Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 17, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 ORPHEUM To-day, matinee and night Mar garet Anglin in "Billeted." MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville Five Keith acts headed by McWaters and Ty son in "Their Revue of Reviews." Also the second episode of "The Tiger's Trail." _ COLONIAL THEATER To-day only Norma Talmadge in "Children in the House." Monday and Tuesday Constance Talmadge in "The Veiled Adven ture." Wednesday and Thursday Karle Williams in "The Usurper." VICTORIA THEATER To-day Anita Stewart in "A Mid- Dight Romance." Monday and Tuesday House Peters in "The Forfeit." Wednesday and Thursday George Walsh in "Help! Help! Police." Friday and Saturday Theda Bara in "Cleopatra." Of ajl our younger actors, there is no one better fitted both by natural endowments and Margaret Anglin training for "lead ing business" than Fred Eric, who will be seen here in support, of Margaret Anglin in her delightful love-comedy "Billeted," which will be the attraction at the Orpheuni to-day, matineo and night. Mr. Eric did his earliest acting with Julia Marlowe, beginning as a boy and remaining with her for six years, eventually reaching the position of her leading man in "The Countess Vaieska." He then quit acting for a while to try his hand as a produc ing director, staging "Much Ado" and "Rosemersliolm" for the Century Players. He also staged "The La.iy Shore" for Virginia Harned. He then resumed acting, joining the Hohtren-Marlowe Company playing Juvenile leads in this country and in England. On his return to America lie originated the part of Alcaus in Percy Mackays' poetic tragedy "Sappho and Phaon." He was then engaged us leading man with Maude Adams In "Quality Street" and in he! Harvard University performance of "Twelfth Night." He has also acted important roles In "Kismet." "The Nigger," "The Wolfe," "Omar the Tentmaker," "Androcles and the Lion," and "The Man Who Maj-ried a Dumb Wife." He was a prominent member of John Drew's company in that actor's revival of "Much Ado About Nothing.' He was specially engaged by the late Sir Herbert Tree for tho part of the Duke of Norfolk in that lamented actor's American tour of "Henry VIII." Mr. Eric joined Miss Angltn's forces in December last to play tho leading part in her com edy "Billeted" in which he received the highest econiums of praise dur ing tho three months run of the play In New York. He also played "Orestes" and "Jason" to the "Elec tra" and "Medea" of Miss Anglin during her memorable representa- ] tions of classic Greek tragedies in Carnegie Hall, New York. Mr. Eric possesses all the essential require ments necessary to the skillful actor, lie has romantic fervor, a keen sense of humor, a true power of characteri zation, combined with a tine presence, a splendid voice, all trained in the methods of the old as well as the modern school. He will be seen to most excellent advantage in the role of "Captain Rymill," one of the lonely soldiers in "Billeted." Perhaps you have never had the TODAY fS MARGARET ANGLIN In lier Merry Comedy "BILLETED" Matinee 25c to $1.50 livening 50c to $2.00 The Scuson's Closing Attraction. ■ ———■ VICTORIA TODAY ONLY ANITA STEWART IN A MIDNIGHT ROMANCE The Picture That linn Set IlnrrlKburger* Talking MONDAY TUESDAY HOUSE PETERS IN "THE FORFEIT" \ PLAY THAT'S DIFFERENT COMING THEDA BARA "CLEOPATRA" Summerdale Park Dances Open Saturday Evening, May 17 Tucs., Tlmi's. and Sat. Evenings Cars leave Market Square 7.4 5, 8.00, 8.15, 8.30 and 9.00. Saturday evenings also 9.15 and 9.30. Admission 10c and 80c REGENT THEATER TODAY ONLY A Paramount Picture BRYANT WASHBURN in "POOH BOOB" lie mnken a million mlMtakea to n mile, hut they land him n Meat in < ongrrMfi! A laugh to every foot of 111 in! Almo ADDED ATTRACTION I Itoneoe <Putty) Arbuckle in * "(mod Night Kurue" Another 100 Per Cent l<uugh Tonle! I Fifth Annual May Hop Hershey Park Wednenday Eve* May 21, 1010 BanjoMaxo OreheMtra of llbg. Don't Mlmm Thin Splendid Affair PI 1 —? IX.TTH Monday, Tuesday, L-i vJ lZj< 1 Wednesday, May 