Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 03, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Nature's Tome Ojf Her Ids
VlTOLYNisNature'sown T "Hll VITOLYN is a Real
Tonic of Herbs, Roots, n ?t U a ß se?r l Vegetable Preparation.
Fruit and Seeds. CAi "?„ A^ ON seeds - ac ' *. *„* CO ntains absolutely no
RHUBARB —Invigorates the Stomach and Liver. a * * l w lk T •
Put up in convenient Tablet Form Alcohol, IrOn Or NarCOtlC.
insuring accuracy tive organs. I
FLAXSEED — Relaxes congestion and relieves in
*♦♦♦♦♦♦ ' b?rK.??n"r&tlnd m ********
SUCCESS in life depends more on the co-opera- "SSS? pu " ,y >nd s,imu,a " '"pAKE VITOLYN to your family doctor. Show
tion of the Stomach than any other factor. ° f the v,tal I him the guaranteed ingredients. Ask his opinion
h h^Tith^ ol norniai 0 at> VITOLYN rests its case in his hands.
p • • 11 i nr\rtf f ll • l • GENTIAN ROOT——Creates a hcAlthy, normal 3.p
--ocientists tell us that yUyo ot all sickness is petite.
traceable to the Digestive Tract. Yet many CA^m<^s^rdg* D Then, if you care to, take it to a chemist anc
chronic cases can be remedied in from 48 to 72 hours. o°health? nervcs have it analyzed. He will tell you that VITOLYN
It i i q , „ . , , . danb!ie 1 n^so*"puri fies"the* Liver 6 and^lmood ° w is pure and will verify the formula. He will tell you,
Unless the Stomach ettectively performs its proper CEYLON MOSS-ACIS as a cleanser to lining of ~ . •r. r a . • :- iri
, . . , M • i i stomach too, that it is tree trom anything injurious,
function in the way Nature intends you cannot be CINCHONA BARK—Acts as a general tonic for the
physically fit. vegetable CHARCOAU-Overcomes gas in the Alcohol and narcotics stimulate. You may feel bettei
stomach and aids digestion. • . *i n . .1 in i . l Hn f.
Very often one good harmless food when eaten in temporari y. u ere a e - own. e a er
... -ill i r i i This formula perfected after years of research by effects are to be feared.
combination with other harmless food creates a chemi- Chester M. Braham. Expert chemist
cal reaction in the stomach, and will give off dangerous ll )) VITOLYN brings relief. Its effect is amazing.
toxics which enter the blood and slowly poison our en- The first dose brings improvement. A box is usually
lire system, sapping vitality and depleting efficiency. Read this Endorsement of VITOLYN sufficient for recovery, unless case is an obstinate one.
Stevens Medicine Co., 54 8 Vanderbllt Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
___ _ 11 r I I • 1 1 Gentlemen: Enclosed find two dollars. Kindly send me two boxas
VIIOLYN corrects all Stomach, Liver and Kid - I take this opportunity to express my gratitude nnd tell you of the Ac on oil ypa r" f-r\niP \7|' E 'OT ic incnmnafahL
_ wonderful relief obtained after tAking two boxes of your tablets I have xxo all all-ytal UJIIIU, VA 1 V/L. All 15 IllUUllipal aUIC.
ney Disorders, aids Digestion and acts as a mild positive It relieves all disorders of the nervous system. Is splen-
I ovoflirA ' was Inconceivable, not only from the pain in my head, but from weak- , , _ .. _ ~ . irrs,,
?taw*.tf2S 1 Wwwvtaiting a XTc^ns t lli eß hope a s d of h st did for Constipation, Indigestion, Stomach Trouble,
curing some relief. Tanking the cause was perhaps due to my teeth, _
VITOLYN has Stood the t6St. even to dieting, but without success
i have done everything in my power Liver and Kidney Complaints, Backache and a General
v lC ° l ' By chance In conversation with a saleslady In a Brooklyn depart
ment store, shef recommended Vitolyn and explained how she had suffered R,, rVtnslihstm
h. ii> 11 1 • • • 1f !• from these sick headaches for years prior to taking your tonic. lam on IXUII-UUWII VAJIILIIIIUII.
IS SOlCi bV all on lt"9 merits and if nnfpr- my third box of Vitolyn and feel like a new woman. I have not had one
IO uy an uiuyyiais UII 115 IHCIIIS <IIIU 11 UIICU- Blng i e headache Since using Vitolyn and I will highly recommend it
• r 11 f 11 1 • *ll 1 1 whenever an. opportunity arises. Very sincerely yours, n 1 • X "*r.T 1
tions are carerully followed it will help you. (signed) Mrs. e. f. KASTENHUBER. Start taking VITOLYN todiv.
1 J 227 South Ocean Avenue, Freeport, L. I. °
Y¥ • 1 Golden Seal Drug Store, 11 South Second Street. Wm. F. Steever, 1324 Walnut Street. Peter's Pharmacy.
narriSDlirg E. Z. Gross, 119 Market Street. Thompson's Hill Pharmacy, Thirteenth and Derry Sts. Porr's Pharmacy.
Croll Keller, 405 Market Street. _ -
P. J. Althouse, Thirteenth and Market Sts. Kennedy's Medicine Store, 321 Market Street. O, i- |\[pfir § HfTlnPPlann
J. H. Boher, 209 Market Street. KitzmilWs Pharmacy, Derry Street. otCCltOIl VUIHUCI 10.1 111
J. W. Cotterel, 1800 North Sixth Street. Kramer's Pharmacy, Third and Broad Sts. J. F, Good,
C. M. Forney, 31 North Second Street. C. A. Moller, Second and Chestnut Sts. J. A. McCurdy, -
J. K. Garland, 1839 North Sixth Street. Potts' Pharmacy, Third and Herr Sts. W. K. Martz. F flOlA
Geo. A. Gorgas (3 stores), 16 North Third Street, Penn-Harris R. W. Staley, 1417 North Sixth Street. P, F, Zelgler, Wlv|(%
Hotel, Pejina. Station. W. F. Thompson, 2027 North Sixth Street. Tolbert Prowell. R. A, Holmes,
Kennedy Drug Company, Harrisburg, Pa WboleaaJa Distributors
JUNE 3, 1919.