Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 09, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    jfteadiixgfir^£rciei\andoil the ESIWIKJ Pl^Ps
"When a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl Wife
"I don't like the line of the neck.
Cut it an inch lower. No; a little
more. Fully two inches. I don t
care if Mrs. Dalton did think it was
right the way you had it. I don t
like it that way and I'm wearing it.
The voice came to me across the
unroofed partition that separated
one fitting room at Wickhams from
its neighbor. It was a voice so full
of irritation and ill-controlled
nerves that I actually didn't recog
nize it as rhocbe's until she said
"Mrs. Dalton." At that angry use
of Virginia's name an impulse came
to me. Fortunately I didn't ignore
"Phoebe," I called, "I'm so glad
you're here. This is Anne. Will
you do something for me?"
"Of course what can I do for
you?" replied a carefully leashed
"Run in here and tell me how you
like this brown lining for my tan
cape. I'm not a bit sure of my own
judgment. So I'm lost. Come find
me, will you?"
In a minute or two Phoebe came
into my fitting room. At sight of
her I fairly ached for the .pretty
child she was six months ago. Her
oval face is actually pointed now
and her eyes are far too big and
black shadows lie under them.
There isn't that ugly splash of
red on her short-lipped, baby
mouth any more, but their own coral
For Burning Eczema
V - a
Greasy salves and ointments should
r.ot be applied if good clear skin is
wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or
SI.OO for large size, get a bottle of zemo.
When applied as directed it effectively
removes eczema,quickly stops itching,
and heals skin troubles, also sores,
burns, wounds and chafing. It pene
trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is
a clean, dependable and inexpensive,
antiseptic liquid. Try it,as we believe
nothing you have ever used is as effect
ive and satisfying. >
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. Ol
Freidberg's nVsTKmcnms
Hell 2212 Second & Cherry Sts. Dial 155111
Prompt Deliveries Both Phones
I Sliced Bacon 1
| and fresh eggs make a real man's ||
I breakfast delicious!
| Prepared Under U. S. Government Supervision |j|
Cartons ||
t!T See Brondnsyi Pennsylvania it ■ I 111
Stntlon; Central Park; Hiverslde 111 a\ W w W
Ilrlvet Grnnt'a Tomb; Metropoll
■ tan Art Gallery; Fifth Avenue; a ROUND •
■ Ilrooklyn Ilrldges anil get a ■ TRIP
glimpse of the grratrst city on War Tax I
the Amerlcnn Continent. 5,4 Cents
| ————— Additional
Sunday, June IS
Direct to Pennsylvania Station, 7tli Avenue atul 32d Street
Lvs. Harrlsburg .... 6.00 A. M. Lvs. Elizabethtown ... 6.29 A M
" Steelton 6.06 " " Fiorin 6.35 "
" Mlddletown .... 6.15 " " Mt. Joy 639 "
" Conewago 6.23 "
Returning, leavea New York 0.40 P. M.
See Flyers Consult Ticket Agents
■ ■■'
is pone from her soft lips. So for
all the bravado of her over-decollette
dance frock of rose-colored taffeta,
Phoebe looked like a frightened child
as she came and stood in my door
way, and not like the vivid, sophls
cated society woman she had been
aping for so long.
I managed to keep from saying a
word about the neck of her gown,
though it had evidently been just
right as Virginia liked it —an inch
or so higher. But there was no use
in antagonizing Phoebe over a
dress that could so easily be filled
in with tulle. The gap that had
lain between us for so long couldn't
be as easily filled, and I didn't pro
pose to widen it now. For slim
wistful-eyed Phoebe in her gay
dance frock brought an atmosphere
of mystery and of danger into my
fitting room. I felt she needed help.
Mine, perhaps.
"I'm lost without Virginia," I
said, baiting my trap carefully. "I
don't begrudge her the day with
Bettg what to do. I never can tell
if things are becoming or not. You'll
decide for mc, wont you, dear?" I
know you have splendid taste."
"Of course. I'll help you, Anne,"
replied Phoebe with a nice, young
air of importance.
After I'd deferred to her judg
ment carefully at every point, I
made my next plea, and Phoebe
didn't guess that it was her own
nervous, jumpy manner and her tired
little voice that inspired it.
"Please, don't doom mo to lunch
ing alone, Phoebe. I always feel
so awkward going into a dining
room all by myself. You'll be a dear
and even break an engagement if you
have to, won't you."
"I'll lunch with you, Anne--I
couldn't bear to be alone either,"
said Phoebe with what seemed almost
like a flash of gratitude.
