16 Partner Talk to li^^^^^SßMrotiseiineMt'l 2>eatl?s HUBI.ER —On June 9, 1919. Robert S. HubleT, aged <0 years. Fur.tral services this evening at 8 o'clock at his residence, 2030 North Filth street. Further services on Thursdav afternoon at Elliotsburg, Pa. Burial in Mount Zion ceme tery. I'erry county. j I,EH HAN—Emanuel W. Lehman died Sundav morning at 5.45 o clock at his home, 1416 Derry street, agea 66 years. _ „, Services Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 at his late residence, the Ret. Thos. Reisch officiating. Interment Mt. Zion Cemetery. Relatives ana friends are invited to attend with out further notice. i WHISTI.UR On Sunday. June 8. 1919. Mrs. Mary K. YY histler, aged 76 years, 10 months, 13 days. Funeral services on Wednesday at 2.30 o'clock at late residence, o- Butler street, Penbrook. Pa ; . at J . o'clock at Penbrook I. B. church. Interment in slioop's cemetery. 1,4)1 NO FOUND LOST c .londay, small yel'ow pocketbook, containing four $5 bills ■ and two single dollars on tourt.i street between the Capitol and Straw- ; berry avenue. The linder will receive; reward by leaving at 318 Court street.; laiST —A girl's gold wrist watch, j between the National Theater in sixth street or Seneca and Reel streets, on Friday night, June 6. Return to 246b Reel street and receive a reward. LOST Pocketbook, containing \ small amount of money- and a Penn- , sylvania 11. R. annual pass made out | to Hal R. tleib and wife, in YY 001-j worth's store. Reward if returned to | Mrs. Hal. R. Geib. Marysvllle. ; LOST—Crank for auto, about 9 P. ; M. Sundae, between lleily and North, streets. Finder call Bell 331u. 1- lavel L. Wright, Paxtang, Pa. | BO*T—Six-month-old female l'ox' terrier, in Wildwood Park, on Sunday j afternoon; white with black and. white face; answers to name or "Mickey." Reward if returned to B. 1-. Moses. 534 Forrest street. j LOST —Gold locket, attached on j blue beads on Sunday A. M.. between 55 South Cameron and St. Lawrence s j Church. Reward if returned to oo . South Cameron street. | LOST—Bill folder containing pa- ' pers. value only to the owner; also | photograph from soldier in *' r , i i n c Finder w ill please return to rele- j graph office and receive reward. , SSO REWARD —Lost on Friday aft- I ernoon. five SSO Liberty Bonds in the! business section of the city. The finder , please communicate with Telegraph and receive reward. Address ro | 06836, care Telegraph. I FOUND —Between llershey and Hummelstown. a motorcycle, .o. 19942, and tools. Communicate with Carlo Carilli, 25 South Fourth stree , . c-o Victor Hotel. ! FOUND Sum of money on the j street, above Maclay street. Ow nc. may have same by identifying and , paying for advertisement andl calling • F. G. Mock, Seventh and Emerald streets. , INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arl lie,.etc.. PAY. AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125, Dial 4016. BECKLEY"S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. HF.I.P WANTED —MALE SIX MEN FOR SUBSCRIPTION Salary and Commission. CAMPAIGN See Mr. Young I Circulation Dept.. HARKISBURG TELEGRAPH j 4 TO 5.30 P. M„ TUESDAY i WANTED Men to learn to lepair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course. SSO. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. j Or TRAINING QUARTERS. 260 South Front Street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED A cylinder pressman, experienced on the finer catalog and color work. The Eddy Press Corp.,! Rraddock Ave., Pittsburgh, i'a. j WANTED—Several good acetylene burners. Apply Williams & Freedman, 10th below Mulberry si. WANTED —Salesman with car. Sal cry and commission. Address J. p. Mitchell, P. O. General Delivery, Har lisburg. (Continued In Next Column) r -s Now Is the Time To Buy j A Summer Cottage Here Is the Very Place ! You Will Want. The Alabama Cottage at Perdix Is very desirable in every way, being well-constructed, with *6 rooms, large front and side porch: basement, slate roof, spring water piped to house. It is delightfully located on the south side pf the State road, with in a few minutes walk of the P. 1 It. R. Station. Lot 50x132 feet. Price <1,600. Miller Brothers & Co. | Dealers la Heal Estate Insurance Surety Bond, j Locust & Court Sts. Members Hbg. Real Estate Board | * TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED— MALE l| SIX MEN I FOR SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN WORK Will pay salary and 'j commission Answer promptly, giving Phone No. Address . ROX X-7074. Care Telegraph I I > SALESMAN OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH AS SALESMAN IS I OFFERED BY A LARGE I AND LONG ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING C O N- I CERN, WHOSE PRODUCT HAVE A WELL-POINDED REPUT AT J ON. REM UN E RA TION IS BY SALARY. FORD CAR SUPPLIED. TRAVEL ING EXPENSES A W A Y FROM HOME PAID BY COM PANY. TERRITORY SUCH THAT NIGHTS CAN BE SPENT AT HOME, BUT IS NECESSARY' TO LIVE IN OR NEAR HARRIS BURG, PA. MEN OF REAL SALES ABILITY ONLY NEED IN QUIRE FURTHER PARTIC ULARS. PERSONAL INTER ! VIEWS ARRANGED. HIGH | SCHOOL OR C O L L E G E i TRAINING AND SEVERAL YEARS' BUSINESS EXPERI ENCE ESSENTIAL STATE AGE. DEPEND- j 1 ANTS. HEIGHT. WEIGHT, SCHOOLING AND EXPERI ENCE. ADDRESS BOX 693, HARRISBURG, PA WANTED Y oilng man to work for about four weeks at our Fifteenth and Chestnut street office; must be strong and not afraid to hustle; and be ready to go to work as soon as employed. Apply UNITED ICE & COAL CO.. Forster and Cowden Sts. t ACCOUNTANT. Clerks and Book j keepers desiring to equip themselves i tor higher accounting positions, also ; .cr C. P. A. examination at a mini mum time and expense, communicate ir. confidence, stating age, present em ■ ploynieiit and telephone number (if uiiy). Address Box O. 6727 care of eiegrapb. CENSUS CLERK—4,OOO needed, 09 'i month. Age, IS upward. Examinations ! July 19. Experience unnecessary. For I free particulars, write Raymond j Terry (former Government Exam iner!, 51S Continental Bldg.. b ash- [ ir.gion. . WANTED We have several ; months' steady work at good wages for a capable carpenter's helper. Apply to Mr. Kitzmilier at Harrisburg shoe Mfg. Co. I WANTED Two shoemakers for I economical shoe store and shoe re- ! i pair shop. Apply 600 North Third | street. i BILL CLERK WANTED Young ] man about 20 years of age; must be ■ | a good ireiiman and able to use tvpe | writer. Address reply in own hind- ! : writing to Box F-6845, care Tele- I graph. WANTED—Three experienced tai ilors lor our men's alteration depart ment; all yeur around positions. Ap ply at once to Mr. H. A. Plank, as sistant manager, The Globe, 322-324 Market street. j WANTED Experienced painters,! .only those who are experienced need | apply. Gohl & Bruaw, 310 Strawberry ! street. ; WANTED District manager for, health, accident and life insurance company operating in Harrisburg, 3u years with entablished debit, must be I a producer. Address 0-6542 Tele-j graph. WANTED—Live-wire dealers and' agents to sell ESTA WATER AUXILIATOR, the wonderful auto-| | mobile accessory that every auto j | owner needs. Get complete infor- ! I mation at once. YV. R. Molioney & > Son, 610 North Third street. WANTED young men to learn loco-' motive firing. Address Box K6730, care 1 Telegraph. WANTED —Manager for one of a 1 chain of stores handling everything in music and musical instruments; experience not absolutely essential, ! as preliminary training will be given in our Harrisburg or Williainsport j i tores; investment required; an un usual opportunity for advancement | in a permanent, desirable, life posi | tion. Address P. O. Box 787, Harris burg, Pa. I Y'OUNG MEN—if you are desirous jof learning auditing and public ac counting procedure and have more than ordinary ambition, a nationally I known organization of certified pub lic accounts can qualify you to hold real positions in the accountancy field. If you have the will and energy to make real progress, ask for inter view with our manager State age, education, present position! etc. Box B-6540, care Telegraph. j HELP YV AN TED —FEMALE | WANTED Experienced stenog rapher. Answer in own handwriting, [giving experience and what salary expected. Address Box J6833, care: ; Telegraph. j WANTED Woman between the , age of 50 or 60 for general house work; no washing; no children. 534 North street. in Next Column) . 1 HELP WANTED—FEMALE ! "I j FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES WANTED AT ONCE Employment at attractive wages, with liberal bonus proposition, in our bright, ■ airy, sunlit, sanitary plant. In addition to attractive wages, operators are paid thirty per cent, bonus on all earnings. IDEAL WORK—UNDER IDEAL CON- j DITIONP IN AN IDEAL PLANT.! Application should be made at j once In person, by letter or telephone to JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO.. i 2012 N. 4TH ST., HARRISBURG, PA ! WANTED EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Regular work and good wages. A bonus Is paid every pay day. 