Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 21, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Die talent of success is nothing j
more than doing what you can well,
and doing well whatever you do with
out a thought of fame. —Longfellow.
NOT the least surprising part of I
President Wilson's altogether
surprising message to Congress
yesterday was his recommendation
dthat the railroads be returned to
rorivate ownership within the year,
raot that Government operation has
9£een such an unmixed blessing thatj
Jfee public favors a continuation of
■the present system, but that the i
President had been generally under-1
wood to strongly favor the taking i
fever of the roads by the Govern-1
jfhent. Probably he has been influ-;
■weed to change his mind by the'
ktaancial returns of the railroad ad-1
Ministration, the reports of which!
Shave been progressively discourag-'
jShg. Each new report apparently j
Sharks the limit et inefficiency, only;
be exceeded by its successor. The j
Mgnres for March surpass anything
MaL.j)ublished in recording the utter
Jfeiiibility of the Government to keep
federating expenses within revenues,
Mnd show that instead of tending in
■feat direction, the divergence be-
Kween those vital factors is ever
■growing greater.
|j. The operating expenses in March
wot this year showed an increase of j
8t5,104.000 over those of March.!
918, but the opefating revenues
indicated an increase of only.
K10,466,000 over the same period, i
■That means a net decrease in oper-'
feting revenues of $52,638,000 in
■March, 1919, over March, 1918. It
Of not difficult to foresee to what
M state of affairs downward progres
sion at that rate will reduce the
Rreasury if it is continued long
■ r There are indications, however,
■feat the President has heard from
gfe* people of the country on the
liubject of Federal control of rail
jroads and wire lines and is merely I
gfeylng to get into the storm-cellar
|fcefore the wave of popular disap
proval sweeps over the White House
jon the form of a Congressional
Kpactment with so many votes to its
Kredit that a Presidential veto would
ave no effect on its ultimate en
jforcement as a law. The President,
fet would appear, is merely dodging
K licking.
ft And that applies also to his pro
*po?al for the passage of a limited
Krotective tariff law. Either he was
BL protectionist when the iniquitous
ftfnderwood bill was framed, and at
■feat time he spoke frequently and
wrongly on the virtues of free trade,
Kr he is merely masking his real
feentiments now because he knows
Khat a Republican Congress, backed
fey a public that believes In pro-
Ifection, wilt enact into law the kind
Jjpf a tariff it wants at all events.
Even the South has been protesting
K;ainst some of the Underwood pro
slons and next year being a Pres-
Jlentlal year and the President be
fcig pre-eminently a politician, he
J naturally playing to popular de
ands. But what a disappointment
£tis tariff recommendation must be
f those Democrats who have been ■
inouncing from time to time that
e tariff is a dead issue, never to
|e heard from again in a national
f As to President Wilson's attitude
fe prohibition, it is one of
■ raddling which will make him few
■lends and willl add to the rapidly
trowing hosts of his enemies. His
Jjipporters will say that the war
tcing over, war-time prohibition
not become effective as
Banned. But war-time prohibition
fas based largely on the scarcity of
jirain in Europe and Europe needs
|ght now as badly as ever it did
|e vast quantities of foodstuffs that
fe-tnto the making of beer. And if
Btoer may be made, why not whisky
Hid the stronger liquors? The Presi
jgfcnt has weakened himself and his
Aferty. He has clearly labeled him-
Mlf the friend of booze, while bring-
ins down on his head the powerful
opposition of the distillers who are
ruled out under the dictum he lays
down for Congress. It wtll be inter
esting to observe the attitude of the
legislative branches of the Govern
ment on this matter.
There will be few who will take
exception to the President's views
concerning capital and labor, but
there is nothing new in them. With
the war there has developed rapidly
a sentiment in favor of the democ
ratization of industry; the granting
to labor of a larger share of the
proceeds df business. This opinion
; has had formulating in the public
mind for years, but the happenings
jof the war period brought it to
| maturity much earlier thun other-
Iwise would have been possible. It
is not co/tfined to party or to class.
Employers as well as employes en
| tertain it and accept it as the policy
that must be followed in Ameripa.
