Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 31, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
IBH <md oil the fard\j || j^| "When a Girl Marries" By ANN USLK A New, Romaniic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER CCX (Copyright, 1919, King Feature Syn dicate, Inc.) Even in the old days when I did not like Virginia and thought her a snob, I realized that she was a thoroughbred. And when I came out into the lobby of the Clinsarge ac companied by the man who had been Virginia's husband, she proved what a real thoroughbred she is. Carlotta in her flamboyant checks —Carlotta clinging to Pat's arm— Virginia did not appear to see. Nor Pat. She didn't turn scarlet, fidget and look away as another woman might have done. She simply didn't see them. For me she had her warm friendly smile of welcome, and for Neal a quick: "Delighted to see you looking so well, Lieutenant Hyland." This greeted Neal yet held him off. He couldn't stop and make it obvious that Virginia was cutting two of his party. The situation was hers. Phoebe behaved somewhat differ ently. We encountered her on the steps of the hotel. Head high, eyes ablaze, she threw out a "Hello, Anne!" and ignored everyone else in our group. It was young—and pathetic. Tat didn't notice her until she spoke. Jaw tense and eyes far away, he was walking at Carlotta's side and indicating in every protecting stoop of his shoulders that she was getting all his care and attention. But I think Pat didn't know that Carlotta was there. On the curbing he stopped. "Was that little 'Phoebe?" he asked, turning his head as if to make sure. But I knew for whom that long, searching look had come into his eyep. I knew, too. why his head, usually flung so high, was jutting out now with set jaw and tense mouth. For a minute he stared like that. Then as he swept off his hat the old devil-may-care look came into his blue eyes and the reckless tilt to his head. "Carlotta and I have decided to call it a day and motor out the Shore road for tea. Want to come, folks? Or does sister want a little private reunion with Neal?" "Please wouldn't you understand if I wanted to have Neal all to my self?"! a asked. "Go to it, sister Anne. And hug him for me." laughed Carlotte. "Only last night I was telling my pater that if young Neal was less \oung by about five years, or Car lotta less old by the same number, he wouldn't be safe. At that Neal perked up. The ex pression Phoebe's cut had brought to his face faded before a half-em barrassed, half-pleased smile. "I'll try to grow up P. D. Q., Miss Carlotta," he cried. "Take your time," chuckled Pat. Again I wondered about Carlotta. Had she seen Phoebe's cut? Did ; she know what it meant? Was she enough of a brick to rally her forces to help Neal pull himself together? I was inclined to think so, in licned to like her. But why—if she were indeed the brick that Terry and Neal and Tony had called her— was she strolling off. vampire-fash- RESORTS AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Hortrait fifjtfqs ' J#~<* 53 It ' m / Oummers Outing Jbr Health ar>dßccreatioi\. UteHomSrCHARLES _ on the Rfach fror\t C f vryConvenlence an d luxury wit A thorough Service and Courtesy predominant. Fbrßooklet. Floor Plan. Rood Map cSpecialßates 'hfjlkunA Leech Manager | HOTEL HISCAYNE Kentucky Ave. Fourth hotel from Beach. Amer. plan $2.50 up daily; sl4 up weekly. European. $1 up daily. HARRISON HIPPLE. THE HAS JOSE 132 St. James Place. Fifth house from beach. European Plan. Terms attrac tive. 16th season. McNamara & Hushes—Owners. HOTEL BREVOOHT 18 South Carolina Ave. Near Beach and Penna. R. R. Large airy rooms. Amer. Plan $2.50 up daily. $15.00 up weekly Under new management. RESORTS AT FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA. /■ ' ~ Wo oC Aewicq 7 !s\fo( A strictly modern hotel with table and eerrtce. Altitude 2000 feet. Splendid wooda ; rolf. tennia. etc. Open Jane SOtli to October let Address until Jane 10tE John J. Gibbons. Manager Hotel Tteonert. Hltimor. Md- , DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Fully Accredited Troup Building IS S. Market Square Bel! 485 Dial 4393 (Clip tlilw .and aend It nt once for fall Information) Gentlemen i—Pinnae aentl me complete Information übont the aubjecta I have cheeked. Typewriting .... Shorthand .... Stenotypy .... ilookkeeplnac .... Secretarial .... Civil Service.... Name AUdreaa SATURDAY EVENING, ion, to have tea with Virginia's husband? Fod with her proprie tary hand still on Pat's arm, she called her good-bys and the crowd swallowed them. Checks, rouge, cigarettes and all. I might have liked Carlotta if it had not been for Pat. Carlotta and all, I had to like Pat. That was the charm of him—the charm I felt sure Virginia couldn't have for gotten. I was so full of them