Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 31, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Resident Declares the Stand
■drds of Old Order Can
not Return
By Associated Press.
Washington, May 31. President
Wilson, in an address yesterday at
the graves of the American dead in
luresnes Cemetery, near Paris, said
rfie League of Nations was the cove
nant of governments that the mil
lions who fell in the war shall not
have died in vain and added that he
looked for the time when every man
who new opposes the League would
be just as ashamed of it as he now
regretted the union of the states af
ter the Civil War.
Declaring that the standards of
an older order are trying to assert
themselves again, the President said
those who sought to accomplish the
return to "an order of which we j
are ashamed" must realize that they
cannot scceed because "the peoples ;
of the world are in the saddle" and
"private counsels statesmen can- j
-ict now and cannot hereafter deter
mine the destines of nations."
After paying tribute to the Amer-
Icai.* dead, the President declared it
would be no profit to eulogize the
brave men who fell in the war unless j
the lessons they taught were taken .
to heart. The American soldiers, he |
said, did not cross the seas merely
to defeat Germany: they came to de
feat forever the things for which
the Central powers stood and to see
to it that there should never be a
war like this again.
"It is for us, particularly for us;
who are civilized." said Mr. Wil- '
son, "to use our proper weapons of
counsel and agreement to see to it
that there never is such a war again. ;
The nation that would now fling out
of this common concord of counsel
would betray the human race.
"So it is our duty to take and
maintain the safeguards which will
see to it that the mothers of Amer
ica and the mothers of France and :
England and Italy and Belgium and
all other suffering nations shall never ;
be called upon for this sacrifice !
'This can be done. It must be
done. And it will be done."
Three American Nurses
Killed in Auto Crash
By Associated Press.
Paris. May 31.—Three rmrses at
tached to the American Expedition- '
ary Force were killed Sunday in an
automobile accident at Chateau
Thierry, it became known to-day.
The nurses were Florence Graham,
of New York City; Ella Delton, of
Toronto, and Alice Hagadorn, of
Palmer, New York.
Miss Graham was the head nurse
at Camp Hospital. No. 4.
Attempting to avoid a bicycle, the
automobile in- which the nurses were
riding skidded and turned over down
a steep embankment.
Liverpool, Pa., May 31. Mrs.
Jennie Lowe, while working in the cem
tery on Thursday, suffered a sunstroke
and is ill at her home in Pine street, i
Edward D. Barnes, while repairing j
his automobile, was hit in the face j
by a fuse which exploded. Barnes' face i
is seriously lacerated.
I Everybody (
| rrn Now Whistles |
\\\ For that famous thirst-quenching,
\ |\ invigorating drink "Whistle".
\'\\ Good for man, woman and child.
® Whistle once for it and you will |g
I whistle for it all the time.
I It's as fruity as it is cloudy 1
y In Bottles Only
I Sold everywhere
Bell Phone 3300 Dial 2231
p S
lllllliyiUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllluillllLiuilllllllllllli:'lllllllllUlillllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllliimiiu U .i..ml
World War Soldiers March [
With Civil War Veterans
in Parade at Gettysburg
Gettysburg, Pa., May 31. Re
turned soldiers from the great war in
Kurope, with the thought of those who
went out to serve their country and i
who will never return, pave a new I
meaning to Memorial Day. end as 'he!
flowers were strewn over the graves in i
the National Cemetery many were the ;
thoughts of the brave boys who lie be
neath the blood-stained soil of France. |
But the ranks of the old veterans of j
the Civil War. growing thinner each |
year, makes the day a solemn one.
The usual parade preceded toe ex- j
ercises in the cemetery, but this was ;
more imposing than for several years j
past. Instead of the pupils of the j
schools and the handful of veterans !
marching behind the band, yesterday's [
procession was participated in by vet- j
erans of three wars, and along with j
the old soldiers marched their sons and
neighbors who fought in the Spanish-
American War and those who have re- (
turned from the great war just closed, j
The oration of the day was delivered j
by J. Hay Brown, chief justice of the |
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and
the eminent jurist paid glowing tribute 1
to American valor and the spirit of \
the nation's sons when placed in any j
great crisis.
Memorial Services of
Modern Woodmen
. -.nunelsto\vn, May 31. Camp
No. 10174. Modern Woodmen of
America will hold memorial services
to-morrow afternoon at 6:30 o'clock.