'I ELOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Reily and Fulton Sts. I 1 WANTED Operators wanted on plain sewing machines; aleo a few union special and over-lock op erators. Bonus paid every week and learners paid time work. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO.. Sixth and Herr Streets. City Star Laundry Building, Third Floor. WANTED A saleslady with experience preferred. Apply 20TH CENTURY SHOE STORE, 3 South Market Square. WANTED Woman or girl for child's nurse in small family, comfortable home in North Second street, i Good wages. Address with refer i ences. Address Box S-6731, care Telegraph. WANTED Experienced salesladies in ! waist, underwear, suit and dress i ; departments. Only those who have had previous experience j ' need apply. MARY SACHS SHOP 210 North Third Street. SALESLADIES Experienced salesladies for our coat and suit depart ment. Apply ASTRICH*S, 308 Market Street s PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks fur us on Auto Knitters Experience unneces sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp. Department 146, Auto Knitter Co.. 621 Jetferson street, Buffalo, N. Y. I WANTED —Experienced saleslady I for ladies' wear. Apply Ladies' Spe- j | cialty Shop, 27 North Second street. j WANTED Reliable woman for! 'general housework, small private i I family. Apply 1846 Market street. WANTED A cook from June 21 ' ito September 3 for country resort, i ; good wages paid. None but refined, woman need apply, white woman! 1 prefered. Apply June 12. from 1 p. m. j ito 4 p. m. at 1525 North Street, [Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Capable white woman 1 for general housework and cooking' also girl between 16 and 18 to assist! with children. Apply between 3 and] ! S p. m 229 Forster street. WANTED—Y'oung woman for gen eral housework in a country town. William Fishel, Box 112, Cly, Pa. WANTED A girl for general ! housework. Apply at once at 1622 [ North Second. Bell 4387 J. j HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female i YV ANTED An experienced office , ; man or woman who can keep double ! i er.try books, typewrite and take die- j 1 tation; reference as to character and ability required. Address in own i handwriting. "L. R. H.," 2401 North Second street, Harrisburg. WANTED Experienced and inex i perieneed*Sewing Machine Operators. Regular work and good wages. Inex- operators arc paid $5.00 a 1 week while learning. A bonus of 25 I per cent. Is paid to all operators. Ap j ply at Mechanicsburg Shirt Co., 19 | East Simpson street. SALESMEN WANTED i WANTED —Experienced salesmen j for wholesale confectionery busi | ness; must furnisher ferences. Ad- I dress Box R-6846, care Telegraph. SALESMAN Splendid opportunity ! to earn from $3,00u.00 to $5,000.00 per year, representing Educational Cor ; poration. Unless you have had ex [ perience and can produce business, do not answer. References required; 'no age limit; exclusive territory. [ Preference given to those having ex : perience selling correspondence in [ structions. Address In confidence. | Box B-6838. care Telegraph. SALESMAN Specialty salesman I with broad experience. One who has | had office specialty experience, such I as adding machines and knows gen -1 eral accounting. Commission basis; local territory; worth $5,000.00 a [year to producer. Address in confi -1 dence. Box B-6839, care Telegraph. i WANTED. SALESMAN By oid : established house, neat-appearing, j reliable men, at once, to represent us in Harrisburg and vicinity. This is a i house-to-house canvassing proposi- I t'on on entirely' new basis. No capi ! tal required. A 1 reference very essen- I tial. Salary and commission. For in terview see F. E. Dennis. Manager 114 South Second street, City. AGENTS WANTED WANTED In Harrisburg and all , other towns, men or lady agents to in troduce Calax Face Cream. We want j those who desire to make $5 to $lO la day and work the entire year. Send 1 50c for sample. Box 63. Hopewell, Pa. WANTED ' — Agents for Dauphin and surrounding counties. Weekly commissions $25.00 and more. Some thing every office must use. Address JP. O. Box 1229, Harrisburg, Fa. HAJLRISBURG <&&& TELEGRAPH 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES should be advertised in a newspaper y| j • which is read by substantial people. If 04 i! your proposition is sound you will find ffij it simple to interest people in it 05 j 1 through using the classified columns. ffl'- If it is not sound it should not be ad- ffl', Y ertised at all. |jy! ] m ml' 9 8 if: 8 8 |ffl w SITU ATI ON SWA N T ED— MALE YOUNG MAN —30 years of age de sires position in Jobbing house; long experience in stock keeping, hand ling orders and general office work. Address Box Y-6844. care Telegraph. WANTED Young married man desires clerical or stenographic posi tion. Call Bell phone 3514-K. YV ANTED—High school boy, 1G years of age. desires congenial work; [with a reliable firm; Sunday work not j desirable. Address P. F. R., 2637 I Penn street, Penbrook. Pa. , | WANTED—Y'oung man with expe rience desires position driving truck; can furnish references. Call or write 1122 North Sixth street. MAN would like situation as time keeper or other office work: 8 years' experience; also 2 years' experience as clerk in store and collector. Can furnish best of references. Address H. E. P., 1229 North Second street. SITUATION Si WANTED—FemaIe WANTED—YY'ashing or ironing to do at lioine. YY'rite or call 621 Muench street, city. YVANTKD—Reliable white woman would like day's work; references can be given. Write or call 1501 Howard avenue. I WANTED —White woman desires I housework in private family. Inquire 166 N. 14th st. I LADY" —Desires work two days a [week at Bellview. Can furnish refer i enee. Care of Telegraph. L 6534. I YV ANTED —Housework by young woman in private family. Call or ad address, 706 N. 6th St., Bell phone 5224-M. COLORED woman wants night work, dishwashing or any kind of work. 1707 North Seventh street. NEAT colored girl 15 years of age wants to assist in light housework or help with children. Apply 1322 North Front streeL WANTED—Graduate stenographer desires position. Successful experi ence. Can furnish good reference. Write 3631 Brisban street. Paxtang. or call 740. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT One single furnished room; gentleman preferred; all con veniences. Apply 261 Cumberland street. I FOR RENT —Nicely furnished front (room with all modern conveniences; private family; good central location; ! gentlemen only. 324 North Second ' street. A NICE roomy furnished front room: location next to Colonial Coun try Club. Also a garage to rent. A. j Broadmeyer, P. O. 446 i Nicely furnished, clean, cool rooms, i $2.50 per week and up. 143 South j Third street. ' FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms. Apply at 90 Disbrow street. ] FOR KENT—Three pleasant rooms. I furnished, 1549 State street. Bell j 5246-W. FOR RENT—Attractive room for I two adults in private family in Camp Hill; block and one-half from trol iley; breakfast given if desired; ref- I erence exchanged. Bell 4895-YY'. ( FOR RENT—3 unfurnished rooms | for two elderly couples; no children. [Communicate with 1417 Liberty st. | SUIT furnished rooms, third floor I front: electricity, running water, use |of phone and bath; gentleman or laay [employed. Bell phone SOIR. VERY PLEASANT ROOMS Fur nished, men or man and wife. 1549 State street, corner Sixteenth street. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room on second floor with bay window; all conveniences; suitable for man and wife. Inquire 111 Evergreen streeL Bell phone 4900-R. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, I on third floor, for light housekeep ing. if desired. Apply 614 North Sixth street. SECOND ST., N., 110 One large roortL first-class; central; furnished or unfurnished; second floor; bath; hot water; sleam heat. Apply L. Minter, same address. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, on second floor; all conveniences. Be'l phone 2671YY', or 1511 North Sixth street. FURNISHED ROOM For gentle man, with use of bath. Rent, 3.ju weekly. Apply to Mrs. Owens, Fourth ' Floor, Potts Apartments. Third and Herr streets. FOR RENT Large, unfurnished ilvtngroom, first floor fronL suitable for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co., 812 North Third streeL Dial 4990. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 499 U. or 912 North Third streeL FOR RENT Furnished rooms $2.50 per week and up; rooms; running not ana cold v,cc-r, ngiu housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. 