19, 20, 21 Another Artcraft Picture ELSIE FERGUSON "THE MARRIAGE PRICE" Thin Girl Married for Money, nnd Kxpected to "Pay tlie Prior" with Its Utter 1- nhappiness; She wan Convinced Her Millionaire llunband Didn't Love Her, BUT —— Did She Play the Gamef Would YOU see It Throuichf This Girl *Well, Come See What She Did! Also: What All Harrisburg Has Been Waiting For MOVIES OF HARRISBURG'S WELCOME HOME TO HER HEROES OF THE IRON DIVISION Hoc YOUR own boy as 110 "Comes Mni-ehlng Homo": Maybe You're in tlie Picture, too! An Historic Film of one of the City's Most Historic Events—Taken at the Personal Expense of the Regent Management FOR YOUR BENEFIT! NO ADVANCE IN ADMISSION. SATURDAY EVENING, chance to hear the well known stars of the musical com \t the Mujeittlc edy stage, Jack Nor worth and Nora Bayes, sing, and if not then go to the Majestic where Chappelle and Stinette are giving a very clever imitation of these stars singing their greatest song hit. McWaters and Tyson please witli their variety offer ing. Both possess an abundance of talent, and put over an act that af fords the highest kind of entertain ment. A roller skating novelty, a Stanley's popular comedy and sing ing act, round out the bill. The big feature of the bill the .early half of next week will be Una Clay ton, Harrisburg's favorite, sur rounded by a competent company, in the character sketch, "Keep Smilin' '. A strong bill has been booked around this attraction. To-day Norma Talmadge, Harris burg's favorite motion picture star will be shown in Normn Tnlmndgc one of her daint at Colonial iest productions "Children in the House." This picture will undoubt edly draw unusual cvrowds to the Colonial for various reasons sev eral of which are they like the star they'll like the play and best of all they like the Colonial because its such a "homey" theater. Monday and Tuesday of next week Constance Tamadge, younger sister of Norma is to be shown in "The Veiled Adventure." This play like so many of the others this clever actress has appeared in is brim full of comedy as well as melodrama. She becomes engaged to Reggie Reggie is one of the kind of fellows who wears turquoise rimmed glasses —a wrist watch and all that, but he finds times enough to carry another woman's veil around in his pocket. This starts the story, which is hound to keep you in an uproar owing to the ridiculous situations LAST CHANCE TO SEE "A MIDNIGHT ROMANCE" Harrrisburg movie fans liave one more chance to go through "A Mid night Romance" with Anita Stewart. This picture has played to thousands of Harrisburgers and many more will want to see this dainty actress to day. The story starts when an item appears in a newspaper that tlhe Sloan residence burned to the ground. Three blackmailers read this notice and decide to secure some money from young Roger Sloan, the son of the financier through Blondie Mazie a good looking girl blackmailer. Their plans ure thwarted by the actions of Marie Alexander, a refugee, who has landed on the eastern coast and obtained a position at the Sea side, a famous summer resort. The story is unique • the scenery superb and th<! actors splendid. Another un usual thing about this picture is the fact that it was written by a woman —the star is a woman and the director is not a director but a di rectoress. But if you have ever seen a better man made play you've gone some. Monday and Tuesday, tho Victoria Management has booked House Peters in "The Forfeit." House Peters is an actor of the silver screen who is always enthusiastic lily welcomed in this city. !LSIE FERGUSON IS COMING TO REGENT *"'* •' J* K <- - "\ In "The Marriage Price," an Art craft picture, of "the better class of pictures" which are run at the Re gent theater, one of America's pre mier stage and screen stars, beauti ful Elsie Ferguson, is cast in a role which affords unusual opportunity for all her remarkable dramatic talents The picture, which will be shown Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, is an altogether unusual and highly satisfactory treatment of At Hershey Park This is an annual event always looked forward to by the Dancing society of Dauphin, Lebanon, Lan caster and Cumberland counties. The Banjo Saxo Orchestra of this city, which has been engaged for the Summer Season, will lie aug mented for this special occasion.