Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 31, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Founded 1831
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SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919
Be perfected; be comforted; be of
the same mind; live in peace and the
God of love and peace shall be with j
you. — ll. Cor. 13:11.
TO DISPEL any misapprehen
sion in the minds of those who
criticise Harrisburg for failure '
to meet its quota in the recent Sal
vation Army drive for peace time
funds, the executive committee
which directed the attack on the
local pocketbook, has called atten?-
tion to the fact that this city ex
ceeded its quota by over fifteen per
cent., based on the apportionment in
effect for the five liberty loans and
numerous war-work campaigns.
The committee at the outset deter
mined not to set any figure, realizing
that the appeal was a popular one
and relying on the generosity of the
citizens of Harrisburg to contribute
their bit without the necessity of
gouging. Harrisburg responded mag
nificently. rich and poor alike, with
a net result of over fifteen thousand
The unceasing labors of the com
mittee of soldiers and civilians, cou
pled with a sustained doughnut sale
by the more attractive sex that net
ted big returns, finds its reward in
the satisfaction of having raised
more money than was expected. The
Salvation Army has come into its
own. That the money will be well
spent is assured by the character of
the group of representative men who
will compose the board of direction.
THE May number of the National
Geographic Magazine contains
an article from the pen of John
Oliver Lagorce, the associate editor,
on Pennsylvania and its great re
sources under the caption 'The In
dustrial Titan of America." Mr.
Lagorce is himself a Pennsylvanian
and in a letter to the Telegraph says;
1 have counted it a rare privi
lege to portray something of
our Commonwealth's economic,
civic and historic greatness in
the 700,000 homes throughout
America into which the Geogra
phic goes, and in so doing I feel
that I am only seconding the ef
forts of every newspaper editor
within the State's confines to gain
for the land of Penn the honor
it deserves.
In this illuminating and com
prehensive article the distinguished
writer describes the vast natural re
sources and immense industries of
and dwells upon "the
' unconquerable spirit of progress that
tends to create local happiness and
national well being." He declares
that the Keystone State challenges
admiration and stirs the imagination.
"One might add the populations of
four far western states to that of all
New England," says Mr. Lagorce,
."and still have fewer people than
dwell in the land of William Penn."
Discussing the foreign-born popu
lation of this State and the impres
sion that it is peopled with aliens,
he declares that analysis proves that
even with the influx of alien labor,
Pennsylvania outranks every other
State in the Union ... number of
sons and daughters of native parent
age. Even New York has a million
fewer people whose parents were
born under the aegis of the Ameri
can flag.
In this interesting survey of the
development of Pennsylvania, the
writer says, the census returns re
veal the tact that it has more home
owners than any other State, and
that we are a thrifty people. . He
adds that nearly 700,000 families
live under their own roof trees, and
that most of the homes are mort
gage free.
Referring to the speculation as
to the elbow room of the American
people when the United States shall
have reached Its maturity, the writer
rpays, Pennsylvanians know that
there is room in the State for mil
lions more and see no reason why
the country at large cannot support
a population as dense as that of the
' Keystone State to-day. Such a dens
ity of population would make ours
a nation of half a billion souls
more people than inhabit the entire
continent of Europe.
Throughout the article there is
a tine appreciation of the important
relation of Pennsylvania to the
country and the world; its enormous
production of coal and pigiron and
the endless resources which have
supplied the world with so much that
has been needed for the comfort
and happiness of mankind. A fine
tribute is paid to the great manu
facturing interests of the State and
to its colossal industrial enterprises.
Mr. Lagorce concludes that Penn
sylvania is a veritable treasure house,
its manufacturing industries, coupled
with seemingly unending natural re
| sources, having created great wealth.
lOn a pre-war basis of values, the
! property in the Commonwealth is
(estimated at $15,000,000,000 s4,-
000,000,000 greater than the aggre
gate wealth of all New England and
only $5,000,000,000 less than the ac
tual wealth of all Italy.
