Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 31, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
Pittsburgh Puts Bigger City | to Shame Greeting Heroes• Xew York, May 31. Philadel phians who witnessed the arrival of units of the 80th Division on the transport Mobile, in New York yes terday, hung their heads in shame. Ipney were forced to compare the manner in which Pittsburgh was on hand to greet its boys of the 320 th Infantry with the pitiful showing Philadelphia made in the last few weeks when units of the 28th and T9th Divisions steamed into New Y'ork. When the first Philpdelphlans ar rived here the city had no one at all to meet them except a few news papermen trom the City of Brother ly Love. After many ships had ar rived, bearing many Philadelphlnns, the Quaker City Committee at last woke up and sent over a delegation of a handful of men, headed by a Your first thought of the Liberty is that it has a beauty and a charm of in dividual style that set it quite apart from other cars. Your first ride in a Liberty reveals the astonishing fact that a car may possess un usual road steadiness and balance without being either cumbersome or costly. This pleasant sensation of difference in the way the Liberty rides and drives is being spoken of everywhere. And this friendly feeling reaches its climax in the enthusiasm of its owners for the distinctive service the Liberty continues to render day after day and KIRK and OCHS DISTRICT DISTRIBUTORS Liberty Garagt Hbg. Atito A Tire Repair Co. 16th and Walnut Sta 131 S. Third St. HARRISBURG, PA. LIBERTY sax On the Job HETHER it is coal or merchandise, produce or oil—in the fertile valleys, on the desert or in the mountains—lnter national Motor I rucks are "on the job" hauling' their load the gieatcst distance with least expense. It takes time and skill in manufacture to gain a reputation like this, but wherever you find an International Motor Truck you will find a satisfied owner. Over three-quarters of a century of manufacturing experience and over ten \ ears experience in building motor trucks and tractors is back of every International Motor I ruck that we sell. The sturdy construction, the "built in scruce, the low-cost mileage is evident in every line of this useful truck. No matter what you have to haul or where you want to haul it, there is an International to meet your requirements. We do not want to burden our customers with a mass of technical detail, but if you will come in to our salesroom we will present proofs of performance that will convince you that Internationals are on the job and making good in a big way. We have a catalog showing a variety of body styles and types. Come in and get a copy. Crispen Motor Car Co. Service Station 103 Market St. 27 N. Cameron St. SATURDAY EVENING, Mayor who evidently was not en thusiastic. But yesterday Pittsburgh's own regiment came in—the 320th—und Pittsburgh was there, .giving the Smoky City lads the greatest recep tion. PLAX TO ORGANIZE Xcw York Delegates represent ing seventy organizations, including labor bodies with a membership of more than 200,000, met at 175 East Broadway, under the auspices of the United Hebrew Trades to form a union of 5,000,000 tenants through out the country to be affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. The initial object will be to strike wherever there is rent profiteering, but it Is the ultimate hope of the organization to have the various states call sessions of the Legislature and pass laws that will permit muni cipalities to build and operate tene ment houses at cost. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DIRECTORY Of Leading Automobile and Accessory Firms of Harrisburg, Pa. Accessory Houses. M. Brenner & Sons Mbtor Co. 1702 Third St. Black's Garage, 205 S. 17th St. Front-Market Motor Supply Co. 109 Market St. (Wholesale) Keystone Sales Co. 108 Market St. E. Mather Co., 208 Walnut St. . Sterling Auto Tire Co., 107 S. Second St. Square Deal Auto Supply Co., 1214 Third St. Standard Auto Supply Co., 113 Market St. Myers Accessory House, 11th and Mulberry St. Auto Painting C. A. Fair, 1137 Mulberry St. Automobile Schools Auto Transportation School, 260 S. Front St., Steelton. Battery Dealers Excelsior Auto Co., "Exide" 11th and Mulberry Sts. Electra Garage, "Gould" Evergreen and Thompson. Front-Market Motor Supply Co., "Willard," 109 Market St. Frank C. Seiber, "U. S. L." River Ave. and Paxton. The Fishman Garage Co., Inc. "Eveready," 4th and Chestnut. Curtain and Top Repairing C. A. "Fair, 1137 Mulberry St. . Electrical Equipment Arthur P. Myers, 109 Market St. (Second Floor.) Garages Black's Garage, 205 S. 17th St. M. Brenner & Sons Motor Co., 1702 Third St. Harrisburg Auto Co., 4th and Kelker. Liberty Garage, 16th and Walnut. The Fishman Garage Co., Inc., 4th & Chestnut. Rex Garage & Supply Co., 1917 Third St. Passenger Cars American Auto Co., "American Six" Front and Forster S'ts. JAIL RATHER THAN PLEDGE San l'YiuiciscO, Cal.