— adv. COLONIAL TODAY ONLY Norma Talmadge IN "Children in the House" A savory play that will Just lit your play appetite MONDAY—TUESDAY The Star of "Experimental Marriage" Constance Talmadge WILL' HE SHOWN IN THE "Veiled Adventure" MAJESTIC McWATERS AND TYSON Are Here Today In REVUE OF REVIEWS An act including popular songs, recitations and best of nil im personation of how two movie sturs would probably sing a song. 4 OTHER ACTS—4 COMING MONDAY AT HALF PAST TWO A Mimical Comedy one of society's most puzzling prob lems Born with all that wealth could provide; cast adrift without a cent, pretty Helen Tremaine is reduced to rags and poverty She marries for money and expects the usual accom panying unliappiness. The chances were all against her, you say? Well, what actually happened is told in in tensely dramatic scenes you'll want to see. REPEATED MISTAKES I.AM) "POOlt BOOB" IN CONGRESS Bryant Washburn, popular young Paramount star, has the leading role in "Poor Boob," the wholesome, rol licking, joyous screen story which is playing at the Regent theater to day only. It is by far one of the best laugh-tonics ever seen in this city, and is decidedly away from the ordinary, its comedy scenes are rich, and even the celebrated Sphinx would have to grin at the laughuble scenes of this picture. The "Poor Boob" makes mistakes by the dozen, but they never bother him; why, they eventually get him a seat in Con gress! How? Better stop in at the Regent and see how; maybe you can get to Congress, too Fatty Arbuckle is also on the bill as an added attraction, in "Good Night Nurse." It's good for a lot of more laughs! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! The motion pictures you've been anxiously awaiting, the screen story of Harrisburg's glorious welcome to her heroes of the Iron Division, will be shown at the Regent theater next week. You'll want to see this picture. It was taken at the personal expense of the ltegent management and js an important historic document of a mighty historic event. YOUR boy and maybe yourself, is in this pic ture! NOT TO DANCE IN PICTURES Irene Castle, who was recently mar ried in New York to .Lieutenant Tru man, announced yesterday she would not dance any more for the pictures. She is quoted as saying "There never was a dancing partner like Vernon." too PER CENT AMERICAN The Victoria recently signed a Government contract to the eliect that it would show to Harris burg audiences the series of pictures the Government is making under the Department of Public information of which Gorge Creel is chairman. In cluded in these films will be "America's Answer" "Under Four Flags" and numerous others. A copy of this contract has been framed and placed in tile lobby of the theater. DO PEOPLE "GUY" YOU f CHANGE YOUR NAME Have you heard the latest about Wanda Hawley? You know her real name in Wanda Petit but folks be gan to make puns about the name so she decided to take the name of Haw ley. Wanda is considered one of the coining stars. Her hits in "Old Wives for New" and "We Can't Have Every thing We Want" have gained her considerable fame. Hinkle and Kohlman Bunch Their Triples Beating West End LEAGUE STANDING W. J,. Pet. West End 3 1 .7 50 Commonwealth . 2 2 .500 E. and F. 2 2 .500 Motive Power ... 1 3 .250 With only three hits against him, Pitcher Tim Euker had the hard luck to lose the first game for West End, the swift Commonwealth bunch winning 2-0. Eisenberger just home from service abroad, was a vacuum cleaner, scattering his three hits so no runs could tally. A couple wallops marked triples bunched by Hinkle and Kohlman in the fifth did the trick. Score: WEST END R. H. O. A. E. Kline, 3b 0 0 1 1 0 W. Euker, ss 0 1' 1 2 21 Embick, rf 0 1 1 0 0 Matter, lb 0 0 8 0 0 Knight, 2b 0 0 1 1 0 McKeever, rf 0 1 1 0 0 Hylan, cf 0 0 1 0 0 Cochlin, c 0 0 3 1 0 T. Euker, p 0 0 4 3 0 Totals 0 3 21 8 2 COMMONWEALTH R. H. O. A. E. Gerdes, 3b 0 0 1 0 0 Stewart, ss 0 1 1 0 0 Wrig'e, lb 0 0 3 0 0 Klugh, rf 0 0 1 0 0 Fields, c 0 0 9 1 1 Smith, cf 1 0 2 0 0 Hinkle, 2b 1 1 2 1 0 Kohlman, If 0 1 0 0 0 Eisen'r, p 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 2 3 20 2 1 Commonwealth 000020 o—2 West End .. .• 000 0 0 0 o—o Three-base hits, Kohlman, Hinkle; sacrifice fly, Kohlman: double plays, T. Euker and Matter; Knight and W. Euker; struck out, by Eisenberger, 10; by T. Euker. 2; base on balls, off Eisenberger, 2; off T. Euker, 1; hit by pitcher, Stewart, Wrightstone, Kline and Matter: stolen base, Ger des; umpires, Baxter and William son. Lemoyne Juniors, With Witmer Pitching, Beat New Cumberland Witmer had steam and control yesterday, holding New Cumberland to four hits, he also fanned 13 vic tims and made victory easy for his team. The score: LEMOYNE JUNIORS AB. R. H. O. A. E. Thomas, lb ..., 4 0 0 7 1 0 Zimmerman, 3b 3 2 0 1 1 0 Moul, 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 Witmer, p.... 4 3 2 0 1 0 Fair, c 4 1 113 0 1 Beislline, cf ... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Enswiler, ss ... 3 1 1 o 4 o Spangler, If .. . 3 0 0 0 0 0 Berger, rf 3 1 1 o 0 0 Totals 30 8 7 21 7 1 NEW CUMBERLAND AB. R. H. O. A. E. Hoover, c 3 1 0 8 0 0 Fisher, p 4 1 0 0 1 0 M. Landis, lb .. 3 1 2 7 0 0 C. Landis, 2b .. 4 0 0 1 l i Morgan, ss .. . . 2 0 1 0 0 1 Fell, 3b 3 0 0 3 2 1 Cline, rf 2 0 0 o 0 0 Holt, cf 2 0 0 1 o 0 Martin. If 3 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 26 3 4 21 4 3 Lemoyne 311021 o—B New Cumberland ...0 020 00 1 3 Two-base hits, Fair, M. Landts; home runs, Enswiler; struck out, Witmer, 13; Fisher, 8; base on balls] Lemoyne, 2; New Cumberland, 7; 'eft on base, Lemoyne. 5; New Cum berland, 9; hit by pitcher. Fisher, 1. AGED MAN INSTANTLY KILLED Sunbury, Pa., May 17. lsaac Messner. aged 78, of Dalmatia, 14 miles west of here, was instantly killed when a gun he was carrying was struck by a swinging gate, the charge entering the body in the re gion of the heart. Relatives found the body a short time afterwards. VOTE TO INCREASE DEBT Windsor. Pa., May 17.—A special election will he held in this borough | on June 17 for the purpose of obtain ing the consent of the electors of the town to increase the borough's in debtedness $4,000 for the purpose of making; Otorovements to the bor ough'# ' thoroughfare. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Stpries^lpiZ^ The Scarecrow Appeals to Glinda the Good "Hooray!" shouted the Scarecrow, gaily. "We can now leave this mis erable Jackdaws' nest whenever we please." "But it is nearly dark," said the Tin Woodman; "and unless we wait unil morning to make our flight we may get into more trouble. 1 don't like these night trips, for one never knows what will happen." So it was decided to wait until daylight, and the adenturers amused themselves in the twilight by search ing the Jackdaw's nest for treasures. The Woggle-Bug found two hand some bracelets of gold, which fitted his slender arms very well. The Scarecrow took a fancy for rings, of which there were many in the nest. Before long he had fitted a ring to each finger of his padded gloves, and not being content with that display ho added one more to each thumb. As he carefully chose those rings set with sparkling stones, such as rubies, amethysts and sapphires, the Scarecrow's hands now presented a most brilliant appearance. "This nest would be a picnic for Queen Jinjur," said he musingly; "for as nearly as I can make out she and her girls conquered me merely to rob my city of its emeralds." The Tin Woodman was content with his diamond necklace and re fused to accept any additional dec orations; but Tip secured a fine gold watch, which was attached to a heavy fob, and placed it in his pocket with much pride. He also pinned several jeweled brooches to Jack Pumpkinhead's red waistcoat, and attached a lorgnette, by means of a fine chain, to the neck of the Saw- Horse. "It's very pretty," said the creat ure, regarding the lorgnette approv ingly; "but what is it for?" Kone of them could answer that question, ho sever; so the Saw-Horse decided it was some rare decoration and became very fond of it. That none of the party might be slighted, they ended by placing sev eral large seal rings upon the points of the Gump's antlers, although that odd personage seemed by no means gratified by the attention. Darkness soon fell upon them, and Tip and the Woggle-Bug went to sleep while the others sat down to wait patiently for the day. Next morning they had cause to congratulate themselves themselves upon the useful condition of the Gump; for with daylight a great llock of Jackdaws approached to en gage in one more battle for the pos session of the nest. But our adventurers did no wait for the assault. They tumbled into the cushioned seats of the sofas as quickly as possible, and Tip gave the word to the Gump to start. At once it rose into the air, the great wings flopping strongly and with regular motions, and in a few moments they were so far from the nest that the chattering Jackdaws took possession without any attempt at pursuit. The Thing flew due North, going In the same direction from whence it had come. A least, that was the Scarecrow's opinion, and the others agreed that the Scarecrow was the best judge of direction. After pass ing over several cities and villages the Gump carried them high above a broad plain where houses became' more and more scattered until they dis .pr.cared altogether. Next came the wide, sandy desert separating the rest of the world from the Land of Oz, and before noon they saw the dome-shaped houses that proved they were once more within the bor ders of their native land. "But the houses and fences are blue," said the Tin Woodman, "and that indicates we are in the land of the Munchkins, and therefore a long distance from Glinda the Good." "What shall we do?" asked the boy, turning to their guide. "I don't know," replied the Scare crow, frankly. "If we w •.. at Emerald City we could then move directly southward, and :;o reach our destination. But we dare not go to the Emerald City, and the Gump is probably carrying us further in the wrong direction with every flop of its wings." "Then the Woggle-Bug must swallow another pill," said Tip, de cidedly "and wish us headed in the right direction." "Very well," returned the Highly Magnified one; "I'm willing." But when the Scarecrow searched in his pocket for the pepper-box con taing the two silver Wishing Pills, it was not to be found. Filled with anxiety, the voyagers hunted throughout every inch of the Thing for the precious box; but it had dis appeared entirely. And still the Gump flew onward, carrying them they knew not where. "I must have left the pepper-box in the Jackdaws' nest," said the Scarecrow, at length. "It is a great misfortune," the Tin Woodman declared. "But we are no worse off than before we dis covered the Wishing Pills:* "We are better off," replied Tip; "for the one pill we used has en abled us to escape from that hor rible nest." "Yet the loss of the other two is serious, and I deserve a good scold ing for my carelessness," the Scare crow rejoined penitently. "For in Farmer Kicked by Horse Dies at Sunbury Hospital Lewlstown, Pa., May 17. —Uriah Kline, a well-known farmer of near Kratzerville .died in the Mary Packer Hospital at Sunbury from in juries received when a horse kicked him on the head. The accident hap pened while he was working about the stable on his farm, his wife missing htm, found him in the sta ble in a semiconscious condltoin. He was removed to Sunbury for treatment. Mr. Kline was well known in this place. He was about 32 years of age and leaves a wife and two children. IJODIES NOT FOUND Uewlstown, Pa., May 17. Al though every effort possible has been made to get the bodies of the men drowned in the Juniata river near Hawstone on Saturday, May 10, no bodies had been discovered up until last night. Many boatmen are scour ing the river with grab hooks, etc. Several motorboats are also at work dragging the river and a big net has been stretched across the stream at MtfQlntown. Six State policemen and an expert diver from Harrlsburg are at work. ALUMNI TO MEET New Cumberland, Pa., May 17. The High school alumni will hold a meeting at the home of Miss Carrie Oarver in Third street on Monday evening, when there will be an elec tion of officers. such an unusual party as this acci dents are liable to happen any mo ment, and even now we may be ap proaching a new danger." No one dared contradict this, and a dismal silence ensued. The Gump flew st\adily on. Suddenly Tip utter.ui an exclama tion of surprise. "We must have reached the South Country," he cried, "for below us everything is red!" Immediately they all leaned over the backs of the sofas to look— all except Jack, who was too careful of his pumpkin head to risk its slip ping oft his neck. Sure enough; the fed houses and fenees and trees in dicated they were within the domain of Glinda the Good; and presently, as they glided rapidly on, the Tin Woodman recognized the roads and Glinda Searches the Records. buildings they passed, an altered slightly the flight of the Gump so that they might reach the palace of the celebrated Sorceress. "Good!" cried the Scarecrow, de lightedly, "We do not need the lost Wishing Pills now, for we have ar ried at our destination. Gradually the Thing sank lower and nearer to the ground until at length it came to rest within the beautiful gardens of Glinda, settling upon a velvety green lawn close by a fountain which sent sprays of flashing gems, instead of water high into the air, whence they fell with a soft, tinkling sound into the carved marble basin placed to re ceive them. Everything was very gorgeous in Giinda's gardens, and while our voy agers gazed about v. ith admiring eyes, a company of soldiers silently appeared and surrounded them. But these soldiers of the great Sor ceress were entirely different from those of Jtnjur's Army of Revolt, al though they were likewise girls. For Giinda's soidiers were neat uniforms and bore swords and spears; and they marched with a skill and pre cision that proved them well trained in the arts of war. The Captain commanding this troop—which was Giinda's private Body Guard —recognized the Scare crow and the Tin Woodman at once, and greeted them with respectful salutations. "Good day!" said the Scarecrow, gallantly removing his hat, while the Woodman gave a soldierly sa lute' "we have come to request an audience with your fair Ruler." "Glinda is now within her palace, awaiting you," returned the Cap tain; "for she saw you coming long before you arrived. "That is strange! ' said Tip won- C "Not at all," answered the Scare crow; "for Glinda the Good is a miehtv Sorceress, and nothing that goes on in the Land of Oz escapes her notice. I suppose she knows why we came as well as we do our- Sel "Then what was the use of our coming? asked Jack, stupidly. "To prove you are a Pumpkin head'" retorted the Scarecrow. "But If the Sorceress expects us, wo must lrppn her wftitinf?. So thev all Clambered out of the sofas and followed the Captain to- "Germany" Schaefer Is Called by Great Umpire New York, May 16. —The great est comedian in baseball died to-day at Sarnnac Lake, N. Y. The news of his unexpected end will bring a pang of re gret to every baseball fan. in the coun try Herman "Germany" Schafer has been In poor health for several months but not even his closest friends knew he was so close to death. Schaefer's amusing antics on the baseball field the past few years made him an international character. For many years with the Detroit Tigers and the Washington team as a second base man, ho was gradually sidetracked as a player by younger men. But his withdrawal from active service in the field did not banish him from the game, his acrobatic stunts and playful, clown ish tricks on the coaching lines befoae and during games served to keep fans in gales of laughter. Wherever his club played, his amusing performances proved a drawing card. On leaving the Washington team, where he and Nick Altrock, the old time pitcher, comprised a team of fun makers unique in baseball, Schaefer joined the Yankees as a coacher and later Manager McGraw made him a member of the Giants to keep his team and spectators in good humor. Schaefer made the tour around the world with the Giants and White Sox some years ago. He was not only the I life of the party, but his fun-making i tricks in the games played abroad ward the palace—even the Saw- Horse taking his place in the queer procession. ■ Upon her throne of finely wrought gold sat Glinda, and she could scarcely repress a smile as her pe culiar visitors entered and bowed be fore her. Both the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman she knew and liked; but the awkward Pumpkin head and Highly Magnified Woggle- Bug were creatures she had never seen before, and they seemed even more curious than the others. As for the Saw-Horse, he looked to be nothing more than an animated chunk of wood; and he bowed so stiffly that his head bumped against the floor, causing a ripple of laughter among the soldiers, in which Glinda frankly joined. "I beg to announce to your glori ous highness," began the Scarecrow, City has been o • of impudent girls with knitting need les, who have enslaved ail ui*j men, robbed the streets and public build ings of all their emerald jewels, and usurped my throne. "I know it," said Glinda. "They alsii-threaten to destroy me, as well as all the good friends and allies you see before you," con tinued the Scarecrow; "and had we not managed to escape their clutches our days would long since have ended.',' "I know it," repeated Glinda. "Therefore I have come to beg your assistance," resumed the Scare crow, "for I believe you are always glad to succor the unfortunate and oppressed." "That is true," replied the Sor ceress, slowly. "But the Emerald City is now ruled by General Jinjur, who has caused herself to be pro claimed Queen. What right have I to oppose her?" "Why, she stole the throne from me," said the Scarecrow. "And how came you to possess the throne?" asked Glinda. "I got it from the Wizard of Oz, and by the choice of the people," re turned the Scarecrow, uneasy at such questioning. "And where did the Wizard get it?" she continued, gravely. "I am told he took it from Pas toria, the former King," said the Scarecrow, becoming confused under the intent look of the Sorceress. "Then," declared Glinda, the throne of the Emerald City belongs neither to you nor to Jinjur, but to this Pastoria from whom the Wizard usurped it." "That is true," acknowledged the Scarecrow, humbly; "but Pastoria is now dead and gone, and some one must rule In his place." "Pastoria had a daughter, who is the rightful heir to the throne of the Emerald City. Did you know that?" questioned the Sorceress. "No," replied the Scarecrow. "But if the girl still lives I will not stand in her way. It will satisfy me as well to have Jinjur turned out as an impostcr, as to regain the throne myself. In fact it isn't much fun to be King, especially if one has gave him a reputation almost as ex tensive as any of the baseball stars who made the trip. Schaefer's fun was of the kind that hurt, nobody. It was always sponta neous and kindly. 1832-1919 MAY 17, 1919. good brains. I have known for some time that I am fitted to occupy a far more exalted position. But where is this girl who owns the throne, and what is her name? "Her name is Ozrna," answered Glinda. "But where she is I have tried in vain to discover. For the Wizard of Oz, when he stole the throne from Ozma's father, hid the girl in some secret place; and by means of a magical trick with which I am not familiar he also managed to prevent her being discovered — even by so experienced a Sorceress as myself." "That is strange," interrupted the Woggle-Bug, pompously. "I have been informed that the Wonderful Wizard of Oz was nothing more than a humbug!" "Nonsense!" exclaimed the Scare crow, much provoked by this speech. "Didn't he give me a wonderful set of brains?" I "There's no humbug, about my heart," announced the Tin Wood man, glaring " indignantly at the Woggle-Bug. "Perhaps I was misinformed," stammered the Insect, shrinking back; "I never knew the Wizard per sonally." "Well, we did," retorted the Scare crow, I assure you. It is true he was guilty of some slight Impostures, but unless he was a great Wizard how —let me ask —could he have hidden this girl Ozma so securely that no one can find her?" "I —i give it up!" replied the Wog gle-Bug, meekly. "That is the most sensible speech you've made," said the Tin Wood man. . .. - "I must really make another ef Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eatl One or two doses \lla ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS f will make you feel ten years younger. Best ]■ known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by th i u. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Y. Repair Before Painting DON'T paint over boards which are rot ten and expect the painter to give you a lasting job. We have siding to match what is now in your house, as well as other lumber you may need. Go carefully over your building—see if the lumber is safe before you paint. This little precaution will save you lots of money in later years. We will deliver any amount of lumber de sired—one board or one carload. United Ice & Coal Co. Lumber Department Forster and Cowden Sts. The Senate Hotel 1 Fred B. Aldinger, Prop. Special Sunday Table d'Hote Dinner, $1.50 From 11.30 to 8 O'clock Red Radishes Celery Spring Onions Snapper Soup Baked Trout, Wine Sauce Chicken Croquettes, a la Reine Fresh Killed Roast Turkey, Stuffed, Giblet Sauce Fresh Peas and New Potatoes, Creamed Stewed Tomatoes Home-Grown Asparagus, Butter Sauce Tomato Salad, Mayonnaise Egg Custard Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Tea Coffee The .foremost thought in the minds of most people when they make their wills is to save expense. For that reason they often keep the management of their estate in the family—or name a friend. Burdening a friend with unaccustomed re sponsibilities which he may not wish may prove injurious to your interests, and im proper handling of trust funds by inexperi enced individuals has proved this to be a doubtful policy. We believe that the Trust Company Executor, through long experience and expert knowl edge, will ordinarily save more than the cost of administration. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM fort to discover where this girl Is hidden," resumed the Sorceress thoughtfully. "I have in my library a book in which is inscribed every action of the Wizard while he was in our Band of Oz—or, at least, every action that could be observed by my spies. This book I will read carefully to-night, and try to single out the acts that may guide us in discovering the lost Ozmo. In the meantine pray amuse yourselves in my palace and command my ser vants as if they were your own. I will grant you another audience to morrow." With this gracious speech Gllnda dismissed the adventurers, and they wandered away through the beauti ful gardens, where they passed sev eral hours enjoying all the delight ful things with which the Queen of the Southland had surrounded her royal palace. Our next story, "The Tin Wood man Plucks A Rose" is filled with adventure. Read about the march on Emerald City, the Capture of Mombl, the witch, and the secret of the Rose, Don't miss it. Mayor Thanks Scouts For Splendid Work Boy Scouts of Harrisburg are the re cipients of warm praise from Mayor Daniel D. Keister, who, in a letter ad dressed to Scout Commissioner W. H. German, tells of the splendid service they have rendered upon various occa sions. The Mayor writes: I take this means of conveying to you my thanks and appreciation of the faithful services rendered our police bureau by the Boy Scouts, not only during the recent celebra tion held in honor of the return ing heroes of Companies D and I of the Twenty-eighth Division, but on previous occasions as well. I have heard words of commendation from a great many of our citizens who witnessed the recent parade on the manner in which these boys assist ed in handling the vast crowds, and on behalf of our people I extend to them, through you, the thanks of an appreciative community. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad