Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 05, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 I NAME ENGINEER I TO BUILD TUNNEL il If Commissions Appoint Clifford M. Holland for Interstate Job By Associated Proas. New York, June s.—The New York State Bridge and Tunnel Com mission and the New Jersey lnter ' , state Bridge and Tunnel Commission i announce the appointment of Clif | ford M. Holland, builder of the Bast River tunnels, as chief engineer, to have charge of construction of the proposed interstate tunnel. Mr. Holland's appointment is effective j June 15 and he will receive a salary j of SIO,OOO a year. S The commissions also named a ' board of consulting engineers con sisting of J. Vipend Davies. Colonel Henry W. Hodge. Col. William J. Wilgus, Major John A. Bensel and Prof. William H. Rarr. General George W. Goethals was offered a position on the consulting board, but declined. Cuticura For Baby's Itchy Skin AO droegtots; Sw Ui. O.nt grfjb- flwrt 8 and 10. T*y.jm 2t ">/ A nek fna of "Citt- I nr, Dn. E. "I WAS JUST ABLE TO GET THRO THE DAY AND I HAD DOCTORED YEARS," HE SAID "I was Just about able to get through the day and that was all. Indigestion and a clogged-up system had brought on rheumatism. I have sought relief and doctored for years and Natonex is the only medi cine I have ever taken that gave me sure, satisfactory results. This is what G. M. Hettinger, car penter, of IS2 Dana street. Wilkes- Barre, says about Natonex, the Na ture medicine that is bringing long delayed relief to so many hundreds here who do not hesitate to tell the remarkable results. "I feel better than I have for years and I have Natonex to thank for it," Mr. Hettinger declared, and then he told the full story of his severe case. "Stomach trouble started years ago," he explained. "I haven't been able to eat what I wanted in all that time on account of the way 1 would suffer. My food would lie like a stone in my stomach. Gas would form so it would be hard for me to breathe. This gas would center around my heart and cause pain like a knife. I had a burning sensation and would get sick headaches. "My other organs got affected and I was bothered with my liver and bowels. The result was I began to get rheumatism, with pains in my .arms and legs. I hadn't been able to Compare your work equipment x J\ with the business woman's labor saving conveniences—then Come and select a Hoosier— Stop being a drudge IF you are not familiar with modern This experience will prove your need business equipment, visit any office of a Hoosier the kitchen cabinet that and see the many appliances that saves miles of steps and hours of need enable business men and women to do less toil. And you'll be further con their daily tasks without wasting vinced that you should not try to work energy. You'll find that your work- * if wi . n com . e an <* see its , * • , , , . . many labor-saving inventions and fea shop-the kitchen-has been pit.- tares 0 f convenience. Every day you fully neglected and much of your time delay is another day of unnecessary squandered in needless drudgery. fatigue. Join our Club now by paying a small payment down—the balance in month ly payments. QT fVTM B* By "f 1 Complete Exclusively Furnishers v 312 MARKET ST. * 1 1 " 1 ' " ' ■ i'i "Baa • j# * •. - THURSDAY EVENING, HAHIUBBURG TELEGRAPH TUNE 5, 1910. MAKES PERILOUS LEAP FOR WOMAN Fireman Prevents Her From Carrying Out Suicide Threat s™ Vurk, Juno 8. —'Tying a ropo around hla waist Fireman Timothy Fitzgerald leaped Into tho air from the tenth floor of a fashionable Brooklyn hotel yesterday, swung through a window on the ninth floor knocking down Mrs. M. M. Canda, and frustrating her thrcatenod at tempted to hurl herself to death. The womau had locked herself Into the room after announcing her Intention to commit suicide. Policemen and hotel clerks argued with her through the locked door, but were afraid to force an entrance as she announced that she would throw herself out of the window if anyone entered the room. They succeeded in keeping the woman in parley while Fitzgerald prepared for his Jump. He measured the distance between the windows— twelve and a half feet—fastened a rcpe of that length about a life belt and. while theree policemen held the loose end, he took his perilous leap. Fitzgerald was recently discharged from the army, having served as a second lieutenant in the quarter master's corps. After Mrs. Canda was overpowered she was taken to a hospital in a hys terical condition. 11l health was given by her family as the reason for her actions. do any chorea around the house for months, but now I do. "I eat anything I want and don't regret it, as I have no bad after effects and my food does me good. It shows in my color and increase in weight. I sleep soundly the night through, something I had not done for years before. I have sought re lief and doctored for years and spent much money and I know there must be hundreds of people here who are doing the same thing. So I advise them all to try Natonex and I am sure they will stop the drain on their pocketbooks as well as get the relief they need. "Not one of 1 hundreds of endorse ments given here for Natonex shows better what this safe Nature remedy will do than does this statement by Mr. Hettinger," said the Natonex representative. "He could just about get through the day. Now ho is up and about, his food is digest ing and he is gaining strength and weight. The same chance is open to others who will learn about Na tonex." Natonex is fully explained by the special representative at the Gorgas drug store. 16 North Third street. Druggists everywhere now sell Na tonex. If your druggist cannot sup ply you, don't wait, address Gorgas* Drug Store, Harrisburg. SENATE PASSES SUFFRAGE BILL Adopts House Measure by Vote of 56 to 25; Now Goes to States Washington, Juno 6.—Action by Congress on equal suffrage—subject of u light of forty years' duration — ended late yesterday In adoption by the Senate by a vote of 66 to 26 of tho historic Susan B. Anthony con stitutional amendment resolution. Tho proposed amendment, adopted by the House by a vote of 304 to 89 May 21, as the first act of the new Congress, now goes to the states, ratification by Legislatures of three fourths of which is required. The rollcall showed two votes more than the necessary two-thirds for the resolution, which was draft ed by Susan B. Anthony in 1875, and Introduced by Senator Sargent, of California, in 1878. Counting paired and absent members, the Senate actually stood 66 to 30 for the meas ure. Immediately after the Senate's ac tion, the resolution was taken to Speaker Gillett's office and signed. It was rushed back to the Senate for its presiding officer's signature but arrived after the Senate had ad journed, and will be approved to day. President Wilson's signature, Jt was stated, is not necessary, al though tho resolution will be sent to the White House as usual and may be signed by the Executive. Bill Proposes Early Wire Return to Private Owners Washington, Jane S.—The bill of Senator Kellogg, of Minnesota, pro posing immediate return to private ownership of telephone, telegraph and cable lines was reported to the Senate late yesterday and placed on the calendar with a view to early action. Labor Leader Denounces Throwing of Bombs By Associated Press. Atlantic City, N. J.. June s.—Ad dressing the annual meeting here of the International Building Trades Federation, John Doliu, of Chicago, president, denounced bomb throwers and Bolshevism. The meeting is pre liminary to the opening of the an nual convention of the American Federation of Labor here next Mon day. Officials of the Federation of Labor already here. Intimated that strong action would be taken by the Federation on the question of prohi bition. "Labor's resentment." they said, "is not based so much upon the prohibition of alcohol as on the In vasion of constitutional rights of citizens." Requa Resigns From Fuel Administration By Associated Press. New York, June s.—Announce ment of the resignation of M. L. Requa as general director of the oil division of the United States Fuel Administration was made here on behalf of Sir. Requa. He will become associated with the Sinclair Oil in terests. MINISTER RAPS MODERN STAGE Declares It "Reeks With Moral Filth and Sensual Exhibits" 1 : 3 By Associated Press. 1 " Atlantic City, N. J., June s.—The Rev. William Burgess, Chicago, di rector of the Illinois Vigilance As sociation, in an address before the annual meeting of the National Con ference of Social Workers here yes terday, severely criticised the mod ern stage. "With a few worthy and notable 'exceptions of legiUmate drama," he said, "the stage now reeks with moral filth and sensual exhibits. Art. music, beauty, gross and grotesque ugliness are all woven into scan dalous revels of diabolic move ments, libels upon the very name of dance or ballet. "Institutional schools have failed because the public school system is a failure," was a declaration of Cal vin Derrick, of the State Department of Institutions and Agencies. "Insti tutional schools are going to continue to fail as long as they persist in fol lowing the footpaths of the public school as now organized, as long as they engage low grade teachers and as long as the ranks of institution teachers are filled with people of weak personality." Yaqui Indians Terrorize Mining District of Sonora By Associated Press. Wogalea, Ariz., June s.—Paqui In dians in the La Colorado mining district of Sonora, Mexico, are ter rorizing the community, according to advices received here. Another murder was reported to-day, that of Charles W. P. Tervote, mining en gineer, employed by the American Mining and Smelting Company. Airplane Motor Froze 30,000 Feet in Air; Lands Safe By Associated Press. Issy Lea Moulineaux, France. June s.—Captain Rene Fonck, the fa mous French ace, attempted yes terday morning to break the alti tude record in an airplane of 31,000 feet made by Adjutant Casale May 28. The aviator rapidly ascended until he had attained a height of 30,000 feet. Here, however, his mo tor froze, and he was forced to make a thrilling volplane with his engine stopped. He finally landed in safety at the airdrome at Toussus Le Xoble. French Peasants Use U. S. Army Horses With the American Army of Oc cupation, June s.—American Army horses, some of which last year hauled artillery over the battle fie'do of France, will this summer be urcd by French peasants in va rious districts as aids in tilling the soil of hundreds of acres of de vastated regions. Details for the sale of ten thou sand American Army horses and mules to the FTench government were completed recently at the headqn&rters of the American Army cf Occupation. These animals are to be shipped from the occupied area of the Rhinelands to France by rail and sold by the French government direct to the peasants. The first batch of one thousand horsee sold to the French under this arrangement bronght about ?200 each. CURIOUS FRENCH PLAY WITHOUT WOMAN IN CAST Paris, June 5. Sacha Guitrya play, "Pasteur," in which no wo man's character appeared, has had a run of 107 performances, which, for a play entirely devoid of fem inine Interest, is considered in Paris to have been a great success. The piece, however, hardly had claims to be a play. It was rather a series of unconnected scenes in the life of a great scientist, beginning with one showing him with his pupils at the outbreak of the war of 1870, continu ing with scenos introducing his first application of his vaccination aginst hydrophobia and ending with his re ception at the French Academy. The absence of any woman's role was not the only remarkable feature of the piece. The "hero" has not been dead twenty-five years yet, so that many who saw the play remem bered him personally. The author found his materials in the life of M. Pasteur, written by M. Pasteur's son-in-law, M. Vallery-Radot, whose wife, M. Pasteur's daughter, on see ing Lucien Guitry, the author's fath er, who played the title role with a marvelous make-up, could not help exclaiming "Papa!" The boy who played the part of the first victim of a mad dog's bite to be treated by M. Pasteur was a young brother of the boy who really was so treated. APPROVES CONVICTION By Associated Press. Trenton. N. J„ June s.—The Su preme Court has affirmed the con viction of Harry W. Snook, a Tren ton taxicab driver sentenced to two years for manslaughter In running over and killing Albert Dearden* Jr., and Miss Nellie Boss, of this city, while they were walking along a country road at night. Snook has been at liberty under SIO,OOO bail pending the decision of the Supreme Court. The case may be carried to the Court of Errors. DROWN PLAYING HOOKEY Reran ton. Pa., June s.—While swimming in a pool at the outlet of No. 7 dam near the city yesterday afternoon. Dennis J. Gallagher, aged 14, and Michael J. Flax, aged It. were drowned. The youngsters had played hookey from school and were alone when drowned. FRANCE CALLED 5.250.000 MEN DURING THE WAR Paris, June B.—France with a population of about 4 5,000.00, mob ilized nearly 8,250.000 men during the war. Two weeks after the great war began 98.832 officers and 5.751,- 000 Frenchmen had been caned to the colors. By February t, 1918, th# total was 5.000,000. From that time on to the end of the war less than 200.000 officers and men were added to the army, although many morr acre mobilised which rqalaecd cas- SPUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE | Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better LAST TWO DAYS-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY To Participate In Our Great 9th Anniversary Sale Never have we conducted such a successful merchandising event as this 9th Anniversary Sale has been. Nor have we ever offered greater values, which probably accounts for th>; enthusiastic buying that we have experienced. If you mean to share in its many bargain offerings in quality of a high order—but two days remain. The sale closes Saturday night. Anniversary A Anniversary 1Q _ Anniversary OQ/ Anniversary Specialsat.. Specials at. *Specials at. Specials at. l'nliiiolive Soup Oc ... , „ . „ , 50c Earrings Site 15c value. 28-lnrh Unbleached value. Bead# 19c 30c vnlne, Bom Gingham 50c vnluc, Photograph Al- Muslln, yard Oc 15c and 50c value, Bracelets, Romper* 20c bums 30c Men's Work Glovea Oc „„ , _ . . ... l"' 50c value. Slumped I.lnen 500 value, Meu'a Work Glove*. EXTRA SPECIAL vn|u< . Children's Sun 30c value. Cotton Filet I.accs, vnluc, Men's Dress and Wm Paper, 2 for Oc ™ ,u ®' cniiarcu s n ai) c Work Suspenders 30c — Hats lwc i, aw n-w # n vnluc, I.atllcs* Vests, 31>c 15c value, Strong Fly Swat- 35e value. Men's Canvas Work 50p Moth 1 roof sc value, Mgg Poachers 15 ters ... Oc Gloves 10c e** slsei 3e 15c value, White Paper Nap- i!sc value. Men's Cotton Hose, ~~~T7I kins, 40 for Dc black and colors 10c KXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL i , S ?® "J."®' E .™- 50c value. Hoys' Athletic EXTRA SPECIAL broidery Menacing .... 20c lßlon 3„ 25c value. Stamped Bou- EXTRA SPECIAL dolr Caps Oc value, 1 ntrlotle 50c value. Children's Black 50c value, Boys' Plain Blue tlonery 10c Hose, all sUes 20c Overalls 30c 08c value, Marshall Foch Cal- 31 >,. value. Light and Dark <• vnluc, I.arse White En irC.",™!...' I.'-." I w_. Jr '® Value, Satin Pad Garters Pereales, best quality 20c nmel Wash Basins 30c 13c value, I rimed Lawns and Silk Arm Bands . 10c 50c vnluc. White lllce Mar- wSSt. ' ' 23c value. Men's and Bora' in 1..■. en- waists SOe White China Silk Soft Collam, " 30 ® vnlu ®' CD'"' While EXTRA SPECIAL 27-Inch Chllfon Silks .., 20c Dresses 30c 13Hc value. Hemmed Ends 20c value, 7-Inch Tubed Cake 50c value, Mcn'a Nnlnaook 42c vnluc, 18-Inch Emhroid of Huck Towels. 2 for, 0c Pans 10e Athletic Shirts and Drawers, all y Flounctngs 30c i —V , 20c value. Ladles' Vests .. 10c slses, garment 20c —-—— 12 Vic valnc, tap Hnlr Nets, ' 30e value, Chlldren'a Veats EXTRA SPECIAL ■"£ Panta, odd alaes lOe EXTRA SPECIAL r,#e value, Ladles' Union 12He value, Shoe Polish, 20c value, Vcnlse Edges, 10c • ? . a, , i. . Su * 30c Dressing and Paste 0c ' 30c value, Ladlca' Lisle Hoac, blnck and colors, 20c *,. „„ " EXTRA SPECIAL I EXTRA SPECIAL ' on F,U ' t value, White Cotton 55e vnlne, Boyn' IlalbrlßT- 35e vnlne, Ladlca* Madeira 50e value, flnby LonK find Twill Towelinf? Or Bran Drawera lOe Handkerchief* 30c Short White Dre**** 30c ' ~ " 30c value. Tourist Coses, 30c 50c value, Venlse llnndlnic*, 12%e value. Dressing Combs, 20c value. Glass Pickle Dlshc. 3,, c 'nine, Photograph Al- 30c 3c bunts 20c 50c value, Whisk Brooms, 30c JS*" ™ ,U ®' , C " rl 23c value. Cotton Filet Laces. 30c value. Colored Cor- ™'lue IS2 — 10c rcspondcnce Cards 20c I" I"®' 1 "®' * n " cy SJfVi®' 21!® EXTRA SPECIAL 51,0 Tnla ®' 'Messing Combs, SOe value, Plula and Printed Lot of 50c value,' Ladles' I=Vic value, Side Comba, op, Vftmb Flaxena. yard 20c .Neckwear 30c pair or 20c value. Cap ' Shane Hair 1 v "luc, Windsor Tics, all Nets P H JK EXTRA SPECIAL c ® ,p 30c * 2% ® V" l "®' Lingerie Tape. ~o t of al > c j, nd i,.„. 30c vnluc. Men's Mercer- ~V Tn. °il • Uc Neckweir 10,. I*ed Hose, black and colors, ' „ EXTRA SPECIAL 25c \aluc, IH-lnch Embroidery . I 50c value, Boy*' Light I'lonni'lnK, yard 0c —— * ' * j Wash I*nnts 30c 15c value, Stiekerel Edging*. EXTRA SPECIAL ! _ , . , v . „ 0v 20c value 18-luch Em! 30c value. Ladles' V est., 29c 50c value, 32-Inch Dress C.lng- V——— broldcrv tnl 31)0 value, Boys' Striped Over- hams, latest novelties In plaids, roiacry " 10c 1 alls 20c yard . 89c 30c value. Girls' Anrons. 30c value, 30-Inch MnrquU ————— 20c value, l adles* Black Cot- 50c value. Boys' Cotton Pants, *tte Over Draperies ,30c 1 • m a ton Hose 10c 20c CWe vnluc, 04-Inch Table Anniversary Ail —. t _ -r aUe and Khaki Handkerchiefs, 1 for, Silk Kaur-ln-hnnd Tics ... 20c els Colored Turkish Ton. Specials at. * ® p>i- c.! extra special ' so ® vn ' n ®' *-'Vh 75c value. Linen Pongee Salt- °2oc" Vniuei''27-l'ach'' Striped lng, all colora, yard 40c Tlaauea in- Aprons zoe Scarfs .m- Mcn'a Silk Hose, black and 35c value. Cotton Poplin Item- ~ I ~T~~ ~ ®elors 40c nnnta, 27 Inches wide, yard, 10c 300 B®7* **•" Caps. EXTRA SPECIAL 17c vnlne, Men's Open End 2c an- , . Wash Ties, all colors, 3 for 40c SOe valoe, Vcnlse Bandings, ▼nine. Lace Trimmed 00c value, I.adlcs' Union Snlts, EXTRA SPECIAL 20c 3a ® Remnants of Plata White S#C Vn,U '' Ho,f s ®P®®®"b 50c valnc. Bleached Shaker I EXTRA SPECIAL 40-Inch Vallea. yard ... 10c 4e value. Salad Bowls, 29c rl 50c n 'valuc. ne breachcd' Shaker Mcn'a Balbrlggan Shirts Flnnnel, 30 Inches wide 30c and Drawers, alsea 32 to 40 SOe value, Extra Large Nap- 00c value, 30-lnch Striped garment 40c kins IPe Gabardines sn c I _____ —— 25c value. Plain White India _ 50c valne. Wool Crepe ~.'30c ..IS u Sril-ii2--.V.V.5S EXTRAORDINARY [l-'A'ij 50c value. Infants' Mercerised 25c value, 30-lach Nainsook, $3.25 value, large alse copper 50c value, Sanitary Aprons. Vents 40c 10e bnttom __ 60c value, Vcnlse Bandings, 30c vnlne. Made-up Cretonne WASH BOILERS 40c Cnahlon Slips 10e Anniversary Sale Price ~sl.BO 39e value, I.ndlen' Rubberised Aprons 40r p— — extra special \ Anniversary C A _ 60c value, 3-qt. Gray Gran- . ■ _ J £% I-R. 1 ::......2. ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS SPECIALS*..™C Stylish, Seasonable Millinery in s! ■ vy!r' 11 c 2 Spring and Summer Modes extra special i leather Bugs 4se ° WGIUIUVA EXTRA SPECIAL I Of much importance are the specials in our Millinery ooka. an colors, soc Cm." 1 S, "" P 4Sc Department—always lower in price than elsewhere— Le^her C p7m" nY°Ki k „,reri O^ MS ooc value. Fancy G-rterTT)o b , ut more particularly so now. Opportune, indeed, are B Z r Z >nln " o " k 85c value, 30-Inch Plain White these extra Values at this time. .Athletle I nlon Suits uOc Fluarfd Vol lea 40c I _ — c valnc, 27-Inch Ixlacn Fin- $7 an J ajo vsilii#sc 1 01C T tt EXTRA BPKCIAL isbed Pongee 40c m * o ' VaIUCS, $5 Value, Ladles Un- Men's Nainsook Athletic soc vnluc, 32-inch wide Mo- Trimmed Hats. Anniver- J trimmed Hats. Anniver- 1 1 nl< " 1 an sises .. soc 65c value. Ladles' Silk Gloves, S3ry Sale Price $3.19 68ry Sale Price ..... .$2.49 SBc value Children's TJ EXTRA SPECIAL I and Sailor Hats, Anniver- Untrimmed Hats. Anniver- v * ° g ' r 1> "" sc TBe value, Bluek Serge. 4Qe | sary Sale $2A g gary g a j e p rice AQ . EXTRA SPECIAL 00c value, Coraet Covers, 40c i m-jT Stamped . 75c value. I.adlcs' Gingham —— , —nade-np Chlldren'a Dresses. Aprons 40e ; 50c 50c value, Ladlca' Drawera, „ 40c - # ~ *'. Peter Thompaon S;:;1":r-r;::":Anniversary 70— Anniversary oft_ '-< * Specials at. *"C Specials at. &"C Si Mca'a Naftnaook Athletic EXTRA SPECIAL Union Malta 70c *I.OO Men'* Madraa Athletic value, Ladlca' SIVk A nnifl/ivc/im XI f\ Wc valac, Cut Glaaa Sherbeta, Union Suita Hoc Male Hone, black, white and HnniVeTSary nmpe pattern, hnlf down, 70c go'orq 50c Specials at.. VJC | jaiSr" ~™r*. "i-SSS?! 80c value. Mcn'a Dark Bloc Combtaatloa Suits 70c oBc value. 3™fnch Pt^SHS Work Shirts ............. , 0e —— - ■ - SI.OO value. Men's White Bal- Cretouuea 50c SOc vnlne. I.ndiea" Rubberised 08c value, 04-lneh Table brlggau Union Salts, athletle ——. Aprons .....0c Dnmnsk 70e and regular atylea 80c 08c value. Gray Granite Don- $1.25 vnluc, 30-Inch French sl.lO value, 8-quart gray Striped and Do"! V °"" Granite Tea Kettles BQc j"" tf " v "'" Wc "" A nniversarv A A I EXTRA SPECIAL 1 _ . _ till/* lifiL'SaSSsrrrre . . Specialsat.. W** Anniversary (1 1Q slso m, se-inch suk Fom- Specialsat ipl.llf ► Anniversary SQ value, Meu'a Balbßggau EXTRA SPECIAL t Snerials at *• Vnlom " li " wh,te " d ee ™' EXTRA SPBCIAL OpKLIUIS UL • ,1.11 $1.48 value, 42, 4$ and $•- 0e r Silk Taffetas, yard slJ> _-v - L Ur.pc dc t hlnrs, yard . $1.50 value. Men's Nainsook value. Table Damask, 04- r bilk Meaanllnea, yard .. *1.511 .. _ . _ .. _ *1.1 Inch wide, yd, m, ► Blaek Taffetas, yard $1.50 Union Mb sl.ls large Japaan^ Black Meaaallnea, yard, *IJW Bread Bex 99 c SOUTTER'S : H ! Where Every Day Is Bargain Day ► 215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse