Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 28, 1919, Page 17, Image 17

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    Additional Gassified Ad*
on Opposite Page
Carload Storage at Low Rate*.
Hlghsplre, Pa.
Bell: Steel ton 1T,
Dial: Steelton 8439.
1812 Perry St.
BELL 1958. DIAL 2183.
Funeral Director and Embatmer,
611 North Second Street. .
BELL 268. DIAL 8145.
Beautiluily situated on Market street
east of Twenty-sixth, and on the
north and east faces the near park
way. The prices of lots are moder
ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents.
WHY buy new clotnlng, when we
clean your old ones as good as new J
Ail kinds of repairing work guaran
teed. Goodman's, 1306% North Sixth.
Both Phones. Call and Deliver.
Four-passenger convertible
Victoria Type 57 Cadillac for sale.
Tires, llnish and mechanical
condition first class.
108 Market.
FOR SALE Studebaker Touring;
1918 eight-cylinder Oldsmoblle Tour
ing' Kco Touring car; Overland Coun
try Club; JcfferTes Touring car, An
drew Redmond. Third and Reily
st reeta.
1919 BUICK Brand new. Never
been run. Can make immediate de
livery. J. S. Siblc, Jr., Third and
tires, mechanically periecu
Chevrolet, model 4-90 touring, in
fine shape, very reasonable.
The above cars are as represented.
Demonstrations given.
FOR SALE Saxon 6-cylinder car.
1916 Model, in good
Mra. J. A. Donaldson, 192 a North
Front street, City.
P'OR SALE One 1916 6-cylinder
Studebaker. New top and new Urea
iround. Fully electric equipped. This
car is an exceptional bargain and
must be sold quick. Party leaving
city. Selden Truck Distributors, 1017-
io Market street.
All sorts of auto topa and cushion
work done by experts; also ; 'Pair
•work. Reasonable rates. 72-73 „outh
Cameron street.
1916 Ford Touring body, 336.00.
Horst, Linglestown. Pa. Near Har
risburg. Dial 36C.
FOR SALE 1917 Overland Tour
inn Car. Model 85. in good condition.
Good tire™ Call after 6 P. M. at 102
Paxtang avenue.
WANTED All Kinds of used auto
tires. We pay highest cash prices.
Nc Junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 North
Third street. Dial 4990.
MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6
Bosch high tension, Elsman. Dixie,
Snlitdorf. Mea. Rerny and different
makes of colls, carburetors, etc. A
Schiftman, 22-24-26 North Cameron
street. Bell 2633.
524-6 Muench street. Limousines for
funeral parties and balls; careful
drivers; open day and night. Bell
44 North Cameron Street.
Auto wrecking and repairing. Full
line of parts for all makes cars on
sale. We teach you to drive. Will
sell you old car on small commlssiou
basis Storage space for fifteeu cars.
Bell Phones.
6-passenger Touring Car. 2
extra tires.
Bell 660 J.
Seven-passenger Packard Twin
"Six." 191'' model. Good as new.
Traveled only 6.U00 miles.
E. 7062,
Care of Telegraph
One Buick Roadster, in A 1
condition, Price, 81,000.
205 South Seventeenth St.
1918, 17, 16 Ford Tourings,
overhauled and newly paint
ed. Three one-ton Ford
117 South Third Street
Open Evenings Until 9 P. M.
Eon trucks, 2-ton Autocar truck. 2-ton
Republic truck, 4-passengcr Mitchell
Club roadster, 7-passenger Haynes
tot/ring car. International Harvester
Company of America, Truck Depart.
Brent. 619 Walnut street
New live and seven-paesenger
cars tor business or pleasure
at all hours.
BELL. 2360. DIAL 4914
Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtimers,
in any condition. See me before atc
rl&cing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto
Wrecking. A. SchifCman, 22, 24, 21
North Cameron street Bell 3632.
BUICK LIGHT SIX, completely
everhauled. In tine shape.
Velie, 1917. completely overhauled
tnd painted, good tires. A bargain.
Chalmers 6-30 Roadster, in splendid
rendition. A bargain.
Jeffrey 1914. overhauled and In line
rhape. rbj£ GARAGE,
1917 North Third Street
(Continued In Next Column)
- w '
AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re
paired by speclallata Also fendera
lamps, etc. Bost service In town. Kar
risburg Auto Radiator Works, 80s
I North q'blrd Street.
S-ton chassis, chain drive,
for sale at a bargain, SBOO.
101 Market Street.
In first-class mechanical con
dition, for sale. Inquire
Carriage and Auto Works,
1139 Mulberry Street.
BUICK Repairing. Susquehanna
Motor Co., 117 South Third street.
FOR SALE 1917 Ford Touring
Car. Price. 3390. S. R. Horst. Ling
lestown, Pa. Dial phone 84C.
Premier, 1918, electric gear shift,
run 200 miles; 7-passenger.
Chandler Touring, extra tire, in fine
Denby 2%-ton trucks, overhauled,
in fine condition; dump body.
Reo, 2-ton.
3%-ton Acme, Wood's Hoist and
steel body. m „ ,
Denby, 3-ton, Woods Hoist and
steel budy.
One-ton International; used 10
months; cheap.
Two-ton International; used 9
months; cheap.
Other used tracks on hand. Full
line of Denby chassis.
Largo sized 5-ton truck, with Dump
bodv for sale. Big bargain to quick
buyer. For particulars call at the
Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron
street. '
miles to gallon gasoline; 28x3 tires,
new. Very economical to run. Price,
$260.00. Horst, Linglestown, Pa. Near
1917 FORD ROADSTER. 1916 Ford
Touring. 1916 Oldsmoblle, 6-cylinder;
Chalmers, 5-passengcr. Bargain. East
End Garage, in Rear of Thirteenth
and Walnut. Inquire Hummer.
condition. Price reasonable. Sibie's
Garage. 301 Cumberland.
express hand-made truck bodies and
cab tops for trucks. Inquire
Carriago and Auto Works,
1139 Mulberry Street.
IF jou have a good second-haad car
you want to sell, 1 am in the market
for one. No dealer. Martin GerUtirdt,
150 North Front street, Steelton.
FOR RENT Garage, 1717 Boas
pairing by an expert. Road Jobs a
specialty. Charges reasonable. Both
Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North
Cameron street.
will be more efficient and
more economical. You will
get more power and speed
and a smoother-running
1807-09 North Seventh.
and sidecar, in good mechanical con
dition and good tires. $150.00. Apply
203 Nectarine street.
FOR SALE—Anderson motorcycle;
bargain. 24 Chestnut street, Steel
ton, Pa.
Whereas, the Hon. George Kunkel,
President, and the Hon. S. J. M. Mo-
Carrell, Additional Law Judge of Oyer
and Terminer Quarter Sessions of the
I-eace, of the Twelfth Judicial Dis
trict, composed of the County of Dau
phin. laving issued their precepts
bearing date, (he 2nd day of May
A. D. 1919, to me directed for holding
a Court of Oyer and Terminer aud
General Jail Delivery and Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, at Harrisburg
for the County of Dauphin, and to
commence on the second Monday of
June, 1919, being the 9tli day of June
1919, and to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given to :
the Coroner, Justices of the Peace
Aldermen and Constables of said
County of Dauphin, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at
10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dav
with their records, inquisitions, ex
aminations and their own remem
brances, to do those things which to
their office appertain to be done, and
those who are bound in recognizances
to prosecute against the prisoners
that are or shall be in the jail of Dau
phin County be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be'
Given under my hand at Harrisburg
the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1919. be
ing the one hundred and forty-third
year of the Independence of the
United States.
Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Pa
May 7, 1919.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, as:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 350, January
Term, 1919. Libel in divorce a vin
culo matrimonii, Eugene Magnani vs
Viola E. Magnani. The subpoena and
alias supboena in the above-stated
case have been returned "nun est in
ventus." You. Viola E. Magnani, are
therefore directed to appear in
the court at Harrisburg Pa., on the
fourth Monday of June, A. D. 1919 to
answer the complaint therein tiled'
■ , „ Sheriff.
Harrisburg, Pa., May 21. 1919.
The following Ordinance was read
in the City Council at a meeting held
Tuesday morning, May 20, 1919. and'is
published as directed by Article 5
Section 3, Clause 10. of the Act of As
sembly approved June 27, 1913-
To authorize the opening and grading
of Sixteenth street from Herr
street to Calder street, atyj provid
ing for the payment of the cost
Section 1. Be it ordained by the
Council of the City of Harrisbuig
and it is hereby ordained by authority
of the same, That Sixteenth street
from Herr street to Calder street, as
marked upon the city official plan* be
end the same is hereby authorized to
be opened and graded; the cost and
expense thereof to be assessed upon
the abutting properties according to
benefits, as provided by law.
Section 2. That all proceedings and
work incident to the improvement
herein authorized shall he taken and
dene, and the costs and expenses
thereof shall be paid for. and the as
sessments levied on the abutting
properties shall be collected as pro
vided by City Council Ordinance No
19, Session of 1914-1915.
Section 3. That the assessments for
the grading of said highway be and
the same are hereby appropriated to
the contractor for the payment of -he
cost and expense of the said grading
Section 4. That all ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict here
with be and the same are hereby re
Clerk of City Council.
Otfiee of the City Clerk.
Harrisburg. Fa.
NOTICE Letters Testamentary
. on the Estate of Francis W. Ruther
; ford, Sr., late of Swatara Township,
> Dauphin County, Pa„ deceased, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned
' residing in Paxtang Borough and
Swatara Township, all persons indebt
ed to said Estate are requested to
make immediato payment, and those
having claims will present them for
NOTICE Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of Anna H. Biglr,
late of the City of Harrisburg, Dau
. phin County, Pa., deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said Estate are
. requested to make immediate pay
• ment, and those having claims will
! present them for settlemen.