That encouraged me to go on and
try to find some way of giving her
the help I felt more and more con
vinced she needed and couldn't ask
for. Right through clams and eggs,
benedictine and asparagus vinai
grette, Phoebe baffled me, however.
The sense that she was In trouble
came to me more and more strongly.
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918. International News Service - By McManus
but it seemed as if I v werc doomed
to fail as I had failed when I tried
to help Phoebe and Neal to find
each other again. That thought
frightened mo so that suddenly I
gave up my policy of being tactful
and clever and leading Phoebe to
ask for help. Instead I learned across
the table and spoke out Just what
was in my heart:
"Phoebe, I know there's something
troubling you. Won't you tell me?"
Phoebe's mouth tightened, and her
eyes took on the remote look I
had learned to dread in Jim's. She
was going to slam the door of her
mind in my face, 1 could see that.
"Oh, Phoebe!" I cried. "I'm so—
useless. No one needs me. Won't
you let me. try to help you?"
Phoebe studied me for a moment,
as if she were sorry for me, as if
she sensed what my partial revela
tion meant. Then she gave a quick,
reckless laugh, and reverted frankly
to her own troubles.
"I might as well tell you. I've
got to tell some one. I guess you
can be trusted not to give me away.
Here it is, Anne. I'm in debt. Ter
ribly in debt. And I've no one to
ask for help. I can't ask for more
of the money Pat pays Virginia.
I take too much of that as it is."
As the sentences jerked out, I had I
a sense of relief. The dear baby! j
She'd been buying too many pretty |
clothes. Fortunately I could help j
her. 1 had a bank account now, Jim j
gave me five hundred dollars when |
'terry's stock boomed and I opened
a checking account. My first check
would go to Phoebe, and maybe it
would bring me her friendship. Some
of my relief must have gotten into
my voice as I replied cheerfully:
"Oh, so that's it! We'll soon fix
that. I've a bank account now,
Phoebe, and I'll be glad to let you
have a hundred—or even two," I
4 added at sight of her face, still
stark and unhappy.
"A hundred? That's very good of
you, Anne." Phoebe's voice was
colorless. "But that's not onough."
I fairly gasped. For a second I
hesitated. Then something in
Phoebe's wide, frightened eyes com
pelled me and I knew I must give
her all I had.
"I've five hundred," I said quietly.
"You shall have it all, dear."
Phoebe lifted her hands to the
edge of the table and clasped them
tight so the knuckles showed white,
like her face. Then in a strangled
voice I could scarcely hear she
"Five hundred dollars wouldn't
help me, Anne —it's not enough."
To be continued.
With Jobs Found, the
Problem Is to Fill Them
New York, June 9.—One thousand
good paying jobs in tailor shops are
open for one thousand good tailors,
and no matter where the good tailors
are located, whether on the Pacific
Coast, the Middle West or the East
or in France or Germany, so long
as they are members or veterans of
the American army, navy or ma
rines, all they have to do is to apply
to K. of C. employment headquarters
at 413 Lexington avenue. New York
city and they will be put into touch
with the good Jobs immediately.
Peter W. Collins, Knights of Colum
bus employment and reconstruction
director, in command of the Knights
of Columbus army of over 37,000 job
hunters, returned to New York after
a tour through the Middle West and
points in the West, and strted that
the Knights of Columbus Job can
vassers were meeting with large re
sults in their efforts to find work for
returning service men.
Daily Dot Puzzle
35 4z
33* 3© 40
*• # £
ai • sz 45
•64 - 5l •
So* • 45.
53 * ,5o
23 47
3 (o 12* •
•z *a
i - •'
*>. V v * 5 \Y
. v *
• *ls
24 for A
•" zf " 7 A
21 to 3
Draw from one to two and so on
to tlie end.
Uy Mrs. Wilson Woodrow .
Did you ever stop to consider the I
things you say? Just take a day— I
any old day will do-—and keep tab ,
on yourself. The results will be a j
surprise to you.
Unless some unexpected windfall j
has tumbled down from the blue j
into your lap, or that long-expected j
ship of yours has at last sailed
proudly into port, you will iind that
you have indulged in a good many |
more negatives than affirmatives.
Here are a few samples: "I am I
not feeling well at all." "Nothing \
good ever happens to me." "I was j
born unlucky." "I am getting poorer i
every day." "Everything is going j
wrong." And so on indefinitely. j
It is easier to think of our woes j
than our blessings, easier to talk I
about them; and so we do perpetu- j
You may say that you do not be- j
lieve in mental atmospheres, but in
fact you do. On Christmas or New
Year's Day every one is going about
with a smiling face and wishing you
merriment and happirvess. You feel
the inspiration: your spirits lighten.