It is not possible in a short space
to indicate the many interesting fea
tures of this survey of Pennsylvania
and every lover of his State should
make it a point to obtain a copy of
the May number of this useful maga
zine and study for himself or herself
the factors which have developed an
imperial Commonwealth. The ar
ticle is handsomely illustrated and
is the first of a series on the states.
Mr. I-agorce concludes his ad
mirable study with this paragraph:
"Of course, Pennsylvanians are
proud of their State's role in the Na
tion's activities. And the coming of
peace will find them at the forefront
of those who shall provide the world
with the munitions of peace en
gines and cars, coal and steel, a
thousand commodities, in the mak
ing of which Pennsylvania serves
doubly herself and the whole
OPPONENTS of the daylight sav
ing regulation In Congress are
i again busy in an attempt to
have the measure repealed. Oppo
sition to the increased daylight plan
comes from the farming element and
[seems to be largely a selfish propo
sition. If you are interested in main
taining the present daylight arrange
ment, you should get into touch with
your member of Congress and United
States senators with a view to having j
the movemint to repeal the daylight'
saving law defeated.
Thousands of industrial workers
all over the country and thousands
more who are compelled by their
occupations to be indoors most of
the day have hailed the daylight
saving plan with rejoicing. These
are in a large majority and the rural
communities, even if they have a
reasonable objection, should be will
ing to surrender something for the
benefit of those who are not in the
open as much as the farmer.
GENERALLY speaking, the third
class city bill signed by Gov
ernor Sproul this week is a
good law. It provides for numerous
changes that should have been in
cluded in the Clark act as originally
drawn and would have been had
that bill been put together in work
manlike manner. The many amend
ments found necessary merely il
lustrate the weakness of the whole
Clark statute. Another session of
the Legislature will find as many
more faults to correct and finally the
whole act will be junked and re
placed by legislation framed in ac
cordance with the needs of the peo
ple and not to meet the ideas of a
few theorists and the interests of
men who seek opportunity to con
tinue themselves in public office.
The extension of the terms of
councilmen from two to four years
is a step in the right direction. A
two years' term is entirely too short,
as the experimentalists who designed
the Clark law should have known.
But it having been put into the law
originally, considerable confusion
will be caused the coming fall as to
which candidates shall run for the
long terms and which for the short.
APPARENTLY Harry Hawker is
not the good sport the world
thought he was. The true
sportsman does not belittle the suc
cess of an adversary, especially when
that adversary has complied with all
the rules of the game and has won
out under difficult circumstances and
against great odds. It is hard to
believe that the same Hawker who
so modestly minimized his own he
roic part in an efTort to conquer
the Atlantic should go out of his
way to deprecate the achievement
of Commander Reed and the crew of
the NC-4. Probably he was speak
ing from the bitterness of defeat,
but even so the world would have
held him in higher esteem had he
paid the compliment to his oppon
ents that the flight from America to
Europe so richly deserved. That his
hearers felt Hawker had made a mis
take and rebuked him by their sil
ence is a fine tribute to the sense of
fair play and which is a natural at
tribute of the sport-loving English
Hawker complains that destroyers
guarded every mile of the Ameri
can's flight, but we imagine there
were times during his own experience
when he would have been happy to
know that the British Navy had
been as thoughtful of him. The
NC-4 did traverse a path marked
off by sentinel boats, it is true, but
that was because the United States
Government did not wish the flyers
to take more risks than were neces
sary. It was a perfectly justifiable
precaution against the possible-ac
cidents of the greutest experimental
flight ever before undertaken.
The Americans did not have much
faith in their engines, says Hawker;
which is beside the issue, because the
engines did what was expected of
them and the machine did that which
Hawker's failed to do at a critical
By all the rules of sport Hawker
ought to have taken off his hat to
the Americans, as all America has
done for him. There was glory
enough in his own exploit without
trying to belittle the achievements
of men who chanced to bo more
T>C ttile* LK
By the Ex-Committee man
The General Assembly of Penn
sylvania for 1919 will enter upon
the month of June ar.-d its twentieth
week on Monday with a date for final
adjournment not yet agreed upon
by the two houses and the appropria.
tion bills yet to be reported out.
This will be the third session of this
decade to extend into June, those
of 1913 and 1917 havln-g gone until
the last week of the month. Other
sessions which lusted until June were
1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1893, 1895,
and 1901, all being closed early in
the month, except the latter which
was prolonged until June 27. The
session of 1897, the year when the
session was interrupted by the burn
ing of the old Capitol, adjourned
July 1, the only July session since
1842, when the session lasted from
January 4 to July 27.
The calendars of both houses for
the coming week are large and the
Senate contains a number of im
portant bills, such as changes in the
compensation code, the State police
department reorganizer, increase of
salary for members of the Legisla
ture. effective In 1921, and constitu
tional amendments. There are eleven
bills on the postponed calendar.
The House lias fifty-six bills on
its postponed calendars, the largest
number in a long period of time.
Twenty-nine of these are on the final
passage stage, and a meeting of
the Rules Committee to discuss the
situtation will be held during the
week. There are forty-four bills
on the third reading calendar t'ur
Monday night in addition to thirty
one on second reading.
—While various things are being
said in Philadelphia newspapers
about the prospects on the charter
legislation, it is declared by men who
have been observing the situation,
that the coming of United States
Senator, Boies Penrose, will clarify
it and that in the end the charter
revision people will get most of what
they ask. The Governor and the
Senator are not out of accord as
some publications indicate, it is' said
by people close to both, but that
they have very definite ideas of what
should be provided for the govern
ment of the city if its people see fit
to use it.
—The district attorney and other
bills will be passed during the com
ing week, and one prediction heard
about the Capitol, is that if the jock
eying goes on there may be a revival
of the police commissioner bill.
—The State Tolice bill which has
been much amended is due to pass
finally during the coming week. The
rehabilitation bill, which has been
changed so that it will not cost the
State a big sum of money and apply
only to people hurt in Pennsylvania
and living here, will be acted upon
in the Senate next ■yeek.
—The Philadelphia Public Ledger
which has been devoting much at
tention to the Philadelphia Charter
legislation is inclined to "go after"-
Governor Sprout. In an extended
review of the situation it says: "De
velopments in the General Assembly
during the week will definitely estab
lish the status of Governor Sproul.
If the Sproul administration is a
Vare administration and Mr. Sproul
a factional Governor, allied with the
forces which not only are opposed to
clean government in Philadelphia
but seek to extend their power
throughout the State, full acknowl
edgment will be found in decisions
which the Executive must make
upon the Woodward charter-revi
sion bills and other bills to make
the new charter effective. So far
the Vares have had the best of the
game. Tb*e Jndependent-Pcnrose
leadership has been flouted. Delay,
secrecy and confidential negotiations
with the Vares have postponed not
only enactment of the charter bill,
but all legislation of importance!,
and the final result has been the
elimination from the Woodward
bill of a cardinal principle of re
form and verbal disapproval by the
Governor of the chief reform bills
sponsored by the Penrose leadership.
Those measures are the bills calling
for the appointment of a police com
missioner for Philadelphia and for
dismissal of the Care-controlled
Board of Registration Commission
—Calculations to see how appro
priation bills carrying more than
*125,000,000 can be made to fit in
less than *90,000,000 are being made
by members of the House Appropria
tions Committee as a preliminary to
reporting out the hundreds of bills
for charitable, educational and sim
ilar institutions and objects. While
no determination has been reached
as to how much money can be ap
propriated it is believed that the
*90,000,000 limit mentioned by Gov
ernor William C. Sproul will stand
in the long run as Auditor General
Charles A. Snyder is confident he
can raise that sum if given the leg
islation he asks. The revision will
be made as soon as possible and
considered by men active in legisla
tive affairs during the coming week
and the Governor will then have a
further conference with fiscal of
ficers. It is the plan at the Capitol
to clear up the revenue problem next
week and have appropriation bills
moving the following week.
—Representatives of employers
from all over the State are coming
here next week to protest against
the compensation bill in its present
form and the self insurers tax.
Still Faithful to Stuarts?
[The Living Age.]
There was once to be found, in
Britain, a little group of romantic
sentimentalists who remained faith
ful to the Stuart line, and celebrated
on January 30 a kind of Jacobite
feast day. The writer remembers
seeing postage stamps bearing the
likeness of the "pretender," who
happened to be a Princess of Ba
varia. These were attached to the
envelope by the side of the official
postage stamp, thus constituting a
nuisance to the authorities and a
source of annoyance to the serious
minded Victoria.
Since the death of his mother,
Maria Theresa of Bavaria, a few
weeks ago, the ex-Prince Rupert of
Bavaria is now the official Stuart
pretender to the throne of Great Bri
tain. The Muse of history has ever
had a leaning toward irony.
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Recsiprs- j
[From Burlington, Vt„ Free Press]
There is need of a far-reaching
program of reconstruction of the
tariff system to readjust this coun
try to post-war conditions. It will
not do for the Republican majority
in the United States to stand up and
say simply we are opposed to the
surrender of all economic barriers
to foreign goods seeking to enter
our markets. They must have some
thing to propose as a substitute and
it must be well thought out, too, if
it is to stand the test of public dis
cussion and Democratic riddling.
The military problems facing the
country demand far more than a
meje bill to regulate courts-martial.
We are facing the necessity of some
sort of military training for young
Americans. We haye had two years
of war in which to think out a pro
gram. What is the Republican pro
gram to be? Thought on that sub
ject will be far more profitable than
mere factionalism.
It will not do to return the rail
reads to private owners, with all the
old handicaps and eviis of private
management. What is the Republi
can program for the avoiding of
those ills?
We have tremendous labor prob
lems in connection with immigration
questions What is to be the solu
tion of those problems? What of
conservation of natural resources.
What of the humanities and political
justice? What of shipping and our
foreign trade? What are we to do
to restrain monopolies and yet let
big business do business? Republi
cans must face all theso and other
problems. They should stop quarrel
ing and get to work at once, as
Chairman Hays urges.
Young Man Who Went West
Aylmer Lancing, Stephen McKen
na's Midas in his new novel, "Midas
and Son" (Doran) is supposed to
have made his money by buying up
most of a town in Illinois, which had
been burned to the ground and then
developing it as a grain market with
the backing of a Western Develop
ment Syndicate. Stephen McKenna
reports further: "A year later, when
his city was rebuilt. Lancing was a
rich man by any standard; but his
riches were only beginning to accu
" 'They say of you,* he was told by
a Boston girl whom he was to marry
the following year, 'That folks can't
get in or out of America or travel
around or take an apartment or buy
a little bit of lighting or heat with
out A. L's leave.' " Mr. McKenna's
hero modestly admitted that was
nearly so.
" 'But what d'you make out to do
with it all?" the girl pursued.
"Lancing considered her deliber
" 'lf I could get away, I'd like to
take a run around London for a
piece to show then) I'd measured
up.' he answered.
Then Mr. McKenna's hero thought
he would have to get back to New
York to make more.
"The girl returned to her first
" 'But what are you going to do
with it?'
" 'I never rightly thought that up,
Lancing replied. 'lt isn't the money.
I'm not sure that I know what it
The orchestra is tuning! Within the
tree-tops, far above
I clearly hear the robin's trill of
Like violin so trembling and so
Then- following this the low tweet
Of tiny wren, so like a piccolo;
The brisk wood-pecker's hammer—
steady,—slow, —
So like the rum trum of the drum;
And in and out and round about
The branches, like the swaying
Which comes from all the instru
ments, around -
Tlie wind keeps humming, tuning,
sighing so:
And all the little things beneath that
Like children in the audience just
gasp and wait—
And then, a burst of music, wond
rous! great!
Then first we sigh, and hold our
And then "From out the winter's
Glad Sprir.* has come!" The chorus
sings to orchestra and drum;
"Glad Spring! Glad .Spring! Glad
Spring has qome!"
for The Telegraph.
What Japan Really Gets
By the Treaty of Peace
[From a National Geographic So
ciety Bulletin.]
CONTRARY to general impres
sion the peace treaty, as sum
marized in the preliminary
statement, does not cede to Japan
the whole province of Shantung, nor
the bay of Kiao Chau, nor the holy
places of Shantung which include
tho home and grave of Confucius.
The geographical limits of the por
tion ceded are outlined in a com
munication from Miss Eliza R. Scid
more, traveler and author of many
books on travel, which in part fol
"In- 1896 a German expert reported
to tho German government that a
deep water harbor could be dredged
and constructed in the northeast
corner of Kiao Chau Bay. Over
tures were made to the Chinese to
lease the bay to Germany for a long
term of years, a |1 were refused.
"lij Octobpr, 1897, the opportunity
came to Germany to claim the de
sired coaling ar.-d repair station for
its fleet in Kiao Chau Bay by the
murder of two missionaries in an
other part of Shantung province.
Apologies and indemnities were de
manded. A German squadron en
tered the bay and raised the German
flag. In March 1898, the Kiao Chau
convention was signed at Peking,
which gave a 99-year lease of one
hundred li of land, comprising tho
rocky point at the entrance of Kiao
Chau Bay to Germany, with supple
mentary railway ar.-d mining con
cessions in the province which pro
vided for a railway line from this
leased territory on the sea coast to
Tsinan-fu, the capital of Shantung,
with the right to develop coal mines
within thirty li of the line, and to
build two branch lines.
"The Chir.-ese had not occupied
their immediate seacoast since the
ravages of Koxinga, the Japanese
pirate, some centuries ago, to foil
whom the emperor commanded his
subjects to retire thirty li inland and
leave the deserted "no man's land to
the buccaneers.
"The city of Kiao Chau, forty-five
miles from Tsingtau, by train, is far
across the silted bay and six miles
inland from its muddy shore.
"Thus Kiao Chau city was not in
cluded in the territory leased by
Germany and therefore is not within
the area now ceded to Japan. But
confusion has arisen on this point
by the phraseology of the summary
of the peace treaty which states that
'Germany cedes to Japan- all rights,
titles and privileges notably as to
Kiao Chau. The entire territory
about the bay of Kiao Chau for
merly was known by that name
which still is preserved in diplomatic
correspondence. Only the German
concession was known as Tsiregtau.
"The Germans made Tsingtau a
little corner of Germany in the East.
It was first declared a free port, the
Chinese Maritime Customs function
ing there as at Hongkong, dealing
or.'ly with cargo to and from the
Chinese hinterland. lAter 2 0 per
cent of the customs collections were
assigned to the maintenance of the
"The railway line of 250 miles
from Tsingtau to Tsinan-fu, the cap
ital of Shantung, was completed in
1904. It does not pass through any
large or rich cities—Tsinan-fu, with
only three hundred thousand inhab
itants hardly counts in teeming
China —and the line traverses a
rather poor part of the province.
After the hills around Tsingtau, there
are unending levels of bean and
kaoliang fields.
"The coal mines of Fangtse, three
miles from the line, and the Poshan
mines fifty li from the line, do not
produce a superior coal, and both
coal fields have been worked by the
Chinese for centuries. Borings have
been made to depths of 3,000 and
4.000 feet through many thick seams
of coal at Poshan, but the Fangtse
mines are nearly exhausted.
"The railway line was built with
out regard for local interests, and
when angry peasants drove off en
englneers and construction gangs,
urging that the great railway em
bankments across their valleys and
fields would impound the waters in
the rainy season, a few rounds from
German machine guns ended the dis
"In the first weeks of August,
1914, the Germans made frantic ef
forts at Peking temporarily to trans
fer Tsingtau and the railway to some
neutral and obliging power—but not
to China. August 16 Japan ser.-t an
ultimatum to Germany, couched in
the exact language Germany, France
and Russia had addressed to Japan
in 1895 in> asking Japan to withdraw
from Port Arthur and the Llaotung
Peninsula, 'for the sake of the peace
of the East.' August 23 war was
declared, and August 25 the block
ading squadron took up position off
Tsingtau. Troops were landed at
Lungkow west of Chefoo, went in
land, cut the railway at the poin-t
nearest that coast, and took posses
sion of the line and its stations up
to Tslnan-fu and then landed and
established a base at Lauschan Bay,
fifteen miles east from Tsingtau just
at the line of the leased territory and
slowly closed in upon the fortress
and its garrison of some four thou
sand men.
The whole campaign was so
methodically carried out that mili
tary men in Japan termed it 'autumn
maneuvers. The Germane were twice
formally asked to surrender and save
useless loss of life, but refused. No
tice was sent that bombardment
would begin on a certain day, and
they were invited to send out all
noncombatants. women and children.
A boatload of such, including the
American consul and several priests,
was transferred at the harbor's
mouth to a Japanese destroyer, and
the great guns began their play. At
dawn November 9, just as the troops
were about to leave their trenches at
the' edge of town and sweep the
place in a hand to hand assault, the
white flag went up on tho governor's
I flag staff.
"Much damage had been done by
artillery fire, but more was done by
dynamite by the Germans them
selves before the surrender, records
were destroyed stores burned, the
dry dock ar.-d the Austrian cruiser
sunk, and the public utilities
"Twenty thousand Japanese
troops were engaged in the Tsingtau
expedition and Japan has since spent
great sums in restoring repairing
and putting the place in order. She
has said in 1914 and to the peace
conference In Paris in 1919, that she
will return the leased territory to
China, with the guarantee that
Tsingtau shall become are interna
tional settlement. Japan will retain
the German railway and mines. In
the articles signed with Japan, China
agreed never hereafter to cede, lease
or assign any bit of territory to any
forelgr/ power—neither bay, island,
port, harbor or market town."
Brigands on Road to Jericho
[From the Manchester Guardian.]
Many of the demobilised men who
were in Palestine with General Al
lenby's troops were not sorry to bid
good-by to the precipitous, aig-zag
ging road running down from Jeru
salem to Jericho. In summer it was
intolerably dusty, and after rain its
greasy surface was dangerous for
motorists. At one part of the route
the site of the Inn of the Good
Samaritan Is still pointed out.
Even in modern times the road is
so infested with robbers as to be
unsafe for travelers. In the days be
fore the war tourists were rocom
mended to apply to the sheikh, or
headman, of the village of Bethany,
lon the other side of the Mount of
I Olives, for a mounted and armed
escort. His charge, however, was
i high, and on one occasion a party
| not well off declined to pay it. They
[declared they would go without es
cort and chance it. Whereupon this
wiry Oriental dispatched a messen
j ger to the chief of the brigands tell—
I him to be on the lookout for a
j party of travelers. Of course, he and
the robber chief shared the booty!
A redbird whistled and I forgot
For a long, sweet minute that I was
A barefoot boy by the swimming pool
That tempted my feet from the road
to school.
In spirit I climbed the old rail fence,
I looked for berries and made pre
Of picking flowers for teacher's desk.
Between times watching the ara
Of light and shadow the treetops
On the pool's smooth surface, I
might have staid
Till my youth came back, but the
Recalled me too soon to the mono
Of a business tld, yet my soul was
By the carefr** song of a passing
Mrs, E. A. D.
MAY 31, 1919.
Business Viewed by Expert
[Forties Magazine.]
A trip to Middle Western points
and talks with all sorts and con
ditions of people yields the follow
ing impressions and conclusions:
First—ln most districts, including
even the larger cities, work is avail
able for every man who wants a job.
Indeed, the almost universal com
plaint is that capable, steady work
ers cannot be had.
Second —There is a veritable hous
ing famine in nearly every city, in
cluding such diverse centers as Chi
cago and Indianapolis, a famine as
acute as in New York City.
Third—Active preparations are
under way to launch what promises
to prove an unprecedented building
boom, the conclusion having been
reached by architects, builders and
others that the cost of materials is
not likely to drop drastically in the
near future.
Fourth—Retail business Is report
ed as quite active, ulthough most
manufacturers find that buyers are
holding off wherever possible.
Fifth—the country's Bupply of
food animals is the largest in its
history and farmers are waxing rich
from the unparalleled prices they
are receiving for hogs and cattle, as
well as for their wheat and other
grains. Everywhere the agricultural
community are evidencing signs of
their great prosperity.
Sixth—Whatever fears may have
been felt concerning the danger of
widespread appearance of ' Bol
shevism, I. W. W. ism and suchlike
revolutionary developments, have
subsided. The general theory is
that there will be no extensive un
employment and that this will de
prive agitators of effective ammu
When the Saloon Goes
[Charles Stelzle in World Outlook
for May.]
When one discusses the question of
what is going to happen when the
saloons are closed it is important to
have in mind the causes which im
pel men to go to the saloon, outside
of what the saloon has itself to offer.
For let it be remembered there are
other social evils besides the saloon,
in which men may iind refuge when
the saloons are closed, unless the
pressure of life are taken off.
Will the strain of the day's work
be relieved when the saloons are put
out of business? It will for some
men, undoubtedly. Will working
men have better homes to go to?
Many will, unquestionably. But for
the great mass of men, the ordinary
men of whom there are so many,
these blessings may be a long time
coming, unless society or the state
as a whole sees to it that better so
cial and economic conditions pre
vail. The strong, independent work
ing man will fight his own battles,
and he will carry with him many
others of his class, but he cannot do
it all —the rest of us must help.
It is planned to set up a practical,
working substitute for the saloon in
the "city street" at the 'Centenary-
Celebration to be help by the Boards
of Missions of the Methodist Epis-,
copal churches. North and South, In
Columbus from June 20th to July
13th, inclusive, which may be dupli
cated in the average community
where such an enterprise is needed.
Too Much of a Good Thing
[From the Nation's Business.]
Coin of the realm is a handy thing
and we all like to see it circulate,
whether or not circulation is good
for us in the opinion of the economic
wiseacres. Ever.' so, there may be
too much of a good thing.
In 1860 bur fathers transacted
business with currency which, on
the average, amounted to $13.85 for
each person in the country. The
Civil War caused a man to need
more money to buy the same goods
as before, and in 1865 the circula
tion per capita was $20.58. Then
it began to decrease and in 1878
got down to $15.32. It could not get
lower, however, and began to ascend
until, in 1913, it was $34.56.
With the beginning of the Eu
ropean war there was such a pause
of shock in human affairs that the
amount of money in circulation at
first tended to fall, but by 1915 the
effects of war were in operation and
the figure went to $35.44, bounded
to $39.29 In 1916, ar.-d by April 1,
1917, when we were about to cast
our lot for war, it had reached
At the time of the issue of each of
our Liberty Loans circulation in
creased abruptly, and by December
1, 1918, had reached its high point
of $36.23. Declining gradually. It
reached $53.58 on February 1, 1919,
and then began again to climb, be
ing at $54.56 on April L i
Ebetttttg (Eljal
Orders for abolition of five grade
crossings on the Reading railway
between Hummelstown and Swatara,
which, as pointed out by the Harris
burg Telegraph, form the most am
bitious move made by the Public
Service Commission In its campaign
to get rid of death traps in the coun
try, call to mind the fact that they
affect a road which has a history of
almost two centuries and that the
crossings themselves have been In
use more than fifty years. When
the two subways replace the five
grade crossings, the William Penn
highway will be practically free of
danger places between Harrisburg
and Hershey. Just what this will
mean to the many people who travel
the artery of the State highway sys
tem between Harrisburg an-d Leba
non, Heading, Allentown and Easton,
can be easily comprehended. It
requires an outlay of 1300,000 but
brings an end to the distressing list
of accidents that have occurred at
these crosslr.-ss year after year. The
highway to Heading and Easton was
traveled more than 170 years ago
and along it flowed some of that tide
of immigration that came from New
York and New Jersey and following
the Ulue Ridge, crossed the Susque
hanna at John Harris" ferry and pro
ceeded down the Cumberland valley
to Virgln-ia and the southwest. In
time It became a scries of turnpikes
and the Berks and Dauphin, which
was only abolished a few years ago
when the State bought its rights and
franchises and strip of roads, was
incorporated about a century ago.
When the Reading railway or the
Lebanon valley as it was first knowrr
cam,e along and recrossed the his
toric road. For a long time cross
ings were in constant xise, although
in this city because of the "cut"
bridges were erected. The Poorhouse
Lane was among the earliest cross
ings to be bridged. Some years ago
the Rutherford subway was con
structed an-d two bad crossings elimi
nated and then the traction company
and the Reading combined to get rid
of the Paxtang crossing by a subway.
And now the abolition move has
gone on beyon-d Hummelstown and
the men who laid out the old road
and who incorporated the turnpike
company would hardly know how
to find the original lines.
There seemed to be a good many
ambitious gardeners about Harris
burg yesterday. Indeed, the num
ber of men- and women who wielded
hoes and pulled weeds yesterday was
legion and many of them even pass
ed up the parade in order to get
things into good shape for the com
ing of warm weather. Delays in
the summer schedule have upset
many garden plans, but the man
who had a plot ten feet square was
making: up for lost time and rainy
days yesterday jußt as much as the
man with half an acre.
The river front bathing season
which has been alternately opening
and shutting according to the cap
rices of the weather was started
again with a splash yesteraay from
one end of the city to the other.
In spite of the high condition of the
Susquehanna and the mud and coal
dirt, boys lined the islands and the
sand bars and many went in from
the "front steps." Visitors to the
city said there was little doubt of
the popularity of the bathing and
that with the new authority given
by the Wallace act for third class
cities to establish bathhouses, Har
rlsburg ought to be able to provide
a dozen of them along its river front
and as many more on the islands.
Harrisburg was up to traditions
yesterday in regard to peonies for
Memorial Day. For many years this
flower has vied with roses in fur
nishing the chief decoration for the
hallowed day and the weather con
ditions seemed to fall just right
within forty-eight hours because the
warm wave brought out what ten
days of rain "had prepared. There
are some beautiful peonies to be
seen in the gardens about Harris
burg and the display at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H.
Bailey, at Paxtang is even pret
tier than last year. This garden
has been noted for peonies for
years and some of the rarest flowers
are to be seen there.
Pennsylvania produced a million
dollars worth of maple sugar during
the revival of the sugar industry
in the woods of the State during the
war according to reports for 1918
just summarised by the State De
partment of Agriculture. The pro
duction is given as 686,000 pounds
of sugar and 318,000 gallons of
syrup, which raised the State to
fourth place among producers of
sugar from trees. It is estimated
that almost a million and a quarter
trees were tapped and the produc
tion would have been greater if the
weather had been colder. The de
mand for maple sugar and syrup
jumped in the fall of 1917 and
greater attention was given to the
tapping in 1918 than ever before.
Reports on honey production indi
cate that during the winter of 1918-
19 the loss of colonies was much less
than in the previous winter, aver
aging only six per cent as compared
with forty per cent, in the severe
preceding winter season,
i \ "
—Mayor A. T. Connell, of Scran
ton, welcomed the American Slovak
league to that city fpr its convention.
—J. Fred Zimmerman, the Phila
delphia theatrical man, is celebrat
ing a birthday.
—Daniel Crawford, Jr., Philadel
phia builder, says that if the city
council does not pass a loan bill, it
will mean a loss of a building year
to the municipality.
—Ex-Lieutenant Governor L. A.
Watres was chairman of the Salva
tion Army drive in Lackawanna
—General J. E. Kuhn, who com
manded the 79th Division, is a Regu
lar Army engineer officer.
—W. W. McElree, Chester county
lawyer who frequently appears here,
has written a book on people con
nected with that county whom he
has known.
—That Harrisburg steel is going
into some of the new torpedoboata
being built for the Navy?
—The canal was opened to thla
city just about ninety years ago.
Plan to Hasten Peace
[From the' Boston Transcript]
Wouldn't a Joint debate rather
than a letter-writing contest help
the Peace Congress to get some
where in less time with the garru
lous Germans?