Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 28, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
MANY FAIRS TO BE HELD AGAIN Department of Agriculture Learns Dates Have Been Set For Many Shows The war time ban on county fairs and agricultural shows, which pre vented dome of the best known ex hibitions from being held last year, has been raised and the Department of Agriculture has received word that a number of dates have been set. Some of these fairs include -si;ibitions which were prevented by the influenza quarantine last fall. The list announced for this year so t"ar Included: Fruit Growers' Association of Adams County, Bendersville, Decem ber 17 to 19. .Allegheny County Agricultural -*6v>fcri&tion. Imperial, September 24 to 26. Dayton Agricultural and Mechani cal Association, Dayton, September 23 to 26. Kiskiminetas Valley Agricultural and Driving Association, Appolo, August 6 to 9. Beaver County Agricultural Asso ciation, New Brighton, September 24 to 27. Bedford County Agricultural So ciety, Bedford, September 30 to October 3. Agricultural and Horticultural Association of Berks County, Read ing, September 16 to 20. Kutztown Fair Association, Kutz town, August 19 to 22. Blair County Road Drivers' Asso ciation. Altoona. September 16 to 19. Bradford County Agricultural So ciety, Towanda, September 2 to 5. Inter-State Fair Association, Athens, September 15 to 20. Troy Agricultural Society, Troy, | September 9 to 12. Farmers' picnic and exhibition, Quakertown, September 5 and 6. Chicora Fair Association, Chicora, no date fixed. North Washington Agricultural Association, North Washington, September 9 to 12. Butler Driving Park and Fair Association, Butler, September 2 to 5. Cambria County Agricultural Association, Carroltown, September 9 to 12. Cameron County Agricultural Association, Emporium, September 23 to 26. Carbon County Industrial Society, Use Cocoanut Oil For Washing Hair If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and entirely greaseless) is much better than anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simjly moisten your hair with water and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls will make an abun dance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thor ®ughly. The lather rinses out eas ily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the fam ily for months. TELLS DYSPEPTICS WHAT TO EAT Avoid Indigestion, Sour Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Gas On Stomach, Etc* Indigestion and practically all forms of stomach trouble, say medi cal authorities, are due nine times out of ten to an excess of hydro hloric acid in the stomach. Chronic "acid stomach" is exceedingly danger ous and sufferers should do either one of two things. Either they can go on a limited and often disagreeable diet, avoiding foods that disagree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to ex cess acid secretion or they can eat as they please in reason and make it a practice to counteract the effect of the harmful acid and prevent the for mation of gas, sourness or premature fermentation by the use of a little Bisurated Magnesia at their meals. • There is probably no better, safer or more neiiable stomach antiacid than Bisurated Magnesia and it is widely used for this purpose. It has no direct action on the stomach and is not a digestant. But a teaspoonful of the powder or a couple of five grain tablets taken in a little water with the food will neutralize the excess acidity which may be present and prevent its further formation. This removes the whole cause of the trouble and the meal digests natur ally and healthfully without need of pepsin, pills or artificial digesta'nts. Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag nesia from any reliable druggist. Ask for either powder or tablet. It never comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and in the bisurated form is j WEAK. SICKLY, RUN DOWN WOMEN Must Look to Their Blood if They Wish to Regain Their Health and Happiness Many symptoms peculiar to women, such as dizziness, fainting spells, backache, headaches, Kidney and Bladder troubles, languor and nerv ousness are in a large part due to impurities In the blood or worse still, anaemia, which means that the Blood is thin, watery and lacking in nourishment. If you are rundown. If your energy or strength are below normal, if you have to force yourself to do your daily tasks, you should enrich your blood supply at once.- In this way— you start a sure foundation on which to build your health and happiness. You may easily and quickly renew both the quantity and quality of your Blood by taking a short course of Novo San. Novo San, the new Red Blood Builder, has already won a place In the hearts of scores of women by restoring their youthful health and vigor. It not only rids your blood of poisonous impurities, but actually makes new blood, in this way vitaliz ing your whole body, charging you with new powers of endurance and energy, stimulating the action of the kidneys, liver and bowels, promot ing regularity, health and comfort. Your jaded nerves are steadied and your overworked, undermined, weak ened system Is quickly nourished back to health and strength. MAKE THIS TEST TODAY. Go to Geo. A. Gorgas or H. C. Kennedy and obtain a trial package of Novo San (12 days' treatment). Take two tab lets three limes a day after meals regularly for 12 days and If you do not feel at least 50 per cent, better, return the empty package to the druggist and yet your money. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Lehighton, September 30 to Octo ber 3. Grange Picnic and Fair Associa tion. Centre Hall, September 6 to 13. Chester County Agricultural Asso ciation, West Chester, August 27 to 30. Clarion County Fair Association. Clarion, September 16 to 19. Clearfield County Agricultural Society, Clearfield, September 16 to 19. Columbia County Agricultural. Horticultural and Mechanical Asso ciation, Bloomsburg, September 30 to October 3. Conneaut Lake Agricultural Asso ciation, Conneaut Lake, August 26 to 29. <ll Creek Agricultural Fair Asso ciation, Titusville, September 9 to 12. Cumberland County Agricultural Society, Carlisle, September 30 to October 3. Gratz Agricultural and Horticul tural Association, Gratz, September 2 to 5. j Delaware County Agricultural i Society, Media, not fixed. I Elk County Farmers' Agricultural j Fair Association, St. Marys, Septem ber 23 to 26. Corry Fair and Driving Park Association, Corry. August 26 to 29. Erie Exposition Association, Erie, August 18 to 23. Wattsburg, Agricultural Society, Wattsburg, September 2 to 5. Waynesburg Fair and Agricultural I Association, Waynesburg, August 19 ! to 22. I Greene County Agricultural and Manufacturing Society, Carmichaels, [September 16 to 19. I Huntingdon County Agricultural Association, Huntingdon, October 27 to 31. Indiana County Agricultural So ciety, Indiana, September 2 to 5. Jefferson County Agricultural Association, Brookville, September 9 to 12. Punxsutawney Fair Association, Punxsutawney, August 19 to 22. Juniata County Agricultural Soci ety, Port Royal, September 9 to 12. Lancaster County Agricultural Fair Association, Lancaster, Septem [ ber 30 to October 4. Lebanon Valley Fair Association, Lebanon, August 26 to 29. Lehigh County Agricultural Soci ety. Allentown, September 22 to 27. Dallas Union Agricultural Associ ation. Dallas. September 16 to 19. Lycoming County Fair Association, Hughesville, October 21 to 24. McKean County Fair Association, Smethport, September 9 to 12. Mercer County Agricultural Soci ety, Stoneboro, September 22 to 25. Mercer Central Agricultural Soci ety. Mercer, September 17 to 19. Mifflin County Horticultural and Agricultural Association, Lewistown, November 6 to 8. Monroe County Agricultural Soci ety, Stroudsburg, September 1 to 5. Northampton County Agricultural Society, Nazareth, September 9 to 13. Great Milton Fair and Northum berland County Agricultural Associ ation, Milton, October 7 to 10. Perry Agricultural Society, Newport, September 30 to Octo ber 3. Philadelphia County Fair Associa tion, Philadelphia. September 1 to 5. Pennsylvania Horticultural Soci jety, Philadelphia, November 5 to 8. Somerset County Agricultural So cioty, Somerset, September 30 to October 3. Myersdale Fair and Race Associa tion, Myersdale. September 16 to 19. Sullivan County Agricultural So ciety, Forksville, October 1 to 3. Susquehanna County Agricultural Society, Montrose, September 9 to 12. Smythe Park Association, Mans field, September 16 to 19. Cowanesque Valley Agricultural Society, Westfield, September 9 to 12. Union County Agricultural Society, Lewisburg, October 14 to 17. Venango County Farmers' and Fruit Growers' Association, Oil City, October 29 to 31. Warren County Agricultural Asso ciation. Warren, September 2 to 5. The Great Washington fair, Arden, August 26 to 29. Union Agricultural Association, Burgettstown, September 30 to Oc tober 2. Wayne County Agricultural Soci ety, Honesdale, September 30 to October 3. Wyoming County Fair Association, Tunkhannock, September 16 to 19. York County Agricultural Society, York, October 7 to 10. Hanover Agricultural Society, Hanover. September 23 to 26. New Freedom Farmers' Improve ment Association, New Freedom, date not fixed. Expert in Shipping to Tell Commerce Body of Express Companies E. V. Conwell, of New York City, will address the membership of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce on "Sidelights of the Express Business, Humorous and Tragic," at a luncheon meeting to be held in the Penn-Harris ballroom next Tuesday noon. Mr. Conwell is general attorney for the American Railway Express Company. He was secured to ad dress the Chamber members in view of his wide experience in the express business, which qualifies him to speak with authority on matters pertaining to express service. Ship pers and manufacturers who belong to the Chamber of Commerce are especially interested in the forth coming address as it will give them a chance to air their grievances against the express companies, and learn some of the causes which make for good and poor service in the express business. Veterans Plan For Big Meeting in This City Plans for a big time in Harris burg on Thursday, June 19, are be ing worked out by officials of the Veteran Employes' Association of the Middle Division of the Pennsyl vania Railroad. This will be the twenty-third annual session. The Vets organized in Harrisburg and have been meeting alternately in Altoona and Harrisburg. Because of the war last year's meeting was held in Altoona. The business session will open in P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., Auditorium, Reily street, at 2 o'clock. The pre siding officer at the opening will be JV'. W. Smith, general superintendent. He will retire in favor of J. C. Johnson, superintendent of the Mid dle Division, who will be the new head. At 6.30 p. m.. a banquet will be held in Chestnut street Hall. Vets will come to Harrisburg on regular trains and will spend the morning in s'ight seeing. CAUGHT "Young man," said his sweet heart's father, "do you smoke cig arets?" "I should say not!" declared the youth piously. "I would consider it disgraceful to he seen with one of those vile things in my mouth. I think all clgaret smokers should be imprisoned. Why do you ask, sir?" "Thought perhaps you could let m<: have one," said the old man. "r smoke 'em myself."—Dallas Morning News. i THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX HEM. MM —2sr>e UNITED Munsing Underwear For Men is a garment of fineness in make, fabrics and fit. Munsing underwear is made to fit the man, which means ease and comfort. The Munsing athletic nainsook union suit is the man's comfort; made full and strong. A closed crotch garment, $1.50. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Lawn Mowers The continued recent rains have put the face of the earth in such a condition as to need an application of the Agriculture Safety Razor, the lawn mower. Lawn Mower, 8-inch driving wheel, 3 knives of blade steel, easy to operate, 12 to 16 inches, $6.75 to $7.75. Ball Bearing Lawn Mower; 9-inch driving wheel and knives of highest crucible steel, ball bearing cones made of best quality tool steel; 12 to 18-inch, SIO.OO to $11.50. Ball Bearing Lawn Mower; driving wheel, 4 tempered steel knives of best quality cutting steel, cones of highest grade crucible steel; 14 to 18 inches, $12.50 to $13.50. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Yes, It's Getting Pretty Close To The Bathing Season 4 Anticipate the joys of the water sport and if you are bound for the beach, you will find here a beautiful assortment of stylish Jersey in solid and fancy col ors. with or without fancy bor ders. V, round and square neck, also striped trunk effect. Pure worsted and cotton and wool mixed, $3.75 to $8.50. Children's Suits, in Jersey, trimmed in plain and striped ef fects, with V-neck, 89c to $2.50. Combinations, for wearing un der the suit, in pure worsted, cotton and part wool, at 69c, 95c, SI.OO, $1.39, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98, Bathing Caps in all colors. Shoes in black and white, tan and white. Also water wings, $1.50. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Handkerchiefs— All Preferred Some gay and debonair with just enough dash and color; others quite plain and white and still others with dainty embroidery or the identifying initial are at hand for both vacationists and stay-at-homes. Women's finest Maderia handkerchiefs. Wonderful work and something that any one will appreciate, 50c to $2.50 each. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. For Decoration Day Outings White Paper Napkins, fine grade, 100 for 30c. Wood Ice Cream Plates, doz., 3c. Paper, 7-inch Plates, pkg. of 12 for sc; pkg of 20 for Bc. Ice Cream Plates, 100 for 20c. Wax Sandwich Paper, 36 ft. for sc. Wax Sandwich Paper, large roll, 25c. Paper Table Covers, 36x36, 10c. Paper Patriotic Table Covers, 25c. Paper Table Covers. 63x108, 39c. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Today's Special . 300 handkerchiefs. Nice, soft, ready to use. Full size ; *4-in. hem, cut perfect; 6c each or 65c doz. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Did You Get Yours At $5.00? If Not, Choose At " This Special Sale \ Of 1000 Blouses \ Tomorrow is the third day of this great sale of charming {jr —wr^\ Flowered Georgette Blouses—one of the most popular blouse yp • I styles of the season. Many models to choose from. Original Wjx. / ' in lines; rich in colorings; smart collars and cuflfs; skillful - - j needlework; short kimono sleeves and attractively ribbon Jwklspl trimmed. A remarkable special value at $5.00. Other Blouses in plain shades in various pretty effects re duced to sell for this occasion at $5.00. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. ; BLAJRJUSBTXRG UfSSftj TELEGRAPH" JSjoumcKnZ HARRISBLRG, WKDJiKSDAV. MAY 3R. 1010 Correct Footwear For Ckildren A child delights in "pretty" shoes. Our children's models not only please the little ones with their style, but also satisfy the particular mother who realizes the importance of correct scien tific shapes that will preserve the health and beauty of the child's foot through the years of growth. gf Our Children's Department is ready with every style of season able footwear for dress and play, at moderate prices that will in- jnfflj Good children's shoes made by one of Massachusetts best man- ■ ufacturers of children's high grade shoes. ™ Besides carrying good shoes we see to it that children Oxfords in gun metal calfskin, tan calfskin, patent coltskift, brought here are properly fitted. We carry the narrow widths anc j w hit e canvas $3 50 to $4 75 as well as the wider ones. Children's pumps in patent leather and white canvas, $3.00 Shoes in white canvas, genuine white buckskin, patent colt to $4.00. skin, gun metal calfskin, tan calfskin, $4.00 to $6.25. PRICED ACCORDING TO SIZE Our Women's Shoe Department Complete with a full line of pumps, oxfords and shoes with either T§|' WtdßpP^'\ hand turned or welted soles and heels, suitable for dress or walking. X ) Prices to suit all —$6.45 to $12.00. Buckles in metal and cut steel, $1.50 to $4.00. / BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Women's White Hosiery Our holiday special in women's hosiery is an all white silk stocking with a colored top. A strong, medium weight stocking with silk top and a lisle foot; full fash ioned ; assuring perfect fit. Adaptable for outing and dress wear, $2.00. Children's Lisle Socks A large assortment of plain with white tops and col ors; white with fancy tops. 35c and 50c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Corsets For Decoration Day Flesh colored elastic top corsets made of fine quality cou til, medium free hip; strong hose supporters, good values, $1.50 and $2.00. Elastic top corsets in dainty novelty cloth; flesh and white combination; sizes 20 to 25; good value, $2.50. Girdles made of all over elastic and elastic inserts in flesh. Closed or open back; 12. 14 and 16 inches length. All sizes from 23 to 32, $2.00 to $5.00. Good quality guaranteed washable satin bandeau brassieres in flesh; back closing only; sizes 32 to 40, SI.OO. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. For Girls And Little Boys Girls' Middy Blouses; 6 to 14 years. White Galatea and twill; all white or white with colored collar, $1.50, $1.95, $2.25, $2.50 to $4.50. Girls' middy skirts; white and colors; with and without bodies. Skirts pleated, white galatea, poplin, chambray and pique, $1.25, $1.95, $2.50 to $4.50. Children's pique wash hats. Poke, roll and droop brim; colored ficings in pink and blue, scalloped and hand em broidered, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50. Boys' wash hats, sailor, roll and droop brim in white and colored, 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c and $1.25. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. MAY 28, 1919. THE STORE THAT CLOSER SATURDAYS AT SIX Wash Goods Many new arrivals in fine cotton fabrics are to be found here. Our policy is not to duplicate former styles. Result, new stock comes in most every day which adds charm and great pleasure for the customer that wishes to add just another pretty Summer dress, soon appreciates our methods. 40-inch Fine Roubaix voiles, foreign yarn woven in America, $1.25 yard. 36-inch Half Silk Printed Georgette. Neat patterns on light grounds, $1.25 yard. 36-inch Printed English Voiles; fine checks on semi-dark tones, SI.OO yard. 36-inch Habutine. Half silk, good weight for under clothes, dress or waist, 79c, yard. 36-inch Plain and Fancy Organdies, 59c to $1.25 yard. 30-inch Costume Crepe; Dolly Varden figures, white grounds, 45c yard. 44-inch Plain Voiles; all best colors; quality unmatchablc, 50c yard. 32-inch Gingham Zephyrs; Foreign and Domestic in best makes, 50c, 75c and 85c yard. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Children's Parasols db And Umbrellas / A large assortment of para- KjxDflV sols in every new shade and § style. One that every child will /At enjoy carrying. J 5 Priced, 65c to $3.00. f BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. /df Flags For Memorial Day We have a complete assortment of cotton and wool flags in all sizes: 12xl8-inch flags oh sticks, 10c and 15c; 16x24-inch flags on sticks, 20c; 24x36-inch flags on sticks, 35c; 30x48-inch flags on sticks, 65c. Printed all over flags with canvas headings: ft., 50c; 3x5 ft., 75c; 4x6 ft., SI.OO. Sewed stripes with painted union, heavy canvas headings: 3x5 ft., $1.00; 4x6 ft., $1.50. Bull Dog Flags: 3x5 ft.. $3.00: 4x6 ft.. $4.00: sxß ft., $6.00; 6x9 ft., $7.00; Bxl2 ft., $11.25 ; 9x15 ft., $18.00; 12x20 ft., $27.50. Standard wool bunting flags: 3x5 ft.. $5.25; 4x6 ft., $7.50; sxß ft., $12.00; 6x9 ft., $12.50; Bxl2 ft., $21.00. Flag Poles with ropes: 1 in. x 6 ft., 35c; 1 in. x 8 ft., 50c; 1-H in. x 8 ft., 75c; 1H * lO { t., $1.00; 1# xl 2 ft., $1.25; 2x12 ft., $2.00; 2x16 ft., $3.00. Holders at 20c, 35c, SI.OO and $3.00. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Banded Sailors All Colors Plain And Mixed \\ri Braids \ / V ery Special $2 A BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 3 FOUNDED 1871