143 South Third. ROOMS WANTED A QUIET, clean lady would like two second-story unfurnished rooms. Can furnish best of reference. Ad dress Roomer. A. 8., 262 North street. LADY and grown son wish two furnished rooms near board. Address Box L-6537, care Telegraph. BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD AND ROOM—Can furnish exceptional accommodations to young man of reflnemenL Address Box O <843. AI'AMTMEMs FOR KENT FOR KENT—Furnished apartment i for light housekeeping, gas and usel of bath. Centrally located. Inquire 327 S. Front st. UNFURNISHED, 3 rooms commun icating, corner apartment, water, range, cabinet in kitchen, bay win dows, entrance private; rent reason able; handy to shops, works and j market. Inquire 429 Broad street. NICELY furnished apartment for rent, for four months. Apply 22 South Seventeenth street. Bell phone FOR RENT—Four-room apartment, with bathroom and all modern im provements, for man and wife, no children. Call at 1014 N. Seventh St. APARTMENT FOR RENT A small two-room apartment all con veniences private bath hot run ning v. ater at all times centrally (located No. 110 North Second St.— ! Fourth Floor. Inquire L. Mlnter I 110 North Second street, or phone Pell 4282 and Dial 4195. TWO bright, front room apart ments, furnished complete for iight housekeeping. 424 South Seventeenth streetl Bell 2955 R. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED —Two rooms and bath with kitchenet; also electric lights and steam heat: either furnished or ] unfurnished. Box 86729, care Tele graphy REAL ESTATE I UK SALE H ARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. i VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, steam heat, electric and gas lights, porch, bay windows, side entrance, drive alley; Ai block to all-night car service (on Hill). | 2%-story brick, all improvements, porches, side entrance, drive alley, large yard, slate roof (vacant), easy terms, pay as rent (on Hill). 2-story brick, porch, all improve ments, corner, easy terms. Small amount down On Hill). Several tine homes up town; all Improvements. Several fine suburban homes; all improvements. Several small farms. 6 to 30 acres each, within 5 miles of city. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 56U-J. RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY : 1008 North Second Street. Lot, 24x125 to wide alley; 9 large rooms and bath; fine yard; room for two gars gee; side and rear entrances. Im mediate possession. For par ticulars call at the premises after 5 o'clock, or Address < S.. 7582. Care of Telegraph. HOME 9 rooms, modern improv ed, uptown, in A 1 condition; $2,300 buys it. Call E. E. Hepner, 308 Berg i ner Bldg. Bell 626, Dial 6226. WEST SHORE LOTS 4 lots together along river front. Fine site for Bunga low. Easy terms. Small amount down. Monthly pay ment plan. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. FOR SALE—No. 1434 Regina street; laige house, easily remodeled for business; lot 25x130; stable on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—No. 546 Maclay street; . gas. electric light, furnace. Bell Real ty Co., Bergner Building. PAXTANG RESIDENCE FOR SALE! —All most modern conveniences and i price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., !■ Bergner Building. | FOR SALE No. 207 Harris street —brick house 9 rooms bath other Improvements. Bell Realty Co., ■ Bergner Building. FOR SALE 9-room brick house. No. 551 South Tenth street; good con dition. $1,700. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut. FOR SALE —Two lots on Twenty fourth street near Derry; price S3OO. Apply Park s Drug Store, 621 Race street. FOR SALE on easy terms. 2013 I to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A. P. Dorans, 1325 North Sixth. (Continued in Next Column) REAL ESTATK FOR SALES ) BUY YOUR HOME on our rental [ payment plan, small cash or liberty;; Bond first payment required, balance i as rent. YVe have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Slxih streeL POSSESSION SOON 2429 N. Sixth St., brick $5,700 , 1631 Swatara St.. brick 2,500' 412 Hummel St., brick 2,9uu D. A CALEY. 707 Ivunkel Bldg.. Bell 689. ! FOIt SALE 3-story brick build- ; ir.g; S rooms and bath. Inquire 1932 I North l'ilth. I FOR SALE 3-story frame, 529 ! YY'oodbine street. Price, $2,000. In-1 quire 516 Emerald street. FOR SALE —House, 629 Boyd St., 8 rooms and bath; modern improve ments; in A-1 condition; will sell rea sonably; good location. Apply 629 Boyd street. JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insurance. 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL. FOR SALE 2030 Lenox street; frame house. 6 rooms and bath, gas, I electricity, all conveniences. Inquire! 2012 Manada street. DESIRABLE DERRY STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick | house 7 rooms bath • gas | electric light steam heat No. ! 2012 Derry. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. THE real estate and personal prop erty of the late George L. Fisher will be sold at public sale on June 19 on the premises, at Middletown. Ru. Among the articles to be sold are a' rumbcr of antiques. Inquire of Har risburg Trust Company, No. 16 South Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE THKKE-STOHY BUICK HOUSE. No. 1612 YVALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in. by 90 fL TRUST COM -222 Market Street Real Estate For Sale —Suburban HIGHSPIRE —Two lots for sale, 25 X 12.5 tt. each. Cheap to quick buyer. Durand & Ferber. 107 Chestnut. REA'JL ESTATE —For Sale or Rent COTTAGE at Goldsboro along Sus quehanna river for rent and for sale. Furnished, by week or month. Ad dress C. E. Harnish. York, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Second story of Kel ker Street Markethouse, Fourth and Kelker streets, suitable for manufac turing purposes cr general storage I—Room1 —Room 34x34. j—Room 40x30. 2 —Office rooms. 1 —Hall, 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenanL Apply Harrisburg Auto Co., Fourth and Kelker streets. FOR RENT —Stable in North Ninth street witn stall accommodations tor eight horses. Large left, harness rooms, running water, electric lights, elevator. Possession July 7. Don aldson Paper Co., 113 fs'orth Second street. FURNISHED house from June 15 to September 1; centrally located; reason for renting absence of owner from city. Address R6728. care Tele graph. FOR RENT—749 S. 21st. Two gar age each $1; 13th and Derry, barber shop. sl2. YY". E. Jones, 204 S. 13th j street. REAL ESTATE WANTED READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? i BELL AND DIAL PHONES. ! CHAS. AD LEU. 10U2 N. THIRD ST. FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE a "Studio Model" Autopiano player piano, and SIOO worth of latest rolls for a GOOD live-passenger touring car. Piano nearly new. Excellent tone. Beauti- j fill mahogany case. Valued at $753. I Will demonstrate player. Apply 418 j Hummel street. City. j OHi cos and Store Rooms for Rent j LARGE OFFICE FOR RENT Size 25x19, 331 Market streeL BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. — FOR RENT Desk room and office Inquire Fred C. Miller. Attorney, 31 North Second streeL Bell phone 307 J. | FOR SALE —MISCELLANEOUS | MOTORS FOR SALE WE have the following motors we ; are offering for sale. YVe guarantee these motors to be in first-class con- i dition and can make immediate de- I livery. One V 4 H. P. 230 V. 450 R. P. M. One (4 H. P. 220 V. 380 K. P. M. One 14 H. P. 220 V. 800 It. P. M. One 14 H. P. 115 V. 800 R.* P. M. One 14 H. P. 220 V. 370 K. P. M. i One % H. P. 120 V. 275 K. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. i Printing Binding Designing j Photo-Engraving Die Stamping [ Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. j . BARGAIN White iron bed, big spring j and felt mattress, valued $38.60; sale price, $23.50. FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth StreeL FOR SALE Large safe, width 51 inches, depth 32 inches, height 72 inches. Apply to S. S. EBERTS, 208 YValnut Street FOR SALE —Saw mill with 4 saws, two 12 inches, two 16 Inches; one gasoline engine, one shaft for rip ping all In good condition. Address E. M. Foreman, 417 Hummel street. ONE dray wagon with shafts and pole. Apply to H. C. Brown. 139 ; North Catharine street, Middletown, Pa- BOOKS uougrnt and sold; 20,0v0 new, old. rare. In stock. Aurand's 925 North Third. Circulars free. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morrla Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4085R TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. (Continued In Next Column) j JUNE 10, 1919. I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ; FOR SALE Channels, beams, angle, pipe all denominations, and i rails, all sizes. Apply Williams & Freedman, Tenth below Mulberry street, or Sixth above Division street. LARGE oak roll-top desk. Call Bell phone 1321-M, or SOT Green street. l_ JUST RECEIVED from government j operated plant lot 3-Pnase 230-Volt I meters, ene to fifteen H. P. in first I class condition, sell resonable. F. It. i : Laverty, Bell Phone 1857. WANTED —MISCKLEAN EOUS WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph, stating price, when it can be seen. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. Dial 4826. Bell 4705 R. i WANTED Second-hand canoes. I Write us giving price and equip i ment Bald Eagle Canoe House and I Hivery, Dock Haven, Pa. I WANTED —Will buy a Winchester I Gun; must be in good condition. Call j 1807 N. 7th street. i " WANTED An upright boiler, S or 10-horse-power. Must be in good condition. No Junk. Address B. J. Campbell. 1000 Paxton street, or 236 South Second street. WE PAY 3c a lb. for rags. 30c a 100 for papers, 60c for old books. \Ve buy all kinds of Junk and pay the highest cash prices. L. Cohjn & Co. Bell 4074. WANTED Will buy 1 or 5 Floor Show Cases 6 or 8 feet long. Must be in good condition. Apply 206 Markit street. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, I CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID, i 407 BROAD ST.. HARRIS BURG, PA. MAX SMELTZ | Second-hand furniture bought and Isold. Highest cash prices paid. Call , Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max I Smoltz 1016 Market street. Will call, • city or country. FARMS 8-ACnC poultry farm, $850.00. 38 ac-es. 8 acres woodland. $1,700. S7OO down. 43 acres, 5 acres wood and pasture land, $2,200. 260 acres, near Harrisburg, $14,500. 433 acres. Perry county, $16,000.00. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut. | . 160-ACRE FARM Near Halifax; stock, tools and feed included; possession at once. Inquire C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. FOR SALE 35 acre farm acre woodland —5 miles North of Mechanicsburg—3 miles West of West Fairview —2 !£ story frame house good outbuildings good well IC"J I I peach and apple trees —fences all i good Possession Oct. Ist. F. S. IMumma and Son, Mechaniesburg, Pa. ,! 22 ACRES Very good buildings, with crops and stock, including 2 horses, 2 cows, 2 bogs, 60 chickens, wheat, oats and corn in ground, all implements, $3,000. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut street WANTED TO BUY NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS . Working order or not. Send full par ticulars. Will buy anywhere. Russell | Sales Company, Lancaster. Pa. 11 ROOFING ! LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOK, LET •| ME BUILD YOUR ITOOF. AUTION | E'ER HITE, BELL 1875-J. | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRUG STORE FOR SALE ln Pennsylvania town. Owner in bad health, must retire. Address Kexail, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS I OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 1 Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. ! Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logau I street, Bell 4396 J. | FURNITURE CRATED for shipping I J. A. Bishop. 172 C Logan street. ! 4t - ; PAPEKHANCiING First-class work. J. E. Chilcoat, 1622 North | Fourth street. i RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED I ; ingle edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 35c jdoz.; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. | ! DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. I CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street, A. LANE New and second-hand furniture , bought aud sold. Highest prices paid. ! 1U22 ilaiket street. Bell 4730-J. ! QUININE —Look, out for that grippe [feeling, likely to catch you this i changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE I PIJOSHHO-QUININE will slave it off ]lf taken In time. Gross Drug stoic. | IP! Market street. DRESSMAKING LADY wishes dressmaking to do at home. Apr>'y 13UU North Sixth street. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS, LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY'. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. 130 Walnut SC. Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 518 J. MONEY TO LOAN I-- ■ , ! MONEY FOR NECESSITIES If employed and housekeeping, our I legal rate money service on loans Urom sls to S3OO, payable in week.y 'or monthly instalments is worth in vestigating, if you are in need ef tuDds und without bunk credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. 