anniv^s^ v A |.|!f ßag - m ; A two quart water bottle, handmade; extra Cretonne cushions of several shapes.
. "I ' " 48th Anniversary Sale ... *3.75 13 , r>l fine q uality rubbcr : not a seam ; screw to P- I 48th Anniversary Sale 48£
06-inch Military Khaki Cloth for suit or ' JoaDy X lateS Guaranteed not to leak. BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor.
skirt. Gray Transformations 48th Anniversary Sale *l.lO n .
48th Anniversary Sale, yd *1.48 4g t |., \ n niversarv Sale *4.35 Decorated China; prevents the child from BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. UdlTtaillS
BOWMAN.- Mam tioor. w - soiling the table cloth; sno Footonoro . - ,
V ash Board, 48c BOWMAN'S Third Floor. 4g th Anniversary Sale ! . 48<: Oliap r aSteiierS Filet net curtains in white and ivory; 2*/ 2
—_ —————J bowman s—Basement. vards long; neat patterns.
Well constructed with solid galvanized Thc round hronze spring dress fas- ' 48th Anniversary Sale, pair *2.48
4sc Remarkable Values in White Goods
Bath Stools lt; 1S very sel dom that we have an opportunity of presenting such remarkable values as JVurSCTV RefrifferatOFS 1 nnlversary ale *3.48
_ this offering of white goods, sheetings, pillow cases and bolster cases. Manv of these are J O Cot of Nottingham curtains in white and
White enameled bath stools with 12-inch P ri " d e , ve " bel to ; day ' S w M caalc quotations, therefore this merchandise will be in ex- Japanned Oak galvanized lined; filled with ecru; 2y 2 yards long in good designs, slightly
round top; 16 inches high, braced legs, rubber ceptional demand for the two final days oftheAnn.versary Sale Quantities may be suf- p , j inches hi , \ iy inches imperfect.
tipped. S h T?\i V . f over Saturday, but the best policy is to come to-morrow. It was widc and 16 y 2 in^hes long ih septate Ice 48th Anniversary Sale, pair 48<*
48,H ,1.13 >%>< -- d - " h ' d d 48,
at ling White Goods in Many Beautiful Fabrics
BOWMAN'S Basement j tt/i •- X zr 1 AQ % Special si>.4B White novelty gabardine skirtings. Fancy white voile, good quality; perfect I .————— i "WllitC IvOl*y Coillbs, 48c |
f7 U /„ Time For Tke 48, .
AnVHuZZI ' Faucy white skirtings. ' 48 C Pair '***"
And An Inusual Otherwise perfect goods. ' 48th Anniversary Sale, yd 48£ 48th Anniversary Sale, at 48*
Value At This Price 48th Anniversary Sale, yd 28< BOWMAN S— second Floor. These gloves are made by two of the BOWMANS— Main Floor
Selected seconds in Ladies' . * o; n*/7 J T> l * /-> largest manufacturers in U. S. A. and rn
aii wool bathing suits, plain Dwigfit Anchor Sheets, Fillow Cases and Bolster Cases known everywhere. w e have been re- iea iveiiies ,
Sy bindri" Tor to lengthS ' a " r " dy h ' m " IV^*' 2/4 """ ,ra,h ' °' - . H- capacity, ntade of good weight alum
straps and bloomers of con- up- . , . tnnivrrrv 8 a l, „ r l, White with white embroidery and inum, highly polished.
trasting colors. All colors and Bleached sheets. 99 inth ; cut from piece; 48tb rs " y . Sa,e '. e " h ■■■■■ ;s*'*& Paris po i n t backs; white with black and 48th Anni^ V. ?2.48
sizes. In fact, a splendid as- good weight; will bleach easily. | en rths inchesfw.detorn m 2-yd. black with white; all sizes and mostly BOWMAN s-B. M m. B t
sortment to choose from and 48th Anniversary Sale, yd 48£ 48th Anniversary Sale vd 38<* all two clasps. A superior glove to stand Gilt GIaSS
just unpacked in time for the Pillow cases. 45 inches wide; torn in yard 2,000' yards bleached Muslin," in"useful h„v half do,en nair at the . , T ,
two final days ot thc Anni- lengths. lengths of 30 and 36-inch widths; good qualt ye pair at lhe A lar 8 c assortment of cut glass, compris-
bale. Anniversary Sale, each itv 48th Anniversary Sale price of ing bowls, celery trays, sugar and creams;
48th Anniversary Special, ' •LV, . . =-,44 10 ' Ptr
-4S BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale, 4 yards 480 BOWMAK'S-mhh Floor. e ,k. A c . 40
- , . ... ; 48th Anniversary Sale *1.48
80-n MAN S—Third tloor. I BOWMAN'S—Basement,