GENERAL KOONS CRITICISES POSTAL Assistant Postmaster Says War Conduct Justified Taking It Over By Associated Press. ■Washington, June 6.—The con duct of the Postal Telegraph Com pany in handling government busi ness at Washington in the trying Kennedy Sells It Cheaper!! [SATURDAY SPECIALS SATURDAY SATURDAY SPECIALS I Toilet Department Cigar Specials Medicine Department I Djer-Kiss Face Powder 49c Pebeco Tooth Paste 32c 6f" CT for S?JW H""' (ori ß inal) 75c Anglers' Emulsion ....79c ■ Mary Garden Face Powder 75c Kolynos Tooth Paste 18c Cinco 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Tanlac \ .79c Eckman's Alternative $1.19 9 Pompeian Face Powder 39c Forhan's Tooth Paste 19c, 39c ® * or c 50 for $2.59 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. .78c Fletcher's Gastoria 24c ■ - Councellor 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 r .t £7" I J-eßlache Face Powder 41c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 23c j^ ew Bachelor 9 for 50c; 50 for $2i59 Pierce's Discovery 79c Mansfield s Papillaris 34c I Waltz Dream Face Powder 79c S. S. White Tooth Paste 17c General Hartranft 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Pierce's Favorite Prescription ... ,79c Nelson s Hair Dressing 19c B ——; tttt ~ ~ „ ~ „ . 71 77" Even Steven ...9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 7 Palmer's Hair Success 19c B Azurea Face Powder $1.19 Colgate s Tooth Paste 10c, 25c ft o Kn. sn mco Swamp-Root 39c and 73c . . —; — 9 h| LeTrefle Face Powder $1.19 Graves' Powder or Paste 17c Rose O'Cuba 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Father John's 39c, 77c T , , , jtt —77-' Eg 9 Flormye Face Powder $1.19 Lyons' Powder or Paste 17c ™ tor ™ c ; \ or Scott's Emulsion 49c, 89c nigrnvorv ' 17r g| f_ Havanna Ribbon 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 letermans Discovery 17c Garden Fragrance Powder 59c Calox Tooth Powder 18c, 38c Knull's Ambrosia 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Miles' Nervine 75c Fecto-Disinfectant 17c Elmo Face Powder 18c, 37c Pyrrocide Powder 71c White Statue 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Fellows' Syrup Milk Sugar 79c — ; 77" Don Abilo 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 ———— P L-Ame (La May) Face Powder Rubifoam 19c T a 3 for 25c* 50 for 83 95 Russell's Emulsion 98c Johnson's Kidney Plasters 13c IQp QQp I ~ y *}• ■ —— ' ISozodont Liquid 23c Manuel 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin .. . 37c, 69c Lux 1 .. .11c Flora Sweet Face Powder 59c Sanito , Paste or Powder 19c Henrtetta 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 " 36c 67c Horlick's Malted Milk ..■■■■■ .$2.70 | Java Rice Powder 33c Mary Garden Talcum 43c ..!.!!.! 1!! il for Isc'; IS for Lysol 19c, Borden's Malted Milk $2,75 | Pond's Cold Cream 17c, 33c Djcr . Kiss Xakum 30c Wedding Veil 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 Uvoris 19c 38c 79c Eskay ' s Food s2 ' B9 I™ Pond's Vanishing Cream ... .17c, 33c . , n American Empire 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 ' Mead's Dextro Maltas 60c I" Stilman's Freckle Cream 29c T " C '"'' Sanchez & Haya 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 Bromo-Seltzer 19c, 37c, 73c Nestle , s Food 45c , $2 . 