Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 21, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 BIBLE CLASSES I MEET IN SOCIAL Adult Members of Holy Com munion Lutheran Church at Hogentogler Home Bible classes of the Evangelical Lutheran church of the Holy Commun ion, Herbert May, president, held their regular bimonthly meetin, which was also the final meeting for the season, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hogen togler, 1201 Green street, last evening. Fourteen new members were received. It was decided to tender a June recep tion to the new members of the church, and also to arrange later for a congre gational picnic, funds in the treasury to be used for the picnic. Jesse Quier and Samuel Miller, with violins accompanied the hymns, also a trio was sung by Mrs. Mac Dole, Mrs. Miller and Miss Poorman. all joining in the chorus. There were recitations, readings and speeches. Mr. Madsen in an enlighten ing discussion on "Christian Science." emphasized the "Power of the Word of God." also the duty of church members to exercise their faith in Christ and I make it a subject of conversation. Ice cream and caike were served and a rising vote of thanks extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hogentogler for their delight ful hospitality. The meeting closed with "God Bless Our Native Land." SI las Katharine M. Kinter is spend ing a week with relatives in Wilkes- Barre. jWindo w Boxes; f "We supply the boxes. t I plants and attend to all de- T I tails—or if you have the • _.i boxes we will fill them, f See Our Beautiful Display of • Urns and Pottery j THE BERRYHILL j | Locust Street at Second. I STECKLEY'S DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR /A Ladies' / T\ LOW Shoes \\ We are showing so many beautiful \ ee I models there is no restriction in lnf\ 3 style or price. The values are truly \ extraordinary. In nearly every instance , f there is a difference of a dollar or two in your favor. Our low prices assure \ you the highest quality for a minimum price. f BLACK, WHITE, TAN, Medium and Better Grades vS&PIr i STECKLEY'S 1220 N. Third St., Near Broad. 1 QI,ASTER OX THE PACKAGE IS THE STAMP OF QUALITY Exquisite White Ivory Is Ideally Adapted for Graduation Gifts White Ivory, dainty and beautiful, is made up into so many useful articles that is very popular for gift giving. There is so much range for selection that you can make a pleasing choice for almost any price you may have in mind. X" N. / —N COMB. BRUSH AND MIR f f >6H| ROR SETS / '/ 1 MANICURE SETS I (fulnft 1 X&fL I COMB AND BRUSH SETS I I mirrors \ /\ HAIR BRUSHES c / X JS CLOTH BRUSHES ) \6i hat brushes II Ifc\ /T T\ r^Sl NAIL BRUSHES I At I ( I M TOOTH BRUSHES i I \J \ Hair receivers T L 1/ \ , / A POWDER AND PUFF i M F ' • I 1 SETS iL) [ , I trays Btl 1 4QP-4 manicure pieces ■ \ I \ PICTURE FRAMES, NOV f Vy \ / EI/TIES, ETC., IN WON ' WC DERFUL VARIETY. Wonderfully large assortments of Diamonds, Watches, Bracelet Watches, Rings, Fraternity Buttons, Pins, Emblems, Chains, Charms, LavalliereS, Brooches, Bar Pins and Bracelets, Lockets, Cuff Links, Beads, Necklaces and Pens, Fountain Pens, etc. All Moderately Priced and Fully Guaranteed. H. C. CLASTER Gems Jewels Silverware 30? Market St. 1 North Third St v . - ft WEDNESDAY EVENING* INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL PIANO RECITAL GIVEN BY FOUR Musicians Will Be Heard To morrow Evening in Fifth Street Methodist Church There will be a two-piano recital in the Fifth Street M. E. Church, to morrow evening at 8 o'clock, which promises to be a rare musical treat. Participating will be four of the city's most accomplished pianists: Miss Vio ! lette Cassei, Miss Ruth Kraybill, Miss I Katharine Conrad, and Miss Esther Gingrich, assisted by Miss Le Nora Fry, harplste. and Mrs. "William K. Bum baugh, soprano. The artists have re cently appeared in recital in several cities of Central Pennsylvania and were well received by large and appreciative audiences. The program includes: "Military March." Schubert. Miss Kraybill. Miss Conrad, Miss Cassei. Miss Gingrich; (a) "A Widow Bird Sat Mourning," Tre harne; (b) "Mother Dearest" (Russian Folksong). Schindler; (c) "A "Whisper ing," Mana Tucca; Mrs. Brumbaugh; "Concerto in G Minor" Mendelssohn, Miss Cassei. Miss Kraybill; "Pastorale," Bellotta; "Babilage," Vitrano, Miss Fry; "Wedding Cake, Caprice Valse." Saint Saens." Miss Kraybill, Miss Conrad; "Serenade," Goldmark, Miss Kraybill, Miss Cassei; "Tarantella," Chadwick: "Ashes to Roses," Wodman ; "A May Madrigal," Galbraith. Mrs. Bumbaugh; "Fantasie," Dubois, Miss Fry. Miss Con rad ; "Piece Romantique and Gavotte." Chamlnade; "Two Mazurkas." Op. 5, Nos. 1 and 2, Schulhoff. Miss Kraybill, Miss Conrad, Miss Cassei, Miss Ging rich. HOME FROM CAMP DIX Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Gotrnley have returned from Camp Dix to their home in the Hill Side Apart ments. 1117 Market street. Mr. Gorm ley was with Division Headquarters of the Twenty-eighth Division, and has Just received his discharge. TO RESIDE IN GARY, INDIANA Mr. and Mrs. James Maurice Co stello, who were married recently In this city, will reside In Gary., Ind. Before the ceremony, which was solemnized last Saturday at the ma nse of Stevens Memorial Episcopal Church, by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smueker, Mrs. Cos tello was Miss Fern Meriam Harrl s, daughter of Mrs. J. J. Harris, of Enola. f CENTRAL HIGH NOTES j Senior Clasn Meeting The Senior class met yesterday aft ernoon at the close of the afternoon session. The primary reason for the assemblage of the class was to decide where the class should go for its class trip. Only two places were pre sented to the assembled class lor consideration. Lursy Caverns and.Mt. Gretna. Washington. D. C., was at one time up for consideration by the executive committee, but had to be dropped on account of the uncertainty of accommodations. The class roil was called, and it was decided, by vote, that the class should go to Lu ray Caverns, Virginia. The exact date for the trip has not been decided, but will probably be the forepart of the week of June 8. Dcmonthenlan Thursday The Dcmosthenian Literary Society will hold its last meeting of the year on Thursday evening at the home of Miss Virginia Downes. ISII North Second street. President Carl B. Stoner urges every one to be present at this meeting in order that air members may receive final instruc tions for the picnic. New H. A. Members The H. A. Society will be continued next year, and five members of the class of 1920 have been initiate!! as charter members. The initiation took place at the home of Alton Smith. Cameron Extension, with the full membership of this year's society on hand to put the Juniors through the famous thirteenth degree. A lengthy business meeting occupied the fore part. of the evening, during which the 2C's were given a talk by each member of the present society. The ! election of officers followed the busi-i ness meeting, and the following are] the ones who will guide the society 1 next year: President, Richard Robin-i son; vice president. Wayne Snyder; secretary. Karl Wright; treasurer, Jo seph Knauff; custodian, "Ike" Jeff ries; toastmaster, James Craiglow. A "big feed" was spread before the new members after they had received their jobs for next year, and the initiation followed the supper. "The Dance of the Water Nymphs" and "Padule Movements" were two of the many features that the Juniors participated in for the amusement of the Senior members. The persecutors and the persecuted are as follows: Stuart Wagner, Ross S. Hoffman. William K. Mcßride. Clyde D. Hocker, Robert W. Crist. Richard Quigley. Carl B. Stoner, Lewis K. Rimer, Alton Smith, Gil christ Brininger, Joseph Minnich, Ar thur Hibler, Richard Robinson, Wayne Snyder, Earl Wright, James Craig low, Joseph Knauff and "Ike" Jeff ries. Deniosthenian Picnic Carl B. Stoner, president of the Demostlienian Literary Society, has completed all plans for the annual society picnic. It will be held this Saturday afternoon on McCormick's Island. Arrangements have been made with the Citv Park Department for the use of the island on that afternoon, and a program committee, with the aid of Miss Mary Orth, censor of the society, has worked out a series of "stunts" that will keep every mem ber of the society busy during the 'whole afternoon. Picnlo Postponed ; The picnic of the Senatus Popn lusque Romanus that was to have ■been held last Saturday afternoon, ■ has been postponed until the after- I neon of Saturday, June 7. It will be lield in Wildwood Park. Rain prevent ed the Latin Society from holding the picnic on the date set, and June 7 is the only Saturday that all the members will be able to enjoy the picnic together. Miss Katherine Mc- Niff. the censor of the society, had worked out some interesting classical games for the picnic, and expects to use them when the picnic is held in June. I.nst Phllonlnn Meeting Harold Conner was the host of the Philonian Debating Society at the home of Richard Quigley. Derry and Eighteenth streets. With this meet ing. the Philonian Debating Society ceased to exist. Because of the small number of boys remaining in Cen tral. the members of last year's so ciety instructed the 1919 members to discontinue the society at the end of this year. The Philonian has been In existence since 1908, and. with the exception of the Dcmosthenian Liter ary Society, is the oldest Central so ciety. Many of its old members are now prominent men of the city and State, and clearly recall the davs when the P. D. S. afforded them many pleasant evenings together. Although the society was organized primarily for the promotion of debating, it has always aimed to combine the social life with the educational. The dances given annually by the Philonians have always been among the largest bops given by anv of the school so cieties. This year has been no less successful tha-n the previous ones. Five of the society's members were members of the two victorious debat ing teams representing the school this vear, and in recognition of their work the society presented the school with a handsome loving cup several weeks ago. The P. D. S. is now a thing of the past, but its influence will he felt in Central for many years to come. Invitation to Boys The University Club has invited the Senior bovs to attend their annual "Go to College" banquet on Monday night at Technical High school. This announcement was made to-day by Professor Walter E. Severance, and tickets for the banquet will he in his hands within a few days. Otters Scholarship According to a communication from Lehigh University, that college offers a limited number of scholarships to hoys who have high standing throughout their four years' High school course. The scholarships aro worth lIR9 each, and are for courses in the school of Liberal Arts and Sci ences which has heen recently organ ized. Central Man Honored Word has been received at Central from Harvard tbat D. Vernon Widder. of the class of 1918, has been awarded a scholarship of the first group in that institution. Mr. "Widder has also bPon admitted to the Phi Beta Kapna fra ternity, the honorary fraternity of the country, on account of his high scholastic standing. First Class Sergeant, Richard A. Moyer, stationed in New York City, has returned to duty after spending j a brief leave of absence at his home on North Thirteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ross and children Marie and Helen Ross, of Jersey City, are guests of their rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Anson B. Morgan, i of Green street, for a few days. Miss Pauline Richenbaker, of j Seranton. was a recent guest of her cousin. Miss Pearl Barkley, of North I XhirU street. HAHRISBURG flnPQflt VELJEGKXPH Entertain Bible Class at Home of Mrs. R. T. Zook Mrs. R. T. Zook and Mrs. Paul Gourlay entertained the Adult Bible class of Immanuei Presbyterian church, at the home of Mrs. Zook, 712 North Eighteenth street, last evening. Miss Gladys Bolan recited. Games were enjoyed and refreshments were served. The following members and their invited guests were present: Mrs. H. E. Hallman, Mrs. M. L. Lorn man, Mrs. R. A. Bowman, Mrs. C. M. Rohrer, Mrs, A. L. Moore, Mrs. Jay Zoiders, Mrs. H. L. Waling, Mrs. W. Lee Gourlay, Mrs. J. I. Hetrick, Mrs. G. N. Kinard, Mrs. M. E. Rehn, Mrs. W. E. Orr, Mrs. L. Marks, Mrs. T. M. Heffelflnger, Mrs. S. Cummings, Mrs. Bert Bolan. Mrs. G. W. Ram sey. Mrs. C. N. Crans, Mrs. C. E. Anderson, Mrs. J. M. Ober, Mrs. M. E. Chadwick, Mrs. Mabel M. Miller, Mrs. W. Hasson. Mrs. W. W. Richie, Mrs. Audrey H. Baldwin, Mrs. P. M. Tcbbs, Mrs. A. Kammerer, Mrs. Edward Muntz, Mrs. Luella Tnger soll. Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. G. W. Speak man, Paul Gourlay, William Orr, Jr., Miss Gladys Bolan, Mrs. Paul Gour lay and Mrs. R. T. Zook. "The Laughing Cure" a Remedy For All Ills A rehearsal of "The Laughing Cure" the clever little comedy to be presented by members of the Ep worth League of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, will be held this evening, at the home of Miss Mar tha A. Lawton, 1923 Market street. This farce, to be staged early in June, is one continual laugh from I start to finish. The story is a unique one, but, despite the unusual meth- j ods employed In the strange cure j prescribed by young Dr. Carey, a mar velous and rapid transformation takes place in the condition of the patient. It is assured that any one suffering from a chronic case of blues, no matter how severe and ob stinate, need only witness a single performance of this play to be ab solutely and Irrevocably cured. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Appell, of York, were weekend guests of their relatives, Mrs. Appell and Miss Laura Appell, of Boas street. Miss Margaretta Swartz, has opened her residence at Second' and Pine streets, after spending several weeks at the Marlborough-Blenheim, at Atlantic City. Mrs. Patrick McNiff, of 605 North Second street, is home after visiting her children, Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty, at Beaver, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McNiff at Pittsburgh. Miss Helena Ramsden went home to Troy, N. Y., to-day after a week's stay among relatives in this vicinity. Joseph Stebbins and his twin sons, Claude and Merle Stebbins, of Jer sey City, are in town for a few days on the way to Baltimore and Wash ington. Mrs. M. J. McLaughlin, of Rutland, Vt., is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. W. Coates, 514 North Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dennison, of Chicago, are guests of their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Evan B. Dennison, of Market street. Charles G. Goshorn went home to Indianapolis, Ind., to-day after a week's stay among.old friends in this city. Miss Dora Wickersham Coe, of North Second street, is home after, a week's stay in New York and Phil adelphia. Mrs. William H. Egle and Miss Catherine Irwin Egle. who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes in Indiana, have gone with Mrs. Holmes to Fort Monroe, Va„ — to be near Captain William Egle Holmes of the United States Army. Miss Charlotte Gordan and her sis ter, Miss Ruth Mary Gordon, of Pet ersburg, Va., are guests of their rel . atives, Mr. and Mrs. Ashon Houser, of State street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Stacks went home to Pittsburgh this morning af ter a week's stay among relatives in suburban Harrisburg. Miss Sara Mary Collins, of Buffalo, is stopping for a day or two with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Emerson, of Market street on the way home from Florida. Miss Helen Wall', of 909 North Sixteenth street, entertained the C. A. O. Society of Seventeen, at her home last evening. Master Augustus Wildman, 4th, has been quarantined to his home, 2635 North Sixth street, with the measles. GLOVES CLEANED FREE H. C. Mattern, of 404 North Sec ond street, proprietor of the Valet, wishes to announce that he will clean, for any lady a short pair of white gloves free, provided she has never .had any done here before. This introductory offer is made sim ply to get you acquainted with this modern dry-cleaning house.—adv. EEWB3 Electric IJQJLLLUI Clothes Washers 5 THE ONLYSELF-DRAINING • n „ , _ a n:ne Different Types ■S _U Wood—Galvanized—Copper Buy With Judgment *< - 1 E ASY PAYMENTS. Neidig Bros., Ltd. LARGE AUDIENCE GREETS ORGANIST Charles M. Courboin Receives Highest Commendation For His Delightful Program It was a veritable feast of music j that was presented in Bethlehem Lutheran church last night when I Charles M. Courboin, organist of the! First Baptist church, of Syracuse, j N. Y., and municipal organist of! Springfield, Mass., appeared in re- j cital. He was brought here by the Harrisburg Association of Organists. Tho musician showed exceptional judgment in the selection of his pro gram, opening with the Handel- Guilmant Concerto in D Minor, and playing the Lento with pedal cad enza, the Scherzo and the beautiful largo and finale. The Concerto was originally composed as a novelty be tween the parts of Handel's oratorios then being produced in the Hay market theater, Ixindon. The finale was brilliant, and brai'oura technique to an unusual degree was displayed in its rendition. Maily's "Anddite from First So nata," followed. This is the noted Brussels organist's best work. It is sustained and melodious with exqui site ornamentation. "The Scherzo Cantabile," by Lefebure-Wely, was next presented. Without the presentation of some thing from the brain of one, Johann Sebastian Bach, no organ recital would be complete. Dr. Courboin played one of the most famous of the great composer's work, "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor." This com position is noted for the intensity of its weird contrasts ,of rushing pas sages and overwhelming masses, the program advises. It ends in a coda in which the resources of the organ for presenting magnificent harmonies and pouring out a majestic volume of sustained tones are put to the; highest uses. Two tender, dreamy Schumann numbers, "Evensong" and "Sketch," were beautifully played. If there are any numbers which reveal the sen sative, romantic side of Robert Schumann. They are these pretty se lections. Dedicated to Courboin "The Allegro from Sixth Sym phony," by Charles Marie Widor, was an outstanding feature of the program. The Sixth Sympthony was dedicated to Mr. Courboin by the composer who was greatly impressed by his playing. The first rendition in America was that of the Philadel phia Symphony Orchestra in the Wanamaker Philadelphia auditorium with Mr. Courboin at the great organ. The two closing numbers were from the works of Saint-Saens. The first was a charming "Nuptial Bene diction." and the second the ma jestic "Marche Heroique." Between the two the organist interpolated an imitation of a twentieth century portable organ, which was played with admirable effect. Perhaps the most wonderful num ber of the entire program was the Bach composition. The playing was as precise and definite as clockwork. I and yet it had warmth of feeling and ! beauty of shading and contrast so far above the ordinary playing as to place him in the absolute virtuoso class. The speed of the Fugue was terrific. Taken all in all, the recital of Mr. Courboin was an artistic triumph which far exceeded anything of the sort ever heard in the city. Those j who recalled the time the first organ' of Bethlehem church was dedicated,! contrasted the two recitals. At that time Clarence Eddy was at the or gan., An obstinate key simply and vulgarly stuck, regardless of the at tempts to bring it to terms and while Eddy played a magnificent program, his recital was almost an I utter artistic failure. HOLDS ANNUAL BANQUET Invitations have been issued for the annual banquet of the Veteran Employers' Association of the Middle Division, Pennsylvania Railroad, to be held in Chestnut street auditorium on Thursday. June 19, at 6.30 o'clock. N. W. Smith is president of the organization, and W. B. Moore, is secretary-treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Eberly, of 1356 Vernon street, entertained' at .dinner in honor of Frederick Good- Sear, who returned from France with the One Hundred and Twelfth Infantry. The guests included Mrs. John Fordney, Mrs. Lydia Feeser of Baltimore; Mrs. John S. Gibbons,' of AVormleysburg; Mrs. Frederick Good yera, George Miller of Palmyra; Mr. and Mrs. Eberly. Dinner Wednesday Eve., May 21 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 N. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50<* Chicken Itiee Soup Baked Hum (Virginia Style) Breaded Veal Cutlet Tenderloin of Beef (Glazed) Boast Beef Mashed or Hash Browned Potatoes Limn Beans, Macaroni and Cheese —Entree Ice Cream, Pie or Pudding Coffee, Tea or Cocoa ~ Star Carpet Cleaning Works Let Us Clean Your Carpets Now General Upholstering Awning Making EXPERT WORK GUARANTEED Give Us a Trial Joseph Coplinky Eleventh and Walnut Streets HARRISBURG, PA. j Bell 398-R Dial 6951 AUDIENCE ENJOYS COLLEGE SONGS Gettysburg Glee Club Pleases With Unexpected and Clever Numbers A local lad, Paul R. Clouser, led the Glee Club of Pennsylvania Col lege straight to victory last evening at the concert given by the combined musical clubs of that institution, in the auditorium of Technical High school. The orchestra, composed in part by local men, and ably led by F. W. Sunderman, opened the event with the "Raymond Overture," by Thomas. The next number on tho program was "America Triumphant," Dcmarest, sung by the Glee club. F.I W. Sunderman played a violin solo which met with decided approval judging by the applause following. Mr. Sunderman plays well and leads even better, if that is possible. His orchestra was under perfect qontroi and the manner in which the mem bers responded to his leadership was truly remarkable. In the "Egyptian March," by Strauss, the interpreta tion was so perfect and the effect so acurate that one was carried back to ancient Egypt and the days of the Pharaohs. Too much credit cannot be given to J. W. Doub whose ex cellent work at the drums contribut ed greatly to tho success of the se lection. A vocal duet by J. W. Draw baugh and Paul R. Clouser, entitled "When Tony Goes Over the Top," closed the first half of the program. The costumes worn were clever and the unexpected flourishing of a vic ious knife "brought down" tho house. The Glee Club started off the sec ond half of the program in fine shape by singing "The Gypsy Trail," by Galloway, and "My Lady Ohloe," a negro love song by Clough-Leighter. Vociferous applause recalled them and they responded by singing That s Where My Money Goes," much to the delight of the audience. Tho orchestra then played "The Fox < hase, ' by Lilenthalem, in such a realistic manner that it was easy to follow them through the various mo ements, from the morning call to the return home. "Song of the Vikings," by Eaton Fanning, was sung by request, fol lowed by "Pack Up Your Troubles," by the Glee Club auartet. Selections from Faust by the orchestra and a combined number, "Songs of Get tysburg," closed the program. Harrisburg W. C. T. U. to Hold Benefit Musicale The Harrisburg W. C. T. U. will nn]d a musicale to-morrow evening •P the Sixth Street United Brethren Church, when a silver offering will he taken toward the million-dollar drive, now on. An interesting pro gram has been prepared, including an opening number by the orchestra of the U. B. Church; Ballet Muslo of Faust, ' by Gounod. Anna Mary De Verter and Robert B. Drum; reading, "Jean Valgean and the Bishop." Mrs. Jcmes Smyser: selections, by River ride Mandolin and Guitar Club, "Beau tiful Ohio" and "A Little Bit of Honey; ' "To Spring," Opus 43, No. 6 Greig; "Novellett," Opus 11, No 2 Rimsky-Korsakon. Miss Anna Mari ne Verter: bass solo. W. Ray Chap'- man. M. B. A., "The Year's at the Spring," Beach, "Little Mother of Mine." Burleigh; "Berceuse," Opus 5.1 No. 3, Barmotine; "Menuet al' An-1 tique," Opus 14. No. 1, Paderewski. bv Robert B. Drum; orchestra. U. B. Church. [Other Social News on Page 12.] llllllll IlllllllllllllllliiiiUjj No matter where you go there is none like | Thorley's Cakes | 55 '" ■ EjE | Thorley's 3 Layer OCT I | Cream Chocolate Cake | | ORDER NOW the ha[ j | = ■ EE #This is the label that 1 protects you | All Good Grocers Sell T horley Cakes' | | Thorley Baking Co. | Harrisburg, Pa. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiii * MAY 21, 1919. Miss Patterson Hostess For Hotel Conewago Miss M. Emille Patterson, of this city, who so successfully acted as hostess for the Hotel Conewago, Mount Gretna, last season, will hßve full charge there again this year. Miss Patterson and Asa A. Welmer constitute the management of the popular hotel, which will open June 28. A feature of the opening will be a complimentary dance held on the Cone wago's fine dance floor, when many Harrisburg folks will be guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Watson, of Oswego, N. Y„ are guests of their brother, Luther B. Watson, and fam ily, of North Third street. 4 ANNOUNCEMENT % • OF PRIZE WINNERS ? • When the smoke had cleared away and we sat down to rt check up, we found that the response to the prize con- A V test had been very active. Several hundred ads were (J .? submitted. They were promptly forwarded to New • Q York where a jury of advertising men of national repu- • a tation judged them. They report that the average Q A graded very high in quality and that it was with diffi- . V culty that a final choice was made. Finally the ballot- A • ing resulted in the following: U Suits . A • Q First Prize $25 Miss Dorothy E. Haynes, • • 312 Hummel Street, f Q Harrisburg, Pa. A Second Prize $15 —Mrs. G. C. Myers, v U < 150 South Pitt St., A A Carlisle, Pa. " • Dresses 0 0 First Prize $25 Rachel K. Knier, A • 19 S. 2nd St. V U Harrisburg, Pa. A f) Second Prize $15 —Anna M. Bratten, y 1632 N. 6th St., ' 0 A Harrisburg, Pa. A V Millinery v 0 First Prize $25 Mrs. H. E. Gayman, Q 1 312 N. Second St., • V Harrisburg, Pa. 0 f Second Prize $15 —Mrs. John Brinton, A • Camp Hill, Pa. ; 0 Store Service A 1 First Prize $25 Mrs. M. Lee Goldsmith, • U 243 Woodbine St., ) A Harrisburg, Pa. X • Second Prize $15 —Miss F. M. Jones, . 0 107 Brickchurch Rd., J • Enola, Pa. • v Tt is with pleasure that we make these awards and con- U ! gratulate the winners. We notified them by letter. • (J Upon calling at this shop and presenting our letter as Q • identification we shall be glad to have them select ap- Y A parel from our stock to the amount represented by their A v prizes or if they prefer something more expensive they U 1 can apply their prize upon the purchase price. • (J Sec next Monday's issue of the Telegraph for the first (1 . of the prize winning ads. v A t 1 This Store Closes Every y y) y Saturday at Six. If You Need Glasses Consult Us Office Hours: 9 to 5 (Kohlßmkenboclt&lftmise OPTOMETRISTS SCOPTICIANS N0.22 N.AZ2ST. HABRISBUBQ. FA. Where Glasses Are Made Right