Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 06, 1919, Page 24, Image 24

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Decline in Beef Price Is
Likely to Be Very Slow
Cincinnati. —June 6.— Possibility of
a decrease in the price of beef is
being anticipated by the meat pock
ers and meat dealers in the Cincin-
theater so cool in summer
Do You Like to Laugh?
Harry Beresford
lias a sketch you'll like entitled I
4 Other Keith Acts 4
l.a*t Showing of
Added Attraction Today and
Klagg Comedy •♦Welcome l.ittle
V. -J .
Hershey Park j
now open to the public for the
Dancing at Beautiful
Hershey Park
ETcry Wed. A Sat. Evening.
Manic by the Harrisbnrg Hanjo-
Snxo Orchestra *
Special Concert, Sunday, June
Sth, by the Perseverance Concert
Grand Concert, Jnnc loth, by
Prof. Clarence Dcvant Itoyer.
violinist: I'earlc Quymby, con
tralto; Elisabeth M. Schlrßalmllch.
harpKtc: \nnn E. Martin, pinniste
11l I I ticn & t lltinCKT The cooleat place to upcnil n
111 I I M*U'jL i'.V, Tkl I summer afternoon or ermine is nt
I IT, COLONIAL j 111 I ~ theater. If roil hare not tried It,
TV ILI ii.il J viiiuLlVl ink your nrighbor who ban.
Today and Tomorrow is Your Last Opportunity to See
Geraldine Farrar
In a play replete with twists and turns. The kind you'U like.
[STANLEY'S The ooole.t place to apend a
_. . summer afternoon or evening la at
Y' If 111 IA a theater. If you haven't tried It,
i nak your neighbor who baa.
Today and Tomorrow Only at This Theater ,
Dustin Farnum in
a real live man's story. The kind tliat earries a punch with it. So
cxhilirating it will captivate yOu.
If Bolshevism Comes To America
LIBERTY will be destroyed.
PROPERTY will be confiscated without payment to its owners.
FOOD will be put beyond the reach of all except those who can
seize it by brute strength.
LAWS will lie annulled and the whole social system thrown Into
chaos. There will be no courts to adjust wrongs; no punishment
for wrong-doers.
WOMEN" AN'I) CHILDREX will be public property. One of the
Soviets which set the fashion in Russia—tile soviet of Vladimir—
lias already decreed that all women over 18 must register at a
bureau of free love.
RELIGION' will vanish when respect for law and for women and
children vanishes. Bolshevism worships not the God of our
fathers, but License.
If you want to know what Bolshevism would mean in tlie Vnited
MON. TUE. WED., JUNE 9-10-11
C9~ Sec Broadway! Pennsylvania 1 B
Station! Central Park; Riverside IJI w B W. W w. W
Drive! Grant'. Tomb; Metropoll
tan Art Gallery; Fifth Avenue; liOIMI
■ Brooklyn Bridges and get a fIW TRIP
gllmp.e of the greatest city on War Tax
the American Continent. 24 Cents
H| Additional
Sunday, June IS
Direct to Pennsylvania Station, 7tli Avenue and 32<1 Street
Lvs. Harrisburg 6.00 A.M. Lvs. Elizabethtown ... 6.29 A.M.
" Steelton 6.06 " " Florin 6.35 "
" Middletown .... 6.15 " " Mt. Joy 6.39 "
" Conewago 6.23 "
Returning, leaves Sen York 0.40 p. yi.
See Flyers Consult Ticket Agents
i —*■ ■■ ■
. ' : I IJ'LU..,. [J
natl district. Benjamin Lowen
stein, manager of the meat depart
ment of the Cincinnati Abattoir Com
pany. the largest packing concern
here, believes that the drop in prices
will be so gradual that it will be
barely perceptible for some time to
He bases this conclusion upon the
fact that farmers and cattle raisers
| will not at the present time permit
i any more cattle in he markes ban
: are absolutely necessary. This, of
j course, would mean a continuance
' of the high meat prices us long as
j these tactics are pursued.
