Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 21, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Wireless Apparatus Permits
Conversation With
Aviator in Flight
Atlantic City, N. J.. May 21.
Wireless telephone apparatus has
been installed as a part of the in
strument demonstration bureau of the
second Pan-American Aeronautic
Congress in session here and some
startling "stunts" were performed
with the devices that have been
placed at the end of the piers and
a board, one of the seaplanes oper
ating from a station at the Inlet. Ex
periments in talking between the
piers and the seaplane while it was
in full flight twenty mites off the.
beach were carried on without a
One of the features of the out
door activities of the convention will
be an aerial "hop, skip and jump,"
to demonstrate how aerial life pre
servers may be employed should a
passenger or pilot lose bis balance
in transferring from one plane to an
other in midair in ease of an emerg
ency change from a crippled ma
chine. Parachute experts who are
working on aerial regulations and
who will propose that every airship
shall carry a life preserver for every
passenger along the same lines as the
government regulations for water
craft, will judge the demonstration.
Philadelphia, May 21. The 7,500
ton cargo carrier Ogontz was launched
a I Hog Island late yesterday. The ship,
the twenty-eighth launched at the yard,
was christened by Miss Helen Taylor,
tho 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Taylor, who conducted the
fourth Liberty loan drive in tho Melrose
Park section of this city.
Weak, Thin People
Will Grow Strong
and Put on Flesh
If they take n five-grain tablet of
Blood-Jron Phosphate with every
meal. No matter how thin, pale, weak,
nervous and anemic you may lie.
Blood-Iron Phosphate will help you
to quickly restore your nervous
energy and make rich, red blood. It's
simply amazing to note the quick and I
permanent improvement in nearly all
complaints due to or accompanied by
weak nerves or poor blood. Doctors
say that this is due to the fact that.
Blood-Iron Phosphate consists entire
ly of elements which scientists claim
are quickly converted into living
nerve tissue and at the same time
supply the necessary life-giving iron
to the blood. Unlike other forms of
iron. Blood-Iron Phosphate is easily
digested and assimilated, does not
cause indigestion, headache or dis
coloration of teeth, and is free from
ail stimulants, opiates or narcotics. Tt
just builds up the nerves and blood
and lets nature do the rest. Blood-
Iron Phosphate is sold only in ori
ginal packages containing enough for
three weeks' treatment at $1.50 a
package-—only 50 cents a week—and
is obtainable under an absolute guar
antee of satisfaction or money back
from Geo. A. Gorgas, and other lead
ing druggists everywhere. Get a pack
age to-day and if at the end of three
weeks you haven't put on several
pounds of good stay-there flesh, if you
don't feel better than you have "for
years—in fact, ten years younger—
you can have your money back for the
W j| War Tax 20c
MK&Ss Additional The Heart at the Nation
The Monumental City
Sunday, May 25
Returning, leaves Washington 5.30 P. M.; Baltimore 6.35 P. M.
Sec Elyers Consult Ticket Agents
Pennsylvania Railroad
l WUMUII ■llll I Mil ■■Haj
MAY 27 to 31 inclusive
H Finest Horses ever in Hagerstown.
H All Running Races, six or more each day.
U Pari Mutuel System of Wagering.
Special Rates on All Railroads
to and from Hagerstown during meet.
■ F H0 TF.'L" M 4 PT"M*MN J " •"AT ZFT 1
■ BROADWAY. 32d & 33d STS
■ One Block from Perm*. Station. gQO I
Transferred Free ROOMS
I Equally Convenient for Amusements, Ann ■
Shopping or Business 400. BATHS |
J 4 Dtoeet Entrance to B'way Sub-
I Rates:—From $2 Per Day j
I I3| <55 PLEASANT ROOMS With Private Bath ■
\ liHT'V $3 Per Day
\if / The Martinique Restaurants Are WeO Known for Good I
J Food and Reaaonablo Prices
Secretary Rasmussen Gets
Reports Showing Fine
Prospects Now
Secretary of Agriculture Fred
Rasmussen reports that accord
ins to figures compiled by the
Bureau of Statistics, the condition
of wheat is estimated at 104 per
cent., compared with a normal or
full crop condition. This is three
per cent, better than one month ago
and indicates an approximate aver
age yield of 21.3 bushels per acre.
|On this basis, considering the large
acreage, the total production will
reach 33,404,000 bushels. The crop
will probably be above or below
these figures according as the change
in conditions from now until harvest
is above or below the usual or aver
age change in condition. The total
production last was estimated
at 26,024,000 bushels.
Like wheat, rye is in splendid con
dition and indicates 103 per cent, of
a normal crop. This is a gain of
three per cent, during the month of
April. According to present outlook
tho yield will bo 19.8 bushels per
acre and the total production 5,-
434,000 bushels. The production last
year was estimated at 4,676,500
The outlook for hay on May first
was 93 per cent, compared with a
normal. It is forecasted that the
yield will approximate 1.45 tons pet
acre. No figures available yet as to
the acreage that will be harvested.
The average yield last year was esti-1
mated at 1.35 tons per acre.
The Bureau of Statistics reports I
that the prospect for a full crop of I
fruit in Pennsylvania is as follows: i
Apples, 81 per cent.; pears, 66 perl
cent.: peaches, 60 per cent.; plums, I
65 per cent., and cherries, 62 peri
cent. As this information was gat.li- |
! crcd on or about May first, only aj
few days after tho freeze of April j
24-26, the next report may show
condition and outlook much above
or below these figures.
Broadway Limited
To Be Restored On
the Pennsyl Road
P/iilfnlolpliin. May 21.- —-C. H. Mark
ham. regional director of the Allegheny
region, announces the restoration, ef
fective May 25, of the "Broadway Limi
ted," the Pennsylvania Railroad's
twenty-hour train between New York
and Chicago. It will leave New York
at 2:55 p. m. and arrive in Chicago
at 9 :55. Easthound It will leave Chi
cago at 12:46 p. m. and arrive at New
York at 9:40 a. m.
The "Brodaway Limited" was dis
continued on December 1, 1917, as a
war measure, for the purpose of reliev
ing the line for the prompt movement
of troops and Government supplies.
Kentucky Ave. Fourth hotel from
Beach. Amer. plan $2.50 up daily: sl4
up weekly. European. $1 up daily.
New Train Service First Vital
Step in Recon
Paris, May 21.—What is char
acterized as one of tho most vital
steps towards the speedy recon
struction of war-torn Europe is
being taken this week in the inaug
uration of tho through, transconti
nental train service between Paris,
Belgrade and Bucharest via Pon
tarlier, Milan, Triest, Agram and
Vinlcovce. This line would under
ordinary circumstances be a great
boon to the traveler and to the bus
iness man, but now, on the eve of
the signing of peace, it assumes an
incalculable importance to the wel
fare of many countries.
The Allied capitals will now he
linked up once more by a rapid
service which will permit of easy
communications. The slow sea
route can be abandoned for the
numerous governmental missions
which will play a great part in tho
reconstruction. In numerous other
ways the new line will facilitate the
process of rebuilding the fortunes
of the Allies.
Germany Avoided
That this railway avoids Germany
and undoubtedly will take away
much of the trade of the German
railways, finds no adverse criticism
in Paris. The French are quite con
tent to see the railways of their late
enemies lio dormant for a time.
Whether the new Allied line will
ultimately become the great trade
artery for the continent, replacing
the German lines between the North
Sea ports and the East, is a matter
of much discussion. There are ar
guments on both sides of the ques
tion. Certainly its immediate effect
is expected to he to lessen tho Ger
man prospects. Whether there is
any sentiment in trade, which will
influence future developments, re
mains to be seen.
The new service will provide
through trains de luxe between
Paris and Belgrade three times eaels
week, according to present plans.
One train a week will go through to
Bucharest. Thus with a good train
service between Paris and the Eng
lish Channel ports, England will
again be hrnugnt into close touch
with her Eastern Allies.
On to Athens Soon
As soon as possible the line will
be extended to Constantinople and
to Athens, but the running of trains
to these places now is impossible
owing to the destruction of railways
during the war. It will take several
months to repair the damage. In
addition, rolling stock is very scarce.
Even now it is necessary to make
a wide detour to get to Bucharest}
from Belgrade.
While the transcontiental train
service will be important for relief
work and for traders who wish to
visit the East to re-etsablish com
mercial relations, it is believed that
the steamship traffic will not be ma
terially affected by the innovation,
i Goods will still continue to pass
through the Mediterranean as of
Complete Program
For Commencement
The fortieth annual commence
ment exercises of the Middietown
High school will be held in the
Kealty theater, on Wednesday even
ing, May 28, 1919, at 8 o'clock with
eleven graduates as follows: Miss
Marie Bortner, the Misses Helen and
Betty Croll, Miss Esther McClure,
Miss Lena Selcher, Miss Harriet
Swartz and Miss Louise Hanna. J.
Nisslcy Ulrich, Karl Wagner, Ebcr
Noel, and Edmund Yost. Following
will be the program:
March, orchestra; invocation, the
Kev. T. C. McCarrell; salutatory,
Hetty Reese Croll; essay, Mary Mag
dalene Selcher; reading, Esther May
McClure; "Mountain Climbing,''
j Mario Viola Bortner; quartet, Har
riet Swartz, Betty Croll, Louise
Hanna and Helen Croll; Quarrel
scene, Julius Caesar, Act 4, scene 3,
William Carl Wagner and Eber
Maine Noel.; James G. Hatz prize ora
tion, Harriet May Swartz; oration,
John Ulrich; "Souvenirs Prom the
Battlefields," Edmund Yost; valedic
tory, "Liberalism," Helen Croll; pre
sentation of diplomas, J. P. Acker
man, president of school board; ad
dress to graduates, Gabriel H. Moy
or; class song.
Mrs. Jacob Kelsck, of Royalton, is
spending some time at Philadelphia
as the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Karl Bowers.
Mrs. Walter Irely residing at
Market and Catherine streets, will go
to Philadelphia, where she will enter
the Medi-Chi Hospital for an opera
Harry Weaver is spending several
days at Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Barnhill who
spent the past week in town as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Acker
man, East Water street, returned to
their home at Tremont.
The annual memorial services will
he held in the Methodist church,
Sunday morning when the Rev.
James Cunningham will deliver the
sermon to the Sons of Veterans and
the G. A. R. members.
At the special meeting of the Mid
dietown school hoard Monday night,
the reports of the fifty-six pupils of
the gramar school were read by Su
| perint.endent Wlckey. Fifty-one pass
ied and will enter the High school
I next year. The George E. Warren
Company were given the contract to
furnish 200 tons of bituminous coal.
Burgess S. B. Gingrich moved
from the Red Men's building, Ann
street, to the Zug property, in West
Water street, and T. C. Smith, Spring
street, who recently sold his property
to Mr. Horshey, will move into the
house made vacant by Mr. Gingrich.
Melke Yanch, a foreigner, was
given a hearing before Squire H. A.
Lcnhart, charged with keeping a
disorderly house. He was held under
S3OO bail for court.
The Woman's Club will meet at
the home of Mrs. L. S. Good, Race
street, Thursday afternoon.
A special meeting of the Mothers'
Congress Circle, was held at the
home of Mrs. A. G. Banks, North
Spring street, this afternoon.
Harry Romherger, of Philadel
phia, has sold two lots In Pine street,
where the old hosiery mill stood, to
H. R. Brinser, who will erect a
double house.
Miss Beatrice Evans Is spending
some time at Pittsburgh, as the guest
of her brother. Dr. Thomas Evans.
Edgar Jeffrie, who spent the past
year overseas and recently returned
to the United States, was mustered
out. of service at Camp Dix, N. J.,
and returned home.
Daughters of Rebekah Elects
Bertha McGune As
Johnstown, Pa., May 21. The
Grand Dodge meeting of the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows,
which opened here yesterday, was
attended by 1,200 delegates with
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
tion has not already been made, for styles
The Juvenile Displays Launch ™ Z'Z r: Z. YUS
' later in the season.
JIN ©*W IM[OCIOS Every suit in the repriced groups are f mi'i 1
carefully tailored and finished with soft wSSI I
This is indeed the. children's age. silk linings. f
Ihe children in olden days were clad in the same style as their elders, with rich stuffs n -, , . . . .
and stiff waists, probably to discourage romping and healthful exercise. materials are serges, tricotincs and (
I oday the clothes of children are designed primarily for comfort and ease. gabardines.
In these displays the rpost beautiful things surrender not a single degree of practicability tu arc wnril,
or comfort to beauty. And yet they are all beautiful —to a degree best appreciated by view
ing the present showings throughout the store. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
Bohn Syphon Refrigerators ow ' s " le me tor
The Bee,, Be Founi in A me,,ea Housecleaning!
I ime too for refurnishing the home.
In fact they represent the standard that other refrigerator makers try to attain and while Wtili summer fast approaching, every man and woman
their initial cost may be a few dollars higher they will be in use when other refrigerators wants to see hi<? or her hnme in * ' A
have been discarded. wants to see Ins or her home in tip top order.
a-. , , 1 That's our reason for featurin °* ill the basement manv
The need for a modern scientifically constructed refrigerator was never more recognized items of timelv interest & *
than it is now. With food products high in price, conservation becomes imperative in every
home. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement
Bohn Syphons Are Found In the Best Homes—
In the Finest Clubs and on Pullman Dining Cars
. Bohn ** pho " Refrigerators faced with one IcyCo Refrigerators with oak case and white A SpiTD-Of TODCOEIt fOB MGII
piece robins egg blue enamel; wire porcelain enameled lining: ° v^aa
linln & : 100-pound ice capacity $35.00 t A n .
100-pound capacity $89.00 125-pound capacity $89.00 |Q A I f\T DdQ OVA 71
125-pound ice capacity SIOO.OO p op j c i ng - Refrigerators VJCdt U1 IVCcll Od V ICti
Oak case Bohn Syphon refrigerators in golden
oak finish: • With white enamel lining: u • , , - ..
115-pound capacity $ 8 .„ 0 ca'ulolv *-°° C ° nS,dered thC amOUnt
150-pound capacity $72.00 82-pound capacity S3OOO wear J' oll ff' ve to VOlir Spring Coat ?
100-pound capacity $o.oo 100-pound
250-pound capacity SIOO.OO r p. . " ®
Sanitor Refrigerators with white enameled pore *"'" ests summer weather, when an ulster is alto- f- J
celain lining: Galvanized lining with wire shelves, _ . , . I LL rl
75-pound capacity $37.00 $12.50. $16.00, $19.75 an<l $23.50 gether too heavy you wear a topcoat days jL&X '[
100-pound capacity $, 5 .„n anTwiwnteS^tatagr 111 mlneral anfl evenings; when nights arc cool the
i-5-pound capacitj $.>0.00 $1.50, $5.50 and $0.50 topcoat is necessary and when chilly Au-
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement . . , . , ~ , , // /)¥r\\\lf
tumn winds blow, a light but warmth // IJI jy!/
giving coat is again in use. j I A 1/ I
A 1 * TXT* 1 Many styles and materials to choose llf
Att©r nousecl©anmg: Window fr ° m > the Men>s st ° re second fI i t
floor. Some are of tweeds, some of un- || | f |
Screens and Screen Doors iMJ
Protect your home from the fly the most dangerous of all flying things —by using 20 t0 35 ' S thC Pr ' Ce range '
screen doors and windows. A large stock of doors and windows is ready in the Basement. Dives' Pomeroy & Stewart' Third Floor
Bring exact measurements as these items are not exchangeable.
Windows measure, 15 to 36 inches in height by 33 to 45 inches wide.
Prices are \ . 45f 4 to $1.15
Metal frame screens to $1.15 "f/XVi" Q Tvl fX/XYYV\7
Natural finish and varnished doors $1.98 to $3.25 V^Wlll-Lv7l \JCXKJ IC xVv/Lrllljr
Fixtures for screen doors, complete 25 * to
Rubber Hose Pajamas for Summer
couplings'' FooV: ree : q '. ,:,rtCr .. . t . nch . ioc S and W isc | Hoes 6 ,'"'..' The Men ' s Storc is active in its sales of pajamas and now
1 ' 0 c that warm weather is at hand the pongees and madras and
Gas Plates and Ranges soisettes arc in demand.
. Nickel Plated: 1 Three burner Cooker type ranges sls 00 All are of serviceable quality, 'made up neatly of medium-
Two $1:1;; ranges, $20.00;$si:, weight cioth.
Three burners $5.00 to $8.50 I 011 stoves, 2to 3 burners $7.00 to $11.25 Plain white frog trimmed pajamas are $1.65 to $2.50
Two burner Cooker type ranges $12.50 | New Perfection oil cook stoves, $7.50 to $21.00 Brai(l trimmecl pongees $2.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. .... . ' __ _
White madras $2.50 and $3.50
White soisette $2.95
• Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store '
Boys Blouse Waists Including
Kaynee New Spring Caps: Men's
Styles Are Shown at 89c to $2.00 an( i Boys
Every boy who sees the array of blouses'in the Men's Store this week will like the mate- jjaflifflVfa. Many new patterns are here, in
rials of which they are cut; There are plain colors, stripe percale and woven stripe madras checks, plaids, mixtures and solid
to select from. p*" L c °l° rs - Eor boys the styles run to
Some are finished with French turn-back or plain cuffs, with attached or hand stvle collar ' th , e . bright and fancy patterns,
Woven Madras Blouses are N while the tendency is for the more
Kaynee Blouses 11l colorings for men. All are
* priced at special savings.
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
about 400 representatives to the an
nual meeting of the Daughters of
Rebekah. The welcoming address
was made by Mayor Franke, after
which the bodies went into execu
tive session and committees were
named. The annual report of the
secretary showed a membership in
the State of 173,902. Over 1,100
members in the State engaged in
the world war, 3 8 being killed in
action and almost 300 were wound
ed, or died in camps in this country.
More than $1,000,000 was paid out
in death and sick benefits within the
year. The total assets of working
lodges in the State are almost SB,-
The Rebekah assembly elected the
following officers: President, Ala
Carter, Greenville: vice president,
Anna J. Kline, Turtle Creek: war
den, Rertha McCune, Harrisburg;
secretary, Hattie M. Ritter, Phila
delphia; treasurer, Tillie G. Haynes,
Juniata. f
New York, May 21. Samuel W.
Traylor, of Allentown, Pa., was given
a verdict for $198,431 against the Cru
cible Steel Company of America in Su
preme Court here. TraylorAwho is a
manufacturer, alleged that in 1915 he
was instrumental In selling to the Brit
ish govermnent more than $9,000,000
worth of the company's output and that
the amount awarded him was still due
in commissions.
MAY '2l, 1919.
Five British Companies and
750,000 Tonnage Is
New York, May 21.—The proposed
sale to a British syndicate of the
British owned ships and assets of
the International Mercantile Marine
Company—a transaction involving
Ave British companies and 750,000
tons of shipping valued at approxi
mately sl3s,ooo,ooo—was Approved
by the board of director* and finance
committee of I'm company. A stock
holders' meet in, o vote on the prop
osition was cal < d for June 16.
The trunsai was declared by
P. A. S. Franklin, president of th%
company, to be the largest recorder
in the history of shipping.
American and Belgian vessel
owned by the International are norj
affected ,by the projected transfer
according to Mr. Franklin.
132 St. James Place. Fifth house from
beach. European Plan. Terms attracf
tive. 16th season.
McNamara & Hughes—dwners. I