that Neal had to bring me back with a jerk. "She cut me." he said. "Did you see that, Babbsie? She could at least have spoken to me—Virginia did. Virginia had a dpcent word for me, and in spite of my being with Pat. But Phoebe hadn't even as much feeling as the icy Vir ginia." "But that was so different, Neal. Virginia hadn't seen you before and Virginia didn't speak to Pat—you saw that." Neal interrupted with an ugly laugh. "Oh. so you're making the cases parallel. Well to continue the par ellel. Pat has sought consolation elsewhere. Not a bad idea that!" "Oh, Neal —don't be so cynical!" I cried. "Come, let's hop into a taxi and spin through the park. My treat for once in my life." It was amazing, but Neal actually let me do what I like with him. Once in the taxi, I returned to the subject I thought Neal and I might be able to thresh out sanely. "Phoebe's so young, Neal and proud. You didn't fight for her. You ought to now. To save her front the people she's traveling with —and from herself. If you'd fight there wouldn't be any opposition from Virginia now—l'm sure of that. Won't you try to save her?" "Save her?" replied Neal curtly. "It can't be done—not on my sal ary. Phoebe's expensive. Jade neck laces and earrings may be all right for West to give, but I can't afford f ent." "Neal! Who told you?" I gasped, knowing full well it was Ewy and not daring to tell Neal what I thought of her for fear he'd jump out of the cab and disappear from my ken again. "Who told me doesn't matter. Plenty of people know. But my mother's ring gets thrown ba A at me. Phoebe strikes me across the face when I take her in my arms —where she once thought she be longed. And now she cuts me she cuts me!" I laid my hand in Neal's. Nestled it there and tried for words to soothe his hurt. I wanted to set out of the taxi and hurry back and box Phoebe's ears. I wanted to call her a 'spoiled brat.' Instead I said again: "She's so young"— "All right, have it that way she's young." interrupted Neal with a sneer. "Well, I'm through with kittens that maul and scratch. I like grown-up women —real women. And next time I fall in love —if I ever do—it won't be with a baby." In a flash I remembered Carlot ta's words: "If young Neal were less young by about five years—he wouldn't be safe." Was Neal also remembering them ? (To Be Continued.) Advice to the Lovelorn By DEATKICE FAIRFAX SHE I.OXGS FOR A RANCH LIFE | DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: j lam 19 years old and always lived on a farm. Ihave always worked and haven't had a chance to see much lof the world. There is a farmer living | near me who is in love with me and 'I love him. too. He is 22. doesn't ! drink or smoke and has always seem jed to me. to be very nice. He offers me a fine home and every thing I want, but I feel as though I want to see a little bit of the world before I settle down to married life. My only wish is to go out West, as I love horses. I have a girl friend who fs always telling me it is no place for me ,and that if I went West 1 would be disappointed in not finding | it as I think it. GOLDEN WEST. I I believe you would be disappointed if you went there to find so little of | the "Wild West" left. If you go, try I and know something of "the people you are going to stop with before you start. Ask friends who have rela tives in the West if anyone wouJd lib,* to employ a girl on a ranch. I believe you would be glad to return after six months or so. WHOSE INITIALS SHALL SHE lISEf DEAR MISS FAIRFAX. Will you kindly settle the following argument. T am engaged to a young nan and the first initial of his last name is "M," while the first initial of my last name is "D." Now what I want to know is this: My girl friend is very superstitious and says I should mark my linens "D" and not "M." 1 haven't marked them as yet. await ing your reply. She says people say it isn't lucky to use the young man's initials. , DOROTHY. All linens, silver and other house hold belongings of the new home are marked with the bride's intials. There is no superstition connected with the custom, only a convention. The bride is changing her name, the marking of silver with her initials is the equiva lent of keeping a sentimental record of her family name for future genera tions. MOTHERS Reduce your doctor's bills by keeping fcA always on hand— VICR's\^PORUBLR "yOUR BODYGUARD" - 30f. 60^T20 HXRfUSßUßt£tfiiA* TEEEGR3LPHI LJp Father "•* ~ Copyright, 1918, International News Service jlßi/ it/ cD/LaTHIS DOCTOR-OT 1 IT'6 AWFULLN LATE 11 IT'S AN AWFUL I VE'b-AN' IT'b H iJ [ IISIIBWH ' HAD TO HOWE*" AN- COME RWHT OVER BUT IF IT'S URGENT- I NI<iHT FOR ■ AWFUL MN ' I HMF TO CHARGE FOR MY \ AN' A TAKI WOULD -if f-f I TO MY J <LADI-V THE LOVE GAMBLER By Virginia Terhune Van de Water CHAPTER XI • David Delaine surveyed himself in | the mirror above the chiffonier in his j hallroom. He was forced to acknowl- i edge that his livery was becoming to him. This conviction had been forced j upon him yesterday when he tried on | the outfit in the fitting rooms of Staf- j ford & Co. It was also confirmed by the suave salesman. "Mr. Leighton will have no cause I to be ashamed of his chauffeur," the | man commented patronizingly. I j may say frankly that we seldom turn , out a livery that is as stylish and al- I together satisfactry on the wearer as this is. Mr. Leighton never spares ex- | pense, and in this case your appearance • makes it worth while." j David muttered some reply. The J fellow's tone of patronage annoyed ; him—yet, what else could an or- | dinary chauffeur expect? That his employer spared no ex pense was true. It was evidenced by I the quality and cut of the new suit, the . good material of the leggins, the weight | of the fur-collared coat, the style of the hat. What a waste this all might have been if David's references had not been up to the required standard! DeLaine appreciated with a little thrill that Samuel Leighton had shown | a flattering confidence in him. Yet, I after all, if he had not proved satisfac tory, his successor could wear these same clothes with some alterations. But it was not easy in these days to hire a strong-, good-looking young man The service needed the youth of the land. Perhaps that was why Mr. Leighton seemed anxious to retain his new employe. David was not vain, yet he would have been a fool had he not known that his appearance was not un attractive. An Interesting Adventure He frowned now at his reflection in his mirror, then, his sense of humor coming to the fore, he laughed. "I can surely afford a few months out of a lifetime in pursuing an In teresting adventure," he mused. He did not let himself ponder on where the adventure might lead. Per haps he would recover his strength rap idly enough to re-enlist and go back to France. This was what he hoped for— in spite of the fact that the surgeons on the other side had not encouraged this hope. , „ "They may have been mistaken, he told himself fiercely. "I am sure I will be well sooner than they thought. If I cannot do what I want in the world, I might better be out of it. In that case I could wish the bullet had got my heart instead of only a lung. But I'm going to see this thing through!" Xhat was his watch-word these days. He had occasional reminders that his wound had been more serious than he I had wanted to believe. Yet the doctors had told him that if he was careful he might eventually do a man's work." "I know they did not think I would get well soon enough to return to the Service," he reflected grimly. "Well— herhaps they were wrong! Here's hop ing they were!" He put on his hat. threw the heavy overcoat over his arm, and, Avith his gauntlets in his hand, ran downstairs to the street. As he strode up Lexington avenue, he was indeed good to look at. The color of his livery was becoming to his fair skin and blue eyes. He was very straight and broadshouldered and had an air of distinction that made the be holder marvel how a man of that stamp came to be a chauffeur. This marvel may have been in the eyes of Norah, the parlor maid, when she answered the chauffeur's ring at the front door at 11 o'clock, but it was speedily replaced by an expression of admiration. She had always wondered at the aris tocratic bearing of the new man. She had never noticed before how hand some he was. Perhaps, she told her self, she had never had a really good look at him until now. '•How Nice You Look." "Good morning. Smith!" she greeted him. dimpling into smiles. "I'll tell Miss Leighton that you're here. Ex cuse me.—but how nice you look in your livery!" DeLaine eyed her in astonishment. This was the first time that Norah had made a voluntary remark to him. Until this instant It had not occurred to him that she regarded him as one of her own class. A change came over her face as she I noticed his silence. He saw this and 1 realized his mistake in time to check any expression of resentment on her part." -Oh —ah—yes. thank you, Norah !" he rejoined. "Do you know. I forgot my livery for the minute.—l really did? And I did not know just what you were talking about. I did not realize that my clothes were receiving a compli ment." The girl grinned broadly. "Ah quit your kiddln'!" she retorted. "As if a good-looking young fellow ever forgets the clothes he has on! They're all so vain—men are—that it's a mis take to tell 'em they look nice. But your new togs quite took me by sur prise. Cassidy—the man as was here before you—never looked real swell in his livery. But he was a bit older than you and .not to make you vain. I must say he hadn't the style you have." "Ah yes I see I mean thank you I" DeLaine stammered. He was horribly embarrassed.- He found it much more difficult to meet this girl on her own ground as her equal than to play the part of an in ferior to his employers. "Perhaps," he ventured now, trying not to sow his discomfort, and with a | sincere desire not to hurt Norah's I feelings—"lt would be well to tell Miss Lieighton that the car is here. She may be waiting for it." (To Be Continued). Life's Problems Are Discussed By Mrs. Wilson Woodrow j What is that something in us that I makes us like certain things and dis- I like others, that consciousness which ! makes us feel we can do this and | cannot do something else which is as j simple as A, B, C, to our neighbors? j I, for instance, have an inner sense ! that I want to write. I seise a pen ! and do so. Another woman wants to ! trim n hat, and. does so with charming i results. I look at her with awe and j wonder. If I try to trim a hat, it looks like a hay-rick. If she tries to write a story, it sounds like: "Do you see . the blue shoes of my grandmother's I j neiee's daughter?" I know a man who makes a fortune , with the same ease that an acrobat turns a handspring. Sometimes he is careless enough to lose a fortune ; then he sets to work and makes another one. If you ask him how he does it, he looks at you pityingly and says: "Nothing to it. Any idiot can make i money." Of course, we can talk learnedly ] about "special aptitudes." or "the nat ural inclination intensified by special training." or "some strong suggestion impressed upon the plastic child mind." It sounds explanatory, but, like many other explanatory things, it doesn't explain. And you may say: "It is all very well to insist that every one has some special ability which if developed will insure him happiness and content in his work; but if I have anything of the kind I haven't discovered it. I am as intelligent as most people, but I have no particular bent or leaning in any direction." Then you look at me triumphantly as if to say: "Xow, what about it?" I come back at you with a pet theory of mine. I believe we do well that thing we are not in the least afraid of tackling, the thing that for some reason seems easy and natural to us. So. before you deny that you have any natural inclination in a particular direction, suppose you think things over Give Cuticura the Care i Of Your Skin And watch that troublesome erup tion disappear. Bathe with Cuti cura Soap, diy and apply Cuticura Ointment. For eczemas, rashes, itchings, etc.j they are wonderful. Nothingso insures a clear skin and good hair as making Cuticura your every-day toilet preparations. Do not fn to toot th* foelntin framneo of Cotleora Talrum. an axqulaltoly leantad faca and akin-porfuminff powdes, 260. arerjwhara. i . Presiding Elder Feels Ten Years Youngei Rev. W. H. J. Powell, presiding elder of the Fordyce District West Arkansas Conference, Camden, Arkansas, says ''one of my parishioners recommended Dr. Chase s Blood and Nerve Tablets to me and I thank God I found this remedy for I really believe I should have died had I not found it My strength has been restored and I feel ten years younger. Before I used Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets, I used to be so weak, at times I had to hold on to the pulpit while deliver ing my sermons. There were nights when the slightest noise would awaken me as the closing of a door or the flap- Dingof a window shade. I was nervous, had lost control of my bowels, and sometimes it seemed as though there was no feeling in my lower limbs." Sold by Druggists at6ocents, Special. (Stronger more Active 90 cents), j a bit. Sit down in a chair and watch yourself go by; that is a very salu- j tary mental exercise, taken occas ionally. You never want to give too inuch time to yourself, or you will get to be one of those tiresome, introspective egotists. But a little calm, unbiased contemplatoln of yourself now und then is good for the soul. What did you like best to do when a child? What sort of games, or studies, or books, or objects in nature interested you most? What do you remember being praised for? There Is a very remarkable girl in one of the shops to whom I instinc tively turn when my wardrobe needs refurbishing. She will turn over a quantity of garments with great rap idity. "You don't want this, nor this, nor this," she will say. "Oh. wait!" 1 exclaim. "That looks attractive." She hold 3 it up, looks reflectively from it to me, and then shakes her head. "No: you wouldn't look well in that." So she goes on until she finds some thing that I know at once is for me, or else she says: "We have nothing now that will suit jtfpfl "American-Maid'' _r is more than a loaf of bread ®l| \ The up-to-date woman now runs her home upon the In ' \ UlSl same business principles upon which her husband 1\ vV |\ lf| conducts his business. The keynote of success in || \ 11 I. v 111 each is efficiency and economy . ill ™ I You never see a successful merchant doing trivial things in his own store —not because he doesn't know how, but because he can use his time more profitably. He doesn't make the things he sells because he knows the manufacturer who specializes in them can make them better and for less money. The modern woman attains the plane of intellectual equality and personal liberty only as she adapts these principles to her daily tasks —and she will find that one of her most efficient aids will be GUNZENHAUSER'S AMERICAN-MAID i BREAD Because she will find that it will bring to the conduct of her household the cardinr.' - nlities of ciency and economy, and superlativeness as well. t EFFICIENCY ECONOMY SUPERLATIVENESS Don't bake—buy. A hot stove saps No woman can possibly bake a The word superlative fits it like vitality. Flushes the skin. Ages few loaves of bread, paying retail a glove. No substitute in it prematurely. Lessens efficiency, prices for everything, as cheaplyj jUt8 t pure flour the best that or the ability to do Other work of loaf 88 £ an a baker baking money can buy. Scientifically a more important type. Cook h!v miteriiu mad after our own recipe by the th. thing, you c.n cook better mo „. cannot £ be.t of modern machinery, in . for less money. That s duty. But done Do r own Bimp j e exam _ clean, sanitary bakery, and don t bake bread when you can pie in arithmetic. You'll find you wrapped in dust - proof, germ buy AMERICAN-MAID for less are losing even more Youth— proof wrappers. If you're an ex money—that's folly. Don't waste Health—good looks. Nature ex- pert you might make it as good; yourself uselessly. acts pay for waste. you couldn't make it better. At your nearest good grocer's you. but I know exactly what you want and will get it for you as soon as it comes in." And if she sells you a frock, she will either say: "You can swear that hat you have on with it," or suggest that you wear a larger one or a smal ler one, as the lines of the frock may require. She is a port in a storm, and can always be depended on. 1 asked her one day what here recipe for infalli bility was, and she said: "Oh, I have always had a sort of sixth sense of line and color. When I was a child I was forever mentally dressing people up. They used to tell me I would become a designer or a great dressmaker, but 1 couldn't de sign anything, nor sew well enough to I make clothes for my doll. I just know i what things will suit certain types of i women, and I like to tell them what to i wear. Of course, some persons won't I listen; but there are many who do ! rely on my taste, and they say their clothes are always admired when I se lect them." She has built up a large clientele and is invaluable to the firm which employs her. But if you asked her what her special talent was. before it was dis covered through force of circumstances, MAY 31, 1919. she would probably have declared that there was not a solitary thing in the world whicli she could do better than another. Penna. Over Top In Lutheran Campaign; New York, May 31.—Pennsylva- j nia went over the top in the recent campaign of the Luthcrn Church for $500,000 for reconstruction work. Reports issued to-day show that the churches of the State contributed $120,000 to the fund, their quota being $99,500. The State campaign was conducted by 1,570 organizv tions with a membership of 391,092. A total of $602,545.91 was sub scribed during the campaign. Later reports will increase this total, it is believed. Arizona and Oklahoma are the only states that have not reached their quota. GOING SLOW ON DAYLIGHT Washington, D. C. May 31.—Lead ers in Congress are opposed to tak ing snap judgment on the repeal of the Daylight Saving law. A further stay of the opponents of the law was secured to-day when the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce voted to hold hearings next Monday. The United States Chamber of Commerce and business organizations of New York City, Bos ton and other cities will be given a chance to explain why the law should not be repealed. WOMEN WORKERS In almost every line of war activi ties the women of this county have ; done well and have taken front i rank for doin work that released thousands of men for service over seas. Some women have been over ambitious, and, at the expense of their health, have filled places once occupied by men. Every woman who, because of overwork, has brought on some ailment peculiar to her sex, should dqpend upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegtable Com pound to restore her health and strength, as this remedy is now re cognized as the standard and has restored multitudes. 5