Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 17, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
NEWPORT EDITOR MADE PRESIDENT Full Complement of Officers Chosen at Last Session of Perry S. S. Association Vckcsburg, Pa., May 17. At the concluding session of the fifty-first an nual convention or tne Perry County Sabbath School Association here, David S. Fry, editor of the Newport News and a former president, was elected presi dent of the association for the ensuing year. He succeeds Clark M. Bower, of Blain, Perry county representative, who was elected to the office last year. Other officers chosen are: Vice-president, the Rev. C. A. Waltman, Millerstown; cor responding secretary. Miss Emma Rob erts. Marysville; recording secretary. Miss Edna Adams, Roseburg; treasurer, Charles S. Brunner, New Bloomfield; elementary superintendent, Mrs. Carrie E. Jeffcrs, Newport; secondary superin tendent, the Rev. C. !•'. Berkheimer, Mil lerstown ; organized adult Bible class superintendent, the xtev. F. H. Dau benspeck, Ickesburg; home department superintendent, John Bernheisel, New Bloomfield; teacher training superin tendent, Miss Elizabeth Roth, New Bloomfield: temperance and missionary superintendent, the Rev. U. O. Kersch ner; rural school superintendent, T. W. Tressler, New Bloomfield; publicity su perintendent, W. C. I.cbo, New Bloom field ; associate secretary and divisional superintendent, Frank Sharrar, Newport. By vote of the convention, the fifty second annual convention will be held at Millerstown in May. 1020. Elliotts burg extended invitations Tor the 1921 convention to meet in that place. THE SAX JOSE 132 St. James Place. Fifth house from beach. European Plan. Terms attrac tive. 16th season. McNamara & Hughes—Owners. ALASMA Take That Wonderful Trip to W the Land of the Midnight Sun fcgJSw A thousand miles through that 1 . -lA. ever-changing, always-entranc- | i ing Inland Channel, with its wind- *57 ing course through island-bordered fp bays, straits and gorges. 2 * JM "* To the land of the gold seeker, of \ mighty mountains, tumbling rivers, wild forests and giant glaciers—the A Thousand Miles of Wonders I CANADIAN PACIFIC WW 7$ "Princess" Liners if|U For full particulars call or write for CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 4p F. R. PERRY, Qanaral Agent, Pasaangar Dept. y '"Tif^af Big Opening "NEW SHOES FROM OLD ONES" All kind of Rubber j \ ghoe Shine Heels Ruit / I Parlor GOOOYCAR(^^^^^J attached while you WELT We also carry a full wait REPAIRING line of Shoe Laces _ „ MHA SYSTEM and Polish of We Recommend nSsSfffcH O'srxLiVAN s all colors We Use the Goodyear Welt System We have opened the largest and the Best Shoe Repairing Shop in Har risburg, fully equipped with a Goodyear Welt Shoe Repairing Outfit, which enables us to do our work the same as the leading factory in the country. All our work is guaranteed to be of the finest material and workman ship. In serving our customers it is our aim and desire to please them all. Call us on either 'phone. We call and deliver free, or if you wish to have them repaired while you wait, we have a waiting room for this purpose only. Come in and see us. OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE Bell 2919 Dial 4611. Modern Shoe Repairing Co. 504 MARKET ST. HARRISBURG, PA. SHOP OPEN FROM 7 A. M. TO 7.30 P. M. SATURDAY, 9.30 P. M. SATURDAY EVENING, Cumberland Valley News $50,450 VERDICT IN BOND CASE Verdict in Cumberland Court Against Kitzmillers in Elec tric Railway Company Suit Carlisle, Pa., May 17.—After con suming nearly three days in the tak ing of testimony and a long deliber ation by the jury, a verdict was fin ally reached In the case of the Big Spring Electric Company of New ville, against S. M. and E. J. Kitz miller, of Shippensburg. The plain tiff company was awarded $50,450, part payment for bonds claimed to have been purchased by the Ship pensburg men. Judge D. P. MePhcr son, of Adams county, especially pre sided. The case created great interest throughout the county. The Kitz millers were connected with the Cum berland Railway and Carlisle and Mount Holly Railway Company, be fore these concerns operating lines between Carlisle and Mount Holly and Carlisle and Newville, went into the hands of receivers. The action was brought to recover the proceeds of the sale of $50,000 mortgage bonds of the Newville Com pany claimed to have been purchased by the Kitzmillers. Payment was to have been made for two Instalments of $20,000 and *30,000. The verdict was for $22,803 for the first sale and $27,737.25 on the second. ENTERTAINED BY WOMAN'S CLUB Convalescent Soldiers Spend Enjoyable Afternoon at Mcchanicsburg Mcchanieabnrg, Pa., May 17.—Con valescent soldiers of the United States General Army Hospital, No. 31, were again entertained yester day afternoon at the Business Men's League rooms, East Main street, by the Woman's (jlub, under the direc tion of Mrs. Robert H. Thomas, Jr., chairman of the Civic Interest Com mittee. Every week the Woman's c lub entertains about 25 convales cents and t boys enjoy pool, cards and smokers, following a short pro gram, and a fine, hot supper, cooked as only efficient Pennsylvania wo* I men can cook, and serve, j h® program, which was largely , impromptu. Included songs by Mrs. Tolbert Beitzel and Miss Helen Bentz ; and singing by the soldiers and other guests, among whom were soldiers . of the town, recently returned from | overseas, of war songs, under the leadership of R. Byron Schroeder. The veterans are appreciative and enjoy a day out of the regular rou | tine, and the warm welcome extend j ed by the Mechanicsburg people. Denny Geyer and Three Sons, Fire Victims, Buried Chambersburg-, Pa., May 17. Two large automobile bourses yes terday afternoon carried the bodies of Denny Geyer and his three small sons, who perished in a fire here on Thursday morning, from the morgue of Sellers Brothers here to the Mt. Pleasant United Brethren church, i near here, where funeral services were held. The four bodies were buried beside that of the wife and mother, Mrs. Geyer, who died a month ago from pneumonia. Before the bodies were taken from the fu neral parlors. Coroner J. H. Kinter summoned a jury and held an in quest. No evidence was taken except that of Frisby Sellers, undertaker, who identified the bodies of the four fire victims. When police visited the scene of the fire they found in a bureau draw er insurance policies for every mem ber of the family. The insurance was paid up to date, the last payment having been made on May 12. Of the two children still surviving, one is being cared for by J. Rush Johns here, and the other, Nellie, 5 years old, was taken by Samuel Null, a brother-in-law of Mr. Geyer, and is now at the Null home at Harrisburg. Church of Brethren Elects Officers at Conference Cliamborsburg, Pa„ May 17. Representatives of the Church of the Brethren in Christ from all parts of the United States and Cana da are in attendance at the general conference of that church now in session in Antrim Grove church, near here. At yesterday's session of ficers of the conference were elected as follows: Moderator, the Rev. C. P. Burk holder, of Upland. Cal.; first assist ant moderator, H. H. Crider, of Campbelltown: second assistant moderator, ,T. X. Hoover, of West Milton, Ohio: recording secretary, C. N. Hostetter, of Washington bor ough; assistant recording secretary, George Haagan, of Lancaster; read ing clerk, C. O. Musser, of Abilene, Kan.; assistant reading clerk, C. W. Heise. of Gormley, Ontario. Can. harrisburg S(9Siftl telegraph QUESTION OVER SAND HANDLING Taxation of Sand as a Manu factured Product Before High Court j whether taking out Ban d can 1)0 I xVVVvCak considered as manufacturing, as * ar 118 state taxa ! tlon Purposes are i JRHOSdh concerned, is I iffiivimmr among those ■ cIIImBSJIjIuI which are listed Nl for argument be i fore the State Su- I preme Court, I which will begin its annual sitting |in this city On Monday. The question arises in an appeal of a sand and kaolin company, from assessment of State taxes, it being the contention M ' s a H lanu f< l uturlng company and that it is therefore exempt from the State capital stock tax. Another Interesting case in the thirteen or fourteen listed, is to determine whether the State tax of ten mills shall be assessed against distilling companies which do not manufacture in this State, but which sell in Pennsylvania. Monday evening the justices will be guests of the Governor at dinner, at the executive mansion. The sitting will probably conclude on Wednesday. United States Court will also be held here on Monday. Many Cases Hearings will be held in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, I niontown, Philadelphia and Erie by the Public Service Commission, dur ■ ing the coming week. The sitting in Harrisburg, Monday will be to hear argument on the Philadelphia "strip ticket," cainplaints arising out of regulations for tickets between var ious Germantown stations and Broad Street station. Some unusual pro ceedings are listed during the week. The State Highway Department has complained against a grade crossing on a State highway, in West White <".nd township, Chester county, and at Uniontown prayers, for revocation of a jitney license, on the ground that operation is being carried on without a schedule, is listed. These cases will be heard Tuesday. Wed nesday, the complaint of the State, against a grade crossing near Port Clinton is to come up here with com plaints listed for hearing, in Pitts burgh, on Allegheny Valley street railway fares, and at Philadelphia, the case of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, against the Delaware County Electric Co., and one against the Philadelphia Electric Company, because of charges for extensions, will be heard. The city of Pitts burgh's complaint against rates of the Duquesne Light Co., comes up for hearing, in Pittsburgh, Thurs day. Parker Wants Out—Shine Parker, convicted of second degree murder, in Dauphin county, in 1911, has Hied application for a pardon, and it will be heard on Wednesday . Complaint Kalis—The Public Ser vice Commission has dismissed the complaint of the borough of Beaver, against Beaver County Light Com pany, which involved the question whether a company could issue a schedule against terms of an ordi nance granting a franchise. The commission cites a Supreme Court decision. To Attend Funeral—A number of members of the House and Chaplain Feldman will attend the funeral of Representative John McKay, at Lu zerne, to-morrow. Committee Named —Speaker Rob ert S. Spangler, of the House of Representatives, to-day named Rich ard Powell, Luzerne, as chairman of j the committee on the part of the j House to attend the funeral of Rep- j resentative John McKay, at Luzerne borough, to-morrow. The members of the Luzerne and Lackawanna delegations have been named as members of the committee to attend the funeral together with Repre sentatives Charles A. Shaffer, Co lumbia; W. K. West, Montour; Dun can Sinclair, Fayette, and Harry Zanders, Carlon. Fwlian Takes Hand —Francis Feehan, supervising inspector of the Pittsburgh district for the Depart ment of Labor and Industry, is working to bring about a settlement x>f the Pittsburgh street car strike. A conference will be held. Tliroshcrmeii to Figlit—Thresher men of eastern counties are meeting to-day at Lancaster to plan their fight against the tractor bill. They will not agree to It even with the amendments suggested by the High way Department. Hazleton Wants Them—Hazleton people have invited Governor Sproul and Lieutenant Governor Beidleman to speak at the welcome home at Hazleton on May 24. Stiff Penalties For Stolen Auto Vehicles Declarations by insurance men, that something must be done to change the system of insuring auto mobiles against theft, will probably have the effect of speeding up some of the bills pending in the Legisla ture to make the path of the motor thief, a painful one. The Hollings worth bill, making it a felony_ to steal an automobile, was appro'ved a short time ago and members of the Senate have been asked to speed up the Cox bill, which provides that no second hand car can be registered until the Highway Department of ficials are given proof of sale, in cluding a sworn statement by the seller, accompanied by a complete description with data regarding date of purchase and a record of any alterations made, including painting. These statements must be filed with the Highway Department, together with the registration fee of $lO, and with the chief of police of the city where the car is owned, or the au thorities of a borough or clerk of courts, according to residence of the owner. The bill makes it also un lawful to have a car from which the manufacturers' number and other distinguishing marks have been removed, while garage keepers must keep records of cars left for repairs or temporary storage. They are also required to give notice of any car without a manufacturers' number. Heavy fines for violation are provided. CHASSIS ELECTS OFFICERS Waynesboro, Pa., May 17.—The 79th annual session of Mercersburg Classis of the Reformed church at Fannettsburg was held and elected the following officers: President, the Rev. G. Teske; vice president, the Rev. S. C. Hoover; stated c'erk, the Rev. H. X. Smith: corresponding secretary, the Rev. W. J. Lowe; treasurer, M. M. Gil land. The Rev. Joseph E. Guy, pas tor of the St. Paul's Reformed church, Waynesboro, was the recent stated clerk, but resigned this posi tion at the conference organization. Commissioners Trying to Eliminate Grade Crossing Sunbury, Pa., May 17. —Northum- berland county commissioners returned yesterday from Harrisburg, where they had a conference with the State Public Service Commission and Highway Com missioner Sadler, relative to the build ing of an undergrade crossing just be yond a new cougnty bridge that is to be built acros Chillisquaque creek this summer. The place is dangerous and several deaths have occurred there. The j road comes out of the bridge within 40 | , feet of a Pennsylvania railroad grade' ! crossing, unprotected except by an au | tomatic bell. The last man to be killed | I there was John It. Smith, Jr., a promin- j lent Milton man. . A meeting will be held with the Tenn-1 | sylvania railroad heads in an effort to j j have it meet some of the expense of j I putting this crossing in under grade. I | Arrangements, it is understood, are un- [ j der way to have such a gathering next i : week at Williamsport. ADDRESS OK MAJOR SPAHR i Mochnnlcuburii, Pa., May 17.—Hast j j evening the closing business meeting \ |of the year for the Woman's Club ! was held, and after the discussion of ; business plans for next season Major ; Richard R. Spahr, home from France, j | gave an interesting talk on his ex periences overseas. Dr. Spahr is visiting his parents. : j Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Spahr, South Mar- I I ket street, and before the war, was ' practicing his profession in Wilming- j J ton, Del. PUBLIC SHOULD KNOW Sunbury, Pa., May 17.—T0 keep nothing from the public and have every ; proceeding of the printed in the j newspapers is one of the planks in County Commissioner McKinney's plat- j form for re-election. Mr. McKinney be- j lieves the public should know every- i thing and he stands for such a policy | in that office. SHOW FOR LIBRARY Newport, Pa., May 17. —A bene- I fit show for the Newport public library will be held on Tuv.6i.ay evening at the Newport Photoplay Theater. "A Mod ern Love' and a two-reel comedy will be shown. The affair is being staged under the auspices of the Newport Civic Club. Suburban Notes HUM MlOl iSTOWX Mrs. W. Homer Hendricks, of Bronx ville. N. Y., is spending several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Karmany. I The Rev. David W. Brehm and daughter, Miss Esther, the Rev. and Mrs. Clayton Engle and the lev. Sam uel E. Brehm are attending the Breth ren in Christ general conference, which is in session at Greencastle this week. (\. C. llocker and Harry Epler spent ! yesterday at York. Llewellyn Musser is spending several weeks among relatives at Renova. Franklin Z. Stecher left yesterday for Washington, D. C., where he will enter the Lutheran Home for the Aged, hav ing purchased a membership in the in- | stitution. Mrs. Kathryn Wagner and Mrs. ! Myers, of York, spent several days as j guests of Mrs. Charles Brehm. Mrs. Alfred B. Garner and daughter, | Miss Elizabeth, of Harrisburg, spent Thursday with Mrs. Kathryn Bale. Mrs. William Shull and daughter, Miss Katharine, spent yesterday among friends at Harrisburg. Miss lone Bomgardner is spending several days at Allentown the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Fackler. William Levens, ,-r., is spending sev eral days at Philadelphia. Worn Out Women Jlany Women Feel Tired All The Tim# And Sleep Fails To Refresh Them. They feel languid, faint and weak especially in the morning; the appetite becomes variable, digestion impaired, they often have headache and pain in the back, hips and loins, cold hands and feet. The blood becomes thin and watery, the nerves lacking in strength, the complexion sallow, the cheeks sunken, the bust flattened and reduced and the disposition irritable and nerv ous. The purpose of Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets is to build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. Your complexion will be improved, the weak parts made strong and life becomes a joy instead of daily misery. Try them today and see how much better you will feel and look. Weigh yourself be fore taking them. Sold by Druggists at 60 cents, Special, (Stronger more Active 90 cents.) How to Prevent Another Coal Shortage So far this Spring there has been mined little more than half the normal pro duction of coal. The talk of a coal short age next Winter is not a myth, but will become a stern reality unless consum ers place their orders early this Summer. Steady production de pends upon a steady de mand. Do your part —fill your bins now. It will pay you too, because prices ad vance July 1. H. M. Kelley & Co. 1 N. 3rd St. 10th & State Sts. A plat* wlthoot n root which docs ■ot Interfere with taste or speech. Plates Hepnlred While Yoo Wall liAAIf'FT DENTAL mfivli OFFICES MO MARKET ITZKBT CHOSEN' GRAND SENTINEL Mechanlcsburar, Pa., May 17.—Guy H. Lucas, a prominent East Main street druggist, member of St. Paul's Commandery, No. 158, was chosen grand sentinel at the twenty-seventh annual convention of the Grand Com mandery Knights of Malta, Pensvl vania, recently in session in Lewis town. "The Live Store" • "Always Reliable" tSKEKHHHRRSB A TT T otraw Hats You're not the only one who has been postponing buying your "straw hat" from day to day. There are thousands of men in the same boat who are keeping under cover, waiting for the bright sunshine. "Old Sol" has been a little slow in getting started but it only takes a few degrees of concentrated en ergy (when he does start) to hurry men along for a new Straw Hat. What's the Use of waiting—you're going to buy anyhow. You don't want to wear a sun burned Hat that's been in use last season. You'll want a new, bright, crisp-looking Straw Hat. We have the style and quality you want, that's why we are inviting you to come here for the most becoming Straw Hats you've ever seen. J The tremendous quantities we buy enable us to get every possible price concession from the manufacturers. It's a big advantage to YOU for YOU get the benefit derived from our enormous purchasing power. Every penny counts these days. If you are anxious to get most for your money come here and see our greater values. This Is the Store Everybody Is Talking About 304 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. :t 17, 1919. MASS MEETING CALLED OFF New Cumberland, Pa., May 17. The Union Men's mass meeting which was to be held at Trinity "United Brethren church to-morrow afternoon has been called'off owing to the inability of the principal speaker to come to Newt- Cumber land. Fat# PMljeuUra m3e(Tfree to Any nddrau. Hall Chgpy Co. St. LMI. M. 7