215 South Front Street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Bureau Water and Light
BIDS will be received at the Office
of Superintendent of Public Safety,
Room 10. Court House, to 11 o'clock.
June 5. 1919, for .furnishing cast iron
water pipe end special castings,
valves, hydrants, iron castings and
brass ferrules or corporation stop
cocks. The right to reject any or ail
bids is reserved.
By virtue of certain writs of fieri
facias, levari facias, liberari facias,
venditioni exponas and alsias vendi
tioni exponas, issued out ot the Court
of Common Pleas and Orphans Court
of Dauphin County, Pa., and to me
directed, 1 will expose at Public Sale
or Outcry, at the Court House, in the
City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County,
Pa., on Thursday, June sth, 1919, 2
o'clock P. M., the following real es
tate, to wit:
No 1.
All that certain lot and parcel of a
lot, both situate in the Borough of
Uniontown, County of Dauphin and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, viz:
Beginning at the northwest corner
of lot No. 13; thence along lot No. 13,
south 136 feet to a point on line be- j
tween lot Nos. 12 and 13; thence west
along lot No. 12, four (4') feet to a
point; then south along lot No. 12. 62
feet to Mulberry alley; thence west
along said Mulberry alley. 46 feet to
a point between lots 11 and 12; thence
north 136 feet to a point between said
lots Nos. 11 and 12; thence west 4 feet
to a point on lot No. 11; thence nortji
along or through lot No. 11, 62 feet
to a point along the southern bound
ary line of Market street; thence
along the boundary line of said Mar
ket street east 54 feet to the north
west corner of lot No. 13 and the
place of beginning.
Said lot being marked on the gen
eral plan of said Uniontown Borough
as lot No. 12 and a part of lot No. 11.
Being the same premises which W.
11. Deibler and wife by their deed
dated January 2. 1912, granted aud
conveyed to Elmer E. Dockey. Said
deed being recorded in the office for
the recording of deeds, etc., in and
lor the County of Dauphin, in Deed
Book "V." Vol. "14" page "170," ref
erence being thereunto had will more
fully end at large appear. Thereon
erected a two and one-half story
rame dwelling house and Bank Build
ing, in the rear a one-story frame
building. Sold as the property of
Elmer E. Dockey, defendant.
No. 2.
All that certain messuage, tene
ment, tract or piece of land situate,
lying and being in the Toownship of
Jackson, County of Dauphin and State
ot Pennsylvania, bounded limited and
described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a stone; thence by
lands of Peter Etzweiler (late Chris
tian Warfel) south 77% degrees west
16.9 perches to a pine stump; thence
by lands of the same south 43 degrees
west 19.7 perches to a stone; thenco
north 86 degrees west 14.3 perches to
a stone; thence by lands of Samuel
Miller, north 70 degrees west 16.5
perches to a stone; thence by the same
south 72 degrees west 21.6 perches
to a stone; thenco by the saane
t.orth 88 degrees west 13.5 perches to
a stone; thence by the same north SO
degrees west 42.8 perches to a white
oak; thence by the same north 61 de
grees west 20.5 perches to a stone;
thence by lands of Henry Enders (late
Aaron Miller) north 52 degrees west
I 16.2 perches to a stone; thence oy
lands of Clement C. Miller (late John
B. Miller) north 70% degrees east 44
perches to a stone; thenco by lands
of the same north 50 degrees east 86.6
perches to a pine knot; thence by
lands of Balthaser Miller estate south
27% degrees east 90.9 perches to the
piace of beginning.
Containing 51 acres. 96 perches
strict measure.
Being the same premises which
Michael 11. Miller, et. ux„ by their
deed dated Feb. 17. 1905, granted and
conveyed unto Henry A. Warner. Said
deed being recorded in Deed Book
"C," Vol. "12." page "132." Sold as
the property of Henry A. Warner, de
; No. 3.
No. 1. All that certain piece or par
cel of land situate in the City of Har
risburg, Dauphin County and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at the south
east corner of Wallace and Cumber
land Streets and running thence
southwardly along Wallace stieet It
feet more or less, to other land of
said defendants; thenco eastwardly
along said land 68 feet, more or less,
to a private alley; thence northward
ly along said alley 14 feet, more r
I less, to Cumberland street; thence
westwardly along Cumberland street
fis feet to the place of beginuing. and
having thereon erected the building
now known as No. 1135 Wallace
street, said building being a two and
one-halt frame dwelling house, 14x22
feet In size, with two-story baik
building annexed. 14x22 feet in size;
all in good repair.
For title see deed recorded in Deed
Book "L" Vol. 16, page 285,, etc.
No. 2. AH that certain piece or par
cel of lund situate In the City of Har
risburg. Dauphin County and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows: Beginning on the Eastern
line oC Wallace street, fourteen (14)
feet distant southwardly from Cum
berland street and running thence
eastwardly along said land 68 feet,
more or less, to a private alley; thence
southwardly along said alley 14 feet
to a point; thenco westwardly 68 feet,
more or less, to said Wallace street;
thence northwurdly along said Wal
lace street 14 feet to the place of be
ginning, having thereon erected the
building now known as No. 1133 Wal
lace stieet, said building being a two
and one-half story frame dwelling
house 14x22 feet in size with two
story back building annexed. 10x14
'' see deed recorded In Deed
Book "L," Vol. 16, page 285, etc.
Sold as the. property of Jacob Wien
er, Annie Wiener, his wife, defen.l
Harrisburg, Dauphin County, ana
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at.
the corner of land, now or late, of
William C. Kirby on the Western side
of Sixth street, and running thence
westwardly along the line of said .
land 84 feet, to other land of the said
Annie Wiener; thence northwardly
along the rear of last mentioned land
in a parallel with said Sixtli street 15
feet more or less, to land late of Pat
rick McNiff. afterward Caroline F.
Mehrlng; thence Eastwardly along the
line of said land 84 feet to said Sixth
street' thence southwardly along the
western side of said Sixth street 15
feet more or less, to the place of be
ginning with the right to the use of
the three feet wide alley extending
from the rear of the land herein de
scribed to Wyeth street, formerly call
ed Wyeth alley.
Having thereon erected the build
ing known as No. 1408 North Sixth
street, said building being a three
"torv frame dwelling house 15x36 feet
In size with back building 12x12 feet
In size, annexed, all In good repair.
For title seo deed recorded in Deed
Book "L." Vol. 16, page 236, etc.
No. 2. All that certain piece or par
cel of land situate in the City of Har
risburg. Dauphin County and State of
—lavlvanla, bounded and described
To Hold Motorcycle Races
at Carlisle Memorial Day
Professional, amateur and trick
motorcycle racing; will be the feature
of the big Held day events being held
Decoration Day in the Carlisle Fair
Grounds under the auspices of the
United Motorcycle ssociatton. There
will also be a bicycle race. Many
well known local boys as well as
several of tho best riders in the
country will compete for prices. Four
different makes of machines will be
represented, the Harley-Davidson,
! the Indian, the Pope and the Excel
The riders include John Tritt, Le
moyne; Ervin Kohl, Myerstown; H.
A. Nickel, Baysnore, L. I.; James
Reidy, Washington Heights; William
Llneaweaver, Lebanon; G. D. Peters,
Harrisburg; H. H. Tritt, Lemoyne;
James Donelly, Harrisburg, and J.
M. Smith, Lewistown.
While making tests on the Pope
machine that will be entered in the
contest, it caught fire yesterday in
front of the Doehn garage and for a
short time it appeared that this ma
chine would be out of the contest.
The fire department was-called out
and extinguished the flames before
any damage was done.
as follows: Beginning at the corner
of land now or late of William C.
ICirby, on the eastern side of Wyetli
street (formerly called Wyeth alley),
and ninning thence northwardly along
the eastern side of Wyeth street 13
feet and 9 inches to a three-feet wide
alley; thence eastwardly along said
alley 70 feet to line of land, now or
late of raid Annie Wiener, situate at
No. 1408 North Sixth street; thence
southwardly along said land 13 feet
and 9 inches, more or less, the land
new or late, of William ' C. Klrby;
thence westwardly along the line of
said land 68 feet, more or l6ss, to tho
place of beginning.
For title see deed recorded in Deed
Book "L" Vol 16, page 236, etc.
Sold as the property of Jacob Wien
er, Annie Wiener, his wife, defend
No. 5.
All that certain lot or piece of land
situated In the City of Harrisburg,
County of Dauphin and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on the north
side of Hunter street, one hundred
and eighty (180) feet westward from
the western line of Sixteenth street;
thence northwardly one hundred (100)
tect to the south side of Compas ave
nue: thence westwardly along the
south side of said avenue twenty (20>
Ret to a point; thence southwardly
one hundred (100) feet to Hunter
street; and thence eastwardly along
the northern line of Hunter street
twenty (20) feet to the place of be
Being lot No. 212 on plan of lots laid
out bv A. Boyd Hamilton, recorded in
the office of the Recorder of Deeds,
etc., in and for Dauphin County in
Plan Book A, page 79.
The same being house No. 1512 Hun
ter street. Sold as the property of
Harriet M. Grant, defendant.
No. 6.
All that certain tract or parcel of
ground, situate in the Kleventh (for
merly the Sixth) ward of the City of
Uarrisburg. aforesaid, bounded and
described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on the eastern
line of North Second street, which
point is forty-one and nine-tenths
feet south of the southeastern corner
of North Second and Dauphin streets
being a straight line through the cen
ter of an eight-feet space of ground
between this and the adjoining house;
thence eastwardly by a straight line
through the center of said eight feet
space of ground along the side of the
properly, now or formerly of IV. B.
Gorgas, eighty-seven feet, more or
less, to the western line of a three
feet wide private alley; thence south
wardly along the western line of said
three feet wide private alley, twenty
one and four tenths feet, more or less,
to a point at the line of property now
or formerly of w. B. Gorgas; thence
westwardly along the line of said lust
mentioned property and through the
center ot a brick partition wall of this
and the adjoining house, eighty-seven
leet. more or less, to the eastern line
of North Second street; and thence
northwardly glong the eastern line of
North Second street; twenty-one and
four tenths feet, to a point, the place
of beginning: with the right to use
the said three feet wide private alley
in the rear of said lot in common with
the owners and occupiers of other
properties abutting thereon; having
thereon erected a three-story brick
dwelling house, known as No. 1815
vprth second street.
' Being the same premises whioli
Robert Rosenberg and Mary Rosen
beig. his wife, by Indenture hearing
date the thirteenth day of May, ono
thousand nine hundred nineteen, and
recorded in the office for the Record
ing of deeds in and for the County of
Duuphin, granted and conveyed unto
Seymour Katz. Sold as the property
Of Peter Magaro. with notice to
Sevmour Katz, terre tenant,
bejmo w w CALDWELr^
TT . , ~ Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, May 14th,
Conditions of Sale The highest
and best bidder to be the buyer.
Terms —The purchaser shall bo re
ouircd to pay SOO.OO of the amount
of his bid when the property shall
have been knocked oft to him under
SSCO 00; above that amount ten per
cent' on the purchase money, and the
residue before the confirmation of
sale by the Court. If the purchaser
fails to comply with the terms of
sales the property will be resold at
his cost. |
The following petition was presented to the City Council at a meeting
lipid Tuesday morning, May 27th, 1919, and accompanies an Ordinance en
titled, "An Ordinance authorizing the paving and curbing of Chestnut street.
from Nineteenth to Twentieth Street, and providing for the: payment_of the
cost thereof." and iB published as directed by Article 6, bectlon 3, Clause
of the Act. of Assembly approved .lune 27th, A. D. 1913.
To the President and Members of the City Council,
Harrisburg, Pa. . ..
Dear Sirs:—We, the undersigned owners of property abutting on the
line of Chestnut street from the east side of Nineteenth street to the west
side of Twentieth street. In the Ninth ward of the City of Harrisburg, re
spectively represents; That we are a majority In number of the persons own
ing property, or owners of a majority of the feet frontage abutting on the
line of said street between the points named, and that we desire the same
to be paved with sheet asphaltum and curbed with granite curbing.
We therefore, pray your Honorable Body to pave said Chestnut street
from the east side of Nineteenth street to the west side of Twentieth street
with sheet asphaltum and curbed with granite curbing.
And we will ever pray, etc.
Owner Residence Frontage
George A. Hoverter 1915-1917 Chestnut Street 36 feet
Wm. C. Porr 19 10-1942-1946-1948-1950 Chestnut Street,..9o feet
Wm! it. Knox, 1927 Chestnut Street 18 feet
10. E. Rnders 1925 Chestnut Street, 18 feet
Walter B. Rankin 1935 Chestnut Street 18 feet
Chas M. Storey 1937 Chestnut Street, 18 feet
Myra V. Himes 1912 Chestnut Street 18 feet
J. I). Banks ...1914 Chestnut Street 18 feet
Jacob Derbs 1916 Chestnut Street 18 feet
F. W. Illbbs 1930 Chestnut Street ...,18 feet
F. u. Carnes 1928 Chestnut Street 18 feet
It. R. Pleam Chestnut Street, 18 feet
10. W. Killinger 1922 Chestnut Street 18 feet
'Geo. S. McCrone 1924 Chestnut Street, 18 feet
F. I. Zudrell 1921 Chestnut Street 18 feet
Robert L. Morton 1926 Chestnut Street 18 feet
Mrs. F. J. Mannlx 1931 Chestnut Street 17 V 4 feet
Mrs. A. R. Gardner 1929 Chestnut Street 18 feet
It. W. Itupp 1911 Chestnut Street 18 feet
W. L. Stocks 1919 Chestnut Street 18 feet
Mrs. Chas. C. Ray 1932 Chestnut Street 18 feet
J. E. Glpple 1318 Walnut. Street 227.2 feet
Geo. W. Bogar 1913 Chestnut Street 18 feet
George J. Hellman 1933 Chestnut Street 17% feet
James C. Toney 1920 Chestnut Street 18 feet
H. G. Musselman .29 South Nineteenth Street 90 feet
W. H. Peters. Jr., 1923 Chestnut Street 18 feet
i Edward- Bixler 1936 Chestnut Street ' 18 feet
I State of Pennsylvania, County of Dauphin, ss:
Personally appeared, before me, the subscriber, an Alderman In and
for said State and County, residing in the City of Harrisburg. Wm. R. Knox,
one of the withinnamed petitioners, who being duly sworn, deposes and says
that the facts set forth In the foregoing petition are true and correct to the
best of his knowledge and belief.
Sworn and subscribed to before me this 26th day of May, A. D. 1919
George A. Hoverter,
Office of the City Clerk, Harrisburg, Pa U6rk l ° C '\ y CouncU '
Produce prices to-day In the Har
risburg markets were: Asparagus, 14
J beans, green, % peck, 30c;
beans, navy, 15c; beans, kidney, 12c;
bananas, 20035 c; butter, country,
62 0 65c; butter, creamery, 68070 c;
new cabbage, head, 8010 c; carrots,
sc; cucumbers. 508 c; eggs, dozen,
46048 c; egg plant, 300 40c; lettuce,
head, 5010 c; oragnes, dozen, 350
60c; peas, % peck, 25030 c; peppers,
3©6 c; pineapples, 20030 c; potatoes,
new, % peck, 25 c; potatoes, bushel,
$2; radishes, sc; spinach, % peck;
8c; strawberries, 350 40c; tomatoes,
box. 20025 c: onions, box, 10015 c;
bunch, sc; bacon, pound, 52055 c;
ham, pound, 55060 c; lard, pound,
35c; pork, fresh, pound, 40050 c;
chickens, live, pound, 38042 c;
dressed, pound, 46052 c; squabs, pair,
60070 c.
Chandler Brothers and Company
members of New Ycrk and Philadel
phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar
ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street,
New York furnish the following
quotations: Open Noon
Allis Chalmers 45 44%
Amer. Beet Sugar 82 % 83%
American Can 59% 69%
Am. Car an Fndry Co 103% 103%
Amer. Loco 84% 84%
Amer. Smelting 82% 83%
American Sugar 131% 133
Anaconda 70 % 79%
Atchison ..102% 101%
Baldwin Locomotive ....101 101%
Baltimore nd Ohio .... 54% 54%
Bethlehem Steel B 79% 79%
Butte Copper 25 25
California Petroleum ..32% 32%
Canadian Pacific 166% 166%
Central Leather 92% 22%
Chesapeake and Ohio ... 67% 67%
Chi., Mil. and St. Paul .. 46% 45%
Chicago. R. I. and Pacific 29% 29%
Chino Con. Copper 40% 40%
Col. Fuel and Iron ..... 47% 47%
Consol. Gas 1.... 52% 52%
Corn Products ... 66V4 68
Crucible Steel 81 80%
Erie 19 19
General Motors 204 204
Goodrich. B. F 78 77%
Great North. Pfd 99% 99%
Great North. Ore, subs .. 46% 46%
Hide and Leather 34 34
Hide arid Leather, pfd...121% 121%
Inspiration Copper 68% 58%
International Paper ... 65 56%
Kennecott 36% 36%
Lackawanna Steel 83% S3
Lehigh Valley 59% 59%
Maxwell Motors 50 49%
Merc. War Ctfs 48% 48%
Merc. War Ctfs, Pfd. ...126 125
Mex. Petroleum 184% 184%
Miami Copper 27% 27%
Midvalo Steel 51% 62%
N. Y. Central 82% 52%
N. Y„ N. H. and H. . ..i. 32% 32%
Northern Pacific 99% 98%
Penna. R. R 47% 47%
Pittsburg Coal 60% 61%
Ray Con. Copper 22% 22%
Reading 89% 89%
Republic Iron and Steel . S8 % 87 %
Southern Pacific 112% 112%
Southern Ry 31% 31%
Studebaker 98 95%
Union Pacific 137 136%
U. S. I. Alcohol 164 163%
U. S. Rubber 108 111%
U. S. Steel, Pfd 115% 116%
U. S Steel 107% 107%
Utah Copper 80 81
Vir.-Caro. Chein 74 73%
Westinghouse Mfg 68% 58
Willys-Overland 38% 38%
Western Maryland 13% 13%
Philadelphia, May 28 Wheat
No. 1 soft red, $2.20; No. 2, red. $2 24;
No. 3, soft red, $2.24.
Corn The market is quiet; yellow,
as to grade and location, $1.8001.85.
Oats The market is lower;
No. 2, white, 78% 079 c; No. 3, white,
7 7 0 7 7 % c.
Bran The market is steady; 30ft
winter, spot, in 100-lb. sacks, $44,000
45.00; spring, in 100-lb. sacks, $42.00
© 43.00.
Butter Market steady; western
creamery, extras, 57c; nearby prints,
fancy, 64 066 c.
Refined Sugars Market steady;
powdered, 8.45 c; extra fine granulat
ed. 9c.
Eggs Market firm; Pennsylva
nia and other nearby firsts, free
cases, $13.20 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $12.90 per case;
western, extra firsts, free cases, $13.20
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $12.90
per case; fancy, selected, packed, 50©
52c per dozen.
Cheese The market is steady;
New York and Wisconsin, full unik.
32©32% c; do., old, 37040 c.
Live Poultry Market steady;
fowls, 400 41c; broiling chickens, not
leghorns, 55060 c; do., leghorns. 42®
50c; roosters, 23024 c; ducks. Peking.
30082 c; do.. Indian Runner, 25030 c;
geese, 20023 c.
Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys,
spring, choice, to lancy.
00., western, choice to fancy. 45 046 c,
turkeys, flesh Killed, fair to good. 40
©43 c; turkeys, common. 30035 c; old
turkeys. 40®c; capons, seven
eight pounds. 44045 c; do., smaller
sizes 400 43c: fowls, fresh killed,
choice to fancy. 36038 c; do.. J
smaller sizes. 32034 c; roosters. 27c;
western roasting chickens, 27037 c,
western broiling *lcKen* 42044 c.
ducks, western, s"©4oc. Pekln duck*.
42 046 c; old ducks, 42 046 c; Indian
Runners. 42046 c; spring ducks. Long
Island, 41042 c; geese, 26030 c.
Flour Market steady; winter
straight, western. $1L500U.75 per
barrel; do., nearby, 11.25011.40 per
barrel; Kansas straights, $12.20012.50
"hort patents, $12.60
@13.00 Per barrel; spring;, short pat
ents, J12.E0013.00 per barrel; do.,
spring patents, $12.25® 12.76 per bar
lel; spring; firsts, clear. $10.26010.75
per barrel.
Hay Steady; timothy. No. 1,
large and small bales, $45.00 per ton;
do.. No. 2. $42.00043.00 per ton; do-
No. 3, $39.06040.00 per ton.
Clover Mleced: Light, $42.00@43.00
per ton; do., No. 1, $40.50041.00; <D..
No. 2, $38.0003900 per ton.
Tallow The market is steady;
prime city loose, 13% c; do., special,
loose, 14c; prime country, 12 %c; edi
ble in tierces, 24027 c.
Potatoes The market is higher;
New Jersey, No. l. 4®ssc:
per basket; do.. No. 2. 50060 c pet
basket; do., 100-Ib. bags. No. 1. $2,600
1.00, extra quality: do.. No. 2. $1,600
i!.2K; Pennsylvania. No. 1. 100 lb*
I $2.5002.75; do., per 100 lbs., fancy,
| $2.9003.10; New Jersey, No. 1. iO9
i 12.2R02.40; do.. No. 2, 100 lbs.
$1.2601.75; western, per 100 lbs.. $2.09
02.26; New York state, per 100 lb.
$2.6002.70; Maine, per 100 lbs., $2.50®
2.80; Delaware and Maryland, per 109
lbs., $2.2502.40; Florida, No. 1, pot
barrel. $t.0009.60; Florida, No. 2 per
barrel, $7.0007.60; Florida, per 150-fb.
osgs, $1.6102,00: North Carolina, pet
barrel, $1.6004.00; South Carolina, No.
1. per barrel, $8.5009.00; South Caro
l.i ,?°* 2 - per barrel, $6.5006.75;
Norfolk, per barrel, $3.25; Eastern
Shore, per barrel, $2.0002.75; fancy,
Mncungle, No. 1, per barrel. $2.95®
3.00; do., No. 3, per barrel, $1.2601,50.
By Associated Press.
Chicago, May 28. (U. S. Bureau
of Markets). Hogs Receipts,
26,000; market active, mostly 25c
higher than yesterday's average; top,
$20.40. Bulk of sales, $20.20020.35;
heavy weight, $20.25020.40; medium
weight, $20.10020.40; light weight,
$19.90020.40; light lights, $18.65®
P nrk| nk sows, smooth,
$19.50019.75; packing sows, rough,
$19.00019.50; pigs. SIB.OO 019.00.
Cattle Receipts, 9,000; beef
steers and butcher stock slow, 15c tJ
25c. lower; light calves lower, others
isteady; stockers and feeders steady.
Beef steers, medium and heavy
weight, choice and prime, $15.60®
17.65; medium and good, $12.85015.75;
common, $11.25013.15. Light weight,
good and choice, $12.85015.75; com
mon. $11.25013.15. Light weight,
good and choice. $13.35015.75: com
mon and medium, $10.25013.50.
Butcher cattle, heifers, $8.25014.35;
cows, $8.00014.00; canners and cut
ters, $G 2508.00. Veal calves, light
and handy weight, $15.00017.n0
Feeder steers. $10.00014.25; atocltcr
steers. $8.00013.25.
Sheep Receipts, 1,3.000; lambs,
wethers and yearlings strong to 26c
higher; ewes steady. Lambs, eighty
four pounds down, $14.00015.7";
eighty-five pounds up, $1.7.50 015.75:
culls and common, $1O.OO01"5O:
springs. $17.75019.50: yearling
wethers. $11.50013.75; ewes, medium,
good end choice. $10.10011.00; culls
nnd common, $4.500.9.75.
Misf Hrace Kinn*ard! If
Hostess at Little Party
Miss Grace Kinneard entertained
last evening at her home, 1008
North Third street. Dancing and
games followed by refreshments
were enjoyed by these guests:
Miss Mary Berkstresser, Miss
Helen Storey. Miss Harriet Stoner,
Miss Rosanna Snheffer. Miss Grace
Kinneard. Paul Gay'ord. New York:
Harold Oobaugh, .Tames Bennett.
Robert Storey, Lee Conley, S. C., and
Ralph Enpley.
Mr. Conley and Mr. Eppley have
re-enlisted after receiving their dis
Material Storekeener Is
New Office on the Pennsy
George W. Snyder, 2d. of Altoona,
has been appointed general store
keeper for the Pennsylvania railroad.
He will have hirisdlrtion over all
materials. E. W. Whltev material
agent, is made district storekeeper
on the Eastern divisino with head
quarters at Altoona. The office of
genera' storekeeper is a new branch,
and will result In changing the( juris
diction of 1,000 employes on the
main line of the Pennsy.
We have been able to secure a
limited supply of the
Pictorial History
of the
110 th and 112 th Regiments
• Price, $2.50; by Mail, $2.60
Call at the Business Office of the
Telegraph and get a copy before
the supply is exhausted.
MAY 28, 1919,
Steelton News
Local G. A. R. Post Will Hold
Services in Three
Sergeant Samuel W. Lascomb
Post, G. A. R., is planning for a big
day on Friday. They will hold serv
ices in three cemeteries. At 8.30
Friday morning the post will leave
the hall in North Front street and
go to the Highspire Cemetery, where
the veterans will join with the resi
dents of that place in a Memorial
Day program in the cemetery there.
From Highspire they will go to
Oborlin by automobile and hold ex
ercises there.
The parade in Steelton will leave
the G. A. R. hall in the afternoon
at 1.30, headed by the Steelton
band. The post will be accompanied
by two troops of Boy Scouts, as
well as by a number of veterans
of the World War. The parade will
move in Front to Chestnut, to Sec
ond, to Pine, to Harrisburg street,
to Lincoln, to cemetery.
One hundred and twenty-two
graves are to be decorated in the
Baldwin Cemetery, and the post has
made an appeal to residents of
Steelton for flowers to be used in
the cemetery. Flowers may be left
at the market house for the pur
Darby-Nell Prizes
Awarded to Pupils
The Darby-Nell prizes for the
highest marks in the study of geog
raphy among the pupils of the sev
enth grade were awarded yesterday.
The winners of the prizes are: First,
Ross Carl, of the Central Grammar
school, with an average of 94; sec
ond, Sarah Frye. High school build
ing, with an average of 93 2-3; third,
divided between Marris Fisher, Bea
trice Toptanoski, Verna Bauser and
Francis Kane, all of whom had an
average of 93.
There will be short sessions of
school Friday.
The Holy Eucharist will bo cele
brated at 10 o'clock to-morrow in
Trinity Episcopal Church. The lit
anv service will be read this evening
at 7.4 5.
Charles P. Feidt, borough secre
! tary, announces that licenses issued
by the borough will have to be re
newed on June 1. The new tags can
be had by calling at the borough
offices in Walnut street.
Home Office Philadelphia J 1
A service and a saving that it
will pay you to know about.
Write today for information -*'
Harrisburg Branch, A. L. Hall, J
Patriot Bldg. Manager f^ r j;
Invite Public to
Hear Miss Ambrose
An invitation to the public has
i been issued to hear Miss Edith
Mark Ambrose tell of her experi
ences in France, where she served
as special nurse in charge of shell
shock cases. Miss Ambrose will
speak in Trinity parish house to
morrow afternoon at 2.30. No ad
mission will be charged.
Paxtang Hookies Will
Hold Street Festival
Elaborate arrangements are un
der way by the Paxtang Hook and
Ladder Company for a street car
nival to be held on the night of Juno
20. The Steelton band has been en
gaged to furnish the music. The
carnival is to be held in Becond
street, from Jefferson to Cones
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Keim, 309
Main street, left yesterday for a trip
to Camp Merritt, to see their son.
William M. Keim, who has recently
arrived there from France with the
Twenty-ninth Division.
Mrs. Rebecca Lyter has returned
to her home after a visit of five
months in Maryland.
Mrs. Hopple, of Millerstown, is
ill at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. T. J. Nelley.
An attempt to reconsider the bill
providing for instruction in elemen
tary nursing in schools made by Mr.
Uenchoff, Frar.-klln, was defeated In
the House to-day. The House post
poned consideration of the physical
education bill Immediately after. '