Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 12, 1919, Page 20, Image 20
20 TRAIN KILLS FOUR AND INJURES ONE .Crashes Into Automobile, at Jackson Center Crossing, • Near Mercer Merocr, Pa.. June 12.—Four per sons were killed instantly and one wa b seriously injured late yesterday at Jackson Center crossing, seven ! miles from here, when the automo -1 bUe in which they were riding was : demolished by an inspection train of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany. The dead are: A. C. Drake, 45, Meadville, Pa.: R. L. Cadwiillader, 28, Pittsburgh; Thomas Karringer, 46, of Mercer, and Mary Bell Barringer, seven, daughter of Thomas Barringer. John Kelly, of Pittsburgh, was probably fataily hurt. Three of the victims were travel ing salesmen and were en route with Barringer to Mercer. The ap proach of the crossing where the accident occurred is a grade, and the view is blocked by hills. JUDGE WINS SHOOT , Beaver town, Pa., June 12.—Sun ' bury and Milton sportsmen hold a 'live bird shoot here to-day. Presi ' dent Judge Herbert W. Cummings, ©f the Northumberland county courts, took first prize, killing ten straight. ■ RESORTS, AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. i^ijOHARLES i \ If ON THE OCEAN FRONT \ II pl?venßloneofreal AJcomfort withaixeiwl iVU V-iCP 11 raiment of distinct renxw -1 alfj I ment without extravagance. ' 1 MUNC Mi Put*. ALWAYS OPEN :1 J 1 I LITERATUREy®TIIIMS MAILED. I \._y V j HOTEL ALDER 0 S, Mt. Vernon Ave. located. American A Euro pean Plans. Fine rooms. Excellent ta ble. Moderate rates Bathing from 'hotel. O. H. ALDER. • 5.50 no Dally. 14 0Q no Wkly. Am.Plan ELBERON A Fireproof A nuex. lenneaeAv. nr. Cap. 100. Central;open nurroundinKs: opp. Catho lic. and Protestant Churches. Private Baths. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Excellent table: fresh vegetable#. Windows screened White service. Booklet R. B. IUDY.M. D. notco roR IT'S imLERCOrr^ANNEX | *9ISrt6EORG4AAYE.ATLCITY.N.j7** 1 Scrupulously clean, electric lighted throughout. White service. Hot and cold water baths. $2.00 up daily. 812 up weekly. Estab. 40 years. Emerson Crduthamel. Mgr. dandruff mean I fgood-by to | Hair Ij :"1- Dandruff literally smothers the £ ul life out of the hair roots and ii. eventually brings baldness. \ Wildroot is guaranteed to clean "yS •V up dandruff and remove it—but it /$ does more; it cleanses, softens and .1 loosens the scalp and stimulates Al the hair to normal, healthy growth. . j For sale here under a " money-back guarantee j H. C. KENNEDY ? Wildroot Bhatnpoo Soap, when nsed in connection with Wildroot. will hasten the treatment. SAND I For contracting pur poses. We will de liver good River Sand to any point in Har risburg and suburbs. Builders' requirements promptly supplied. Phone our main office. United Ice & Coal Co. Forster & Cowden Sts. This Month Ends Lower Coal Prices July 1 the new and high er schedule of coal prices go lito effect. The advance eing 30c. The rising scale of prices Und necessary at the lines to meet the require ments of increased operat ing cost, culminates in the Fall with another advance pf 20c. By ordering now the coal buyer can save and get bet ter quality of fuel. H. M. KELLY & CO. 1 N. 3rd. St. 10th & State Sts. *Vf • V \ THURSDAY EVENING, B3ZRRBBBTTRG uMj&l TKLJjGKAPH JUNE 12, 1919. Says Profiteering Must Cease to Bring on Industrial Rest Schenectady, N. Y., June 12. There are probably betwene .300,000 and 500,000 men and women living in New York City who believe in and advocate the unlawful and forcible seizure of property and the revolutionary overthrow of the es tablished government. This estimate was given by State Senator Clayton R. Rusk, chairman of the joint' legislative committee investigating seditious activities in this State, in an address before the State Confer ence of Mayors and other city of ficials. "A few years ago," Senator Lusk said, "these doctrines were sys tematically advocated by a few so called 'crack pots.' To-day, in the city of New York, this propaganda is being systematically handled by shrewd, experienced men and wom en who seem to be systematically co-ordinating their efforts and who apparently have no lack of funds with which to operate. In New York City alone over fifty publications are regularly circulated advocating this radical doctrine. Regarding a permanent remedy Senator Lusk said that practically the only remedy suggested so far is a class of legislation which when analyzed amounts to little more than a wage-raising program. "Something constructive," he said, "must be done to do away with profiteering and to do away with capital's mak ing excessive and unreasonable profits on tjie necessities and lux uries of life before the real per manent remedy for this industrial unrest will be reached." Birthday Cakes Inspire Soldiers to Poetry Oliamonix, France, June 12. — Every soldier visiting this leave area and fortunate enough to have a birthday arrive while sojourning in this magnificent mountain resort, is presented with a regulation Amer ican cake, lighted candles and all the Y. M. C. A. girls officiate at the ceremony, after making the tooth some reminder of home and mother. Recently a doughboy from Texas, who in stocking feet measures six feet and five inches, received his cake from the hands of a "Y" girl a little under five feet in height. There is apparently something in the Chamonix air that stirs the sol dier and inspires him to poetic ex pression. The verses are not always scholarly in construction, but they get there just the same. Standing of the Crews HARRISBIiRG SIDE Phlla a elph|ii Division. The 115 crew to go first after 1.45 o'clock: 119. 126, 114, 127, 124, 118, 109, 107. Engineers for none. Firemen for none. Conductors for 107. Flagmen for 109, 118. Brakemen for 119, 124, 126. Engineers up: Gehr, May, Smith. Gable, Karr, Gemmill, Blankenhorn, Bickel, Shoaff, Stefty, Schwartz, Ry an, Howard, Mohn. Firemen up: Copp, Kintz, Ellis, W. R Kimmich, Dallmyer, Northcutt, Wood, Fenstermacner, Shank, Ram sey, Thompson, Warner, Emerick, Rider, Webb, Sheets. Utley, G. J. Kimminch, Kase. Brakemen up: Leightner, Reigel, Rudy, Hoyer, Coulter, Mongan, Alex- I ander, Lesher, Silks, Cross, Eichel berger, Yohe. Middle Division.. The 233 crew to go first .after 12.45 o'clock: 15, 22,1 35. 33, 32, 34. 29, 28. Engineers wanted for 32, 34. Firemen wanted Tor 22, 34, 29. Conductors wanted for 33. Engineers up: Asper, Grove, O. W. Snyder, Peightal, Moretz, Hawk, Nu mer, Cook, Tettermer, Sweger, How ard, E. R. Snyder. Firemen up: Holsinger, Fonda, Ev ans, Radle, Seeger, Hornsby, Linsen baugh, Peterman, Hancock, Biekert, Campbell, G. L. Kennedy, Kepner,. Primm, Heist, Harkins, Arnold, Putt. Conductors up: Dotrow, Bennett. Brakemen up: Predix, Kraft, Man ning, Foltz, Dare, Clouser, Potter, Baker, Leonard, Sholley, Lentz, Hem minger, Deckart, Furlow, Lantz, Ar iter, Eley, H. C. Johnson, Fisher. Vnrd Board. —Engineers wanted for 23C, 35C. Firemen wanted for 10C, 1, 15C. Engineers up: Wagner, Shade Mc- Cord. , Firemen up: Howe, Roth, Otstot, Charles. EIVOI.A SIDE Philadelphia Division. The' 217 crew to go iirst after 1.45 o'clock: 227, 221, 220, 211, 241, 235, 224, 213, 246, 248, 204. Engineers for 211, 290. Firemen for none. Conductors for 234. Flagmen for none. Brakemen for 246. Conductors up: Sellers, Miller, Gemperling, Shirk, Bryson. Brakemen up: McKee, Geltz, Shel ley, Brunner, Renshaw, Skiles, Arbe gast, Haines, Koover, Miller. Home, Kascella, Funk, Harmon, Schlessler, Vatulli, Smeltzer, Kurl, Wilson. Middle Division. —The 104 crew to go first after 1.30 o'clock 24, 112, 111, 17, 114, 118. 119, 110, 21, 117, 106, 113, and 122. Engineers for 24, 114, 118. Firemen for 104. 24, 111, 110, 21. Conductors for 21. Brakemen for 24. 112, 110. Yard Hoard. —Engineers up: Cur tis. Hinkie, Kling, Flickenger. Firemen up: Taylor, Holmes, Mc- Connell, Hutchison, Kenneday, O. J. Wagner, Swigart,- Coldren. Ist 129. Engineers for extra 102, Ist 126. Firemen for extra 10, 2nd 126. Ist 129, 2nd 129. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. —Engineers up: L. H. Ricedorf, W. C. Black. H. Johnson, W. E. Turbett, G D. Hollenbaugh, W. G. Jamison, J. Crimmel, J. W. Smith, J. H. Ditmer, S. H. Alexander, J. R. Brinscr, J. W. Burd. F. F. Schreck, A. C. Allen. Engineers wanted for none. Firemen up: D. F. Hudson. Roy Herr, J. N. Ramsey, R. M. Lyter, S. H. Wright, H. Naylor, H. A. Schrau der, F. Dysinger, H. Wehling, C. W. Winand, E. E. Koller. l*iremen wanted for 25, 35, 11, 601, and 15. Philadelphia Division. —Engineers up: V. C. Gibbons. E. C. Snow, J. C. Davis, R. B. Welsh, H. Smeltzer, B. A. Kennedy. Engineers wanted for 98. P-38. Firemen up: H. Stoner, J. S. Lenlg, J. M. Piatt. H. Myers. B. W. Johnson. M. G. Shaffner, F. H. Young, J. S. Frankford. Firemen wanted for M-22, P-38. THE READING The 55 crew to go first after 2.15 o'clock: 6, 63, 62, 61. Engineers for none. Firemen for 62, 64. Conductors for 5, 53. Flagmen for none. Brakemen for 53, 62. Engineers up: Dillow, Hoffman, Wierman. Martin, Sassamferi, Morri son, Wood, Walton. Freed. Firemen up: Martin, Kirkland, Vogelsong, Shomper, Hoover, Fack ler, Eisley, Bohner, Gates, Estarline, Durbrow. Conductors up: None. Flagmen up: Gardner, Shank, Sas- Liman, Miles, Lelbtreu, Shank, Hatn, IDonmoyer. Brakemen up: Forney, Will Test Wireless of Bomber Today St. Johns, N. F., June 12.—Vice Admiral Mark Kerr, pilot of the Handley-Page entry in the trans- Atlantic contest for the London Daily Mail's $50,000 prize, announc ed that he would take the big bomber up to-day for a hve-hour test. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART Friday's Thrift Offerings Make It a Profitable Shopping Day r N f N Women's and Misses' Summer Colored Dress Cottons Reduced Women's Wash Skirts Reduced Sweaters on^t:L y Al to 4 *" yard lengths " Friday only> Special Only For Friday skirting in white ground with colored stripe. Fr Misses' White Dresses For Summer . . . , only, yd ••• 'V,'''' p r Din v Regular $20.00 and $22.50 net dresses, sizes 16, 18, 34, Women's $5.50 and $6.50 mercerized and fiber tnmmed 59c pongee in plain shades; 36 inches wide. 1 rulay 3g Specja j Friday only $8.50 coat sweaters, in turquoise, emerald, salmon rose, peacock only yd . ... • Yd ;/ 39 * Children's Wash Dresses Reduced purple, peach and Copenhagen. Fnday only 4-<K iJ5c with ?Slf color stripe. Friday only H95 and $s 50 gingham drcsses> sizcs g to 14 years . Women's $6.50 to $9.50 Shetland wool coat sweaters yd IS* Special, Friday only $3.50 in rose, corn, Nile, emerald and Copenhagen. Friday 25c percales; 36 inches wide; in dark dress styles. Fri- . nly $3 85 1 c illy vd 16* Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. . , „ Crt , cn , . „.. „ 39c voiles; 36 inches wide. Friday only, yd 29* ' Women s and misses $2.50 and $3.50 sleeveless slipon sweaters in pink, Copen, Nile and corn. Friday only $1.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. a Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. Men s Store. V - _ Meil'S UTld WOmGll'S' Silk HOSieTy V * ———————— Men's 65c fiber silk socks, seamless, in black and colors. AA/nmpn'Q Rplt<s TTaDrlhaD*c: Mun S and Women S Summer Women's 75c and 89c thread and fiber silk seamless hose; VV omen b Deibo, JTUlbeb, .LlclliU.Ucigb IT'ndPT'WPST with fashioned feet; in black, white and colors. Friday 50c and SI.OO colored patent leather belts. Friday onl y only 25* Men's SI.OO white cotton ribbed union suits, with short Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. - 50c and 59c strap purses. Friday only 35* sleeves and ankle length. Friday only 75* ] j $1.25 and $1.50 handbags. Friday only 59* Women's $1.25 silk camisoles in white and pink; fancy Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. embroidered styles; none exchanged. Friday" only, 69* - N v J D.V..P—j pi]low CageS; g heets and Sheeting / a 42x36-inch bleached pillow cases. Friday only ..22* T-I f Ci TD„ * "T* J A , \ 42x38k2-inch bleached pillow cases. Friday only . .40* Roys bummer x3,13-m3,S Reduced ( . ~ . bleached pillow cases. Friday only . .42* . . , .„ , , JyTpn S lub lies —bDeClcll 81x90-inch bleached sheets. Friday only $1.65 BoVS $1.35 stripe percale pajamas with silk frogs; also ataxia a uw v. glx99-inch bleached sheets. Friday only $2.19 a few plain colors; sizes 6to 18. Friday only $1.15 25c tubular reversible tub ties. Friday only, 2 for 25* bleached sheeting. Friday only, yd., 65* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Divps, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. V J V ' N. No Friday Specials Sent c. o. D., or Women's and Children's Shoes Groceries of First Quality Mail Or Fhone Orders Filled Women's $2.50 to $3.00 oxfords and pumps, in gun metal, Special Only For Friday V ta . n :.f Ued v P at ? nts: small Sizes made ° n A - B - Lux soap flakes, package 11* „ . Wldths ', onl y ;••••••• V Coffee, steel cut or whole, lb 35* < \ Boys $1.25 brown canvas tennis shoes, with tan color c , , , T")I x. A \\l A CI rubber cemented soles; sizes 2J4 to Friday only, 95* Peanut butter class * 10* Silver Plated Ware and Silver children's $1.25 white canvas button shoes, made on wide Pjckles 8 • g ixed o ; sou v 3o c - a ; s * 2 s* footform toes, with stitched leather soles; sizes 6 tA 1L Chile-con-carne and hot tamolcs, can 15* Ornaments Fnday on i y SI.OO Red kid bea can 10 £ ' ? c lal l CO ' ° r , Sh ° eS ; f r K ay ° n , y •r • a Sunshine sugar wafers, box 59* $1.25 silver plated picture frames. Friday only ... 98* 25c bottles babriclean, for fabric and colored kid leather. Laya goap | cakes 50c Rogers' silver plated sugar shells and butter knives. Friday only * Tetley's India and Ceylon tea, package 19* Friday each 39* Quee " Q " allty baCk kld ' C dressing " Vanilla flavoring, quart bottle 95* $2.50 silver plated sandwich trays. Friday only, $1.98 slipper trees. Friday only 12* Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. SI.OO white ivory puff boxes. Friday only 69* J v , Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. N 1 1 ' Pearl bead necklaces. Friday only 49* j $3.98 Sterling Silver LaVallieres, set with brilliants^ F>i- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Black Dress Goods Savings v Summer Silks of Unusual Interest SI.OO mohair for bathing suits; 50 inches wide. Friday only, yard 89* n. Special Only For Friday $2.50 silk poplin; 40 inches wide. Friday only, yard, * 1 $1.95 Drug Sundries at Lowered Prices - FM *y Onlw TTnr "FYidav Friday only, yard SI.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. opeciai ror rnaay $1.50 white Shanghai, 36 inches wide. Friday only, v 25c peroxide. Friday only 19* yard $1.29 25c Creme de Meridor. Friday only 19* SI.OO black silk pongee; 27 inches wide. Friday only, 50c Palm Olive shampoo. Friday only 39* yard 59* 1T -v A „ (1 . Toilet soap, cake .* 4* $3.00 colored Jersey; 40 inches wide. Friday only jSJ eedleWOTk Bargain OlieringS Aubry Sisters' 60c Beautifier. Friday only 49* . . . 25c colorite, all shades. Friday only 21* $2.50 khaki colored pongee; 40 inches wide. Friday only, 75c and SI.OO Doiley Rolls. Special Friday only ... 39* yard sl.ow Stamped Aprons, Boudoir Caps and Corset Covers. Spe- Divea. Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. $1 39 natural Shantung . 32 inches wide.. Friday only, cia l Friday only 19* yard 98* SI.OO and $1.25 stamped Combinations and Dressing Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Sacques. Special Friday only 49* f y Stamped Turkish Guest Towels. Special Friday only, Spreads and Linens Specially Priced $1 . 25 Satin Scrvice Pillows , finishcd with fring , f* $5.50 hemmed satin'spreads, double bed size. Special ( „ ~ , .. cial da y on ! J ••• ............. 25* Friday only : $4.50 Colored Dress Goods Reductions c $2 . 7 ? Boi i do,r Billows ' heart sha P ed ' p ,nk and g"'- 19c all white crash toweling, heavy weave. Special Fri- Special hnday only 98* day only, yard 15* $2.50 army cloth; 56 inches wide. Friday only, yard, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. $1.89 imported mercerized damask; 72 inches, 3 pat- $1.45 terns in large floral designs. Special Friday only, yard, $2.00 stripe mohair, in black and navy; 44 inches wide. $1.49( Friday only, yard $1.89 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart; Street Floor, Rear. '. * , . , . , , , S > SI.OO granite cloth; 36 inches wide, in navy, brown and > ————/ green. Friday only, yard 69* White Goods Economy Items - SI.OO navy mohair, for bathing suits. Friday only, yard, r ~ " "N 89* 50c white organdie, 36 inches. Special Friday only, Furniture Attractions Showing I day^only^ r yard C ! 