Just how it is to be worked out re
mains to be seen, and the President
offers no very helpful ideas on that
subject. We shall not reach this
I happy state all at one time. It
I would be ruinous for all concerned
| to attempt to work the miracle over
j night. A period of years, of con
scientious, painstaking thought and
i experiment will be necessary. Mean
-1 while, as the President says, Con
| gress must aid wisely with legisla
' tion tending in the general direction
(toward which we are headed. This
i is Republican as well as Democratic,
i doctrine and Congress would have
assumed that attitude toward the
labor problem whether the Presi
dent spoke or not.
These, with his advocacy of wo-
I man's suffrage, are the high points
| of the President's message, and here
I again he is simply going along with
| the mass instead of pointing the way,
I for both Democratic and Republican
Congressmen are pledged in large
numbers to the extension of the vot
ing privilege to women and it is not
a party issue. Study of the message
leaves one with the impression that
the President runs with the pack and
hunts with the hounds, and the ques
tion unconsciously arises as to just
what form of wavering the Presi
dent's changeful mind will display
Some of the ardent Democrats of
New York predict that the next slate
of their party will have the names of
"Wilson and Smith" at the head of
the ticket. Smith, it will be remem
bered. Is the harmony Governor of
New York, who saw himself beaten
until a week before the elecyon, last
fall, when a horrible accident took
place in a tunnel of a traction line
in Brooklyn, resulting in the death
of almost a hundred passengers. In
stantly Smith made political capital
of the tragic occurrence, and posted
placards all over the city and
throughout the State denouncing the
Republican regime as responsible
for the wreck, and promising count
less reforms in the event of his own
election. He, with his Tamraa.iv
hacking and methods of waging po-
litical warfare, will make a fit run
ning-mate for Wilson, whose politi
cal lieutenants endeavor to make
votes by handing money bonuses and
large increases of wages out of the
Federal Treasury to the millions of
employes of the various utilities now
under Government control.
THERE comes from the Wash
ington Observer, one of the
strong newspapers of Western
Pennsylvania, a vigorous protest
against any tampering with the
election laws. This newspaper
dwells vipon the recent statement
of Senator Penrose that it would be
better to leave the present statutes
alone until the people become thor
oughly familiar with them. In the
opinion of the Observer this is no
time for electoral experimentation,
owing to the unrest and the spirit
of change which are so widespread.
Our Washington county contem
porary declares that "under the
leadership of Governor Sproui the
Republicans of Pennsylvania are
better united to-day than they have
been for a generation and that for
some time there has been a general
disposition on the part of all fac
tions of the Republican party to
give and take in order to keep up
a solid front against the common
enemy in 1920."
It is the hope of the Observer that
with the responsibility resting upon
those in positions of leadership
nothing will be done "to antagonize
the great body of independent
voters who care nothing for the
political jobs or the emoluments of
office, but who are interested in
good government and believe that
the Republican party is the medium
through which this can be accom
i plished."
If the Hurley plan for the cancella
tion of shipbuilding contracts is car
ried out 70,000 men will be thrown
out of employment in California alone,
and the yards wtll lose contracts for
eighty-seven steel ships. California
would have something to think
about in connection with its 19i
vote if the Hurley policy were
WHEN the Legislature comes to
serious consideration of the
revenue problem, it might
give attention to the direct inherit
ance tax, which is about as unpopular
in Pennsylvania as the luxury taxes
imposed by Congress. Governor
Brumbaugh approved the inheritance
tax under protest as an unfair im
position upon small estates and a
penalty upon thrift. In distributing
the burden of taxation, care mu3t
be exercised that nothing be done to
impair thosa.vings of the wage earner
who has labored for those whom he
leaves behind.
Harrisburg ts certain to co-operate
with State Health Commissioner Mar
tin in every reasonable way to the end
that his effort to make this city a
model, for other municipalities may
be crowned with success. At no time
has the city failed to act in harmony
gtoMtiiitrttiht-iiir I 111 fTifi 'ft*-'
with the Commonwealth, and the
record of achievement here in the
making of an attractive environment
for the Capitol is creditable to the
public spirit of the community.
Ifo&Ec* CK
"l > tjtci|£4ytwua
By the Ex-Committee-man
Enough changes to the Philadel
phia charter revision bills, which
have been holding up the work of
the I-egislature of 1919, were agreed
upon as a result of yesterday after
noon's prolonged hearing on the
measures to permit the bills to be
finally disposed of in the House of
Representatives by the end of the
first week in June. The effect of
this will probably be to cause the
date of adjournment to be set for
a week later than June 19, unless
stienuous efforts are made to clear
up toe revenue and other problems
and advance the business of the ses
sion. And even if the June 26 date
is fixed, it will mean the death of
many measures.
The hearing yesterday afternoon
wilt have a big effect upon Penn
sylvania politics. Governor Sproui
and Attorney General Schaffer at
tended it and at the conclusion it
was announced that a committee of
the Attorney General. Thomas Rae
burn White, City Solicitor John P.
Connelly and Chairman Joseph
Gaffney. of Philadelphia city coun
cils. The amendments will be
made in the committee on munici
pal corporations next week and the
following week they will be acted
—While Vare men were jubilant
to-day over the result of the hear
ing and pointed out that the reform
element was so hostile to the Vares
that some reformers did not care
who cleaned streets as long as the
Vares did not. the charter revision
ists were saying that the Vares were
not going to get everything. The re
visionists expect Senator Boies Pen
rose to be here week after next to
prevent too many amendments from
being made.
—Governor Sproui did not say
anything at the hearing yesterday.
He just listened. Attorney General
Schaffer took part and finally at the
close practically became the arbi
trator. Senator Vare said last night
that "practical men" had shown
what he termed absurdities in the
ideas of the revisionists and that Mr.
White had failed to demonstrate
that the bill as he wanted it was a
practical measure.
—The only differences to be ad
justed are control of contracts and
the size of council. The Vares want
a big council. The Governor is said
to be midway between what the
Vares want and what the revision
ists are demanding.
The fight over the proposition
to repeal the nonpartisan elective
feature of the second class city law.
which involves Pittsburgh and
Scranton. started in the House last
night when Representatives Hugh
A. Dawson, of Scranton, reported
favorably from the House municipal
corporations committee his bill to
repeal the nonpartisan clause. The
bill would leave the city government
just where it is as to system and
personnel but discard the nonparti
san feature. The reporting out of
the bill was expected as soon as the
Wilison bill to repeal the third class
eitv nonpartisan law was sent to the
Governor and a battle royal im
pends. It is believed the Governor
will sign the Wilison bill, hut he is
regarded as against the Dawson bill.
Influential Pittsburgh people are
against the repeal of the second
class city bill and the fight will be
gin without delay.
-—There is little doubt about the
Capitol that there will be a fight
against the administration bill to
change the compensation law. Big
employers want the basis and not
the percentages changed and have
started lining up their friends. This
means a test of strength with the
administration forces, with which
the labor element has aligned itself.
—From all accounts it will he two
weeks before the liquor bills are
taken up in the House. There will
not be anything doing Monday night
from all accounts.
- —The Senate agriculture commit
tee yesterday again decided not to
act on Speaker Robert S. Spangler's
dog bill. There have been no de
velopments and the Speaker seems
to have been waiting.
—Representative Robert 1,. Wal
lace. of New Castle, president of the
legislative league, was boss of the
House last night having been called
to the chair. He was given a gener
ous greeting.
—Chairman William J. McCaig of
the House appropriation committee,
got two more bills through last
night. In four sessions he has lost
hut one bill.
—Should the Supreme Court up
hold the decision of the court of
common pleas of Eackawanna, sus
taining the ouster of Louis Vesneski
as burge3s of the borough of Dick
son City, by the Padden faction on
the town council, some say there
would be nothing to prevent the
ousting of the chief executive of any
borough in the State if a majority
of council so willed it. The Supreme
Court heard arguments on Ves
neski's appeal *to be reinstated.
D. J. Reedy. Harry Needle and
James Wilson. Dickson City, were
for the ex-burgess. Mr. Reedy made
the chief argument. M. J. Martin
and Ralph W. Rymer pleaded that
Judge Edwards was correct when
he took the view that a majority of
council had power to remove Ves
neski from office after hearing
charges that the burgess was a
heavy drinker and that he had ac
cepted bribes. Because the decision
is of such far reaching importance,
members of the bench expressed a
keen interest in the arguments. It
is the first time such a question has
been brought to the appellate court.
The Magic of the Lamp
A room in which the colors of the
furnishings have been chosen with
the utmost care to harmonize the
colors can be transformed to a look
of heavy dullness by the mere
switching on of a lamp. And, like
wise, a rosy glow that suffuses every
thing and vies with the open tire
for the warmth of its welcome can
also come from a lamp. It all de
pends on the color of the shade.
Oftentimes blue turns to green
when lights are turned on. and rose
color looks brown. Dull shades are
sometimes made bright and the love
liest colors turned drab. And it is
all the fault of the lamp shade!
Sometimes by using a dull-colored
shade the glow that is cast over the
room makes little change in the tone
of the furnishings. Qften, however,
since the darkness of the night
makes brightness and cheer desir
able, it is best to sacrifice some of
the beauty of the colors in the fur
nishings for the sake of having a
brilliant lampshade. The ideal, how
ever, is to experiment until you find
just the color that will look , warm
and inviting when the lights are
turned on and yet will not seem to
dull the tones of your furnishings
From the New York Sun.
wew " \ I 1 . HAV/6 THEIR HAT MOW - PAIN DPOPS /
no Public conveyance wishes he was wpuera pblt So RELiCv/eD To
Conspicuoustuess to secwsiom of SELP -Conscious Apßwe at
(Ph 6W) IWCP6ASES WIS office ,JKJ HIS LI FG ofpi c e
We Must Keep German Ships
[From the Philadelphia Inquirer.]
When the Kuropean war broke
out, there were numerous German
ships scattered in ports all over the
world. England took over what she
could lay her hands on. So did
France. So did Italy when she de
clared hostilities, while here in the
United States' we seized every enemy
vessel. What is to become of these
England proposes that all of them
should be pooled and then distribut
ed among the Allied countries in
proportion to the loss of tonnage that
each suffered through submarine
activities. Since Great Britain was
hardest hit, she would get the bulk
of the German craft, whereas the
United States would be given a very
small allowance. Apparently Great
Britain stands alone at the Peace
Conference in this respect. And she
should stand alone. These ships are
prizes of war and should be treated
as such. Does England propose to
pool all the proceeds of German
property that she has seized in her
cities? Then why draw a distinction
between property on land and prop
erty afloat in port?
Everything that has been going on
in Paris is not known, but it is re
ported that the American delegation
will decline to yield the German
ships now in our possession. It is
to be hoped that the report is true,
for an abandonment of our claims
wotild be suicidal. We are depend
ing on some of these German ships
for passenger liners. We have not
one single up-to-date American-built
vessel fit for first-class passenger
service across the ocean—not one.
The Shipping Board has been con
structing numerous freighters and
a few vessels designed for South
American mixed cargo and passen
ger trade are in prospect, we believe,
but nothing has been built or de
signed to compete with England,
France or even Italy in passenger
carrying across the Atlantic.
Of the German ships now flying
our flag there are three that are of
high-class type —the George Wash
ington, the Kronprinzessin Oeeilie
(renamed the Mount Vernon) and
the Vaterland (now called the Levi
athan). These came from the North
German Lloyd Line. The same line
furnished the Kaiser Wilhelm 11,
rechristened Agamemnon, a hit old,
but still speedy, as is the America,
taken from the Hamburg-American
line. To give these up would be
to leave us with no passenger ships
of any account, while England would
add to her already great passenger
It cannot he done.
Study Up the Statute
Before the so-called luxury tax
had been in effect more than a day,
complaints were received by the in
ternal revenue bureau that it was
being abused. In some instances
customers of retail stores reported
that they were charged far higher
prices than fhe old prices plus thq
new tax. Much of this over-charg
ing it is true, was accounted for by
misinterpretations of the law by
salespeople. In other cases, how
ever, advantage was taken of the
tax deliberately to increase profits.
.... The public should not submit
to the practice. Redress is obtain
able under the law that imposes the
luxury tax. Dealers and salespeople
are liable to a severe penalty for
adding an excess charge to the re
quired 10 per cent. Customers, as
well as those who sell commodities
subject to this tax. should acquaint
themselves with the terms of the
law and should see that the meas
ure is not made a convenient instru
ment for swelling profits on sales.—
Chicago News.
When the night falls o'er our dwell
And the time has come for rest,
Thoughts will turn to God in Heaven
And to those we love the best.
Then comes heart—light in the dark
Peace all understanding past.
Love and joy for sweet reposing
Everlasting arms hold fast.
From God's Word we gain His
Through our prayer His power to
For His service on the morrow.
We may thus prepare for sleep.
Heavenlv friendship, earthly friend
Thus combine—all needs supply;
Love above us, love around us.
From all trials lift us high.
—Rev. Charles L. Page, In Boston
Divorce and Children
Seventy-Five Per Cent, of lTocecdlngs Are Started by Women
OX the issue of preserving the
family, ai> aim alike of the
church, the lawgiver, and the
courts, each front its own angle, it
is significant that 75 per cent, of
proceedings for divorce, and all for
separate mantenance, are initiated
by women. Modern divorce at its
inception, though open to men, was
designed primarily for the protec
tion of Wives front masculine tyran
ny, and the dire statistics which of
fend so many people have been in
large measure a register of relief
front intolerable conditions more or
less sanctified by prior generations
of patient Griseldas. Yet when we
turn front the immediate past and
look ahead, does not the established
policy of modern courts (at least
those in the United States to vouch
safe complete protection to the wife,
both as concerns herself and custody
of her children, unless her conduct
has been outrageous, prompt the
question whether responsibility for
the preservation of the family* will
not rest henceforth largely on the
attitude of woman?
To develop this it is to-day prac
tically possible for a wife to allow
[From the Johnstown Tribune.]
Jt is not strange that organizations
of civil service reformers have joined
in the attack on Postmaster General
Burleson. The Postmaster General is
a regular Democrat, of the Wilson i
school, when'it comes to a question!
of the civil service, which term, byj
the way, means the list of employes,
of the United States Government.;
Mr. Wilson does not practice civil :
service reform in any direction ]
which will lessen the number of!
Democrats holding Government;
places or, it is proper to say, which ;
will prevent substituting a Democrat i
for a Republican when the chance l
offers. Mr. Burleson has been'
strengthening the Democratic party;
by giving Democrats jobs. Nothing I
wrong with that, except the hypo
critical part played by certain Demo
crats, who profess to believe their!
party rises superior and far above!
political patronage.
The fact is that Mr. Burleson has
been chosen as the "goat." Upon him
will be lodged, if possible, all the!
sins of omission and commission !
properly chargeable to the Wilson i
Administration. We miss our guess
if "Al" will bo good enough Demo
crat to permit himself to be ousted
and consent to bear the brunt of
public indignation. The more servilo
of the Democratic press has been!
whipped into line to demand that!
Burleson's political scalp be taken, j
There are men—Democrats who
fawned on Burleson, when they held
public office, who are now abusing'
him. The whole scheme is a mis
erable. unjust, hypocritical plan to j
discredit a man in order to help aj
worse than discredited party.
The civil service reformers will.
help the Democratic pack which is
after the Burleson scalp. They should
know that if the scalping is done, i
the successor will he a real, regular, I
Wilson Democrat, no more consider
ate of the civil service laws, or the:
spirit of civil service reforms, than
has been Mr. Burleson. They will
merely be helping Democratic party-!
savers pull some badly scorched
political chestnuts out of the fire
of public condemnation.
Poor Kicking
The fact that there is included
in the revised covenant of the
League of Nations a clause provid
ing that all positions under or in
connection with the league, includ- ;
ing the secretarot, shall be open
equally to men and women, is a con- I
spicuous sign of the times. In the
face of such recognition it would '
seem to be kicking against the !
pricks for members of the United
States Senate to refuse to acknow- I
ledge that women is the equal of |
man In all the departments of life. I
—Christian Science Monitor.
Newspaper Ads Pay Big
j W. H. Shoemaker, proprietor ofj
a grocery and meat market in thej
residence district of Kansas City. I
Mo., gives newspaper advertising
credit for building up his business.
Although not in the downtown dis
trict, Mr. Shoemaker since opening
his store several years ago, has ad
vertised In the papers. "Newspaper
advertising," he said. "Is the cheap
est and best method of building up
trade. Every dollar spent for such
advertising has brought results ten
fold." J
mere caprice or unsubstantial griev
ances to deprive her children of their
father, and thus sacrifice their true
welfare to her own egotism. No
woman can be compelled to live
under the same roof with her hus
band, and, if she leaves him. even
"liking some one else better," will
not prevent her from retaining the
custody of her young children, if all
that appears on the surface is in
compatibility. It would be Incorrect
to allege that the consciousness of
the courts recognizes more than a
drift in this direction; yet oppor
tunity runs hand in glove with the
temptation, one extenuated by the
apostles of freedom who hold that
marriage is "up" to a man, and that
if he cannot retain his wife's affec
tion she is justified in leaving him.
This postulate of liberty. If not set
forth, in much of current fiction, is
to be read between its lines. Years
ago. when a woman in whose favor
I had decided, whispered to the court
officer as she went out, "Tell the
judge he's a darling," I thought it
not unlikely that T had been cajoled.
—From "Domestic Relations and
the Child." by Robert Grant, in the
May Scribner.
[From the Philadelphia Ledger.]
The Salvation is out for $13,000,-
The particular amount is not so
important as the fact that the Sal
vation Army is entitled to get what
ever it wants.
The verdict of the men of the
army is unanimously in favor of
the Army and what it has done for
the doughboy in France.
It now means to diversify and in
tensify that work here at home,
where there is always plenty of war
to be made upon vice, ignorance and
Swifter than a seaplane, the smile
of a Salvation Army lass bridged the
distnnce from the mud of the trench
to the evening lamp at home.
It wasn't so much the miraculous
doughbonut or the pie—it wasn't
just the cocoa or the coffee—it was
the woman behind the frying pan
to the man behind the gun.
They went into battle those
The supply trains lumbered
through the night till the drivers
were ready to fall from the seats
from weariness.
The men plodded on miry or dusty
roadways till they seemed to be
walking in their sleep.
Men came out of the shell swept
inferno of No Man's Land in every
phase of anguish, physical or men
tal. often bereft of reason.
However and whenever they came
they found the remembered voices
and the remembered hands of all
women waiting for them in the
presence of one woman or at most
a tiny group.
They were thus brought back from
darkness to light, from death to life
by those who stood for all America-
America must stand for them.
Farmers' Union of Maine
[Christian Science Monitor.]
.Many people, It is safe to sny, are
in the attitude of observing with in
terest how the Farmers' Union, of
Maine, markets its members' pro
ducts. The farmers, of course, are
interested; but so, also, are consum
ers; and no doubt, in far greater
numbers than the farmers. One
phase of the matter, at the present
stage, is the interest of the con
sumer in the question of whether or
not the member of the Farmer's
Union cares about his interest. The
consumers' concern with this pro
ducers' enterprise will be still larger
when the enterprise is fully devel
oped and embraces, besides its chain
of retail stores in the State, a dis
tributing depot in a large city, in
tended to bo Boston, Massachusetts.
The duration of this Interest on the
part of consumers, however, of
wbom it will be worth while for the
Maine farmers to remember there
are a great many within marketing
distance of Boston, will depend on
whether or not the Farmers' Union
shall offer any particular inducement
for people to buy of its proposed
store. The Union will be justified
In believing that consumers without
number are, notwithstanding disap
pointments, still seeking markets
where they ran feel that products
are for sale at prices that have not
been inflated somewhere between the
producer and the ultimate purchas-
"MAY 21, 1919.
Lcllcr of Appreciation
To the Editor of the Telegraph'.
Please print a copy of the follow
ing letter in your publication and
To the Publicof Penbrook: The
R. T. S. Literary Club of Penbrook
lias lately received from an un
known citizen a letter expressing the
public's appreciation of the program
which the club presented on May
7th, Bth and th. A copy of the
same letter was published in the
issue of the Harrisburg Telegraph
on May 15th.
We, now in return, extend our
thank to both the unknown writer
and the general public for these
written testimonies of their appre
ciation of the production.
The Club was very anxious to
serve the public of Penbrook and
now are greatly encouraged upon
learning that their efforts have been
noticed and approved by the citizens
of our borough. And we assure the
unknown citizen, that this token of
thanks and guarantee of public sup
port, which we have receiverf, will
in the future be an inspiration to
every member, to improve and in
crease the social activities of our
Yours, with thanks.
Pres. R. T. S. Literary Club.
Penbrook, Pa.
Family Doctor Missed
[From the Rochester Post-Express.]
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
declares that there is in the West
a wide call for the release from mil
itary service of the family doctors.
People want the old practitioner
and the old practice back again;
the hurried attention of the hard
worked physician who must see the
majority of his patients in his office
for lack of time to visit homes is
not found a liked substitute. That
the rural communities of the com
paratively sparsely settled states of
the northwestern border miss their
home-visiting physicians is quite
understandable. Here in the East
we have suffered somewhat from the
drain by the war upon our medical
and nursing forces. But we have
few communities, even in our far
flung rural districts where the reg
ular round of the family physician
remains a routine of practice as it
does in the West.
There is more missed than mere
medical attention in the loss of the
family doctor. He had in the East
and still has a social function. He
served as an adviser in many mat
ters. In the rural districts he has
been a great encyclopedic agent of
general information. Probably if
the history of the Nation in its pure
ly social aspects were truly written,
the family doctor would come in for
prominent place in its annals. We
are seeing the coming in of protec
tive medical practice: of the phy
sician who is the public's adviser as
to means of retaining and upbuild
ing health more than a dealer in
medicaments to combat specific ail
ments. It is a higher function and
a better ideal of practice. But the
old family doctor did superb service.
It is no wonder he is missed.
Cats and Birds
[From the Boston Transcript.]
If cats in Massachusetts really kill
as many as 700,000 birds in a season,
as the State commissioners of fisher
ies and game estimate in their an
nual appeal, to cat owners, there is
surely justice and point in their ap
peal for the protection of birds from
cats, for each insectivorous bird de
vours many thousands of insects and
the removal of so many birds means
an increase of the insect population
by untold millions. Never in the
history of New England was the in
sect pest so burdensome and so
menacing as it is now, and any agen
cy which tends to make the pest still
greater constitutes a public danger.
The account of the State with the
harmless cat is not, however, sum
marily closed by the statement of the
commissioners. If cats catch wild
Insectivorous birds, they also catch
a good many birds that are not in
sectivorous, or but sparingly so. Cats
prey heavily, and probably chiefly,
so far as birds are concerned, on the
English sparrow, which does more
harm than It. does good by driving
away native birds; and, incidentally,
cats prey on rats, mice and moles,
thereby establishing an Item of credit
for themselves in the account. If
we exterminate the cats altogether,
we might lose at one end of the line
more than we gained at the other.
Same Thinq Here
The man who used to make his !I\>
ing selling "To Rent" signs must be
starving to death now.—From the
Detroit Nej J
Bmttng (ityat
** '^B
s&t*K wm
mr b
|MBwL| bb
That familiar jingle which has
gone down in railroad history as the
classic in wreck reports:
Off agin, on agin, Finegan
docs not apply to Dr. Thomas E.
Finegan, the supei intendent to be
after June 1 of public instruction
for the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania. Dr. Finegan is mostly on any
proposition and stays there nntil it
is finished, lie has all the charac
teristics of the folks with whose ways
his name is associated. They say
at Albany that he has stayed on moro
propositions than any man who has
been at the Capitol and has a dozen
big school laws and a large quanti
ty of scalps to his credit. The scalps
he accumulated in acquiring the var
ious laws. Dr. Finegan is in Harris
burg to-day with his six feet of
brawn and muscle. He intends to
come here and stay on the job after
June 1 and the school system of
Pennsylvania, predict the educators
who know hint, will be aware that
this Finegan is on and seldom takes
B day off. Dr. Finegan has lectured
in Pennsylvania many times, Harris
burg having been one of the places
where ho has talked to the teachers.
He has been in demand in various
States, but of late has been staying
on the ground at Albany getting his
laws on the hooks. They say up
.the Hudson that it was a toss up
whether Smith or Finegan would be
I selected for the gubernatorial nom
ination and except that Finegan had
some things on, he would have been
picked out to make the run. Dr.
Finegan is an affable man. accused
of knowing something about politics
and the way to make it an adjunct
to education. T.ikewise he is some
thing of a scrapper, as his name and
appearance would imply. And from
indications, he will have abundant
opportunity to exercise the tradition
al talents of men of Irish ancestry
in remaking the school system of
Pennsylvania. As they say In sum
ming up biographies at State capitals
—he is fifty-two and worked on a
farm: is married: is a Presbyterian
and has been accorded many de
grees. The golf playing and walking
brotherhoods of the State Capitol
are "matching" to-day to see which
clan ho is going to join.
"For getting the men of a com
munity together on a common foot
ing, where each understands the
other better and all become better
friends, there is nothing better than
an automobile sociability run." said
Carl K. Deen, of Camp Hill, the
other day. And he ought to know,
for he has been chairman of the
|Camp Hill run ever since the first,
was held. The Camp Hillers Ret
together once a year and spend two
days touring attractive parts of this
or other States. They have gone as
far as Baltimore and Harper's Ferry,
making their headquarters at Fred
crick both times, and another time
took in the Delaware Water Gap
and scenie sections to the north and
east. This year they propose to go
to Bedford, Hollidaysburg and Lew
istown, testing out sections of both
the Lincoln Highway and* William
Fcnn Highway. They will he gone
two days, starting next Saturday
morning and returning Sunday even
ing. The Camp Hill men got to
gether for the run in years agone
when there was not so much socia
bility in the town as there is now.
They did not know each other so
well, but they knew their neighbors
were good fellows and the trip was
devised to bring them to a place
where they would know each other
by their tirst names. And the plan
succeeded wonderfully well. No
community anywhere did better war
service than Camp Hill, and it was
largely because the men were used
to each other, kpew each other and
were ready to work together in all
sorts of campaigns. Spending two
days roughing it over the roads to
gether and chumming in the even
ings and at meal times at the same
hotel does a lot to improve acquaint
anceship, as Chairman Deen says.
• * *
The fact that it is no longer the
penny or even the nickel and that
it is the dime that the youngster has
to spend, was rather strikingly em
phasized yesterday when a brigade of
York boys visited the Capitol to see
the sights, the legislators, the squir
rels and Speaker Spangler. Each boy
broke for a candy and soda store
soon nfter going through the build
ing and most of them bought at a
regular Saturday night rate. Th 3
Speaker said that he was glad to
sec the hoys, hut that he was also
glad he had seen them before re
freshment time.
—Representative Harry Heyburn,
who figured in the cold storage de
bate in the House "-yesterday, is a
farmer and says he can still plow.
—Representative C. G. Jordan, of
Lawrence county,- is the last Work in
the* House on cattle raising and says
Pennsylvania is losing great oppor
—Senator Dnvid Martin, who was
secretary of the Commonwealth and
insurance commissioner, says that
Harrisburg is like a second home to
him, hut that he needs his farm to
feel thoroughly easy.
—That Harrisburg sells tin
plate for Government work of
many kinds?
—Fifty years ago Harrisburg dedi,
cated its Civil War memorial.
Sesonfl and Sta&* istweSv V 2