Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 16, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
To Sell All Land for Soldier Settlement Grand Forks, B. C.—The Duok hobors have agreed to sell all their and in Canada for soldier settlement. This land is the result of an agitation against the Russian pacifist sect started by re- STORE OPEN — 1 STORE OPEN 1 | This Is The Climax of the Manufacturers Sale of Surplus Stocks and' Canceled Orders, Saturday | i SaturdaytheFinalWindUpSaleWomen's&Misses'SpringSuitsatslß.7s The Wind Up Sale 1 I A Special Pur- JB?" $39.50, $35.00, $32.50, $ -4 (T\ 7C -*(J All Nw Styles Purchase From be Harris- | ItZ Regular* - , S? / jj! | "wn regular B A 1 —mi AH Best Materials Just 394 Pairs i ! Suits W Choice Saturday JL \J And An Sizes |V, '% For Women, Misses j| A THIS opportunity to procure a new spring suit is so I™; ; 777 rr~> rT and Chi,dren 1 iP® good that no woman or miss who needs a suit should fail to take "OMlttl S and IYIISSeS Opriilg LoatS Just 67 pairs of women's oxfords and pumps 1 A~TW a dvantage of it. The values, as you.can see, are very great. There is a limited Just 179 of Them Canceled Orders from Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Com- 1 number ° f suits ' aboUt 97 in a 1 and they are in the season ' s niost st >' lish models, $12.75, $14.75 and $16.75 pany, values to /f JS 4% ft \ I and ' n CVerjr nCW materia '' atld CVe! " V t ' eS ' ral) ' e Co ' or ' All sizes are in the lot. Extra Size Coats at $19.50 $3.50, sale jjj knt tv Silk A Special Purchase of Women's and Misses' Canes Just 96 pairs of women's pumps, oxfords II Mh\ I/I vddCo r\ canvas lace boots frorrj Harrisburg Shoe || VIW New Assortment Saturday W O\)QX 300 NeW SpHllS CdDeS C | \/J / | The materials are taffeta, j om.- t T t , ® " sale Drice M. J? !,> YI / I satin, georgette, charmeuse, SC q * ee - rorn Some of New Yorks Best Makers. Go on Sale . . Sjl f If// crepe meteor, printed foulards, I Saturday at Most Attractive Prices of the Season. Surplus Ju t 72 pairs pumps and oxfords from 1 si I | ill printed georgettes and combi- /kjBBBT Stocks and Canceled Orders Read Items Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Company, jf] !| J | nations. !J \ Serge Ca P es ; p oplin Capes, Velour Capes, Reversible Capes, Braided values to 4#* mo m njj I / The colors are black, navy, Copen, /y/l\ 1 %-i /\ Capes, button trimmed vests; capes with vests. The colors are black, navy, $5.50, sale Jpfil &.JI '•< I tan> reseda > R rav P lain colors and (sy jI \ f //}\ gray and tan. All sizes. nrir ~ ■ iJ. J I MY fancy patterns. i ll '/' fa Women', and riJ/J Q| - Women's and A Qn r- Women's and 1O O C . T** 1 F I la IM .All these dresses are m regular "// / £ If Misses' Capes if O Misses' Capes 4) if . /t> Misses' Capes lo.?5 Just 70 pairs Children's shoes, oxfords and Si I UnL Sizes for women and misses and 111 ' M// Values to SIO.OO. Extra Values to $14.50. Extra Values to $2.2.50 Extra r II • 1 oi . Hi' sizes for extra size women. // / / special. \ special. special. ankle straps from Harrisburg SHoe Manu- !s| | Regular sls and Regular , ?2 0 end Hegulsr ?25 and jij M Two Big Lot, of Cape, For CM. 2to 14 Year. Ci CQ I | $16.50 values $22.50 values S3O values g\ i hW Gir ~t Capeg , ' Girls - Capes Sale price t# J I I (A 7 1 ? tl 47C f\ 7C Values to $6.5 Q. Extra tfjQOC Values to $12.90. Extra S7QC Just P a irs misses' shoes, oxfords and ffi 1 9= 14 IS— ; 9 ? P "'w.of°l,uVVera.J ; t „,e ankle straps from Harrisburg Shoe Manu- 1 Si A A iu Assorted colors and materials; sizes for girls vestees in contrasting colors; sizes for girls facturmg Company. |S)| U from 2to 6 years. from 6to 14 years. , & A J Siß T1 IU - values to $4.00, B /CJ liy * J sale price kJwJ&L m JL til Kanfmnn*. Second Floor * w BaH g| ~ " ' J., ——Knofman's, Flrxt Floor. IS I Corset Special 2700 WOMEN'S WAISTS Men's Shirts Wash Dresses for Little Tots Iji 9 II ] HJ Fni* nr. c A XC?I Ft • A lot of iust (t* OO O Made of finest quality gingham and chambrays in lYlllll O lyUliS RJ Sj ror aaturaay Go On Saturday at Sale Prices otn • Ai- •Oi) pretty P laids and stripes, beautifully finished and tai- . UUIIJ dc _ .