Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 09, 1919, Image 1

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Germany Will Get Allied Reply to Counter-Proposals on rmk ? Make Answer in Five Days
President Cables Hitchcock
Expression of Approval For
Starting Senatorial Probe
• Says Possessors of Text Are
Not Entitled to Advance
Copy of Document
tCommittee Summons Bankers
in Effort to Learn How Con
vention Reached New York
Bn Associated Press.
Washington, June 9.—Presi
i dent Wilson in a cablegram re
ceived to-day by Senator Hitch
cock. Democrat. Nebraska, said
he hoped the investigation by
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee on how copies of the
Peace Treaty reached private inter
ests in New York would "be most
thoroughly prosecuted."
President's Message
The President's message, trans
mitted through the White House and
read by Senator Hitchcock to the
Foreign Relations Committee, fol
"Please convey following to Sen
ator Hitchcock:
"I am heartily glad that you have
demanded an investigation with re
gard to the possession of the text of
Treaty by unauthorized persons. I
have felt that ft was highly unde
sirable officially to communicate the
text of a document which is still in
negotiation and subject to change.
Anyone who has possession of the
official English text has what he is
clearly not entitled to have or to
communicate. 1 have felt in honor
bound to act in the same spirit and
in the same way as the representa
tives of the other great powers in
this matter, and am confident that
my fellow-countrymen will not ex-1
pect me to break faith with them.
I hope the investigation will be
most thoroughly prosecuted."
This statement hy the President I
strengthened the belief of officials
here that he would not comply with 1
the request of the Senate that the
Treaty text he furnished it at this
Summons Witnesses
In its investigation of how copies
of the Peace Treaty reached New
York the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee to-day subpenaed Jacob
Schiff, Thomas F. Lamont. H. P
Davison. Paul Warburg. J. P. Mor
gan and Frank A. Vanderlip.
Mr. Lamont was requested to
bring with him any correspondence
which passed between J. P. Morgan
& Company and its Paris and Lon
don agents regarding the Treaty,
and particularly any communica
tions on the subject between the
banking house and Mr. Davison
while the latter was abroad.
Invites Polk to Testify
The committee al"o adopted unan
tmous'y a motion hy Senator Fall.
Republican, of New Mexico, invit
ing Acting Secretary Polk to appear
as a witness and to take part in the
inquiry hv cross-examining witness
es and otherwise.
All of the financiers named except
Mr. Vanderlip were called at the
suggestion of Senator Borah. Re
publican. of Idaho, who told the
committee he was convinced each of
them was familiar with what the
Treaty contained. He said he was
convinced international hankers of
New York were interested for pri
vate reasons in the adoption of the
League of Nations covenant
Presence of these men before the
committee. Senator Borah said, un
doubtedly would show where a copv
of the Treaty could he obtained. "I
think there will he no trouble about
getting a cony." h said.
Cony Goes In
A copy of the Treaty, said to haye
been brought to this country hv a
Chicago newspaper correspondent,
was presented in the Senate to-day
by Senator Borah and hy a vote of
17 to 24. ordered put in the Con
gressional Record and printed as a
public document.
All the votes against publication
were cast bv Democrats with *he ex
ception of that by Senator McCtim
ber, of North Dakota. Republican.
Senator Thomas, Democrat, Coiora
[C'ontinued on I 'age B.]
Middle Division Men
Receiving Back Pay
Employes of the Middle division of
the Pennsylvania railroad are re
seivtng the first instalment of their
sack pay. The increased wages date
Irom January 1. Due to the delay in
tompnfing the amounts the men
have not received any of the in
srease until to-day. An Instalment
will be paid each pay day for three
The amounts received in excess of
their regu'ar checks vary from S3O
160. It is estimated that between
and $200,000 will be paid
put on the Middle division between
Vltoona and Harrisburg to engineers,
iremen and trainmen.
For Ilnrrlftburs: nnd vicinity:
Cloudy thl* afternoon and to
night. Tumdny. partly cloudy
and NOiticwhnt warmer.
For K'antern !Vuiim> I vnnla: Cloudy
to-night. T'uf .sfln>, elondy In
eaat, partly cloudy In went por
tion. nliichtly warmer. Gentle
to moderate nortlicnat and runt
sf)e otac-Independent.
How Capitol Extensions Will Look
This photograph shows the way the State Cafiitol will look when the four buildings contemplated in- the Rrunner comprehensive
plans, approved by the State Board of Public Grounds and Buildings to make "the civic center of the Commonwealth," are completed. The
great "People's court" will begin on the present line of Fourth street and the rows of trees will extend from its eastern line to the entrance of
the Memorial Bridge. One of the buildings is to be authorized by this Legislature which will also make provision for another. When these
buildings are completed the State will be able to house all of its departments now scattered throughout the city in its own structures. The
new buildings will be similar to the State Capitol in materials.
Mr. Brunner is here to-day to consult with State officials about the start on the new building for which the detailed plans are ready.
He will also discuss start of the landscaping.
Organized Labor to Make De
cision at Meeting
Plans for the formation of an in
dependent labor party in Pennsyl
vania will be considered at a meet
inpr of the executive committee of
the Pennsylvania Federation of La
bor atrd State heads of various la
bor organizations, in this city on
June 24, it was announced to-day.
The meetins is scheduled to be
held in the offices of the Pennsyl
vania Federation of Labor in the
Commonwealth Trust Building,
starting at 10 o'clock in the morn
ing. Labor men to the number of
thirty are expected to be in at
tendance at the meeting, Charles F.
Quinn, secretary of the Pennsylvania
Federation- of Labor, announced to
day. These men will represent 500,-
000 organized laboring men of the
State, said Mr. Quinn.
The call for this meeting is issued
as a result of a resolution adopted
by the Federation af its State con
vention here last month. At that
time, it was argued that more po
litical action favorable to the inter
ests of labor could be secured
through the workings of such i
party. Plans for the establishment
of a labor paper will also receive at
tention at the meeting, it is under
Assessment of Coal Land
Delayed Until County Is
Possessed of More Data
Fixing the assessed values of lands
of the Susquehanna Collieries Com
pany was postponed to-day by the
County Commissioners who said
they intended to held another con
ference with W. F. Sekol, m'ning
engineer for the county, before de
ciding finally on the valuation.
The officials said that they would
discuss Mr. Sekol's report with him
and get complete information from
him about the mines and coal veins,
tons of coal in place and the mar
ketable tonnage. When they will
meet to consider the valuations ti
naly has not heen decided.
It was anticipated in official cir
cles to-day that the County Com
missioners would approve his rec
ommendation and fix the valuations
as submitted by him, having them
entered in the assessment books ac
, cording to tracts. If this is done the
I coal companies will appeal the case
| to court for final determination, at
torneys for the corporation said.
French Premier Sends
Order to Hungary Attack
on Neighbors Must End
By Associated Press.
Paris, June o.—Premier t'lemen
ceau has telegraphed the Hungarian
government that attacks by Hungar
ian troops on <'zecho-Slovak forces
must cease, a dispatch from Vienna
to-day says. In case of non-compli
ance the Allied and associate gov
ernments have decided to use "ex
treme measures to constrain Hun
gary to cease hostilities," the pre
mier's message adds.
An overland touring car, the prop
erty of C. K. Stephenson, of ("amp
Hill, is reported to have been stolen
from Paxtang Park or? Saturday eve
ning. The machine, which wan
i painted black, bears Pennsylvania
license Xo. 41,141. The engine No.
is 157,557.
Women Press Legislature to Ratify Proposed Constitutional
Amendment; Governor Favors Immediate Step
The Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage
Association to-day began a drive
to have the present Legislature
ratify the national suffrage amend
A certified copy of the amendment
was received at the Governor's office
this morning and shortly after it
reached the Governor's office a dele
gation of members of the State asso
ciation visited Governor Sprout's of
fice and viewed the document. In
the delegation- were Mrs. John O.
Miller, Pittsburgh: State president:
Mrs, Lewis L. Smith. Strafford, first
vice-president, and Mrs. Gifford Pin
chot, Milford, secretary.
A fund of $3,000 has been raised
by the State organization to carry on
the campaign for ratification. Efforts
to raise this sum to SIO,OOO will be
made during the week.
The Equal Franchise Society of
Philadelphia, of which Miss Fran
Reports For Year Just Closed
Show Extent of Good
Local Y. M. C. A. workers will
start to-night in a drive to raise
SIO,OOO by Wednesday night. This
money is to be used for maintenance
purposes by the Central Association,
Second and laicust streets, and the
Pennsylvania Railroad Y. M. C. A.,
Sixth and Reily streets. Workers will
meet at a dinner this evening at
5.30 o'clock, at which plans for the
campaign will be outlined and teams
assigned to their respective districts.
There will he fifteen teams of six
men each.
Reports for the year show good
work by local associations. The
amount asked is considered small
where the vast Held covered by "Y"
workers of this city is taken into
[Continued oil Page B.]
City Golf Championship
Tournament Opens With
Big Entry For Honors
The annual C'ity Golf Champion
ship Tournament starts to-day on
the Reservoir Park links. Contend
ers for the qualifying medals must
play eighteen holes on June 14, and
eighteen holes on June 21. Unusual
interest is manifested and a large
entry list is expected.
This tournament is open to all
players who are residents of this
city, whether members of the club
or not. An entrance fee of fifty
cents will be charged. All matches
must be played during the week for
which they arc scheduled. Failure
to do so will result in default.
The committee wants it under
stood that this is not a Harrisburg
Park Golf Club affair and all golf
player's residing in the city are urged
to enter. The accommodations of
the clubhouse will be at their serv
ice and everything will be done that
tends to their comfort and pleas
In the handicap tournament, held
Saturday, eighteen holes medal lay,
there was a large entry list. William
Pavord won tirst honors with a net
score of 82; and M. S. Kelley and
P. R. Meyers were second, each
| with a net score of 83.
ces Sullivan is president, and county
suffrage society of Philadelphia, of
which Miss -skra Chambers is presi
dent, have dsked permission to work
under the direction of Mrs. Miller of
the State association.
A delegation headed by Mrs. Mil
ler visited United States Senator
Penrose in Washington last week
and asked him to use his influence
for ratification. Senator Penrose
said he would take the matter up
with State leaders on his arrival here
Governor Sproul favors ratification
at once. He is reported to he on his
way to Harrisburg this afternoon
ami the suffrage leaders will seek an
interview with him.
Among otffer State suffrage lead
ers who are here to work for ratifi
cation are Mrs. Maxwell Chapman,
Scranton, and Mrs. John D. Daven
port. Wilkes-Barre.
Gompers Tells American Fed
eration Industrial Autocracy
Must Come to an End
By Associated Press.
Atlantic City, June 9. Tyranny,
whether it be in the political or in
dustrial life of the nation, would
not be tolerated by organized labor,
Samuel Gompers said at the con
vention of the American- Federation
of Labor to-day.
Ideal,-, to Bo Maintained
"Men and women shed their blood
and made great sacrifices during the
war because they were lighting for
principles and ideals," he said.
"Now that the war has been won
the workers —the bone and flesh of
the nation-—don't intend those
principles and ideals shall be lost
sight of."
"When the war began." continued
Mr. Gompers, "we realize that if
militarism and autocracy should be
victorious never again would there
he opportunity for freedom of any
sort; never again would there be
any change for labor to develop, and
protect itself and the rights of peo
ple who work. So we threw our lot
upon the side of those who stood
for the largest measure of free
Workers to Have Voice
"Now the war has been won and
the day for reconstruction and ad
justment is at hand. The workers
of the world are determined to have
a voice in settling reconstruction
problems that affect them.
"Let us tell you this; 'lf any em
ployer believes that industrial auto
cracy is going to prevail in America
he is counting without his host."
Wasliiiigton, June 9.—Reduction
of four hundred and fifty million
dollars in the $1,200,000,000 revolv
ing fund asked by the railroad ad
ministration for the remainder of
the calendar year, was made to-day
by the House appropriations com
San Fraiicfsoo, June 9. —San Fran
cisco and Oakland morning news
papers issued yesterday carry no
tices of an increase to ten cents of
the price for Sunday morning edi
Sessions to Open With Con
ferrencc of Past Sa
chem's Degree
Red Men from all over Pennsyl
vania have taken up the trail to
Harrisburg. Already a large num
ber have reported at the Wigwam
of the Great Council at the Penn-
Harris Hotel. This is Red Men's
week in Harrisburg, and the local
committee of arrangements of which
W. A. Walton is chairman has cam
pleted a program that will keep the
visitors busy every minute they are
in the city.
Many- of the visitors brought their
wives and the women will be en
tertained, while the Big Chiefs are
busy at the Great Council Fire. It
is expected that the number of dele
gates will reach 4 00.
This is the seventieth annual Great
Council session, and unusual interest
is manifested because of the part the
Red Men have taken in the world
war. Many overseas soldiers, mem
bers of this order will be here this
week and the reports will show that
the Red Men's service flag contained
many hundred stars.
Registration Day
Throughout to-day the local com
mittee was busy receiving the visit
ing Red Men, making out their cre
dentials and giving them badges. The
official session will be held to-night
at 8 o'clock when the Past Sachem
degree will be conferred on 150 dele
gates. This ceremony will be held
in the ballroom of the Penn-Harris
Hotel. While the Chiefs are busy,
the women will be entertained at
the Majestic Theater, leaving the
hotel at 8 P. M.
At the formal opening of the big
eonnention to-morrow morning at
!'.30 o'clock visiting Red Men will
he welcomed by Governor William
C. Sproul. The Great Sachem Sam
uel Williams, Jr., of Scranton will
respond. In behalf of the Tribes of
Dauphin eounty, Lieutenant-Gov
ernor Kdxvard E. Beidleman will ex
tend a welcome, and he will be re
[Continued on Page B.]
Complete Program For
Red Men's Convention
Reception to delegates at Penn-
Harris Hotel, starting at 9.(.'9
A. M.
8.00 P. M.—Conferring of Pas
Sachem Degree in Assembly,
Hall. . '
8.00 P. party fo.
visiting women at Majesti
9.30 A. M.—Formal opening t!
convention, including the ad
dresses of welcome by , Gov
ernor Sproul, Lieutenant-Gov'
ernor Beidleman and Mayo
Kcister, with responses by Red
Men officials. Open to public.
2 P. M. —Regular council ses
1.30 I'. M. —Automobile trip to
8 P. M.—Memorial services, opet
to public.
9.30 A. M.—Regular council ses
10 A. M.—Visit to the Capito
Building by women.
2 P. M.—Grand parade and stree
7.30 P. M.—lnformal dance a
9.30 A. M. —Regular council ses
10 A. M.—Sightseeing tour'cC
2 P. M.—Public installation of
Great Chiefs.
Must Have Stable Government j
Before Given Place With
Other Nations
Condition That Compulsory
Military Training Re Abol
ished Is Abandoned
Teutons Must Accept or Reject I
Treaty Within Five Days
j Paris, June 9.—The reply of)
i the Allied and Associated Gov-j
j ernments to the German coun-
I ter proposals will not be deliv- j
I ered before Friday, June 13. It)
will give the Germans five days
in which to accept or reject the
Premier Clemenceau, Col. House
and Lord Robert Cecil have re-ex
amined the terms under which na
tions other than founder members
may be admitted to the League of i
Nations. Their report modifies some-|
what the covenant so as to render
the admission of Germany easier.
It is understood that the condi
tions recommended for Germany's
admission to the league arc:
"The establishment of a stable 1
"The signing cf the Treaty ofl
Peace. N
"The loyal execution of the
A condition that compulsory mili-'
tary service be abolished, was omit- \
ted on Premier Clemenceau's sugges- j
tion. It was considered that the!
Treaty sufficiently provided for Ger
many's disarmament.
The Council of Four to-day con
sidered reports submitted by various
commissions in regard to the answer
to the German proposals and also
the political clauses of the Austrian
peace terms.
The Peace Conference commissions
on colonies, prisoners of war, re
sponsibilities and the labor, military
II and naval clauses of the Treaty in
'their reports to the Council of Four,
l !thc Echo De Paris says, urged the
. | rejection of the German counter-pro
•! posals as far as the several cora-
I missions are concerned.
Terrorists Mark 130
West Virginia Towns in
Plot to Explode Bombs
By Associated Press.
Charleston, AV. Va., June 9.
More than 130 towns in West Vir
ginia were marked by terrorists for
bomb explosions according to a
map and other evidence found on
Edwin L. McGuerty, arrested in
Pittsburgh last Thursday, it was
announced at the Governor's office
here to-day. Governor Cornwell
said a roundup of radicals will be
Valley Railways Case
Argued This Afternoon
Jesse E. H. Cunningham opened
the argument before the Public
Service Commission this afternoon in
the Supreme Court room in the com
plaints against the Valley Railways
fares and service, and it is expected
that the case will be decided in a
month or so. The complaints were
made by boroughs, associations and
individuals residing in the towns
served by the company and there
have been numerous hearings. A
physical valuation has been made of
the whole system .
Mr. Cunningham opened with an
analysis of the figures, setting forth
that on a basis of $2,000,000, even
without depreciation charges, there
would be a very small return for the
owners of the road. Mr. Cunning
ham will be followed by Charlei H.
E. M. Biddle, Jr., of Carlisle, and
A. R. Rupley will speak for the com
Harrisburg Boy Wins
Athletic Honors Abroad
David N. Heffellinger, a former
Tech High and Gettysburg College
athletic star, was among the winners
at the recent Inter-University meet
held at Manchester, England. Hef
feltinger, who is a member of the
t>7th Regiment band and had been
stationed at Coblenz, was granted a
furlough, and has been taking a
course at the Cambridge University,
England. He won second place in
the hundredyard dash, losing first
honors by one inch. He was also
prominent in other events. Heffel
linger was a big winner while at
Tech, and later at Gettysburg won
athletic honors.
Indicat'ons are that a large part
of the Merchants' Council of the
Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce
will be present at the meeting in the
Harrisburg Club to-night at 7.30
o'clock when the questions of Sat
urday evening closing, summer half
holidays and the holding of a Mer
chants' Salesmanship Congress will
be discussed.
[Reserve Laid Aside For July
and August Eaten l*p
in Week
Failure of Natural Harvest Is
Felt by Dealers in Hot
Little ice, cither artificial or na- '
tural, is in storage in Harrisburg to- |
day. Harvey E. DeWalt, manager of ;
the United Ice and Coal Company, I
one of the city's largest ice firms, |
reported to-day.
The abnormally hot weather of i
last week proved a big drain on !
| the supply of ice that was being I
I stored in the city to supply the |
city's needs later in the season. The j
artificial Ice plants, although in full :
I operation, were unable to supply |
j sufficient ice to meet the city's needs j
and the supply that had been stored ,
up had to he drawn on.
Dealers were hard pressed to sup- j
ply the eity's needs even though the |
supply that had been laid away was j
drawn on. In a number of cases, it |
was necessary to disappoint cus- \
tomers, they report.
Cooler weather over the week- i
end nnd to-day met with the hearty I
| approval of the city dealers. Weath- j
|er with normal temperatures are j
needed for several weeks if ice j
enough to meet the demands of July |
nnd August is to be secured. The |
supply is greatly curtailed by failure ]
of the natural harvest last year. |
To Discuss Finances For
"Own Your Home" Drive
! The Harrisburg Chamber of Com
[ merce announces a conference on
[Thursday evening. June 12 at the
I Harrisburg Club. Local bankers and
| representatives of building and loan
| associations will meet with the Hous
ing Committee and Board of Direc
| tors of the Chamber. K. V. Hay
i maker of the United States Depart
! ment of Labor will make an adress
|on "Financing Home-Building." The
'time of the conference has been fixed
ii for 6.30 T. M.
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?* Guy >fff, NrnenmhrKiind anil Mary E. Miller, Harrlshnrg. BHirir
fit. Koonn, I'hlliKlelpliln iiml Gluilyn M. Flxliel. Dlllaburic. Hymnn T
S. AbrnniN anil Vetta Ahranmiin, HnrrlMhurir. Im L Standt, 4M
llftinion and Graec I. Snyder. I'rnhrook. Albert T. Enell and Lola
Pierre. llnrrlnburK. John G, Giirnx, Franklin Co. and Elisabeth W. T
Hill, Mctul. 4|
City's Barrooms May Be Kept
Open After July 1, Ac
cording to Rumor
! Course Depends Upon Advice
Given by Attorneys, Says
Steelton Man
Plea Is Made That Beer as
Made Now Is Not In
A rumor that many Harrisburg
I saloons will not close July 1, not
! withstanding the war time prohibi
| tion regulation could not be con
firmed to-day. Neither was it de
! nied.
| According to the story, the saloon
j men are planning to sell the beers
| now on the market and possibly
I other products made of apples. It
|is the contention of some that the
i beer is not intoxicating and that the
j apple-made beverage is not banned
;by the war regulations. The sale
jof whisky, gins and other liquors
will go out with midnight of June 30.
| John E. Shupp, general manager
of the National Brewing Company,
! Steelton. the only brewej- in Dauphin
I county who will speak to newspaper
! men, said the Steelton brewery will
|be guided entirely by advice of
j counsel. The company's attorney
has not yet reached a decision as to
whether the brewery may under the
law serve hotels with beer, ale and
porter containing less than two and
! three-fourths per cent, alcohol by
; weight.
j George Kobler, president of the
Retail Riquor Dealers Association,
said to-day that the rank and file of
hotel men are undecided. "Harris
burg hotel men cannot say now just
what course they will pursue. They
have not made up their minds," said
. Mr. Kobler.
i Fred B. Aldinger, proprietor of the
> Senate Hotel, the largest hotel in
I the city selling intoxicants, was of
the opinion that the bars will close.