Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 03, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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Colonel John S. Garrett Suc
cumbs to Attack on Sun
day Night
Lewistown. June 3. —Colonel John
S. Garrett, of North Wayne street,
was stricken by paralysis on Sunday
evening and died at an early hour
yesterday morning. He felt ill and
started to walk down through the
yard at his home. The Wisohaupt
children next door noticed him in
the yard. They called their father,
who assisted Mr. Garrett to the back
steps of his home. He then sunk
into a state of unconsciousness and
Theater So Cool in Summer.
' Follows:—You don't need to
buy your girl a 5-pound bo- of
chocolates, she wiU lie bettor
pleased to sec
a dainty musical comedy and
4—Other Keith Acts—4
Now Showing- "irst Episode of
Perils of Thunder
Today Last Showing of
in a unique story of the Northwest
Children of
The Coolest Spot in Town
Present* 111* Newest Production
For Better For Worse
Seven Reel*
Those who *een it y**terdny
claim It In far one of the lc*t Ma*-
! terpiece* of Nlr. DeMllle'a that was
ever given in Ilurrlnburg.
Comedy '•.Nobody'* Haby w
Special Inducement For You
To attend our Mntince Today and
Tomorrow on account of the even
ing crowd*.
Admission 10c and war tax
Between the hours of 10 a. m. nnd
5.30 p. in.
•'MAGGIE PEPPER" Featuring
Ethel Clayton'
V *
Harry C. Hunter Shows
win : u t
Third & Harris Sts.
1. XT W: ::K
Is Like a Breath From the Arctics.
Always Cool in Hot Weather
A two-fisted man against two gun-men—anil fists win. Doesn't
that sound like an "ad" for red-blooded
TOM MIX, and What It Is
—and what's more It Is. We merely want to tell you he Is a green
cowpunchcr in his lutest picture—
and that he enforces the law. Now that you know he is here we
know you'll come because everybody likes this actor.
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Only~at This Theater
Dustin A Man
Farnum In the Open
I The eoolest plaee to spend a summer afternoon or evening is
at a theater. If yon haven't tried It. Ask your neighbor who has.
The Best Ventilated Theater in Town
Today and Tomorrow Is your last opportunity to -ce
Ui her super-play, which filled Is theater to its capacity yesterday,
Tills is a "quality" picture that Is playing in many of the larger
cities at greatly increased pric.
Hie coolest plaee to spend a summer afternoon or evening is at
a theater. If you haven't tried it, ask your neighbor who lias.
did not speak another word. He]
was carried into the house and died :
at about 1:30 yesterday morning.
On Memorial Day, he took part!
in the services and appeared as well
as usual. He had been commander
of Colonel Hulings Post, No. 176,
G. A. R., for four years and pre
sided over the exercises on that day.
John S. Garrett was born in Cin
cinnati, Ohio, in April, 1542, and
he and his parents came to Lewis
town when he was quite young. He
got a position driving mules on the
P. and E. Canal, and at the age of
18 he was captain of one of the
largest grain boats in the service.
He served about four years in 'the
Civil War, first in Company A,
Forty-Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers
and later in Company E, Third Reg
iment United States Veteran Volun
teers. He took part in many im
portant battles. In 1875 he enlisted
in the Pennsylvania National Guard.
It was then known as the Logan
Guards. He was made lieutenant
colonel of the regiment March 23,
In early life, Mr. Garrett became
an employe of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company and worked him
jself up to the position of joint yard
master at Lewistown Junction,
.which position he held at the time
of his retirement in 1913. He served
| one term as high sheriff of the
county, served as high constable,
school director and tax collector. He
' was a member of the Red Men and
I. O. O. F., Order of Lewistown. A
| wife, four sons and four daughters
j survive him.
Rev. J. L. Gilman
Installed as Pastor
The Rev. J. L. Gilman was last night
ordained and installed as pastor of the
i Cavalry Presbyterian Church, Cam
■ eron and Sycamore streets. Promi
nent ministers from the Presbytery of
Carlisle were present. The ceremonies
I were impressive and a large congre
gation attended. In addition to the
■ interesting program announced yes
' terday, Mrs. Frank M. Green sang as
i a solo, "Father, Perfect Thou My
j Faitli."
Ilnir* Orclii'Mtrii (Colored)
of Columbia** Ohio,
One of the beat dance and sing
ins orchestras on the road. A spe
cial treat every evening this week
at 40c and 00c
Good car service leaves the
Square 7.45, 8.00, 8.15, 8.30 and 9.00
o'clock. Autos can be parked
around the pavilion.
Feature Extraordinary
In Her Host Picture
An unusually stro~ drama, filled
witli human interest. The stuff
life is made of.
Paxtang Park
2 Performances Every
The Fremont and Burton
Players Presenting
Handkerchief No. 15
By The Sea
3 Other High Class Acts
15 Cents Admission to All
Parts of the House
ft. mw.
H.gh Class Vaudeville—Opening chap
ter of the new serial, "The Perils
of Thunder Mountain," a story laid
among snow-clad mountains;
George Choos' musical comedy suc
cess, "Oli, Charmed:" Dotson, comed
ian and dancer; three other Keith
To-day and To-morrow—Norma Tal
made in "The New Moon."
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Ueraldine Farrar in "The Strong
V ow."
Coming—Alice Brady in "Redhead."
To-day—Last showing of "Children of |
Banishment." featuring Mitchell
To-morrow and Thursday—Tom Mix
I in "The Coming of the Law."
I Friday nnd Saturday—Dustin Farnum
! in "A Man in the Open."
I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of
J next week—"Bolshevism on Trial."
To-day and To-inorrow—Cecil B. De
Milles, "For Better, For Worse."
Thursday and Friday—Ethel Clayton
in "Maggie Pepper."
Vaudeville—Every evening.
] Tho new vaudeville bill presented i
jat the Paxtang Park Theater last
evening leaves, it is
I Mew Bill nt said, little to be de
i l'axtang l'ark sired in the way of
an hour of mirthful
! entertainment. Miss Fremont Benton
; and her capable company are the fea
ture attraction of the park bill in the
sketch, "Handkerchief No. 15," which
depends on its far-fetched fun, on the
circumstance that a married man pre
sented a strange young woman with
his handkerchief bearing his name
and address, and it occasions domestic
complications which lead to a series
of impossible troubles. Frank Moore
and Kitty Sterling were in high favor
with the park audience in "Bits of
Musical Conifedy;" Veronica and Hurl
Fails in their acrobatic novelty. "By
the Sea;" a' charming young lady
billed as "The Tetrazeinne of Vaude
ville," and As-Ro-Mon, one of the few
American Indians in vaudeville, were
pleasing features of the show at Pax
The lirst installment of the widely
advertised serial, "The Perils of
"Thunder Mountain," co-
At the starring Carol Halloway
I Majestic and Antonio Moreno, the
popular screen favorites,
I opened at the Majestic yesterday.
I Beautiful snow-oapped mountains are
shown in almost every scene, and it
makes one feel cooler just to look at
I them. The lineup of choice Keith
! acts arc also being well received.
George Choos" sparkling musical
comedy. "Oh, Charmed." affords pleas
ing entertainment. The company num
bers ten (mostly pretty girls). Dot
son with his dancing is a popular
number on the bill. Inman and Lyons
hand out a line of rapid-tire conversa
tion; Day and Neville are a young
couple who introduce a series of
pleasing song and dance specialties,
|and the Beaudoins offer a variety
turn that consists of some clever
bicycling, gymnastics and juggling.
Do you believe Norma Talmadge
has a lace that resembles the woman
in the moon? Well, she has. That is
the reason her director selected iter
as the star for "The New Moon." her
latest photoplay release which played
to capacity audiences at the Colonial
theater yesterday. This picture plays
to-day and to-morrow. Another fea
ture about this picture, besides the
superb acting. Natalie Talmadge,
youngest sister of the famous star, is
playing. This is the first time the
sisters have appeared together in
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
this week Geraldine Farrar will be
shown in "The Stronger Vow." Alice.
Bradv will soon be shown in "Red
ittfad," another appealing picture
produced by this popular screen
If you like a corking good story of
the Northwest, of its pine forests, and
people, so old-fashioned and yet so
true, to-day is your last chance to
see one of the best of these pictures
entitled "Children of Banishment,
featuring Mitchell Lewis. This pic
ture plaved to large audiences at the
Vietoria'theater yesterday
To-morrow red-blooded Tom Mix
will be shown in his newest picture,
"The Coming of the Law." In this
picture Tom is a tenderfoot. He gets
into trouble with several dangerous
characters, they carry guns. Tom
doesn't. See which one gets the best
of the battle. But that is not all of
this picture —not bv a long shot—that
is morelv one of the n.lnor incidents.
You'll like the story.
F.thcl Clayton, who is starring in a
screen version of the late Charles
Klein's famous play of department
store life, "Maggie Pepper. The
picture in short, is one to please and
to thrill and best of all, it is a purely
American, simple, human and whole
some story of plain people under cir
cumstances that are natural and yet
when eorelated present a tense and
compelling drarpa. The production is
of the test.
Cecil B. DeMllle s newest produc
tion. "For Better, For Worse, will
be the attraction to-day and to-mor
row Those who have seen it, claim
that it is by far the finest piece of
work Mr. DeMille has yet given to
the screen, from every standpoint,
storv, dramatic suspense, acting and
Burgess Raises Funds For
Duncannon Cornet Band
Dunoaiuion, Pa., June 3.—Through
the energetic efforts of F. E. Cook,
newly-appointed chief burgess of Dun
cannon, the Duncannon Cornet Band
Is now entirely free of debt. Assum
ing his office, the new chief executive
learned that the otganization was in
debt to the extent of 380. He got
busy and solicited funds to the extent
of $125, which hilve been ÜBed to liqui
date the debt and for the purchase of
additional uniforms and instruments.
John A. Geiger continues to gain In
the War Savings Stamps sales contest
of Harrisburg letter carriers. Carriers
with sales records of more than S3OO
and their records follow:
Main Office—R. K. Fortna, $1,936.09;
K. R. Gauit. $1,302.15; G. A. Holllnger,
$1,291.26; H. C. Young. $719.26; R. H.
Weaver. $690.82: C. W Cless. $606.11:
W E. Swiler. $565.01: William B.
Berry 3553.30; H. C. Jordan, $521.3.7:
R. O. Wiestling, $511.06; C. K. Rea,
3i32.7R: T. J. Carpenter, $366.15; G.
R. Pritohard, $312.73.
Hill Station John A Gelgor,
$5,033.31: Gtwrge L Ebersole. sl.-
282.76: C. R. Ruffington. $1,056.15:
Charles A. Fortna. $899.18; William
W. Puni. $636.61: Walter R. Manley.
$155.44: Arthur W. Wagner, $404.01.
Lancaster, Pa., June 3. —Rachel
Stoltzfus, 4 years old, lost her life
in a freak accident at her home at
Mascot, near this city, yesterday, be
ing drowned by a Btream of water
that poured into her mouth from
an Iron trough which had- slipped
from Its supports and pinned her to
the grounds. An investigation
showed that no bones were broken
and that death was due to drowning
by the water that poured over her,
from which she could not escape.
Gettysburg, Pa., June 3.-—Seeing
its own reflection in a large plate
glata in the Elks' Home, a steer
charged into the building, shattering
the glass; but was driven out before
any further damage waa done.
• %
Smashes West End, 6-1, With
Buck Ramsey Pitching
Against Strieker
Teams W. I* Pet.
Motive Power 5 3 .625 i
West End 5 3 .625
Commonwealth 3 4 .429
Engineers and Fire
men 2 4 .333 ;
"Motive Power" is the right mon-l
iker for a bunch of heavy-weight
ball tossers who decimated the West |
End team list evening at the Fourth
and Seneca street park before a
crowd so multitudinous that the
steel cable which pioiects the Held
nearly gave way. Umpire Jackson.
' who has been having trouble holding
jto his shin pads, appeared with only
|one in this game, and superstitious]
| fans accused him of putting a Jinx I
on the West End, who arc now tied
for first place in the league, instead j
jof gayly sailing the front.
The fans got so jazzed up before
the battle ceased, after seven ses
sions. and the score 6-1. that Edgar
B. Da Kuc, separated himself from a
tine, up-to-date bicycle in order to
get closer to the melee, and to-day
he reported that some other fan took
a fancy to the said wheel and has
not yet returned it. Even this, how
ever, did not seem to dampen the
ardor of Rooter Laßue, who said
that with Buck Ramsey, Strieker,
Howe and all that bunch, the Motive
Power might as well be in the big
leagues, and he vowed it could beat
any team'in the State.
Ramsey was there with everything
and West End only collected four
hits, while Strieker pitched a game
which puzzled the fans. He would
put over a cauple strikes and a ball
or so on a batter and then ease up
and toss one which the batter usu
ally cremated for a safe wallop. At
these crises the party or "nuts" who
make music with their calliope
showed their feeling in harsh melo
It was a game of many spectacular
features. Bill Euker starred bril
liantly by cutting off more runs with
his peg to the home plate when the
bases were jammed. Knight was a
regular big leaguer back -of the
plate; looked like Frank Bowerman
in his palmy days. His three base
clout scored the West-. End one run.
When Howe got stranded at third,
no one having the wallop to bring
him home, many wept. Isaiah Reese,
foreman of Round House No. 2, is
said to have swallowed the butt of
his ten-cent cigar in the agony.
Buck Ramsey, too, had a tough
deal, being forced at third where he
was placidly waiting to trot home
when an ambitious runner ttchind
tried to occupy the sack. About half
the West End team concentrated on
running down the unfortunate Ram
sey. During the game s9l was col
lected for Hippensteel, regular
catcher for Motive Power, now in
the Harrisburg Hospital, recovering
from an operation for appendic'tis.
The score:
AB. R. H. O. A. M.
W. Euker, s.s. ... 3 0 1 1 6 1
Bell, 2b 3 0 0 1 1 0
/Not all
Things Come
in Pairs
for instance,
comes in
ch, that's al
most telling-
Thursday i s
only the day
after tomor
>•' —. See the J
\ y
Carter's little Liver Pills
You Cannot be A Remedy That
Constipated Makes Life
and Happy JMPiitsj Worth Living
Small POl IB DILLS. Cemalna beats ilgmtmi
S ° SS3Trt -
many colorless faces but will greatly help most pale-faced people
T. Euker, c.f 1 0 0 0 1 0
Embick, r.f 3 0 0 0 1 0.
Matter, lb 3 0 1 9 1 0
McKeever. l.f 3 1 1 1 0 9
Kline, 3b 3 0 0 0 2 1
Knight, c 3 0 1 6 1 1
Strieker, v p 2 0 0 3 4 0
Totals 24 1 4 21 18 4
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Hunter, r.f 5 0 3 1 0 0
Brown, c.f 4 1 1 1 0 0
He we, e 4 2 3 2 2 0j
Garverlch, l.f 4 1 1 1 0 n !
Weaver, 3b 3 2 2 1 1 0'
i Stewart, s.s 4 0 2 2 0 0
I McCurdy, lb 4 0 0 11 0 0
| Weleomer, 2b 4 0 2 1 5 0
Ramsey, p 3 ll 0 1 3 0
Total 35 14 21 11 0
i Motive Power 2 0 2 1 0 0 I—6
i West End . 000010 o—l0 —1
| Two-base hits—Howe. Hunter; 3-
i base hli, Howe, Knight, Weuvvr;
I struck out. by Ramsey, 3; by Strick
leY, 1: bases on baltk, off Ramsey, < :
Strieker, 2; left on base. West End,
4; Motive Power, 5; hit by pitcher,
T. Euker, 2; stolen bases. Brown.
Howe, 2; Garverlch, W. Euker, Stew
art. T. Euker; wild pitches, Strieker.
Time, 1.20. Umpires Jackson and
Wllsbach. Scorer, McCahan.
May Dismal Month,
With Three Clear Days
May had only three clear .days.
Previous records show that In thlrty
one years, only five times was there
a greater rainfall in May than during
the last month. The total precipita
tion war, 5.82 inches. This is 2.15
inches above normal. Rain fall has
I not reached last month's record In
eighteen years. /
When the mercury reached nlnety
, two degrees on May 30, a high record
II was established. The lowest tompern
; ture wus forty-three degrees on May
11. On May 29 the mercury went up
thirty-one degrees in twenty-four
hours. Previous May records show
; j the maximum temperature to be
' I ninety-five degrees, and the coldest
! I thirty-four degrees.
llighwater stage was reached May
I 23, when sixteen feet was registered
, at 8 p. m. For five days the water
stage remained above ten feet.
The local weather forecaster re
ports during the month of May seven
j thunder storms; 4,544 miles of wind.
When he fell from a diving board
■ In the swimming pool at paxtans
• Park. Lawrence Corish, 1016 South
i Ninth street, received severe contu
. isions of the right leg and bruises of
, the body. He was taken to the Har
, i4sburg Hospital.
If you have dandrufT you must get
rid of It quick—it's positively dan-
J gerous and will surely ruin your
■ hair if you don't.
Dandruff heads mean faded, brlt
[ tie, scragglv hair that finally dies
. and falls out—new hair will not
. grow—then you are hairless and
I nothing can help you.
The only sure way to abolish
i dandruff for good is to destroy the
germ that causes it. To do this
• quickly, surely und safely, and at
little expense, there is nothing so
| effective as Parisian cage, which
1 you can get from Kennedy's and
■ good druggists everywhere. It •is
guaranteed to banish dandruff, stop
itching scalp and falling hair, and
[ promote a new growth, or the cost,
i small as it is, will be refunded.
Parisian sagt is a scientific prep
aration that supplies all hair needs
—an antiseptic liquid neither sticky
or greasy, easy to apply, and deli
cately perfumed.
If you want beautiful, soft, thick,
lustrous hair, and lots of it, by all
means use Parisian sage. Don't de
lay—begin to-night—a little atten
tion now insures abundant hair for
years to come.
I supplier in
I neivet in the active form in which it r.rrmally oc* \
I curl in the tiring celli of the body. It rrplicei I
I netre wiite, creitei new itrength. buildi firm I
I healthy flesh. Sold by dtuggisti under a definite I
I guinnteeol results or money back. Get the gen- I
I 1 sine BITRO-PHOSPHATE—the kind th.tphy /
Backyard Chicken Farm
Pays Big Dividends
Mrs. J. A. Parthemore, 1923 Derry
| street, less than one year, ago
| decided to help win the war hy rals
! ing chickens in her backyard. Out of
Quantity can never take the place
of Quality.
Tobacco that is not Turkish can never take the place
of 100% pure Turkish.
"Bundle" cigarettes are plentiiul in quantity—Helmar
cigarettes aire superior in "Quality."
We gladly make the comparison.
/{/f „. . Makers cftkHigficstGradelurkisk
JUNE 3, m*>.
a flock of eighty-six, Mrs. Parthemore
selected thirty pullets, which Included
Black Minorcas, Rhode Island Reds
ar.d Plymouth Rocks. These pullets
laid during the month of March 639
eggs; April. 642. and May, 522: total,
1.503. These chicks were hatched by
several pet hens of Mrs. Parthemore
from eggs bought at random in the
city maikets.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets Adv.
J Throe ■
1 . 4 ways to
M* nr-L * ntatlied Tree to any nddreia,
HaHOiem. Co.Deot.B-SflSt.Louii.Mo,