0t $1.95 s9c white repp for children's wear. Special Friday onlj', j Great Economies yatd 00 .• men . S . navy . S . Crg . e '• 50 . . m^ heS . . F . nda s4.9s y 75c P'9 ue . 36 inches. Special Friday oniy, yard, 65* 0 ~_ . _ _.. $2.50 silk poplin; 40 inches wide. Friday only, yard, Special Only For Friday * K $1.95 Embroidery Remnants at HALF PRICE. 100 tabourets, 17 inches high, in fumed oak finish. None D,veß ' Pomeroy * Stewart> StrWt noor ' ; delivered, two to a customer. Special Friday only .. . 25* v ' 1 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear. $9.50 ivory chairs and rockers. Special Friday only, i $7.95 , \ Ten $3.75 porch chairs. Special Friday only .. $1.95 Wnmofi'Q PlimnQ flTirl fbrforrlQ ( $117.00 three-piece hvingroom suite. Friday only W OITIGII o ± UIIIJIo dllU. V/AIUIU.O Cl*a. i n T • • C< *1 y $98.00 w >j uk tri i? u Suit and Dress Lining Specials _ -, C(VI , -., . Women s dark brown pumps or oxfords with French or 0 A V °cr cnn*l aV it j°? ay y $55.00 Cuban heels. Friday only $7.50 85c ivory habutine; 36 inches wide. Friday only, yard, One $65.00 davenport. Friday only $49.00 Women's black kidskin or patent colt pumps; good styles . 69* Combination mattresses, all sizes $5.95 with French heels and turn soles. Friday only ... $5.75 69c black satine; 36 inches wide. Friday only, yard, 49* Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Street Floor. i A v . —X v -i ■juttL ' V' • - . .i.-.: . . ' " - . i ■ .. • . SNYDER-GUTSHALL WEDDING Blain, Pa., June 12.—A wedding ceremony took place on Thursday evening at 10 o'clock at the Re formed parsonage when Frank J. Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray D. Snyder, of Jackson town ship, was married to Miss Florence V. Gutshall, daughter of Mrs. Alice Gutshall, of Jackson township. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Edward V. Strasbaugh. FOURTEEN TO GRADUATE Columbia, Pa., June 12.—Annual commencement 6f the High school of Holy Trinity Catholic parish will be held In the parish hall on Tues day afternoon and evening, June 17. There will be fourteen gradu ates. PARTY AT FLICKINGER HOME Blain. Pa., June 12.—A pleasant party was held last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newton F. Flipkinger, In Madison township. Games were played and music was a feature. * FOUGHT BIG RATTLER Danville, Pa., June 12.—After a battle, A. Woodward Diehl, of Mooreburg, killed a five-foot long rattlesnake that had nine rattles and a button. Just to prove It, Mr. Diehl brought the carcass of the reptile atong to Danville, where It was curiously examined by many per sons. Rattlers were thought to be about extinct in this vicinity.' SURPRISE FOR SOLDIERS Columbia, Pa., June 12.—Private James Kelley, of Columbia, who ar rived from overseas with the Sev enty-ninth Division, was given an unusual reception upon his return home. • His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kelley, Invited some friends and relatives to the house and about one hundred persons came to greet him. The young soldier was sur prised to find himself the recipient of a fine quilt of national colors from his friends and a costly dia mond ring from his parents as souvenirs of his home-coming. SALMON PLACED IN CREEK New Rloomflcld, Pa., June 13. — Scores of salmon have been sent by the State Fish Commission to local sportsmen, who have placed them in Sherman's Creek. If you want the real live epoetin* news, read the NE"W YORK AMERI CAN. Daily contributors, Damon Runyon, "Bugs" Baer, W. C. Farns worth, Ed. Curley, Jack Dempsey and Jess Wlllard. For sale by all news dealers and by Harrlsburg Newa Agency, 3 891-J.