Insensibly you respond to the gen
eral gayety, and send back the good |
wishes you receive with the best
will in the world.
Or, as may happen, you are with
some one who is naturally harmo
nious ar.-d light-hearted. Does it
often fail that presently you dis
cover you are looking at your own
affairs in a more rosy light?
We cannot ask everything of the
world and give it. nothing. That is
greedy. And the biggest and most
precious things we can give are
cheerfulness and courage. In pay
ing that debt, too, we are greatly
enriching ourselves; for no matter
what our own particular difficulties'
are, there is always a way out.
Some one had a genuine inspira
tion when he said: "There seemed
nothing to do but go to the wall; so
I went to the wall, and there I found
a door."
The first letter which I opened
this morning was written almost en
tirely in negatives.
"I am a poor little girl who needs
help," it ran. "I am only nineteen
and the mother of a beautiful baby.
But my husband objects to my ever
leaving the house, even to take the
air. He has plenty of good clothes
and goes out every evening, but he
says I do not need clothes, as I
don't go anywhere, and that anyhow
a woman's place is in. the home and
she should stay there. If I complain,
it makes scenes. lam a fine stenog
rapher and earned a good living be
fore I was married, but now I am
the unhappiest little mother in the
First, my dear girl, stop thinking
of yourself as a "poor little girl,"
and an "unhappy little mother."
You are unfortunate in that you
have married an exceptionaly stupid
man, who is also a petty tyrant. But
even the stupidest person may have
a few facts beaten into his head, and
petty tyrants may be tamed—al
though not by those who consider
themselves weak and helpless.
You are not a slave. You are a
I married woman and a mother, and
the law gives you certain definite
rights. The law requires your hus
band to maintain you, and to sup
port and educate his child in a man
ner commensurate with his earn
As a human being, food, sufficient
clothing and a roof to shelter you
are not the only things necessary
to your well-being.
Air, exercise, congenial compan
ions and a certain amount of recrea
! tion are equally important factors
in keeping up your health of mind
and body.
. Then take them. Stop weeping
and wailing and imploring your hus
band to give you as a privilege that
which is yours by right. You are
not a poor, little helpless creature.
You are a woman who has made a
good living, and can do it again.
There is the door in your stone wall.
Dont have scenes. Have one big
one and get it over. No one minds
occasional gusts and spatters of rain;
but we all take notice of a big thun
Suppose your husband had a dog
There's Great
S ati sf*act-i oi\
m krvowirv<2 "the child
ly ervs health arvd. ei\-
joyiwervt are beirvd
provided for tvherv you.
<£ive -tKeiw
as their hot table drirvk
lg Pi
which was a valuable animal. Would j
derstorm, and it certainly clears the
he keep it tied up continually? Far
from it. Instead he would arise
betimes in the morning to give the
dog its run befoie he wer.-t to work,
and he would do the same thing
when he came home in the evening.
Are you not worth more than many
Stop thinking of yourself in nega
tives. Look at the affirmative side
of your problem. You are young.
You are able to make a good living.
You do r/ot have to accept for either !
yourself or your child the conditions
under which you are living.
Announce your position, there
fore, and stand by it; and the proba
bility is that your husband, being a
bully and consequently a coward,
will speedily alter his attitude.
Convince Americans
Irish People Want
Republic the Most
Dublin, June 9.—The net result of
the visit to Ireland of three Ameri
can delegates representing Irish so
cieties n America apparently has
been to convince the American visit
ors that the great majority of the
Irish people desire a republic and
nothing else. Another apparent ef
fect has been to convince doubting
sections of the Irish people that the
TO '
ZBS6 I j !
2856—This pretty "Nightie" is nice
for linen, nainsook, dimity, crossbar
muslin, crepe, washable satin, cam
bric, batiste or silk. It may be em
broidered, smocked or decorated w.th
; ribbon.
| The Pattern is cut in 6 Sizes: 4, 6,
|B, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 10 re
| quires 2 5-8 yards of 36-inch ma
A pattern of this illustration
I mailed to any address on receipt of
I 10 cents in silver or stamps.
Telegraph Pattern Department
For the 10 cents Inclosed please
j send pattern to the following
I address:
| Size Pattern No
I Name
j Address
I City and State
establishment of an Irish republic is
American visitors dealt with De-
Valera as though he were a real
president and when Frank Walsh,
one of the Americans, announced that
he had reason to expect that a "safe
conduct" would be granted to en
able be Valtra and Count Plunkett
to go to the Peace Conference, the
Sinn Feiners were jubliant.
The Unionists passed resolutions
and set all the wires working to
check any possible relation between
Premier Lloyd George and the Irish
Advice to the Lovelorn
Dear Miss Fairfax:
I am a young man of 19 and am
in love with a young girl of seven
teen who lives at East Liberty. I
met her while on a short visit there.
Since that time I entered the serv
ice and day after day I wonder why
she does not write. Before my en
listment we corresponded daily. She
was much opposed to my entering
the service, and sent mo telegrams,
telephone messages, and special de
livery letters begging me not to en
list. "But I did not want to be a
slacker. So I entered the Navy. Since
that time she writes to me but once
a month. At present I am home on
a 48-hours leave. My ship sails for
Brest, in the near future. I am heart
sick to see her and can think of
nothing else. My position in the Navy
requires a clear head and I am fall
ing fast in holding it. Now please.
Miss Fairfax, tell me what to do,
only don't tell me to forget her as
that is impossible.
E. L
Dear E. L.: My dear lad, have you
written to the girl and told her just
how you feel? If you have and she
has given you no explanations of
| Try A Cold
H bottle of this
51 REAL Jill
I Ginger Ale
H For imparting flavor and tastiness to
Ginger Ale, nothing can take the place H/IiIIImII
of genuine Jamaica Ginger—it costs more
than the red pepper ordinarily used, but #//7/f/M// |f|
it's worth the difference. That's just one /■II ||lll|| Mlßßllj
H reason why you'll like
8 gloverdcil e c^ie
■ Q GINGER ALE aa..fj-wa
8 "It Doesn't Bite" -IsJEEEG®
made and bottled right at the celebrated iuuN" D i? T °„7uwtT*eLt™ U u6* L " ,u '!
CLOVERDALE Springs at Newville, Pa. ., OOVEROAIE H.NWAIWW*,
H We use this famous mineral water exclu- I < &&veXda&&jk f uny ( 4&' I
Lg sively because it gives real health value I v *
Si and tonic properties to this beverage. >LAWT i* *"">•
pure cane sugar syrup, lemon and aromatics —
from start to finish, the best is none too good* il I
PJ Treat yourself to a taste of its flavor today — you'll
II be glad you got "acquainted." 11 I I H
111 Order a Case Today—Serve It Cold
————— ~~™" Wbole.nle Distributors Ml
Each bottle of CLOVE.ROALE, GINGER l!vn, Ilurtnrtt Co.
■| ALE contains two full-sized glasses, and is sold in Wltmun-Sebwurs Co. ' H
cases of 24 bottles each. You can buy it by the - • rvblltcrg.
case or the bottle from leading grocers, druggists Distributor
B and other places where good drinks are Sold. For carllsl# II
|| Drink a Bottle ofCloverdale Every Day Lg
JUNE 9, 1919.
her actions, I should simply stop
w-riting to her. In addition, any girl
who would beg a man not to enter
the service does not deserve a mo
ment's consideration. How you, a
wearer of the Navy blue, can waste
your time and thoughts on a girl
who has shown herself to be so ut
terly selfish, in e"ery respect, is ..
mystery. Brace up! Don't say, "I
can't forget her." Instead, determine
/\ Skin
[ : ,i Found la
l/j/Y? Cuticura
The Soap to Shave,
Bathe and Shampoo, the
Ointment to heal \
These fragrant, super-
creamy emollients soothe M il
and heal eczemas and )\
rashes, stopitcbing, clear A / )
the-skinof pimples,
scalp of dandruff and f $7/ ]
the hands of chaps j\ /]
and sores. Also for j
cuts,wounds,stings /
ofinsects,sunburn / \
or windbum.
•bar* wtth Cotlcera I L I / |
Soap Tha Healthy. Up- L J
to-Date OmtUnrm Way. \ M
no germ*. no tree aJ-
kali, H> wuU, no irritation ereo whenahavad twice
daily. One aoap for ail OMI - sharing, bathing, l
shampooing. Don bias rnor efficiency, not to speak
of value in promoting ekm parity and health, doe
to it* delicate, fragrant Ootirorm medication.
Koap, Olutmer.t, Talcum £fec< each. Sold everywhere.
to put her out of your thoughts at
once. She is not worthy of your
' ~ \
Make the Home
Beautiful With a
Table Lamp
Use these beautifully harmon
izing lamps on your piano, near
your bed, in the sitting room and
the dining table. We have them
in a large assortment of styles
and sizes.
From $3.50 to SSO
Huri'isburg, Pa.
John S. Z rnsser, President