Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 21, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Says Signing of Treaty Spells
, Destruction, Dishonor
and Degradation
Bv Associated Press.
Berlin, May 21.—Germany declines
te sifn the peace terms laid before
'it because they spell the economic
destruction, political dishonor and
moral degradation of the entire Ger
man nation, not only for the present
but also for still unborn generations,
was a statement authorized by the
cabinet this morning through the
Associated Press.
Says Demands Are Unjustified
"That these consequences must
logically follow acceptance of the
: peace conditions the American press
itself has recognized without ques
tion," the statement continues. "To
ward them Germany took the stand
i point that acceptance of such con
i ditions could not be demanded and
; that the Entente was unjustified in
imposing such demands."
"Germany has not only a moral right
to compliance with the general promises
made it, but a firmly grounded, definite,
clearly defined claim, according to the
basic rules of international law, on all
the Entente powers and especially on
the United States. A specific recogni
tion of the right of Germany and of the
German peoples to a peace of right,
justice and reconciliation, instead of the
Paragraphed song of hate which was
written at Versailles, is contained in the
not# of the American Secretary of State
Lansing of November 5, 1918.
Quotes Lansing Note
"In It the Secretary of State notified
the Swiss minister in Washington un
conditionally that the established basis
of President Wilson's 14 points should
be authoritative for the peace conditions.
Secretary Lansing announced further
that the Entente governments after
careful consideration were also prepared
to recognize the conditions set up by
President Wilson as the basis for the
conclusion of peace.
"The declaration of rights emanating
from these specific declarations of all
the Entente powers and the United
States constitutes Germany's sole asset
in the general moral breakdown of all
International politics and which has
found unsurpassable expression in the
Versailles terms.
All Individuals Responsible
"Germany answers them with its
clearly Juristic right In International law.
Toward the politico-moral bankruptcy
of Versailles the German nation stands
as a creditor with undeniable rights,
and It is not In a position to yield on
thia chief point. Germany concluded
peace on the basis of President Wilson's
fourteen points, which all America had
made its own, and all America, every
individual. Is responsible for the ful
fillment of Its claims.
"It Is not the German people's busi
ness to Indicate how Its rights shall
be realized by the fourteen points, or
especially by the note of Secretary Lan
sing. That, rather, is the task of those
who constructed the fourteen point and
brought them to acceptance, thereby
inducing Germany to lay down her
"We do not believe that President
Wilson, Secretary Lansing and the
American people can take other than
this German standpoint if they do not
wish to do that which President Wilson
in his message of December 4, 1917,
condemned categorically when he said:
'We would dishonor our own cause if
wc treated Germahy any other than
Jqbtly and in a nonpartisan manner and
did' not insist upon Justice towards all,
no fatter how the war ended. We de
mand nothing which we are not ready
ourselves to admit.'
Wants 14 Points to Hold
"And the German people demand j
nothing more than that which President I
Wilson announced in this declaration.
We demand nothing more than that I
Americans place the 14 points opposite
the peace terms. We do not believe that
any one in the United States will then
have the courage to claim that there can
be found in the peace conditions one
single trace left of President Wilson's
"And here begins America's definite
duty to step in. America either must
put its fourteen points through or it
must declare that it is unable to do so
or that it does not want to do so, so j
that in no case may the world be led
to believe that America desires to have
the peace conditions count as President
Wilson's fourteen points.
"That is our demand, to which we
cling, and we cannot imagine what ar
gument from the American side would
be effective against it."
In President Wilson's message to Con
gress of December 4. 1917. no passage
can be found in textual agreement with :
the quotation in the cabinet statement. I
The quotation appears to be a conden- j
nation from the following passages In'
the message in question:
"We can do this (concentrate on the |
prosecution of the task of winning the
war) with all the greater zeal and en-]
thusiasm because we know that for us j
this is a war of high principle, debased
by no selfish ambition of conquest or
spoliation. • * • It is because it
Is for us a war of high, disinterested
purpose, in which all the free peoples
of the world are banded together for
the vindication of right, a war for the
preservation of our nation and of ail
that It has held dear of principle and of
purpose, that we feel ourselves doubly
constrained to propose for its outcome
only that which is righteous and of ir
reproachable intention, for our foes as
well as for our friends. The cause be
ing Just and holy the settlement must be
of like motive and quality. For this we
san fight, but for nothing less noble
r less worthy of our traditions."
OB {ace. Took form of blackheads.
Face became disfigured. Pimples
bard, red, and came to a head and
burst. In blotches on center of
face, chin, forehead and around nose.
Saw an advertisement for Cuticura
and sent for. a sample. Purchased
one cake Soap and one box Oint
ment which healed me.
From signed statement of Miss
Mario Esther Elm, Box SS, Ship
pfngpoit, Pa., Sept. 10, 1918.
You may rely on Cuticura to care
for your skin, scalp, hair and hands.
Catieura Tal'om Is detlests. delightful, 4is*
ttngoe. It imparts to the person s efasrm incom
parable sad peculiar to its*if.
Plan For Greater Steelton
[Continued from First Pago.]
He is a quite capable manager, they
emphatically declared.
Relative to the physical condition
of the Steelton plant, both officials
declared with emphasis that it is
excellent. Everything is moving
along well at the plant. None of the
plants are in better physical shape
than is the one in Steelton.
Stcclton's Reward
"And the reward to Mr. Robbins
and Steelton for the excellent con
dition in which the tour of inspec
tion revealed things to be. will come
In the shape of an extended plant,"
it was promised by Mr. Schwab.
That an unusual period of pros
perity is due to follow in the steel
business was the emphatic decla
ration of Mr. Schwab and Mr. Grace.
Already, they declared the steel
trade is beginning to pick up. al
though the trade is not what St had
been before the war. The agree
ment, Mr. Grace interjected, of the
Federal Railroad administration on
the price of rails, will do much to
stabilize the steel trade and will
hasten considerably the period of
prosperity in the business which is
Finn Big Plant
Mr. Schwab and the party came
to Steelton to-day after visiting the
Sparrows Point plant yesterday. Fol
lowing the tour of inspection there,
Mr. Schwab announced that he
would spend between $25,000,000
and $40,000,000 in improvements at
the plant. This will be in addition to
the $50,000,000 improvements now
being completed.
New tin mills, new open hearth fur
nace and the adding of ten ships to
the present ore fleet of the corpora
tion are among the improvements
for which the appropriation will be
made. Mr. Schwab said the Spar
rows Point plant will be made one of
the largest in the world.
Mr. Schwab and the entire party
started their tour of inspection of
the local plant early this morning
and spent the greater part of the
morning there. They did not ar
rive at the Pennsylvania railroad un
til about five minutes before leaving
time of the train to which Mr.
Schwab's special car, the Loretto,
was attached. The train, scheduled
to leave the station at 12.55 p. m.
left several minutes late for New
York, to which place the Schwab
party is moving.
When encountered, both Mr.
Schwab and Mr. Grace were found
seated on a Pennsylvania railroad
baggage truck, deeply absorbed in
reading newspapers while the car
Loretto was being shunted from one
track to that on which was standing
the train to which it was to be at
tached. The news of the early morn
ing edition of the Harrisburg Tele
graph engaged Mr. Schwab's atten
tion while Mr. Grace was rapidly
gathering in the information con
tained in a copy of the New York
Both appeared to be altogether
oblivious to the fact that they were
on a mission which intimately con
cerns all Harrisburg. Steelton and a
great portion of Central Pennsyl
"Have you any news of Hawker,"
queried Mr. Schwab as soon as he
had related his plans for the exten
sion of Steelton; "Poor fellow," he
commented when told that news to
day was quite discouraging for
Hawker's safety.
A tribute to the encouragement
given by the Harrisburg newspapers
to the Bethlehem Steel interests and
officials, was paid by both Mr.
Schwab and Mr. Grace. "You have
always treated us fairly and we ap
preciate it, we assure you," they
flung out as they rose from the bag
gage truck to go to the private car.
[Continued from First Page.]
to tune up the motors. After mak
ing three unsuccessful attempts to
take oft with one engine functioning
improperly. Lieutenant Commander
A. C. Read decided that it was too
late to remedy the trouble this
morning in time to make the flight
; to Lisbon in daylight hours,
i Commander Read is confident the
j engine trouble is not important and
that It will be remedied in time to
begin the flight to Lisbon at day
break to-morrow, weather permit
Crowds of souvenir hunters who
tried to get pieces of the NC-3, the
flagship of the flight which is
moored in the harbor here, made it
necessary to-day for the naval au
thorities to issue orders that the
ship be guarded day and night.
To Guide Finances of
Big Fleet Corporation
Washington, May 11.—Election of
Waldo 8. Read, formerly a New York
banker as vice-president of the Emerg
ency Fleet Corporation In charge of
finance, was announced to-day by the
Shipping Board. Mr. Read will continue
*to discharge his duties as treasurer of
•w oocnocaUon,
So Camp Hill Fire Laddies Come Right Out and Say Mean
Councilinen Swiped Their Apparatus
To have a regular, honest-to-good
ness tire engine to protect the com
munity of Camp Hill, or to have one
which requires two stalwart Perche
eron horses or ninety citizens to
haul it—this is the vital question
which consumes the well-to-do bor
ough. It appears that the borough
council "swiped" the present me
dieval lire extinguisher from its snug
home where it comfortably reposed
for, 10, these many years and now
have it imprisoned in a local garage.
On the part of the fire company
there Is tremendous agitation in
Camp Hill following the open
charges that members of the fire
company have crippled this ancient
and well-beloved fire-extinguishing
"Somebody, we ain't ready to
identify them, tightened the wheels,"
was the vague charge made to-day
against the fire company.
Precisely who filched the engine
the other day from the home of
Camp Hill Fire Engine Company
No. 1 nobody seems to know, but
suspicions are vivid. Among those
who have fairly definite notions
about the tragedy is Robert E. Ca
hiil. of the Harrisburg Shoe Manu
facturing Company, who takes an
active in Camp Hill civic mat
ters and is a leading light in the
fire organization.
"Council did not even rap at the
fire company door," he related to
day in tense tones. "They took our
apparatus away secretly and we
hear it is now in Heikes' garage. The
council claims they it will put it In
shape so our town will not be
threatened with tire destruction.
But all the firemen know that the
the council is betting on a dead
one. The council is to blame for
[Continued from First Page.]
boxing during the war and, a Uni
versity of Pennsylvania man him
self. he urged co-operation with
Uncle Sam on the part of all col
leges and schools.
I Every one approached concerning
this, the closing event in the Sal
vation Army drive, has been liberal.
I Chestnut street hall lessees threaten
'to charge the regular price, but
Mercer Tate got on the phone with
headquarters and maybe the Army
will escape all expense. Draak, the
valiant Belgian-Netherlands cham
pion. who was given a tremendous
ovation last evening, although floor
ed by Dr. Roller, aims to return here
in tine for Saturday night and will
be pitted against a good man, prob
ably Jack Ozar, Tech High, Tarsus
A. A., the Motive Power club and
many strong athletic organizations,
will contribute stars. The Order of
Moose promise a high class brass
Reports to-day from the soldier
canvassers who kept to their work
steadily yesterday show good re
sponse from industries and the pub
lic generally. In only one instance
did a canvasser find objection and
the argument was very brief, for the
officer had been one who received
marked benefit from a Salvation
Army squad near the Mt. Sec
sector in April of 1918. "We were
fairly busy driving back the Prus
sian Guards and we had had noth
ing to eat for twelve hours." he told
briefly. "Those Army girls came
along just then and kept open a
booth with shells flying thick
enough, and kept furnishing us
with hot chocolate and doughnuts
during eight hours."
The doughnut sale committee has
set the following places for selling
to the city:
Nineteenth and Derry, Thirteenth
and Derry, Thirteenth and Market.
P. R. R. station, (one at Market
street entrance and one in station),
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's store.
Metropolitan Hotel, Colonial The
ater, Kochenour Cigar Store, Third
and Market, Chamber of Commerce,
Knisely Cigar Store, Second and
Market streets, Chestnut Street
Market (bridge entrance when mar
ket is closed), Majestic Theater,
Capitol, entrance Third and Wal
nut, Harry's Cigar Btore, Third and
Walnut: Rose's, Second and Wal
nut: Kreidler Brothers, Second and
Walnut: Sixth and Maclay, Verbeke
Stret Market (girls operate baskets
through market), Penn-Harris
Hotel lobby.
Commander Booth Thanks Public
Commander Evangeline Booth Is
sued this statement of thanks:
"I have no words to express the
profound gratitude and appreciation
of the Salvation Army in the United
States for the overwhelming re
sponse we are receiving from the
public in this Home Service Cam
paign. It seems to all of us who
have been in the movement for
many years that it is a rare privi
lege to receive this unparalleled ex.
ipreasloa of public confidence, par-
Camp Hill's awful plight. It appointed
a committee to consult with the Are
company which knows its business but
no meeting took place for six months.
And now. the council have swiped the
machine and they even accuse the fire
company of tightening the wheels to
make the machine useless. It takes a
brace of strong horses to move this
antiquated machine, or half the town's
man-power. To show you what a jqke
it is we had our most diastrous fire a
short time ago and though it was only
one block away from the firehouse we
never got the engine there until the
blaze had burned out, doing a lot of
"Why can't the borough council and
Are company get together," was vent
ured from the reporter. m
"There's too many people butting in,"
was the answer. "The advisers of the
council would quibble about the Ten
Commandents or the American Cons/-
tution. They claim there are no funds
to buy a new up-to-date engine. They
say the citizens should turn out with
their automobiles when there is a fire
and drag the fire engine to where the
blaze is going on. There's plenty of
money in Camp Hill. It Is asseajed
only for $800,000: less than one-third
what it's orth. We are all gummed up
with too much law quibbling; what we
need la action. The town may catch
fire and burn down some of these n'Shts
If the council does not wake up and get
a new apparatus. Horses are d >' n K
out and we can't depend on t setting a
couple strong enough to haul th'®
machine, and the citizens *' on t tU "J
out with their automobiles to drag it
into action. If they'd get rld of all this
law stuff and co-operate, Camp Hill
could easily be protected from a whol ®'
sale conflagration. Money can be log
ically and justly raised by an lnc rease
In assessment which is uncommonly
slight in this community."
ticularly when we remember the try
ing days in which we started oup
work and when we were but little
understood. With every dollar that
comes to our hands in this great
drive, there comes also a measure
of great responsibility, and I offer
the pledge of the Salvation Army
I that one year hence we will render
an accounting to the people and ask
their judgment on the use we have
made of the fund.
"I had little dreamed that the day
would ever come when I might find
myself at a loss to express any senti
ment of the Salvation Army, but I
am free to confess that I do not
[know how to thank the splendid mea
and wonderful women who have
thronged to our aid and who are
rolling up the millions of dollars
which attest to their belief in our
motives and efficiency. I can only
say that the use we make of this
money is serving the man who is
down, but who is never out, will
have to be the answer and will con
stitute our thanks to the American
Doughnuts were selling as high
as SSO each in the streets of New
York yesterday. The big city is re
sponding generously.
[Continued from First Page.]
traffic. The present law will stand,
I am sure."
Ministers Disappointed
The Rev. J. Bradley Markward,
pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran
Church, and president of the Har
risburg Ministerial Association, has
this to say about the recommenda
tion: "It was a great disappoint
ment to me. I do not know just
what Congress will do, but certainly
hope it will not repeal the law. There
is nothing in President Wilson's mes
sage to show the motive or necessity
for such a move. I am not surpris
ed at the "widespread criticism of
the President for making such a
recommendation. It is an unusual
Bishop Joseph F. Berry, Phila
delphia, of the Methodist Episcopal l
Church, who has frequently appear
ed in this city to make addresses at
important church meetings, voiced
an attack on Wilson's liquor attitude
and is quoted as saying "I never did
have the slightest confidence in
President Wilson's sincerity in rela
tion to prohibition. The President
never has been a temperance man."
But the joy in the booze ranks is
unbounded. Coming within a little
more than a month of the time fixed
for the end of all liquor sales, the
breweries and dealers were overjoyed
when they read Wilson's recommen
dation. In the saloons It was the
only toplo discussed and the boose
men beamed with pleasure at the
mention of the President's name.
The Senate bill requiring lights on
all vehicles was postponed when
reached In the House to-day, There
is some opposition to it, built la be
llevod the bill will pita*
Noted Educators Address the
Chamber of Commerce
Noon-Day Luncheon
"It every State had contributed its
best men and the best of all of them
had been chosen to be the State Su
perintendent of Public Instruction
for Pennsylvania. Dr. Thomas E.
Finegan would have been that man,"
Dr. George Drayton Straycr, of New
York City, president of the National
Educational Association, told the
members of the Harrlsburg Chamber
of Commerce at luncheon In the
Fenn-Harrls at noon to-day. He
congratulated Pennsylvania on pro
curing his services.
Dr. Strayer, who was Introduced
by Dr. F. E. Downes, city superinten
dent of schools and president of the
Pennsylvania State Educational Asso
ciation, was the special guest of the
Chamber and by rare good fortune.
Dr. Downes was able to have present
also Dr. Finegan himself, he having
come to Harrisburg unexpectedly to
day to go over educational matters
with the Governor, Dr. Strayer in a
brief address said he had decided to
come to Pennsylvania from a very
congenial position as deputy commis
sioner of the New York school de
partment, because he is convinced
that there is opportunity here for
tho rendering of greater service to
the people.
Emergency In Bdsestlss
"Dr. Strayer npoke on the "Emer
gency in Education," saying that the
country is backward in many re
spects, and that the investigations
of the army during the war have em
phasized the needs of radical revis
ions and developments.
One-fifth of all the children who
attended school last year, he said,
were under the care of untrained
teachers. The greatest need Is for
trained and adequately paid teach
ers. "You must be willing to pay the
bill," Dr. Strayer said and went into
a comparison of salaries here and In
New York State. Another great op
portunity for service lies in an ade
quate program for physical educa
tion and health inspection in the
schools, giving as the basis of his ar
guments the physical unfitness de
veloped by the army examinations.
"Physical fitness is as necessary to
the extension of commerce as to the
conduct of a war," he said.
The Army also discovered, Dr.
Strayer pointed out, that one out of
five men examined were illiterates,
and from this uneducated class are
recruited the ultra-radicals, the an
archists, the Bolshevists and the I.
W. W,, led away from proper paths
by the demagoguery of their leaders
Remove illiteracy is his prescription
for the cure of dangerous develop
ments of the kind mentioned.
Americanization for old as well as
the young of foreign birth is another
school problem the speaker said
must be taken up seriously, to the
end that many persons now ignored
and kept down may be permitted to
become the good American citizens
they desire to be. He praised Penn
sylvaoia's continuation school sys
tem, and said that there is opportu
nity here for an advancement along
this line, citing England as an ex
Dr. Strayer argued strongly In fa
vor of the co-ordination of the na
tion's educational bureaus under the
head of a National Department of
Public Education, a bill for the cre
ation of which is now in progress, on
the ground that it would hasten the
program of education he outlined in
his address and make for equality
of education for every child in the
Dnited States.
Dr. Finegan will be invited to ad
dress the Chamber at a later date.
Married Women
Barred as Regular
Pittsburgh Teachers
Pittsburgh, May 21.—The Pitts
burgh Board of Public Education
voted to bar married women from
regular positions as teachers, ef
fective with the opening of the
1919-20 school term, September 2
next. The question of employing
married women as teachers had
been before the board for two years.
Nineteen married women will be af
fected by the action.
Speaker Spangler, who is at odds
with President Pro Tern. Buckman,
of the Senate, over legislation, last
night refused to refer a Senate bill.
Later on the skies were cleared.
[Continued from First Page.]
rlnes who died in the war. The
exercises will be held the evening
before Memorial Day so as not to
Interfere in any way with the regu
lar ceremonies of the occasion.
Colonel James B. Kemper also an
nounced plans for the ride which the
club will give 150 soldiers of the
Carlisle Army Hospial next Sunday
afternoon. The cars will assemble
at the hospital at Carlisle and the
run will be to Gettysburg via Mt.
Holly. The club will provide smokes
and light refreshments, J. William
Bowman agreeing to donate candy.
Dinner and Prizes
The annual election last evening
was preceded by dinner for mem
bers only and an automobile secret
time run from Market Square to the
clubhouse, which was won by John
F. Schmink, the prise being a Fisk
cord automobile tire, donated by;
Frank A. Mosher, manager for the
Flske Rubber Company. Bowling
prizes were won by J. Harris Bell,
Haywood M. Butler and James W.
Officers for the year were elected
as follows: President, G. M. Stein
metz; vice-president, Preston C.
Crowell; secretary, W. M. Robison:
directors, R. H. Lyon, Frank B. Mus
ser and C. Llnford Scott; sergeant
at-arms, Millard B. King; clubhouse
correspondent. Captain George F.
Lumb. President Steinmetz was
elected club representative to the In
ternational convention of Rotary
clubs to be held In Salt Lake City In
June. Other delegates will be How
ard C. Fry and Dr. C. E. L. Keen.
Committees Named
The new president, who will take
office In June, announced the fol
lowing committees for the year;
Membership . John 8. Musser,
chairman; Ralph W, Dowdell, How
ard C, Fry, Dr, Frank B, Kann,
Captain George F, Lumb,
Entertainment —Frank F, Daven
port, ohatrman) Norris 8, Longaker,
C, Floyd Hopkins, Lee Moss, Shir
ley B. Watts.
Education John T, Olmsted,
chairman | D, D, Hammelbaugh,
< Bertram W, Saul, M, B, King, D, L,
I M, Raker,
. Fhlbwipliy fif Hatozm-H V ---
shey, chairman; S. 8. Rutherford,
William 8. Esstck, William Rufua
McCord, E. 8. Herman.
IVaternal —F. J. Consylman, chair
man; Wallace G. Starry, Richard C.
Jobe, C. M. Forney.
Public Affairs Rudolph K.
Spicer, chairman; J. William Bow
man, George 8. Relnoehl, Frank B.
Musser, V. Grant Forrer.
Grievance Elmer E. Lawton,
chairman; George G. McFarland,
L. M. Melius. John F. O'Neill, Dr.
H. M. Kirkpatrick.
Music—Robert E. Cahtll, chair
man; I. B. Dickinson, John H. Phil
lips. A. L. Hall, A. W. Holman.
Vigilance—James P. McCullough,
chairman; Ed. F. Weaver, Samuel
H. Hughes, Ed. J. Lewis, E. Fred
Every Kind That Is Desirable
Every Co lor an Every
Will Be Found in Burns' Stoekof
TN order to make the summer home comfortable
and attractive the proper kind of rugs are necessary. We
have prepared to meet the requirements of any home, however
modest, with rugs that are serviceable and at the same time inex
pensive. Purchasing in large quantities and having storage ca
pacity to take care of our big purchases always place us in position
to give our customers rugs at the lowest prices in the city. Our
broad variety enables you to make a selection which will best
suit your home needs.
Grass Rugs —good assortment, all Fiber Rugs —made of all fiber, can be
new patterns, good coloring, d 1 A washed, size
size Bxlo feet, price V A * 9x12, at ipfcivl
Grass Rugs s pccial quality, Wool and Fiber Rugs — good pat
fringed, size 9x12, variety of new de- terns, size 9x12 feet, O Cft
signs, extra "1 Q for iPImiVV
special & ** Tapestry Rugs —wool faced, excel
lmported Chinese Rugs —o rien- lent designs, size 9x12 feet,
tal designs, very unique in col- vf for *POO
onng, size 9x12 feet *p U Axminster Rugs — rich coloring and
Velvet RugS —serviceable excellent designs, size 8.3x10.6,
quality, size 8.3x10.6 VSO , at T"0
Rag RugS —good assortment of colors Linoleum RugS — size 9x12 feet,
and patterns, size 9x12, $14.50 all good pat- sl6
Imported Rag Rugs— r ever sible, Tapestry Rugs— in excellent designs,
different patterns on each side, A size 9x12 feet
size 9x12 feet, at , for
Fiber Rugs —Smooth finish, d>Ql
size 9x12 feet, at 1
Couch Hammocks^s9 to
"\X7E have a great variety of styles in couch ham
mocks, beginning with the plain khaki cloth covered, and
ranging up to the more elaborate cretonne covered couch ham
mocks. The demand for couch hammocks is increasing every
summer. People are learning more and more to live out of
doors. The couch hammock affords pleasure, comfort, rest
and fresh air.
Join Today Try a Box of
Vacuette Suction <£3 Rugclenso—-Now
Sweeper Club „ows 25c, 50c, SI.OO
and 50c weekly It makes rugs like new
MKY 21, 1919,'
Luncheon C. Llnford Scott,
chairman; C. W. 8011, Flavel L.
Wright, Colonel James B. Kemper,
Captain L. 8. Pitcher.
Auditing Ralph W. Dowdel.
chairman; Samuel P. Eby, Al. W.
Moul, John H. Nixon, Charles J.
Initiation and Instruction of New
Members—Arthur D. Bacon, chair
man; Charles W. 8011, Captain
George F. Lumb, John H. Nixon, C.
E. Dtehl.
Boys' Work—E. B. Mitchell,
chairman; Haywood M. Butler, Arch
H. Dinsmore, C. H. Kehr. William
H. German.
Automobiles and Transportation
—Andrew Redmond, chairman;
George G McFarland, A. H. Bailey,
T. P. Carey, John H. Kreamer.
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