^ ln addition to the already big assortments that have made OIU. LvflOlCe lored; sizes 2to 6 years; worth $2.50 it* *■ iT\ f* L* Actual $2., ,01), $27.50 and $30.00 Values |||| J3 $2.00 <4 ft g\ the Manufacturers' Sale a big success. A big leader for men who Sale Price I ifiS rt,.- D A [Q Value afX Ihy srepes repe de Chine and | Crepe de Chine and with hirt Pb at l h buc''iat- Girls* Wash OAC Girls' Wash tf oe V. S u j V 50 ft] At .... v Georgette (tO CO Ot.- E t • OQ SXj SSf VS., e yi.".™ Dreasesat. $2.45 Ihi Our "Elise" Brand, in a. ,f Waists PJ.007 didiy a made. Ut Si f z U eß 14"to n' 6 "" Ginghams in.l Chambrays. Voiles an.l Organdies, plain /J \At faJH &S& [H IU new topless model; made of a Another lot of those elegant Hundreds of beautiful georg- , -p. e , . . nnest quality, in plaids and tailored and trimmed models in /A I \ SS j^;~.!?i bSsfiuisr*.SbSts" sat°dav.t ssa^i.!"f'ssrsr l s: -J) ~ T l; e re. ? us suits m l 53s£'js , afts:it srsac *T on • it,'v.: is2>'*T." \\L 1A 'V slot - in,he models I S3T.^S,r.h^S. ,, i; $1.39 " "- ,5 - \ Y=? A a" new materials and the best I f>r, RiAB-nlnr to.on di efrk $0.90. hale price, S2.H , 46. Real $4.95 values *3.80 Men's Dress Shirts made of . \ / / /\\ Sn?lfies all SI7PS Thnr rrrilT ■S' value 3)1.5 7nn RTT 17 WATQTC AT rumrr madras, percale and soft ma- Kaufman's, Second Floor—- V> / / \\Mmßk , i aii i liey Will gi WARXERs BRASStEBEs- 20 SILK WAISTS AT CHOICE $1 CO {SK; St tisr .ft-SSS ifS I HJ 1 )Wm be °t rapidly at this 1 Broken Une, from our re.ul.r Men's Silk Hose Ma I'll 11,111 fa HPS A rr- F', d, iA 1.1.. V~T? MBH P nCe Saturday. S stock; made of finest batiste; garment full cut and perfectly linished. Regular price $1 95 Sale mens oIIK LlOSe lTldlaUOll VjdUeS ATG Jt 1 aSlllOliaDie U/ / <too cn C - I'U embroidery trimmed; all szes, price SIJSO Saturday, pair m; / (J fA J1 no 4^i a irfo n UP t0 59c Voile Waists ...An Voile Waists tf 4 Ar* OC This big assortment Includes the prettiest styles. They arc \ // For Men vl f wU HJ SI.OO. feale price .... tl//> *C 1 ACZ silk lined and light and fluffy and give good protection in cool t I A A P m k .. E-. „ ° ver 360 new and Beautiful U/ 1 „ WV days and evenings. We have a wide range of styles in marabou /// II laSflßl "-Ha Kd W ■ S| . econd Iloor. pretty white voile waists, trim- white and colored novelty voile and'VhlKnfv k .triMll b Cl | and combinations of marabou and ostrich. Some are trimmed , // I IP* YoUne" Men -L ■ - med with embroidered organdie waists in trimmed and tailored n d Jhite only strictly first with a row of tails. The colors are seal, natural, taupe and ° Ung XVl , e " insertion and lace, every waist models in an extensive varlorv **"!.'_ e__:_ _ „ , - New waist-fine nuxlels, new threes- well made and perfectly finish- Included in this lot are extra Mens bpnng Neckwear // // // button models, blue cheviots, brown fUJ 100 PeHirnsK W. 95, $7.50, up to $15.95 / // ™ - | IVV 1 Cllli.uald Kaofmnn*. F1,. rie., easy bands; an endless assort- Knufn.na-, Flr. Flnor \ \ v Jt J® CA Si mentto select from. II 111 Young Mens 'tj f | f||| Valllf Oi t\ f Men's Athletic Union Suits ~| // New Spring ra fjs * lIM §3.95 at S^tlirrl^V^?Q Hauca n Summer Fyrs at Special Prices fjJJ Wj " -1-*= 1 UulUl U(iy I/Liv lllllldv l/IvSuOS Unfon Sults < ; a made a of Tho • aTOr * men t Is varied and tnc'udes fur neckpieces with /T~\x Ml ™ ■ Handsome Spring suits, probably a njl 100 beautiful Chiffon Taffeta _ . * best nainsook obtainable- all animal heads and claws lined wtth fancy silk or gcorgeite rilk. doaen styles and patterns to chooso and Tub Silk Petticoats, made ReSflllar $4 95 Value . Bllleß 84 to 46. ' Some are plain or shirred effect. from. Worsteds, cheviots aiut cassU lV b rc^t;'£ r „'?.. , :;o a S . CM Men-, B,lbrigg.n Union Red Fox scarfs, $9.50 Brown Dog scarf,. " .r. v.,„ ,o || in ill the dcinhin -hndo. i„ variety of handsome models In ™ X/L Suits, at *„ Qet ftft ?T OJO en ■'Kintfmnit's. First Floor.- — riudingflMhandwhltt'wlth -"C • 04* actually P worth, ,perfectly p K erfectly and F finished: | M • n Kj t Conc >' scarfs a t Wolf scarfs, to - \Z \ Z I Z " b| rr"$ y 2 .r rth ,3 - 95 - fea,e • ? 32 - 50 - Boys Suits Saturday Sale i I = K.ufmnn'. Second laU s.zes, 34 to Fox Scarfs, $39.50 to $69.50 '7 ' u jP-Tuxj^ l —nj~rx" jxnu-i r " t F "^ or =- K-.t - Boys Clothing stocks in Harrisburg |j | WSATURDAY SALE BIG VALUES g s S ,,,ss; 'Jg 95 1 f VTIIIdOTV Screens JQ I, " C Bto H years; new waist-lino model j | and Doors ' Priscilla Electric Rugs! Rugs! Rugs! I Boys' Norfolk $6.95 mWI I £ differcmsly'eAEacb, t . | J 1 W Complete ready lor l I 41.95 to S>J.4B 'il&Bnr Motor W u . Special, N~l xia Tapestry Brussels Rug., £ Boys' Norfolk 1A QC W I ■ iW itwiiu Motor \\ mrr fi.os, ss., sil ne „ • 38 -' w / Suits iIM/vSfTi " A 5S ▼ ' ' v\ s/|} _. Ml vA T I n\ ~/ fl oxl3 Axminßter Ruga ...939.95 M. A. * o tlifm* \u il//!■ & jyidfly ' ll 'I ilj Washer yßfjf Lawn ' 9x12 Velvet Rugs ggnn- \ ( ° yeurai every now skirt |'T 1 Wm i yrMAk|M[ iiiS Kir 1 fil ( ' " t 91 it' FL The National Motor Iq a reciprocating 1 QQ % MBM MM Itfi V 4 SCaniS, CUt full. b* IS I imm ?4v37' v ac t *"• motor - There ftre no cou " pp, " K - •" >- * l '°* i H SOl/iiTm boys ' kh aki R| S M liiii'iiViißiMfl -' ' ' j motor, and needs no adjustment. Guaranteed no % M M * 6to 16 years. A real pants liar- LM "• -V' ' > ' " . ' 1 /■**<• ' .'K • • ' '' ' !' \ "" • '• ' • ' ; ' ' - FRIDAY EVENING, HAItRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 16, 1919 turned soldiers. The Doukhobors de cline to become citizens and refused to fight in the war. Their war service consisted in giving jam to the army. The agreement signed by Peter Vere gin, leader of the Doukhobors and given to the Soldiers Settlement Board, reads: "On behalf of the Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood, I agree to sell all our lands in Canada for soldier settlement at a price to be agreed upon. Or we will sell all our lands in British Columbia and will remove to a remote part of the Dominion." Peter Veregin, who was an exile In Siberia for fifteen years and has been leader of the sect in Canada since 1903, said all the land held by the sect In Canada was valued at $2,000,000. There are three colonies, one in British Columbia, one In Alberta and one in Saskatchewan. The British Columbia colony owns 4,500 acres. It Is planted extensively to orchards. It shipped 100 carloads of surplus fruit last year to other Doukhobor settlements. The Doukhobor holdings In Alberta and in the fine mixed farming region around Prince Albert In Saskatchewan embraces 40.000 ucres. The Doukhobors bought 18,000 acres more last year, which Is not yet paid for. The Alberta and Saskatchewan colonies for years have averaged more than thirty bushels of wheat to the acre. The Doukhobors came to Canada in 1900 to escape religious persecution In Russia. They now number 8,000 and their colonies nre operated on the com munistic plan. They extended their settlements to British Columbia In 1911. Their refusal to become citizens has i resulted In several clashes with the i federal government and tho withdrawal of any more free homesteads In Saskat chewan for settlement by tho sect. The Uoukhoborß, it is understood, have had : agents In Argentina. Auetrulta and New Zealand looking over opportunities for colonization in preparation for a pos- sible exodus from Canada of the entire i brotherhood. APPROPRIATE READING "Our butcher's boy wants to im-1 prove his reading and asked me to suggest some suitable authors to! him. Whom would you suggest?" | "I'd tell him to begin with Hogg,! [ Lamb end Baton." —San Francisco ! Chronicle. WHEN THE WHISTLE BLEW Henry—l just finished my day's i work. John—How so? Henry—l set the calendar ahead Ito to-morrow. —Stamford Chapar ! ral. 5