THE STORE THAT CLOSES Jlf~J lllJTjl ■*t THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX HARBISPIfRQ. TUESDAY. MAY Dl. 10UI. POUNDED I*ll yj Man May Be Down |seeyibtafaBatg6BEaSßßße^B^ g&gauumiuyfctm w rrrnnaag| Specialized On Redferns But He's Never Out" 1 C! * 1 C 1 I A 1 What a world of truth in that slogan of the Salvation Armjr\ S3 Z3 fk -| Q I £1 I S !*' in the , palm , ° f yOUr hand) ' f^l men may be down a number of times, but a little pluck JYj W/ 1/ XCLX 9 shapely at sight and pretty to look J* Ji w a helping hand may get them started on a new roa ia ty JL at 9 u he as pretty as the prettiest reacts upward again. ||| 'fjQM t! b ' 4 kn S er ' e —* n act > the de- yZJf JT\ Tens of thousands of men and women have received the ffl /yT A X ffl signer's aim is to create in the Red helping lift from the Salvation Army in the various cities m Jb < (pX V | fern, a garment that shall (if we may \| kX/^frTffiALA throughout the world. And in this war, every soldier who m \ k*. ■ ■ |ffi say so) be a fitting companion for \ H comes from abroad can tell you of the sacrifices made by m Jfjk V/K $3 1 ffi exquisite lingerie. Flatly applied V Wjl\|||l^l these unselfish workers to give cheer and relief to the tignt- j|j '*7 jf | nms course, but dainty in pat- /, ;fP ffli ' A greater work is planned, and this requires funds. Most ||| ffl There are styles, too, with silk jRi all of the money raised in this campaign is to be expended feg JaL/f^yiLJsSfl'''<% C 1 y| ard cotton embroidered edges; yes, lllßlffWnu .Hi here. H} ffi ribbons too; but these are not \'.)J}|W£ Ur^l You have given liberally to all the various orpamzaUons |j ggfff \JXHIHII6 A ffi a re only the surface' attractions during the war. Remember this worthy cause this , m the shape is the real tcst and here M giving generously. ' Pr 'I where Redfera truly excels. If f, ffijpil''" \ \ TTT , TT . O 1 S W"X ffi marvelously satisfying in the first f\\ Women's Hosiery Sale i 1 IvnoflPfl i g ' Hi |\V. ~ CO B # g y | It was our pleasure to look over \Jr\ I ' ) A fine assortment of women's silk hosiery. These are m iffi m makes this season, all of f* j t / A :l seconds of an exceptional fine grade, hard to detect from ffi W' sawfitted Redfern w s too W S °These are full fashioned stockings made of good weight ffi ffi - WC **7 CVe^ , model ~ , J , silk with flexible lisle top and lisle foot. The colors are Uki XOTa CIA C/l C/DC/) CxC M 1S "° W featurcd here as a back " lace model black, white, brown and gray, but not all sizes of each \ ~K !fj ~\!J t /J /Vr "yr/ # K TO be sure, Redferns are sold elsewhere in our city, but color. Complete range of sizes of black am v. i c. . / \ that, too, proves their value. We are glad to have others sell An extraordinary value, $1.25. i ( i 1 \ \ "Or" them, but you will find a larger assortment here since we BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. ffi \\l I I \ I /V "l i specialize. ^ ——— ffi I>A \l| V_J ffi Prices of new Redfern models are not high $3.50 to $l5. Women's Shoes g /4l|i I 1 j § m, y\4\\ (vV Georgette crepes, crepe de chine, crepe meteors, figured ■ Cool and Comfortable Iff \li\A \ \ ' foulards, taffetas, satins, indestructible voiles and La Jerz. M ffi \jk V White, flesh, light blue, Nile, rose, geranium, castor, beige, JVCIIICL W 3.LCrprOOl For hot weather days every W tan, light gray, steel, taupe, brown, Copen, overseas blue, 4* *}f'\ one wants shoes that are light g IB 1/ French blue, Belgian blue, Pekin, navy and black. ffi though serviceable. Whether yU \AV /\prOllS tiff J°Vk\ it; ' s a pair ° te canvas 1 w eSjwK Those who came today said it was evident we hadn t C Ji/ZfSk L7r e lTddffi™U r Sd d ul ffi U W\ missed any in selecting, as practically all the leading style |f| Jus. the thing for kitchen or laundry use; assorted {J&k well sltppfied to take care of i V /Tffi conceptions and materials were m the group. cofors 89c / y jjV W. vou m // \\ \ - ffi Canfield s diaper shields, 75c and $l.OO. . A complete showing of m 1 a\ 1 Even One At Decided Reductions nN I BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ;> v VtKX women's hand turned footwear. r . , o m i————————_j i B l ack Kid opera Pumps ' \A fhe Dress Va lues Uf Ihe season m " Brown Calfskin Opera BOWMAN's —Third Floor. jjffi Pumps, $7.95. fei fe> Black Satin opera Pumps, $8.50. iEere Never A/lore H anted tomgue, $lO.OO. RpH RpqHq (blocks fOF TimC Slid ls it because women have so much more time to give beauty Black Suede Pumps with tongue, $lO.OO. IVCU UCdUS WIULAJ 1U touches to their apparel? InwMtad'ffinl°d ni s a ole P s U .TIouUXV heel, The large beautiful ones that everybody is wearing and ray- Alarm and Eight day elocks of nickel. Ivory metal, syn- The fa:shion was set ini Pad, where lacest all the rage "•"* ing over. g A large assortment oMour' different s,ylcs%f differ- thetic in '^arg^t medtum and small stzes. Each clock abso- tergoffiand haby' dfesses w,"' • cnt slzes - A three-day sale, $l.OO. lute \ guaran ,s.s.. a n varieties of lacc Filet, Valenciennes and Venice, being Domestics BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. the favorites. Beautiful assortments are here awaiting your selection. Dress Ginghams in plaids, stripes and plain colors. mmm Valenciennes Lace—a big special Insertions and edges, Best makes and a good assortment of patterns, 3Uc and 60 ' fl2 d sArt 5 Art "ticking, 36 inches wide. Suitable for pillows and AM VE) f /11 /I Xflf)0) IEI 0 Val ed g es and insertions; match sets; 5c to 25c yard; 50c cushions. Good patterns to select from, 45c yard. J kj UV V /viE l* (A' <-J !!/\J U6S VI to $2.75 piece of 12 yards. Percales in large selection of P a "n s - Best q allt y Venise Laces {rom the tiny cdges up to 6 inches wide l2 r/ 2C in blue, grav and light, striped and figured, 29c yard. tQ y5 rd Jot /- Of The Newest And Best Venise Laces and Insertions in match sets, 25c to 75c yard. Oil 3.0(I Cj3.S Stoves Filet Laces for collars, 4to 6 inches, 50c to $1.75 yard. — Twi /)/! f* tP fl ft M// /i/1 YVIP Ctl P F ' let LaCCS ' 3 Special at 12^C yard " Widths 3to 8 inchcs - n It certainly has been cool. lf/IJJUI IL CI Aa/ICI \J II!C 3 I lis BOWMAN s-Main Floor. f1.... ====== j Manv oeoole still find it neces- mT l' Iffi te! i\\ sary'to keep the furnace go- _ _ , „ • W ul wfi. d™p S S TT T 1 "Cl*. Men s Pajamas I ji'out of the rooms. A regular \/%/ Q K Q C* ■j '. mi n" 1 li"'l handy-andy to have around all \ ▼ CVV? 1 H A. CIUI IviJ A fine lot of men's pajamas, made from a strong p ,7h i ih'iffi year through. muslin, cut full, and trimmed with a neat piping, $2.75. Jl?!*! Rnn? also have Oil Cookers " BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. y&rSsl w l th brass burners and glass q Wash Goods section is displaying the maximum as < n FT BT Mr oil receptacle. Burner turns r •; °. , , • J ffi—" y\ every drop of oil into intense sortments of fine colored Cotton Fabrics. \\ e make the A knnf ifl/ \\( cooking heat. month of May our banner month, both as to completeness Jf \ IVIdKC i\ OILS / vUOLiL iNvJLIvJIIo //" \m 2-burner size, $15.50. , . . . M wJrijOi) X U U 3-burncr size. $21.00. and attractive pricing. W M/i AmV? \ It's so hard to think about these little things when you are Warming Cabinets tor 2-bur„cr 'sto'l' ss2s ' ' Every woman interested in Summer Dress materials is / \ ' hc S '° rC ' 'whim be ° Ut Warming Cabinets for 3-burner Stove, $6.25. sure to gratify her wants from disposition, colors or economy. # DLJW % when you want them in a y. Warming Cabinets for 4-burner stove, $7.50. H fju'W 11/f JJf _ 1 This reminder is to help you skip worry next time. $5O0 CnS f ° r one " burner sto%c sitb £ lass s^in s or dro P fiocr, Printed Crepe Jeanette —36 inches; $1.25 Yard I yV 1/ M i | Check off the things you should have, and come, or send ua 3 Ovens for 2-burner stove with glass swing or drop door, S}lk and CQtton mixed daintiest texture, newest designs, [ K j a "° te ab ° Ut * hCt "' , r , $6.00. r ~ I >n| A/ Below are listed a few of the many articles so necessary this Gas Stoves (hot plates), $2.75 to $8.50. _ one ot tlie season s Dig cno C . T\" fj SJrr t ' me tke y ear > and which can be secured at the Notion De- Gas Tubing with hard rubber ends, 10c, 12c and 15c ft.. \ < Li|JfHPp5 L •At / partment. Garden tools, lawn mowers, tar bags, screen doors, Window Half Silk Habutine —36 inches; 59c, 69c, 79c Yard \ -jDe Long Hooks and Eyes. I Tenco Snaps. screens, ice cream freezers, water coolers, watering pots, gar- Bier De Long Press Buttons. Daisy Snaps. bage cans. A big summer favorite for lingerie, waist and dress. Big V Kipinert's Dress Shields. wr ' > n- a\- lu. bowman's Basement. color range. Plenty of good shades, also white and black. . Canfield's a nd bkek wid^h" 6 ' W * * Women's Cotton Ribbed Vests PlainVoile^o and 44-inch; Soc and gi.oo Yard u.gCo£ ed and silk Darn ' • Wp's famous Irish Linens. 27 inches wide, $1 50 yard. An almost endless variety of light and medium fabric we carry> 2 0 PER CENT. LESS than ( children S U nderWPar ii vJh'Tjne'ns"* colorings in plain, plaid and overplaids and their marked remnant price. J "40 inches wide, $1.39 and $1.50 yard. checks, both Foreign and Domestic makes. A big assortment, both union suits and two-piece garments^p 54 inches wide, $2.50 yard. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. Featuring today a children's white cotton ribbed vest, slcevc-^^ Fine lightweight linens for underwear ;36 inches wide, $1.75 * less. A practical garment, 35c. .and $1.89 yard. Floor> __________J BOWMAN'S Main Floor. • /• TUESDAY EVENING, HARIUBBtmG UMSfIW TEI.FORAPrr MAY 20, 1919. 3