Washington. June 6.—Secretary Tu
! multy announced yesterday that
j President Wilson had signed the
I emergency deficiency appropriation
! bill, which includes appropriations
j for war risk allotments and pen
sions for the fiscal year ending June"
j 30. • *
Watch for <lato when charming
will be shown in a wonderful
photoplay every woman will like,
—Entitled —
2 Performances Every Even
The Fremont and Burton
Players Presenting
Handkerchief No. 15
By The Sea
3—Other High Class Act.—3
i 15 Cents Admission to All
Parts of the House
High Class Vaudeville—Harry Bera3-
Company in a comedy
sketch entitled "The Live Wire";
Harry and Emma Sharrock in a
mind-reading novelty: Folletto's
Monkeys; Beatrice Doane, singing
corned enne; The Five Partrowas.
sensational gymnasts.
To-day and to-morrow Geraldine
rarrar in "The Snnging Vow" —
Coming. Alice Brady in 'Ttedhead."
To-day and to-morrowD\istin Farnum
in "A Man in the Open."
Tuesday and Wednesday "Bolshe
vism oh Trial."
To-day—Ethel Clayton in "Maggie
To-day and to-morrow—Flagg Com
edy—"Welcome Little Stranger."
To-morrow—Shirley Mason in "The
Winning Girl."
Monday and Tuesday—Dorothy Gtsh
in "Peppy Polly."
A'audeville —Two shows every even
There's a little woman on the Ma
jestic bill the last half of this week
who is capturing the
Good Bill hearts of young and old
at Mnjrstlc alike. She is dainty
Beatrice Doane, who is
just as talented as she is pretty, and
who has a repertoire of exclusive
song numbers which she puts over in
a way all her own. Some other splen
did attractions are Harry and Emma
Sharrock, who keeps their audience in
a constant uproar with their burles
que mind-reading offering. The Five
Partrowas are clever athletes and
give an exhibition that is tine. Fol
letto's Monkeys go through a routine
of tricks that are both clever and
amusing. Harry Beresford and Com
pany are presenting an excellent com
edy sketch entitled "A Live Wire."
Don't miss this, for you are sure to
like It.
Harrisburg theatergoers have a real
treat in store for them to-day and to
morrow. It is Dns-
Trent in Store For tin Farnum in his
Picture Devotees latest release, "A
Man in the Open."
This picture is considered one of the
best this actor has played In.
Owing to the extraordinary attrac
tion hooked for Monday. Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week. "Bolshe
vism on Trial" this feature "A Man
in the Open," will only play for two
Imagine what a gang of Bolshevists
could do if they worked in the United
States. It would
Whnt Coold n Bnnd be a crime the
of Bol.beil.tn Do way they would
in the I'nlted State plunder and rav
age the fields
which are just turning yellow with
ripening grain. Think of the deaths
they would cause. But still they have
been devasting Russia. Hungary, part
of Germany and other countries for
some time. What they would do to
the United States Is shown in a won
derful production entitled "Bolshe
vism on Trial" which will be shown at
the Victoria Theater Monday. Tuesday
and Wednesday of next week.
Here is another question for Har
risburgers to solve. If a rich young
man married a
I. An Intoxicated girl below his
Marriage Legitimate social standard
while he was in
an Intoxicated condition would the
marriage be annulled?
That is what occurs in Alice Brady's
latest screen success "Redhead"
which pla\s at the Colonial theater
next week.
Remember to-day and to-morrow is
vour last opportunity to see versa
tile Geraldine Farrar in her latest
success. "The Stronger Vow." Thtk
picture is unusually strong in dra
matic points. Imagine a woman fall
ing in love with the man that Is sup
posed to have murdered her brother
some years before. She swore she
would avenge her brother's death, but
did she? Maybe she was too far a
love with her husband. The answer
can be found In this wonderful pic
ture. "The Stronger Vow" which plays
at the Colonial to-day and to-morrow
How an out-of-date department
store mav be transformed by the com
mon sense and
Ethel Clayton Now intelligence of a
at the Regent girl into a pros
perous enterprise,
is told In "Maggie Pepper," in which
beautiful Ethel Clayton will be seen
for the last time to-day at the Re
The feat of catching a spy single
handed Is one of the thrills of "The
Winning Girl." Shirley Mason's new
picture which will be shown to-mor
row only. The episode happens In a
textile factory where fabric is made
for aeroplanes. Miss Mason in the role
of Jemmv Milligan, a. girl who is
working in the factory, finds the spy
pouring acid on the cloth and grap
ples with him.