49 Stilman s Freckle Cream 29c Wa|tz Drcam Ta|cum 28c 55 Othene, Double Strength 69c 7 777 ■■ —— Denno Food 60c, $1.98 „ . . w Jess Talcum 13c, 19c O A J 1 Grays Glycenne Tonic 98c 4 Cans Eagle Milk 75c p" aX Garden Fragrance Talcum 49c OcltUTCiciy LtHldV Absorbine Junior 83c Mellen's food 53c -**^-I^-^7^77777777777777^ - Dußarry Talcum 79c Glycothymoline 19c, 39c, 79c Atwood's Bitters ..18c Elca} aCream 43c Hudnut Talcum (tin) 19c uDGCI&IS Pure Cod Liver Oil (Pint) 89c Goff's Cough Syrup 18c, 38c 1 I Ingram's Milkweed Cream .. .39c, 69c Menn en's Talcum 19c H. K. Wampole's Cod Liver Ext.7763c 100 Bayer's Aspirin 85c II Hokara Cream 24c Babcock's Butterfly Talcum 19c Helm Assorted Chocolates, Nujol 9 ozs., 39c; 20 ozs., 79c 100 5-grain Cascara 39c Demeridor Cream 19c, 33c Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum ... ,14c \ Q paT ,f Q Maltine Preparations 98c 100 5-grain Blaud Iron Pills .... ..18 c Pompeian Day Cream 39c sit Wrinkle Chaser 35c CCIII/O Gude's Pepto-Mangan 94c 100 Comp. Cathartic Pills 29c Pompeian Night Cream 19c, 29c Henna San 39c , 79c Helm Chocolate MarshmalloWS, ° Yoferrin 83c 100 Alophen Pills ~.;..59c Pompeian Massage Cream ,45c Ncuroxine 38c JQ Jad ' B SaltS 5 i C , Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 38c n „„„, 7T" CeillS S. S. S. Blood Medicine 73c Bliss Native Herbs 37e,67c ci e — umo - T , ~ . California Syrup Figs 37c Exlax 17c, 34c Elmo Cucumber Cream 39c Zintone 38c Jordan Almonds q ..^ r „, K ? y r Bell-Ans UcjlSc FroStllla 18c Eptoi 38c Q7 ePTSfo Regulol 37c Papc's Diapepsin 32c Hudnuts Marvelous Cold Cream . 39c oriental Cream $1.07 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 67c Pape's Cold Compound 21c ID. &B. Cold Cream 24c, 33c, 59c orchard White 26c Sago Sage and Sulphur 45c Mcntholatum 17c, 33c Sayman's Soap 3 for 25c Aubry. Sisters' Tint 23c j p x JA , x . | Hay's Hair Health 34c", 63c Musterole 19c, 39c Rose Bath Soap 4for 25c Dorin Rouge 1249 39c U@lMOTtStlT(ltlOTl f Montgomery Hair Restorer 83c Vick's Vap-o-Rub 19c, 38c Palmolive Soap 3for2sc I 'Ame Rouee 38r Mme ' Mille wi,soni a noted beaut Y specialist of New j Mrs. Graham's Restorer $1.15 Palmer's Skin Success 18c rocfilaa 1 A> a o Off- ! Y ork and Boston, who has made a special study of creams j namshinskov'* TJvp Musterine 18c, 36c Castile Soap, 14 s 3 for 25c Pompeian Rogue 37c and the,r uses - ls now demonstrating at our store a full i L- ! Seidlitz Powders Ift fnr lere-en's Geranium Rath T fnr I line of toilet art 'des manufactured by Wm. H. Brown & j Westfal's Auxiliator .39c, 79c —- Jergen s ueranmm Bath .. . 3 for 25c Mary Garden Rouge 40c Bros. Company. 5 ■ „. „ Freezone 24c Jergen s Violet Glycerine .. .3 for 23c Aubry Sisters' Beautifier 24c i Don't miss it. Your time will not be wasted or regretted f I —-—— assage I I Qgjg.jj 24c I Palmer's Skin Soap 2 for 35c Marv Garden Eyebrow Pencil Dem ° ns, "" ions dai1 "' Wild Root Hair Tonic 39c, 79c Liquid Corn Remedy (Green) .. 20c I— . '' Pinaud's Quinine Tonic (7 ozs.). ,89c Energine 19c Germicidal Soap 2 for 35c Delotone 69c ' Pinaud's Quinine Tonic (15(4 ois.P Soap 6 for 25c John's Foot Soap 18c E.-Rado 39c and 79c ShaYmg Materials pound !!^:::; 3for t Poslam Soap 2 for 25c Mum 19c . „ & . Hen " C ' de 39c ' 73c Boric Acid, pound 19c Poslam Soap, large 48c Spiro Powder SSta Tar Cnnn iq„ 7 7. ~ 71 7~ a>-t nn m Danderine 2lc, 39c, 69c Liquid Veneer ... 17c, 34c, 67c racKers lar &oap 18c Amohne 19c. 39c SI.OO Gem Razors 83c . . . . —= n ifrfoi. Pears Soap, Unscented !3e Azure. Vegetale SU9 . 7!!!!!!!!] ]!! 1!!!!! Parisian Sage 39c Pears Soap, Scented 19c Djer-Kiss Vegetale $1.19 6 Auto Strop Blades 39c Mulsifled Cocoanut Oil 37c 3 for . Woodbury's Soap 2 for 37c Mary Garden Toilet Water $2.98 7 Gem B,ades 39c T nn AUen's Foot Ease 18c —— - Kitty Gordon Toilet Water ....