104 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in oompliance with Act of June 17. 1916, to individu als lr. need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CCX. 132 Walnut Street. PAINTING IGSEI II A. GILL, 1913 Rboads ave- \ Inue. Practical Painter. Estimates i cheerfully given. Bell phone 181. I HAULING AND MOVING HICKS Local and long-dietancei hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both.' Phones. AUTO HAULING Local or long* distance. Furniture and n.uno moving* a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. #ITI Capital street. Both phones. AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a are-' i clalty. Rates reasonable. Prompt aorV vice. Call Bell 623-J. HAULING—LocaI or Long-distance.* Pianos and safes a specialty. Beck Bros., successors to O. H. Beck. Call 2SIIJ 119 Veinon Blreet - Bell phonei LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCEJf HAULING Furniture moving., Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656' Calder street. Both phones. Belli 5636-J. Dial 3683. ' MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. — Auto hauling, furniture and Dianos a. specialty. General hauling. 150 L North Fifth street. Dial 4166, Bell 1144 W. I WE Move Anything, Anywhere.l Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North, Third street. , I HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano move ing. No distance too far. Careful; driver. Rain and dustproof body. J„ E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwla Aungst. manager, Hershey. I'a. Belli phono 15R6. FOR HIRE—Two ton auto truck. Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell phone 2455 R. ALL KINDS OF HAULING' AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER 3T, BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. t MUSICAL J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE BARGAINS THIS WEEK S4OO Haines Bros. Piano,j ebony case, splendid tone.; Price $155. $350 Bachman Piano, mahog any case; excellent tone. Price $l7O. $350 Huntington Piano, fine mahogany case, like new; good tone. Price $195. Winters Piano, mahogany, good as new in tone and linish. Price $240. SSOO Poole Piano, walnut case, can't be told from new; bench to match. Price $360.' Several good 88-note Players at $365, $425 and $485. Any of the above instruments are ready for immediate de livery. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building, 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE FOR SALE One S4OO Mer.-il piano. Used a short time. Mahog any finished. New design. Will sell at a bargain. Call at 1908 North ' Sixth. YOU have made the visit to muslo houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it. Spangler Music House, 2112 North . Sixth street. ROOFING When Hite's makes it tight, cement becomes a habit; leaky roofs will be ' few. Let me paint your roof. Auc* tioneer Hite, Bell 1875-J. STORAGE STORAGE f Carload Storage at Low Rate*. THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY. CO. LTD. Hlghsplre, Pa. Phones: Bell; Steelton 169 Y. Dial: Steelton 9439. STORAGE Private rooms fori household goods in fireproof waisai house. $3 per month and up. Lower) storage rates in non-fireproof ware*i house. Harrisburg Storage v-0., 437-[ I 445 South Second street. STORAGE—In brick building, rear | 408 Market. Household goods in clean, j private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. , U. Diener, 408 Market street. ' STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also naul* ing of all kinds. D. Cooper &. Co, Both phones. — 1 WHERE TO DINE I A 1 V \ HOTEL AND RESTAURANT,, THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry SU BELL 1966. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Kmbalmer. 611 North Second Street. BELL 262. DIAL 2146. CEMETERY! LOTS FOB SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautituily situated on Market street, east of Twenty-slxtn, and on the| north and east faces the new park*, way. The prices of lots are moder., atu. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS A WHY buy new clAlnlng. when we] clean ycur old ones as good as newf| Ail kinds of repairing work guaran*i teed. Goodman's, 1306% North Sixth.. Both Phones. Call and Deliver. i REMOVAL NOTICE MAX SMELTZ Removal from 1016 Market to 1020 Market. We have special removal > prices. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers