Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 21, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    JjjSj ReadiivJ firWavieivaivd all ike famiKi
"When a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl Wife
By Ann Lisle.
The first fruits of my chat with
Virginia about spending money j
gracefully were plucked by Tom j
Mason. The talk ended just as we
arrived at his studio, and promptlj
I decided to have my bedroom done
in the inlaid French woods and stiff
taffetas I had insisted only the week;
before we couldn't afford.
"You can afford anything here.
Donna Anna." whispered Tom while
Virginia was critically considering
the value of curtains or French doors
between Jim's den and the bedroom. |
"I've come to the conclusion that
1 can't afford anything but the best
lor my home," I replied stiffly.
"I'd give you the best whether you
ordered it or not," declared Tom.i
"I want everything around you to be;
perfect. I'm building vouv nest;;
you'll have to remember that at >
every turn. You'll have to remem-j
ber 'me. My work is there in your
own room with you—where 1" 1
With burning cheeks I darted
across the room to Virginia's side.'
Whatever barrier of reserve had
heretofore kept Tom Mason from
making himself completely obnox-1
lous to me was gone now. I realized,
that I had always hoped he'd turn,
out to be a friend after all—that 1 ;
needed a real friend, one in whose
sincerity I could trust and on whose |
judgment I could rely.
"Virginia—we've linens and silver;
and pots and kettles to buy to-day," ;
1 said breathlessly. "Det's decide on I
the French door with the little cur-1
tains. And now we're through. l
When will you have the things in I
the apartment, Mr. Mason?" I added. I
turning to him with an air that was
meant to tell him that our relations!
were strictly business from now on. ;
"Oh, by the end of next week, j
I'll telephone you." he said with no |
air of knowing he had been dis- ,
missed. "Now may I take you la
dies out for a bite of lunch?"
"No, thank you," I said coldly, so;
coldly that Virginia thawed the con
sequent ice with a bit of explanation; i
"We've such a lot to do, Mr. Ma- j
son. that lingering for a man's idea!
of lunch is out of the question."
This was true enough, for we hur-!
ried out to snatch a sandwich and I
some salad in a little tea room. Then i
we dashed around all afternoon se
lecting an endless procession of
things. There were "things" front j
dishcloths to pillow-slips and from;
ice-picks to butter spreads, "things" j
from after-dinner cups to before din- I
ner potato mashers an orgy of
"things." And yet Virginia assured ,
me that after I got into tho apart
ment I'd spend weeks buying per
fectly obvious other things we'd for
"Like soap, for instance," she
So it was with the clean, sudsy
thought of soap that we washed our
day's shopping list clean.
"What a real sister you are.
Jeanie!" I said in farewell, when our;
taxi stopped at her apartment late:
in the afternoon. "I'd have been lost:
without you all through this whirl j
of home-making. I haven't learned!
yet to think of things on a scale be- !
vond five thousand a year. You'll j
always stand by this little newly
rich ?"
Virginia stood on the curb smiling:
at me warmly. There was a glow
of real feeling in her eyes.
"I think we'll always stand by |
each other, Anne." she said.
As I drove home gratitude welled j
up in my heart and made me long j
for some way of proving how ready;
I was to stand by this proud, aloof i
woman who gave her services so j
freely—and herself so charily.
Jim was in the bedroom of our!
suite when I got in. He looked up:
irritably from a sea of clothes scat- j
tered all about him on beds and i
chairs and floor. The crease between!
his eyes seemed to leap out of itself I
nowadays whenever he looked at me.
Every Woman Knows
That Royal Baking Powder makes
delicious, appetizing food —unques-
tionably wholesome.
Some women, however, do not know
that food made with cheaper baking
powders, containing alum and phos
phate compounds, is often inferior
in taste and texture; —many of the
highest food authorities have de
* clared. alum baking powders to be
unwholesome and injurious.
The safe and sure way is to use
PHVAT Baking
I AL Powder
Made from Cream of Tartar which
is derived from grapes
Royal Contains No Alum-
Leaves No Bitter Taste
i "You're late, he said. "Get busy
! and pack a week-end bag. We're
i going to the Inlet House with the
, i Cosbys. There's a place down on
i the Sound they think of buying and
! they want to see if there's any life
;! down there."
. "Why—l can't go off on a week
i end with them on a minute's notice
; like this." I began. "I haven't the
! right clothes. I can't."
I "Fo mercy's sake.'why don't you
| get yourself the right clothes, so
i everytime I want to have a party
1 you won't go around whimpering
that you've nothing to wear? I'm
darned sick of apologizing for the
; way you look anyway, Anne."
"Do you do that? Do you cheapen
me like that?" I cried. "Well, this
time you won't have to. I can't go
j to-night. I'm on duty at the can
; teen and I have to rush right over."
"Cut itt" stormed Jim. "Y'ou're
i coming along. This is going to be
; a party of four."
"I can't—the canteen. . . ."
j "Get a substitute."
"That's easily said. Jim. Rut who?
j Who'll go at the eleventh hour?"
"Try Phoebe. Now listen, Anne.
' You're not going to get me in wrong
'with the Cosbys again, are you?
| I've been telephoning ad afternoon,
j This is important. Get Phoebe. Then
i pack the best clothes you have. And
j when we return Monday have Jeanie
'select you a decent dress or so. T
! need you now. Are you going —to
j duck again?"
"No, Jim." T said quietly and call
|ed Phoebe on the 'phone.
Luckily she was at home, and in
i a mood to oblige me. There was
I almost a breathless note in her voice
!as she said she'd love to go—she'd
: always wanted to do that sort of
i work. And. as I turned from the
■ 'phone. I was smiling dreamily and
: wondering wondering if Phoebe
; had been so glad to go because she
| fancied Neal might stroll into the
; canteen.
A second later the long arm of
'circumstance stretched out and rung
| the 'phone again. It was Neal. A
j Neal still jobless and dreary.
"Why don't you go to the canteen
I to-night?" I asked at the end of
our chat. "The food's good—and so
I cheap."
"Maybe I will," answered Neal.
(To Be Continued.)
Advice to the Lovelorn
He Has Begun to Drink
J Dear Miss Fairfax;
I was engaged, and our families
were against it. The girl obeyed her
j parents, and gave me back the ring
and different jewels I had given to
her. She always claimed that she
j loved me, and I love her very dearly,
and am almost half crazy at the
way I have been treated. Somehow,
I cannot seem to forget her, no mat
ter what I do. I never thought of
touching liquor till now, but it seems
the only time I can stand my trou
bles is when I am under the influence
' of it. then nothing seems to matter.
: I would be the happiest boy in the
j world if I could get this girl back
i again, but her folks are against me
i and she obeys them. Do you think
I there is any possible way of winning
'them over? I am twenty -one. and
! I have fifteen hundred dollars in cash,
and also a good position, and am
; considered good-looking,
j My father objects to my marriage,
; and says I am too young. Her peo
j pie are poor but highly respectable.
L. L. R.
| You could not prejudice your case
j more thoroughly, in the eyes of the
I girl and her family than by taking
jto drink. Perhaps, there is no real
j objection on the part of her parents
1 and yours to the match, but that of
j youth. If you showed both families
| that you were steadfast and had
enough strength of character to bear
I your disappointment bravely, doubt
j less in time all obstacles would be
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - -J*- By McM
iT~~ WE ABE CML ON THE * Cff <OULN- >'l_L BE I NO J. 1" |" W" T '— "" 1
By Mrs. Wilson Woodrow. 1
j She was married just a year ago, I'
i: and almost before the wedding bells j;
' j ceased ringing her young' husband j,
r; kissed her good-by and sailed away j
, 1 with his regiment to France. j.
I Se was as brave as he. Under-;,
• j ncath their leave-taking, the tnevit- i;
able thought was in both their minds;,
i 1 that this might easily be a final fare- ;,
'jwell. Nevertheless, she faced the j (
1 ! ordeal unflinchingly, and although j,
11 the tears were very near, she sent;,
f! him away with a smile. ■ ]
'! it was a big moment in their j i
' young lives, and both of them metji
! it like true Americans —simply reso-'
! lutely, courageously—as did thou-j ]
! sands of other soldiers and their j,
„ brides. 11
He went abroad and in the hard, \
r , exigencies of the service has doneh
' j his full duty for a year. She stayed |
! behind and fighting down her fears j.
[jand anxieties, has determinedly done 1 1
her part. I,
1 A business women up to the time .
of her marriage, she has kept on at|j
her position, and all the money that i (
her husband sent home she has laid j t
religiously by. so that upon his re-l (
turn they would be able to establish. (
themselves in a home of their own. | (
iThat has been her dream and herL
! ambition. Toward that end she has!,
! planned and worked and saved.
And now he is coming back. He;
is expected to arrive and be dis
charged from the army within a
month. And with his return she
i finds herself facing an even harder
ordeal than the one that confronted
her when he went away.
But let her tell the difficulty with !
' which she is struggling in her own
. ; words.
■ | "It took every cent that I myself
' j could earn," she writes me. "to pay
< for my clothes and living expenses.
■ Still I managed by economy and self- 1
' denial to get out of my own money j
• a few linens and things of that sort. j
' My one thought all these months j
; , has been of that cute little home we I
' would have—not an elaborate place, |
t but a nice, comfortable apartment j
"of our own, the sort of thing that;
1 every woman dreams of and wants.
• | "My husband knew that I was |
1 saving for this purpose all the money j
he sent me, and he often wrote he j
• was proud of me to think I was try-i
" ing so hard to get our home started.;
"A short time ago, though, he |
wrote a letter and told me I needj
> not bother about where we would
live after his return, as his mother
r! expects us to come to her, and he
1 thought that would be an ideal ar
> rangement. And now when I write
r him that I am not at all satisfied
• I with this plan, he only answers by
1 telling me of all the advantages we
r will have.
"His mother also has been saying
; that we can live far more cheaply
i with her than if we were to start
housekeeping; and that instead ofj
buying furniture, we can leave the I
seven hundred dollars I have saved!
up in the bank, and keep it for a I
rainy day.
"I am proud of my husband for]
what he has done for me and the j
country—he was in most of the big |
battles and has a fine record as a I
soldier. 1 love him, and I want to •
do what is best for both of us, and ;
to make him truly happy. But I j
cannot help feeling that he is being i
wrongly influenced in this matter by I
his mother, and that she is looking'
more to her own interest than to j
"Recently, too, I have heard that j
he once said he was only marrying
me in order to provide a companion
for his mother, and this makes me
begin to doubt whether he really
loves me."
And this is the sort of thing which
in one form or another is troubling
hundreds of war-brides. Hard as it
was to send their soldier husbands
away, they are finding it still harder
to adjust themselves to the home
coming and to the conditions which
those often hasty marriages have en
tailed. It is a situation which will 1
frequently require all the womanly [
tact they possess, and a'l the devo-c
tion and forbearance of what tliey
are capable.
The only suggestion I can make i
is that they should resolutely shut!
their ears to any stories or gossip J
they may hear which might tend j
to create dissension, and that they
strive to understand and appreciate
their husbands' viewpoints, as well
as their own.
In .the specific case at hand, for
instance, the young wife should real
ize that her feminine dream of a
j home which shall be her little pri- j
vate kingdom is shared in no such
! ardent degree by her husband. He
i merely sees the advantages of going
!to his mother's —his own former
! home, which has for him many dear
: associations—and he cannot under
j stand why there should be any lack
lof harmony between these two wo
: men he loves. Of course, it would
jbe a ghastly mistake, but it will be |
| hard to convince him of that, an£
|he has, under the law. the right to
; choose the place of domicile,
j What is the young wife to do,
I then? Spoil his home-coming with
2517 —Here is a model easy to de
velop and easy to adjust. Skirt and
waist portions are in one piece. The
sleeve may be made in wrist or elbow
length. Gingham, khaki, galatea,
percale, seersucker, and chambray
are good for this design.
The Pattern is cut in 7 sizes; 34,
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust
measure. Size 38 requires 5% yards
of 36-inch material. The dress meas
ures about 2% yards at the foot.
A pattern of this illustration
mailed to any address on receipt of
10 cents in sliver or stamps.
Telegraph Pattern Department
For the 10 cents inclosed please
send pattern to the following
glze Pattern No
City and State
[arguments and protests and bicker-]
j ings'V Antagonize him and his
I mother, and possibly create an es-j
I trangemcnt which may wreck the j
lhappines of both their lives? Not >
|at all. Manifestly, her couise is to ;
] enlist the mother on her side.
I Let her go to the latter, not as
'an adversary or enemy, but 'as a
! friend and counsellor. Let her ex
] plain her yearnings for a home ot
I her own and ask the mother if she
| herself did not feel the same way
\vhen she was a bride; prove to
I her that it will be be'te. - fcr the
• si nto head a household of his own
iard show the d'.suiavntages which
wiil accrue to 1 lie mother herself
If out a joint, e-ati. 'Ushmont -talk to
liter as woman to woman.
Why not meet the prob'ems of
the liome-coming, you war-brides,
'as you did the ordeal of his going
j away, not with a chip on your
! shoulder, but adaptably, loyally,
j unselfishly: with head up and Uv-3
smiling—the American way?
Three corn variety tests in various
parts of Dauphin county have been
started by County Agent H. G. Nies- !
ley, using nine varieties of seed corn. |
The tests are being made on the
farms of J. M* Boyer, Gratz; I. B.
Rutter, Halifax, and C. P. Longeneck
er, Middletown. A meeting of the
executive committee of the Dauphin
County Farm Bureau will be held in
I the Farm Bureau rooms in the Dau
i phin Building on Saturday morning
j at 9.30 o'clock.
I . The Rev. W. E. PefTley and W. L.
! Bailey have returned from Columbus.
Ohio, where they attended the con
-1 vention of the Keystone League
j Christian Endeavor.
Daily Dot Puzzle
_ •' —-
( 23 ;e )
' 24* * \ <
tt .5^4
25. W 15 ~
7# f 3 '? . * SB
2b# 14 .57
H l[f 13 jrr--=
0- 40 ' #sb j
17 ' 12. .55
26 * v -' .3 J 53 54
• vli—
*32 _ JIH , 52
V Si _
• 34# —'—
#. #so
35 • .
3b *43
38 '
3b • . *4B
** •r
A 44 At • *46 ~
4o 4Z 4 S
44 • .45
Draw from one to two, and so on
to the end.
Timely Advice to
Coal Consumers
Transportation facilities will
be greatly taxed this Fall when
the banner crops are moved.
There will not be the open ways
from the mines to the market
that permit prompt deliveries
to-day. This is just one condi
tion that makes it posible to fill
coal orders now.
If householders delay until
actual need creates a clamor for
fuel, there's going to be disap
pointment and inconvenience
experienced. For labor and
transportation will not be equal
to the demand. The production
at the mines is only half the
normal output.
July 1 prices advance 30c.
Why delay?
H. M. Kelley & Co.
1 N. 3rd St. 10th & State Sts.
'Thirteen Nurses to Be
Graduated at Hospital
! Thirteen student nurses of the Har-
I risburg Hospital will be graduated
j with special exercises in tho Masonic
] Temple on Tuesday evening, May 27,
at 8 o'clock, according to announce
ments issued by the Board of Man
agers of the Harrisburg Training
School for Nurses.
An interesting program is being
prepared for presentation at that
time, but it will not be announced
until later in the week. The thirteen
graduates are:
Miss Zoe Bingham, Miss Elsie Brat
ton. Miss Vesta Ruth Brandt, Miss
Bertha May Clay, Miss Mary Anna
Diffenbach, Miss Mary Annie Har
man, Miss Blanche Howry, Miss Eve
lyn Marie Koenig, Miss Ada Holmes
Lininger, Miss Mary Louise McNaugh
ton, Miss Ella May Morrison, Miss
Esther Hamaker McNeal and Miss
Esther Deliah Feiser.
■ R. K. Fortna leads in the sales of
War Savings Stamps by letter car
] riers of the Harrisburg postoffice
i during the past week, according to
; totals just announced. The standing
of the contestants who have sold j
more than S2OO is:
Main Office—R. K. Fortna, $1936.-
09; G. A. Hollinger, $1268.80; R. H. i
Weaver, $677.50; H. C. Young, $675.-
38; C. W. Cless, $668.51; E. R. Gault, |
$557.67; W. E. Swiler. $501.45; H. C.
Jordan, $491.2; William B. Berry,]
$461.78; R. G. Wiestling, $459.23; C. I
E. lira. $428.12; T. J. Carpenter, $349.-
20; G. R. Pritchard, $295.34; F. W. j
Reen, $29.56; J. A. Haus, $217.91.
Hill Station John A. Geiger, j
$3043.74; George L. Ebersole, $1220.-|
9; C. B. Buffington, $1054.40; Charles
A. Fortna, $852.35; William W. Dum,
$636.64; Walter R. Manley, $378.37;
Arthur W. Wagner, $364.19; James
G. Laverty, $213.9.
Bishop Fhilip R. McDevitt pro
nounced the benediction upon the
I Forty Hours of Devotion which
! closed last evening in the Sacred
I :
I Announcement! 1
Another Big Purchase |
Of Surplus Stock 1
2399 Aprons J
I Bought From I
1770 Bungalow Aprons j |
629 Bib and Band Aprons I
Will Go On Sale ►Friday!
At Less Than Wholesale Prices I
Full Details Will Be Announced Tomorrow 1
MAY 21, 1919.
Heart Catholic Church with the rec
itation of the Rosary bv Father Syl
vester, of Dublin.
The Girls' Glee Club of Albright
College will present an attractive pro
CAKING Is wholesome and efficient
frOWPfff always gives good results —is
uniform in value and inexpensive.
UT4 I-I. Editor of American Cookery
' WRMNI IU MlT—___________
ftTTrT- An F* /\ And Y<>U ( " ot Your
. foBCT] V / LI I Choice of These
fnjr iiyn prima nuway
IhjJff IjlU Think of it! Only $7.50 first payment. That's
f y-i| II llllL all you need to pay down and you get any one
lia^-C^ —;|| >f these brand new, very latest model Electric
teVashers that you may select delivered to your
Then you can puy the balance in small easy
U nonthly payments —30 days between each pay
nont. Phone for demonstration. Pell 4554.
in our show room you can see nearly all
makes of electric washers and cleaners.
WM. A. ANDERSON, Mgr. 28 S. 4th St.
gram in a contort scheduled to b
given in the Technical High School
Auditorium to-morrow evening. A
number of popular and classical se
lections will be presented. Miss Ruth
K. Sutton is manager of the organi