Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 28, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Founded 1831
Published evenings except Sundsy by
Telegraph Building, Federal Keen
President and Editor-in-Chief
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OUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor
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Entered at the Post Office in Harris
burg, Pa., as second class matter.
By carrier, ten cents a
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Mairyear in advance.
There is no friend like an old friend
Who has shared our morning days,
No greetings like his welcome,
No homage like his praise.
—Oliver Wendell Homes.
SCORE another for the American
Navy. Us unsurpassed record
of achievement on the sea and
under the sea has been matched by
Commander Reed's feat of crossing
the Atlantic in the air. First to
launch and use the steamboat, first
to make use of the ironclad ship,
first to develop the monitor and the
revolving terret, first to evolve a
workable submarine, the Navy comes
forward with another triumph by
sending a heavier than air machine
hurtling through the ether from
America to Europe in actual flying
time of a little more than twenty
four hours.
Hawker's attempt was spectacular
and daring. Reed's was no less dar
ing, but his calculations were work
ed out on a scientific basis. His
chances of failure were reduced to a
minimum; all the possible factors of
success were taken into considera
tion and carefully worked out to the
advantage of the airmen. Method
and system won out where mere in
dividual initiative and the hope of
accomplishing a miracle failed.
Reed's name will go down in his
tory. His fame for all time is as
But more important than that, it
has been demonstrated that man is
at last master of the air and that
Europe has been reduced to a day's
journey from America. The heavier
than air machine is in its infancy.
Shortly, it may be forecasted, trips
across the ocean will be as fre
quent as flights over the English
channel are to-day. With that
thought in mind it behooves us to
be considering means of combatting
a possible peril from the air some
day when a hostile European coun
try may decide to drop in upon us
byway of the clouds. Perhaps some
such idea may have been back of the
Navy's elaborate experiment.
Hundreds of visitors have been in
Harrisburg during the last few
months and have learned to appre
ciate many of the attractive features
of the city. They never tire in their
praise of the unique treatment of the
river front, nor do they restrain their
commendation of the fine system of
parks, the unusual paving area of
Harrisburg and the municipal pro
visions for public recreation.
THE Harrisburg Rotary Club is
doing a fine thing in dedicating
to the memory of Harrisburg
men who died in the nation's service
during the war flower boxes that
throughout all the summer season
will recall the beauty of their serv
ice and public appreciation of their
sacrifice to the throngs that daily
traverse the Mulberry street viaduct,
where the boxes will be placed.
Scores of these men sleep in graves
In France, many of them unmarked
ind all of them beyond the reach
Df loving friends who would have
bedecked them with flowers had it
been possible to give their bodies
final resting places in their native
joil. Only in some such manner as
the Rotary Club plans can their
friends and neighbors pay their
proper Memorial Day tribute.
The flower boxes will be as
■acred as though they bedecked the
traves of those to whose memories
they are dedicated. They should be
tared for and guarded from care
less or thoughtless hands as jeal
usly and as zealously as though
they were settings in a national
semetery set apart for soldier dead.
Judge Gary. In his recent optimis
tic speech before the steel manufac
turers, did not hesitate to predict a
treat era of prosperity for the United
Hates. Like all other thoughtful and
tompotcnt observers of the trend of
ifTaLrs, he dwelt upon the factors
which eater into .our cmuitry.'a ex-.
pansion, and Intimated that there
should be removal of the reetrtatlone
which bind the Industrial and com
mercial giant* and prevent the nativ
ity which would otherwise be here,
tt Is up to Tenure,e to take off the
■hackle* and allow buelneea to fto on
It* way..
SLOWLY tho noose that finally
will hang them Is tightening
about the nooks of Trotsky and
Lenlne. On the north tho antl-Bol
ahovlk forces aro prosslng hard upon
tho slowly yielding armies of tho
Hods, from tho cast tho armloe of
tho Ukrainians and Finns aro push
ing on toward Petrograd, from the
oast come* Admiral Kolshak's vlo
torlous legions and from tho south
General Deniklno miyrches evbr
northward. All that Is left to the
Bolshevtkl Is the heart of old Rus
sia, and they aro In desperate straits
there. And now comes official recog
nition by the Allies of the Omsk
government, which Is largely made
up of Kolshak's armies and has
harmonious connections with tho
other antl-Bolshevik forces through
out Russia.
Kolshak, of all the Russians who
have come to the front since the
empire collapsed, appears to have
qualities of leadership of high or
der. He is apparently intent more
upon the welfare of his country and
its restoration to sanity and order
than in the grinding of any personal
ax. He has formed a ministry of
representative Russians, recruiting
his army altogether of natives of
Russia and has made a fine impres
sion upon the world-at-large, both
as a warrior and a constructive
statesman of courage and vision.
For six months or more Kolshak
has been attracting the attention of
the Allies, who withheld recognition
of his government only because it
was thought he meant to set up an
imperialistic forth of government. It
is easy to believe that Kolshak may
view with apprehension an effort at
representative government at this
time in shattered Russia, but he
has yielded to the degree of coming
out in favor of a constituent assem
bly and this, together with favor
able reports from Allied representa
tives with the Kolshak armies, has
led the Allies to give him their sup
Thig recognition will be of great
encouragement to all the anti-Bol
shevik forces in Russia and will be
of material assistance in the restora
tion of law and order. Bolshevism is
nearing the end of its dizzy career.
Its head is in the gallows noose and
the rope is slowly being -tightened.
A great responsibility rests upon
the Republican party now in control
of both branches of Congress and in
proporition as it proves constructive
in its policies will the party grow
in the confidence of the people. Mere
criticism of what has or has not been
done by the Democratic administra
tion u ill not satisfy the people who
are looking for relief from intoler
able mismanagement and inefficiency.
It is generally accepted as a fact that
there has been failure in many quar
ters during the present administra
tion and it would be well for the
new Congress to subordinate the ex
posure of shortcomings and ineffi
ciency to the more important work
of devising measures of permanent
WHY is it necessary for the
Legislature to drag along un
til July? Can't the loaders
devise a plan that will enable the
law-makers to go home the latter
part of June? What are the grave
issues and the points impossible to
decide except by long deliberations
that are delaying the session and
making mid-summer meetings nec
essary ?
The country members want to
quit, as do many city members. The
prolonged sessions are costing the
taxpayers large sums. Everything
before the Legislature could be
closed up in four weeks if that body
only got down to real work. Why
hang on?
NOW that Senator Smith's bill
giving Dauphin county and the
city of Harrisburg authority to
erect a joint hospital for contagious
diseases has been approved by the
Governor, the first step toward
Colonel Martin's plans for Harris
burg as a model city from the stand
point of health and sanitation lias
been taken. The Chamber of Com
merce, following repeated recom
mendations by Dr. Raunick to city
council, undertook the promotion of
this much-needed improvement fol
lowing the influenza epidemic last
fall and has made it the leading
item in its lately formulated public
health program. But the work has
been no more than started. Great
care must be exercised in the selec
tion of a site, in the architecture of
the building and in the formulation
of plans for Its joint construction
and maintenance, in order that the
interests of both city and county may
be conserved. The new hospital mubt
be a model. Nothing but the best
will suffice. Better a few more
thousands of dollars expended at
this time than the rebuilding of the
hospital ten years from now.
THE men of the Seventy-Ninth
Division, made up of \xjlunteers
and selected men, many of them
from this part of Pennsylvania and
hundreds from Harrisburg and
Dauphin county, are coming home.
Philadelphia is making prepara
tions for a big parade, but what is
this city , going to do byway of a
They arc just as much "our boys"
as the veterans of the gallant
Twenty-Eighth. They rendered val
iant service on many hard fought
fields and they never suffered a de
feat, They, come bach to us aa vlfi
torsi men who have written a won
derful chapter In the war history of
the country. They are deserving of
the best we have to offer.
The time Is shqrt in which to pre
pare. Homebody must assume the
duty. These returning soldiers must
be made to feet that we are happy
to have them back with us again,
and proud of what they did as our
representatives abroad. Let their
welcome home be as enthuslasllo as
their performance In the face of the
enemy was brilliant.
""PotlfcTc* tK
By the ICx-OasnmltteeuiMi
Philadelphia reform legislation Is
still the storm center of tho Legis
lature and of State politics. With
the charter bills practically disposed
of through an agreement between
the rival factions, tho fight has shift
ed once more to the Datx-Brady
registration bills and the Rotan
measures. United States Senator
Penrose is coming here Sunday to
help tho fight for reform. 11c sent
word to that effect to his lieutenants
here last evening.
Senator Edwin H. Vare threw a
monkey-wrench into the harmony
machinery by renewing his opposi
tion to the Rotan bills. An agree
ment had been reached to pass the
bills through the House without op
position. Senator Vare ahnounced af
ter looking over the bills that they
provided bigger salaries for the new
detectives to be added to the Dis
trict Attorney's staff than is paid
city detectives. He handed an ulti
matum that unless the salaries were
decreased he would oppose the bills.
The decision to put the bills through
the House yesterday was rescinded
and it was announced the measures
would be held up until Monday
Late yesterday several up-State
members, who have become dis
gusted with dilatory tactics, took a
hand in the game. They forwarded
an ultimatum to the legislative
leaders that unless the Philadelphia
bills were disposed of quickly and
final adjournment hastened, they
would oppose the program. The
effect of the up-State men's ulti
matum was a quick report by the
House rules committee in the shape
of a resolution calling for three ses
sions daily on Tuesdays and Wednes
days and one session on the Thurs
days. It passed the House unani
mously after Speaker Spangler took
drastic action. He ordered a poll of
the House and 128 of the 207 mem
bers responded when their names
were called.
—Plans to get action on the Phil
adelphia charter bills began to be
made as soon as the bill as amended
was reported to the House by the
House municipal corporations com
mittee. Several members asked the
Speaker to advance it as rapidly as
possible and will seek early action
by the committee on any additional
amendments. It was announced that
Senator Boies Penrose would be here
Sunday to urge the passage of the
bill. Governor Sproul has also been
importuned to ask the Legislature to
expedite the bill, which members
claim is holding up the fixing of a
date for final adjournment.
—Dr. Thomas T. Finegan put in
about as an eventful day yesterday
as ordinarily conies to the average
man in Penrtsylvania public life in
a life time. He arrived from New
York in the morning and spent an
hour in converse with the Governor
and the men who handle the mil
lions for the Keystone State about
what could be set aside for educa
tion; then he was assigned a legal
residence in Harrisburg; appointed
superintendent of public instruction
and his nomination promptly con
firmed by the Senate. About the
same time the bill establishing the
salary of the superintendent at $12,-
000, the same salary as the Attorney
General and only a little lower than
the Supreme Court justices, was ap
proved and he was named to receive
that figure. Dr. Finegan was wel
comed to Harrisburg by some peo
ple living here and complimented
on the speed with which he had
become domiciled enough to bo ap
pointed from the State Capital.
—There are four cities in the
United States which pay their super
intendents of education more than
the new superintendent receives,
while several States also pay salaries
away up. The county of Allegheny
pays its head of schools as much as
the Governor receives.
—Many members of the legisla
ture last evening commended the in
troduction of the Eyre resolution to
investigate the treatment of National
Guard officers. The case of Captain
Samuel A. Whitaker, one of the
members of the House from Chester
who served with distinction in the
Guard for years and made a fine
record in Europe, has aroused much
indignation among the legislators
who knew him and there is generat
support for the probe which is pro
posed and which seems to worry
the Demofcratic Senator from Perry
—The action of Speaker Spangler
last night in calling a roll for a
quorum and the prompt move of the
rules committee to establish time of
sessions, as was done in 1913,
brought members of the House up
standing. Tf they go away hereafter
they must have leave.
—The House committee in charge
of the Hess bills to move the appel
late courts here took no action yes
terday, but members are commenc
ing to hear from lawyers in Phila
delphia and Pittsburgh. No action
will be taken this week.
• —Revenue measures were much
discussed on the Hill to-day. The
talk of a manufacturing capital tax
is being revived as the appropria
tions continue to pile up. This prop
osition will be vigorously fought.
—Mayor E. V. Babcock. of Pitts
burgh. was here last evening looking
into legislative matters connected
with Pittsburgh.
—Some of the legislators were
smiling to-day over the action of
Messrs. Alexander and Glass in op
posing the Dawson bill relative to
appointment of mercantile apprais
ers yesterday at the very time when
the conference in the Governor's of
fice was deciding to urge that it be
passed. The bill came up in the ab
sence of Chairman Dawson, of the
ways and means committee, and
was defeated.
—The third-class city bill went
behind the scenes yesterday. It was
not much heard of on the Hill to
day, but many men believe it will
eventually become a law.
Foch's Watch
[.Philadelphia Record.]
The watch on the Rhine at this
writing is held by Foch, and It's a
stop watch.
HON\E - Guess IT AMUSES MY AND - THGNJ , DF _ Kl/ - . # L FS7 \ /,
tC?* J&~T
VE R V S.MPLF 1£ O TH 6 £ \ ' = THEY'LL F'^E
MR- V .
Let's Keep the Daylight HouA
[From the New York Sun.]
Anti-daylight saving legislation, I
which was avoided in the closing t
hours of the Sixty-Fifth Congress
only by the failure of the agricul
tural appropriation bill, hus been
proposed again in Congress, and it
is asserted in Washington that it
has a good chance of success be
cause the farmers favor it.
When the repeal of the daylight
saving law was proposed lust win
ter, The Sun said that if setting the \
clocks ahead in the springtime
worked a real hardship to the far
mers, their complaints were entitled
to respectful consideration. We re
ceived a number of letters on the
subject from farmers, some of whom
wanted to have the law erased from
the books, while others were indif
ferent toward the proposal. None
of the contentions put forward by
dissatisfied farmers seemed of suffi
cient weight to out-balance the great
benefits derived from the operation
of the law by millions of citizens,
and some were of a trivial or farc
ical nature.
The principal objection of the far
mers to daylight saving as our cor
respondents set it forth, was that
farmers, who got up at daybreak
under the old standard time, were
compelled to rise an hour ealier
when the clocks were set ahead in
order to be in time with train de
partures, shop openings and the like,
but that they could not begin field
work an hour earlier than before
because conditions were not right
for it.
In answer to this it should be
pointed out that daylight saving is
not an enterprise of the United
States alone, but a world-wide re
form which has never been aban
doned by any country which adopted
it. It was introduced in Germany
in 1916, to take effect on May 1, and
within three months twelve other
countries had adopted the practice.
"Summer time" was put in effect in
Germany, Holland, Austria, Turkey,
England, France, Norway, Sweden,
Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Spain
and Portugal. Nova Scotia intro
duced the practice on this continent.
At that time the production of food
was of prime importance in Europe,
and the experience of these coun
tries was so satisfactory that in the
following yeaj the new time was
again adopted, France going so far
as to change the clocks on March
24 in order to reap the full benefit
of its adjustment. In 1917 Australia
and Iceland conformed to the new
We thus have the experience of a
number of countries, widely separ
ated and affected by utterly differ
ent local conditions, to guide us, and
we have not heard from any of them
that farmers found it impossible, or
even difficult, to arrange their work
in a way to relieve them from real
hardships under daylight saving. It
would be strange indeed if in the
United States a different situation
should arise and the farmers should
find themselves seriously handicap
ped by which do not
put a burden on farmers in other
countries. ~ .
The benefits derived from daylight
saving by persons not engaged In
farming are positive and numerous.
Great sums of money are saved in
lighting bills, the coal saving being
estimated at $40,000,000 a year.
Office and factory workers are en
abled to get an evening hour for
outdoor exercise, garden making
sport, they would not otherwise en
joy'. Opportunities for wholesome
recreation are increased, and no loss
or inconvenience is occasioned to
Under all the circumstances it ap
pears to be the duty of Congress to
retain daylight saving on the na
tiohal statute books. Certainly the
reports of the agricultural authori
ties of the States and the Nation do
not indicate that the change in the
position of the hands on the dials of
the clocks injured the farmers fin
ancially. and it is not suggesting too
much to say that they should co-op
erate with the rest of us. in perpetu
ating what has proved to be a great
A Wise Kansas Editor
[Quenemo News.]
The other day a fellow was laugh
ing because the News said some
thing that wasn't so. Since it was
complimentary to a lady, the News
Is not going to get in bad by ratify
ing the mistake.
An Arkansas Weather Report
[Port Smith (Ark.) Times-Recorder]
Blackberry winter is lingering in
the lap of the strawberry shortcake
season, darn. it,
Espionage Is Worse Under Bolshevism
Than It Was in the Days of the Czars
IF RUSSIA under the Czars suffer- .
ed from espionage and threw off
the hateful yoke of the secret
police, it is not to be wondered.
What did surprise, the investigator
was that the Bolsheviks should have
restored the system of espionage with
twice its terror. When I say twice
its terror 1 ask to be taken literally.
In the old days the suspect was
visited, his house searched, a docu
ment (possibly planted there by the
police) found, and the poor wretch
dragged off never to be seen again
by his wife and children. That was
sometimes the fate of the rich man
or even occasionally of the bour
geois; almost any public servant of
the upper classes was liable to it.
But it never happened in the house
of the peasant.
Under Bolshevik rule the peasant
is as likely to suffer as any one else.
He too is dragged off without much
ceremony, but he is more often' shot
than imprisoned—not that it makes
much difference. Not only does he
suffer, but his wife and his eldest
daughter are outraged by the officers
German Critics of Germany
[From Harvey's Weekly.]
No hostile critic of Germany has
ever been more severe than some of
the Germans themselves. The dis
ingenuous and preposterous preten
sions of Count von Brockdorff-Rant
zau, that the German people were
innocent of the crime of the war,
were authoritatively denied in ad
vance by Dr. Muelhon and others,
who declared that the rank and file
of the German people were just as
hot for the war as were the Kaiser
and liis military entourage. They
wanted warl an unprovoked and ag
gressive war, for the sake of the
loot which they expected to get out
of it; and they made other profes
sions only when they found that
they were getting beaten. Now
comes Maximilian Harden, the fore
most journalist of Germany, and de
clares that Germany is to-day un
repentant and incorrigible. Here
are his assertions;
"The Germans have not given very
convincing mental "uarantees dur
ing the six months since the revolu
tion that they have changed their
system. On the contrary, the pres
ent Government and the press have
used the same methods of incite
ment, the same tricks of bluff as
under the old rule of the petty no
"The Government's proclamations
and speeches are only bad copies of
the Kaiser's time. * * * The only
way to rescue the country is by
openness and honesty. The revolu
tion has been a great disappoint
We commend Herr Harden's very
plain talk to those maudlin senti
mentalists who are pleading that
we ought to bo kind to poor dear
Germany now that she has seen the
error of her ways and become truly
Senate'sTreaty-Making Power
Anyone who cares to examine
into the history ot the matter and
into precedents will find that the
power of the Senate to amend a
treaty while ratifying it is not only
unquestioned but that it has been
frequently exercised.
The Senate in 1890 ratified the
African slave trade convention and
made certain reservations which it
set forth. It did likewise in 1906
when it ratified the Algeciras con
vention. The treaties went into ef
fect and the United States was bound
by them up to the points where it
made reservations. In one case, the
other nations formally assented and
in the other assented by implication
to the reservations.
Nothing could be more absurd
than to suppose that if the United
States made reservations to protect
its own sovereignty, as the Senate
has the full right to do, the peace
treaty, as a whole, would be jeop
ardized. •
The Child Jesus' Acumen
And it came to pass, that after
three days they found in the temple,
sitting in the midst of the doctors,
both hearing them, and asking them
questions. And all that heard htm
were astonished at his understand
ing and answers.—Luke 1L 16 and
I". f
of justice, who lead off the cow and
drive the pigs down the lane, and fill
with bullet-holes the objects which
are not worth stealing. Next day
the neighbor who has lodged the
complaint feels justified in taking
charge of what is left, and in tilling
the' abandoned fields, if indeed he
belongs to the class which tills.
Thus it came about that the peas
ants could not be called sincere Bol
sheviks once they had tasted the
bitterness. I saw many who dared
not protest and who would not say
a word against the Soviets, but even
the Russian peasant does not always
succeed in hiding his terror. Back
in the country districts one got bread
that was white, and sometimes good
honey in place of sugar. But money
could not buy that wheat or that
honey because the shops of the town
had no cloth to make Ivan's coat
and no needles and no thread and
no nails and no farm tools for the
money which was plenty or the loVe
that was scarce.—From "The Way
of the Bolshevik," by Langdon Warn-
I er, in June Scribner.
[The Bache Review]
There is no question that the
building industry is awakening—
even that activity is increasing daily,
and certainly the deficiency of hous
ings throughout the whole country
is such that under given conditions
a steady growth in building con
struction, both for houses and df
fices, is liable to set in and become a
A recent estimate of the United
States Department of Labor, for in
stance, shows that in the North
Central States there is a building
deficiency of $1,611,000,000, and a
recent survey of building conditions
in the North Atlantic States, made
by the same department, places the
deficiency in that district at $1,200,-
000,000. This estimate was arrived
at by a survey of the building per
mits issued in the principal cities
in each state in pre-war years and
during the war.
The Department of Labor states
that the current year is likely to
prove one of unprecedented building
activity, and that their reports on
building permits and contracts let,
Indicate that building construction
work the country over is rapidly
getting back to pre-war figures. They
also estimate that the new normal
will be far ahead of pre-war figures.
The borough superintendents of
Greater New York report that
building in the last four months has
been on a larger scale than for the
corresponding period of the last five
or six years. In the Borough of
Brooklyn it is 100 per cent, greater
than in 1918. According to these
reports, building is speedily reach
ling pre-war proportions.
The effect of a building boom,
upon all markets, would be electrical.
Read and Suffer
Here is the favorite wheeze of
Ward 22 in a nearby hospital:
Two Yanks went into a restau
rant in Prance. "Give us Turkey
with Greece," said the Yank. Wait
er: "I'm sorry, but I can't Servia."
Yank: "Call the Bosphorus." The
Boss: "I don't like to Russia, but
you can't Rumania." The two
Yanks went out Hungary.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
There are possibly some citizens
of Harrisburg who have never real
ized what a vast field of instruction
is at their very door in the Penn
sylvania State Museum in the Capi
tol buildings. Under the efficient
management of the curator, Dr.
Boyd P. Rothrock, with ,the co
operation of his able staff of assist
ants, it ha.4 been made a collection
that is a just cause of pride to our
State, and of vast educational in
fluence. If there are any citizens of
Harrisburg who have hitherto ne
glected to give this museum a care
ful examination in its various parts,
let them no longer delay a visit to
it. It has been a matter of admira
tion to many visitors from distant
912 N. 2nd St.,
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
MAY 28, 1919.
Ludendorff's Explanation
[From the Philadelphia Inquirer.l
There can hardly be any intelli
gent dissent from the opinion which
General Ludendorff m a recent in
terview is reported to have express
ed, that "America proved to be the
decisive military factor of the war."
He even went so far as to say that
but for America, England and
France would have been beaten 111
1918. That, however, is a mere
matter of opinion upon which
neither he nor any one is qualified
to speak with an absolute assur
ance. There is no doubt that each
of those countries was approaching
the point of exhaustion, nor can it
be denied that there were some days
and weeks in the spring of last year
when their military position was
extremely critical. Yet their morale
had not been broken, even when
General Haig was constrained to ad
mit that they had their backs to tho
wall, and although, had the great
German drive been successful,
France might have succumbed to
the pressure which the enemy
would have been enabled to exert,
England could not have been con
quered so long as it ruled the seas.
But Ludendorff states no more
than the truth when he says that
the American reserves swung the
decision by making it possible to
withdraw the worn-out French and
British divisions from the line and
to reorganize ever fresh offensive
armies. In a military sense the day
was saved by the American troops
who hurried across the Atlantic
with such unimagined expedition
and in such unexepected numbers
and who arrived where they were
so sorely needed just in the nick
of time. They helped most mater
ially to repel the German invasion,
alike by the fighting ability and by
the moral effects which their pres
i ence on the field produced, for while
our friends were inspirited and en
couraged, the enemy was corre
spondingly depressed.
It was claimed by some of tho
German militarists after the sur
render had been made that the
army had not been beaten, but that
the will to win of the German peo
ple had been destroyed by the hard
ships they were experiencing and by
the Wilson propaganda.
That is a view to which Luden
dorff does not subscribe. The request
for an armistice was not enforced,
according to him, by the pressure
of a public opinion which had been
brought to the point of demanding
a peace at any price. It was promp
ted by the circumstance that the
German leaders had become con
vinced of the futility of continuing
the struggles with armies which had
' lost their fighting edge. They were
, led to that conclusion by the suc
| cess which the Franco-British forces
, achieved at Amiens on August 8,
. when they first assumed the offens
ive. Upon that occasion they broke
the German line, and although the
breach they made was neither very
wide nor extraordinarily deep, the
case with which it was accomplish
ed, as Ludendorff observes the situ
ation, was full of sinister signifi
cance. It meant that as a fighting
machine the army could no longer
• be trusted and therefore that the
war was lost.
[From the Kansas City Star]
"But a few short years ago, lay
dees and gen-tle-men," said the side
show lecturer, in tones admirably
adapted for declamatory purposes.
"We had here, as our greatest liv
ing cu-ri-os-l-tee, that hideous hu
man horror the Wild Man of the
Everglades, who three times a day
leaped upon gur-reat hunks of
r-r-r-raw and re-e-e-eking flesh and
devoured them with terrible ferocity
and blood curdling yells. He was in
due coulee succeeded by the repul
sive freak of natu're you now see be
fore you—the Bestial and Bristly
Bolshevik. He will not work, he
never bathes, but day and night kicks
incessantly, and in the unintelligible
three-cornered language of his na
jtive land screams denunciations of
I everything in existence. Probably
[year after next he will be super
| seded by the East Pedestrian, a
white-eyed, shuddering wretch who
I will leap eighteen feet stdewise if
I you make a noise like a Ford horn."
Banker and Advertising '
What a great banker says about
advertising: "A business that pays
due regard to the proper use of
advertising is a safer investment
(all other factors considered) than
;a.Jmlncrrfhatr. !&?"*** aflvccmtafc''
lEbpttittg C!Il?al
It's odd the kind of Inquiries tha
are made at various offices In th
Capitol. And yet, when one conidd—j
ers the general unfamlllarity of tlc*4
average man with official procedural
and his "scaredness" when ho landw
In the big Capitol and does not 4
know where or how to go, It Is not sat
strange. The other morning twaj
women appeared In the building anda
demanded lo see the man who
the State Bourd of Pardons. A dls—
criminating attache headed them fog"
the office of Secretary of the Conf
monwoalth Cyrus E. Woods, but be
fore they got that .far they wera
shunted to the office where Georga
D. Thorn, the chief clerk, bolda
sway. And what they wanted was ta"
make sure that their father was notii
released from prison. A more singu
lar case was presented by an old wo
man from an up-State county, who
persisted in visitiqg the State De
partment to And out something"
about an electrocution. She was a bitP
hard to understand and after many"
attempts the clerks found out what*
she wanted and It was enough to
give one the "creeps." She wanted!
authentic information as to whether*
her son had been electrocuted under
the law. Every now and then eomiV
one shows up at the Department wlthr
a request for a warrant for an ar
rest, getting the State government'
and the minor judiciary tangled up.
But the oddest of these cases wast
when a detective came to the Capitol
to arrange for a requisition and tho
aggrieved phrty came along so as to •
be in on every stage of the proceed
Some Harrisburg people were In
terested yesterday in the announce
ment that the Philadelphia, Reading
and Pottsville Telegraph Company
had tiled a tariff of new rates with
the State Public Service Commission.
This company is one of the few
■—hich were not taken over by tho j
United States government and has i
had a Harrisburg connection through i
the Reading railway system for more |
than hfty years. It came to the ctty I
over the present right of way of tho I
Reading and for a time did businesg |
in this city. Of late years, however, ,
it has been more or less confined to
the Reading system and a good many !
people probably never sent a tele
gram over it, nit hough Harrisburg
has long been an agency point.
Some interesting flood pictures are
being shown in the windows of the
Boas jewelry store. They were some
of a number taken during the great
flood of June, 1889, by which all
floods have been gauged by the pres
ent generation. These pictures show
the Susquehanna in its most enraged
state with remains of lumber yards
Plied up in front of Cumberland
valley piers and fragments of
houses going down the stream. They
are interesting because they tell us
what we missed this year.
A very irate individual called up
a State Capitol office yesterday and
wanted to know why a detour was
being laid out along a road some
miles from Harrisburg. He does not
live near here, but he wanted to get
here and resented the roundabout
way he would have to go. Somehow
or other he got the wrong telephone
and poured out his woe. The man at
the end of the telephone has no con
nection with the State Highway Be
partment. but he let the conversation
flow. Finally he made some sort of
a remark which the complainant
took to mean that he did not care.
"Say, who are you?" demanded
the irate man.
"Your brother," was the calm re
♦ • •
Quite a handsome display of
rhododendrons and laurels is to he
seen in Harrisburg yards just now
and the number of such plants
blooming is rather a surprise to
many people who probably did not
know what a prime favorite this
native of the Blue Ridge has become
in the Capital of Pennsylvania.
Some of the plants are big ones and
are covered with blooms of blue and
pink and white. They are a most
effective garden decoration and it is
a pity that the blooming season is
so short. A few attempts at making
hedges have been tried, but have not
been successful. But as a border
for walks or against a porch or
house, there is nothing prettier.
It docs not take long for a fresh
driver of a motor vehicle, preferably
a truck, to tie knots in the traffic at
a busy corner. There was one of
those pray and carefree drivers mov
ing up Second street yesterday aft
ernoon when things were liveliest and
he started to cross in front of a trol
ley car. The policeman stopped him
and the motorman felt like doing
the same thing. While he backed
out three cars were prevented from
moving on Wa'nut street and four
on Second and the congestion of mo
tor traffic on both streets was as
picturesque as the language heard.
The policeman made the man back
the whole wav and what the driver
got was abundant.
—Freeland ICendrick, prominent i
Philadelphian, was at the Capitol )
yesterday visiting the Legislature.
—D. L. Starr, Allegheny county
lawyer, interested in borough af
fairs, was among visitors to the I
Capitol. .
—Adjutant General Beary is being 1
asked to help arrangjj for the review
of the 79th in Philadelphia, but he<
is pretty busy with the plans for the
new National Guard.
—Louis Emanuel, reappointed to
the State Board of Pharmacy, has
been connected with that branch of
the government for years.
—D. R. James, assistant treasurer
of Lackawanna county, was here on
legislative matters.
—That Hhrrlsburg steel bil
lets have been used for many
kinds of government work in
many purt.s of the country?
—One hundred years ago there
were scarcely fifty houses above
State street in Harrisburg.
Victory Stamp Propaganda
[New York Times.,]
At a meeting of the Bergen
County Republican committee in
Hackensack the other night, Presi
dent Brennan of the State League of
Republican Clubs, exhibited a new |
3-ccnt stamp showing the flag of the
Allies and protested against its is- ,
suartce on the ground that it was j
Democratic propaganda in favor of
the League of Nations. He said I
that no other flag but the Stars and J