—Rather than take the pledge to retrain from drinking intoxicating liquors, Wil liam May, sefaring man, chose a six months' sentence in the county jail and then changed his mind. "I'll take a chance on getting a nip out there occasionally," he told Police Judge Morris Oppenheim. "You see the country's going dry July 1, and if I take the pledge I won't get a drink between now and then." "Say, mate," said a fellow pris oner in the dock. "You got the dope wrong. The county jail's dryer than the Sahara Desert under a July sun." May sailed out to the Judge that he had changed his mind. A few minutes later he signed the pledge. BjiRRISBURO TELEGRAPH M. Brenner & Sons Motor Co., "Briscoe," "Kissell" Third & Hamilton Sts. Brown Motor Car Co., "Norwalk," 810 N. Third St. Conover Motor Co., "Case," "Elcar," "White," "Huprnobile." 1334 Howard St. __ Driscoll Auto Co., "Chevrolet," 11th & Mulberry Sts. Dauphin Motor Car Co., "Oakland," 11 S. Third St. Gomery-Schwartz Motor Co., "Hudson," "Essex" 116 Market St. Harrisburg Auto Co., "Reo" Fourth & Kelker Sts. Hagerling Motor Co., "Premier," "Pilot," "Saxon" 1135 Mulberry St. Keystone Motor Car Co., "Peerless," "Dodge," "Chalmers." 57 S'. Cameron St. Keystone Sales Co., "Apperson Eight" Kirk & Ochs, "Liberty," "Cole Eight" 16th & Walnut and 131 S. Third St. Miller Auto Co., "Maxwell," "Oldsmobile" and "Haynes." 58 S. Cameron St. Monn Bros., "Crow-Elkhart" 13th & Thompson. M. L. Mumma, "Studebaker" Third and Reily. Myers Motor Sales Co., "Nash" 1210 Penn St. Overland-Harrisburg Co., "Overland," "Willys-Knight" 212 N. Second St. Packard Motor Oar Co., "Packard" 101 Market St. Andrew Redmond, "Chandler" Third and Reily Sts. Rex Garage & Supply Co., "Velle," "Jordan" 1917 N. Third St. J. S. Sible, Jr., "Stephens Six" Chester Taylor & Co., "Standard" Eight" 17th and Derry Streets. 3rd & Cumberland Sts. George P. Zec-k, "Buick" 25 S. River Ave. ! MOTOR CODE IS | UP TO GOVERNOR Increases Registration Fees and Makes Changes in Regulations The Dlthrlch motor vehicle code is now In the hands of Governor Sproul after undergoing many amendments. It increases the reg istration fees for both pleasure and commercial vehicles and it is esti mated will bring to the State in creased revenues of about two mil lion dollars yearly. The fee for registering pleasure vehicles and trucks with a chassis weighing less than 2,000 pounds is ]4O cents a horsepower. Heavier commercial vehicles are divided into set en classes and all fees are charged on the weight of the chassis, with the license running from S2O for cars I between 2,000 and 3,000 pounds to $l5O for trucks with chassis weigh ing more than 10,000 pounds. No truck can carry an over-all weight of more than 26,000 pounds for chassis, body and load and the length is restricted to 28 feet and the width to 90 inches. There is an exemption granted for trucks now in use that do not conform to the above measurements. The speed allowance is thirty miles an hour on the open highways with local regulations permissible in cities and towns limiting the speed to fifteen miles an hour. Traffic reg ulations are also permitted in cities. Both the load and the speed of trucks are specified, the lighter trucks being allowed a speed of twenty miles an hour while the heaviest are permitted but lo miles an hour. The regulations for trucks are as: follows: Lbs. Chassis License Speed Class Weight Fee Miles AA 2.000 to 3,000 $ 20 20 A 3,000 to 4,500 25 20 B 4,500 to 6,000 30 18 C 6,000 to 7,000 50 15 D 7,000 to 8,000 75 'ls E 8,000 to 10,000 100 12 F Over 10,000 150 10 The use of Pennsylvania highways by commercial vehicles registered in other states is limited to one round trip a week, but the usual reciprocal privileges are extended to pleasure vehicles. When applying for regis tration applicants must file sworn statements as to the mental and phy sical ability to operate a car. Per sons having less than 20 per cent, of normal hearing are considered physically Incapacitated. Full registration fees must be paid up to August 1 of each year when half rate fees will become effective. CHICAGO CATTI.K By Associated Press. Chicago. May 22. U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts. 49,000; market fairly active, mostly 25c to 40c lower than yesterday's average: early top, $20.90. Bulk of sales, *20.60® 20.75: heivy weight, $20.65® 20.80: medium weight, $20.50 020.75; light weight. $20.40® 20.75; light lights, $19.26® 20.50: heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.25® 20.50; packing sows, rough, $9.76®20.25; pigs, 518.50® 19.50. Cattle Receipts, 13,000; opening slow; early sales of beef steers and hutcher she stock steady at yester day's low time: bulls strong; calves steady to 26c higher; stockers and light feeders steady. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, cholae and prime, $16.60018.25; medium and good, $13.25016.00; common, $11.50® 13.50. Light weight, good and choice, $13.60016.00; oommon and medium, *10.50®18.76. Butcher cattle, heifers, *8.25® 14.75; COWS, 8.18®14.50. Can ners and cutters, $6.40® 8.15. iv**! calves, light and hand weight. sl*7s 016.25. Feeder steers, $10.25®14.75: stocker steers. $8.25® 18.50. Sheep Receipts. 14.000; market slow. Spring lambs steady; strictly good California springs, $18.75; lambs, eight-four pounds down, $13.26® 14.85; eighty-five pounds up, $12.75014.75; culls and common. $9.00®12.75; springs, 116 76019.00, Yearling wethers, $11.26® 13.00, .Rwes, medium, good and choice. *lo,oo® 11,00; culls and common, $4,5(1® 9,75, J. L. Wiebley, "Franklin" 4th and Chestnut Sts. Williams Motor Car Co., "Ford" 23i N. Second St. Truck Dealers M. Brenner & Sons Motor Co., "Kissell" Third & Hamilton. Brown Motor Car Co., "Norwalk" 810 N. Third St. Crispen Motor Car Co., "Internatioflal" 103 Market St. Conover Motor Co., "White" 1334 Howard St. Chestnut St. Hardware and Motor Truck Co., "Giant" 211 Chestnut St. nnd 17th and Chestnut Streets. Denby Sales Corp. "Denby" 1209 Capital St. Driscoll Auto Co., "Chevrolet" 11th & Mulberry Sts. Eureka Wagon Works, "Autocar" 618 North St. Harrisburg Auto Co., "Rco," "Duplex," "Hurlburt" 4th & Kelker Sts. Harrisburg Welding & Machine Co., "Armleder" 92 S. Cameron St. Hagerling Motor Car Co., "JCelly-S'pringlleld" 1135 Mulberry St. Gomery-Schwartz Motor Co., "Stewart" 116 Market St. Keystone Motor Car Co., "Dodge," "G M C" , 57 S. Cameron St. Kirk & Ochs, "All-American" 16th and Walnut Sts. and 131 South Third Street. Overland-Harrisburg Co., "Garford," "Bethlehem" 212 N. Second St. Packard Motor Car Co., "Packard" 103 Market St. Miller Auto Co.. "OlJsmobile," "Mack," 38 S'. Cameron St. Monn Bros., "Day-Elder," "Sanford," 13th & Thompson. M. L. Mumma, "Studebaker," "Brockway" Third & Reily. PRESIDENT MONROE'S SON Jacksonville, Fla., boasts that the world's oldest shipbuilder lives in that city. He is Major Edward James Monroe, 103 years old, who is still possessed of all his faculties and works in the shipyards as a bolt passer. Major Monroe was born in Richmond, Va., July 4. 1815, the youngest son of James Monroe, fifth President of the United States. His mother was the President's third wife. His eldest sister died when 105 years old. When America declared war on Germany, Major Monroe was among the first to offer his services, but the fact that he had passed the cen tury mark prevented him from don ning the olive drab uniform. Then he applied for work at the ship yards, and after proving that his eye was clear and his brain active he was given employment. Although he has met many re verses and sorrows and has lost three wives; and eleven children. Major Monroe says he always thinks of others who are in a worse fix than he and refuses to worry. Eat good food and refrain from worrying are two of his recipes for longevity.— Detroit News. Guaranteed 18 Months ! 8 REASONS FOR BUYING i l.—Stronßfnt plutrx linoiiall.v < Diamond > lr(K'e<l. (•liarnn t'ed not to buckle, nhort cir cuit or IONC tlielr active ma terial. I 2.—Kurd wood xcparntorx, qnnrter suwed by patented procexx which Kunninteex perfoct In nulntion anil perfect conduc tivity. 3.—Noit-xplll moulded cover. 4.—Dowelled, lock-cornered wood enxex. r>.—Doited liftndlcx (not crewed.l o#—■U nixed led nxxeinbly. 7.—l'cttlcoated terminal point*. B.—G t ARANTEED FO R 18 MONTHS. Every one of these eight reasons is. alone sufficient for preferring "Diamond Grid" to any other battery. Let us demonstrate its super iority on your car Live dealers wanted in Dauphin and Cumberland Counties. DIAMOND GRID BATTERY CO. 68 S. Cnmeron St# ~usT STORAGE BATTERY For consistent, dependable and economical service In start ing and lighting you should use the i USL Storage Battery No matter what other battery you may have used, the USL will certainly give more com plete satisfaction —for It's ul ways on the Job, Frederick C. Sieber USI, Holes and Servlee 130-100 I'AXTON ST. USL Myers Motor Sales Co., "Nash" 1210 Penn St. Andrew Redmond, "Vim" Third & Relly Sts. Rex Garage & Supply Co., "Velie" 1917 N. Third St. Williams Motor Co., i "Ford" 231 N. Second St. ; (ft. Sunshine Garage, "\'tl "Rows" 27 N. Cameron St., Selden Truck Distributors, "S'elden" 1017-25 Market St. | Repair Stations Bill's Garage, 1801 Susquehanna St. Federlck's Garage, Rayfield Carburetors, 1808 N. 7th St. Chelsea Auto Wrecking Co., 24 N. 11th St. Rettberg Bros. Steelton. •■! M. L. Cote, 88 N. Cameron St. West Shore Auto Co., Wormleysburg, Pa. Tires and Vulcanizing Harrisburg Auto' Co., "Firestone" 4th & Kelker. Black's Garage, Vulcanizing. Keystone Sales Co., 108 Market St. Square Deal Auto Supply Co., 1210 N. Third St. Firestone Tire and Rubber 00. Wholesale. 210 N. Second St. Myers Accessory House, 11th & Mulberry. Sterling Auto Tire Co., Miller Tires, 109 S. Second St. Harrisburg Auto & Tire Repair Co., Vulcanizing, 131 S. Third St. United States Tire and Rubber Co., 1012 N. Third St. Rex Garage & Supply Co., 1917 N. Third St. Used Cars and Parts Chelsea Auto Wrecking Co., 24 N. Cameron St. PINEAPPLE FIBER NOW USED FOR MAKING CLOTH London. The pineapple, curi ous as it may appear to people in the Occident, who know it only as an article of food, is used in China 'for making cloth. At least its leaves are so used. The leaf fiber, after being extracted by a simple process, is first made into thread. The thread is then spooled and run on bobbins. Old-fashioned native looms next handle the thread, converting it in to a serviceable cloth. The powerful Nash Six is quiet and economical Beautiful in line and appointment, ' TourjJgc'J'iiilo the roominess and riding comfort sport Mode '.51395 of the Nash Six with Perfected Valve-In-Head Motor make it 0S- Seven • Paueenget • II # Cat •••* $1640 pecially attractive to buyers. And Seven-Passenger its unusual power, economy and quietness have caused it to be recognized as one of America's —'** Km^ m j • - leading motor car values. Myers Motor Sales Co. BALES AND SERVICE 1210 Penn St. Below Bread St, HARRISRURG, PA, % [~~ Dealer'e or dealer'* and distributor's names and"! ) addresses are to be inserted in this space only. If sub- I dealers are to be Hated also, add them as Indicated I L_by dashes below. The Nash Motors Company _J VAI4JS Cflߧ AT MOWMB PRICES MAY 31. 1919, MINIMUM SALARY OF TEACHERS S7O PER MONTH Louisville.—A minimum salary of S7O per mon'.h has been adopted by thv board of education for teachers in Tvouisville schools, as the result of shortening the school term from ten to eight and a third months. The former minimum was $55 % month. The maximum for elemen tary teachers is to bo $lO5 a month, a raise of 16.8 per cent. Higtl school instructors arc to receive salaries as high as $2,050 a year. In order to make these Increases possible, the board has announced, it was found necessary to cut its es timate for repairs and improvements from $94,000 to approximately $20,- 000 and to discontinue the summer school. DUPLEX TRUCKS Cost L e s s .Per Ton-mile, Duplex Always Wins In a Comparative Demonstration All we ask of any business man is a chance to show the Duplex 4-Wheel-Drive in a compara tive demonstration. s, We know that the Duplex will out-demonstrate any rival under all haulage conditions. We know it will show a saving of 20 to 60 per cent in ton-mile cost. We know, because the Duplex is doing these things every day in a score of industries, in competition with other trucks and with horses and mules. Therefore, we welcome the opportunity to enter the Duplex 4-Wheel-Drive in competi tive demonstrations. A call will bring our representative with re cords of how the Duplex has lowered ton mile costs for other business men. Harrisburg Auto Co. FOURTH AND KEI.::ISR STS. HARRISBURG PA. Duplex Truck Company, Lansing, Mich. CORD TIRES GOODRICH . and GOODYEAR We have all sizes. Let us* supply your needs. Square Deal Auto and Supply Co. 1410 NORTH THIRD ST. i 11