If you have not already been one of
the many who have thoroughly enjoy
ed themselves In
The Evening Show the cool atmos
„♦ Poxtang Park phere of the Pax
tang Park thea
ter this week, you should certainly
do so. for it is said that not only .8
the park playhouse a most comfort
able nlace to see a show In. but the
bill itself is one of extraordinary
merit The feature act. Miss Fremont
Bennett and Company, present a de
lightful little one act comedy full of
humorous situations and character
impersonations well worthy of a more
nretentious production. All of the
other acts are of the type that has
made vaudeville what It is the most
popular form of theatrical amuse
ment in tjie country to-day.
Alys I have heard Henry uses lem
on juice for his complexion.
B ess —Tha accotunts for the sour
expression.—Crimson and Gray.
Harry C. Hunter Shows
win : ■
Third & Harris Sts.
1 XT V It
Hall's Orchestra (Colored)
of Columbus, Ohio,
One of the beßt dance and sing
ing orchestras on the road. A spe
cial treat every evening this week
at 40c and #oc
Good car service leaves the
Square 7.45. 8.00, 8.15, 8.30 and 9.00
o'clock. Autos can be parked
hround the pavilion.
V *
Under personal supervision of
Fred B. Aldinger, furnishes a
most excellent
Table d'Hote Luncheon
Daily 11.30 to 2.30
—At 75 Cents—
Also a la Oarto bill of everything
in the market dcllciously prepared
Clilckcr and Waffle Dinner
Every Thursday
Roller-Draak Wrestling
Final May Be Here July 4
"If you permit this match to go
on I will hold you personally respon
sible for Dr. Roller's life."
These were the precise words of
Colonel Edward Martin, head of the
State Health Department, who with
Major Mi-Lain, his assistant, made
emphatic protest from the arena at
Chestnut Street Auditorium on Tues
day night last, when Tom Draa.lc had
wen the second bout from Dr. Roller.
As there appears to be strong senti
ment here for the eminent physician
who has, indeed, done much for the
wrestling game, the Telegraph sport
ing page desires to give Justice to
him. also to Tom Draak. but pri
marily to promoter and referee Max
well Bauman. It may be noted right
here that Dr. Roller declared Bau
nian, giving him the praise from the
ring, as "one of the most capable
promoters and referees in the wrest
ling game to-day." He repeated it
after the Tuesday night event. So
that Dr. Roller, by all tokens, has
respect for Bauman's decisions.
"The reason 1 wanted to see the
matcli continue for the third fall
was that I would be able to render
a decision on falls, as advertised, th.<
Famous Speed Machine Un
tracks Whole Pitching
Staff For 12 Runs
Standing of Clubs
W. L. Pet.
Reading 7 0 I.JOO
Galhhad 4 5 .444
Rosewood .... 3 5 .375
St. Mary's .... 2 6 .250
To-night—Rosewood vs. Read
Umpire—"Dick" Nebinger.
Last Night's Result—Reading,
12; Rosewood, 2.
If that Reading team of the Alli
son Hill League can continue its pace
for several more games. Manager
Pressler's boys will have more bat
tles won to their credit than General
Pershing. Reading won again last
evening, walking all over Rosewood
| by a 12-to-2 score.
For the fans it was a real Shakes
perean night. Rosewood presented
"A Comedy of Errors." while for
Reading it was a case of "As You
Like It" There was fun for every
one, even the Rosewood players en
joying it.
"Jing" Johnson, back from a
week's vacation, was on the firing
line for Rosewood. Then "Bill"
Fortna, of slippery elm fame, took
up the job. Following him, "Peepy"
Mell took off his mask and hurled,
and to cap the climax, "Noisy Bill"
Hoerner stepped on the rubber. Each
of the quartet is modest to admit that
with the proper support they could
have won.
Rosewood used ten players and
they shifted flieir positions so often
the spectators in the grandstand be
gan to get the idea that the Roses
were playing "Pussy wants a corner"
rather than a real national baseball
"Mose" Swartz was there, too, in
left field, and his first trip to the
plate the "kids" of the Hill declare
that "Jing" was afraid to let "Mose"
hit it. Four straight balls sent the
"wonder boy" to first base. Johnson
was as wild as a Bolsheviki, and
soon retreated to right field.
"Kinney" Swartz was a real clean
up man in both the third and fourth
innings. In the third he drove a
double with two on, and in the fourth
with two men on, the selfsame lad
bludgeoned a triple. The same
teams play to-night, and the Rose
woods will try to regain their old
time form. The score;
AB. IJ. H. O. A. E.
