WEDNESDAY EVENING, ' T HE new drink that has taken Harrisburg by storm —WHISTLE. Pure I J/J 1 cane sugar, pure fruit, pure to the last drop. Not a thing in it that's iKIIt ill harmful —just the things in it that are good. Good for the grown man xPtf jll and woman — for the old folks, for the kiddies. Chockful of the energy IJ J that sugars gives—drink all you want of it —and even then you'll want Wl more of it, fiflm For WHISTLE Always TASTES GOOD There's zest to WHISTLE —brace and pep, too. The most cooling drink on )Jin~p|l a hot day that ever took care of a real thirst —the best drink for an /111 ill out-of-sorts stomach that needs pure fruit juices—the best drink for a I ill system that welcomes the tone and energy of real cane sugar. Try 3 one See ' Jim,. . think WHISTLE is a health drink, for it isn't. But it has in it just J|SIIIII I' I'fffll the things that make for health —sugar and pure fruit juices. It is a drink 1 t° r summer or Winter, Spring or Fall —palatable, nourishing, satisfying | and mighty good to the taste. I I It's Cloudy in the Bottle because it is rich in fruit juices and heavy cane sugar. That cloudiness - is its strength—none of the goodness has been refined out of it merely so HIM CTM C it looks clear. All the strength and energy is there —so it's cloudy! Try WHISTLE To-day—For Sale Everywhere Sole Distributor and Bottler WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. I 1901—3 North Sixth Street i! ®^^ lone 3360 Harrisburg, Dial 223^ . \ . . .. . % teARRISBURG &&&& tELEGRAPSB "MAY 2&, 191