The members will meet at the Junior
O. U. A. M. Hall and proceed to the
cemetery in a body.. After the cere- i
monies at the cemetery the members •
will attend services in the Methodist
church. Arrangements have been j
made to decorate the graves of de-!
ceased neighbors at Henry's and j
Union Deposit Cemeteries in the :
Dauphin. Pa, May 31. Memo-,
rial Day was celebrated by exercises in |
Market Square at 10 o'clock. The pro- !
gram included singing patriotic songs. 1
invocation by the Rev. Robert Ramsey,
of the Presbyterian Church, and ad- I
dress by Harvey E. Knupp and prayer i
and benediction by the Rev. .T. M. \
Shoop. of the Evangelical Church, j
Afterward a committee, headed by .
Samuel Garman. president of Washing
ton Camp. P.O.S. of A., carried flowers
to the cemetery and decorated the sol- j
diers' graves. At -.30 a game of base- j
ball between Camp Hill High School '
and Dauphin High was played. Dau- !
phin won the game by a score of 14 to !
5 ' "
liiverpool. Pa.. May 31. J. D. |
Snyder. H. A. S. Shuler. Wesley Coff- j
man and George Y. Miller, commit-j
teemen who took Liverpool "over |
the top" in the Salvation Army Drive, j
entertained the Liverpool Citizen's |
Band and the local boys in khaki |
who have returned from service in '
Shuler's Hall to a six o'clock lun-1
cheon. J. D. Snyder, chairman, j
made the address of the evening j
and Wesley Coffman read and pre. j
sented a letter of greetings to the j
Mcelian icsinirg. Pa., May 31.—-
Mrs. George Mailman dioil on Thurs
day night at her home in AVest
j S.mpson street, after a lengthy ill
| ness of heart trouble, which* only
I recently became serious. She was 63
I years old and was a member of St.
j Paul's Reformed Church. Survlv
! ing are her husband and three chil
dren. as follows: John, of Mechan
\ icsburg Miss Carrie, at home, and
■ Frank Mailman, who landed in New
| York from overseas service about
j the time his mother died. The fu
i neral services will be held on Mon
i day afternoon at 2 o'clock at her
1 late home and burial will be made
j In Trindle Springs Cemetery.
Medianlcsburg, Pa.. May 31.
j Mrs. Susan Secrist. of Silver Spring
1 township, died on Wednesday at the
| home of her daughter, Mrs. George
| Zeigler. near New Kingston, aged
! "7 years.. She is survived by the
| following children: Mrs. J. C. Hare,
jof Dellvtlle: Mrs. George Zeigler
: and Mrs. Harry Yogclsong, of Silver
! Spring township: Mrs. Clarence
1 Gutshall, of East Pennsboro: George
i H. and Milton, of Harrisburg; Ells
worth. of East Pennsboro. and Cal
; vin. of Camp Hill. The funeral
[ services will be held to-morrow
morning at 10 o'clock in the Stone
Church, near Wertzville. Burial will
j be made in the adjoining cemetery.
Mechantc.sburg, Pa., May 31.—To
morrow morning the baccalaureate
sermon to the graduating class at
Irving College will be preached by
the Rev. Dr. George Edward Reed,
L. L. D., and a feature of the serv
ice will be the music. In the even
ing the annual address to the college
! Y. W. C. A. will be given by the
• Rev. Dr. Aberly, recently returned
, from India.
Columbia. Pa., May 31.—Cyrene
: Comniandery No. 34, Knights Tem
i plar. attended divine service in St.
| Paul's Episcopal church Thursday
night and listened to a sermon by
j the Rev. William H. Gamble, rector
!of St. Paul's church, at Manheim.
The comniandery gave a short parade
proceeding the service, headed by a
; band. After the service the annual
! reception to the ladies was held In
i the Masonic Temple.
Lewistown. Pa., May 31. —While
.playing in street in front of
the school building on Thursday, Wil
: ford Challenger, aged about 9 years.
I son of Mrs. M. A. Davis, was struck
iby an auto and badly injured. The
boy's injuries consist of a deep scalp
wound, and bruises over the body. The
■ car ran over both legs of the boy and
I the driver did not stop to make any
] investigation. The number of the car
was secured.
Fairfield, Pa.. May 31.—The local
j school board has decided to raise
| the standard of the high school from
I a third class to a second class in
! stitution. This means that another
I year will be added to the high school
j course and that an assistant will be
| employed. The secondary school will
| be moved to another building to ac
j commodate the high school stu
■ dents.
Six Graduates in Class
at Dauphin High School!
Daughin, Pa., May 31.—The com
mencement exercises of the Dauphin
High School will be held Thursday
evening, June 12, at the Methodist
Church. The baccalaureate sermon is
to be delivered to the class on Sunday
evening. June 1, at 8 o'clock at the
Presbyterian Church. The principal of
the school, the Rev. Robert Ramsey.
A. M., Ph. D„ is to preach the sermon.
Ernest E. Shaffer, an alumni of the
high school, will sing a tenor solo—
"Fear Not Ye, Israel," by Dudley
| Ruck. The members of the graduat
ing class are: Miss Susan Jackson,
I Miss Helen Kennedy. Ruth E. Ward.
! Artie A. Singer. William D. 'Jliafhr
| and Melvin L. Strohm.
I I/Owistown. Pa.. May 31.—Volun
i teers to work on Victory Park are
coming forward in good numbers daily.
Clerks in stores and others who cannot
get off through the day to help are
working evenings. The employes of
the store of McMeen & Co.. have given
an evening to the work. This evening
employes of the Daily Sentinel will
j turn out and help. Firemen and others
have offered their services. J. O. White,
a farmer up the river, has offered all
the stone needed for a retaining wall
along the river and the services of a
hired man to haul it to town.
Suburban Notes
Corporal Fleck Mixell who had
been wounded while serving in
France, returned home on Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hetrick, of
Harrisburg. spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. Hetrick's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hal Hetrick.
I Mrs. Sara l*rich, of Harrisburg,
I was a recent visitor at the home of
| Mrs. Emma Longenecker.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hinkle were
j guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carl
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bishop and
family, of Oberlin and Mr. and Mrs.
Pool, of Chicago, spent Sunday with
| Mr. and Mrs. David Felty.
i Miss Anne Feeser was a recent
j visitor at the home of Mr. and
! Mrs. F. M. Balsbaugh.
Paul Kreider and Miss Pearl Kauf
man of Camp Hill, spent Thursday
I with Mr. and Mrs. George Parthe
j more.
| Mrs. Ralph Landmesser, of Phila
| delphia, is spending a few weeks
i with her mother. Mrs. W. Ball.
Miss Katliryn Enders, of Hainton,
' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
j Edward Jacobs.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carl, Sr., of
I Goose Valley, gave a reception at
, their home on Thursday in honor of
I the marriage of their son, George
! Carl to Miss Knouse, of Shope's
| Bethel recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Balsbaugh
| of Harrisburg, spent Decoration Day
|at the home of Mrs. Balsbaugh's
mother, Mrs. Carrie G. Feeser.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shenk, and
son. of Harrisburg. motored to the
home of Mrs. Annie Smith on Mon
day evening.
Mrs. John Zartman and daugh
ter, Mrs. Frank Hutton, returned to
their home in Illinois on Wednesday
after spending several weeks with
Mrs. Zartman's sister. Miss Malinda
Gideon Feeser, of Penbrook, spent
Thursday with Mrs. Mary E. Feeser.
Workers Will Tell How They
Secured Five Hundred
New Members
At the final meeting of the Rail
road "Y" workers, to be held Mon
day night at Association building in
Reily street, tho president, A. G.
Murray will preside. A short ses
sion at which reports will be received
will precede the banquet. The big
program starts at 8 o'clock.
The banquet will be an elaborate
feature and will start at 8:15. The
members of the winning Army team,
Charles Sollors commanding, will be
the honored guests. Members of
the losing Navy team, with G. A.
Gelsel in command will serve the
banquet. Officials of the associa
tion and all who assisted in the re
cent drive will be guests, including
Major John Spicer,, Lieutenant
Charles Thomas and others. Lieu
tenant Horace Geisel will also be
present and make an address.
Five Hundred Members
Reports to be presented will show j
a total of 500 new members. A .
date will be tixed for a reception
to the new men nt which time un in- j
teresting program will be observed. |
Some interesting facts regarding the
coming Continenta, service programs
to he followed by all associations
throughout the State will be told
by F. H. Gregory, general secretary.
With the close of this campaign
will come a new arrangement re
garding memberships in Railroad
Associations. Beginning this year
all members will he given cards dat
ing from June 30th to June 30tn.
Rates will be fixed accordingly. This
change is made to enable a complete
uniform report of the work each
year from all over the United States.
Travelers Show Courtesy
to \£pmen in Smoking Car
Under the caption, "Courtesy Not
Gone: Men on Railroad Train Show
Old Time Deference to Women,"
the Altoona Tribune prints the fol
"Travel was heavy yesterday and
the noon local from Harrisburg,
train No. 41, was crowded to its
capacity. As the train neared Al
toona, there wasn't even standing
room, except in the smoker, which
wasn't half filled. The conductor.
Albert L. Geyer, of Harrisburg, .al
ways good natured, put on a few
extra smiles and laughingly told
the ladies they could find seats in
the smoker. Some of them went in
and more followed. All who board
ed the train at Bellwood and Last
Altoona went into that car.
"The men had a perfect right to
smoke—to make the air blue if they
chose. Not one of the ladies would
have had a right to criticise the
insufficient accommodations.
"But the men didn't smoke, or
course, windows were open, but had
you boarded tbat train at Bellwood
and gone into that particular coach
without being told of noticing that
it was the front coach on the train,
youl couldn't have told that it ever
had been a smoker. The ladies were
heard to pass complimentary re
marks about it. Small wonder.
Some people say men are lacking in
courtesy the e days. These men
prove the opposite."
Railroad Men Protest
Against Train Orders
Pottsvillc, Pa., May 31.—Schuyl
kill county railroad men have sent
a committee to Washington to pro
test favors alleged to be shown by
the railroad administration to rail
road men from Reading. it is
charged men from Reading are per
mitted to come up to St. Clair, in
the center of this county, and ts ke
out trains from the big anthracite
classification yards, while local rail
road men are idle.
The Schuylkill men all alleged
thev make such short time they
have difficulty in making a living,
notwithstanding high wages.
Railroad Notes
Eighteen firemen who were taken
oft the extra list some time ago will
he returned to the regular list next
week for service on the Middle di
%'llTorge McConnell. aged 73 a re
tired engineer on the Cornwall Raij
road. died suddenly yesterday at his
home at Lebanon. _.
Due to the big rush of traffic on
the Pennsy there was no holiday
shutdown of slow freight.
Local railroad officials report a
big increase in passenger traffic on
a A freight wreck on the Portage
branch of the Pennsy caused some
dclav to traffic yesterday.
John R. Potts, passenger agent at
Aberdeen. South Dakota, who has
been visiting friends at Williams
port, has returned to the west.
James Timmons, a retired passen
ger solicitor for the Pennsylvania
Railroad, with headquarters here,
has returned from a winter sojourn
at Los Angeles, Oak. and is again a
resident of Salt City. Utah.
Assistant Director General of Rail
ways, P. M. Blauvclt, and Federal
Railroad officials who have been In
vestigating conditions In the west,
passed through Harrisburg early
yesterday en route east.
Pennsylvania Railroad shopmen
who will retire to-day at Altoona
are: Sebastian Oexle. William F.
Tappan . Henry Russell. Daniel
Stone. William Dorenburg. Harry
Russell and Christian Bichler. They
have all reached the age limit, i 0
y The Pennsylvania Railroad will
run a one-day excursion to Pitts
burg to-morrow. A special train will
leave Harrisburg at 5 a. m.
Salvation Army Drive
Boosted in the County
Salvation Army contributions are
being reported in number to-day
from the county district. Hershey
opened Its drive this morning and
the afternoon will be devoted lp the
sale of doughnuts. More than- S4OO
were contributed to the fund in the
first hour.
Other reports from the county
show almost equally as good. Lykens
and Wlconlsco-contributed SBOO from
their war chest and Willlamstown
gave SBOO.
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad
Fidelity S. S. Class
Hold Reunion at Church
New Cumberland, Pa., May 31.
On Thursday evening the Fidelity
class taught by E. C. Dewey, of the
Methodist Sunduy school, held a re
union of the class in the parlors at
Ihe church, which were handsome
ly decorated with palms and shaded
1 ghts. Music was furnished by the
Sunday school orchestra and the
men's chorus, assisted by Miss Helen
Fox, soloist, and Roy Miklc, cornet
ist. The class presented a play en
titled "Sewing For the Heathen."
Those who participated in the play
were: "Mrs. Judd," Miss Mildred
Fogelsanger; "Grandma Gibbs,"
Miss Irma Moore: "Meely," Miss
| Hilda Commcr; "Miss Higgins,"
Miss Grace Farmer: "Mrs. Day,"
; Miss Mildred Wentz; "Mrs. Chesty,"
Mrs. Parker McAfee: "Mrs. Meeker,"
1 Mrs. John Kaufman: "Mrs. Strong,"
| Miss Ella Dong: "Mrs. It. H. Pom-
I crs," Mrs. Guy Shaffer. Covers were
I laid for one hundred and thirty-five
! guests. Among tho out-of-town
I guests were: Miss Snow, of Ship-
I pensburg; Mrs. C. W. Moone, Al
toona: Mrs. Mitchell, Pittsburgh;
Mr. and Mrs. Nogle, of Middletown.
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
Mrs. David Orris. Mrs. Leer and
daughter. Emma, have returned to
their home at Hanoverdale after be
ing entertained several days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George F.
Jacobs, at Shiremanstown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dill and
daughter. Miss Marian Dill, of Har
risburg, spent Memorial Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Frey, at
William Miller and John Miller,
of Lebanon, spent a day recently at
the former's home at Shiremans
George Yountz, of Harrisburg,
spent Memorial Day with P. L.
Wolfe at Shiremanstown.
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Eshle
man and son, Kenneth, of West
Main street, Shiremanstown. arc
home from a visit with Mrs. Eshle
man's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Wentz, at Plainfleld.
Mrs. Martha Greenawalt and her
grandson, Donald Hoch, of Pen
hrook, were weekend guests of the
former's sisters. Miss Louise Noell
and Miss Kate Xoell, at Shiremans
Chester Baker and Miss Mildred
Strang, of Camden, N. J., are guests
of M. L. Baker's family, at New
Mrs. Walter Hevern, of Sparrow's
Point. Md., is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Catherine Cook, at New Cum
Mrs. J. C. Groom, of Carl'sle.
spent yesterday with 'Mrs. Coover's
family in Bridge street, New Cum
Miss Anna Walbeek, of Gibbsboro,
N. J., visited friends at New Cum
berland on Thursday.
Mrs. William Bender and daugh
ters, Violet and Mary, of Reading,
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K.
Shuler. in Fourth street. New Cum
Newport. Pa.. May 31.—Mr. and
Mrs. John Campbell, of East New
port, this week observed their twen
tieth wedding anniversary at their
home here. A large number of
guests were in attendance.
Shiremanstown, Pa., May 31.
Children's Dav services will be ob
served in the United Brethren
Church to-morrow evening.
Horflford'ft Arid Phonphntc
It is very beneficial for exhaustion
due to heat, overwork or insomnia.
ftk Joyous Vacations
Come up on the forest-crowned, lake-dotted roof garden of New
York State for your vacation this summer. Three and a half
million acres of scenic beauty and historic interest; all yours
to roam over. Rough it in Camp, or enjoy the luxuries of the
many splendid resort hotels. Camp, Canoe, Bathe, Sail, Fish,
Golf, Tramp —breathe the invigorating air and be human. Few
places like it in all this great land of ours. Whatever is "out
of-doors" for you, is here in perfection.
Adirondack Mountains, Saratoga Springs
Lake George, Lake Champlain, the Thousand Islands
Chautauqua Lake, Niagara Falls
Booklets Th e United States Railroad Administration invites
Adirondack* and Thousand . „ __ -
wand* # you to travel and offers Summer Excursion fares.
Saratoga Spring.. Lake George For further information and descriptive booklet con
kr .mp am taining list of hotels, call *t Consolidated Ticket Office
Ch ' ut c^ u £&!; s£n C . or write the nearest Travel Bureau, stating booklet
Niagara Falla desired.
# Travel Bureau Travel Bureau Travel Bureau
143 Liberty Street 646 Transportation Building 603 Healey Building
New York City Chicago Atlanta
■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiinniMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimin *
U. S. R. R. Administration 16 E-2
MAY 31, 1919.
Several Arc in Hospital With
Broken Bones and
Several from .this vicinity are in
hospitals as a result of two automo
bile wrecks, while two others were
treated in the Harrisburg Hospi
tal as a result of burns received
when an automobile caught flre in
a Washington Heights garage,
i Alexander Agar, manager of the
I Standard Woolen Company, of this
| city, is in the York Hospital In a;
[ serious condition as a result of an j
accident ni\r New Oxford, Adams
I county, last evening. One other per
j son, Mrs. David Samuels, was in
jured and is in the same institution
in a serious condition.
The machine in which the injured
people, together with David Samuels j
and another woman were riding, was 1
overturned in an attempt to pass
another car. Agar has a fracture I
lof the left hip and bad cuts and
' bruises about the face, arms and j
I chest. Mrs. Samuels has a fractured
As a result of the other collision
j which occurred near Wormleysburg
i last evening, Mrs. Minerva Mayer, of
Philadelphia, is in the Harrisburg
• Hospital with a prqbable fracture of
the right knee, and Robert Wolf, of
! Marysville, is suffering with a badly
I sprained left knee.
; They were riding in an automobile
! driven by Harry Wolf, of Marys
ville. when they collided with an
other automobile, driven by Charles
Somers, also of Marysville. Bright
headlights are believed to have
! blinded Mr. Wolf and prevented him
i from seeing where he was going.
I Five other occupants of the machine
j escaped injury.
W. Russel Wilt, of Steelton, and
William Marks, a Washington
Heights garage man, were the men
burned. Gasoline was being trans
ferred from the automobile of Marks
to that of Wilt, when a match
State and Seventeenth Streets
The People's Church With a Preach' ™ r ' n ~ the People.
The Rev. John Henry Miller, P~"tor, Man With a Message.
10 45 A. M. Program 7.30 P. M.
TnnG i The. Greatest Sinner Bible Doctrine of the Lord s Supper
"J B—The Church Instituted... .The Worthy Communicant.
June 15—To Be Born Again Eternal Election.
Tune 22 The Rich and Poor Man.. .Eternal Damnation.
June 29—A Great Feast Eternal Joys.
U. S. ARMY RAINCOATS for Civilians
In process when Armistice was signed
Finished Too Late to Go to France
The r S Government Spccilieatlon rubberizing (made Gilder Supervision
of Government Inspectors) and used in these raincoats, represents years
of experiment by Army experts and Highest Possible Waterproof Quality.
Released and Offered Direct t£> Civilians
$7 Prepaid Parcel Post Insured
Send cheek or money order if you prefer, coat will be sent PARCEL POST
C. O. 1). SO.BB on reeelpt of 12 cents in stamps.
State Clicst Measurement and Height.
The opportunity you have been looking for to secure a REAL WEATHER
PROOF RAINCOAT. Made of Tan fast color double texture material, with
and and duplex ventilated back as PROTECTION AGAINST MOISTURE
FROM BODY. If you have a raincoat now. buy one of these and lay it awa>.
NOTE: Dealers end Agoi.ls Supplied. Write for terms.
New Leatherette Trench and Auto Coats
For Both Men and Women Write for Snmpleg and Price*
wus lighted. The Marks car was sooi*
a mass of flames. Wilt was burned
on the right arip, hands, n&ck and
body. Marks was burned about the
MarysvlUe, Pa.. May 31. — "God's I
Choice of Workers," will be the sub.
Ject of the Rev. J. F. Glass pastor
of the Marvsvllle Methodist Epis
copal Church, at the morning serv
ice to-morrow. In the evening at.
7.30 o'clock ho will speak on bait
and Light." _ _
In the Church of God, the pastor,
the Rev. Wesley N. Wright, will
speak in the morning on "The Help
er," and in the evening on Sacred
and Historic Events Commemorated
This Week." In the Trinity Reform
ed Church at the morning service
the pastor, the Rev. Ralph E 1 lart
man. will speak on God. our
Father." . „ „
I In the Bethany United Lvangell
; cal Church, the Rev. "oward T.
Kuist, of White's Bible school, New
York City, will be the speaker both
morning and evening. In the Zjon
Lutheran Church, the pastor, the
Rev. J. C. Reighard, will preach at
the morning service.
Topics of Interest
How to Gain Flesh, Strength and
Grantor Power of Endurance
i Simply drink plenty of good, plain
water and tske a little Systoxem af-
I tor meuls. is the tip now going the
! rounds ih well-informed circles.
: Many who try this simple homo
method are agreeably surprised at
i the rapid increase in weight,
: strength and power of endurance.
They say it quickly helps put renewed
vim and energy into old &"' 1
is a regular boon to thin, weak,
nervous, run-down young people, or
ten increasing their weight
strength in three weeks rime One
well-known writer on body-building,
health, etc., says: "It is like giving
sunshine and water to a withering
large supply of Systoxem re
cently received here by Geo. A. Gor
gas, Kennedy's Drug Store, and other
leading druggists indicates a grow
ing and wide-spread demand for tnis
compound by intelligent readers in
this city who are keeping abreast of
the times. And as Systoxem is not
a secret remedy, requiring the pre
scription of a physician, thousands
of thin, delicate, run-down men and
women will naturally be benefitted.