Shartle, rf 4 2 2 0 0 0
EUenberger, ss. . 3 3 - o & i
Levan. 3 3 \ " a
Mellinger, cf. ... 2 1 0 0 0 0
C. Swartz. 2b. ... 3 1 - 1 5 0
Cocklin, 3b 4 0 1 0 - 1
G. Swartz, 3 1 0 4 1
Bowman, 'lb 3 1 114 0 0
H. Swartz, if. ... 0 0 0 1 0 0
Conner, If. ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0
Total 28 12 10 21 15 2
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Lyme. If 3 0 0 2 0 1
Bender. 2b 3 0 1 0 2 0
Hoerner, 3b 3 1 1 2 3 0
Johnson, rf.p. ... 3 0 0 0 4 1
Mell, c 3 0 1 3 1 0
Thompson, cf. .. 3 1 1 2 0 1
, Emanuel, ss 3 0 2 2 5 1
Fortna, P.rf 2 0 •: 0 0 Oj
Harman, lb 2 0 0 7 0 2,
Garber, If. 1 0 ® ® ® |
Totals 26 2 7 18 15 6
Rosewood 0000 01 1— 2
Reading 0 0 2 7 3 Ox—l 2
Two-base hit—Bender. Three
base hit —C. Swartz. Struck out
By Levan. 5; Mell, 1. Hoerner, 1.
Base on balls —Off Levan, 1; John
son, 3; Fortna, 2. Mell, 1. Stolen
bases —Mellinger. Hoerner, Shartle,
Ellenberger, Fortna. Passed balls—
Swartz. Umpire—Nebinger.
Yesterday's Results
St. Louis, 1; Cincinnati, 0.
New York at Pittsburgh (wet
Other games not scheduled.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet
New York 24 10 .705
Cincinnati 20 16 .571
Brooklyn 20 16 .555
Chicago 18 17 .514
Philadelphia 15 16 .483
Pittsburgh 15 16 .483
Boston 12 21 .363
St. Louis 12 22 .350
Schedule For To-day
Boston at Chicago.
Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
New York at Pittsburgh.
Phillies at St. Louis.
Yesterday's Results
Chicago, 5. New York, 1.
Washington, 6; St. Louis, 1.
Boston, 2, Detroit, 1.
Athletics, 10; Cleveland, 6.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet
Chicago 25 11 .694
Cleveland 21 14 .600
notice reading: "wre3tling to a fin
ish; the best out of three," explains
Perhaps, in all the history of wrest
ling, no referee was confronted with
so uncommon a dilema. "After what
the State Health chief said" explains
Bauman. "1 put it up to Roller him-!
self, and he replied that he would go
on and do the best he could. At
this point Colonel Martin called to
the excited spectators to decide
whether or not they wished Dr.
Roller to finish the match as adver
tised, and a majority voted no. This
placed me in the position where 1
feel that the fans accuse me of want
ing a man to wrestle, badly injured;
whereas it is not unusual for a wrest
lei to keep on with a broken rib,
just as a boxer continues with a
broken hand. Tom Draak suffered
broken ribs on various occasions and
gamely finished the match, winning
one in which he was slowed up by !
this handicap."
It is the general sentiment of spec
tators who have discrimination and |
know a bit about wrestling rules i
that Roller would have continued the j
match, even though injured, had it I
New York 19 12 .613
Detroit 17 17 .500
St. Louis 16 'l7 .484|
Boston 15 16 .484
Washington II 21 .333
Athletics 7 24 .226
Schedule For To-day
Chicago at New York.
St. Louis at Washington.
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
Detroit at Boston.
Washington, June 6. Men dis
charged from the Navy and Naval
Reserve who have mileage claims
against the Government may obtain
payment under an order issued yes-;
terday by Secretary Daniels. There
are nearly 150.000 such claims as a
result of the increased mileage al
lowed by Congress in the Act of Feb
ruary 26. 1919.
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These-
Ugly Spots.
There's no longer the slighestj
need of feeling ashamed of your!
freckles, as Othine—double strength'
—is guaranteed to remove these I
homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othine—l
double strength—from any druggist I
and apply a little of it night and |
morning and you shoultj soon see'
that even the worst freckles have -
begun to disappear,'while the lighter j
ones have vanished entirely It is
seldom that more than an ounce is
needed to completely clear the skinj
and gain a beautiful, clear com-1
Be sure to ask for the double;
strength Othine as this is sold under
guarantee of money back If it fails!
to remove freckles. I
Follow the Crowd
Get your clothes tailored where all the particular dress
ers get theirs, where the principle features are quality of
material, style and workmenship.
The merit of our clothes is, that it is individually cut
and tailored to fit your form—not something about your
size or about your fit.
Our selection to choose from is one of the largest in the
State, varying in all kinds of materials that man's fancy
runs to; in fact, we cordially invite you to come in and
look them over for yourself.
You are under no obligation to buy.
Tailored to Measure CA AND
Absolute satisfaction and all-around perfect fit guaran
Standard Woolen Mills Co.
Harrisburg's Oldest Popular Priced Tailors
103 North Second Street,
Two Doors Above Walnut St. Harrisburg, Pa.
to your dealer and pass him 7c,
and then he will give you your
money's worth of real smoke
John C. Herman & Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Try One To-day
not been for the general intervention
of the big number of city physicians,
who had a very friendly feeling for
their compatriot in the medical pro
fession, this sentiment being particu
larly strong from Colonel Martin who
taught Roller at the U. of P. the
art of surgery.
After the dramatic event Roller
and Draak met in a dressing room
and without bitterm • discussed the
situation. It is uncommon and un
precedented. Roller and Draak wrest
led In the New York tournament in
1916, with the result of a two-hour
draw. Realizing that this made a
second meeting very interesting. Pro
moter Bauman arranged for them to
roeet here on May 30. This match,
as every one will remember who
witnessed it. resulted in victory for
Roller; he won two falls out of three.
Each man said at that time that ho
would like to battle it out at Harris
burg and so the match of last Tues
day was arranged.
Roller won the first match on May
20, after Draak had secured an in
side crotch hold on him. While
Roller was in the air he twisted
Rose suddenly and carried Draak
How You May Reduce
Your Weight
Overstoutness is a very unwelcome
condition, especially In the present
day. when slender figures are so pop
ular. and every reader of this paper
who lias noticed a tendency to put on
weight will be glad to know of a new.
simply home treatment that is re
markably efficient and inexpensitiP.
If you happen to be one of those
whose weight is more than it should
be, don't try to reduce by starving
yourself; eat. all you want, but take
after each meal and at bed times five
grains of Phynola which you can se
cure at any drug store.
Phynola. is designed to increase the
oxygen carrying power of the blood
and dissolves fatty tissue, in many
cases at the rate of a pound a day. It
is pleasant to take and gives remark
able results quickly and easily. Gor
gas, the druggist, stores 16 N. 3rd St.,
3rd and Walnut Sts.. and Penna. R. R.
Of the Better Kind
Trade In Your Car for a later
Model or a Different Car
A Small first Payment and
You can Have the Use of
Any Car Wc Have.
Roman Auto Co.
203 N. BROAD ST.,
Catalogue Sent Upon Request
off his balance. As he hit the floor
he secured his body lock and head
scissors and won the deciding fall.
It was with this same crotch hold
that Draak won the second fail on
Tuesday night, but he executed it
much faster and ltoller had no chance
to twist out of It. That is the long
and short of the discussion.
No more even contest than another
between these two athletes could be
contrlxed and a movement has begun
among wrestling enthusiasts of the
Capital City to stage this on the
Her Body Weakness, Pains
and Indigestion Ended by
These 12 Nature Remedies*
1 was full of aches and pains
from head to feet. I was so run
down I wasn't much use to myself
or anybody else. My daughter and
her children say they never saw such
improvement in anybody. I am so
grateful to have found such a won
derful and inexpensive relief that I
want to tell everybody about it. I
have gotten almost unbelievable re
lief and strength from Natonex."
In just those words, Mrs. J. Mc-
Hugh, of Mildred, Pa., gave her
wonderful endorsement of this Na
ture medicine, Natonex, that is cre
ating a tremendous sensation here.
"I have only praise and gratitude
for Natonex," Mrs. McHugh said.
"My stomach was in such a bad way
that any fried meats, or greasy foods
would cause me great pain and dis
tress. My liver and bowels were
irregular. I was so run down that
my knees would tremble with weak
"I slept poorly and was so ner
vous I didn't have any strength. I
just worried and brooded all the
time over my condition. I tried what
a change of air would do and went
to visit my daughter in Wilkes-
Barre. Here I heard so many, peo
ple telling about Natonex and the
good it did them that I thought it
might help me, even though I was
so badly off. I got such wonderful
relief from the first box that I lost
no time starting on the second.
"In a short time I had a fine ap
petite. I could eat anything with
out the old distress. My nerves
grew calm and I sleep as I did be
fore I was run down. I had rheu
matism and now the pains have left
me. In fact, I don't know when I
have felt better and I want to spread
the good tidings to every one who
suffers and needs strength."
"Mrs. McHugh's splendid case
shows what Nature will do when
given a real chance," said the Nat
onex representative who is here at
the Gorgas drug store, 16 North
Third street.
"All run down, her system clogged,
and a victim of malnutrition and
body weakness,,, she found the Nat
onex Nature remedies first purified
her system, and regulated her vital
organs. Then Nature began the
great building process. Indigestion
ended, rheumatism disappeared,
good nerves brought restful sleep,
and new strength came, as she tells."
If you need better digestion, purer
blood, real nerve vigor and strength,
just try Natonex—let Nature have a
real chance. The Natonex represen
tative explains how this safe, sensi-
or'x asa&Tas: made or 1111 r,NEsT - eAt
N^T E^?y? s f E^V^
43- Market Street IJcenae No. G-35305
Specials for Saturday, June 7, 1919
Morning Specials Until 12 Noon
Picnic Hams, any size, lb . .28c
Dixie Sliced Bacon, lb 35c
Individual Club Shoulder Cut
Steak, lb. .25c
Choice Rump, Rib, 3-cornered
Roast, lb 24c
Choice Chuck Shoulder Roast, lb. 20c
Choice Veal Roast or Chops, lb.. 24c
Frankfurters, Bologna or Sausage,
• lb , ....20c
Sliced Liver, 3 lbs. 15c; lb 6c
Pot Roast Fleshy Boil, lb 18c
No. 5 Pails Compound $1.35
No. 10 Pails Compound $2.60
B. B. Special Butterine, 2-lb. Rolls,
58c; lb 30c
Fresh Fish, 2 lbs. 25c; lb 15c
Large Can Tomatoes, ALL FOR
June Peas, Sugar Corn,
Can Milk, 1 Bottle Ritter's |) g%
Catsup, • vVI
Markets in 65 Cities of 14 States
Main Office, Chicago Packing Plant, Peoria, 111.
AU Moat Government Inspected. All Goods Purchased Guaranteed
or Money Refunded.
Island, July 4; the offer being to give
a big quota of the receipts to soma *
burg Hospital.
worthy charity, such as the Harris-:
Club Plate Dinner, 50^
11.30 to 2.30
Sea Food Plate Dinner, sl.
to 8
onH m tfn iclne . iS taken at a cost oil
only ten cents a day.
bitty times a day I am asked tr*
explain Just how Natonex is de
Kned to purify the system so thai
v. x? now strength." said
rL ? eX representative at the
Sree't 13 St ° re ', 16 North Third
street. i can on | y ansWo t -
Natonex formula of famous Nature
explalns Natonex com
& r s '™
liver uVa 0 dißestlv ° tract—stomach
fv b,vi '7* and int ostines. to puril
nV and build. The finest
?n one S R , ifts have been placed
iefe remarkable medicine that ia
safe and sensible and so inexpon!
a day. b ° taken f ° r ten cents
™ a 'vV 10 'nmous Natonex for
plained. bUt ful * *x
owfe ,ian oot ' to overcome indi
gestion and mildly increase the
force of the blood ctrculation
Juniper Berries, to aid in purifi
-0 n. . 0- kldn eys and bladder.
niP an i dell ? n . Root, to regulate a tor
pid, sluggish liver.
Boot, the safe vege
table blood tonic.
Prickly Ash Bark, Nature's besl
known tonic for a run down, lan
guid system.
Jamaica Ginger Root, to warm the
stomach, nourish the stomach blood
supply and increase the flow of the
vital digestive juices.
\alerian Root, to tone the nerves
and overcome the sleeplessness and
restlessness of stomach sufferers.
Peruvian Bark, to subdue fever
ish conditions.
Rhubarb Root, to invigorate the
intestines and dislodge the waste
matter that causes acute constipa
I-inseed, to relieve congestion
throughout the digestive system.
Cascara Bark, the greatest tonie
for the bowels known to medical
Bicarbonate of Soda, to overcome
acid stomach, food fermentation
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