$1.15 A full line of Bath Sprays, Bath TWELVE DOZEN Cosmo's Shaving Cream 28c WATER GLASS WHITE HOUSE COFFEE - Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Hair qk tadth Johnson's Shaving Cream 19c Brushes, Hair Combs, Bath Towels, 35C TOOTH BRUSHES 1 quart 29c 1 pound 45c Wash Cloths, etc. All at cut prices. ' 'I 'I 321 MARKET STREET 1 1 : ''''..., r '" - X . - - r . r - FRIDAY EVENING, fiARBISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 6, 1919. period of war was enough to justify. the taking over of telegraph and telephone systems. Assistant Post master General Koons told the House Interstate Commerce Com mittee at a hearing which closed just before issuance of orders by the Postmaster General relinquishing operation of the wire properties. Mr. Koons made no mention of the intention, of the Postmaster General to turn back the wires for private operation. Mr. Koons declared that if other wire companies had adopted the same policy as the Postal, it would ] have strangled the government in the conduct of the war. He charged that the Postal avoid-J Ed government business, made on special effort to expedite it, and transferred to the Western Union large numbers of government mes sages tiled with it for delivery in cities at which it maintained offices. Information upon wheh the charges were based, he said, was obtained by inspectors from the records of the company. There was no evidence, however, to show intentional delay by the Postal, he said. WHERE HE WON THE NAME Tourist (at the ancient rural hos telry, coming down to breakfact with a haggard, unrested appearance)— Last night, madam, you informed me that the great Duke of Wellington once stayed at this hotel. Is it a fact? Landlady—lt is, air, a solemn fact He slept in the werry room you'occu pied last night Tourist—Was it just the same then a£ it is now? Landlady—Just the werry same. Tourist—Same bed in it? Landlady—The werry identical bed. Tourist—And the Duke of Wellin ton slept in it? He actually slept in It? Landlady—Ain't that what I'm a tellin" yer? The Dook of Wellln'ton act'lly slept in the werry bed what you had last night. Tourist—Great Caesar ! No wonder they called him the Iron Duke.—Lon don Tit-Bits. Rules Are Announced For Public Bathing at City's Bathhouses Hundreds of men. women and chil dren, enjoyed bathing and swimming ir. the river yesterday at the city bathhouse at Seneca street. Next week the bathhouse at Island Park will be opened. At the Island Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons will be re served for the girls, and the eve nings for men and women. At Sen eca street the hours for girls will be Tuesday and Friday afternoons from 1.30 to 4.30 o'clock; for men and wo men, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, 6 to 8.40 o'clock, for men and boys every week day from 9 to 6 o'clock (Saturday, 5 o'clock) except Tuesday and Friday afternoons. The following rules for bathing at Seneca street will be enforced Mr. Forrer announced: 1. Stay on this side of the Life Line unless you swim well. 2. Suits may he secured free from attendant by persons under sixteen years of age. 3. Return park suits to attendant. 4. Loitering on the runways is not allowed. 5. Keep off the bathhouse when it is closed. 6. Disorderly or boisterous con duct will positively result in prose cution. 7. The management will under no circumstances be responsible for loss of personal property. Special rules have been drawn up by the bureau for evening swimming. 1. Two-piece skirt bathing suits They are: shall be worn by all persons above 14 years of age or ninety pounds in weight. 2. Suits shall fit snugly around neck and arms. 3. Girls above 14 years of age shall not loiter on the shore unless their suits reach to their knees. 4. Unemployed persons under It years of age will not be allowed In or on the bathhouse unless they ure In charge of a responsible adult. 5, Boys or men shall not splash i or duck girls or women. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. L. W. Frasier Has returned from U. S. Ntrnl service and resumes practice at Bowman Ave and Market Street, CAMP HILL 7